xt7j6q1sj855 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j6q1sj855/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-04-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1977 1977 1977-04-26 2020 true xt7j6q1sj855 section xt7j6q1sj855 Vol. LXVIII. Number 152
Theoday, April 26, 1977

Rescission now possible

Class withdrawal question puton U-Senate agenda

Assistant Managing Editor

The Semte Council yesterday
placed a prqrosal f0r rescission of
the new and controversial class
withdrawal policy on the agenda of
the May 2 meeting of the University

The motion, introduced by student
senator Marion Wade, came after a
lengthy debate about the effects the
policy mighthavehad on last week’s
student registration and on an-
ticipated administrative problems
in the future.

Arts & Sciences Dean Ben Black
said at the meeting that he en-
countered an unusual number of
students overscheduling classes last
week, a fact he said he found
“disturbing considering the new
policy was supposed to cut down on

But Black said his chief objection
to the new policy was that it would
place too great a burden on the
dos ns of various colleges, who would
be required to make decisions about
students' attempts to drop classes
after the end of the first quarter of
the semester.

Under the new policy, any student
who attempts to drop a clas after

the first quarter of the semester
must prove an extended illness or
urgent distress in order to obtain

What are ‘urgent reasons"!

“How do you define ‘urgent
reasons‘?" Black said. “If a student
comes in and says ‘I thought my
girlfriend was pregnant and I
haven‘t been able to study for six
weeks’ thenl have to draw the line.

“How are we going to get any
comistency from college to college?
I’m going to have trouble being
consistent just within Arts &
Sciences,” Black said. “It‘s just not
animprovement on the old system."

Professor Gerald Janecek, who
originally proposed the new
procedure, said it was needed to
prevent student abuses of the
learning process.

“A course is a contract between a
professa' and a student. It seems
only fair to require student com-
mitment at an early date. I think
that commitment should come
before the midterm because I think
it should come before any grade is
given," Janecek said.

Janecek also said he didn’t think
administrative considerations were


'an independent student newspaper]

important in determining the value
of the new procedure. “I don't think
we should be swayed by ad-
ministrative problems,” he said,
“because it‘s a problem of
educational theory."

5.000 oppose new policy

Sturhnt' Government. President
Mike McLaughlin told the Council
that he had nesrly 5,000 student
signa tur$ on petitions in opposition
to the new policy. He urged students
to contact their professors who are
mernbersof the Senate in order to let
them know how they feel about the
policy before next Monday’s Senate
meeting. -

Passage of the motion by the
Senate Council does not mean sure
approval of the rescission. However,
the fact that it will appear on the
May 2 agenda is an important vic-
tory for supporters of rescission
since only a majority vote will be
needed for the measure to pass the
full Senate.

If suppa'ters had been forced to
introduce the proposal on the floor of
the Senate, a two'thirds vote would
have been required for passage.

In addition to the rescission
proposal, the council approved a

Long range construction plans
reflect changing trends, needs

This is the second of a two-part
series on University land use.

Kernel Staff Wrier

As student enrollment and
academic trends change, so must a
University change to meet growing
needs, according to Peter Fit-

“Program planning is the heart of
expansion,” said Fitzgerald,
director of the office of policy and
operatiors analysis. “Instruction,
research and public service is more
important than construction. By
focrsing on which programs are
being developed we can see how we
are expanding and in what direc-

Last year a five yeér plan for l975-
80 was compiled through the
President’s office. It dealt with
facility construction and renovation
priorities and is already in the
process of being updated.

“It was already a year old when
published," Fitzgerald said. “We
would like to establish a regular
cycle of updating the plan bien-
nially, concurrently with the budget,
since (the budget and plan) are
fundamentally the same thing."

Each vice president takes
responsibility for generating


planning materials in his area,
Fitzgerald said. A description of
program needs, like square feet
occupied for various uses like office
space and academics, are presented
to the University cabinet in June,
and changes are reviewed according
to priorities. After approval,
proposals are submitted to the
Council of Public Higher Education
and the Department of Finance in
Frankfort, Fitzgerald said.

880 million over 10 years

Funds to finance projects are,

obtained through state ap-
propriatiors, student tuition and
fees or gifts, Fitzgeraki said. More
than $0 million was spent between
l965andl§75 forcapitalconstruction.

