xt7j6q1sj87b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j6q1sj87b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1979 1979 1979-04-03 2020 true xt7j6q1sj87b section xt7j6q1sj87b , .. _ UK offimals support required health fee
~ “I“ i ‘ W . V i '
' a» for foreign and scholarship students
or: ‘
- rm, ’ By DEBBIE MCDANIEL contribute to expenses. Between 2200 Under a mandatory health fee financial aid or sponsoring foreign
' "‘ Copy Editor arid 2.400 U K students are involved in system. the fee would always be lower students would pay for the mandatory
will ' .. . . the basic grant program. if all lull-time students paid it health fee along with tuition costs.
lwo UK administrators say they Director of international Student automatically and the system would room and board.
favor the mandatory health fee for Affairs [)oug Wilson said the lo give greater assurancethattheservices Ad . - . . .
forei n students and those on . ni off r i nstudentss o s d now availble to UK students wo ld vertismg costs for posters.
g . perce 0 eg .p n ore . u news a er ads. brochures mailed to ‘
. ’ scholarships. grants or loans because by governments and agenCIes would continue. P p g
. ‘ . . . . . . . . .. . entering students and llyers would be
many of these students are on tight nave the lee paid by their sponsor. If the voluntary fee gets too high . .
. . . . . , . cut back. Cox said. However. she said
budgets and cant afford to pay the Although the remaining 84 percent and students deCideitstoo expenswe, she could not estimat th
now voluntary fee from personal of UK‘s foreign student population they‘ll stop paying itand we‘ll have to a rox' t . be e lcl
‘ funds. would have to pay the fee themselves. cut back services.“ Student Health bpp' ima e savmgs cause its a
3.7 Jim En l director of financial W'lson s 'd he favored a mandator Administrator Jean Cox s id. uried in'our overall printing bills.
_ g e. . I 8| Y , a. Cox said the ma or disadvanta e of
. affairs said the cost of the mandatory fee for these students. With a mandatory health tee. all UK [h J. . 8
. . .. . . .- . . _ e mandatory fee is that it becomes
' health fee would be covered by all Coming from the position of students would be able to use the .. . . .
. . ' . . . _ , . . . . , . . ,_ . . . . mandatory. That isthe pomt at which
, grants and scholarships because it students who ve had high medical bills health clinic s services. which include a , ~ . . .. .
. . . _ . . . -. . . . . a lot of students Will vote against it.
. would be related to the mandatory and costs,in my opinion.ahea|thfee is walk-in clinic. free pap tests. allergy she said
' . . ... ,3 costs of attending UK. a good investment for the students.“ shots and physical exams. Students ' .
'\~"ti . {at Supplemental grants. national Wilson said. “International students would be able to use services they AhOth" disadvantage Cox “9‘"! .
3‘ . . _ . \ grants and loans pay fortuition. room are not prepared for medicalexpenses might hesitate to go to their family wasthat students who have outpatient
. . ' . to; and board. and some miscellaneous they might haveinthe United States physician for. such as pregnancy tests. services covered by. the” parents‘ plan .
'. ' - i . . ' hs‘ “that expenses. he said. A mandatory health which are very high.“ contraceptive services and mental would have duplicate coverage "
~ ’ i 1 . ~' ‘f t l‘ \ I *. fee would be covered automatically Wilson said he knew of several health services. Cox said. certain federal programs and large
_ . ,.s m...‘ ~ ‘ like the student activity fee. instances where students had to give . . . . . corporations have pohcres w'lh these
“it may have an effect on out-of- up school because they were under- The health clinics staff includes a serVices.
state grants and scholarships which insured for medical problems. “These dermatologist and gynecologist. “One-half of the students in any
deal primarily with students who are students havesomuchinvestedintheir Students also have access to given year have obtained (studnet
/ t unable to pay for university tuition education that a slight fee fora health neurologists. She said. health) services." Cox said. adding
3» and costs. and who don‘t have the fee is well worth it.“ he said. The payment process would be that l0,947 different students received
1 . "_ funds to pay health costs ifsomething Ofthe 84 percent who would haveto simplified and a mandatory fee would services not related to allergy shots.
