xt7j6q1sfs97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j6q1sfs97/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1944-10-aug22-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-10-aug22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-10-aug22-ec. 1944 1944-10-aug22-ec. 2011 true xt7j6q1sfs97 section xt7j6q1sfs97 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
o'f Trustees, University of Kentucky, August 22, 1944.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met 4n the President's Office at 10:30 a.m.,
Tuesday, August 22, 1944,   The following member& were present:
Judge Rich* C. Stoll, Chairman;   H. Do Paltore, H. S. Cleveland,
R. P. Hobsdid, and j. C. Ever.tt.  President H. L. Donovan and
Comptroller Frank D. Peterson were also prevent,

     Ae Approval of Minutes.

           1. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
              the minutes of the Executive Committee of
              July 21, 1944, were approved as published.
                        ** * ** ** ** *

     B. Budgiet Change.

     President Donovan presented the following letter, with recommen-
dation that the appropriation for the operation of the Coal Research
Laboratory be increased by $1073.35.

                                        August 16, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

                    During the fiscal year 1943-44 the Coal Re-
     search Laboratory had avallable, through appropriation,
     $7,5OQ.Oo plus $10,000.00 which was granted from the Gov-
     ernor's Emergency Fund, making a total of $17,500.00.

                    In order that the University might avail
     itself of the entire appropriation, this office made pur-
     chases for the University and charged same against the
     appropriation.   Professor Crouse# of the College of
     Engineering, raised the question of the Coal Research Labo-
     ratory receiving the benefit during the fiscal year 1944-45.
     In the event this amount Is to be made available for the
     curent year, a budget change of $1,073.35 will be necessary.

                                      Yours very truly,

                                      (Signed) Frank D. Peterson



                        * * * * * * * * * *

           2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
              carried, the Comptroller is directed to increase
              the appropriation for the Coal Research Labora-
              tory by transferring the sum of $1073.35 from
              unappropriated surplus of the General Current
              Fund budget.
                        * * * * * * * * * *

     C. Attorney General Approves Vacation and. Sick Leave Policy.

     President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee that on
June 6, 1944, he submitted to the Executive Committee a vacation and
sick leave policy which was approved by the Committee subject to the
approval of the Attorney General, and that since that date the At-
torney General had officially approved the vacation and sick leave
policy for general office and general service personnel.

     D. Contrgct, Office of Scientific Research and Development.

     President Donovan submitted to the Executive Committee a Memo-
randum of Supplemental Agreement between the United States of Ameri-
ca, Office of Scientific Research and Developmentand the University
of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.

     President Donovan stated that this was a renewal of an existing
contract for study and experimental investigations and recommended
approval of the contract.

                                          August 9, 1944

     President H. L, Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     I am submitting contract for the continuation of work
     with the Office of Scientific Research and Developments
     Under the terms of the contract, the Experiment Station
     poduces certain sera.   I request authorization to sign
     for the Experiment Station and also request that appro-
     priate action be taken by the Board of Trustees, authoriz-
     Ing the continuation of the work.   You will note on the
     last page of the contract that the corporate seal is to
     be affixed.
                                         Sincerely' yours,

                                      (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                              Dean and Director.



                               Contract No. OEMcmr-18
Symbol NIQ.-4676               Supplement No. 3

of                effective as of the 31,st day of August, 1944,
-       between THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereinafter
called "the Government"), represented by the Executive Secre-
tary (hereinafter called "the Contracting Officer"), Office
of Scientific Research and Development in the Office for
Emergency Management, Executive Office of the Presidents
and the University of Kentucky, Agricultural Experiment
Station, Lexington, Kentucky 
(hereinafter called "the Contractor").

    WHEREAS, the parties have entered into Contract No.
OEMcmr-18, as amended (hereinafter called "said agreementi'))
which requires the Contractor to conduct studies and ex-m
perimental investigations as therein specified, during the
period commencing November 15, 1941, and ending August 31,
1944 - - -; and

     WHEREAS, the parties desire the continuation of such
studies and experimental investigations; and

     WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend said agreement in
other respects;


     1. Extension of Termination.   Article 1(b) of said agree-
ment Is hereby amended by deleting "August 31, 1944" and in-
serting "August 31, 1945" in place thereof.