“Neetb are always greater than
what they are assessed to be,"
Fitzgerald said. “When evaluating
project costs we must take into
consideration resource limitations,
economic inflation, and the ex-
pansion of knowledge, experience
and furrlamental programs that we
must maintain, and present all this
in one packaged plan."

The UK Division of Desrgn and
Constructim becomes involved in
implementing building projects
after they have received approval

and funding, according to architect
Warren Denny.

“If it‘s a mini: job like parking
lots or lighting then our dfice
handles it,” said Paul Kearney,
assistant director. “Otherwise we
use an outside consultant whose
work we oversee."

Continued on page 3

motion to delay the implementah'on.
date for the new proposal from next
fall to next spring.

Other council action

In other action, the council ap-
proved a change in the admissions
policy of the College of Law. Under
the new mles, there will be no
minimum standards for admission,
a move which several council

I Bubgiing over

Sharon lhrvis and Suzy Milfelt are both nursing
seniors. and to prepare for their impending

departure from academia


members questioned because of the
increased workload it will place on
the admissions committee.

But Thanas P. Lewis, dean of the
college, said the faculty and the
committee itself had recommended
the change and that they did not
anticipate problems.

“There's not‘ really much
misunderstanding generally about
what our students need to get in sol
don't see much problem there. (The

they rehearse atlast.

Student concerns poll

Analysis reveals few differences among classes

Kernel Reporter

Earlier this semester the Kernel
published a threepart series con-
cerning a survey of student needs,
satisfactions and dissatisfactions.
The survey was designed by Dr.
Robert Zu mwinkle, vice president of
student affairs.

Conducted in April, 1976 the
survey questioned 1,088 randomly
selected students who had attended
UK for at least one year.

The four-page survey was divided
into three parts. One dealt with
background information; another

specifically questioned students

about academic, social, economic.

and health; the last asked for
written comments on the students‘
most and least satisfying ex-
periences at UK.

After each of the more than 100
questions in the second part,
students were asked to check
whether the area in question had
touched upm an individual need or
concem at any time during the
schod year. If the response to that
question was in the affirmative,
students were asked if the need had
been met well, moderately or not at

Jo Ann Thompson, a graduate
assistant who did substantial work
in analyzing the survey, said that
“not at all" answers point out
problem areas. “If a student
respmds ‘no,‘ saying that his needs
have not been met, that's strong;
there isn‘t any quibble. We analyze
by the 'no’ resporses," Thompson

(in April 4, an analysis of the.

survey—by six academic class
levels—was published. However,
there weren‘t as many differences
among the class level responses as
had been expected by those who
designed the survey.

University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

‘new policy) should also eliminate
some asumptions people may have
.had abort automatic acceptance
because of ISAT scores and GP ,"
Lewis said.

The council also approved a
measure calling for the formation of .
graduate centers in Toxicology and
voted to define a series of courses in
the Master of Arts in Education
degree program as “options in the
program, not new courses."

—Elt light

graduation. complete with nursing caps and bubble
gum passed out as a reward for making it to the end

Zumwinkle pointed out some of the
most interesting findings. “The
following student needs are those
which we might have expected to
yield differences among class levels,
but which in fact did not result in
such differences at a sufficient
confidence level.

“One question concerned the
students understanding of himself.
That seems to me to be‘one of the
outcomes of college life. But instead,
the studerts‘ satisfaction with his
understanding of himself, did not
change over his years at UK."

Zumwinkle said that students‘
personal arouaintances with their

(‘ontinued on back page




Abotl 2.6 billion gallons of raw sewage has been
dumpedinto the Ohio River in Iouisville in the past
month arxl officials in downstream cities have been
told to continue purifying water supplies in-
definitely. Although the raw sewage poses a
potentional heth threat to downstream cities in
Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois that get water from
the (trio, tests indicate the sewage thus far has
causd no serious contamination of the river,
Hagan Thompson, a spdresman for the federal
Environmental Protection Agency, said yesterday.
However, he said dficials are hoping for moderate
temperatures and that the water level of the river
doesn‘t drop because “then the problem could be
greater than it is now."

The state law calling for a primary election for
district ckcui court judges was declared tn-
constitutional yesterday by Jefferson Clrcrrit Court
Judge George B. Ryan Ryan, who permanently
enhined Secretary of Stab Drexell Davb frun
detarrinirg the order of name on judcial ballots

and from certifying the winners, said the law
violated the spirit of the judicial amendment
passed by the Kentucky voters in 1975. Both Davis
and Jefferson Atty. J. Bruce Miller said they will
appeal Ryan‘s decision.

