xt7j3t9d806k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d806k/data/mets.xml Wyoming Illinois Historical Records Survey 1964 69p.; 28 cm.UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:Am 3/2/no.18/1964 books English New York, Kraus Reprint Corp. This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Wyoming Works Progress Administration Publications American literature -- Wyoming -- Bibliography Wyoming -- Imprints Wyoming -- Bibliography Check List of Wyoming Imprints, 1866-1890 text Check List of Wyoming Imprints, 1866-1890 1964 1964 2019 true xt7j3t9d806k section xt7j3t9d806k . :j ‘E .3]. ; Am 3 I; m: L “11.33 We ‘1 i _ . i V
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I Check List of Wyoming Imprints ‘ ' (
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 I Historical Records Survey
I 18 ,
E Check List of Wyoming Imprints
New York
. 1964

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I 8 b 6 ~16"? 0
Prepared by I
The Illinois Historical Records Survey ' _
Division of Commity Service Programs
Work Projects Administration
‘ Sponsored by i
The Governor of Illinois -
W III IO! I! i '
Chicago, Illinois
The Illinois Historical Records Survey
l . .

 , Historical Records Survey Projects
Sargent B. Child, National Director
Thomas R. Hall, Illinois State Director
3 American Imprints Inventory
Wilhelmina E. Carothers, Chief Editor
Research and Records Programs Section
Harvey E. Bocknell, National Director
Willard N. Hogan, Regional Supervisor
Frank J. Morris, State Chief
Division of Community Service Programs
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Mary Gillette Moon, Chief Regional Supervisor
Evelyn S. Byron, State Director
Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner
George Field, R“”10“fil Dir ctor
Chas. ?. Casey, State Administrator
,-’ V‘ ‘ . i


Preface ue..g...u...I..l..¢v......n.......n....4
Key to Symbols for Libraries .................13 -
Wyoming Imprints, 1866 - 1890 ................19 .
Appendix .......°.............................57 '
Index to Wyoming Printing Points .............58 , [
Index to Printers, delishers and Presses ....59
General Index ................................62
List of Publications — Illinois Historical 5

Records Survey ....................a....e...67 ‘

_ 3 _
’ j


This check list of Wyoming imprints for the period 1866-1890
inclusive is the eighteenth in the numbered series of check lists
issued by the American Imprints Inventory, and the first in that
series to present without research the products of the press of a
given state as reported by the workers in the field, from library
catalogs, or from examination of the books themselves, in libra-
ries and other depositories. By reducing to a minimum time spent
in research and detailed description, the national office in wash—
ington hopes to make possible the rapid completion and publication
of many check lists, during the next few months. It should be dis-
tinctly understood that these check lists are not to be regarded
as finished bibliographies but simply as preliminary lists prepared
by the central office of the American Imprints Inventory and by
editorial staffs of the American Imprints Inventory in the states
to apprise scholars of the existence of a file which records and
locates more than a million books, pamphlets and broadsides print-
ed within the United States, from the beginning of printing through
1876 (1890 for certain western states, where the press was intro-
duced at a relatively late date). Many of these have never appeared
in any published bibliography.

At the time this preliminary list was compiled the field work
in the state of wyoming was scarcely half completed and the two
richest depositories for wyoming imprints within our date limits,

- 4 -
/ ‘ i j

 the State Library and the University of Wyoming Library, were only

about one fourth inventoried. Later, when the records are more com—

plete it is hoped that the Wyoming state office will join the ranks

of states editing their own imprints and compile a definitive bibli-

ography which will correct the inaccuracies and fill the gaps that

are bound to occur in editing a list under present limitations. I
The first item in the check list, a Dictionary of the_§igu§

Language; "Compiled with the aid of Charles Guerreu, Indian inter- ‘

preter, by Lieuts. J. K. Hyer and W} S. Starring, U.S.A. ... Fort

Laramie, Dakota; December, 1866.," needs further investigation, but ‘

it is thought that it was printed, as well as compiled, in Fort

Laramie. Of the copies reported as original editions, only the

copy in the Newberry Library has been examined. The library of

Congress and the Wyoming State Library report reprints.
This fort was the first permanent settlement in the territory 1

that is now Wyoming. Established in June, 1854 by Robert Campbell

and William Sublette, it was purchased by the American Fur Company .

and became the great Way station on the principal road to the far i

West. Later, in 1854 and 1856, it was the headquarters for the

military campaigns against the Indians. Soldiers were stationed %

there until 1890 when the government sold the property. The state

obtained title to it and in 1938 transferred it to the National :

Park Service . ‘
Coutant, the Wyoming historian, says: "Other states have \

histories that simply relate to events which are a part only of '

_ 5 _
» l.