*5 came up.“ Engle said. pay for the fee themselves. 22 percent eliminate confusion about the TB tests and immunizations last year.
. I ' ~ However, Engle said a mandatory work at UK in research and as program byentering studentsir many She said that since 65-70 percent of .
t § § fee would not affect students in the teaching assistants while the don‘t realize hospitilization insurance UK‘s students now pay the health fee.
. . 1- ,_ ‘ Kentucky State Grant Program. remaining 62 percent are privately often doesn‘t cover office visits for the majority ofstudents would benefit
which pays a student‘s education sponsored by families or personal minor illnesses. from a mandatory health fee that
i a " ‘ based on the family‘s ability to income. Agencies providing student would be lower than a voluntary fee. .
' ' ‘ " ’ai JIMM CLIFTON/Kernel Staff
Kevin Coursey. an Alpha Gamma Rho agriculture economics junior, K I KY
portrays one of the Blues Brothers (Jake) during last night's Greek Week .
Gong Show in the Student (‘enter Ballroom. Sigma Chi took top honors in
the frat division and Kappa Delta placed first in the sorority division.
G k W k act'vities '
' l k'll ctice
'nvo ve S I I pra _ . Vol. LXXI. No. '34 l nivetsity of Kentucky .
and lots of organ Izatlon Tuesday. April 3. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky ,
By MARY ANN Bl'CHART going on she's afraid participants will I l l
86 candidates field uestlons at forum
Greek Week informally began last _
By the end of Saturday night‘s Thursday with the Alpha Xi Delta . . , .
Greek Banquet. after the 1979 Greek Feud. This event resembled By MARK GREEN “recruit" minority and other students promote interest 'h Student h0tth~ Law_ School. Whitehall
Outstanding Greek Man and Woman telei-iSion‘s Family Feud and was had Staff Writer to UK, Government. . ‘ Classroom Budding and the Medical
have been announced. 2.500 students the Commerce Building's auditorium _. 4 . En lish ex ressed an 0 osin Metcalt said he would hold SG Center. Polls Will be open from9a.m.
will have spent about 29 hours and filled for hours. the 0f thC 51* candidates for .- , g .p “ . h 13% g meetings at various places around t02p.m. at Anderson Halland from9
countless dollars to produce L‘K‘s Today at 4 pm. Alpha Delta Pi Student Government PFCStdCht heidCd im“ saying more mHoney sdo’u‘ :pm campus we" as the Commons and am. to 9 pm. in the Student Center.
sixth annual Greek Week. sorority and Alpha Gamma Rho questions from a crowd of into recrunment. e W d stu j‘ 15 Greek houses to help promote such MIK Library polls willbeoperating .
. - . . - . needed to determine the needs of . .
A formal Greek Week did not fraternity combined to sponsor Pi- apprOXimately SOstudents last hightat , . ' . .- . interest. from noon to9p.m. both days also.
‘ develop until recent years when 02%. Rho-Marie. an outdoor track and 'd forum for law students. minority students With action taken is At Blazer Hall. the Complex and
' . ' . . .. ~ . correct any disparities found in -. . .
the banquet, faculty reception and field event. as well as mystery and The the forumtopic W35 Uththe . . id" in case you missed the frantic Donovan Hall voting hours are ll
, exchange dinner were held in the clothes exchange events. Pi—Rho- .l980‘s." “'3'“ con mop: h l . activity in the Student Government am. to l:30 p.m.and 4:l5p.m. t06:30 ~
_ spring. Mania is being held at the UK track. The candidates present WCFCI Mark ‘ a"), said . is. sc 03KB ngt offices or the colorful campaign pm.
“When i came here six years ago.“ The beer will be flowing once again Metcalf. Buzz English. Chas Main. :‘ggiailxcgcfifiogéfiéni mirionrcifie: poSIers plastered all over UK. be There are six presidential
Assistant Dean of Students Michael this spring at Sigma Nu Friday ChUCk Malkus and Burt Clark. 3|“ d th d t .. warned that SG elections are candidates. five vice presidential a
Palm said. ul saw attempts at adding afternoon for the annual AILGieek Rockwood was absent. as he also was an 2.] CLStugnhs‘ h d t' lk d "th tomorrow and Thursday. candidates. and 50 hopefuls for at- .
