xt7j9k45rs68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45rs68/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2007 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 82, No. 3, Winter/March 2007 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 82, No. 3, Winter/March 2007 2007 2007 2014 true xt7j9k45rs68 section xt7j9k45rs68 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE f ag
Volume 82 Number 1 Summer/September 2006      
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 C O R R E C T I O N
The header on the cover of the
current Quarterly Bulletin was
printed incorrectly. It should read
FNS— E‘E}Zf§*}S‘N‘§V§;Zi§X{Ei£€ ( 
We apologize for the error and will
make every effort to see this does
not happen in future.
Rebecca E, Lutz
Post Printing Co.
Loose Item

 L00se Item

US ISSN 0016-2116
Introduction to FNS I
The Journey — Jane Leigh Powell 2 '
Matemity Services Renovation Update — Barb Gibson 4
Field Notes — Barb Gibson 8
The Courier Program - Dan Wilcox I2
Frontier School News - Trish McQuillin Voss 14
FNS School-Based Clinic — Mary Ethel Wooton 16
Old Staff and Courier News 17
In Memoriam 18
Urgent Needs 27
Cover: The latest arrivals at the new Center for Mothers and Children
at Marry Beckinridge Hospital (photos by FNS staff)
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin is published at the end of
each quarter. Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for In- {
stitutions. Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and
at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 1
FNS, Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc. 1
All Rights Reserved. The Frontier Nursing Service does not share
it’s donor mailing list. i

Introduction to Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
Mary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world
· — Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others,
‘ particularly mothers and children.
Mrs. Breckinridge established the FNS in Leslie County, Kentucky
in 1925, as a private charitable organization serving an area of
700 square miles. It was the first organization in America to use
nurses trained as midwives under the direction of a single medi-
cal doctor/obstetrician, based at their small hospital in Hyden.
Originally the staff was composed of nurse—midwives trained in
England. They traveled on horseback and on foot to provide quality
prenatal and childbirth care in the client’s own home.
Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastern
Kentucky. FNS, Inc. is the parent holding company for Mary
Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc.,
which includes six rural healthcare clinics; Mary Breckinridge
Home Health Agency and the Frontier School of Midwifery and
Family Nursing which offers a Master of Science in Nursing de-
I gree with tracks as a Nurse—Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner
j and Women’s Healthcare Nurse Practitioner.
Mary Breckinridge’s home, The Big House, located at Wendo-
T ver, is a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn. For more information or
, reservations, call 606—672—23l7 or e—mail fnstours@yahoo.com.
You can also access our websites:
I Frontier Nursing Service - wwwfrontiernursing.org
i Community Based N urse—Midwifery Education Program
L www.midwives.org
i Community Based Nurse Practitioner Program

The Journey
by Jane Leigh Powell,
National Chairman 0fB0ard 0f Governors
In the last two issues of the Quarterly Bulletin, I have been report-
ing on Bill Hall’s progress since suffering a severe stroke last May.
Sadly, the time has come when the FNS has to say good-bye to
Bill as the eighth Frontier Nursing Service CEO. We do so with l
heavy hearts, never forgetting what Bill brought to us in wisdom, .
enthusiasm and his love for Southeastern Kentucky, where he was I
born. He was "as one" with the people we serve, understanding
their ways and culture, how to talk to them and, above all, how
to listen to them.
Bill wouldn’t make a decision until he had thoroughly researched i
everything and until he had talked to and heard from as many
people as possible, always telling us "you have to crawl before
you walk and walk before you run."
Since becoming the CEO in December, 2003, Bill’s accomplish—
ments have been extraordinary. Through his leadership, the in-
patient and outpatient utilization at Mary Breckinridge Hospital I
has increased dramatically, resulting in a financial turn—around
into profitability; the number of patient visits to the outpost clin— .
ics has increased; the Home Health Agency has more patients in
its care than ever before and thc Frontier School of Midwifery & p
Family Nursing has 480 students enrolled, compared to 200 just l
two years ago.
Bill encouraged donors to realize the need for renovating and
reorganizing maternity services at Mary Breckinridge Hospital ·
which culminated into a beautiful, patient-friendly Center for
Mothers and Children where the first baby was born on February
Sth. Outside the mountains, Bill attracted new donors and founda~ '
tions to support the work of the FNS. ,