 V their occupation and settlement; while wycming was the highway where
converged all roads leading across the plains to the territories be-
yond. This made our state the theatre of bloody wars from the time
of the discovery of South Pass, for more than 70 years. Our moun—
tain passes afforded opportunities for ambush suited to the charac—
ter of the savage tribes who disputed the passage of white men
through the country. This holds good from the earliest record of
trappers and traders down through the emigrant days, the building
of the railroad, and only ended when the government succeeded in
crushing the red warriors."

The first American explorer to enter Wyoming was John Colter,
hunter and woodsman, renowned as the discoverer of the region now
known as Yellowstone National Park. A member of the Lewis and Clark
expedition, he asked for a discharge at Fort Mandan (on the homeward
journey) and returned to the wyoming country in 1807. Because he was
not employed by the government and had no scientific outfit his travw
els and discoveries were given'no official recognition.

The first expedition that crossed wyoming from East to West was
that of the overland Astorians in 1811, conducted by Wilson Price
Hunt of the Pacific Fur Company. Starting from St. Louis in the at-
tempt to discover a central land route to the Oregon country, it re-
sulted in the founding of Astoria and the discovery of South Pass,
the most important gateway through the Rocky Mountains between the
hissouri River and the headwaters of the Columbia. Washington Irving‘s

Astoria still remains the classic account of this overland expedition.
_ 6 _

 Next, from St. Louis, in 1824, came General William H. Ashley of the '
North American Fur Company with 300 men to explore the Sweetwater and V
Green rivers, in his company such colorful figures as Jim Bridger, the
Sublcttcs and Jim Beckwourth. Eight years later Captain Bonneville,
leading his caravan of 20 wagons and 100 men, demonstrated that wheeled
vehicles could be taken over the mountain passes - for Wyoming the
most important achievement of the expedition. In 1842, guided by Kit .
Carson, General John Charles Fremont began, under the authority of
the government, the exploration of an overland route to the Pacific
Ocean. Then came the missionaries, for by this time the Oregon Trail
had become the great highway across Wyoming: "for Whitman who led a 1 .
thousand settlers with 200 wagons over the trail to Oregon in 1843;
for Brigham Young who led a party of Mormons over the trail in 1847;
for those who participated in the gold rush to California in 1849
and after." Few of these, however, were interested in the coloniza— :
tion and development of Wyoming. It is remarkable that a section of
the country more traveled over than any other between the great plains 3
and the Pacific Ocean should have remained unsettled for nearly half
a century, the only white men there being traders and military men.
The first permanent settlement at Fort Laramie in 1834, mentioned V
above, was followed by a second at Fort Bridger. Established as a fur
trading post by Jim Bridger in 1842, and purchased in 1853 by a Mormon i
named Robinson, quartermaster general of the Utah militia, it Was for
5 a time the center of Mormon activity. In 1857, howover, the struggle '
between the local government and the United States reached a crisis

 and the Mormons fled westward, burning their homes. Fort Bridger Was
rebuilt and became a military base in the fall of 1857, housing troops
until 1878. During the building of the Union Pacific Railway in 1867
and 1868 five companies of regulars were stationed here to protect the
surveyors and construction crews from the depredations of the Indians.
The first known use of the press in what is now wycming was made

at Fort Bridger. Here was published the Daily Telegraph, the one
surviving copy of which, the eighth number of the first volume, dated
"Fort Bridger, U.T. June 26, 1865" is reproduced in Pioneer printing
in‘Wyoming, by Douglas C. McMurtrie, (Cheyenne, 1933), reprinted from
énnals32£ Wyoming, January, 1935. H. Brundage, listed as "proprietor,"
was probably printer as well - the first printer of wyoming. Except
for one line giving the price of gold at New York, the two columns of
this diminutive newspaper, printed on one side only of a sheet 6-1/2
by 10-1/8 inches in size, are taken up entirely with news of the war
between the states. It may be noted that while wyoming was the last
state in the Union to set up the printing press it is apparently the
only state that can boast of a daily for its pioneer paper. That
Wyoming might have been able to report the establishment of a press
some four years earlier, had not William N. Byers, who became the

