xt7j9k45s04x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45s04x/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1974 journals 215 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.215 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.215 1974 1974 2014 true xt7j9k45s04x section xt7j9k45s04x ` . `   A 
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;?’5€·’§°§;; TEST -1974
      C.G.PONELE‘IT and K.O.EVANS ‘
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$@*1 Ki ¤ Agricultural Experiment Station
K       Department of Agronomy, I
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(Locations identified in Table 3.)
The authors are grateful to Mr. john Byars and Dr. Paul
Cornelius, Department of Agronomy, for their assistance in sum-
marizing the results presented in this progress report. Also
acknowledgments are made to the following persons who aided in
the conduct of this year’s performance test:
Dr. Morris Bitzer, Extension Specialist in Grain Crops, Lexington.
Dr. james Herbek, Extension Specialist in Grain Crops, West Ken-
tucky Substation, Princeton.
Charles Tutt, Research Specialist, West Kentucky Substation,
Harvey Mitchell, Superintendent, West Kentucky Substation,
George A. Armstrong, Superintendent, Robinson Substation,
C. IC. Wyatt, Area Extension Specialist, Mayfield.
john Kavanaugh, Area Extension Agent, Hartford.
William Hendrick, Extension Agent, Henderson.
Don Kessler, Extension Agent, Franklin.
jack Snyder, Extension Agent, Elizabethtown. ‘
Aubrey Warren, Extension Agent, Russellville

Table 1.—Pedigrees of Experiment Station Hybrids Tested
in 1974 .................. 8
Table 2.—Hybrids Tested in 1974 ........... . . 9
Table 3.—Agronomic Information Pertaining to 1974 Test
Locations ................. 13
Table 4.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Mayfield, Ky .... 14
Table 5.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Princeton, Ky. . . . 15
Table 6.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Henderson, Ky. . . 16
Table 7.»Annual Summary, Normal Population, Hartford, Ky .... 17
Table 8.-/Xnnual Summary, Normal Population, No-till,
Franklin, Ky ................. 18
Table 9.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, No-till,
Elizabethtown, Ky ............... 19
Table 10.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Lexington, Ky. . . 20
Table 11.~Annual Summary, Normal Population, Quicksand, Ky. . . 21
` Table 12.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, All Non—Virus
Locations, 1974 ......,........ 22
Table 13.—Two-year Summary, Normal Population, All Non-Virus
Locations, 1973 and 1974 ............ 23
Table 14.—Three—year Summary, Normal Population, All Non-
Virus Locations, 1972, 1973 and 1974 ........ 24 ,
Table 15.»Annual Summary, High Population, Princeton, Ky. .... 25
Table 16.—Annual Summary, High Population, Lexington, Ky. . . . 26
Table 17.—Annual Summary, High Population, Princeton and
Lexington, Ky., 1974 ............. 27
Table 18.-Two-year Summary, High Population, Princeton and
Lexington, Ky., 1973 and 1974 .......,.. 28
Table 19.~Three·year Summary, High Population, Princeton and
Lexington, Ky., 1972, 1973, and 1974 ........ 28
Table 20.»C0rn Virus Test, Normal Population, Russellville, Ky. . . . 29
Table 21.—Two—year Summary, Corn Virus Test, Normal
Population, 1973 and 1974 ........... 30
Table 22.—Tl`ree-year Summary, Corn Virus Test, Normal
Population, 1972, 1973, and 1974 ......... 31

 _ Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
By C. G. Poneleit and K. O. Evans
The objective of the Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance
Test is to provide unbiased performance estimates of hybrid seed
corn sold in Kentucky. Every effort has been made to conduct the
test in an unbiased manner according to accepted agronomic prac-
_ tices.
- Complete 1974 data are presented for each location where a
test was conducted. Two—year and three-year yield averages are
included in each of the single location tables. Readers are encour-
aged to consider these multiple—year averages and the averages over
locations (Tables 12, 13, and 14) since these are better estimates
of a hybrid’s relative yield ability than data gathered at one loca- ,
tion in one year.
Comparisons between yields or other characters of any two
or more hybrids should be made only with data from one table at
a time. The testing procedures do not provide a suitable compari-
son between a hybrid grown at one location and population with
another hybrid grown at a different location and population.
Ky 105 and Ky 592lW (Table 1) were again included as
check varieties to compare performance over years, Seed of each
commercial hybrid (Table 2) was obtained from dealer stocks in
Kentucky whenever possible.