i As a result of Bill’s efforts, the Frontier Nursing Service has
i been re—born. His foresight and guidance has kept the FNS on
l the path that Mary Breckinridge envisioned 82 years ago. Bill
’ has done all of the above with love in his heart for his fellow
` man and woman.
  Hopefully, we can look to the future when, perhaps, Bill will be
  amongst us again, helping in ways we are not aware of yet. He
[ has a tremendous gift of giving but asks nothing in return.
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Maternity Services Renovation Update I
—Barb Gibson, Assistant t0 CEO
On Thursday, February 8, 2007, renovations to the maternity unit i
at Mary Breckinridge Hospital were completed and the delivery I
of babies now continues. By Friday afternoon three babies had
been delivered in the new Center for Mothers and Children and I
the staff were as busy as bees attending to the mothers and their i
new arrivals. I
Renovations to the Center include the nursing station, lobby, 3
nursery and patient rooms. Patient rooms have a warm family
atmosphere and that same warm friendly atmosphere is carried ~
over into the lobby with comfortable seating, flat screen television,
and a computer for access to the FNS baby website (www.baby.
frontiernursingorg). The computer also provides video games
for children. The nursery is decorated with ponies and "Babies
in Saddlebags".
Marcus Peyton Fouts, Hyden, Kentucky (parents are Jesse and
Lekisha Fouts), was the first baby delivered in the newly renovated
Center. Marcus is the great—great nephew of Arbert Asher, the first .
baby born at FNS in 1925 and said to be the baby in the "Baby I
in Saddlebags" photo.  
The second baby was Janessa Brock, Warbranch, Kentucky (par-  
ents are Elzie and Phenessa Brock).  
The third baby was Bobby Trent Isiaah Thomas, Stinnett, Ken-
tucky (parents Bobby and Janet Thomas).
The estimated cost for the complete renovation of maternity
services was approximately $1.5M. We are very thankful that
we have able to raise a portion of this amount but the support of I
our friends is still needed to ensure that mothers and babies will  
receive the care they need in Leslie County.  

) Maternity Services Renovation Update - C0nt’d.
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Maternity Services Renovation Update - Cont’d.
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Nathan Lee, Interim CEO, Dr. Robin Whitaker,
Janet and Bobby Thomas I

Maternit Services Renovations U date - Cont’d.
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Newly renovated Nursery

Field Notes
Wendover Guests
From December 1, 2006 — March 1, 2007, Wendover hosted a '
total of 454 guests including special dinners/meetings/tours and
overnight guests.
General Surgery Coverage at Mary Breckinridge Hospital
Effective February l, 2007, Dana Edwards, Board Certiiied
General Surgeon began providing full—time surgery coverage for y
Mary Breckinridge Hospital. I
Mary Breckinridge Festival Committee Meeting  
. . . . . . I
The Mary Breckinridge Festival Committee held their lirst meeting
for this year in January to make plans for the October Festival.
Members of this Committee are to be commended for their work .
in expanding the Festival each year.
Employee of the Year at Mary Breckinridge Hospital
Betty Helen Couch, Quality Improvement/Director of Medical ,
Records, was chosen as 2007 Employee of the Year. Mrs. Couch
has been employed at Mary Breckinridge Hospital for over thirty —
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Betty Helen Couch i
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Field Notes - Continued
Former Employee Patti Adams Returns to Work
’ Patti Adams recently returned to work as an Administrative
Assistant at Mary Breckinridge Hospital. From 1975- 1982,
Mrs. Adams served as Secretary to Miss Kate Ireland, former FN S
Board of Governors’ Chairman. Later she worked as Assistant to
the Personnel Director at Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
Social Worker Hired at Mary Breckinridge Hospital
Tammy Melton, Social Worker/Counselor, began work at Mary
Breckinridge Hospital late December. Mrs. Melton is an FNS baby
and Leslie County native.
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Patti Adams Tammy Melton
Other Renovations
Other renovations at Mary Breckinridge Hospital include a
lounge located in the Anne Wasson Center to provide a place for
‘ professional staff to do charting, etc. The Dining Room was also
renovated with new paint and new tables and chairs.