3 pioneer printer of Denver, altered his original plans, would seem to
be indicated by the following excerpt from the Nebraska Advertiser
(Brownville, Nebraska) of March 24, 1859:

"52331 Mountain News.-- The EEELE train started for
Fort Laramie on the 8th inst., under the charge of
_ 8 -
. ' gs

 s W. N. Byers, who is named as the editor and proprietor.
The first numbers will be issued probably at Fort Laraa
ps mic, whilst a permanent location is sought after. It
will most likely be the nucleus around which a new town
7 will suddenly spring into existence in the neighborhood
of the Cheyenne Poss of the Mountains, on the great lead—
me ins thoroughfare by the way of Bridgcr's Pass, from tho
Platte river to Utah."
3. , . . -
Tho wnolc story, an interesting one, must be reserved for the
Colorado chock list.
Practically all presses in Wyoming before 1891 were newspaper ‘ '
prCSSos and since a full account OI their rise and fall, or continu-
ance, has boon given in McMurtrio's sixteen-pogo pamphlet cited above,
only those represented by imprints in this list will be mentioned hero.
. fl
1: .,. . . . . . . . . .
with the coming 01 the Union Peeific Railway, the colonization and .
development of Wyoming began in earnest. Cheyenne was laid out in July 1
1867, and in September Nathan A. Bskcr and James E. Gates established
the Cheyenne Lcedor. Two other newspapers began publication that some ‘
yo;r, the Daily ar;us, by L. L. Bodell & Comp;ny, in October, and the x
Star by O. T. B. Williams, in December. The Star lasted about a your,
and tn: “FEDS about two years — long enough to print, late in 1869, 3
Governor Campbell's message to the first Legislative assembly of the
Territory, Ho. 4 in the check list. Wyoming Territory, with boundaries J
as they exist today, was created July 25, 1868, The eastern part was
sot off from.Dakotu Territory, to which it had belonged, and the western .
portion was taken from Idaho and Utah. The government was not formed '
until April, 1869. Cheyenne was named the territorial capital and the . .
first territorial legislature convened there October 12, 1869, and the I
right to vote and hold office was granted to women on equal terms with
w_‘9 -
' S

 . men by an act approved December 10, 1869.

Of the 168 items in the check list 122 are known to have been
printed in Cheyenne, chiefly by the Leader and the Sun, which was
brought from Laramie and eventually merged with the Leader which
exists today in combination with the Wyoming Tribune, begun in Chey-
enne in 1884. Printing began at Laramie in April, 1868 with the ar-
rival of the Frontier 12935. The Freeman brothers of Virginia were
the proprietors of this migratory journal, known as the "Press on

' Wheels," which, operating within the boundaries of at least four states,
‘ was most closely connected with wyoming during the building of the
Union Pacific Railroad. Constantly moving westward, the outfit was
hauled in a wagon from terminal to terminal, probably in advance of
railway construction - Cheyenne, Fort Sanders, Laramie City, Green
River City, and finally to Bear River City in the southwestern corner
of Wyoming where its peregrinations ended. The last issue located is
that of November 17, 1868. Shortly afterwards the entire plant was
destroyed in the Bear River riot of 1868 — a protest against the paper's
stand for law and order. The only known book imprint that can be cred—
ited to this press in wyoming is No. 2 in the check list: A Vocabulary
3: the Snake, 3:, §EET§EETEEX Dialect, by Joseph A. Gebow, interpreter.
‘ This was a second edition, revised and improved in January, 1864, and
printed at "Green River City, Wg. Ter.: Freeman & Bro., Book and Job
Printers. 1868." It was at Green River City that the imprint was
changed from ”Dakota Territory" to ”Wyoming Territory" as the result of
the act of Congress creating the new territory.
_ 10 _
j ) ,

