xt7j3t9d875v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d875v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1992-09-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 14, 1992 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 14, 1992 1992 1992-09-14 2020 true xt7j3t9d875v section xt7j3t9d875v LWHVERSHW OF KENTUCKY



28 August 1992

TO: Members, University Senate

The University Senate will meet in regular session (n1 Monday,
aggptemb’er 1.4, 1992, at 3:00 P.M. in room 115 of the Nursing Building

Minutes: 10 February, 13 April and 27 April 1992
Chair's Introductions and Announcements
Remarks: President Charles T. wethington, Jr.
Action Items:

a. Consideration and action on the proposed Honor Code for the
College of Law (circulated under date of 27 August 1992).

b. Consideration of the uniform teaching evaluation instrument

proposed by an ad hoc Committee chaired by Wilbur W. Frye.
(Circulated under date of 31 August 1992).

Randall Dahl
Secretary, University Senate

Note: If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact Ms.
Susan Caldwell in the Registrar's Office (7—7155). Thank you.




The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, September
l4, l992, in Room ll5 of the Nursing Health Sciences Building.

John J. Piecoro, Jr., Chair of the Senate Council, presided.

Members absent were: Debra K. Aaron, Virginia Atwood, Robert L. Blevins, Glenn
C. Blomquist*, Carolyn S. Bratt, Lauretta Byars, Rutheford B Campbell, Jr., Clyde
R. Carpenter*, Ben W. Carr, Chris Carrico*, Edward A. Carter, Shea Chaney, Louis C.
Chow*, Donald B. Clapp, Charlie Clark, Jordan L. Cohen, Patricia Collins, David
Denton, Richard Edwards, Michael B. Freeman*, James E. Funk*, Richard W. Furst,
Stuart Gay, Zakkula Govindarajulu*, Larry L. Grabau*, Philip A. Greasley, William
S. Griffith, Robert D. Guthrie, J. John Harris III, Floyd J. Holler*, Don A.
Howard, Richard A. Jensen*, Richard I. Kermode*, Kenneth K. Kubota, James M. Kuder,
Gretchen LaGodna*, Carl W. Lee*, Thomas W. Lester, C. Oran Little, William E.
Lyons, Justin Marriott, James S. Mosbey, Phyllis J. Nash, Robert C. Noble, Pete
November, Barbara Phillips*, Leigh Ann Poynter, Daniel R. Reedy, Thomas C.
Robinson, Edgar L. Sagan*, David Sanford, Michael C. Shannon*, Candi Smith, Crystal
Smith, Thomas Stipanowich, David H. Stockham, Thomas J. Waldhart, Jesse L. Weil,
Carolyn A. Williams, Eugene R. Williams, Emery A. Wilson, Mary L. Witt.

The Chair welcomed the President, the senators, and visitors to the first
meeting of the University Senate for the l992—l993 academic year. He stated that
he was honored and felt privileged to be the Presiding Officer of the Senate. He
predicted an interesting and exciting year in which the Senate will make important
decisions affecting the Institution. The Senate with its academic governance has
the opportunity to move the Institution forward in spite of budget cuts and the
accountability reporting to various oversight groups. He said many Senators have
already been involved in the different review groups, looking at the strategic plan
for the University and the departmental, college and sector reviews. Many more
will be called upon during the year to participate. This Institution needs your
"participation and commitment.

Professor Piecoro then introduced Susan Caldwell, Recording Secretary; Randall
Dahl, Secretary of the Senate; Gifford Blyton, Parliamentarian; Celinda Todd,
Administrative Assistant in the Senate Council Office; and Jacquie Hagar, Sergeant
at Arms.

The following remarks were made by the Chairperson:

At the end of the spring semester the Senate Council elected a new faculty
representative to the Board of Trustees, Dr. Deborah Powell from the College of
Medicine. Dr. Powell stood and was given a round of applause. She joins Dr.
Carolyn Bratt, College of Law, and two other new members Professor John Sisturnik,
Community College System, and Pete November from the student body.

During the summer, Dr. Gretchen LaGodna, College of Nursing, was appointed as
the Academic Ombud. She was also the Ombud in 1990-199l.

*Absence Explained


 Minutes, University Senate, September 14, l992

No corrections were made to the Senate Minutes for February 10, 1992, April l3,
l992 and April 27, l992, which had been previously distributed. They were approved
as circulated.