Robert DePrez. an antlbushg leader in
Louisville, says 1,000 gallons of gasoline may be
dumped into the Antlantic Ocean in a kind of
modern day Boston Tea Party to dramatize op-
positim to cram-ordered desegregation. “Forced
busing is going to lead to more fuel being used and
more fuel B going to lead to higher taxes," Der
said. The Boston gasolme caper may not come off
"became we m'ght have to get some kind of a
permit from the EPA," he said.


Some res... Americans who bought rm
Buicks,0ldemobilea or Pontiac: powered by
special longterm warranty on thet present oar,
General Motors Corp. slammed yesterrhy. GM

officiab sa id they hoped the proposal would resolve
mounting consumer complaints and court actions
conceming the ergine flap, which began two
mantis ago when an Illinois man discovered his
Oldsmobile Delta 88 was powered by a Chevy
engine instead of the widely advertised ()lds

Atty. General Griffin Bel declared yesterday he
is standing by his decision to prosecute and FBI
man for allegedly illegal mad-opening and
wiretarping. Bell told reporters he has given no
thought to the possibility of dropphg the charges
agrinst former supervisor John Kearney despite
FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley‘s request that he
reconsider the matter. “What‘s at stake is the rule
of law," Bell said. “1ny break the law, ordinarily
ym suffer the consequences."


A total cairn followed by gale-force winds and 20-
foot waves yesterday blocked efforts to cap the
tlredayold will of oil from the Bravo rig in die

North Sea and to contain the spreading slick. The
offshore oil well operated by the Phillips Petroleum
Co. continued to spew out natural gas and 49,000
gallons of crude oild every hour, feeding a slick
already in miles long and three miles wide in
Norway‘s Ekofisk oil field.

Citizens of Guernica, Spain have asked the
Spanish government to acknowledge the role of the
former Franco regime in the bombing that 40 years
ago muted Guernica and made it a symbol for
fascist brutality and horror bombing of civilians.
Marking the anniversary this week of the April 20.
I931, raid that shocked the world, historians and
towrspeople asked the government to “end to years
of lies" and retract the Franco version that
Basques dearoyed theh' own town.

We want May 7

Tonightwll heelear'andellllyJowneern.








editorials 8: commends 5.2-2;

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University"


Ibo lac
but lair
: 3...: la- hl Relu-
W («Not m
In). an... Ito-art loam
Alto l‘c Ip-u Mv
Naughty an...“ mm

ummm.muemu~.my 1",“M




Pollution just stays. >

as industry delays

Lexington like most expanding cities is suf-
fering from a serious water pollution problem.
But in Lexington‘s case, the situation is com-
plicated by dangerously high levels of toxic
pollutants which are being dumped into the

water supply system.

While Lex ington's polllution problem is not as
severe as that in Louisville, which was forced to
close its water trea tment plant when the highly
toxic “hexa” was discovered in the water, it is

nonetheless a serious problem.

According to local officials, at least 20 local

industries are discharging

Lexington‘s sewer system that exceed local and
federal regulations. Some of the industries are
exceeding acceptable levels by as much as 800


The worst polluters are four metal-plating
companies, which discharge waste material that
is toxic to bacteria essential to the sewage-
treatment process, according to an article in

Monday’s Lexington He rald.

In addition, the treatment process is hindered
by meatprocessing plants that dump hair, in-
testines and coagulated blood into the water. The
meat refuge clogs the sewage-treatment
equipment and must be raked out periodically.

Obviously, the local standards for allowable
pollution are not being met. The local pollution
ordinance, passed in 1973, sets maximum
allowable levels of heavy metals and certain
chemicals, and prohibits the discharge of animal
parts or any other viscuous substance that might

’cause obstruction to the flow in sewers or in-
terference with the proper operation of the
sewerage works.

While it should be pointed out that only 20 of the
more than 150 industries in the Lexington area

are serious polluters, the situation still

represents a serious health hazard to Lexington
residents. It ’s been four years since the pollution
ordinance was passed and yet local industries
are not meeting required standards.

Admittedly, the process for curtailling

wastes into sidered as a

pollution is expensive, but it should be con-t

legitimate cost of running a

business. Somebody has to clean up the mess and
if it is not paid for by the offending industry then
. the burden falls on taxpayers.