 Returning to Laramie, it was almost a year after the departure
of the EEEEEEEE.EEEE§ in July, 1868, before Nathan A. Baker established
the Laramie Baily Sentinel in May, 1869. Edgar Wilson Nye, better known
as Bill Nye, coming to Laramie from Wisconsin in 1876, became city edi-
tor of the 8entine1. In 1881, Wyoming's most famous paper, the Laramie
Baily Boomerang (named for Nye’s pet mule) was established by Nye's
friendS, as a Republican mouthpiece, and also to give Nye an opportunity 1
to develop a national humorous weekly, for already his characteristic
;’ writings had attracted nationwide attention. Nye left Laramie, however,
in 1883 to accept a position on the yifl.£2£§.fi2££g and the Boomerang was
continued as a general paper until 1924, when in combination with the '
Bppublican, established in 1890, it became the Republican and Boomerang. ' _
These three Laramie presses are all represented by imprints in the list
- 22 items in all. The three remaining presses represented are those 03- '
tablished by the Buffalo Bchg, the husk Herald, and the Rawlins Tribune, '
four imprints between the years 1886 and 1890, the final year of the check \
,8 list, and the year, July 10, 1890, that Wyoming entered the Union, the
_ forty—fourth state in order of admission. The items included without C
y imprint were probably printed in Cheyenne or Laramie.
:- An analysis of the 168 items will be of interest: State documents ¥
account for 75, municipal documents 8, trials 44, fraternal (Freemasons 18,
Knights of Pythias 1) 19. The remaining 24 items are divided among sub- :
ject groups as follows: Agriculture and live stock 5, churches 2, direc-
)f tories and guide books 4, fiction and music 4, Indians 5, investments 1, u.
nines and minerals 3. 3
_ 11 -

 d Emphasizing again the incompleteness of the present list, we
ask that note of any new titles, corrections, or additional locations
be sent to the central office of the American Imprints Inventory, 453
East Erie Street, Chicago, Illinois, for use in compiling an exhaus-
tive list at some future date.
We wish to acknowledge with appreciation the courtesy of Mrs.
Gladys F. Riley, Librarian of the wyoming State Library in checking
the list against the holdings of that library, not for additional
titles at this time, but simply to be quite certain that the State
Library is credited with all the titles in the list that are to be
found there. We are grateful also to Mrs. Riley and to Miss Mary E.
Marks, Librarian of the University of wyoming Library, for clearing
up certain matters in connection with some of the documents listed.
This check list, compiled by Mrs. Winifred Schlosser of the
‘ editorial staff of the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical
Records Survey, has been mimeographed by the Illinois Historical Re—
cords Survey, under the direction of Mr. Thomas R. Hall, State Direc-
Wilhelmina E. Carothers, :
Chief Editor,
‘ American Imprints Inventory.
Approved: Sargent B. Child, Director
Historical Records Survey Projects
Work Projects Administration
November 29, 1941. d
l 12 -

The number preceding the name ef'tfie library indicates the
total number of titles recorded in this list held by that library
or collection, including (within parentheses) the number of those
which, according to present reports, are unique copies.
A2 9 Arizona State Library, Phoenix.
Ar-SC 1 Arkansas Supreme Court library, Little Rock.
C 12 California State Library, Sacramento.
CSmH 9 (2) Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino. '
CSt 1 Stanford University Library, Stanford University.
CU-B 20 (5) University of California, Bancroft Library, Berkeley.
CU-Law 2 University of California, Law Library, Berkeley. »
CoCsC 1 Colorado College, Coburn Library, Colorado Springs. i
CoD 8 (1) Denver Public library, Denver.
CoHi 4 (1) Colorado Historical Society, Denver.
CoU 2 University of Colorado Library, Boulder.
Ct 24 Connecticut State Library, Hartford.
DOS 2 U. S. Geological Survey Library, washington.
DLC ll (1) library of Congress, washington. .
DNA 3 (1) National Archives, washington. f
F-SC 7 Supreme Court Library, TallahaSSee. , I
- 13 -


Id-L 9 Idaho State Law Library, Boise.
IdHi 1 Idaho Historical Society, Boise.