The Chairman asked that if anyone had comments that they would identify them-
selves and their departments or colleges for the benefit of those who did not know

The Chairman then introduced the President, who traditionally addresses the
Senate at their first meeting of the year. He stated that the President is also
the Chair of the Senate and the Presiding Officer. He delegates to the Senate
Council Chair the responsibility of Presiding Officer. Marcus McEllistrem, the
immediate past Senate Council Chair had indicated to the Chair that he would enjoy
working with President Hethington and he had found that to be correct. It had been
an interesting summer and he had found the President to be one who was interested
and who had shown concern for the faculty and staff. The President is most willing
to get faculty involved and that will be seen during the coming semester. It was a
special privilege for the Chair to welcome the President and ask him to offer his
remarks to the Senate.

President Charles Methington was given a round of applause.

The President thanked Professor Piecoro and Professor Marc McEllistrem for
their leadership and indicated that with Professor Dan Fulks "coming along in the
pipeline“ he looked forward to continued strong leadership in the position of Chair
of the Senate Council. He indicated that he appreciated the spirit and relation-
ship with which they had been able to work during the last year and currently in
the present year. This is a time that this is needed and he will do everything he
can to insure this kind of relationship continues during the l992-1993 year.

As we move into the l992-1993 year, he believes we have the fall semester off
to a good start thanks to the Senate members and many other people in the

The President's "State of the University Address" is attached to the Minutes.
After his remarks the President was again given a round of applause.

The Chair thanked the President for his address. He stated that he would like
to point out, as had previous Chairs, that the faculty has a most important role in
the academic governance and through that role the kinds of goals can be achieved
for the University that the President talked about. By participating in the Senate
and its committees and with each other we can continue to establish and nurture the
Community that is needed to make the UniVersity the kind the President mentioned.

The following remarks were made by the Chair.

The President mentioned the Strategic Planning Team that met during the summer
and had sent a draft to the President and his cabinet. The Chair stated that the
faculty was well represented with about half of the team being composed of faculty.


 Minutes, University Senate, September l4, l992

As the President mentioned, the Teaching Portfolio which was approved last
Spring, is now incorporated in the administrative regulations. All faculty will
now have to develop teaching portfolios. Soon Dr. Louis Swift, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies, and Dr. Joe Davis, Director of the Teaching and Learning
Center, will be conducting seminars on the Teaching Portfolio and will be distri-
buting guidelines to the Lexington Campus. Dr. Phyllis Nash, Vice-Chancellor for
Academic Affairs at the Medical Center, will do likewise with the Medical Center

The Faculty Workload Committee, Chaired by Dr. Karl Raitz, has asked Professor
Piecoro to inform the Senate that the committee will be seeking faculty input in
various ways as they get further along in their process. The initial orientation
meeting was last week and they will be meeting again this week.

Professor Piecoro stated that he had just sent the list of committee members to
each of the Chairs of the Senate Standing Committees and they will soon be receiv~
ing specific charges for those committees.

The Chair recognized Dr. William Moody, Professor of Animal Sciences, to
present a memorial resolution.


Theodore R. Freeman
l906 - 1992

Theodore R. Freeman, a Professor of Animal Sciences died March 24,
l992 after a long illness.

Dr. Freeman, who lived at 2304_Harrodsburg Road, retired as Professor
of Food Chemistry in l972. He joined the University of Kentucky
faculty in l948 after serving on the faculties of Texas A&M (l937-4l)
and University of Florida (l94l-46), and as co-owner of Sunshine Dairy
Products, Inc., Gainesville, Florida (1946-48). During his long
period of service at the University of Kentucky, he served for a year
(1958-59) as acting head of the Dairy Department.

'His service at the University of Kentucky included research, teaching
and extension in the subject areas of food chemistry, manufacturing of
cheese, ice cream and other dairy products and organoleptic evaluation
of foods. He also coached the dairy products judging team represent-
ing the University of Kentucky in a number of intercollegiate regional
and national contests. Students could always look to him for under-
standing and help.

Dr. Freeman made significant contributions in studies involving the
improvement of milk quality, effect of milk quality on yield of cheese
and factors affecting.the freezing point of milk. He was author or
co-authored over 70 scientific papers and co-authored one book.


