xt7j6q1sgs2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j6q1sgs2n/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1932 journals kaes_circulars_254 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 254 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 254 1932 1932 2014 true xt7j6q1sgs2n section xt7j6q1sgs2n ® . évy
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
I ~ » E `
| . Q
 R  F
L_i,   4 A
E x   ,  
g W N- J V  
·1 V  i §
Lexington, Ky.
January, 1932
Puhli:d in <·rm11ac·ti1m with the z1;:‘ric·ulturul oxtvhsioii work <·:1rried rm
by <·o<>per:1tim1 of the (Wiiegc of Agxrioulturei. L'niversity of Kentucky, with
the U. S. I>e]mrtment of Ag,riuulturv·, amd disLribuu~d in furt\wr:im·e of the
work provided for in the Aut of (T()IljL,’l`(¥SS nf May S, 1914. E

A will

The 4-H Club Girl’s Afternoon or Party Costume. i
  The anticipation of a party is a I
r . tln·ill to every girl. However, to
! enjoy this occasion, her party costume
""   must be as carefully chosen as her
 `ii; ;‘—,   ii i; school costumes. She should study
mji`·'1 her own personality in order to decide ‘
‘   » ° what type of frock best expresses her
{   _ individuality. If a girl has arrived
Ji at this problem thru the 4-H club
r [ clothing route, she should have ac-
. quired a fair degree of skill in sewing
and the basic principles of selection
*·*·'·* and good grooming.
a In selecting the material for an
wm afternoon or party dress, plenty of
' time should he spent in the compari-
son of fabrics. Sheer cottons, that
may be laundered, are fashionable.
They have the advantage of freshness and crispness which are
qualities of daintiness essential to youthful charm. Simplicity
and girlishness are the keynotes of party clothes for girls of teen
age. A sheer cotton material, dainty in weave and color, and
carefully designed to express the personality of the individual,
will enhance the charms of any -1-H club girl.

4 If(?’Ilfl(('f.`·_lj E.zrtens1`012 Circulmr N0. .9:34 7
A party costume should not be expensive tho the material Tt FO]
may cost. more than that for a school dress. Most girls have gm,
several. school dresses but only one party frock.  
The club girl of party age should keep an account of her S' Phi
clothing expenditures. A personal account book has been pre- 9· Th°
pared for each girl in this unit. lf she will keep her accounts dm
accurately, she will tind the record helpful in her future budget- ]O· Th
ing and buying.
The organization of this unit of the clothing program is
similar to the organization of preceding units. Club girls at A_ M;
this age should be capable of conducting their own meetings le`.
and of giving real help to their leader. fg]
Most girls are eager to give demonstrations along the line be.
of their work. They enjoy working in groups of two which are tm
called teams. Often they are able to plan and deiinitely outline ab
their own demonstrations with only a few suggestions from the
leader or home demonstration agent. B. P.
Also at this age, girls are more interested in correct clothing th
and are prone to compare thei1· own clothing with that of their 5g
associates. Such an inclination rightly directed is an excellent al
asset for training in clothing judging. Suggestions for organiz- Si
ing such judging work may be had from the county home demon- W
stration agent or by writing to the state 4-H club office. U
, F
1. The planning of a complete costume suitable for one of the tl
following occasions; church, graduation, afternoon tea. or C F
party. ' `
2. The making of a dress. ]
2). The making of at least two undergarments. Additional
undergarments, needed to complete the costume, may hr
selected. Y
4. The making or selecting of accessories to complete the cos-
  The selecting of shoes and hose.
" 6. The making or selecting of a hat.

 The J-H Club Girl’s Aftcmoou or Party Costume 5
T. For older girls, the making of an unlined wrap or similar
S. The keeping of an accurate record.
9. The keeping of an account of all clothing expenditures
during the year.
JO. The making of an exhibit. ‘· . , *
A. l\lATERL\l,S: Soft cottons, as nainsook, batiste, and Berkc- ·
ley eambric No. 100, or wash silk, pongee, and synthetic
fabrics are suggested. \Vhite or flesh cotton material is the
best choice usually, for undergarments to be worn with cot- °
ton summer dresses. Wash silk or synthetic materials prob-
ably are more practical with the winter dresses.
B. P.x·r·r1;nNs: The undergarments to be made will depend on
the dress with which they are to be worn, the individual
figure and personal preference. Some girls prefer a slip i
and a combination garment, others a slip, shorts and a bras-
sicre. The slip is more attractive if made with a shaped
neckline, especially if it is to be worn with a semi-trans-
parent dress. Select well-titting undergarment patterns.
E For thoete garments that are worn next to the body, the lines
should conform to the {igure. The slip should conform to
the lines of the dress.
C. Srrrs ix Maicixoz
l. Cutting; One pattern may be used for a number of
girls. See that patterns are altered to fit the indivi-
dual before cutting the garments.
2. Scams; Flat felled seams are best for shorts and
bloomers. Narrow French seams may be used for
costume slips.
3. Finishes; Shaped neckfacings, decorative stitches and
dainty but durable laces are suitable.