Field Notes - Cantinued
Wanda F eltner, CNA, Retires
Wanda Feltner, CNA, retired October 27, 2006 after 46 years of “
dedicated service to the FNS. Wanda was known for the special care
she gave to the patients who came into the Anne Wasson Center to
see a provider. Wanda moved to Michigan to be with her children
and is missed greatly by her co—workers!
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Wanda F eltner

1 Field Notes - Continued
H Renovations of Mary Breckinridge Hospital Chapel
The Chapel at Mary Breckiniidge Hospital was recently renovated
with new furniture, floor covering and paint. The Chapel was
dedicated in 1981 in memory of Susie Swartz, x—ray technician
at Mary Breckinridge Hospital, who died in a car accident while
1 on vacation in New York.
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1 Renovated Chapel at Mary Breckinridge Hospital
Quorum Healthcare Resources (QHR) Seminars
’ During January, several managers from Mary Breckinridge
Hospital attended Joint Commission Survey Readiness seminars
I sponsored by Quorum Healthcare Resources (QHR) in Brentwood,
Tennessee. The seminars covered a variety of issues in preparation
_ in obtaining Joint Commission Accreditation Hospital Organiza-
1 tion (JCAHO) accreditation.

The Courier Program
-Dan Wilc0x
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C 0urier Dan Wilcox and Courier Rachel Burkard
teaching dental hygiene in l0cal elementary sch00l
As I continued with my volunteer opportunities, I became espe-
cially engaged with two in particular: The Adult Day Care Center
and the Hospice Program, both located in nearby Hazard. At Adult I
Day Care I had a variety of opportunities ranging from helping
young adults to complete their GED, to playing pool with the
older folks, to helping out with meal times. Hospice was extremely
engaging also as I assisted a terminal patient and his daughter by  
simply just being there with them and getting to know them and l
their needs at a very sad, yet natural time of life. As I became more 1
attached to these two opportunities, I focused my short time here i
with them. That was one thing I really appreciated about FNS: j
the flexibility. You can do different things depending on how you ~
feel and it`s easy to change your mind here.

As for the dining and living situation, let’s just say that the southern
style food sure beats a college cafeteria and the kitchen is always
, accessible if you ever get hungry. Living—wise, I had a whole iloor
  to myself in The Barn, (the old stables) located at Wendover. The
I rooms are cozy and equipped with plenty of heating, hot showers
A and wireless access which is always nice in this technology driven
era. It’s safe to say that for the miniscule amount I paid to stay, I
was treated with genuine hospitality and care.
I was lucky enough to meet Nikki Demetriou, Nurse-midwife
and Family Nurse Practitioner, who loves to meet Couriers and
get them engaged with the local community. I encourage future
couriers to find her (although she’ll probably find you). take
trips and meet the locals   they know the places to have a good
People here are much friendlier than the city so it was easy for me
to adapt. If you have a car, you can take advantage of the fact that
Wendover is only a four hour drive from Nashville and another
six to Charlottesville, Virginia — two ofthe places I visited during
my time here. Otherwise, nearby Hazard has some night life and
if you are looking to just kick back and find some solace in the
outdoors, you can hike all around Wendover as well.
Over all I’ve had a really memorable experience and encourage
anyone who is feeling adventurous and community driven to apply
for the Courier Program.

Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing
by Dr Susan Stone, President & Dean
The Doctor 0f Nursing Practice V
The Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing (FSMFN)
is in the planning stages of developing a new degree option for L
our students and alumni: the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP).
In 2004, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
(AACN) adopted the goal that preparation for specialization in
nursing should occur at the doctoral level. Factors contributing
to AACN’s decision to move to the DNP include the increased
complexity of patient care, national concerns about the quality of
care, patient safety, shortages of nursing personnel, demands for
a higher level of prepared nurse who can design and assess care,
shortages of nursing faculty and the need for leaders in practice
and research.
Two reports from the Institute of Medicine spurred the movement
for transitioning graduate education in nursing to the doctoral
level. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report titled Crossing the
Quality Chasm (2001) recommends that healthcare organizations
promote healthcare that is safe, effective, client—centered, timely,
efficient and equitable. A follow up report titled Health Professions
Education: A Bridge to Q Quality, states that all health professionals
should be educated to deliver patient—centered care as members
of an interdisciplinary team, emphasizing evidence—based prac-
tice, quality improvement approaches and informatics. Doctoral
preparation of nurses will address these recommendations.
A goal of introducing the DNP at FSMFN is to enhance the ability
of our graduates to analyze, assess, plan, implement and evaluate ’
best practices.Graduates prepared with a DNP will have enhanced
skills in analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of health care
practices as well as designing new plans to improve the health of A
individuals and families.