‘fun‘ to the Greek Banquet. indoor beer bash. The 75 kegs always seem to last Thursday at a forum held in the bi ks ar (15?; ndecht thde 'ewaiitled Brandishing a student ID and large positions. There are no .
Greek games were h€id~ hUt that “‘35 disappear. as the backyard jams up Student Center. . mite balgck alctivities but) he said activity card. any student Can VOtC candidates running from the colleges "
sort of a flop. with Greeks milling about to the Students 'qUCStIOhS were answered 't’ d t ‘ld t d from9a.m. to 5 p.m.atthe Commerce of Dentistry. Library Science or Social ,
“i had seen other campus Greek sounds of a band weather bytwocandidateswhowereselected at Lecruiinggtu en swou no pro uce Building. Dickey Hall. Ag Science Professions. -
Weeks and decidedtotry and start one permitting. random as the primary respondents. appygtu aelliifviate “the racist .
here." he added. By i975. a formalized And just before the Greek Banquet. Other candidates were allowed ‘0 atmos here at UK .. as the uestioner . . .
Greek Week had gotten underway. phi Kappa Tau fraternity is respond t0~ the question ifthey'wished. ut it pMalkus said althouqh there is world Cit/zen DaVIS ‘
The Greek Activities Steering sponsoring the Mattress Marathon While primary respondents were iio sim le solution astart wgould beto 'V ' I
Committee used to plan and conduct Saturday morning. For hOUTS. alternated Untll each candidate had a informpstudents of the problem ' .
the week‘s events but it got to be too be innin at l0 a.m. in the turn. .. . .. . ' . / d 31- d ‘
much work. according to this year‘s Cogmmonfealth Stadium parking lot. ~——ln . response to the matter of "6:12: irrlilssttllr-eecfltlsnt)nSElEigllls’hOlsrallSC ea 8 year crusa e 1‘
Chairman. Sherrie Adair. “We have hi beds will be seen racing back and forth decreasmg funds for UK (because p ) - ~
people on this year‘s committee and decorated likejustabOuteverything more funds are being given to 8“]de Center Board to bring m ' . l ‘- ~
it‘s a lot of workjust for usto organize under the gun, Northern Kentucky University andthe programs Of interest to‘minorities. for Internationa peace '-y 1'
what events will be held." The 24th annual Greek Banquet is University of Louisville) Metcalf said . At one point the forum dissipated ,i
The various sororities and being held at the Hyatt where the fifSt Priority at UKiS to maintain ”"0 a debate between candidate By BRIDGET McFARLAND essential human right to choose a if;
fraternities go to the committeewith awards will be given for the fraternity the present level 0t programs while Malkus. and present 50 President Staff Writer political status.
proposed events and get the day and and sorority with the most trying to 8€t thSthCtOT'S salaries into Gene T{Ch"°r 0"” the matter Of a “By becoming a World Citizen. l
time OKed with the committee‘s participation in Greek activities the” average-above average level. campaign. “”9 _V'°iatt°h by Garry Davis. World Citizen was declaring myself a microscopic 2:. ' .
calendar. “That way we don‘t havetwo throughout the year. where the 5313““ are presently at a slightly president vice-preSident candidates Number l and founder and world peace. What happens ifmillions 33.11. ' ‘
events on the same day." Adair said. outstanding Greek Man and Woman below average level according to English and Bobby Pee Gunnell. coordinator of The World Service of us do this?” Davis said. ‘r:_L;L'
Palm said he thinks the purpose of will be honored. and where the Chi Meta”; Mah‘us 9har8€dthatTtChh0H5 Partiall Authority. told a UK audience Davis‘said individual who become —
the Greek Banquet is recognition. Omega Greek Sing winners will ”Math thought that emphasis ‘0 EngliSh Gunneli and that the yesterday that world peace can not World Citizens do not have to give up .‘. ‘
Greek Week was started to build perform.only namea fewofthethings ShOUId be placed 0" maintaining matter wt“ not. receive fa" treatment. start with nations but withindividuals. their current citizenship. r:3 , ,
' excitement for the banquet.whichis.a on the night‘s agenda. A dance will tobacco research at UK since tObaCCO The digressmn came as Malkus Davis invited the 'audience to ln1953Davisdeclaredtheexistence g,
‘ culmination of the year‘s activities. follow the dinner. is the number one cash ”GP in answered a question about how become World Citizens and join him of a World Government of World i
“This year will be a celebration of. i More examples of UK‘s Greek KChtUCKY- student interest i“ 50 CW” be “in the joyous destiny of world peace Citizens and founded the WSA as the -‘ '
:, think. a very SUCCCSStUi year.“ talent ““1 he exemplified at thC Chi —Replying to a QUCStiOh about the increased. and human fellowship." government‘s administrative agency.