p 6 Ifentm/sy Extension Circular N0. 254
A. l\TATERIALS: Voile, organdie, dotted swiss, dimity, hand-
kerchief linen, tissue gingham, fine print or batiste may be
used for summer afternoon or party wear. Silk crepes or B_
r synthetic fabrics are suggested for the winter afternoon C
dress. i
B. Piirrnimsz The patterns selected should be suited to the
person, to the material, and to the occasion for which the
dress is made. 4 . I .
C. STEPS IN MAKING: i . [   "
1. Cutting: See that the pattern is cor1·ectly placed and
out with long even strokes.
2. Scams: The material and pattern to be used will deter-
mine the kind of seams. Voile and other materials of
this type require a false French seam; firmly woven W
materials as swiss and organdic take a narrow French wl
seam, while silks need a plain seam with the edges ih
finished. CC
3. H ems; ln most cases hems should be finished by hand W
with the garment hemming stitch. d_
4. Sleeves: Avoid a bulky joining of the sleeves at the ti
armseye. An advisable method is to put in the sleeve
with a plain seam, then turn the two edges in toward
each other and overcast the folded edges.
5. Finishes; Fagotting, cross stitch, smocking and other
decorative stitches may be used effectively. S
If the prevailing style or the season demands a light weight l
wrap, then the older club girl should make this garment to com- l
plete her costume. She may make either a long or short unlined (
jacket. (
A. Msrimnuisz Choose a fabric that does not require tailoring. 1
Also one that will be appropriate with the dress just com- i

 The -{-H Club GlirZ’s Afteraioon or Party Costume 7
pleted in this unit of work. This 1nay be pique, linen,
j_ sports cotton, velveteen, velvet, heavy silk or lightweight
JG woolen.
lr B. PA*r·r1·;RNs; Select a pattern that is easy to construct.
C. Srisrs IN l\~Lu<1Ne:
18 1. Scams: Plain seams with bound or stitched edges g
le usually are satisfactory.  
_ 2. H ems: llems should he smooth with no stitches show- `
__ ing on the right side. A lightweight seam binding in
matching color is best for heavy material or the seam
_d edges may be picoted. Hems are made by hand.
r- HATS.
if The hat should be chosen to suit the costume as well as the
1]] _
h wea1·e1·. For the summer afternoon costume a hat of light-
ls weight straw, light felt or horsehair ·braid is appropriate. For _
4 the winter outlit the hat may be of velvet, felt or velour. The
d color should harmonize or accent the coloring of the costume
with which it is to be worn and should be becoming to the indivi-
,0 dual. A hat may not be needed to complete the party or gradua-
YG tion costume.
`Y Lighter weight shoes should be worn for parties than for
school or street. They may he of the strap or pump type with
tl medium heel. The very high spike heels are neither in good
taste, attractive nor healthful. The shoes may be light or dark
.t in e0lo1· depending on the color of the entire costume. It is wise
t- to choose shoes that may be worn with several costumes and avoid
:1 extreme styles. Fancy cuts and bright colored shoes are not
economical. Simplicity in footwear is always good taste. The
,_ hose should harmonize with the shoes and other accessories. They
P_ may he of silk or very fine lisle.

8 Ke2zz‘uel.·y E.rfe1zsi0n Czirealwr N0. 254
Finsr l\IEm*1NG. One.miz.vr1oN AND PLANNING.
Business: Election of otiieers. Fir
Explanation of project requirements. [
Home Denionstration Agent.
Discussion: "I)ress-Up" frocks for the 4-H Club X
Girl. Home Demonstration Agent. I
(Each girl is given an account book.) I
Home Work: Select type of costume to be made and
choose from fashion magazines the Sm
styles desired.  
Start. clothing account.
Sneoxn ME1·;*1·n....,.......................`........v.............A....A.....~~A - .--....-----·..-.--------
10. ........,,.,.,,,,_,_,,,,_, , _,,,.,,,.,,....,.,...,.,.....,............................ . ........................................
? 11. .....................,-....................................,...................................................................
r 12. ..........................................................,............................................4......................
5 "I`his page is for recording your club goals.

