xt7j9k45rs5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45rs5p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-05-22 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 22, 1987, no. 504 text The Green Bean, May 22, 1987, no. 504 1987 1987-05-22 2014 true xt7j9k45rs5p section xt7j9k45rs5p f/ Wl J —"_ -
No. 504 May 22. 1987
May 22 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930. English
physician and novel1=t.
May 24 Emanuel Leutze, 1816-1868. Obscure German
painter, famous for works such as ”wash1ngton
Crossing the Delaware” and ”Columbus before the
May 25 Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882. American author.
May 25 Memorial Day
May 27 Rachel Carson, 1907-1964. American author and
" sclentist, best remembered for her book, Silent
May 29 Patrick Henry, 1736-1799. American revolutionary
· leader and orator. ”G1ve me liberty or give me
death." y
May 30 Joan of Arc burned at the stake in 1431 at the age
of 19.
June 1 Kentucky became the 15th state in 1792.
June 4 Fire alarm test in King Libraries North and south ,
Next Green Bean: Friday, June 5, 1987 j
Production staff: Editor/typlst: Kerry Kresse; copy l
edIEor7EypIsE: Carol Renta; Printer: Cecil Madison. ;
Ina Newsletter of the Umversnty 1
  of Kentucky Lnbrarnes N N

 ¤ ‘ (
from the National Endowment for
FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK the Humanities to fund the
Kentucky Newspaper Project from
June is a busy month, and September 1, 1987 to August 31, V
is remembered in a variety of 1989. The new grant will ‘
ways. June is National Dairy continue the bibliographic
Month, National Adopt~a—Cat control phase of the project
Month, National Ragweed Control while expanding to include the
Month ("Get ragweed before it preservation. microfllming of
gets you!"), National Rose previously unfilmed newspapers »
Month, and Zoo and Aquarium held in Kentucky repositories.
Month. It is also the The newspaper project is
beginning of the hurricane headquartered in the Period-
season. with that in mind, icals/Newspapers/M1crotext
happy reading! —KK Department; the filming will be
carried out by the P/N/M
Microfilm Center. For further
" BON VOYAGE...AND GOOD LUCK!! information, contact Judy
Sackett, Project Director, at
Andrea Berman, Engineering 257-8387. (Submitted by Judy
Library Sackett) I
Kelli Keiper, Microfilm Center ,
D ane Marcus, Copy Service
‘ LS2000 SEARCH TIPS The 1987 Library Book Sale (
,., netted more than $3200. Thanks
I DIALOG does 1t. BRS does to everyone that helped to set ‘
it. CAS Online does it. why up, take down and work the
· ~ . don't we?? As more and more of. tables. we couldn't have done
us begin to search the various it without you! I
subsystems of LS2000, short— *
cuts are bound to be
discovered. Some of them are STAFF DEVELOPMENT NEWS
even built into the system,
just waiting to be found! I To complement the sessions I
know of one clever circulation on Interlibrary Loan sponsored
librarian who called me with by the Staff Development
one search t1p——surely you have Committee, members of the y
one, too! Reference Department will give
If you do, submit them to a 2 - 3 hour overview of
Kerry Kresse, Chemistry/Physics additional departmental
Library, or call me at 257- services on wednesday, May 27, I
5954. I will print them as I in the Staff Lounge at 1:00 pm.
getthmm we will discuss typical I
inquiries handled at the
Reference desk, describe the
KENTUCKY NEWSPAPER PROJECT teaching function of the
RECEIVES NEH FUNDING department, and give a
demonstration of computer—
. The UK Libraries have been assisted reference services
awarded a grant of $274,942 using the Limelight. To give ‘