1' in the past several years. the Omega Greek Sing on Thursday night make-up 0f UK h°t reflecting the - Davis was invited to speak atUKin The WSAissucs World Passports and . ‘ i .
. 1; attendance at the banquet has nearly after the Faculty-House DheCtOF social. cultural and ”“3131 make-up 0f WCIark said he thought that connection with international Week. birth certificates. The passports are
r tripled. The big question is whether Reception held at the Alpha Delta Pi the Slate Malkus said “That‘s (00 bad" making .Changes to ease thC prOblemS an annual event sponsored by the offically recognized by six countries ~
If everyone will last until Saturday. house to honor chosen professors and He said money ShOUId "0! be spent to 0f handicapped students would help international Student Office. and loo other countries have honored . ‘ I
a Adair said thCI’C 8"“ SO many things all house directors. “in the hour I speak about world the passports on a case-by-case basis.
" peace." Davis said. “we are 54.5 Davis said the passports are very 5'
o d a million closer to a world holocaust." valuable to some people. For refugees 7.
id PICKET LINES SPRANG UP YESTERDAY treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse. authorities DthS based his “8“" 9h theestimated Who possess “0 identity papers. the '3: ‘
0 around Kentucky as part of the Teamsters‘ Union said. S400 biilton the worlds nations spend World Passport is often their only :1. .
‘1 national strike.f0r a new contract. The fatal blaze. which began around 5 am. carnc annually onlarmament. . source for offiCIal identification. . "i“
campus A spokesman for Teamsters Local 89. representing only hours after another boarding house fire which DaVIs said the deficient at the '“For. a refugee. an“ identification a;
.. 4.000 drivers and warehousemen in the wide area of killed nine persons in ConnellsVille. Pa. Officulilstherel nuclear power plant in Harrisburg. Pa. cnsts is horrendous. Dayls said. IF:
. , . Kentuck and southern lndiana.saidthe union struck said the Sunday night fire was caused by ane mum is a « otent and dramatic symbol” of “Peo le without any official papers ii. " '
GOV. JM‘IAN (ARROLI‘ WILL SPEAK AT 23 firmsyin the Louisville area. including some of the overload of “numerous television sets and radios." an agsthat began in I945. Atthat time are ninexistent.” ‘ ’f. .
TOMORROWS wednCSday Noon Forum m lamest. - ‘ h id have been d 'd d that the Davis said other eo le car the if -
- courtroom of the Law Building. . - nat'on It. s on ea c P p ry .'"
- ‘ Spokesmen for the ““'°“ and ti" '“dus‘ry Citizens of the world would have to World Passport when they do not '5 .
' pred'md n ““0"“ "m several days “tom“ cm“ "“3 SUPREME COURT SAID TODAY i" reorder political power. Davissaid this want to be identified with a certain it
. htltlhe‘hutdown WBSMtWCWSC “Oh'umomtuc'tsm effect. that otherwise legitimate seniority systemsthat didn‘t happen but instead nations country because of the negative image g '
state so running. pe‘l’petlulite effects ofpast raCial bias do not Violate any maintained their borders. that country may have in other par“ of t;
' 7 e1Di:- cziirts. which ruled two years ago that such “I. decided hi" IP47 "I“ my thngflt‘: W Id Citizenshi and the i . . .