It has been estimated that metal-removing

machines would cost approximately $34,000 per
plant to imtall. While this may seem expensive,
it is nonetheless a necessary business expense.

Local government has the authority to impose

a $100aday fine for industries that fail to

comply with pollution standards. So far, the fine
has not been imposed. Of course, government
should be reasonable in allowing industry time to
install costly equipment, but it has been four
years and the problem still remains.

The longer industry delays, the more ex-
pensive the clean—up process will be. Moreover,
1health hazards will increase. The Urban County
government should make it clear that further
delays will not be tolerated and that it will begin
imposing the maximum fine for noncompliance.

Squeezed out

Corbin editor Cranord is railroaded



‘st Your"





The laws the law

As I am only a second-semester
freshman, many will pass over what
I have to say as “just so much im-
mature trash,” but I feel that it is

Last week, as anyone who values
sleep knows, there were a lot of
parties on campus. All along
“fraternity row,” students were
flockingto parties every night. What
they do at those parties is, by now,
accepted behavior; therein lies the
tragedy which concerns me.

following editorial against coal operators

Editor‘s Note: The following
editorial appeared on a recent front
page of the Corbin Times Tribune.
The writer. Jim Lee Crawford, is
editor of the daily newspaper. The
day after the editorial appeared.
local coal operators stopped work on
a grading project at a local park.
The operators agreed to resume
work on the project if Crawford
resigned his position on the Corbin
Recreation Commission. By a 4-1
vote. the commission asked
Crawford to resign; he complied
with the commission's request.
Obviously. Crawford has been
railroadod out of the position he
served faithfully for several years
by the powers of the coal industry.
The coal operators were livid
because Crawford linked the
severity of the Eastern Kentucky
flooding to siltation in stream bot-
toms. Assessing the exact effect of
strip mining on the flood requires
some analysis. It should be per-
formed by the state as the Kernel
advised in an earlier editorial. In-
stead Gov. Carroll has blindly
defended the industry as has
Department of Natural Resources
Secretary Robert Bell. Their actions
leave the door open for the type of
spineless maneuvering that vic-
timized Jim Lee Crawford. who has
not only been an active citizen. but
has built one of the finest daily
newspapers in his part of the state.

"A generation goes. and a
generation comes. but the earth
remains for ever."

— Ecclesiastes 1:4

Coal mining has always been a
melanchdy business scarred by
bitterness and tragedy.

Most people touched by it have
suffered. Mining creates victims.
The men who go down into the
blacknes of the earth to dig coal and
sometimes never return to the
sweetness of a spring morning. The
men who are crippled by slate falls

or the slower, but infinitely crueler
effects of black lung. The old
mountain women who must watch
helplessly as their small homes are
destmyed by voracious bulldozers
tearing away the earth to reach a
seam of coal.

Coal mining squeezes people. Not
many years ago miners were paid in
company scriptwhich bound them to
the usurious prices of the company
store as surely as if they were
slaves. if a miner wanted dollars he
had to pay a high discount rate for

Kentucky and Big Sandy rivers
raged out of control wiping out the
lifetime labor of untold thousands.
High water is not new to the
mountains, but the ferocity of last
week’s flood was unprecedented.
The US. Corps of Engineers an-
ticipated a few years ago that once a
century the Cumberland would have
a crest of 35 feet. After that mark
was reached last week, the
Engineers calculate the Cum~
berland may someday have a crest
of 47 feet. If this should occur the
Cumberland Valley will be

'You can put the social conscience

of the average coal operator in

your eye and never feel a moment

of discomfort.’


In some respects. the men who
truck coal today face the same
predicament. Operators control the
hauling price, so if a man works
hard he may earn enough to
maintain his rig and support his
family. Of course, being in-
dependent gives him a sense of self-

However, the trucker’s in-
dependence also suits the operator,
who is looking for ways to evade
responsibility for the destruction of
secondary roads throughout

Southeast Kentucky. The trucker

has no reswrces to repair roads.
While his taxes may seem high to
him. they seldom amount to enough
to put gravel on one mile of ripped
up road. mud'i less restore the
blacktop. So the people who live
along the hauling roads choke on
dust in the summer and wallow
through mud in the winter.
Everybody feels sorry for them, but
no one is willing to remedy the
situation. We simply have two more
sets of victims.