 us some idea of attendance in were refunded for 1987-1988, y
an awkward space, please call and it was. Future work for g
Roxanne Jones at 257-3353. KLN staff will he designing a
"strategic plan"; a I
— professional planning .
NEW CRL HANDBOOK coordinator met with KLN Board U
members May 7 to get the
Any librarian interested process started. KLN will also .
in obtaining the new Center for be looking for new funding
Research Libraries Handbook, sources for the future. Bill
please call Roxanne Jones at Hansen also said that his
257-3353 by June 5, 1987. personal bias for KLN's
"hiphllghts for the future" ,
- inc u es: a) a a convers on
KENTUCKY LIBRARY NETWORK to machine readable records for V
SECOND ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP all Kentucky libraries, and b)
MEETING a telefacsimile network for
, Kentucky libraries. ’
The Kentucky Library Next came KLN Committee ·
Network's second annual Reports for : the User
membership meeting was held Services Committee, the
Friday, May 8. Elections were Communications Committee, the
held for the KLN Board of Monitoring & Evaluation
Directors. Those elected were: Committee, and the Union . 7
y Database Committee. Typed
V —-Academic: Stan Campbell, copies of the Database and
Centre College Union Catalog Comm1ttee's `
" -—Publ1c: Lori. Schecter, Laurel annual report were distributed.
Co. Public There were no typed reports for I
-—School: Lee Goodeman, Holmes the other committees, but if
High, Covington _, __ you’re interested in a summary V
--Spec1al: Garry Johnson, from notes taken at the
Louisville Baptist meeting, call Patty Powell at _
Hospital 257-8397. The committee
——At large: Jess Gardner, UK reports were followed by a I
Professor, HPER—-active treasurer's report; a typed .
with Lexington Public copy o is is a so available g
library; and Jean Wiggins, from Patty Powell. The gpy
Versailles, currently 1987 KLN Member Directory as
doing special projects for Been pu is e . _
KDLA During lunch, Howard
McG1nn, Director of the North
KLN membershi has grown Carolina Information Network, 1
16% since Iast year; it now spoke ahout the North Carolina
has 89 members. KLN staff is l1brar1es' experience and how
now complete and the offices they are emphasizing business
Q are in the basement of KDLA. information services and
l Most of the work ln 1987 has working through the state's
  been in public relations, area development offices to
t recruiting new members and publicize the network. Each
making sure that the operating county's library is encouraged
budget and union catalog budget to participate in the network; W
1 3

 # . I
if they don't join, any group The B laws amendment was {
within that county may join the passed. Tite result Is tEat the 3
network as the county Bylaws can now be amended at ;
representative. The North any annual or special ;
Carolina Governor is very membership meeting by a 2/3 1
supportive of the network and vote, provided that the g
has given OCLC demonstrations amendment has been submitted to =
to businessmen ln the state. the membership ln writing at _
Auto ra hlcs, the company least 30 days prior o he
which w1?[I produce the KLN meeting. (Submitted by Patty
union catalog on microfiche, Powell)
gave a presentation about the
company's history and products.
They began 30 years ago in the ABOVE AND BEYOND...
typesettlng/printing business, .
switched to computer publishing Jim Blrchfleld, Assistant ·
in the early '60s, and did Director for Collection
computer card catalogs in the Development, received the .
early '70s for the Pratt following letter dated April
Library and Baltimore Public. 29, 1987:
They created a ten-year
cumulatlon of the Monthl Dear Dr. Blrchfieldz
Catalo of US Government I want you to know that we
Publlcatlons on computer-output greatly appreciated having
microfilm using the Government Bonnie Jean Cox as coordinator
“ prlntlng Off:Lce's OCLC archival of the Book Exhibits for the
tapes. A copy of this women Writers Conference. when
cumulation is housed in the the previous coordinator moved,
° King Government Publications Bonnie readily assumed
Department and is mounted on a responsibility for managing the
M1croMax 800. ID April, 1987, exhibits. She worked closely
Autographics introduced a CD- with the conference staff,
ROM product at Baltimore. The exhibitors, and book sellers to .
presentation at this meeting see that the booksales,
was excellent. Their product exhibits and registration, all
should allow a system to grow located in the Center for the
into CD-ROM or whatever else Arts Reception Room, functioned
the future should bring. A CD- smoothly. The manner in which
ROM statlon was set up to she arranged the displays was
demonstrate Autograph1cs' both attractive and functional.
newest software. within 10 eonnxe was thorough in her
minutes, the average user is attention to detail from
_ able to search the system beginning to end of the
effectively, with a little help project. we received many
from the demonstrators. favorable comments about this
If anyone wants to keep up new feature of the conference.
with KLN News, there is a In addition to her work on
newsletter that is published at book exhibits , Bonnie
least twice per year. Contact coordinated a dinner for the
Patty Powell if you would like writers and invited guests,
‘ to see her copy. taped a radio interview that
introduced listeners to the