', ‘ agggfimss‘vfimtosm AIR ottALirv A RL‘RAL aoxaomo HOUSE spin or unioritysystemsdo not violateal9o4civi|rightslaw. I'°"“°"5h't’ ‘7‘: ““f"?“::“°“.’.:° w 1:”, :8 gemsnmo: hum i - ‘ J
, . . it easier for new industry CONCRETE AND GRANITE “burned like paper” left intact a decision barring minority workers from ongerla 3°C" con “C ”u a snici e . or a p 3 e -
4 to come into the state a state officml said yesterday. yesterday in a roaring fire that killed 26 residents and using at IBM civil rights law to sue Ryder Truck Lines Pth with my fellow'man, DhV't ““1 IS “0 chars: t° refuse“. Putems l .
Hisliam Sa aid.deputydirectorotthe division ofair sent the building's roof crashing down onto their inc. "l survwed World Warllbutlwdl not people and political prisoners. l . .
_ . ~ pollution control for the state Department of Natural bodies. authorities said. survive World War III and nor will my Applications forms are available t,
’ " ’ i :esources fight therflltmcntai Pmtection. said the Thirteen others survived. weather species." through the WSA. 529 Nth St.. NW. . = , . '
.‘ . . i epartment as givena irmative considerationto l40 Residents of the Straughan Wayside lnn included NS MONSOON SEASON with Davis said when he renounced his Washington. DC. 20045. ,
~ ., . f i :iii'etieiiiisniz‘i:oiiih:ai§8:::i:isc:.:::.b“23:83:: ii W10“ P'md m"! by “Winn“ 5““ airiziiegfgifrttgc next 43 hours eventhoughit us. citizenship in i948 and declared The WSA is headquartered in Basel. , . . ~ _
"Me Is a result. (“Wm WM" duh m mm“ mom" md Shoutd be “Bht Hist“ tOdIy W0“ 80 IbOVCSOV/ith himself a World Citizen he had simply Switzerland but has offices in '. . .V .
I' 1 t°"‘°"°"" hilt“ birch “'Chthlth‘ “PP"‘OS- chosenanew political identity. Hesaid Washington. D.C.. Tel Aviv and r ‘ j .
i . he believes individuals have an London. , . .
i l
" " ""' ' ‘ ‘.;".’"‘ “““"""""'~*“"’"“""' ""“ve-W-WW““M.Quin”.iv A i M U i ' W ”MW" “
i i i ‘ Ii ' ) . I i ‘ . ' i I ~ ' I. \ V \. l v
' . .. . . I .'. i ‘0‘. ..‘-- I“. ‘ .. ’

 . §:
‘ ‘ ' it
.. Steve Ilalllnger Ilsa llmard “will“ “I" Wilt" “In“ Jamie Vaught ‘ Torn Moran .‘
_ ,J/lllll' m ( lllt'l I.rlimriul IiIm-r ignoring“) H 1&1: Minor Spurn kill/m Din-rim a! leml’lll’l" ‘
O C an
‘ Steve Massey t
Richard McDonald Gregg Holds Ruth Mmineli ('Iri Willis John (‘lay I.lnda (‘alnpbcll
- llunaxmt’ Itlilur Jeanne Wehnes F. J9"! Tl" I““11"" 15/ hill“! Brian Rielerd Photo Manager 3
. . ."\'.illldlll‘ l.rlllul\ (UPI lililnri "HIV“!!! Spurn hllmri .
. editorials 89 comments . . . f,
. i .
It s tlme to make Student V———~ nothing else this week, vote to kill offthis pernicious
little item. Inflation shouldn‘t be dealt with by
YES unfairly charging all students for a health service
many of them neither need nor want. Health care
G ment res and to a" ' costs nationally are rising faster than almost ~
. over" anything else, and it‘s no different here. Students
who want U K‘s service are just going to have to pay
, g .. . . the frei ht. Su orters of this ' ‘
V How many of you readers who are students have authority. I here are two traditional-type N O that sgveral pgenchmark umf‘aesgicuztslint‘xt
even been to a Student Government meeting? D0 candidates in this year's race, perhaps the two mandator health fees Well that‘s no reason {0: '
you know what goes on at them? Do you care? D0 leading candidates. The approaches of Buzz English 'UK to duy licate another school’s mistakes UK's .
you CV9“ know the name 0t. your COllCSC'S senator? and Mark Metcalf to Student Government are relatively liigh ercenta e of off-cam us commuter ‘ 5
Anyone who‘s kept in touch with Student similar. Indeed many of their platform planks are p ~ g - p i
. .- . .M students and Lexmgton natives guarantees that .