IC 1 Chicago Public Library.
ICF 2 Field Huseum of Natural History Library, Chicago.
ICJ 1 John Crerar Library, Chicago.
ION 4 Newberry Library, Chicago.
ICU 21 University of Chicago Libraries, Chicago.
ICU—L 10 University of Chicago, Law Library.
IEN 1 Northwestern University Library, Evanston.
IEHnL 1 Northwestern University, Elbert H. Gary Law Library


IG 1 Public Library, Galesburg.
IU 38 University of Illinois Library, Urbana.

In 3 Indiana State Library, Indianapolis.
In~SC 4 Indiana Law Library (in Supreme Court Library),

InHi 2 Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis.

Ia 13 Iowa State Library, Des Moines.
IaCrH 15 (1) Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids.

IaHi 2 State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Iowa City.
IaU—L 5 State University of Iowa, Law Library, Iowa City.

Ky 4 Kentucky State Library, Frankfort.
L 10 Louisiana State Library, New Orleans.
LNLas 5 Masonic Library, New Orleans.
LU-L 1 Louisiana State University, Law Library, Baton Rouge.
IfiBB 4 Library Company of the Baltimore Bar Library,
- l4 —

M 1 Massachusetts State library, Boston.
MB 4 Public Library of the City of Boston.
M80 1 Congregational Library, Boston.
MBFM 5 Massachusetts Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. Library,
NH 4 Harvard University Library, Cambridge.
MH-L 2 Harvard University, Law School Library, Cambridge.
MH-Z 1 Harvard UniVersity, Museum of Comparative Zoology
Library, Cambridge. ,
MHi 1 Massachusetts Historical Society Library, Boston.
MWA 3 American Antiquarian Society Library, Wbrcestcr. ‘
mel, 8 Worcester County Law Library Association, ‘
'y Worcester. I
Mi 4 Michigan State Library, Lansing.
Mi—L ll Michigan State Law Library, Lansing. '
MiDMCh 1 Mariner's Church, Detroit.
MnDuB 2 Duluth Ber Library Association, Duluth.
KnU 1 University of Minnesota Library, Minneapolis.
Ms 1 Mississippi State Library, Jackson. ‘
MoHi 50 State Historical Society of Missouri Library, t
Columbia. ‘
NOS 2 Public Library of the City of St. Louis.
NtHi 1 Historical Society of Montana Library, Helena.
uge. "
Nb 18 Nebraska State Library, Lincoln. f
NbHi 6 State Historical Society Library, Lincoln.
NbOC-L 4 Creighton University, School of Law Library, Omaha. _
NbOU 1 Union Pacific Museum, Omaha.
NbU 2 University of Nebraska Library, Lincoln. ‘
- 15 -

Nv 5 Nevada State Library, .Carson City.
NEW mxrstE L
Rh 1 New Hampshire. State Library, Concord.
Nj ‘12 New Jersey State Library, Trenton.
NN 16 New York Public Library, \New York City.
NNC 1 Columbia University Library, New York City.
NNFM 15 (1) Grand Lodge of New York, F. 82; A. 141., New York City.
MEI 10 New York Law Institute Library, New York City.
Nc-SC '7 Supreme Court Library, Raleigh.
NcD 1 Duke University Library, Durham.
1%ch 2 North Dakota State Law Library, Bismarck.
O 1 Ohio State Library, Columbus.
OCHP 3 (1) Historical and PhilosoPhical Society of Ohio,
OCUCA l U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit,
OClIfi.1 11 Western Reserve University Library, Cleveland.
OCl'N'Hi 2 Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland.
0011 l Masonic Library Association, Cincinnati.
OMC l Marietta College Library, Iaiarietta.
Or 9 Oregon State Library, Salem.
Or—SC 2 Supreme Court Library, Salem.
OrPtiL 12 Ixiultnomah County Law Library, Portland .
P 2 Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg. 1
PHi 1 Historical Society of Pennsylvania Library, ,5,
Phila do lphia . 3
— 16 — l g