     2. AddItional Funds. Article 2(a) of said agreement
is hereby amended by deleting "Twenty Thousand Two Hundred
Twenty Five Dollars ($2O,225.00)" and inserting "Twenty
Nine Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Five Dollars ($29,635sOO)"
in place thereof.

     3. Overhead. Article 2(d)(4) of said agreement is hereby
amended by deleting "twenty eight per cent (28%) and in-
serting "thirty one per cent (31%) in place thereof.

     4. Travel. Article 2(d)(6) of said agreement Is hereby
amended to read as follows:

     "Expenditures by the Contractor necessary for per-
     formance of its undertakings hereunder for the
     transportation expenses of persons directly engaged
     therein, plus reasonable actual subsistence expensesj
     in an amount not exceeding ten dollars ($10,QO* i
     per person per day, of such persons incurred during
     periods of travel or, at the Contractor's options
     an allowance, in lieu of actual subsistence expenses
     of such persons, not exceeding (1) six dollars ($6.00)



       per person for each calendar day or major fraction
       thereof-. during the period of travel within the
       continental limits of the United States, and (ii)
       seven dollars ($7.00) per person for each calendar
       day or, major fraction thereof during the period of
       foreign travel outside the continental limits of
       the United States; Provided, That all such foreign
       travel shall be limited to persons directly engaged
       in the performance of the subject work hereunder
       and shall be authorized or approved in writing by
       the Contracting Officer; Provided, further, That
       expenses for transportation hereunder by motor
       vehicle other than coqmon carrier or rented automo-
       bile shall be reimbursed on a reasonable actual
       expense basis or, at the Contractor's option, on a
       mileage basis at a rate not exceeding five cents
       (54) per mile per vehicle, in lieu of the actual
       expenses of such transportation."

    5. Disposition of Personal Property. Article 3(a) of said
agreement is hereby amended to read as follows:

        "At any time prior or subsequent to the termination
        of the subject work, the Contractor shall deliver
        at the Governn'ent's expense, when add as directed
        by the Contracting Officer, all or any part of ma-
        terials, supplies, apparatus equipment or other ar-
        ticles of personal property not theretofore expended
        or delivered hereunder or under said agreement which
        have been furnished by the Government or for the cost of
        which the Contractor has been reimbursed or has the
        right to claim reimbursement hereunder or under said
        agreement; Provided, That, upon the termination of
        the subject works the Contractor shall have the right
        to retain any such property other than (i) that
        furnished by the Government and (ii) articles acquired
        for administrative purposes, unless notified by
        the Contracting Officer that the further prosecution
        of the war renders such action inadvisable, by
        returning to the Government such sum of money as the
        Contracting Officer may determine to be fair and

     6. Ancountnbilitg,    g ;e zty.   Article 3(c) of said agree-
ment is hereby amended by deleting "sixty (60) days" and insert-
Ing "one hundred twenty (120) days" in place thereof.

     7. Unamended Provisions. Except as amended hereby, the pro-
visions of said agreement shall remain in full force and effect
without change.



          IN WITNESS WHEREOFY the Government and the Contractor
have caused this contract to be signed and sealed, intending
to be legally bound thereby.

                                   THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


.By                           (SEAL)
   Executive Secretary, Office of
   Scientific Research and Develop-
   ment (Contracting Officer).





, certify that I am the

secretary of the corporation named as contractor herein;
who signed this contract on behalf of the contractor,
was then
of said corporation; that said contract was duly signed
for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of
its governing body, and is within the scope of its
corporate powers.
                           ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ,  (Seal  )

3. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
   ly carried, the contract is approved and the
   Director of the Experiment Station is directed
   to execute same on behalf of the University of



     Ed R      9  Committee to Check Securities Held by Comptroller,

     President Donovan presented a report of Mr. John C. Everett,
member of the Board of Trustees, and Dr* Leo M. Chamberlain, Dean of
the University, who were appointed as a committee to check the securi-
ties in the custody of Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller of the Univer-
sity, and report to the Executive Committee.   President Donovan
asked Mr. Everett to make the reports whereupon he read the letter of
transmittal and stated that the securities were actually checked
awainst the list thereto attached.

                                              July 28, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          In accordance with the request of the Executive
     Committee on July 21, the committee which was appoint-
     ed at that time has checked the securities in the custody
     of Mr. Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller.    The committee
     finds these securities to be exactly in accordance with
     the attached list.