Government or has just been at UK forthe last few the same. Both are Student Senators, and have “it,“ ‘s’, . many preferafamily h sician or their own doctor ‘
years would have to expectthat forthe vast majority made campus safety, improvements in campus «5 . » p y '
the answers to those questions would be negative recreation and improvements in teacherevaluations V 1‘2"“ x ~ KEN BERRY -— Best of all the humor candidates, 1
ones. And this is unfortunate. Only a small fraction and counseling major issues. After that, the two ‘_..'V " ‘ ' ”’ Berry by all accounts stole the show of last week’s 3
of the student body votes in 80 contests each year, have drawn on their experience in SC and ' ” i g.“ ,1 candidates forum. His plans include subsidizing The
with some senators commanding mandates of halfa familiarity with the University and the bureaucracy J, ' . l Invasion of Tennessee with sales of M&Ms and 1'
dozen votes. Spectator attendance atSGVmeetingSIS to make further suggestions about where 2 J. ft cocaine. holding Friday beer blasts in Clifton Circle, 1 .
almost ml, and partiVCipation from outsrders in SG improvements are needed. . . : t. etc. Berry could be counted on to make Student g. ‘
actiVities lS usually limited to members of pressure For example, Metcalf and running mate Srd Neal W w... Senate meetings a hell of a lot more entertaining ‘5
groups that want money or attention. want further standardization of teacher evaluation . , .3. than they are now. ‘ 3;,
This is neither an indictment of SO as a totally forms. longer hours of service at the Equinox, -§
irrelevant organization oracaricatureofthestudent Commons and K-Lair grills. Metcalfalsopledges to CHARLES MAIN .71 More than any other
body as a mob of apathetic oafs. It is simply include more women and minorities in 50 student, Charles Main knows everybody and "9
recognition that. as trends go, SG does not now programs. ‘ _ 9,. was}? everything at bl} and in Lexmgton. With Student VV
engage l“ “Otk that is important or interesting to English and Bobby Dee Gunnell have their own ' . . . ,. .. government he 5 a relative outSIderb— bfut tha't sto ~'
most 0t “'5 StUantS- platform of proposals. They want to expand student .. VVV ~ hts advantage. hfialh W021? C ree V30!“ .‘,
It‘s not for lack of trying. Certainly the recent representation in the University Senate, lobby in corrlijpromismg attac methtslan reetotryVnew‘i eas j
forums of candidates for governor and lieutenant local government toimprovetraffic safety inthe UK suC . 351‘” proposed 10 p 35mm” servrce, gripe Iv
governor of Kentucky were worthwhile endeavors. area, expand the Student Center check cashing sessions to keep contact w'th students, a tenants
, Student buying power cards. blood drives, and service, and a variety of other suggestions. . _ . . . ___l _ . . union andVa comprehenswe grant and scholarship
taking part in decisions about academic matters are Anyone who finds comfort in perpetuating the 1 am ..;;.'I. index. Main has struck conSistently Mame"): m; ‘
also important. Unfortunately. most people just kind of Student Government that now exists can «M one else convmcrngly dealsM with. i s Vlae ho
d0“ seem ‘0 W- Rigm‘y 0' “(met 50 “often find comfort in either Metealf or English‘s a t... memg ‘0 m0“ S‘Pgemsg him” '. “m "‘ 5'05
. . . . , _ . he, ‘71-;efitz-‘l‘j-‘li'r..l§ ::g;;:52i::25}?gs:gaf’.§9§,-gft§§§r;==f :55?‘_";§E5§-’:?E:~ “ ” 5.
perceived as a small. tightly knit group that is more campaign. They have the same kind of ideas and héjé was}; speeches matches eit er 0 '5 mainstream .
concerned with getting into graduate school or in come from the same kind of power bases that SG so: 0PPonents. liut h; has a sensefof pirspective ab’fijt _.