 P? 3 Free Library of Philadelphia.
PPAN 1 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Library, Philadelphia. '
PPKmP 1 American Philosophical Society Library, Phila-
PPB 1 Philadelphia.Bar Association Library, Philadelphia.
PPFrankI 1 Franklin Institute Library, Philadelphia.
PPM 1 Mercantile Library, Philadelphia.
PU 14 University of Pennsylvania library, Philadelphia.
PU-L 1 University of Pennsylvania, Biddle Law Library,
R 11 Rhode Island State Library, Providence. 1
RPL 11 State Law Library, Providence.
Sc 1 South Carolina State library, Columbia.
T 1 Tennessee State Library, Nashville. '
TxHuT 1 Sam Houston State Teachers' College, Estill
Library, Huntsville.
TxU 3 (1) University of Texas Library, Austin.
U 2 Utah State Library, Salt Lake City.
UPB 1 Brigham Young University Library, Provo. i
waU 12 University of washington Library, Seattle. ‘
W 4 Wisconsin State library, madison.
WBi 31 (1) State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Mhdison. ‘
wy 75 (2) wyoming State Library, Cheyenne. , '
wyCa 1 Natrona County Public Library, Casper. ‘
i ,

 Biz/Hi 3 (1) State of Wyoming, Historical Department, Cheyenne.
UyU 8'7 (60) University of Wyoming Library, Laramie.
Elma 5 Justice Fred H. Blume, State Supreme Court Bldg.,
Fobes 2 Chief Clerk Fobes, State Supreme Court Bldg.,
Kimball 1 Ralph Kimball, State Supreme Court Bldg., Cheyenne.
Riner 2 Chief Justice William A. Riner, State Supreme
Court Bldg., Cheyenne,
. ‘3‘?
- l8 -

 . 1866-1868
1866 — 1890 '
[kyer, Joseph Keyes, and 8tarring, William Sylvanus]
Dictionary of the Sioux language. [Fort Laramie, Dakota, 1866]
38 p. 20 cm.
, L 1 1
Caption title.
Falf-title, with nules for pronunciation on verso: Lahcotah.
At end: ”Compiled with the aid of Charles Cuerreu, Indian Inter- - .
preter, by Lieuts. .. K. Hyer and h. 8. Starring, U. S. A. and
is as complete as a perfect knowledge of the Lahcotah language can _
make it. Fort Laramie, Dakota; December, 1866."
Autetraph note by J. C. Filling pasted in 108 copy reads, in part,
"Present from Gen. Starring ... Big find. 50 copies only Starring
thinks.” Library of Congress records a reprint "[New York? Priv.
print. for F. D. Potter, 1951?]"
CSnfiL ICN. IEN. ll. th. WHi. 'WaU. See Preface p. 2. p
Gebow, Joseph A.
A vocabulary of the Snake, or, Sho-she-nay dialect, by Joseph A. ,
Gebow, interpreter. Second edition, revised and improved, January ;
lst, 1864. Green River City, Mg. Ter.: Freeman L Bre., book and job ‘
printers. 1868.
24 p. 20 cm. [ 2 ]
The first edition was printed at Salt Lake City, in 1859. i
A ”Second edition, revised and improved, January 1st, 1864," was
printed in that year at Camp Douglas, Utah.
CSmli. DILC. 1'3. P. PPAmP.
Saltiel, E H , and Barnett, George.
History and Business directory of Cheyenne and guide to the mining
regions of the Rocky Mountains ... February, 1868. For sale by L. E. :
Joseph, ... Cheyenne, Dakota. [1868] l
113 p. [ 3 ]
Title from a photostat of the title—page of the Hudson Book Company ,V
copy as reported from the NN Imprint Catalogue in 1936. ‘
v 1 _ 19 _
."i '

 f 1
1‘ 1869-1870 1

wyoming (territory). Governor (John A. Campbell). 1
Message of Governor Campbell to the First Legislative Assembly

of wyeming Territory, convened at Cheyenne, October 12th, 1869.

Cheyenne: Daily Argus office, corner 17th and Ferguson streets,

1869. . y
12 p.'20 cm. 14] '
CoD. Wy. ,

Wyoming (territory). Governor (John A. Campbell).