                                             Very truly yours,

                                           (Signed) John C. Everett

                                           (Signed) Leo M. Chamberlain

Name of Investment

List of Securities

         to be

Endowment Fund Investments:
Ky.Land Grant Bonds -
U.S.Treasury Bonds (4)
Lex.Sav. & Loan Assoc.
Ashland Oil & Ref.Co.Stock
J.I.Case Co.Stock (4)
U.S.Treasury Bonds (L)
U.S.Treasury Bonds (2)
U.S.Treasury Bonds (1)    8
U.S.Treasury Bonds (1)   C

     Peabody     2586F-2589K
     Meredith    Cert.814
(5)  Crum        Security TruE
     Bennett        it ,}
     Brent       63249K
     Waddy       63247H-8J
ullivan Medallion 33741A
hemistry Library 33741A

it   500.00





Restricted Funds - College:
U.STreasury Bond (1)
U.S.Treasury Bonds (3)
TJ.S.Treasury Bonds (6)
U.S. Treasury Bonds (2)
U.S.Treasury Bond (1)
U.S.Treasury Bond (1)
U.S.Treasurv Bonds (2)
U.S.Treasury Bond (1)
U.S.Treasury Bond (1)
U.S.Treasury Bonds (4)
U.S.Treasury Bonds (4)
U.STreasury Bonds (3)
U.S.Treasury Bond (1)
U.S.Treasury Bonds

U.S.Savings Bonds (4)

U.S.Savings Bonds (15)

U.S.Savings Bonds
U.S.Savings Bonds
U.S.Savings Bonds


   Union Bldg.    33741A            200.00
   Union Bldg,    8377H-79K      15,000.00
   College        1774-1778      50P0O0.00
   Campus Bk.Store 11376F-7H     20,000.00
          n   " 8384D             5,000.00
     tE   1l   n 63723C           1t000.00
Army Spec.Corps   1322  18121    20,000,00
  "    "   '      22586           5,000.00
  If "            11373C         10,000.00
  nt  "l   "      63708J-11A      4t000,00
  11  11 I!   X 412070G-X412073G 40000.00
Army Program   X 412074G-76G     30,000.00
       " w "  V301210G            5 000.00
               67230-25E (3-$15 000o
               6927H-6946E (204-10,000)
               6922B-6926F (5-$iotooo)
Agr.& H.E.     C 513995F-6F      14,948.00
Anon.Gift Fund X 112727F-8F
Guignol Theatre F Series (15 bonds)

Haggin Fund
  III    it
  nt          n

U.S.Treasury Bonds            III
U.S.Treasury Bonds (2)     Ky.Kernel
U.S.Treasury Bonds (1)      "
Lex9Fed.Sav.& Loan As.(l)   "    "
First Fed.Sav.& Loan As.(l) "    I
La Compagnie du Telephone
Saquenay,Quebec,bonds (2) Law College
                              I1 I1

Experiment Station Restricted:
U.S.Treasury Bond (1)       Exp.Station
U.S.Treasury Bond (1)        "    '1

                  2,8 300,00
M96311i C to 20 C 7,500,00
M86366D to M86375D 7,500.00
M1237892D to
  M1237901D       7,500,00
6721A - 6919K-2lA35000.00
11371A-2B        20,000.00
8387H             5t000,00
Cert.1924         5,000.00
Cert.549          5,000.00

D 101
D 061




Student Loan Fund:          (2)
Pulaski Co*Rd,& Bridge Bonds/StuLoan
   II    II  If    "i      it(1) 1  it
   to    ii  i     II      it"(10)itif


U. S*Treasur
U.S. Treasu
U.S. Treasu

St.Imp.Bonds (5)
"1"      1t  (4)
"   "    t   ('
  itit       (3)
"I  I    "   (1)
y Bonds     (10)
y Bond       (1)
ry Bond      (1)
ry Bonds


if H1
11 11
it  If

it  if

C 4-7
M-6(call) I & 8
C 8





Lex. Fed.Sav.& Loan
1st Fed  "      t "
1st Fed. I1 u   ,,
U.S.Treasury Bonds
U.S.Treasury Bonds
U.S.Treasury Bond
U.S.Savings Bonds
U.S.Savings Bonds

lt Fed.Sav.& Loan
  11 U 1  1     @1
  Lex.Fed. "     I
  U.STreasury Bonds
  U.S.Treasury Bonds
  U.S.Savings Bonds
  U.S.Savings Stamps
  Lex.Fed.Sav,& Loan
  U.S.Treasury Bonds

