xt7j6q1sgj5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j6q1sgj5j/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1934 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. IX, No. 3, Winter 1934 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. IX, No. 3, Winter 1934 1934 1934 2014 true xt7j6q1sgj5j section xt7j6q1sgj5j Q
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\zOL. IX WINTER, 1934 NO. 3
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Published quarterly by the Fz··1miex· Nursing Service. Lexington. Ky.
“Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at
Lexington, Ky., under the Act of Murclz, 3, 1S79.·"
Cr»py1·iglit 101:4 Frmntier Nursing Se1·vip·»;, Inc.

 sl . +
Is this a fast, to keep
The larder leane,
” And cleane
J From fat of veales and sheep?
 v Is it to quit the dish
Of flesh, yet still
l T0 fill
Q The platter high with fish?
{ Is it to fast an houre, E
Or rag’d to go,
Or show
. A down-cast look and sowre?
I N0: ’tis a fast to dole
  Thy sheaf of wheat
1 And meat
  Unto the hungry soule.
2 It is to fast from strife,
{ From old debate
* And hate; I
{ To circumcise thy life.
To shew a heart grief-rent;
To starve thy sin,
Not bin:
And that’s to keep thy Lent.
! —Robert Herrick (1591-1674)

After a mild December and January we in the mountains
shared the terrible weather of February and early March. In fact •
we have had the worst blizzard we ever remember in here. The .
snow was so deep that the horses couldn’t travel and the nurses
went to their deliveries on foot, plowing through drifts up to
their waists in places. It is rare that we cannot cross the rivers, ;
even when they are in full "tide," as the men can usually get
us over in little Hat bottom boats, but this time the tide was T
full of floating blocks of ice, as has happened only two or three `
times before in our memory, such ice as would capsize any
' small boat. As the rivers went down the snow melted and rains I
came and raised them again so that we have had tide after tide.
We at Wendover stood out in the fields one day watching
the swirling, swollen Middle Fork. Suddenly there shot into V
sight one of the little Hat bottom boats, guided by two men at p
stern and bow. Rolled up in a litter in the bottom of the boat l
b lay a desperately wounded 1nan—a gunshot case. They got '
him safely down to our hospital at Hyden.
At the present writing we have seventeen patients in the g
hospital: an appendix, pneumonias, gunshot eases, abnormal `
maternity cases brought in for the doetor’s care, a terribly  
burned child of four, etc., etc.  
I 1
s l
· Sayings of the Children “
Small boy, proudly: "My pappy, he’s a good citizen. He  
packs a gun an’ has kilt two men, and he takes his dram. But he A
hain’t never stole even a chicken."

  E p _
J .
, The "Courier at Work" on our cover is Miss Betsy Parsons ·
i of Hartford, Connecticut, who is always doing something
y "diiferent." In November she completed a voyage of more than
5,000 miles, taking 67 days, from Falmouth, England, to Nassau
in the Bahamas, on the 420-ton schooner "Wanderbird" as a
member of the crew consisting of the owner, his family and
friends, ten persons in all. Ports of call between Falmouth and
Nassau included: Funchal, Madeira Island; Santa Cruz, Island
of Tenerife (one of the Canary Islands) ; Bridgetown, Barbados
. Island; Roseau, Island of Domenica; Santa Lucia and Mar-
1 tinique; the harbor of Bassaterre on St. Christopher Island.
, ` Miss Parsons left the boat at Nassau and proceeded to
New York by passenger steamer. At present she is engaged in
* running a farm in New Hampshire.
  Miss Betty-Wynn Rugee, our Milwaukee Courier, and
Miss Mary Louise Breen, of Dayton, are somewhere in Arizona
g at the time this Bulletin goes to press, digging bones and such
. for the Dayton Art Museum. They were last heard from via
a picture post card from Tombstone, Ariz.
Elsewhere in this issue appear excerpts from Miss Breen’s
# account of her visit with us last October, which she wrote for
{ the Junior League Magazine under the title of A Kentucky Saga.
; She is president of the Dayton Junior League, under whose
i auspices the Director had the privilege of speaking early in
i February.
  We note with much interest and appreciation the news
items of the bridge parties, teas and other events being sponsored
by the various chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi to raise funds for
our Social Service Department, which is their national phi-
I lanthropy.
I Mrs. Ernest Poole has organized a young and most effec-
tive committee in New York to assist Mrs. Linzee Blagden’s

