xt7j3t9d838d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d838d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-07-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 11, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 11, 1991 1991 1991-07-11 2020 true xt7j3t9d838d section xt7j3t9d838d  



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV, No.162 Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky






Actor William Shatner shows his horse. CH Talent Contest. at the Lexington Junior League
Horse Show Tuesday The show. which IS being held at the Red Mile. ends Saturdav

GREG EANS" >>>>> ”sin"



Former campus police officer
pleads guilty to drug charges

Contributing Writer


Former UK police olticer Du-
ane Bernard Keys plead gu1lty in
Fayette Circuit Court Monday to
possession of cocaine and timing
under the influence of intoxi-

Keys. 3-1. also pleaded giiilty to
possession of less than eight
ounces of marijuana and posses-
sion ol drug paraphernalia.

'T'lie cocaine charge is a leloti}
The other counts against Key s are
misdemeanors (‘ommotiwealth‘s

attorney Tamra (iorinley moved
that a charge ol speeding be dis-

Keys was arrested by lexnig-
ton police officers March l5 alter
being stopped for suspicion ol
drunken driving. (‘oiirt records
show that Keys' automobile
weaved over the center line on
Tates (‘reek Road iii tront ot‘
Morton Elementary School llis
car was clocked at 51 mph iii a
‘5 mph lone

Polite reported that l\'e_\s
speech was slurred and he ap
peared unstead) At one l‘t‘llll, he
tell met during a ticld \t‘l‘llt‘l}

test. court records show

He registered a .225 on an dlctl'
hol breath test more than don
ble the legal limit l'nder Ken
tucky law. a person registering a
level of (Ht) or higher is toiisid
cred intoxicated.

Keys, who was a I s police ot
licer at the time ol his arrest. had
served on the tort e tor ‘\ l '2
years. He was suspended troni
the department shortly alter his
arrest and resigned NLuth 2U.

I’K Polite ('hiel \V II \lti‘ottias

,.\ sentencing heating t\ st hetl
tiled tot ~\iig ‘3 at III a ltl

Sundeck rivals ’Blanding Beach’

Staff Writer


llie same proiiieni siiitates
exer) sear where '. iinl‘athe
on tanipiis Wllllt'lll meiheatiiig
or being l‘llllit‘tl to a ‘\ :isp

Imagine this a secluded. land
scaped siiii detls leatuiing a ga/e
ho tor shade and an (thinpit
si/ed pool lor condeit .lll .nst hr
the asking

ll \ Ili‘l li‘t‘ gt‘t‘tl li‘ l‘t‘ lfllt‘ tlIlil
it \ inst a short walk tor many on
tampus students lhe Harry (‘

latitastet :‘Miiialit t etitti l‘s‘es‘lll
I} added a \llll deck to II\ tast
It \as lll‘tlsl‘u‘d itii.
schooi iear hut ll.lldl\ aria»
kiii‘ws al‘iiiit it fit uses ‘1 '


Independent since 1971 July 11, 1991

UK seeks funds
for new library,

LCC campus

Editor in Over


l l\' plans to isle in. late «i
\"l‘ million mgr the new :on:
\ears to lllldlk e et‘ll\llll\.llt‘li it .i
ll\e‘wlttl§ .ential :il‘rai\ :tttt
ticw campus tor \ingttvnt 'll.
intinity (‘iillege

lhc two protects tie pail t i
ltlt’llllllllttfl \l
.peiiding plan that Antatl t
[is s riceds thttugti 1mm In;
plan must he approtetl m 3 l\ s
lloatd ol lrustct s llklt‘ik it tag
littll/c‘d, l’rt‘sltls‘lll ( llallt‘s \\tlll
ington said \esterda)

I K‘s proposal was lite iii.led in
a ('outitil on lligtitt
document that outlined the cle'
tal needs ol' all state‘supported
colleges and Ulll\L'r\lUC\ in Ken»

The CHI: dratt. approx ed at its
July l meeting. must go through
several reiisioiis betore it is pic
sealed to (3m Wallace Wilkin
son lor budget planning iii \o

‘\s the l'ls' proposal turrenth
stands. the school is seeking
315 h lllllllUll iii state lunds tor
the new I (‘(‘ tampus

't K is requesting that the Hunt
e) be gratited in two installments.
l'he lirst hall is sought lor the
l‘l‘ll‘ll biennium. and the i;
niainder lot the lidltfiHllg hienni
um. said lien (arr. chancellor tor
the ('iiminiinits (‘ollege 9s stein