And now we have the tragedy of
last week when the Cumberland and


devastated and the loss of life will be

Uncontrolled strip mining is
responsible for what happened last
week. Not farming. Not road
building. Not subdivisions. Just strip

Coal operators have traditionally
battled any attempt to hold them
respmsible for the safety of the
people they employ or the
reclamation of the land they have

You can put the social conscience
of the average coal operator in your
eye and never feel a moment of

Strip mining has destroye‘d the
watershed of the Cumberland Valley
and polluted its streams with silt.
This is not a new phenomenon. But
when people first complained about
the destruction of the stream, they
were told jobs for people were far
more important than clear water
and fish. Maybe so. But last week
this pil'losophy resuked 'm the

destruction of Pineville which

thought it was safe behind its
floodwali. The river lapped over the

protective embankment and finally
crumbled away a section of the
'tloodwall burying Pineville under 15
to 20 feet of water and muck.
Next year it may be worse. The
problem is that todaya smaller rain
causes a bigger flood. The high
water happem more quickly, too.

With the hundreds of miles of-

stripped hillsides, there’s no way the
water can be absorbed. So it rushes
down the valley in stream beds
glutted with silt. The results are

Abolition of mining isn’t the an-
swerbecausethe area needs the jobs
created by the industry and the
nation needs the coal with which the
mountains are so richly endowed.

Man was given dominion over the
earth, but he must learn to exercise
his authority within the lenient and
forgiving framework of rules laid
down by the Master Builder. When
man disturbs the balance of nature,
he ultimately must pay the penalty
for his greed

This beautiful earth was not
created for the whim and indulgence
of our generation alone. We have
stewartship of the land for a few,
brief years and then we must
relinqu'sh it to the next generation.
We have no right to destroy the land.
This is all any conservationist or
environmentalist ever says to us.
Prserve the earth which God has
created so it may nourish and

'sustain others’wbo will follow.

With strictly enforced
reclamation, most forms of strip
mining can continue in Southeastern
Kentucky. But our hills must be
revegetated and our stream must
be cleaned. In the process there
may be fewer diamond rings and
Rolls Royces for the operators. So be
it. -
i can muster little sympathy for
coal operators because they have
seldom shown compassion for the

people of our mountains. They have

treated the land and the people who

.inhabit it with callous indiference.

The time has come to curb their



H r nfiéfiiokv
srvomdinm Alums





Kentucky state law explicitly
prohibits minors (anyone under 21)
from consuming alcoholic
beverages, and it prohibits
ANYONE from consuming drugs.
However, those who participated in
last week‘s parties (and, indeed,
every week‘s parties) acted like
those laws don’t exist.

That is wrong. The law is the law,
and it should be respected.

in cmclusion, just let me say this;
America is the only free nation on
this Earth, andit is a privilige to live
here. it is a small thing to ask to
obey a few simple laws. so wise up.
If you don‘t like the laws, leave the

Albert Hatfield
868 Freshman

Too much. greed,

Some monkeys found a tree of
coconuts. They ate their fill and
garnered the rest for winter. Some
humans found a tree of coconuts.
They fumed and fussed and built a
fence around the tree, did some
preposterous advertising and sold to
those who could buy luxuries,
leaving the hungry to eat leaves.

Similarly, the human race found
some energy, built a fence around it,
and is now selling it to the highest
bidder. What is everybody‘s need
becornesa few people‘s greed, so the
Carter plan is to set up an energy
control that will rival the Pentagon,
so that competition willwork in spite
of fences.

Sixteen farm coops are following
the monkey route. instead of

building fences they have federated
to own a nd control their own oil from
the ground to the tractor gas tank. In
Canada, some farmers even make
their own tractors to consume the
gas. When production is for use and
not for profit citizens discard the
fussing and fuming and competition
and waste and depravity.

'Ihis wealthiest nation on earth is
discovering the hard way that the
Creator made some energy in
abundance that cannot be fenced in.
But since it can‘t be fenced. thereis
no profit, so this bounty is largely
ignored. When we are confronted
with enough darkness and enough
cold, we will either perish or we will
cooperate to absorb the sunlight in
our houses and in our gadgets.

Energy answers, Mr. Carter, are
not as much in Congress as they are
in our-culture. Simple living can
curtail demand and housetop sun-
shine can cut the cost and
cooperatim can furnish an equitable
distribution, but such a logical
solution won’t work for our greed
stands in the way. in the midst of
lndian poverty Gandhi said, “We
have enough for everybody‘s need

but not enough for everybody’s'

Ja mes D. Wyker
Berea, Ky.