senior committee. Mrs. Poole’s group is giving a benefit ball at Z
the Waldorf Astoria on April fourth. g
_ Miss Gladys M. Peacock, Assistant Director of the Service, ¤
gave a dramatization of the work of the Service, from the i
National Broadcasting Studios in New York over a nation wide ‘
hook-up, in February.
Mr. Edwin C. Hill’s new book "The Human Side of the · _
News," has a section in it devoted to the F. N. S., which parallels {
the talk he gave in 1933 over the air during one of his regular  
broadcasting periods.  
In the February issue of the British Journal of Nursing .
. we read that "The Quarterly Bulletin, the organ of the Frontier ,
Nursing Service, U. S. A., is eagerly awaited in the editorial  
I . office of this Journal." This is good news to us. This splendid
old periodical has vigorously led every international advance in l
the modern nursing world and we delight in the personal
friendship of its editors. _ I
. l
‘ On Monday, February fifth, the director had the honor of I
speaking before the Academy of Medicine in Cincinnati. The
H Frontier Nursing Service owes an unpayable debt of gratitude i
to the medical profession without whose interest and encourage-  
ment and support the work of the Service could never have been l
. done. In no city have distinguished members of this profession
, been more actively interested in the Service than in Cincinnati.
_"`—` {
" Little Miss Joan Henning, who arrived in Louisville in ‘
January, has been enrolled for the courier service of the Frontier
Nursing Service for 1953. Her mother, Jo Yandell, was one of
our early couriers and her capacity and charm and gallantry
did much to set up this branch of the work. Her father, Jim J
Henning, came to push his courtship in these hills. Her grand- l
mother, Mrs. S. C. Henning, is one of the early organizers of i
. I

  Faomrinn NURSING smzvxcn 5
Z the Service. A big welcome awaits Joan in 1953 and by that time
i the couriers will probably be mounted on autogyros instead of
‘ horses. `
 ‘ We -are enchanted at the return of Mrs. S. C. Henning to ·
` Louisville after a year in Europe. Both as chairman of the
V Louisville Committee and Vice-chairman of the Executive Com-
mittee, Mrs. Henning can ill be spared from the deliberations
and work of the Service.
{ We lose with regret Mrs. John W. Price, Jr., from the
  Vice-chairmanship of the Louisville Committee. Mrs. Peter Lee
  Atherton and Mrs. Ralph W. Gifford have accepted Vice-chair-
3 manships of this committee and are cordially welcomed.
General and Mrs. Preston Brown, whose hospitality at
  Balboa will never be forgotten by those who took the Brittanic
and Belgenland cruises, have left the Canal Zone. General Brown
l has been transferred to Fort Sheridan, Illinois, and he and Mrs.
Brown are now members of our Chicago Committee.
I This winter the whole Service shared with Mrs. Herman B.
l Stone and her daughter, our courier, "Pebble," the grief in their
l irreparable loss in the death of Mr. Stone.
4 The Service learned with profound regret of the death
E of Mr. Melvin A. Traylor of Chicago, a member of the Chicago
l Committee of the Frontier Nursing Service. No career better
than his illustrates the latent capacity of the remotely rural child
and its all-American significance. Mr. Traylor, born in Adair
L County, Kentucky, was exposed to few if any modern influences
l until his late ’teens. Nevertheless he forged his way to the
very top of the modern world.
l .
i .