(art said a site li‘t the :itw
campus has not been chosen. but
Il l‘litl‘.li‘l\ will lie lotattd awax
llt‘lltl K's main t.lll‘tl‘t£~ lit and
that most wt lt't'
wt th ~t~i..li ti

fiiltii‘a tat/ital

' l v.

sittltiits ii\t
‘w‘ ’3‘“.
ihe relisaiit: is amp. :.

address the pitvlilezib in met
tuxelizzg at It (' carat: site
Heat ('Httitiinlt \c‘.tllll \latliiiiii

llllllil\ .ite ptettx will land
l\‘\ ked i‘\\'l ill‘e‘Ie

:i‘\‘ . ‘t‘tilt~ it.‘ . _’ I‘Ie“

\ till ‘\“\l

-\llll parking ext 1'. Hill .iil tla
~tadiniii parkint \ttt: \\ ‘\ at
mg l\' ltlll t‘lll -.~l pair a l‘lllltl

‘eitt pwptitatiozt .-; .

{it‘ll Vet‘-

‘\'lll *, ti_
'tic'ie'tl ’ s
ltiditiwital s'
'tI t’ t- llK'E-e

’ l’is
hange it: :‘f.e ': w .
going to be .iiountt «Mm tit
dents. The, re it alum; instill

Carr said rnroiliiieiit prolial‘iy
will grow c‘\c’ll taster once i (is
tuition is brought in line a itli wit“.
ei community colleges Thet iii
approxed a plan in March to
gradually ltm er tuition .it t (‘t‘

Students at l(‘(‘ turiently pay
the \dlllt' tuition _is l l\ stalemh

a rate that _ smfiizfieittfi.
highei that; that
other ti‘lltillllllll}. mllegc ill .‘xei:

the lust ‘iait til the ‘e?ll‘\‘l

. half. l‘s


\.‘>,<- itiillioii lettiiest t titteiitix

slated .is the thirtl put-nix :n 'ttt

bee LIBRARY “age ti

, ,___ _ _. - ..____-_,- , . ,, “-7

Inside: Wt

UK astronomers set
up telescope to Vlew

Story. page 3.

SPORTS ................... 4

VIEWPOINT ........... t5
CLASSIFIEDS .......... 7 3



 2 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 11, 1991



US. should back long-term
health care, researcher says

Staff Writer


Many people trying to pay for
long~term health care are having
to spend their life savmgs before
the govemment will help with
medical bills, a UK researcher

Robert W. Moore. the senior
clinical research associate at the
Sanders-Brown Center on Aging.
said that there are l 1 million peo.

ple in the United States who are
in need of long-term care. Of
those, seven million are elderly
and four million are children and
working-age adults.

One of those children is
Moore's nine-year-old son, who
has had cerebral palsy since
birfii. Moore advocates a social
securityutype coverage for long-
term care and is the coordinator
of the Kentucky Long Term Care
Campaign. The group‘s goal is to
lobby for legislation that “l“


gab Ce"

/ )\4ti\




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help Americans who are in need
of long-term care.

Medicare does not cover long-
term care if the person in need
has a way to pay for the care, he
said. Many, even those with in-
surance, eventually deplete their
sayings by trying to pay costly
fees. Medicare will help only
when the money runs out.

And having insurance does not
mean that policy holders will be
covered for long-term care.
Moore said.

At a conference sponsored by
the center Tuesday, Moore criti~
ciled insurance policies saying
that many times people who buy
them often are not exactly sure of
what they are getting. These peo
ple find out too late that their in-
surance policies won't cover
many of their costs, Moore said.

Moore cited a June 199] article
in Consumer Reports, which rat-
ed 94 insurance policies and
lound most lacking in some re«

“They tell you how to avert]
the worst abuses. But they say it
is still a crapshoot, it is still too
expensive, it is still unreliable.
and what you really ought to be
doing is getting out there and ad—
vocating for the govemment to
come up with an adequate solu-

“That is what I am doing."

Moore said he would like to
see legislation passed that would
cover care in and out of the
home. This would be paid for by



UK Board of Trustees July 3.
”the four ensues:

ship in Georgetown



Gov. Wallace Wilkinson appointed four new members to the

-C Frank Shoop, former campaign finance chairman for Mar-
tha Wilkinson 3 gubenatoral bid. Shoop also owns a car dealer.