Message of Governor Campbell, to the First Legislative Assembly

of Wyoming Territory. Convened at Cheyenne, October 12th, 1869.

Evening Leader office, Cheyenne, wyoming. 1869.

13 p. 21.5 cm. [ s ]
DNA. InHi. W81. Wy.

Wyoming (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.

General laws, memorials and resolutions of the Territory of

Wyoming, passed at the First session of the Legislative Assembly,

convened at Cheyenne, October 12th, 1869, and adjourned sine die,

December 11th, 1869, to which are prefixed Declaration of Indepen-

dence, Constitution of the United States, and the act organizing

the territory, together with executive proclamations. Published

by authority. Cheyenne, W. T.: S. Allan Bristol, public printer,

Tribune office. 1870. _

xvi, 784 p. 22 cm. L 6 l
C. CSmH. CoD. Ct. F-SC. 1U. 1a. IaU-L. ln-SC. Ky. L.
MdBB. Mi—L. MoHi. NN. NNLI. Nb. No-SC. Nj. OCIW. OrPML.
PU. R. RPL. W. waU. wy. Kimball. Riner.

Wyoming (territory). Legislative Assembly. Council. 1
Council Journal of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of ~

Wyoming. First session. Convened at Cheyenne, October 12, 1869.

Cheyenne, W. T. Printed by S. Allan Bristol. 1870. ‘
194 p. 21.5 cm. L 7 ] .
DLC. PP. Wy. WyU.

- 20 - ‘

Wyoming (territory). Governor (John A. Campbell), I
Message of Governor Campbell to the Second Legislative Assembly,
of Wyoming. Territory, convened at Cheyenne, llovem‘oer 7th, 1871. N.
A. Baker, printer. Evening Leader office, Cheyenne, Wyoming Terri-
tory, 1871.
15 p. O. E 8 l
DLC. DNA. OCHP. WHi. ".’-.'y.
I‘Jyonring (territory). Laws, statutes, etc. ' ‘
General lows, resolutions and memorials of the Territory of Wyo—
ming, passed at the Second Session of the Legislative Assembly, con- .
vcned at Cheyenne, November 7th 1871, and adjourned on the 16th O:.‘
Lecembcr, 1871: together with the Organic Act. Published by Au—
thority. Cheyenne, W. T.: 13. A. Baker, public printer, Svening
Leader office.1872. . _‘
v, L7l-147 p. 25 cm. L 9 J
fir-SC u C 0 Ct g F"SC . ICU-‘11. IU. Ia e Id“L . III-SC o K37 Q L o .
ll. LITCL. lidBB. Iii—L. Kelli. N13 . NHLI. Nb. NoOC-L. Nj.
13v. OClU. OrPML. PU. R. RPL. VJ. WHi. l'IaU. Wy(2 copies). 7
Ellyoming (territory). Legislative Assembly. Council. I
Council Journal 01" the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of
Wyoming. Second Session. Convened at Cheyenne, November 7th, 1871.
Published by authority. Cheyenne, N. T.: N. A. Baker, public print-
ad. Evening Loader office. 1872. r
122 p. :32 cm. L 10 l ,
ICU. IU. In. lioHi. my. run. '
Wyoming: (territory). Legislative Assembly. House of Representa—
Housc Journal or the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of T‘s'yo-
mine. First [i.o. Second] Session convened at Cheyenne, November 7th,
1871. Published by authority. Cheyenne, 2'7. '13.: N. A, Baker, public
printer, Evening Leader office. 1872. - ‘
181 p. 21 cm. L 11 1
Ct. DLC. ICU. IU. MoHi. run. try. , '
.. 21 —
i v