, . . . . , zt’tv 5:"- t . _., gt .2; ‘
making contacts for jobs than in servmg people. preSident‘s have come from in the past. it??? "'5; \ gig so that ma es 'm aware 0 “5 imitations.V e
What is truly unfortunate Is that attending an 50 More than likely this year‘s wmner Willultimately fist/6’, ’tfl/fivéjg‘i mercuVrialeunior has been hampered by a minimal 2‘.
meeting tends to reinforce such a cynical view. he the one with the most personal popularity, the *g A“ «5‘9»an organizational effort, anthe must count on .w‘d‘ ;;
There is sadlya great dealthat SG ought to be doing one whose SG career has offended the fewest ’i ' i it,” grass roots support (O'me' Those who attnbut;
that Simply doesn‘t get done. SC is decried 35 a farce People, and the one with the organization (friendS) 3 I 71133; W H these kmd words to Main 5- ormer assoc1ationfwn l5
and the vicious circle is in full swing with apathy that can best exploit these attributes. ,_ , t 1:2,; If: the VKemeVl as editorial editor: alref urawa re 0 rule 7"
lending to the problem. However. the ideal would be a $0 responsive to W ‘ “La"ledf sustation ":1 WA‘mhd _e ;E “in: tea :ch :
By regulations. new 50 leaders and senators are student needs, but able to maintainahealthy degree W 14%“ w at 5 un amenta y awe m ' a s a p ace .:
to be picked in electionstomorrow and Thursday. if of honesty as to their own limitations. 50 has a i 2”” = to start. ._
tradition holds. the next president will be someone horrifying tendency to take itself far too seriously. . . s : KYLE MACY _ Has run a very low-key write-in f
who is now a senator. who is from a fraternity with This year‘s election goes beyond the traditional '" campaign for an at-large Student Senate seat. Well
clout. and who has many friends. For people who candidacies of Metcalf and English. This year ' actually he hasn‘t said he even wants the job. But
plan 0“ voting. these questions are significant: In several candidates are approaching 50 from ‘ Macy‘s an excellentchoice nonetheless: He averages
what direction would this year‘s candidates direct Without instead of within. The campaigns ofCharles well into double figures has good court sense, never :
50? What direction should it 30? Main. the Bert Clark/ Peggy Curtin ticket, the WW ' takes a bad shot hits almost all free throws and isa ‘3
L90“ Vafjlah thinks he khOWS- Varjian has been Chuck Malkus/ Craig Ross ticket and the vice- 1% natural leader. Seriously it's time varsity athletics :
"lee president 0f the student association at the presidential hOPCtUl (7) K6" Berry. offer viable hadarepresentativeintheSenate.lfnothingelse,he 3%
University of Wisconsin. As happened at several alternatives and a real chance for a serious change 9 could respond to griping from burned-out radicals ‘5:
other schools. the Wisconsin student body elected a (hopefully for the better) in Student Government. about the Luxurious Basketball Dorm and other 3
“gag"slate 135‘ year.which gavethem an all-campus Whether any Of these aspiring candidates can h charges of preferential treatment forathletes. Pssst! i"
toga party. hilarious meetings and promises of naval mobilize enou h voters to win or even affect the 1%?“ ' ' - ’ L
b - h f b ll d‘ l . g . . . it t . ithould work. There are l5 at large seats. Vote for
com at in t e oot a sta ium. t was a Step Up results is not certain. What is assured, though, is \ ,. ,2 him “
from Var’ian‘s da sasa raduate student atanother t ' ' ‘ H ' ’
h 1 VJh h Y . g _ . hat voters have several ways to go this time if they 45» ta; '2 CA WOOD: Marv dribbles up court. stops. hands v.5;
so 00 .w ere eorganized toy sailboat races. edited cast 50 preSidential and Vice preSidential ballots. . 955% fi the ball to the ref— and now Kyle's putting on a ‘3
the April Fools edition of the campus paper and ran They can vote for the experience and continuity of suit walki’n off the floor _ Ralph I’ve never seen a I
for mayor With a promise toturn the campus into an English or Metcalf. or the new blood of Bert Clark V ' . .g . ' at;
k . . t .3. = anything like this . . .