 ` `
12 Kcm‘uc!.·y E.ItO7?6‘l.O‘I1 Czjrcula-r N0. 254
Date ...........I.........................I.............._,__ Busiuf
j Business ........A................................. , ....I.............................................................I...,.,__ ·- -········
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Dm
Domonstmtioii ................,........O....I....................................».................,,.....,...,,_...____,_ · ·········‘‘
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjQjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjQjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj T  
Discussion ........i..............................................,...................,.....i..........................._._,___ · ·······‘‘‘‘
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj`jjjjjjjQjj§j   Work
Work ..............................I................................................,..................,..........,......,__,____ · ·*·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj `"`` jjjjjjj `"`"`' jjjjj ```’ jj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj I Hm
Home Work ...........,........ii........,,...,.............j....,i.....,i_...jjjjj____,,,_____,,_______j___,___,,__i_, T ···········
..............,j........................II.................j.................i...................j............j.__..j.____...._,.jjj.... E ···-·······
Date, ..I.,.....................................j............ `
Business ..............` . ..j......jjjjj_j_.j.___,_.__j___j,______,__________ _ ______________________________________________,____ B ugh
Demonstration .j.._,.i._,j..__ . ,._.ji_____,__________,,_j__,______________A______j__________________   ___________,_,__j_ Dem
Discussion ........j___.,_,_________________________,______ _ ___,__________________A___________Y__________________________4_»___ Dim
Work .......,...,.......... . ........A.................,.,.......................,......,jjjj _ _____________________________,_____ j Wm
....·~.Y--·......A..............................A...................,..... . ......,.......,,,,..._,,_,,______ _ ____________A________,,_.,.    
Home Work ...........,.A.A...v.A.... . ...........,...................._,_,__j_ _ ____________________,____A _ ______,__,j I

 The 4-H Club Gr2`rZ’s Aflcrnoon or Party Costume 13
Dato ...................A......,...............,......»......
Business .........-----··------- - ------------~-~----·-·--·------------·--·------»--·——-—-——·-—-—---—----·--——·-··-----——----·--
i D(_·l'I`10I1StI`atiOu .---..-···----- Y -·---·-»---·——v - -··----»-··--·---·-----·-- · ·—··--· — -·-----v---·------·-----»----·---Y---   4
A   Discussion ____,,,,,.._...A........ . .........,..,..............................................................................
i ° Work ...............,.................. . ............---....-·-»--------·-----~----~-----·----. . .........,....................~». __
M   Homo Work .».........»......................A.»........4v...»......».... . ......... . ..................»............».
It   ___________,___,______,,_.,,,___,._.._,,....,_.............A.........A......._.............,..................`..........,...»..........
M i -------·-----»--··---»---~----·-----·---··---—--·--*--··--··*-----·~~----·---···--···----·-··-·--·--··----··v-v---·---·-·--·-···········
or ? W
i Foirwrri BIEETINC}
W Dame »...........,........,..................................
1 Business ...,..........._..,___.,,__i,_,___.._....._,._......__,..,_,.............i...... 4 ..,................»..................
  r Demonstration ...._,.....4..._......_,..__,,.................... . ,.............>...................................».....
-.·4 V Discussion ,_,_..._____,,__________,,,______,______,,___,____.,__,_,___,,____,,___,,___,,___..._._,._......,..........i........
  l Work ........__..,,______________,__________,_____________,____,,___,_____________,______,,_________V_________ _ _________________
.,.. i ‘‘‘·‘`·······‘······················r»·········································~······························s···~·······~·············
i ---·-..·..» . ..........................,..., . ..___...__,_.,.,.._.,. . .....__r__,,,,,._..,.__.r..,.....,.....,.i. . ..,........._.........
·   Home Work ..........._,.__,,,_._,,_,_____i__4___,.,_.,..__......,. _ ..,.._,.....,._,_,,..,,,.......,............,.....