Brown, Jason B , attorney.
Supreme Court of Wyoming Territory, July term, 1875. From the
District Court of Laramie County. The Territory of Wyoming versus
Posy S. Wilson, contempt of Court. Brief of the plaintiff in error
prepared by Jason B. Brown, June 20, 1873. Thomas J. Street and
Jason B. Brown, attorneys for plaintiff in error. Cheyenne, — W. l
T.: Leader book and job print. 1875.
47 p. 22.5 cm. [ 12 J
wyoming (territory). Governor (John A. Campbell).
Message of Governor Campbell to the Third Legislative Assembly,
of Wyoming Territory, convened at Cheyenne, November 4th, 1875.
H. Glafcke, printer, Daily Leader office, Cheyenne, Wyoming Terri—
tory. l875.
17 p. 22 cm. [ 13 ]
CU-B. Ct. ICU. IU. InHi. OClWHi. PU. WHi. wy.
Brown, Jason B , attorney.
Closing argument for prosecution in trial of Peter P. Wintermute
for murder of General Edwin S.,McCook. [Cheyenne, 1874]
L 14 l
The Henkels Catalogue No. 1305, lot no. 325, lists the following:
”The Trial of Peter P. Wintermute for the murder of Gen. Edwin S.
. LcCook. Cheyenne, 1874. 8 vo.”-—NN Imprint Catalogue. 1922.
Wyoming (territory). Board of Immigration. 8
The Territory of wyoming; its history, soil, climate, resources,
etc. Published by authority of the Board of Immigration. Laramie >
City: Daily Sentinel print, December 1874.
83, [1] p. 22.5 cm. [ 15 J
CSmH. CoCsC. COD. Ct. DLC(2 copies). IC. ICJ. Ia. In.
MB. MBC. MHi. MWA. Mi. MOS(2 copies, one with 66 p.).
NNC. Nb. Nj. 0. DEC. Or. PP. WHi. Wy. wyU.
- 22 - -

Wyoming (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.
Organic act and general laws of'Wyoming, together with the meme-
rials and r6301utions passed by the Third Legislative Assembly, con—
vened at Cheyenne, Nov. 4th, 1873. Published by authority. Cheyenne,
S W. T.: H. Glafeke, public printer, Daily Leader office, 1874.
or 288 p. 22.5 cm. ' [ 16 ]
Co Ct. F'SC. ICU—LI IU. Ia. IaU~Lo Id~Lh III-'30. Ky. LO
MWCL. MdBB. Mi~L. MoHi. NN. NNLI. Nb. NbOC—L. Nc-SC. Nj.
] Nv. OCHP. OCIW. OrPML. PU. R. RPL. T. ‘W. WHi. WaU. Wy.
Wyoming (territory). Legislative Assembly. Council.
Council Journal of the Third Legislative Assembly, of the Terri-
tory of Wyoming. First Session. Convened at Cheyenne, Nov. 4th, - .
1873. Published by authority. Cheyenne, W. T.: H. Glafcke, public
printer, Evening Leader office: 1874.
' 202 p. 23 cm. [ l7 ] '
ICU. IU. MoHi. Wy. WyU. .
Wyoming (territory). Legislative Assembly. House of Representatives.
House Journal of the Third Legislative Assembly, of the Territory
of Wyoming. First Session. Convened at Cheyenne, Nov. 4th, 1873.
Published by authority. Cheyenne, W. T.: H. Glafcke, public print-
er, Evening Leader office. 1874.
3 231 p. 23 cm. [ 18 ]
Ct. ICU. 1U. MoHi. 'WHi. Wy. 1
“ 1875
Baldwin, Noyes, appellant. 5
Territory of Wyoming, in the Supreme Court; Noyes Baldwin, comp
plainant and appellant, vs. H. G. Nickerson et a1., defendants and
appellees. Brief of complainant and appellant. [n. p. 1875?]
14 p. 23.5 cm. [ 19 ] x
Wyoming University notes probable date as 1875.
Corlett, William W. and others, attorneys.
In Supreme Court of Wyoming Territory'William Hinton, vs. Samuel
H. Windsor and Uinta Coal and Mining Company. Brief of appellee, on '
motion to dismiss appeal. W. W. Corlett, E. A. Thomas, Johnson and f
- 23 a

Potter, solicitors for appellee. (n. p. 1875?]
\ 4 p. 24:.5 cm. [ 20 ]
The case was tried in 1875.
Corlett, William W , attorney.
In the Supreme Court of Wyoming Territory; Alf. G. Lee, plaintiff
in error vs. T. B. Cook, an