 Minutes, University Senate, September 14, l992

PrOfessor Freeman served the dairy food industry of Kentucky and the
nation in many ways. He organized the Florida Association of Milk
Sanitarians and served as its first president. He was a charter mem-
ber and former president of the Blue Grass Section of the Institute of
Food Technologists and served on the Board of Directors of the Dairy
Products Association of Kentucky and was an advisor to the Kentucky
State Board of Health. In l968, Dr. Freeman was honored by the
American Dairy Science Association with the "Distinguished Service to
the Dairy Industry of the South” award.

Professor Freeman held membership in Gamma Sigma Delta where he served
as local president of the Kentucky chapter and historian of the
national association. He was also a member of Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma,
AAAS (Fellow), the American Dairy Science Association, Institute of
Food Technologists, International Association of Milk, Food and
Environmental Sanitarians, and optimist International. He served as
secretary-treasurer, vice president and president of the Southern
Division of American Dairy Science Association. He also chaired many
important committees, both at the local and national level.

Dr. Freeman was a charter member of the Southern Hills United
Methodist Church in Lexington and was an active leader of its
educational programs where he served as a member of its Board of

Colleagues of Dr. Freeman will long remember his wit and dry humor
which was always present in staff meetings, conferences or informal

He is survived by his wife, Virginia Atkins Freeman, a daughter,
Coranell (Nell) Newton of Lexington; a stepdaughter, Barbara Duff of
Collegedale, Tennessee; a stepson, James Atkins of Lexington, and two

Professor Moody asked that this resolution be included in the minutes of this
meeting and that a copy be sent to Professor Freeman's family.

The Chairperson asked that the Senate stand for a moment of silence in recog-
nition of Professor Freeman.

The Chair recognized the Chair-elect of the Senate, Professor Daniel Fulks from
Business and Economics, to present a resolution.

September 14, 1992

On behalf of the Senate Council and the full University Senate, it is
with pleasure that I offer this resolution in recognition of our re-
tiring presiding officer, Professor Marcus T. McEllistrem. Professor
McEllistrem's service as Chair of the Senate Council during the
l991-l992 academic year was exemplary. His leadership was untiring


 Minutes, University Senate, September 14, l992

and professional; his style thordugh and diplomatic; his demeanor
assertive but cooperative. With a constant awareness of and concern
for the benefit of the University community, he promoted a true team

Professor McEllistrem's term in office occurred at a time when
scrutiny, transition, and administrative and academic restructuring
were at the forefront of the University's agenda. The year's agenda
included the on-going university self-study, the development of the
revised strategic plan, and the revision of the Administrative
Regulations. Throughout the year, Marc served as a strong liaison
with the university administration, especially President Methington.
From his vantage point as presiding officer of the Senate and as a
member of the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences, Marcus was
constantly a champion of the desires and needs of the faculty. And in
working with the various committees of the Senate he was also effec-
tive in soliciting the involvement of the faculty in ensuring the
successful accomplishments of the respective committees.

Marc's role in the revision of the University Administrative
Regulations deserves special mention. He served as the only faculty
representative on the committee to rewrite the regulations, a tedious,
thankless, less than inspiring task, but one of great importance.

Professor McEllistrem's leadership was particularly effective in
directing four significant, complex, and potentially controversial
documents through the bureaucratic maze. As a result, the new teach-
ing portfolio regulations, as well as the honor codes for both the
College of Medicine and the College of Dentistry have been approved.
The Honor Code for the College of Law will be presented for approval
this Fall. Marc‘s leadership was critical to the success of each of
these proposals. ‘

For the past several years, this University had managed to avoid the
dire budgetary problems which had befallen many of the nation's insti-
tutions. Midway through Marc's term in office, however, the inevi—
table budget shortfall was announced. The fact that the constriction
was imposed at mid-year exacerbated the problem, yet Marc represented
the interests of the faculty and support staff admirably during the
ensuing deliberations.

By maintaining strong lines of communication with the University
Community, Marc not only continued but improved upon many excellent
traditions which had been established by previous Senate leaders.
Breakfasts with the President proved to be a very effective informal
forum. In addition, invited guests at regular Council meetings and
special functions included Chancellors, vice presidents,~and other
administrative officials. Marc's style was extremely conducive to
exchanging ideas and sharing concerns.