-William E. “Bud” Burnett. who was reappointed. Burnett cur.
rently is vice chairman of the BOT.

vUK alumni Marian Moore Sims and Kay Shropshire Bell.

The newly appointed trustees will serve until December 1996.


a tax increase.

People who need Iong—tertn
care suffer from a variety of ill-
nesses such as Alzheimer's dis-
ease, cerebral palsy and strokes.
They need to be looked after con-
stantly, usually for long periods
of time.

This also affects the lives of
those who care for the sick at
home. A fact sheet put out by th
Long Term Care Campaign
showed that 75 percent of these
care givers are women. Many
times, they have only modest in-
comes and devote much of their
time to caring for the sick.

Moore said that at one time.
long‘term care primarily was giv-
en by family members, but
changes in famrly size and mobil-
ity have changed this. Now fami—
lies are smaller and children often
move long distances from their

When problems arise, the fam-
ly members are too far away to
offer much help and must hire

someone else to look after the
sick. The increase in the number
of women who work outside of
the home also has meant that
they are no longer available to
care for the disabled.

Joyce Beaulieu, a professor iti
health administration at the Uni~
versity, thinks the idea of calling
for a government policy on long-
term care is a good one.

“I think the only way we are
going to get a handle on it is to
have a national policy," Beau-
lieu. said. “The fact is that right
now you either have to pay out
of your pocket or spend all your
money and become Medicaid el-
igible ~~ basically become povv
erty level. That, I think, is a very
poor way to do it."

The eighth-annual summer sc~
ries on aging, sponsored by the
Sanders-Brown Center on Age
ing, Will continue through July
ll at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in



Kentucky Kernel















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Editor in Chiel
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scription rates are Sill per year

Midland, lexrngton, KY.

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'l he Kentucky Kerrie] is published on class days during the amt
demic year and weekly during the eight-week summer session.
Third-class postage paid at lexington, KY JOSH

The Kernel is printed at the l.e\ington llerald~l.eadcr. Main k-

(‘orrespondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel.
Room 0‘5 loumalism Building, l'niycrsity of Kentuclu _ I exingiori.

Dale Greer

Mary Madden
Tyrone Johnston
Bobby King

Kyle Foster

Greg Eans

Mlke Agln

Jelt Kuerzl
Robln Jones
257-191 5

Mailed sub-






Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 11, 1991 - 3







Continued from page 1

Matt Steinberg, deck supervisor
at the center.
Susan Bridges, pool manager,

GREG BANS (ewe E~‘:t“
The new sundeck at the Harry C Lancaster Aquatic Center
opened last year but has not seen much student use

said the sun deck was open dur
ing the entire l‘)9l spring seme»
ter. but “there weren‘t too many
takers. We certainly want to c'llr
courage more student usage." '

The deck was built with stu-
dents in mind, Steinberg said. lt

Solar eclipse may
disappoint public

Managing Editor


There has been so much talk
recently about today‘s solar
eclipse that the public may be
disappointed by what will be visi-
ble in Kentucky, 3 UK astrono-

mer says.
“There has been much more
made of this than probably

should have been at this latitude.“
said John Elliott. a UK lab super-
visor who teaches television
classes in astronomy. “The total
solar eclipse (can be seen) in a
line from Hawaii to Mexico City
and into South America.“

The view from Kentucky. how-
ever, will be much less dramatic.
Some people may be expecting a
complete darkening of the sun,
but that simply won't happen to—
day, Elliott said.

“At most in Kentucky. 30 per-
cent of the sun will be covered.
That isn’t enough to cause any

However, Elliott and ph)'\‘li.‘\/
astronomy graduate student Bill
lahaise, who is teaching summer
astronomy courses. will set up a
telescope this aftemoon for pub-
lic viewing of the eclipse.

ll skies are relatively clear. the
telescope will be set up from 2 to
4 pm. at the Rose Street entrance
to the Chemistry/Physics Build
ing. .

The image from the telescope
will be displayed on a viewing
screen so that more then one per—

Read theKemI!




son can see ll at a time.

While the eclipse wont cause
the sun to darken over Kentucky.
sunspots will be VlSlblC on the
telescope screen. Elliott said.

“Sunspots are magnetic distur-
bances on the visible surface of
the sun. and, although they are
very hot. they appear as dark
spots against the brighter back»
ground of the sun," he said.
“These are not visible with the
unaided eye.“

The last total solar eclipse visi-
ble in Kentucky was in May
1984, Elliott said. Another total
eclipse will not be visible in the
continental United States until




was planned as an area vyhere
people could comfortably sun~
bathe in peace

lt teatures landscaped grassy
areas as well as a paved deck. .»\
wrought iron fence gives priyacy
to sun worshippers.