Giotto I
._.__._ :
Our Pittsburgh Chairman, Mrs. Charles S. Shoemaker, in  
cooperation with the Arts and Interests Committee of the _
Junior League (of which committee Mrs. George L. Craig, Jr., ~
is chairman), arranged a most impressive and successful benefit .
for the Frontier Nursing Service, at the Twentieth Century l
Club on Friday evening, December fifteenth. 9
Reproductions, in the form of tableaux, of scenes of the
Nativity, selected from Giotto’s frescoes, done in the year 1304
for the interior of the chapel of Enrico Serovegno at Padua. The
_ effect was enhanced by the singing of Gregorian Chants and
early Italian Chorales by the music students of the Carnegie
= Institute of Technology, and the tableaux were clarified by an
especially written text of which Mrs. Henry Scott, Jr., is the
; author.
Other agencies cooperating with the Junior League in the  
performance included the Italian Women’s_ Committee, and the
‘ technical staff of the Pitt Players. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scott
and Mr. Walter R. Hovey directed the production.
The program girls were dressed in the uniform of the
Frontier nurse. The programs were in the form of scrolls of
parchment like paper and tied and sealed with the F. N. S. seal.
No pains or trouble were spared to make the production I
perfect and all reports have been enthusiastic and appreciative
in the highest degree. .The Frontier Nursing Service feels
honored to have been associated with a benefit of such distinction
and artistic perfection and is unendingly grateful to all who
helped to make it so. F

I Fnourmn Nunsmc snnvicm 7
( By Mary Louise Breen, Dayton
. Courtesy of Junior League Magazine for February, 1934.
l _ (Excerpts)
t It was a little bewildering that ........,... had to be shot the
Q day I arrived. I could not tell, for a moment after I descended
from the bus, whether the seething crowd was there to greet
me, or for a less obvious reason; then a blue-uniformed figure
detached herself from the sidewalk group and came toward me.
"I’m one of the Frontier nurses," she introduced herself.
"We’ve brought some children to the doctor’s, and if you’ll wait _
an hour or so you can ride up to the head of Hurricane with us,
and you’ll find the horses there."
I was only too glad to spend the time getting a little first
I hand information. My idea of the nursing service for the
l mountain people of this section was vague. I had come down
to visit on an impulse and by invitation wangled through a
Junior League friend who did two months volunteer service as
, a courier each year.
The one hour lengthened into four before we were ready
to leave. `
Two nurses, four children, a mountain woman who had had
I ten teeth extracted and was very gory, eight balloons, four
packed saddle bags, a camel’s hair coat, two suitcases, and my-
self—all in one Ford. And off we swept. Twenty miles with a
vista changing from rose to blue to purple as the balloons
. swished in front of my eyes. I kept handing my clean hand-
I kerchiefs to Lizzie who was a "bleeder" and extremely occupied.
  A red-headed courier, five horses, and the head of Hurri-
cane Creek hove into view almost simultaneously, and a real
problem presented itself: five horses (divided by?) nine people,

 it E
eight balloons, four saddle bags, a camel’s hair coat and two  
suitcases equals a neat juggling so that I finally found myself 1
in a deep saddle, a child on my right hip, a suitcase on the pom-  
mel, and the reins lost among the Hopping skirts of a long coat.  I
‘ We rode slowly down Hurricane and up a stony mountain trail,  
dropping children at gates and stiles and finally putting the
still suffering Lizzie under the care of her mountaineer husband.  
- Then we headed for Wendover, the main nursing center, un- I
saddling and stabling quickly the horses when we arrived, pass- I
ing the guest house and various outbuildings dim in the dusk, i
and entering the fire-warmed living room with the nursing and »
secretarial staff gathered for the candlelit evening meal.
l I was sleepy and turned in early, and it must have been I
midnight or later when I heard the gate click, a horse come
pounding up and a gruff voice calling:  I
» "Jehu, Jehu—" Did I detect the haste in the voice? "Want
a nurse." ’
"Here we go." Giving Betty Wynn a punch.
‘ "You’re dreaming. G0 back to sleep."
L But Stevie burst in.
"Need three horses. Hustle."
And was gone. I
Groping in the dark, sweater after sweater, wool socks,
leather coat. Where in the deuce is that flash?
Three horses, "Billy, Glen and Woody," panted Betty Wynn
loping into the tack room. No time for fooling. I clipped Billy
on the nose with my elbow and slid the saddle on him and ducked
for the girth. .
Ten after twelve. About seven minutes in all. Not bad. *
Black on the trail going up. I could not see the road, I _, _
could not see Billy’s head in front of me: a strange sense of ‘“
precariousness gripped me. I slid my legs more closely around