U.S.Savings Bonds

U.S.Savings Bonds

U.S. Savings


U.S.Savings Bonds

'I (1)
n (1)


As. (1)

Organiza.Fds. 1149
   "i    2    108
   "t    1    130
   11    It   63242B-6F
Stu.Govt.As,  13838J-39K
  t      It   D318701F
Pershing Rifles C544479F-82F
  "I     if   Q260102F-3F
               C 596998F-99F


Group Insurance 380            2,500.00
           "   502            1,500.00
   it     it    1656          5,000.00
Alumni Assoc.   M1000645G     1,000.00
   1      V"   C1361460G-3G     400.00
Lances      C546743F Q245160F-1F 150lOO
   if       Out (see letter)*
SuKy Circle    1030            1,000.00
        n   C1361729G-31G       800.00

(3)   Alpha Zeta   Q 383781F-83F
(5)  KyChapt.Sigma Xi C272321F-23F
(1) Phi Upsilon Omicron C566329F
(1) Epsilon Sigma Phi  D317846F
(2) Lamp & Cross        C1362537G-38G





Alumni Asso.   C 2755935G & D 1408896G

*Withdrawn, See letter of verification by WS. Ward.

                         * * * * * * * * * *

            4. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the report
               is ordered received, approved and made a Part
               of the records of this meeting. The Committee
               is thanked for its services in checking the
               securities and discharged from further re-



    F. WithdraW. ok Har Stamps by Lances,

    President Donovan stated that the Comptroller had been directed
by the Board on several occasions to receive and keep in his custody
various types of investments belonging to various agencies, and that
these agencies have from time to time requested withdrawal of bonds
and other evidences of investments, and that the Comptroller desired
that a record be made in the minutes of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees; whereupon he read the following letter and the
Executive Committee took the following action:

                                         August 4, 1944
    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         Lances, junior men's honorary society, deposited U.S.
     Savings Bonds and War Savings Stamps with the Comptroller
     for safekeeping.   The War Savings Stamps totalled $11.80,
     A record of this transaction was reported to the Executive
     Committee of the Board, and placed in the minutes of Novem-
     ber 11, 1943.   The president of Lances, and William S.
     Ward, faculty advisor of Lances, withdrew the $11.80 in
     war stamps for the purpose of paying for a page in the Ken-

          Since the minutes show that I received war stamps
     belonging to Lances, and since they have withdrawn the
     stamps, and there is no record of such withdrawal otbr than
     a letter requesting the stamps, I desire advice as to whether
     or not a notation in the minutes should be made as various
     organizations withdraw government savings bonds and other
     types of savings from my custody.

                                         Respectfully submitted#

                                         (Signed) Frank D. Pcterson

                         * *t *E * * * *F * v *

            5. Upon motion duly made, seconded, and unanimous-
               ly carried, the action of the Comptroller in
               releasing to Lances War Stamps in the amount of
               $11.80 is approved and the Comptroller is re-
               leased of any and all further responsibility
               in connection with these War Stamps.



    G. Accident and Account of Noah Mefford.

    President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee an acci-
dent which occurred to Noah Mefford, night watchman, on June 12,1944.
It was stated that Mr. Mefford fell down the outside steps of the
Library after making examination of the doors to see if they were all
locked.  In this fall, Mr. Mefford injured his head, requiring sev-
eral stitches.  He also apparently sustained a broken heel.   He
was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital for treatment. The Hospital
has sent a bill for room and care, x-ray and dressings, of $49.70,
and Dr. John S. McGinnis, for professional services, $100,00a   The
President then read the following letter:

                                         August 4, 1944

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

          I attach hereto a statement from the Good Samaritan
    Hospital for services rendered Mr. Noah Mefford from June
    12th to June 24th, for a total of $49.70.   I also attach
    hereto a statement from Dr. John McGinnis for professional
    services rendered in connection with the fracture 0 S Calsis
    received by Mr. Mefford.   This accident was called to the
    attention of the Executive Committee at the last meeting
    on July 21st, but at that time, the statements had not been
    received.   Since the amount is in excess of fifty dollars,
    I believe it should be resubmitted to the Executive Committee
    at its next meeting.