Jamey Whiteley. a lileguard til
the center. \Lild he uses the sun
deck nearly every day during hl\
breaks. He described the sun
deck as “great" and had only one
complaint: "lt could the \i‘lllc

Currently. most people i» ho
u~e the deck are employees ot the
center. he said. because many
people don‘t know about the deck

But the sun deck may have lo
we tor student patronage '-\llli
'Blandmg Beach." a gtassy tired
in lront ol the residence hills on
South (‘atrlptis lhe beach l\ the
most popular place to sunbathc tit

However, the still deck has
some adyantagcs mcr the beach.


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“When you‘re over there, it
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“To cool otl. you'd haye to
take a shower. \Vith lttnt'aster‘s
\tlll dcck. you tan inst open llic
door and lump in the pool "

Stembcre \;tltl the deck ;.. L“i’l
\qmcnt to bathrooms. volt drink

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 4 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. July 11, 1991


Former Wildcat Ken Willis

PROFILE: Ken Willis

Career of Place Kicker Ken Willis at UK
F,'.EFP§96_LS,-,-_ PQ'NTfiéFTEF TB'ES
{egrerG FGA, PCT. LG 1





finds high pressure in pros

Contributing Writer


"1 )It”(' tm' mix :8 pin. in
lo. Aux in {he “\Fi'. and I'm very
fortunate to he one nflhcm ”

— Ken Willis

These are the words of former
I'K place-kicker and current Dal-
las Cowboy Ken Willis. who will
begin his second season as a pro-
fessional this tall.

itven though Willis teels fortu-

nate to be a member of what used
to be known as “America's
team." he hasn‘t had time to rest
on his laurels.

“I really haven‘t had lime to
soak it all in because I‘m to busy
trying to keep my rob." Willis

Although he is still looking
over his shoulder. his position
seems to be secure. with no real
competition in the Cowboys‘

A native Kentuckian. Willis
grew up in ()wensboro.


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After graduating from Owens—
boro High School he went to
Centre College, where he punted
as well as handled the placekick-
mg duties under coach Joe

After one season there, Willis
decided ~-— against the adVice of
many _ to take a shot at Dm-
sion 1 football. so he came to

“I wasn't encouraged by many
people to make the transfer, but it
was something I really wanted to
do. So I did."

The first year he was eligible
after transferring, Willis immediv
ately stepped in as the kickoff
man for the Cats while backing
up Joey Worley on placements.
Although Worley‘s leg produced
the longest field goal in UK his‘
tory (52 yards), Willis was longer
on kickoffs.

“It‘s funny because. when l
was at Kentucky. they said I had
a strong leg and a problem with
accuracy." Willis said. “Now. all
ter my rookie season in Dallas.
people are saying I have good are
curacy and not enough leg."

When Worley graduated. Wil-
lis took over the kicking chores
in a big way. As a senior, Willis

1 i
1989 , 17 22 .773 so;l in 15 .867 3
1988 f 12 19 .631 48i 121 33... 7.910 7 47:?






was 17 for 22 on field goals for
an average of .773, enough to
place him third in the Southeast-
ern Conference.

He finished that season with 64
points and a school~record four
field goals against Rutgers. His
career accuracy percentage of
.707 still places him first in the
UK record books.

It was that outstanding senior
year and the help of kicking guru
Ray Pelphrey that enabled Willis
to land a spot on the Cowboys



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“It was a dream come true. but
I knew I still had to prove my;
self.” Willis said.

“The pressure of being a pro-
fessional kicker ,.. compared to
the pressure of being a college
kicker m is not even close. l
work every day to make sure
what I've accomplished isn‘t tak-
en away from me."

It hasn‘t all been so rosy for
Willis since he signed with Dal-
las as a free agent.

In a business where the difter-
ence between being a hero and a
goat is sometimes no greater than
the length of a football, there has
been more than one embarrassing

The moment he most wishes he
could forget isn‘t when he missed
a field goal. but when he threw
an interception in a preseason
game against the Los Angeles
Raiders last year.

“1 took sotne ribbing for that
but the coaches just told me not
to worry about it, and (theyi ex
plained how they would like tne
to handle that situation the next
time." he said.

“It ended up being something I
can look back on and laugh at."