  Fnomuma NURSING smzvrcm 9
l his barrel, twined my fingers in the long mane and leaned over
A him. Higher and higher we rode.
; "Keep to the left of the trail," murmured Betty Wynn. "It
 ' falls off to a chasm."
l "Can’t see."
5 "Stevie, hurry."
I Mist swirled wetly about us. I put my hand against the ·
i horse’s straining shoulder for warmth. Even that was wet.
Six miles. One hour and a half. We slipped oH, hitched the
horses to a gate post and ran through a slanting corn field to
the cabin. One room; three double beds, one of them containing
a wide-eyed three-year-old and a six-month-old neighbor baby;
in another a dog and a cat curled in a heap of blankets; a little
coal stove and one lantern furnished light as well as heat, the
. wind came through wide iloor cracks and between the news-
A papers on the walls. Stevie in riding breechs and a butcher’s
  apron, incredibly deft; my flashlight trying to follow and aid
her movements, Betty Wynn handing articles from the saddle
bag. Stevie’s low voice, movement, otherwise, silence, and
presently somebody else was in the room, squalling at an un-
ceremonious entrance. The tension wasbroken like a sudden
turning on of lights.
. Nurses on horseback. Aye. A thrilling epic. Stevie was one
too. She climbed to the fence post, and we slid a horse under
her, laughing uproariously, concealing our very deep admiration
for everything but her riding.
We weren’t much good at tribute, but we went back to
Wendover in the lessening darkness and stayed up an extra hour
~ to fix her tea and marmalade sandwiches and hoped she would
s interpret it as a gesture.

Always on sale. Order through Frontier Nursing Service,
_ Wendover, Ky. Price $1.50 each, postpaid.
NURSES ON HORSEBACK, by Ernest Poole.  
- Macmillan Company. Illustrated. g
"N0thing in the range of pure romance begins to compare in pic- ’
turesque and thrilling dramatic quality ..... "
· —Los Angeles Examiner.
CLEVER COUNTRY, by Caroline. Gardner.
Fleming H. Revell. Illustrated.
"A most engaging narrative of the Kentucky Appalachians—The
book is a human document."—Saturday Review of Literature.
Mary B. Willeford, Ph.D.
"A fundamentally important contribution to this vital subject."
. ~—C.-E. A. Winslow, Yale University.
7 A Little Experiment in Agriculture
The Daniel Farley’s are a large family, with most of the
children small. They have a cow, but the place they have been
A farming is very poor and Dan never made more than corn
I enough to "bread" the family, much less feed the livestock. For
. two or three winters past we have supplied feed for the cow
to keep her from starving. Last spring we decided to try soy
e beans and fertilizer, ons one of the thin-soiled fields. The soy
beans, the inoculation stuff for the seed (to insure the maximum
germination), the fertilizer and the hauling » of everything
. cost $19.27. s
The hay that came off that field has fed the cow and heifer
calf all this winter and there is still plenty to carry through
until spring. In fact, if Dan can get hold of a nag for the spring
» plowing, as he is trying to do, that hay will also constitute a very
valuable part of the nag’s feed during crop-raising time. B
I BLAND Moimow,
, Social Service Director, t
  (Alpha Omicron Pi grant).

 1~·RoN1·1ER Nuasmo snnvrcm 11
Z} I (Reprinted from The Nursing Times, London, Jan. 27, 1934.)
ll The reflection of the moon on the river is suddenly broken
into quivering silver pieces as the nurse on horseback fords the
Red Bird River. She is on her way to deliver a mountain woman
in the Kentucky Mountains. Half an hour ago she was in the
famous Land of Nod, when—"Hullo! Hullo!"-—she is suddenly
awakened by the familiar shout of a man’s voice. It is a call to
Marthie Morgan who lives up Hoot Owl Hollow.
Prince is saddled in double quick time, the girths tightened,
and saddle bags slung into place, and the stillness of the night
is broken by the clatter of hoofs as the nurse on horseback leaves
the barn. '
F "Come on, Prince! With luck we shall be back by morning,
in time for your breakfast of oats."
Prince tosses his head and on they go, the husband, Lute,
following on his mule.
Flashlight in one hand and reins in the other, the nurse-
midwife, in her blue rider’s uniform, and Prince wend their
way through the trails, slow over rocks, making good speed on
level ground. Frost is in the air, and the vapour from the
horse’s nostrils reminds one of the old nursery pictures of
dragons blowing out clouds of smoke.
Across a corn field, cuddling round the side of a hill, a log
cabin suddenly comes into view, silhouetted against the sky.
No light can be seen—there are no windows—but smoke is
curli11g out of the chin1ney.
At tl1e approach of hoofs the door opens.
ll "Get down and come in," cries a neighbour, who has walked
E half a mile to l1old the fort till the nurse arrives. The nurse
hitches Prince to the fence and enters. A wood fire is blazing
and an old iron kettle is boiling on the l1earth. In the corner on