          The facts are as follows:

               Mr. M1efford, night watchman, fell down the
          outside steps of the Library, 3:00 a.m., June 12,
          1944, after making an examination of the doors to
          see if they were all locked.   Mr. Mefford fell
          and injured his head, requiring several stitches
          to close the rash.   He also apparently sustained
          a broken heel.   He was taken to the Good Samaritan
          Hospital for treatment.

          I am recommending that the hospital bill of Mr. Mefford
     be paid.   I am of the opinion that the bill submitted by Dr.
     John McGinnis is high.   It is my judgment that this should
     be submitted to the Executive Committee for consideration.

                                         Respectfully submitted

                                         (Signed) Frank D. Peterson


          The Executive Committee discussed the accident and ex-
pressed the opinion that the University was not liable, and took
the following action:

                         ** * * *** *X**

            6* Upon motion duly made, seconded and passed,
               the Executive Committee authorized the payment
               of the bill submitted by the Good Samaritan
               Hospital for $49.70, and the bill submitted by
               Dr. John S. McGinnis for $100.00, and it is
               the express understanding that action on this
               claim is without commitment as to future action
               of the Executive Committee on requests for pay-
               ment of medical and other bills incurred in
               cases of injury to employees and that the Com-
               mittee does not establish a precedent and does
               not admit negligence or liability in paying
               this doctor's bill and hospital bill.
                          sF** * * ** ** *

     H. Purchase of Dr. :i. Garman Propert.v

     President Donovan reported to the Executive Committee that it
was now-possible to purchase a house and lot located on the corner
of South Limestone Street and Graham Avenue.    He read the following

                                           August 16, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

               The house located at 638 South Limestone, former-
     ly occupied by Dr. H. Garman, has recently become available
     for sale.   This office has conferred with Dr. Phillip
     Garman, 165 Thornton Street, Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut,
     and with kr. Frederick Garmand 212 Twelfth Avenue, Juniata
     AvenueAltoona, Pennsylvania, who iare the sole heirs to
     this property.   They have offered to sell the property to
     the University for $11,000.00.    In my judgment, this
     amount is too high.    I made them an offer of $8,000.00,
     which offer has been accepted, subject to the approval of
     the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.

                The house is a frame building, nine rooms, bath
     upstairs and downstairs, is located on a lot having a
     frontage on Limestone Street of sixty feet and a depth of
     153 feet along GrahamAvenue, bounded on the east side by
     University property and on the south side by University



            In the event the Executive Committee decides
   that the property should be purchased for the price of
   eight thousand dollars, I suggest that the Executive Com-
   mitee discuss the question of immediate possession of the
   house, or signing the contract with the heirs to sell at
   the end of a six-months period, since the will was probated
   August 12, 1944.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

    The Committee discussed the desirability of owning this property
since it partially separates the campus of the University from that
of the Experiment Station.   It was further stated that the Universi-
ty had made a previous attempt to purchase this property during the
lifetime of Doctor G-arman, but to no avail, and that it is now for
sale, due to the fact that the heirs do not live here and are de-
sirous of settling the estate. After further discussion, the Com-
mittee took the following action:

                        * * *. * * * * * * *

           7, Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
              carried, the Comptroller is directed to pur-
              chase the house and lot known as 638 South
              Limestone Street for the sum of $8,000, to be
              paid for from funds received as payment on army

     I. Purchase of Elliott Property on South Limestone Street and
Graham Avenue.

     President Donovan reported that the Executive Committee at its
meeting on July 21, 1944, authorized the Chairman of the Executive
Committee to enter into a contract with the owners of this property
for the purchase of th,, property, possession to be given on or be-
fore June 30, 1945.   he stated that he desired to report that the
contract had been entered into and signed by all parties concerned
and that it had been properly recorded in the County Clerkzs Office.

     Jo DivelgOment of Martin Wheel.