 work of one of the visiting offer for first-time members,
writers and served as hostess ALA is offering a 50% discount ·
for one of the writers. on membership dues for 1987. I
In summary, Bonnie was an If you are a first-time member,
outstanding member of a hard- and join before June 30, 1987,
working committee which enabled you will receive a nifty free
the Ninth women writers poster, "Expand Your Horizons--
Conference to be a great Use Your L1brary," designed by
success. we are grateful that graphics designer, Julius
she was able to lend her Friedman. For a copy of the
professional skills and her application form, contact Kerry
personal commitment to the Kresse at 257-5954 or write to
conference. ALA. directly at 50 E. Huron
St., Chicago, IL. 60611.
Sincerely, (312)944-6780.
Betty Gabehart
y Coordinator, women Writers
y Conference SPEC KIT #132 ‘
The new ARL Spec Kit, »
CHEMISTRY/PHYSICS LIBRARY #132, is on l1brary—scholar
FEATURED IN PHOTO SESSION communication. This flyer is
_ unusual in that it is from the n
The Chemistry/Physics scholar's perspective. It is Y
Library was the location for a based on the recent "Survey of
· recent photo session with the Scholars" conducted by the
Wildcat, UK's mascot. Lounglng Office of Scholarly
` °1n ,a_ comfy chair, he was Communication and ·Technology,
photographed perusing the most American Council of Learned
recent issue of Pol mer· Societies. According to the
Communications. He posed In a summary in the Spec Flyer, "not
varIeEy of other locations all scholars are equally ready
within the library, all for the to jump into the electronic
cover and inside shots for the age." The differences depend
Summer 1988 Class Schedule. primarily on discipline. The
respondents answered 86 I
LIBRARY SCIENCE MOVES TO M. I. questions on library resources
KING and use, professional reading,
_ research and publication,
There will be a reception computer resources, and
welcoming the Library Science personal and institutional
School to King Library on characteristics. The
Friday, May 22, 9:30 a.m. ln statistical analysis dlvldes
the Klng North Lounge. Coffee the respondents into three
and pastries will be served. groups: all academic scholars,
Sponsored by LSO. research university scholars
and college scholars. All Spec
Kits are housed in the
‘ y As part of an introductory
1 5

 BOOK SHELF . Library Technician V, Grade IX, .
(Submitted By Rob Aken) Engineering Library. I
Future of Onllne Catalogues / PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES T
E e y A e IL He a and ·
Joachim w. Weiss. Essen: CALIFORNIA
1986. (Publications of Essen Systems Librarian. University
University Llbrary, 8) of California, Los Angeles. U
Proceedings of the Sth Salary: $24,012 — $45,084.
symposium on library automation Deadline: July 1, 1987.
held at the Essen University U
Library. Call number Z699 .A1 COLORADO
F87 1986.
Director of Libraries.
101 Software Packages to Use in unlverslty of Colorado.
Your L1 rar : Descri lons, Salary: $50,000. Deadline: ‘
EvaIuat1ons,___and Practlcal July 31, 1987. .
Advice 7 By Patriot R. Dewey. l
` number REF Z678.9 .A3 D48 1987.
Dedicated to the author's two Collections Progrann Officer.
dogs, Hardware and Software, The Library of Congress.
. e this new reference book Salary: $45,763 - $59,488. *
discusses software packages Deadline: June 1, 1987.
with library applications,
software selection, printers, GEORGIA'
_ good work habits for computing, l
Land basic computer care. The Southfornet Information
library appllcatlons discussed Manager. University of
here are acquisitions, Georgia. Salary: $18,000
bibliography, cataloging, ndnimum. Deadline: July 15,
ch1ldren's services and library 1987.
skills, circulation, ,
communications and online KANSAS
database systems, database
managers, integrated software, Assistant Government Documents
ILL, miscellaneous software, Librarian. University of
public relations, serials Kansas Libraries. Salary: 1
control, spreadsheets and $18,000 — $24,000. Deadline:
statistics, tralnlng programs, July 10, 1987.
» utilities and word processing.
Head, Serials Cataloging
Staff Assistant I, Grade II. Section. University of
Microfilm Center. Nebraska. Salary: $21,000
minimum. Deadline: July 15,
Staff Assistant VI, Grade VII, 1987.
` Copy Service.
6 .

 wa x
NEVADA Resource Development L1brar1an,· 1
Human1t1e= and Preservation. ?
Life and Health s¤1e¤ces Texas A&M University. Salary:
Librarian/Mines Information $19,000 for 10.5 months. Q
Specialist. unlverslty of Deadline: June 1, 1987. ‘
Nevada—Reno. Salary: Open —
dependent upon qualifications WASHINGTON i
(minimum $27,320).
Director, Health Sciences “
Engineering and Physical Library. University of Q,
Sciences Librarian. University W a s h 1 n g t o n . S a l a r y : (
of Nevada-Reno. Salary: open, Commensurate with experience. _ A -
dependent. upon. qualifications Deadline: July 31, 1987.
(minimum $27,320).
Reference Librarian. Health
NEW JERSEY Sciences Library. University L
of Washington. Salary:
Reference Librarian. Rutgers $21,000. Deadline: July 31, 2
University. Salary: $28,547 1987. I
minimum. Deadline: July 1, (
Director, Science & Engineering
Library. University at `
Buffalo. Salary: $40,000 •‘ (
minimum. »q Deadline: none
specified. J ‘
Coordinator' of Bibliographic *
Instruction. western Carolina Q
University. Salary: $23,000 —
$25,872. Deadline: May 31, Q
1987. F
Head, Catalog Department.
, un1vers1ty of Oklahoma.
Salary: $25,000. Deadline:
June 30, 1987.
Resource Development Librarian,
Social Science. Texas A&M ·
8 University. Salary: $19,000.
Deadline: July 7, 1987.
7 X