We are at the beginning stages of this new plan. Steps ahead of us
include program development, analysis of the current curriculum,
V new curriculum development and accreditation by both regional
and specialty accreditation agencies.
I Many alumni and students have expressed interest in attaining a
DNP. The most frequent questions that I receive are how many
credits will it be and how long will it take'? These questions will
be answered as we move forward, we don’t have those answers
at this time. The new program will be designed to meet the DNP
competencies delineated in the AACN document, The Essentials of
Doctoral Education for Advanced Practice Nursing. This document
may be viewed at http://www.aacn.nche.edu/DNP/pdf/Essentials.
pdf. Our current goal is to enroll our first DNP class in 2009. We
will keep the FNS community apprised of our progress.
Thanks to the supporters of
The Betty Lou Johnson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
For 12 years this scholarship has been given
to an older student returning to school who
demonstrates both academic excellence and
a commitment to the underserved — specifically
a PNP student.

FNS School-Based Clinic
by Mary Ethel W00t0n, FNS Board Member
Frontier Nursing Service and County of Leslie Lifting Youth A
(COLLY), a local children’s organization, have formed a
partnership to provide healthcare services to the students at Stinnett wi
Elementary School.
The School-Based Clinic officially opened February 20th. Funding
for staffing, equipment, supplies and furniture was obtained from
several different sources including The Elgin Foundation, The
Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, The Steele—Reese Foun-
dation, Rite Aid Pharmacies and The Diller Foundation (Toledo,
Ohio). The Clinic is in operation when school is in session and in
addition to healthcare, provides dental screenings and classroom
lessons in fitness and nutrition.
Sarah Noggle, Family Nurse Practitioner (FN P) at the FNS Beech
Fork Nursing Center works at the school—based clinic on Tuesdays
of each week. The Clinic is staffed by an LPN five days a week
where children with minor illnesses are triaged and either treated
there or are referred to a FNP or doctor at another location.
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F NP Sarah Naggle treating child at the
Stinnett Elementary School-Based Clinic

Old Staff and Courier News
_ Felicia (F licka Delajield) Van Praagh, St. James, New York
I — sent a gift and wrote that she is the great—granddaughter of
Margaret Harper Sibley who gave FNS funds to build the
V., Margaret Durbin Harper Memorial Nursing Center at
Bowlingtown in 1930. Mrs. Van Praagh served at FNS as a Courier
in 1954 and became a Social Worker and worked for more than
40 years helping childless families adopt from abroad. Below is
a photograph of her "ever—expanding" family.
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F 0rmer FNS Courier F licka Delafield (2nd r0w in center)
and her adopted family fr0m abr0ad
{ Kate Layman, Temple Terrace, Florida (Courier ‘95) — wrote that
`I she is attending midwifery school in Florida. Kate’s e—mail address
is: katelayman@yahoo.com.
Susan Weller, Botswana (Courier ‘06) — joined the Peace Corp
and is in Nojane Village in Botswana. Plans to teach when she
comes home.

In Memoriam
These friends have departed this life in recent months. We wish _
to express our sympathy to their families, and our gratitude for `A
their interest in our work.
D1: Claude Vern0n C00per, Jr., Hazard, Kentucky — Former
FNS Board Member Dr. Claude Vernon Cooper, Jr., passed
away Wednesday, February 7, 2007 at the age of 83 years. Dr.
Cooper served on the FNS Board of Govemors from 1975 until
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Dn Claude Vernon C00per, Jr.
Miss Kate Ireland, Honorary National Chairman of the FN S Board
of Governors made the following comments about her work with
Dr. Cooper in Eastem Kentucky: "Vemon never missed a meeting,
always had some thoughtful and important comments, and he was
welcoming to Trustees from out of the mountain area".
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In Memoriam - Continued
Dr. Cooper was a 1941 graduate of Hazard High School, served
K“ in the Navy during World War II, was President of People’s Bank
and Trust in Hazard, was an avid mountain climber but was most
lr well known for his generosity in Eastem Kentucky. He served
on many boards in Eastern Kentucky and was also an active,
I influential member of The Humane Society.
S Marjorie Gage Vogt, Louisville, Kentucky - passed away
. February 12, 2007. Mrs. Vogt served as Chairman of the FNS
Bluegrass Committee since the early 90’s. I (Barb Gibson)
worked closely with Mrs. Vogt coordinating the annual Blue-
1 grass Committee luncheons either in Lexington or Louisville.
K She was a wonderful lady!
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I I l