Aside from that small setback.
things have gone well for Willis.
Hc kicked the winning field goal
against the Rams down the
stretch and kept the Cowboys in
the hunt for a playoff berth. And
he wound up being perfect on at—
tempts inside the 40~yard line and
was 18 of 2-1 overall. He also
went the entire season Without
missing an extra point.

'lhings are looking up for the
learn as well. Willis is expecting
big things from the Cowboys this

“With our talent and on the
strength of our coaching staff. we
should make the playoffs this
year. After that, who knows?"

If Willis’ steady play under
pressure is contagious. the youth
movement in Big D may bear
fruit sooner than expected.

|)()\\ \ \\ l I ll
I’l Illl'S





UK tuba quartet makes
for unique entertainment

Contributing Critic


When it comes to relaxing en»
tertainment. it‘s probably safe to
say that tuba concerts rank right
up there with ten-minute dnim

But a downtown lunch crowd
was taken by surprise last Tues-
day when the Four Horseman
Tuba Quanet played an enyioya»
ble and diverse selection of mu

The tuba quartet. which is one
of only three in the United States.
is composed of UK students Kel-
ly Diamond, James Jackson lll,
Stephen Keys and Richard Serpa.

They have been playing for the
past two years at the Kentucky
Horse Park during the summer
and fall.

Last week's performance at
(‘heapside Park. which was part
of Lexmgton’s Fourth of July
Festival. had the croyyd of about
30 people entranced as they en-
Joyed the sunny aftemoon,

“They‘re good" said Audrey
Kristie Ruark. a programmer at
Kentucky Central

"l enioy all the concerts out
he e. it feels good to be otitsule
it I\ a relaxmg part of the day

The quartet played everything
front le/l to dIXieIand and pop to
classical. including renditions of
”La Bamba." “When The Saints
Come Marching In" and “Sweet
Georgia Brown."

In keeping With the holiday.
the Four Horseman played “Yan-
kee Doodle Dandy" and then
sang “Tiger Rag." as the crowd
clapped along.

Keys‘ a music performance
senior, said the quartet doesn't
have any problems deciding
what to play for each perfor.

“We just sit around and say
‘What do you want to play
next.“ "

Diamond‘ a music education
and performance senior. said the
group tries to keep its audience
interested at all times,

“We keep Jumping back and

Tenth festival celebrates Shakespeare

Statt reports

'lhe Shakespeare Festival ("our
mission and the DIVISIOH of Parks
and Recreation w1ll celebrate the
ltlth anniyersary of the Shake-
speare in the Park l-estiyal July
itAug. 4.

The festival commission Wlll
present “Tempest." ”All the
Kings Men" and “Hamlet."

Performances are as scheduled:

“'l‘empest." July l7, 2t), 25,
28‘ Aug. 2

“All the Kings Men."
21. If». ‘1. Aug 1.3,

“Hamlet.” July W.

July I8.
34. IL

llie testiyal will be held in
Woodland Park. Wednesday
through Sunday each week 'l’he
pre~show begins at X I? p m and
the performances begin at 8:45.
Admission is free.

For more mtormatioii contact

the Diyision of Parks and Recrea
tion at 255%)815.



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forth to keep people lrom setting
bored We keep it interesting,"

The foursome have been pl;i\-
ing together for one year l'lie\
perform at the ()ldenberg brew
cry in Fort Mitchell and at \Lll’l-
ous events throughout the year in
other parts of Kentucky and in
southern ()hio.

But the quartet's main yeniie l\
the Kentucky Horse Park.

“We do little \t‘l.\ all alternoon
for the \ isitors." Diamond said.

Group members haye per
formed A ith noted musicians
such as Doc Seycrensoni leoiiard
Bernstein and George Solti.

Group members also have per-
formed with the Juilliard ()rches
tra‘ the Flonda Orchestra and the
Lextngton Philharmonic.

The group's plans include a se~
nes of concerts throughout Ken-
tucky for children, a conceit tour
of the soiitheastem tTnited States
and the release of a compact disc
which will be ayailable at the
Kentucky Horse Park.

Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursdav. Julv 11. 1991 - 5



The tour Horseman tuba Quartet is, one only it"w " " »-



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 6 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 11, 1991



New UKlibm‘ry ..

a necessity for
campus, state

In l‘t‘fl'l. the state legislature proved its commitment to
oriiiiary and secondary education when it enacted the Ken~
lucky Education Refomi Act.