Only a former Senate Council Chair can fully appreciate the magnitude
of the daily duties of the position over and above the much more
-visible leadership role. Marc managed to provide timely and equitable


 Minutes, University Senate, September 14, l992

attention to the immeasurable volume of forms and petitions repre-
senting the myriad of requests with which the Council Chair must
contend. He dispatched his duties with a clear and sincere concern
for the welfare of the University's students, faculty, and the
Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Professor McEllistrem, please accept the sincere thanks and recognition
of the Senate Council and the University Senate for your energetic
dedication to the University Community, your laudable leadership, and
your interminable spirit of cooperation.

Professor McEllistrem was given a round of applause.

Professor Fulks requested that the resolution be included in the Minutes of the
University Senate and a copy be given to Professor McEllistrem.

The Chair thanked Professor Fulks for the resolution.

The Chair recognized Professor Daniel Fulks, Chair-elect of the Senate Council,
for the first action item on the agenda. Professor Fulks, on behalf of the Senate
Council, moved approval of the proposed Honor Code for the College of Law. The
proposal was circulated to members of the Senate under the date of 27 August l992.
Professor Fulks stated that proposed Honor Code closely follows the Medical School
and Dental School Honor Codes which were approved last year.

In the second paragraph of the proposal, the College has received input from
the University Legal Counsel as well as the University Ombud. The Committee on
Admissions and Academic Standards reviewed several documents including recommenda—
tions from the previous year relative to the Code, the current Senate Rules on
cheating and plagiarism, and the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

The Rationale for the proposal is stated on Page 2.

Note also the implementation date on the back page. The Code would be approved
from the period Fall Semester l992 until June 30, 1996. During the l995-96 aca-
demic year, all colleges with honor codes will meet with the Senate Admission and
Academic Standards Committee to review their experiences with their codes, discusss
the strengths and propose common wording and methods of procedure.

Professor Piecoro stated that since the Senate Council recommends approval no
second is needed.

The floor was opened for discussion. There was no discussion. In a voice vote
on whether or not to adopt the Honor Code for the College of Law the motion unani-
mously passed and reads as follows:

AGENDA ITEM: University Senate meeting, Monday, September 14,
1992. Proposed amendment to University Senate Rules, Section IV,
Proposed Honor Code: College of Law.



 Minutes, University Senate, September l4, l992

Background and Rationale:

Attached is the final version of the Honor Code Proposal from the
College of Law as approved by the l99l-92 Admissions and Academic
Standards Committee and modified and approved by the University
Senate Council.

In addition to requesting and receiving input from University
Legal Counsel and the University Ombud, the Committee on
Admissions and Academic Standards reviewed 1) the recommendations
from the l990-9l Admissions and Academic Standards Committee rela-
tive to the Code, including comments from then University Ombud,
Dr. Gretchen LaGodna, 2) the current Senate Rules on cheating and
plagiarism, and, 3) the Student Rights and Responsibilities

The Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards believes the
College of Law has made a good argument for the initiation and
participation of students in the management and disposition of
cheating and plagiarism. Such activity is part of the learning
and professionalization process that must take place. Unfortu-
nately the current Senate procedures for handling cheating and
plagiarism make no provision for student initiation or partici-
pation. The implementation of an Honor Code is the only mechanism
currently available to obtain this participation-

The Law Honor Code is one of several recently proposed. While the
Committee recognizes that a proliferation of different Codes may
be confusing and a uniform template of procedures and wording may
be more desirable, few colleges have sufficient experience to
allow development of a uniform template. The suggested procedure
[see NOTE, page 2] to allow colleges to adopt different Codes,
gain experiences with the Codes, and, after some years of expe-
rience, meet to compare experiences and develop a uniform template
makes much more sense than recommending a uniform template at this

The Committee also feels the overall concept of students being
honorable and operating under a student governed honor code is
desirable for the entire campus. Whether such a system may be
practical for the entire campus community remains to be seen.
Students in the colleges submitting Codes [Dentistry, Medicine,
Law] tend to be more mature. They are in classes together for a
number of years and represent a smaller, more tightly knit group
than students in other programs. These students usually know each
other fairly well, and because they take almost all of their
coursework in one college, should be influenced by the philosophy
and principles of that college to a greater extent than students
in other majors. Because of this the Committee feels Honor Codes
are more likely to be successful in the professional schools.