 Those hybrids grown in the corn virus test and high popula-
tion tests are indicated in column 2 of Table 2. The hybrid corn
companies were asked to nominate those hybrids known to have
virus resistance for inclusion in the virus test. Hybrids grown in the
high population tests were also suggested by the parent company;
thus, not all hybrids will appear in the virus or high—population `
test results.
The map on page 2 shows the location for each test. The
Lexington and Princeton locations had both normal and high
population tests, while all other locations had only the normal
population. The Russellville site was specifically chosen for the
presence of corn virus.
Planting of the Princeton tests was delayed because of a - `
johnsongrass control program and subsequently were heavily
lodged from southwestern corn borer infestation. The yields
(Tables 5 and 25) were influenced by the late planting as well as
the extreme lodging which resulted in harvest losses.
The seedbed at each location except Elizabethtown and
Franklin was prepared by conventional tillage methods. Fertilizer
was applied as indicated by soil tests. The test at Elizabethtown
was planted in an orchardgrass sod and at Franklin in a fescue sod,
using recommended no-tillage practices. The test areas were
treated with herbicide and supplemented by post-emergence culti-
vation when necessary. Table 3 shows the specific treatment for
each location.
Uncontrollable variability of soil types, fertility, and other
factors was sampled by using three replications of an appropriate
balanced lattice design. A separate randomization was used for
each location. Yields presented in Tables 4 through 22 are ad-
justed for block and replication differences when shown applicable
by statistical analyses.

. All plots were planted with a two-row no-till corn planter
modified for small plot work. The planter boxes were replaced by
special planting cones which allowed planting of a specified
number of kernels per plot. Each plot consisted of two rows 38
inches apart. Population was varied by planting different numbers
of kernels per row. A normal population test had 20,000 kernels
planted per acre, while the high population test had 26,000
kernels planted per acre.
All plots were harvested with a tractor-mounted one-row
picker—sheller. Both rows of each two—row plot were picked,
shelled, and the grain collected in a metal container. The grain
weight and moisture content of each plot were then measured
’ with a portable scale and moisture meter. Later, acre yields were
calculated and adjusted to No. 2 com at 15.5% moisture. Dropped
ears were not gleaned from the plots. The number of plants
remaining in each plot at harvest and the number of lodged plants
were recorded immediately prior to harvest.
In addition to maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDM), a second
virus, maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCD), has been found in Ken-
tucky corn fields. Both the new virus and maize dwarf mosaic
virus overwinter in johnsongrass, and both are probably present in
most areas where maize dwarf mosaic virus had previously been
determined as the major disease. For this reason, the Russellville,
Ky., test (Tables 20-22) will be referred to as the "corn virus test"
with the understanding that resistance to both maize dwarf mosaic
and the newly discovered maize chlorotic dwarf virus is being

Hybrid Color Cross Pedigree _'
Ky 105 Yellow AX (TB x C121E)
(38-11 x Oh 7B) 4
Ky 5921W White Ax (CI64 x 33-16)
(Ky 201 x CI66)

` A.C.C.0. UC880l A Yellow ZX ACCO Seed, Div. of
UC930l A " ZX Anderson, Clayton & Co.
P.0. Box 9
Belmond, la. 50QZl
Asgrow RX99A A Yellow 2X(Mod.) Asgrow Seed Co.
RXll5 AC " ZX Des Moines, Ia
RXl23w C whine 3X 50310
RXl25w C " 3X
Bo—Jac XlA A Yellow ZX Bo-Jac Hybrid Corn Co.
X7L BC " ZX Boute v'} Z
X7L-10 B " 2X Mn. Pulaski, Ill.
X62 B " ZX 625A8
1183 AC " 2x
8371 C " AX
Broadbent: B + B 9-2 A Yellow ZX Broadbent Hybrids
B + B 10-3 A " 3X Route # l
B + B 11-7 A " ZX Cadiz, Ky.
Coker 16 AB Yellow 2X·(Mod.) Cokers Pedigreed Seed Co.
56 AC " ax P.0. Box 340
Harnsville, 5.C.
Dekalb XL68 AB Yellow ZX Dekalb Agr. Research Inc.
XLYZB ABC " 2X Dekalb, I11.
XL7B AB " 2X 60015
. XLB0 A " ZX
XL390w A whine 3X
Funk's GZ•6Z8 A Yellow ZX Funk Seeds lnternaCional,In<*.
_ G!•6Z•6 AB " SPX 1300 N. Washington
GA737 AB " ZX Bloomington, lll.
G4762 C " 3X 61701 -
GA770 A " SPX
GS666 A " AX
Gi¢8l0 C ·· 2X
Exp. 25601 c " 2x
Exp.Z6550 C " 3X
Golden Harvest; HZGZ6 C Yellow ZX_3·!od.) Columbiana Seed Co.
112655 A " 2X(t~1¤d.) Eldred, lll.
H2660 A whine ZX(t·1od.) 62027
H269O A Yellow 2X(Mod.)
l HZ750 AC " 3X
112831 c "
Gutwein 64 B Yellow ZX Fred Gunwcin 6 Sons, Inc.
65A B " ZX R.R.l, Box A0
86 A " ZX Francesville, lnd.
88A A " 2X b79l•6
(Fuumazcs appear at mu uy mblv.,