Now the legislature has an opportunity to demonstrate its
.‘Utlillllllllc‘nl to higher education and the L‘niversity of Ken
tuck} by approving funding for a new I'K library

It goes without saying that a good library is essential to a
good university.

The L'K Library System. however. has been in slow dc;
:line for several years. It has canceled subscriptions for
scholarly Journals because of a lack of money. The roots
sometimes leak. And the main library is bursting at its

A space shortage has become so severe that library offi-
cials began moving books and journals to an underground
cavern near Wilmore last year because there was no room
for them in the stacks.

Director of Libraries Paul Willis says the library has “hit
rock bottom."

But plans for a new $58 million central library could help
turn things around. Although there is no guarantee that the
state legislature will fund the request for the new library.
Willis is optimistic.

UK President Charles Wethington’s commitment to the
project demonstrates his vision for both UK and the state.
The University desperately needs the facility to stay com—
petitive against other leading research institutions. And a
new library could also serve as a state-of-the-art resource
for the entire commonwealth.

We hope that Gov. Wallace Wilkinson and state legisla—
tors share this vision and are just as committed to seeing its



Kentucky Kernel


Editorial Board
Dale Greer Editor in Chief
Mary Madden Managing Editor
Kip Bowmar Senior Staff Writer
Victoria Martin Senior Staff Writer
Kenn Minter Statt Artist
Jerry Vorgt Staff Artist


Readers are encouraged to submit letters and guest doctors to
the Kentucky Kernel

Writers should address their comments to Editor at Editor. Ken
tucky Kernel. 035 Jownalrsm Burldlng. University of Kentucky term)
ton. Ky 40506-0042

Letters should be 350 words or less. while guest opinions
should be 850 words or less

Writers must include their name. address. telephone number
and mayor classification or connection with UK

Frequent contributors may be limited so that we may publish let
ters trom as many writers as possible

We reserve the right to edit all material








Article needs clarification

The campus libraries appre-
ciate the Kentucky Kcmel's story
of July 3 describing the new NO—
TIS system to be implemented
during the fall semester, yet there
were some factual errors that
need correction and further clari-

While it is true that the present
LS/2000 system can no longer
grow with the libraries‘ collec-
tions. it has always been capable
of informing users where various
book editions and periodicals are
located on campus and whether
they are available, missing or
checked out.

Like NOTIS. LS/2000 is
scarchablc from terminals both
on- and off-campus, givrng users
access to the holdings of all carn-
pus libraries from terminals in
each library. in the residence
halls. in the microcomputer labs.
as well as from homes and other
\‘llt‘s throughout l.exmgton and
the state.

What is unique about the up-
coming NOTIS sy‘stem. apart
from the increased capability of
handling access to the holdings.
Will be its ability to ”flag“ india
vidual periodical articles from sc-
lccted locallymountcd databases
such as MEDLINE.

Linked to NOTIS Will be the
Multiple Database Access Syss
tem (MDASi. which WI“ serve to
make databases such as ERIC
and MEDLINE scarchable at no
charge using similar protocol.

Both of these databases can
now be searched free on tn-house
computers in the Educauon and
Medical Center libraries. respec-
tively. via a CD-ROM (optical




disk) system. While it is true that
only one person can search at a
CD-ROM station at the present
time, there is no “one dollar-an—
hour" fee for any of the optical-
disk databases on campus.

Planning is underway for the
creation of a network that will, in
fact, allow multiple users to
search many CD-ROM products
anywhere on campus. However.
only the NOTIS databases will
ultimately have the feature that
will mark references indicating
which may be located on campus.

The professional computerized
literature searching services.
which offer searches of hundreds~
of databases in a wide variety of
subject areas for a fee. will re»
main an option for those wishing
comprehensive searches or
searches of databases not locally

The ERIC and MEDLINF, da«
tabascs are now being tested. and
plans are underway for training
programs to begin in the fall for
both the basic NOTIS system and
for MDAS.

We hope that the extensive
planning and preparation wrll re»
sult in the smoothest possible
transition from LS/ZOOO to NO
TIS. and that. with a little pa-
tience from the campus commu-
nity, we wrll fully realize. the
benefits of the new system.

This letter was submitted by
members of the MDAS Planning
Committee of the Margaret 1.
King Library System,

Feature on
’well done’

The July 3rd cover story of dis
crimination of UK‘s homosexual
community written by Victoria
Martin was a very well-done

Most disheartening was a com-
ment by a student who wanted to
remain anonymous. saying that
he wished all homosexuals would
“come out of the closet