The attached proposal is recommended for adoption by the Senate
Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards and the University
Senate Council.



 .Minutes, University Senate, September l4, l992

Implementation Date: Fall, l992.

NOTE: This Code will be approved from the period Fall Semester,
1992 to June 30, l996. During the l995-96 academic year, all
colleges with Honor Codes will meet with the Senate Admissions and
Academic Standards Committee to review their experiences with
their Codes, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their Codes
and propose common wording and methods of procedure. If it
becomes apparent that common wording is not appropriate and
workable then a justification for individual Codes shall be
formulated and the individual proposals resubmitted. One person
or group from each college shall be appointed by the college now
to follow the working of the Code and be responsible for reporting
in l995-96.


Preamble ‘

The students of the University of Kentucky College of Law, in
recognition of our responsibility to foster integrity and honor within
our profession, to encourage an atmosphere of mutual trust and
confidence among ourselves and the faculty, and to promote respect for
ourselves and the College of Law, do hereby affirm and this day
undertake to live within the privileges and duties accorded to us and
required of us by this Code of Honor and its attached Appendices.


Sc0pe of the Honor Code


The Honor Code applies to any law student engaged in any academic
endeavor in or from the University of Kentucky College of Law.
"Academic endeavor" means classroom and class-related activities
including out-of-class assignments, placement and co-curricular
activities taken for credit. Application of the Honor Code is limited
to incidents which occur in relation to an academic endeavor or affect
a student/s performance in an academic endeavor.

Expectations of behavior consistent with this Code apply to all
academic endeavors in or outside the College of Law; however, academic
offenses committed outside the College of Law are subject to regular
University procedures and sanctions.


 Minutes, University Senate, September 14, l992

Administration of the Honor Code


The students and faculty of the College of Law shall be
responsible for implementing the Honor Code. The Honor Council will
be responsible for administering the Honor Code in accordance with its
purpose, sc0pe and procedures. No academic right of students,
including the right of appeal to the University Appeals Board and the
right to consult with the Academic Ombud, shall be abrogated by the
Operation of this Code.


Violations of the Honor Code


l. Lying

A law student shall not deliberately misrepresent the truth in
areas relating to academic performance.

2. Cheating
A law student shall not cheat.
3. Stealing

A law student shall not intentionally take or acquire without
permission any property for academic advantage.

4. Interference with Academic Pursuits

A law student shall not engage in conduct intended to interfere
with the academic performance of any member of the College community.

5. Failure to Report a Breach of Honor

A law student shall not fail to report a breach of the Honor Code.



Amendments and revisions to the Honor Code shall be approved by a
majority vote of the Honor Council, the College of Law Faculty and the
University Senate.


 Minutes, University Senate, September 14, 1992


1, , have read
the College of Law Honor code and its attached Appendices, understand
them, and agree to abide by their provisions.




 Minutes, University Senate, September 14, l992
Comments to Article III
1. Lying

Lying to any member of the College community is a violation of the
Honor Code. If an individual lies concerning some matter but, later,
on his or her own initiative, tells the truth concerning the same
matter before he or she is confronted with committing a breach of
honor, this shall be considered a mitigating factor in the case.

The offense of lying includes (a) misrepresentation of academic
records to potential employers and (b) falsification, attempted
falsification, or other misuse of academic records.

One who testifies before the Honor Council and lies has committed
an honor offense. Such offense will be adjudicated separately from
the offense in which that person is testifying.

2. Cheating

Cheating is defined by its general usage. It includes, but is not
limited to, the wrongful giving, taking or presenting of any
information or material by a student with the intent of aiding himself
or herself or another on any academic work. The offense of cheating
encompasses the use of fraud, deceit or plagiarism on any examination,
assignment or project.

Cheating on an examination can take a wide variety of forms
including the following: 1) discussing the examination during the
examination with anyone except the instructor or the instructor/s
substitute unless specifically authorized to do so by the instructor;
2) giving, receiving, or soliciting unauthorized aid during any
examination, take-home examination, or make-up examination before or
after the regularly scheduled examination has been administered; 3)
using any materials in any examination except those which are
specifically authorized by the instructor; 4) exchanging materials
with another student during the examination unless specifically
permitted to do so by the written examination instructions; and 5)
violating any rules that the instructor has established.