Loves Dick

1 think Dick Downey writes a good
article each week but I don‘t care
enough to write and tell him.

Sandra Haumgarten
Education junior

Where did they go?

Margaret Bronston was a student at
UK in Hits-46 and took classes in
McVey "all. Today she is once again
a student at UK. and. is again at-
tending classes in McVey. “I used to

run up those steps and though l'm
not exactly ancient I head for that
'portal of knowledge' a little slower
now. though no less eagerly.” she





The stone steps lead up to the portal
of knowledge.

Once they were gleaming new and

Now they sloop gently with age

Worn by the pressure of feet that
have climbed them,

that have descended them.

Young feet and old

Happy feet and sad

Light footsteps dancing upward
Heavy ones plodding down


Snowy feet in winter
Sandaled feet in summer
Coming, going, coming, going

The stone steps mutely count the

butdothey wonder? ‘

The first-time feet, what were the

The last-time feet, where did they

Margaret Berry-man Breastea









n oil from
s tank. In
ren make
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r use and
:card the

reanh is
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rergy in
‘enced in.
l, thereis
s largely
l enough
r we will
rnlight in
rter, are
they are
ring can
stop sun-
tst and
Il' greed
midst of
id, “We
v‘s need

rybody's '

t. Wyker
'rea, Ky.


s a good
)1 care

n junior


Igh I'm
’or that
r.” she







UK sets building priorities
as part of ’five-year plan’

(‘onthtued from page I

“Since ‘the academic
program plan usually ex-
ceeds the budget we advise
the University how to best
meet their needs and
requirements with the money
available,“ Denny said.

The Division of Engineers
in Frankfort handles business
aspects and contract

negotiations with the chosen

lowbidding architect, Denny
said “While ourdepartment
deals more closely with
program requirements and
the teaching function, the
Division of Engineers ensures
that the cmtractor follows
certain guidelines like con-
forming to energy

Current projects worth 830

Projects presently un-
derway represent more than
$30 million of funding, ac-
cording to Clifton Marshall,
division of design and con-
struction director and ar-
chitect. These include the
Fine Arts Building (expected
completion October, l978),

Sanders-Brown Research
Center on Aging, Medical
Center Primary Care
Facility. Law School ad-
dition, West Kentucky Sui}
station, College of Nursing-
Health Sciences Training
Center and libraries and
student centers at various
community colleges around
the state.

Next on the building
priorities list—but not yet
underwaywaccording to
Marshall, are a new Art and
Architecture Building, ad-
ditions to the Seaton Center
and Student Center, an Earth
Science Building, a Fine Arts
annex, new boilers for the
central heating plant, and a
second phase to the Biological
Science Building~although it
was just completed in 1975—
because it is a strong
program in need of ex-

Some buildings only need
renovation. Priorities in this
area include the Journalism
Building, Pence Hall,
Mathews Building, Alumni
Gym, McVey Hall and Taylor

Education Building, Marshall


Energy conservation stressed

Energy conservation and
safety prrgrams are also
being initiated, Marshall
said. “We‘re trying to con.
serve energy loss by
replacing windows with
thermopane so less heat

A “Delta 2000“ computer
system is being considered
for the physical plant,
Marshall said. It is an energy
monitoring and safety system
that also alerts the plant of
fire or any trouble in the

Expansion of the Service
Building is another priority,
Marshall said. "We want to
add another floor and move
the business services,
computer center and radio
station there.“

Medical Center expansion
priorities include the
Primary Care Center, a new
College of Pharmacy
Building, modernization and
exparsion of animal care
facilities, and renovations—
especially at the University
hospital where safety defects
need correction—and im-

proving the parking situation
by adding a parking structure
or lot.

“Parking elsewhere is a
real problem, too; there is no
denying it.“ Marshall said.
“Still, (the problem is)
comparatively minimal for a
large institution. As space is
made available through the
demolition of houses and
buildings, we would like to
expand our l4,000 parking
spaces,“ he said.

Areas near Blazer Hall and
Memorial Coliseum are
possible parking sites,
Marshall said. "We‘re also
continuing our program of
paving around the stadium
and expanding parking south
of Research 3 and north of Old
Porter Church, which will
provide an additional 97

We goofed

Because of an oversight,
the Kernel failed to report
that Mitzi Swope, an
education sophomore, was
crowned Little Kentucky
Derby Queen.


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