In Memory of:
Virginia Henry Caroline Kidder
Mr. John G. Henry Mr. Howard F. Kidder ii
William E. Baker Phyllis Denese Lewis ®
Ms. Anne M. Lorentzen Sue Lazar  
Mrs. Ann Bray Susan B.B. Moody
Mr. Howard Bray Capt. William B.B. Moody
Mrs. John Harris Clay Opal Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Haldeman Mrs. Jane H. Hope
Mrs. James W. Stites Mary Dow Novotney
Anna Henkel Dickieson Ms. Patricia S. Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Dickieson Margaret Peters
Jane Westover Mrs. Raymond G. Preece
Mr. Michael Wiedman Ruth Ann Settlemyre Wright
John S. & Sibylle J. Barlow Mrs. Juliet Bernstein
Mrs. M. W. Bouwensch Ms. Margaret Bristow
Ms. Edith S. Gilmore Mrs. Martha J. Decker
Mrs. Madeleine M. Goodrich Peggy Elmore
Ms. Martha Haynes Dr. Darline J. Wilke
Charles S. & Hannah Keevil Teresa Schwartz
Mr. Pete Westover Mr. Efrem S. Schwartz
Olive M. Gass Mrs. Redington Fiske
Miss Lois S. Gass Mrs. John Fiske
Edith Jones
Dr. Hunt B. Jones
In Honor of:
Clair Andrews Bill & Beverly Friel
Dr. Jacob Palomaki Steve & Linda Longstreth
Judith Bastianelli John & Sally McDougall
Hugo Adam Bedau and Ms. M. Elizabeth Monohan
Constance E. Putnam Penny Johnson (birthday)
Bob & Martha Trocin Felicia Van Praagh
Steve & Linda Longstreth

In Memoriam
If you wish to make a contribution to the Frontier Nursing Service
1* in memory of a friend or loved one, please complete and return
1 this section to the Development Office at FNS, 132 FNS Drive,
l Wendover, Kentucky 41775.
In memory of:
Contributor’s name:
Person (s) to whom you wish acknowledgment sent;
In Honor
If you wish to make a contribution to the Frontier Nursing Service
in honor of someone’s accomplishments or achievements, please
complete and return this section to the Development Office at
FNS, 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky 41775.
In honor of:
Contributor’s name:
Person (s) to whom you wish acknowlegement sent:

FNS, Inc.
(the parent)
National Chairman
Miss Jane Leigh Powell, Ridgeland, SC
Vice-Chairman I
Mr. Kenneth Tuggle, Louisville, KY
Mr. John Foley, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Nancy Hines, Shepherdsville, KY
Board of Governors
Mrs. Rhonda Brashear, Hyden, KY
Dr. Michael Carter, Tumbling Shoals, AR
Mrs. Marion McCartney, Silver Springs, MD
Dr. Charles Mahan, Temple Terrace, FL
Mr. Michael T. Rust, Louisville, KY
Miss Mary Ethel Wooton, Hyden, KY
Honorary National Chairman i
Miss Kate Ireland, Tallahassee, FL
BKD, LLP, Louisville, KY

Mrs. Tia D. Andrew, Wellesley, MA
Mrs. Steven L. Beshear, Lexington, KY
J Mrs. Ruth Beeman, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Heather Bernard, Hamilton, NY
Mr. Robert Botkin, Lexington, KY
i Dr. Wallace Campbell, Pikeville, KY
i Mrs. Juan Cameron, Washington, DC
Ms. Carlyle Carter, Needham, MA
Mrs. Charles M. Chapin, III, Oldwick, NJ
Dr. Holly Cheever, Voorheesville, NY
Mrs. Charles S. Cheston. Jr., Topsfield, MA
Mrs. James T. Christie, Louisville, KY
Mrs. John Dawson, Dover, MA
Mrs. John J. Dete, West Liberty, OH
Mr. Joseph C. Donnelly, York Harbor, ME
Mrs. Peter R. Ehrlich, Bedford, NY
Mrs. Noel Fernandez, Pomona, NY
Governor Ernie Fletcher, Frankfort, KY
i Mrs. Laman Gray, Jr., Louisville, KY
Dr. John W. Greene, Jr., Lexington, KY
‘ Dr. Joyce Fortney Hamberg, Southgate, KY
_ Dr. Horace F. Henriques, Ill, Lyme, NH
Q Mr. Frank B. Hower, Jr., Louisville, KY
i Mrs. Kenneth C. A. Isaacs, Walpole, MA
_ Mrs. Donald E. Jones, Bellefontaine, OH
i Mr. Clinton W. Kelly, III, Bethesda, MD
Mr. James G. Kenan, Ill, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence, Dedham, MA
Mrs. Henry Ledford, Big Creek, KY
Mrs. Marian B. Leibold, Cincinnati, OH
Mr. Anthony Little, Hyden, KY
Mrs. Frances Luckett, Louisville, KY
Mrs. Theodore RP Martin, St. Louis, MO
Mrs. John Lambert McPhee, Potomac, MD
V Mrs. E. Townsend Moore, Darling, PA