Plagiarism is the act of presenting as one/s own the information,
ideas, organization or phrasing of another source. The appropriate
section of the Senate Rules dealing with plagiarism is hereby adopted,
and may be consulted for additional guidance.

3. Stealing

The offense of stealing includes but is not limited to the theft
or conversion of property belonging to the College or located on its
premises or to any property of a member of the College community.


 Minutes, University Senate, September 14, 1992

The misappropriation or destruction of property needed by other
students for a specified academic endeavor such as the first-year
legal writing program, any mOOt court competition or law journal
program is a violation of the Code. The offense also includes
removing books from the library without checking them through proper

Taking of property for reasons other than to gain academic
advantage does not fall within the scope of this Code, and shall be
governed by the Code of Student Conduct.

4. Interference with Academic Pursuits

The offense of Interference with Academic Pursuits includes:
hiding or defacing library or other academic materials; misusing the
Code to harass another student; failing to maintain the
confidentiality of any hearing or proceeding under this Code;
inappropriately disclosing confidential or protected academic record
information; or disrupting another student/s academic endeavors.

5. Failure to Report a Breach of Honor

A law student having actual knowledge that another student has
committed a violation of the Code shall report such violation to the
Honor Council. Failure to report a known infraction is in itself a
violation of the Honor Code.

The basis of the Honor Code rests upon each student/s acceptance
of the responsibility to act honorably and to uphold the code of
honorable conduct. For this system to be effective, each student must
acknowledge that he or she will not accept dishonorable conduct among
fellow students. Therefore, the responsibility of a stUdent to report
infractions is a vital part of the Honor Code. Similarly, each
student is obligated to testify as a witness in any proceeding related
to the administration of this Code if called upon to do so.


Organizational Framework


l. Honor Council Membership

A. Student Membership - The Student Bar Association of the
College of an each year shall invite all interested students to
submit their names as candidates for Honor Council positions. Each
year during the month of March the Dean shall choose from the
candidates twelve (l2) students who shall serve as Council members.
The Council shall include at least four (4) members of the prospective
third-year class and four (4) members of the prospective second-year
class. If for any reason there is an insufficient number of
candidates, the Dean shall select sufficient ad hoc members from the
student body at large to serve on the Council.


 Minutes, University Senate, September l4, l992

B. Student Terms of Office - Student Honor Council members
shall serve one-year terms from April l through March 3l, and are
eligible for re-appointment. If for any reason a student Council
member is not available for a session, the Honor Council Chairperson
shall select a temporary alternate from the available student body.
If a student Council member is unable to complete his or her one-year
term, the Dean shall appoint a replacement to serve until the end of
the term.


C. Faculty Membership - The Dean shall appoint two (2) faculty
members to the CounCil.

D. Faculty Terms of Office - Faculty members shall serve a
two-year term on the Honor Council on a staggered basis, and are
eligible for re-appointment. If a faculty Council member is unable to
complete his or her two-year term, the Dean shall appoint a
replacement to serve until the end of the term.


2. Honor Council Chairperson

The Dean shall appoint one of the twelve (12) Council student
members as Chairperson of the Council. It shall be the duty of the
Chairperson to preside at all meetings of the Council; to provide for
the investigation and disposition of each case as provided for in the
procedures; to address the first-year class concerning the existence
and importance of the Honor Code and its procedures; and to perform
all duties common to the office. The Chairperson shall appoint the
Advocate, Investigator, Hearing Committee and Judicial Panel members
to one-year terms. The Chairperson shall not be a voting member of
the Hearing Committee or Judicial Panel.

3. Advocate

The Advocate shall be chosen on an annual basis by the Chairperson
from among the student Honor Council members. Additional Advocates
may be appointed by the Chairperson as needed.

The Advocate shall attend the proceedings of the Hearing Committee
and the Judicial Panel and act as the Honor Council representative by
presenting an affirmative argument and refuting defenses of the
alleged violator.

4. Investigator
An Investigator, to be chosen by the Chairperson from among the

student Honor Council members, shall investigate a suspected violation
of the Honor Code.


 Minutes, University Senate, September l4, l992
5. Hearing Committee

A. Membership - There shall be a three-member Hearing
Committee, to Be composed of two (2) student Council members and one
(l) faculty Council member. The Hearing Committee members shall be
chosen by the Chairperson of the Council but shall not include the
Advocate or the Inve