amusement par - Charles Main or Chuck Malkus. . H.532? ' . ' ' ‘
l ‘ 0 ~ . . .2; we RALPH: Theres a Student Government meeting ~:
rresponsrble. Of course. But whosto say whats No matter where your preference lies there‘s " . . . - -
' - - . . . ' if . tonight, Cawood. Kyles mtroducmg an tmportani '7..}
more important. A student assocration (the term more than one option this year but itdoesn‘t do any .. 221%; 3. ,. . . I "
.. , .. - - . ' ' s 2.;- . resolution. Hes quite a young man. 3.
government IS a wretched misnomer. as 80 does good if less than l0 percent of the student body gets a “f?- _' CA WOOD' ye folks you won '1 meet many like
no actual governing) that can entertain, or a sober- out to vote. It’s your Student Government and it‘s / him Gertie/in ef'inbou'n-ds the ball
faced assemblage that passes pretentious time to speak up for what you want it to be. Keep I g . I ' {'1
resolutions that are ignored by those with real that in mind on Wednesday and Thursday. '
Student GOVBI'D t t I I d'dat S
At_|arge haven‘t been earth-moving the Student Government student needs. As an elected Phillip Cassidy concern for myfellowstudents. them. I want to put forth the , ‘
enough for a campus of UK‘s A550C|3t10h 0t KCDtPCkY senator I would have the To provideastrong voice for Among other things 1 would time and energy needed to do '
Anne m, Andrews size. This should change. and (SGAK) and VICC’PFCSIdcm capacity to insure the all UK students. to dissent like to see enforcement of the the job right. i -
I would like to get more I‘d like to add my two-cents (electlof VSGAlt. I feel these employment of such needs. when necessary and to actively crosswalks with citations to Barbara Cook V: V
involved in the Student worth to accomplish some- qualifications ”'95th my Torn Cana seek opinions and ideas from drivers who fail to yield to [want the chance to study
Government and help thing. deSire to work "t Student A S dry those students who seem to students in a crosswalk. the issues which affect the r‘
d‘ , . ~ . . Government and with my tu ent Government ' . '
coor inatc student actiVities. senato h ld II have been conSistently ' student body and l m l
l bel' - Rudy A. Blsciotti Word to back me. I am '3 'l’.w°“ . a W mcto ' JIM Ch! - '
new. that the primary . . be that wt l I k be 0V¢fl°0k€d by 50 m the PaSt- es ecially concerned about ‘
function of Student Govern- To me. Student Government running for re-elcction as st d ‘ at, In tween Frances E Catron I feel that the needs 0f the ' P hich affect the older i' .
ment sh ld . represents an excellent way to senator-at-Iarge. u ""3 Pfo lems Vand their ' . Dental school need to be well issues w a V ,
on also be to make it answers Bern a re d h II I have had past experience students on campus and would .
easier {0 h not only become more aware of Sha K 3 Ier . ' 8 5' ence a - - . represented. A5 I am VCl’Y - - '
. rt e students to cope _ th bl ron - Ilt . president has made me aware working in student organiza- . . h like to have some v0ioc inthoee .
With the day-to-day pressures e pro ems and needs of the lhave always beeninterested of the majority of these tions at UK and feel I know interested m "m only I e decisions. I think the Student :
and problems of college “ch 5:1dcnls, big: it also gives mca in serving in Student problems ' I believe this what a significant number of concerns of the dental student Government isnt 100““. after V
c ance to come an integral Government and feel I would experience will aid me in students want out of our body bl" the student body “.8 the students‘ interests as wellas
Karen J. Barnes part of the deCIswn-making en'o the 'ob Alsolwould like . . whole. I am running for this .
_ d . . . j y j . presenting the best solution to Student Government. l have .. they could. .
‘ 8 C any years to see the interests 0 th . ' ' ' ' . .
Dur n th m (9) l process ceisions that Wlll ' f c any students problem the time and energy reqUired to position as senator at large Tom Coward
haze been a student at UK 7 :Vltténattelyt ‘32th all 0t the College of Medicine and ' do an excellent job for SO and If elected I can promise i
. . . u en s a in one wa or - - . ‘ - "
u" fergrad I gradduatc and another , y