'Trustees - Continued
Mr. Wade Mountz, Louisville, KY
Mr. Spencer Noe, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Frank O’Brien, Jr., Boston, MA A
Mr. Ed Parsons, Harlan, KY
Mr. Paul Patton, Pikeville, KY
Mrs. Charles S. Potter, Grayslake, IL  
Mrs. John Richardson, Washington, DC
Mrs. George L. Robb, East Orleans, MA
Mrs. Georgia Hart Rodes, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Molly B. Sizemore, Hyden, KY
Mrs. Joseph M. Smith, Dedham, MA
Mrs. Austin L. Smithers, Greenwich, CT
Mrs. Burgess P. Standley, Mediield, MA
Mrs. Robert N. Steck, Washington, DC
Mrs. Effie Stidham, Hyden, KY
Mrs. James W. Stites, Jr., Glenview, KY
Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, Hindman, KY
Mrs. Mary H. D. Swift, Upperville, VA
Mr. Richard Sturgill, Lexington, KY
Mr. Elmer Whitaker, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Carrie M. Whitcomb, Oviedo, EL
Mrs. Pendleton P. White, Savannah, GA
Harvie & Nellie Wilkinson. Lexington, KY
Mrs. Dudley H. Willis, Sherborn, MA
Dr. Emery Wilson, Lexington, KY
Mr. Ray Wilson. Hyden, KY
Mr. George Wooton, Hyden, KY
Honorary Trustees
Mrs. Charles W. Allen, Jr., Glenview, KY
Mrs. Richard M. Bean, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Ralph E. Becker, Bethesda, MD
Mrs. Robert W. Estill, Raleigh. NC ‘
Mrs. Gilbert W. Humphrey, Miccosukee, FL

Honorary 'Trustees - Continued
Mr. R. W. P. Johnston, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Samuel E. Neel, McLean, VA
A Mrs. James N. Rawleigh, Jr., Prospect, KY
Mrs. E. H. Scott Rumely, Birmingham, MI
Mrs. Ernest R. von Starck, Bryn Mawr, PA
` ' Miss Margaret Watkins, Grosse Pointe, MI
Ms. Erskine P. Wilder, Barrington, IL
Miss Barbara Wriston, New York, NY
National Nursing Council
Ms. Mary Ellen Amato, Lexington, KY
Dr. Frances C. Dalme, Little, AR
Mrs. Albert T. Ernst, Perkiomenville, PA
Dr. Joyce Fitzpatrick, Cleveland, OH
Dr. Loretta C. Ford, Rochester, NY
Miss E. Jane Furnas, Phoenix, AZ
Miss Louise Griggs, Lexington, KY
Dr. O. Marie Henry, Cookville, MD
Mrs. Betty Huff, Hyden, KY
Miss Mary Le Mills, Watha, NC
Ms. Barbara Nichols, Madison, WI
Miss Evelyn M. Peck, Columbia, MO
Mrs. Elaine Pendleton, Falls, PA
Dr. Marjorie Ramphal, W. Nyack, NY
Miss Christine Schenk, Cleveland, OH
Dr. Elizabeth Sharp, Atlanta, GA
Dr. Lillie M. Shortridge, Pleasantville, NY
Dr. Helen Tirpak, New York, NY
Ms. Joyce Wiechmann, Sylacaug, AL
Dr. Carolyn A. Williams, Lexington, KY
Mrs. Elsie Maier Wilson, Gainesville, FL
Ms. Cora Winthrow, Lexington, KY

FNS and Subsidiary Corporations
FNS, Inc.
Nathan Lee, Interim CEO & President
Sue Wells, Director