xt7j6q1sft2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j6q1sft2p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1870-03-jun09. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1870-03-jun09. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1870-03-jun09. 1870 1870-03-jun09. 2011 true xt7j6q1sft2p section xt7j6q1sft2p 

Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8th, 1870

Report of
the Comn. on
the Academy

     The Comnt. on the Acdlemy for 1869 report as follows and on
motion accepted.   The Committee have occasionally visited the
department under the charge of Prof. Heron principal and assis-
tant Smith have grate satisfaction in expressing their conversa-
tion that their duty have been faithfully and efficiently per-
formed the scholars under their charge give evidence of their
advancement in their studies and their correct moral deportment.
The Building for this department are not as extensive and con-
venient as desirable. When means of the University wrill justify
improvements should be made . Respectfully submitted. B. Gratz,
J. Wasson & T. B. Wilkes.
     Though a hospital building is an absolute necessity and un-
til the means can be found to erect such a building rooms for the
sick should be set apart, Common humanity demands this.  It is
the opinion of your Committee that club houses is isolated from
female influence are oversight are not in accordance with the
best interest of the students and that as soon as possible the
whole sistem should be abandoned. We think that a11 the sug-
gestions of Curator Smith's paper are very important and that
the Exct. Womt. should be required to remedy this evil as soon
as possible respectfully submitted.
                              E. Campbell
                              D. S. Goodloe
                              Geo. W. Givens.

of June 9,

Report of
the Com.
on Sanitary
Condi tions

                       June 9th, 1870.

     Board met at 8 o'clock present Curators Bishop, Gratz, Steele,
Wasson. Goodloe, Elley, Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman, Joseph Smith,
Given, Herndon, White, Ricketts, Z. F. Smith, Tarbitt, Sloan,
Caldwell, Wilkes, Williams & Miller.
Prayer by Bro. Novell
     Report of Committee to whom was refered the consideration
of the report of Curator Joseph Smith on the sanitary condition
of the Boarding and keeping departments of the students of the
University and other subjects contained in said paper respectfully l
report as follows:  That a human being must have air to breathe
in order to live healthfully and happily is not understood by
many . Therefore but very few even the most costly and splendid
buildings have been constructed with any reference to a constant
supply of fresh warm air in appartments occupied by humanity nor
are there any conveniences found to remove the pozinous air so
continually exrelled from human beings. A vigorous intellectual
growth is impossible under these circumstances. The interest of



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 9th, 1870

the scientific world is in this most important subject is being
rq.pidly developed and philosophers are taking into grave consid-
.ration the best and cheapest mode of giving to the poor a. con_
stant current of live giving fluid. The suggestion of Curator
Smith are of the gravest importance to the interests physical in-
telectual & Morel of every student who enter the healls of the
University and. your Committee would go still          and SAY
that an uninterrupted supply of fresh air to all appartments
should be so constructed that an additional outlay of fifty dol_
lars uppon any cottage suitable for the abode of students tr ould
insure healthy apartments without any case of the occupants so
far as pure air is concerned we would earnestly recommend tht
the Curators should give the most ampel authority to the Exec.
Committee to have the evil so ably set forth in Curator Smith's
report amended as quickly as possible . In order to this end an
(For the remainder of this report see opposite page 180.)*
     /182/ The Committee on the Museum presented their report
which was as follows:
     The Committee on the Museum beg leave to report
     We have Particularily, excamined the Collections of specimens
made toward the foundation of an extensive museum and are impres-
ed with the number and value of those and the importance of this
department already assuming as an interesting feature of the Uni-
versity. Though but a portion of the collected specimens are in
place and on exhibition for want of room and suitable accommoda-
tions it is already one of the best collections in numbEr and
quality in the westC rn country.
     Your Committee would. recommend that every encouragement prac-
ticable be given to this interesting feature of our institution and
that as soon as tihe means cain be com.ann11e l that a building am-,le
and suitable be erected for the museum department. Especially
adebt of obligation is due Reg. Bowman for the energy with which
he has brought this collection to the point of success at so early
a day. The Committee would further recommend that the Ex. Committee
prepare a suitable presented (blank) letters of acknowledgment and
thanks to be sent to all present and future donors of specimens to
the museum collection and that special mention be made by letter
of thanks to the Smithsonian Institution, The British Museum, Dr.
James Knapp of Louisville, Hon. Alfred Allen of Ky. Wm. A. Carr,
of Australia. and W. D. Bryabtt: of Boston.
     Respectfully submitted
                            Horace Miller, Chairman


Yertucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 9th, 1870


College of
Faculty to
cons i de r
Section 12

Commi ttee
6n A.&Y.
Col. Recort

& election
of officers
& Professors

     On motion of Curator Poan8n the followving Curators was e;.
cused on account of absence from two successive sessions of this
Board. John G. Allen, John Shackelford and John Shackelford. Jr.
     On motion of Curator Ricketts the subject of the %ollege of
Law was referred to the Ex. CouLmittee, On motion of Curptor Gratz
that thle Regent be authorised to call the attention of the facultys
of the different college to section 12 of the general law of the
UniversA ty.
     The Committee upon the Scientific and Literary departments of
A. & M. College recommend thrt adequate instruction in the hiL'her
Mathematics be given at Woodland. Provision be made for giving
instruction on Agricultural Chemistry in connection with experimen-
tal agriculture.
/187/ (Pages torn out from 182-187)
     Isolate preparatory department and place under a competent
superintendent and necessary assistants. After discussion all the
recommendations vas adopted.
     On motion of Cur. Williams the board went into private session
for the election of officers and to fill vacancys in the various
professorships in the University. Curator Steele from the Commit-
tee on nominations made his report as follows for President R. Mi.
Bishop, J. M. Woolfolk, Sect. Benj. Grat7, Joseph Smith & Joseph
Woolfolk Executive Committee and J. B. Bowman treasurer on motion
the rules was suspended requiring the election by Ballot and on
motion the above named persons was unanimously elected.
     Curator Steele then nominated H. H. White for presiding officer
College of Arts. J. D. Pickett Professor of English literature in
the College of the Bible & College of Arts Isaac Errett College of
the Bible A. R. Milligan Professor of Latin College of. Arts.
J. K. Patterson, Presiding officer A. M. College, T. B. Munson
Principal Academy and adjunct professor of mathematics. All the
above named were duly elected to the respective offices.
     The Chair of modern languages and Tutors refered to Ex.
The Committee on Examinations & Exhibitions reported as follows
report received and discussed item by item and finally adopted.
1st. Resolved that the intermediate and final examinations of the
students in Ky. University shall be so conducted as to cause no
interuption of the usual daily program.
2nd. That the final Examination shall continue until the day be-
fore the annual Commencement.
3rd. That the Exhibitions given by the societies of the several
colleges shall be distributed through the session at such intervals


Missing page(s)



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1870

as may in the judgement of the Faculties be most expedient pro-
vided no such Exhibition be aloud to take place during the week
of examinations.
4th ThFt the time of Examinations an Exibitions be announced to
the public. Respectfully submitted, J. A. Williams Chm.
On motion adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 o'clock A. 14.

of June 10,


Prof. Strange
and the chair
of Natural

of71. C.

of Laws

Appeal of

Sale of

to Prof.

         Board met at 8a A. M. Present Curators, Bishop, Gratz,
    Goodloe, Elley, Woolfolk, Wasson, Smith, Thite, Ricketts, J. B.
    Bowman, Sloan, and Wilkes. Prayer by Curator Wasson.
/188/    On motion of Regent Bowman Professor Perrin was elected
   Presiding officer of the Commercial College for the ensuing year.
        On motion of Curator Smith it was resolved the secretary in-
    form Prof. Strange that whereas it is found that the wants of the
    A. & M. College do not require at present all the time of a sep-
    arate Professor in Natural Philosophy and when as it also found
    that the funds of the University do not justify the employment of
    such a professor for his full time. Resolved that the Chair is
    declared vacant for the present.
        On motion of Regent Bowman the application of W. C. Crum _
   baugh to have the title of A. M. conferred upon him.  The sub-
   ject was defered until the next annual meeting of the board of
        Committee on revision of the laws Report that they are not
   prepared at present to report and on motion of Curator Wilkes
   that the charter be refered to them also for revision.
        Curator Elley having taken exception to the ruling of the
   Chairman in regard to the Election of Professor Errit appealed
   from the dedision of the Chair on motion the decision of the
   Chair was sustained.
        The Committee to whom was refered the disposal of a portion
   of the grounds belonging to Transylvania University made their
   report which was received and on motion of Curator Gratz laid on
   the table.
        On motion it wa.s resolved that the hearty thanks of this
   board be tandered to President Burgess for the able address de-
   livered by him to the undergraduates of the University.
        On motion the rule requiring the minutes of the session to
   be read before adjournment was dispensed with ani the minutes of
   this meeting being read and appcoved on motion adjourned sine die.
                               R. MA. Bishop
                                      Chbi rman
   Joseph Wasson, Sec.