a double bed is our Marthie. There are no`lamps, but her face,
seen by the light of the fire, has a look of gladness on it.
The saddlebags are opened, and after sundry preparations
all is in readiness for the great moment. Nurse is now a figure
` in white, the mother clean and tidy and the bed ready for the
l A wooden box is beside the bed. By means of white paper
napkins it has been transformed into a "set up" table, complete
with enamel bowls and glistening appliances. A smell of lysol
fills the air; a little methylated lamp contributes its share
towards log cabin technique.
Lute has drawn up an empty lard can, and sits gazing into
the fire, chewing tobacco. Periodically there is a sizzling as the
tobacco juice reaches its destination. From time to time the
_ neighbor woman takes a turn in the only chair, one made by `
Lute. When required she holds the flashlight, or warms little
garments in front of the fire. Slowly the hours creep by. The
fire has consumed many logs and Marthie’s anguish is nearly
over. , 
At last there is a lusty cry, then a sizzle on the logs, and l
V Lute rises and walks over to the bed to gaze for the first time
, on his son and heir. His eyes glisten.
"Well, reckon I’ve got a farm hand nowl" he says.
As dawn is breaking the stars twinkle faintly down on a
. figure in blue seated on a faithful brown horse, returning happily
  along the trail which leads to hot coHee, a warm stable and oats!
l I

 Fnowrmn Nnasmo smavicn is
We welcome the arrival of "Jerry," a splendid, spirited and
friendly gelding, the gift of Mr. Gustavus Swift of Chicago.
* * *
Miss Ellen Halsall has returned to the Service after her
year’s furlough in England. While over there Miss Halsall held
the position of night sister at the Liverpool Maternity Hospital
and supervised the deliveries and teaching of the student mid-
wives in over a thousand cases. Of her work Dr. C. M. Marshall,
the Obstetric Assistant and Registrar of the Hospital, writes
as follows:
"In the middle of last year the Medical Committee decided
‘ that it was highly important that they should appoint some
person of senior standing to be in complete charge of the labour
ward at night. At that time, Sister Halsall was taking a re-
fresher course in this hospital, and it soon became evident that
she was a woman of oustanding qualifications and attainments.
I Miss Cauty, our Matron, selected her to fill the post; the wisdom
It of her choice soon became apparent to all.
"As my position here entails the responsibility for most
of the night emergency work, I was early impressed by Sister’s
personality and by her professional capabilities. She quickly
earned the confidence of the whole resident Staff, and during
the whole year she was with us we never once found that this
confidence was misplaced. We were all deeply impressed with
the extent of her Obstetric knowledge, and the readiness with
which she fell in with our methods and adapted herself to
our ways. _
"Her unassuming manner and charming kindliness have
made us all miss her very much. You are extremely fortunate
if, in your service, you have many women of her calibre. Had
she been free to remain we would gladly have appointed her
permanently. I trust she is in good health and happy in her
old surroundings once again." »
* =|= *
' Miss Doris Dunstan is taking a year’s furlough for advanced
midwifery training and a visit to her family.
Miss Bessie Waller and Miss Ada Worcester have returned
` from vacations in England.