 TABLE 2.--(continued)
Ejbfid Test * Color Cross** Source of Hybrid ’
Holdens 1026 C Yellow ZX(Mod.) Holdens Foundation Seeds
1028 C " ZX(Mod.) Williamsburg, Ia.
1OA8 C " ZX 52361
Hulting X770 BC Yellow ZX "Hulting Hybrids" Div of
X9BO AB " ZX Ferry Morse
X8775 C " 3X Box ZA
X986l B " 3X Geneseo, Ill. A
X9B80 AB " ax 6125A
Exp.736A9 C " 2X
X.A.E.S. Ky 105 BC Yellow AX Kentucky Agricultural
Ky 592lW C White AX Experiment Station
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky,
Mason 5550 A White 3X bmson Hybrid Corn Co.,lnc.
8869 A Yellow ZX 1017 W. Main St.
9997 C " 3X P.O. Box A
Princeton, Ky.
McNair Xl70 B Yellow ZX McNair Seed Co.
Xl90 AB " ZX P.O. Box 706
Kl9A B " ZX Laurinburg, N.C.
x233 AB White ZX 28352
X300 C Yellow ZX
S338 C " 3x
73002 C " ZX
Migro M-600 C Yellow ZX Migro Hybrids
M-50A5 B " AX Box 7
M—6666 B " ZX Mitchell, Ind.
:-1-7070 AB " 2x A7/{A6 ,
M-7072 AB N 2X
Muncy Chief SX66Z B Yellow ZX Munch Chief Hybrids
H76A B " AX Market S High Streets
SX878 A " ZX Muncy, Pa.
3X89B A " 3X 17756
Northrup-Xing PX7A AB Yellow ZX Northrup, King & Co.
PX76 AU " ZX 1500 Jackson St.,N.W.
PX77 AB " ZX Minneapolis, Minn.
Px79 B " ZX 55A13
PX9l c " 2x
FX737 c " 3X
P.A.C. SXl7A AC Yellow ZX P.A.G. Seeds
SX39 A " Ex Box 2187 Loop Station
SX98 A " ZX Minneapolis, Minn.
SX7OW A White ZX 55A02
¤u.¢.w A " ax

 TABLE 2.··(continued)
Hybrid Test* Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Pioneer Brand 511A A White 4X Pioneer Hi-Bred, Inc.
3145 C Yellow 3X 221 N. Main St.
3147 C " 2X(Mod.) Tipton, Ind.
. 3161 AB " axomd.) 46072
3179 c " 2X(Mod.)
3369A A " ZX
3368 A " 2X(Mod.)
3535 AB ·· 2X
3571 AB " 2X(bbd.)
Princeton SX630 A Yellow ZX Princeton Farms
865 C " 4X P.O. Box 319
SX850 A " 2X Princeton, Ind.
M®8B5 C " ax 47670
SX9l0 AC White 2X
SP935 A " SPX
Seedkem SKX66 AB Yellow 2X Seed Kem Inc.
SKXBBA A " 2X 526 N.W. Fourth St.
Evansville, Ind.
So. States 5.5.715 A Yellow 3X Southern States Coop,1nc.
_ S.S.750 B " SPX 2600 Durham St.
5.5.775 AB " 2X Richmond, Va.
S.S. 840 A " 4X 23220
S.S. 866 C " 4X
S.S. Hybrids JX86 AB Yellow 2X S.S. Hybrids
. JX7l0l AB " 2X Camden, Ind.
Stul1's SX2666 A Yellow ZX Stull Hybrids Inc.
SX270O AC " 2X P.O. Box 7
` SX2744 A " 2X Sebree, Ky.
WSX2788 A White ZX 42455
WSP2799 A " 3X
SP2825 C Yellow 3X
Stewart's SXSB B Yellow 2X Stewart Hybrids
SX68 A " ZX Princeville, Ill.
SX`/1K AB " .*1 61559
' Super Crost S67 B Yellow i Edw. J. Funk 5 Sons, Inc.
7ODR C " JI P.O. Box 67
S85 B " ZX Kentland, Ind.
5440 A " ZX 47951
7772 AB " 2X
Taylor—Evans VR-ZOY C Yellow ax T1ylor»Evans Seed Co.
T-E6968 A " 2X P.O. Box 68
T—E6969 A " ZX Tulia, Tx.
1 1

 TABLE 2.--(continued)
Hybrid Test* Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Trojan TXSll3 AB Yellow 2X Trojan Seed Co.
TXSll4 AB " 2X Windfall, Ind.
TXSll5A AB " 2X 46076
Xl42 C " 2X
X2722 C " 2X
X3524 c " 3x
Voris V2502 B Yellow ZX Voris Seeds, Inc.
V2562 B " 2X Box 457
V2632 AC " 2X windfall, Ind.
V2662 A " 2X 46076
Zimmerman Z—llW AC White 2X Zimmerman Hybrids V
Z—24Y AC Yellow ZX R.R.# 2
Z-S2W C White ax Evansville, Ind.
* A = Performance test—Normal population, B = Performance test—High population,
C = Corn virus test—Normal population
** 2X = Single cross, 3X = Three-way cross, 4X = Double cross, SPX = Special cross.
1 2

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