 I g K
14 Kentucky Extension Ci7'OZlZ(1¤7` N0. 254 T
Date .....................................................`. .
Business .............A....................................... 1 ................................................................ BUSH]
Demonstration ............. . ..................................................................»....·,..................... Démc
.t...._......_...... . ..t...............................,........, E .·----·-—»
Discussion ......,..,........i..,.,.........................................................................................`..   Dism
Work ............................................,,......................................................i................»....., “ WO?
......................................................................................................».............................     ·········
Home Work .............».........................r..........................i..........i....v. . ....................... i HOU
.............A................»................,..A....,.........................»........,.........................,.....t.............   ·········
t , ........
Date ...............,..........,...........,.................  
Business ....,.......,.............................................,.........i................................................. i Bus
............................................._........._A........_.._.....__,,___.._.._.._,_...._.....____.__.,,_____________,__........   --—----
Demonstration ....i...................A......,......,.............................................................,,..,... i DET
Discussion ............................».............................,.............._._._..........................A.A.........   Dis
....................................................................i.i......_,_.........,_, . ..__....____..._......______..,.,_.......   ······
....··..-...............................................................i..................... . ....................................     ‘‘‘‘‘‘
Work ...................................................,..........,...,.,.,............,..__ _ __________________________,_,_... ..   W'
Home Work ..........................o.....................,........................._______.,,___.,.__..._..,......... \ H(

 i T/zo 4-H Club G·irZ’s Afterozoon or Party Costume 15
Date .........»......,.......................................
Business .......A..........................·A.......................................,..........................................
Demonstration ......................................................,.............. , ................................__.._, I
1 u
  Discussion ..................,..................................................`.................,_,__.,__..........,,........ ° '
` Work ....»....i............»....................................,................. . ....,,....__,i_____________,__________________ __
_   Home Work ..............».......,.........,,__.i.._,.,i,.._,.,.___,______,____,,______,_________,_____________________
V   .............A...........»..............4... . ......>......................... . ........,,_,...._,,__.____.,,_,_.._.,________,__........
I C ..4............_......_.....__,_________,_____________,___ _ __________ _ ____________v___________________________ _ _________________________
  Eioiiwii BIEETING
_   Date .....>....................i........................i....
u   Business ...,...............................i....A..........................,........i..........».......,.i...................,
.   ....................A.............,...................,....................................................................,............
_ i Dsmoiistration ....___A_,____,___,___,____._.__.,_.,,.._.,,__,,_...i...,_.............._...._........__,,__________________
_   Discussion ,.._...__,_______________________,__,,___i____________ _ __,_____,_____________________________,__,___________ , _......
. i ....................... . .>............._..i...................i.._........__,,_....._..__.__...._,..._......,.__.._.______,..._,.,......
_   wm-ii .,.,..__,_____i_____________,_,__i____________________________,___________________,,___»_,__________________________________
. \ Home Work ................,,................_....................,................._.,i.i.,.__,.......................

i 16 Kcnfurlry Exicnsrion Circular N0. 254    
Niwru l\L[EETING  Y
Date ,,.,....,..........................,..................._  
Business ...,,...........,.......A.A....,.................,.................,.............................,................    
....A.......,,........ ....._....,....._...4......A..L.._..¤.4.........................,....4. . .,...........,»........................4  
De,monst1·ati011 ..........................................>..........................................................,,..,,A _
.._........,....A......_.__...__......_,_______..___...»..__........_A......__._._._`.....__...AV......_.4........._...,.A....__.....___ TP
Discussion ..__..,,________,_,,__,_____,_______, _ ,__________________,________.i___,_____.,.......,...............,..........,,  
VVOrk .......,.....,...................i...........i.......,.,................................_.............,......i_......._..,,_ I
..........................,.,...........,................. . ,... . ...........,.............,_..........___,....__..............__........  
Home Work .............,....,....................... . ..,............................,.............Y».................
'1‘1;i<*1·r1 )IEE'1‘iNG   iz
Date .....,.........,.......................i................   !—
s "`
Business ...,..............,,_...._...._..,_...._,,_...,i.,,,...,,.__......_..........,..,.._............__..._...._,__i_._..s.  
...............i..,...4_.........i.ii.__...,._....i........V..i.,....... . ,.i._....,......_............____..........»____..,.__..,.....  
Demonstration ...._,.....,.,__..._..._,,______......___,,,,.__,_,.,,___...,,..____,,,__,____,,,_________,_______,_______,_  
.........4..................»,........4____,____________4____,________i__________________________________ V _________________________..... [
Discussion ............>.....,.............,..................i..... . .,,..............,.>..............4,.....,.....i...».i... i
\Vork ........................,....i........................................,...........,.....,,__,____._______,______,_._..,.....  
Home Work .............,.........................i..................... . .........._........_i,.........,.i...........
. U _______ ___ ____ ____ ___ _____________________ Y ____ _ __________ _____ _______ _________""_H_A--*-.0---.-Uhnn-hn---.-UWMU________ I Cfl(1]»\;1’(4
1 Ilqum
 · for in