’ Miss Mary B. Willeford, Assistant Director of the F. N. S.,
is spending a vacation with her family in Texas.
* * *
We not infrequently bring expectant mothers over long
mountain trails by horseback to the Hospital at Hyden to be
under Dr. Kooser’s observation. Our women have ridden from
infancy and ride almost up to the date of their deliveries. In
January, the Midwifery Supervisor, Miss Betty Lester, brought
a woman in from the Belle Barrett Hughitt Center neighborhood,
over on Leatherwood Creek. Neither she nor the local nurse
were sure of the baby’s position so we thought it a wise measure
to get her in to the doctor. The distance is eighteen miles, the
trails are terrible and three mountains in three counties must
be crossed. Betty rode in triumphantly on "Traveler" with her
patient on little "Carminettie." Six hours later Herman and
Hannah, lusty twins, arrived safe and sound.
· * =I= *
Mrs. Arthur Bray, of Church Lane House, Adel, Yorkshire,
an old school chum of the Director’s in Switzerland in the ’90’s,
has made her second visit to us in the Kentucky Mountains. ·
Mrs. Bray seems almost like a part of the F. N. S., so intimately
has she identified herself with everyone and everything.
Midmonthly Survey, February, 1934.
The Council of the New York Academy of Medicine has
approved unanimously the report of a committee which had
aroused criticism from some physicians and hospitals because it
emphasized the responsibility of the medical profession for the
majority of preventable maternal deaths (see The Survey,
December, 1933, p. 420, Mothers Who Died). A current bulletin
of the Frontier Nursing Service in the Kentucky Mountains
points with justifiable pride to the record of its staff of nurse-
midwives and physicians: among nearly 1800 women cared for
in childbirth, usually in the most primitive surroundings, there
has not been a single obstetrical death. Two women died from
heart conditions, one eighteen days after delivery.

 Fnoiwmn Nuasmo smavicia is
. Frontier Nurses Welcome Two Horses, Donated
and Delivered Free of Charge
Thursday morning at crack of dawn a van belonging to the
Whitney farm, sent for the purpose through the kindness of
Major Louie A. Beard and Frank B. Jones, left Lexington with
the two mares given for the use of the Frontier Nursing Service
by J. Ed Madden of Fayette and Hunter Platt of Woodford
They had been handled and worked for ten days or two
weeks by Walter S. Baker and William S. Roberts to get them
in shape for their work in the mountains. They had been shod
by Mac Kerswill and wore new bridles given by R. E. Fennell,
starting on their trip fully equipped and prepared to carry the
nurses of the Frontier Nuring Service over mountain and creek
and river at the call of the mothers of that region.
W. J. Harris, who had made a search of the Blue Grass
for horses suitable for the nurses and had arranged for these
` mares to be cared for until they were sent to the mountains,
made the arrangements for their going, as he did for the bring-
ing of the mare from Woodford county to Lexington, which was
done by Roland C. Drake, who donated his van for that purpose.
The driver of the Whitney truck, accustomed to transporting
the royalty of the thoroughbred world, reached Hyden Thursday ’
afternoon. According to a conversation Mr. Harris had with
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, the arrival of that truck with those
two mares was a real occasion. The nurses pronounced them the
most beautiful of all the horses that had come to serve the nurses
of the mothers and children of that region. The nurses, who had
taken to Hyden Prince, the horse that was to come to Dave
Prewitt’s in the Blue Grass to recuperate, and Nora the Guern-
sey cow that was to go to Walnut Hall, were gathered to give
welcome to the new mares.
Friday the truck returned and left at Dave Prewitt’s Prince,
that is to be treated by Dr. Hagyard, and took to Walnut Hall
Nora, that is to remain until Prince recovers.

  Il ‘ ‘
 ll The two mares were given free of cost by Mr. Madden i
  and Mr. Platt. The care of them and the shipping to the
I l mountains was given free of cost. The money that was con-
f tributed Mrs. Breckinridge has put in a special fund to aid in
1 the purchase of another mare in the spring, with the hope that P
T it can be taken back to the mountains when Prince and Nora are
j returned. She and the nurses and the people of Hyden expressed i
i keenest appreciation for the generous donation of these mares
T and the contributions that made it possible for the Frontier
  Nursing Service to have them and have a nest-egg to build
l toward getting another mare as soon as possible.—Reprinted
g from The Lexington Herald, February 11, 1934.
I _";*;—— 
 · Our Barnyard
The Service is acquiring more and more livestock. All of
the nurses now have cows and Miss Worcester at the Jessie .
Preston Draper Center and Miss Tinline at the Caroline Butler § '
J. Atwood Center are