     President Donovan reported that the Executive Committee, at its
Meeting on July 21, 19449 had before it the question of accepting a
project from the War Production Board for further development of
the Martin Wheel,   He reported that the Executive Committee at that



meeting had directed that the President further investigate as to the
desirability of accepting the development proposal from the War Pro-
duction Board and accept the project if, in his Judgment, the propo-
sition was deemed feasible.  The President stated that he had fur-
ther investigated the proposition and was recommending that the
proJect be dropped.

     K. Recess.

     The Executive Committee recessed at 12:30 p.m. for luncheon in
the Student Union Building.  President Donovan advised the Committee
that the Negotiating Committee of the Fifth Service Command of the
Wqr Department was also here and that he had invited Colonel Gardner
Colonel Furnish, Major Rizzi, Colonel Chipman, and Dean Chamberlain
to have luncheon with the Executive Committee.  After a delightful
luncheon in the Student UnionCafeteria, the members of the Negotiat-
ing Committee of the Fifth Service Command left to resume their in-
spection work of the AST program at the University, and the members
of the Executive Committee again took up the business of the agenda
at 1:50 p.m.

    Le Appointment of Walter Bromley.

    President Donovan stated to the Executive Committee that an ac-
countant in the Comptroller's Office would soon resign and that it
was necessary to employ an accountant to fill. the vacancy, and read
the following letter:

                                         August 18, 1944
     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          I am transmitting correspondence relative to the em-
     ployment of Mr. Walter Bromley.   It might be possible that
     you will want this information avatable until after the
     Board meeting on July 22.

          You will note that I have corresponded with Dr. F. W.
     Stamml Director, Division of Adult Educations University of
     Louisville, who teaches a public accountant class.   I also
     spoke to Mr. Wood Hannah, of Louisville, about an accountant
     and was placed in touch with a young fellow who would have
     filled the position, but he was not interested in a salary of
     less than $3600.00.



        You will note I have secured the approval of Mr. John
   Quertermous, Commissioner of Welfare, and Miss Helen C.
   Beauchamp, Director of Public Assistance, as to the availa-
   bility of Mr. Bromley since he is at this time employed as an
   accountant in the Department of welfare.

        Mr. Bromley is a married man, 39 years of age.    He is
   a licensed lawyer and has had two years of education beyond
   High School.   He does not have his C.P.A. degree, but has
   passed three parts of a four-part test, namely: Law, Ethics,
   and Theory and Practice.   He has had nine years experience
   with the L. & N. Railroad Company, as Auditor of Passenger
   Accounts; one year bookkeeper of a printing concern in Cin-
   cinnati; two years bookkeeping experience for the Ruth
   Brothers Highway Contractors; three years with the Division
   of Personnel in Frankfort, and three years as accountant for
   the Department of Welfare.

                                  Yours very truly,

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                        t* * *F * *t * *F * * *

           8. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
              carried, the recommendation of President Donovan
              for the employment of Walter Bromley as account-
              ant in the Comptroller's Office is concurred ins
                        * * * * * * * * * *

     Me Rules Governing Non-University Broadcasts.

     President Donovan read to the Executive Committee rules govern-
ing non-University broadcasts from the campus of the University of

          Rules Governing Non-University Broadcasts from
          the Campus of the University of Kentucky.

1. No radio station, net-work, or other broadcasting agency is to
   make a line broadcast or a transcription for broadcasting pur-
   poses from the campus of the University of Kentucky until the
   authorized representative of such agency is issued a permit for
   such a broadcast or transcription by the University of Kentucky
   Radio Director.

2. In cases where the contemplated broadcast or University transcrip-
   tion involves another university department, the University Radio
   Director shall clear the matter with that department before is-
   suing the permit*



3. In cases where the contemplated broadcast occurs on the campus
   but represents the activity of a non-university group, the Uni-
   versity of Kentucky retains all jurisdiction over such a broad-
   cast and it is made subject to the same rules that apply to other
   campus programs.

4. All University divisions are required to refuse facilities and
   cooperation to broadcasters unless the proper permit is shown.

5. No charge will be made for permits for programs to be broadcast
   on a purely sustaining basis.

6. No permits will be issued for sponsored programs from the campus
   with the exception of football and basketball games for which
   the following charges are made:

   Station Power in Watts     Football Game      Basketball Game

        100-250                $25                   $10
          5,000                 75                    25
          509000                200                    50

   In the case of a high school basketball tou