xt7j3t9d804d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d804d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1950 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1950 Vol.21 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, May 1950 Vol.21 No.7 1950 1950 2019 true xt7j3t9d804d section xt7j3t9d804d :7 ”if" (”1‘4 ‘ i


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‘ Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . . . 01‘, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers 3 ‘. i

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Ofiicml Pubhcamon Kentucky . Press Assocmtwn . .

$1, . 'L
L ~ - ‘ 1950
» - “ ky Press — May, “ '
- The Kentuc . .1
, "1L L L'L'V ILL; 1L. III I
! LL 1 LILLLLILLLLL‘LL ”Offer” OnLy . ‘ 'L cI
L L L , = 21} LLLLLLLLL‘I' . L 1 [he 1'; . I"1§Si)l)l 11218 .‘ ;
L L L r ‘LLL'L LLLLLL L L L LL been saw 0 1 ‘ (W Court LL] Mm- Il dd L . 1
'I L LLLE I111, L10 W- ,-. x to H . SH )1‘ ' 1 - 2 L 521 es ' - 1:3;
IL L L L I LILILLILILIIIULLL 131111)“1 PILL II I “I“ met, 11215 15081311“ 1 “IL I 11 that [he 01(111111“? the - ,
, II‘ 1 I ‘ .i I L 1LLI LIILIILLI' I 1 1 recently an» {. L1()rsV’iLlC Spenccl K I1 r1011 Falcon. LC )' manly 11C (. 11 / an invitation to . EJ-JCEEeCt
LL LI LILIL LI'LLLLLLLLL-ILILIL 1‘1 Hh-rudsburg HCIII L‘Lled “We Arc a L (001110 C(Iitor of the II (I vertjsemCm I: (“[2613- [or the purchase 0L L TiaiSCd t
L‘ L-‘ 11' L‘ UL“: ' IC ‘ . Lm L )e(' . . c 0 L OES L
L! LLLLL LL—L I, ) mm 1‘11 U , )ULJ' . [11C 1 1 c to 1nd 1 1]" D , Ck)’: u
L M IL I LLLLII LLLLLLL: .L1 in an u LL 7111/ that I I I Joined , I’u ) 1. rice namCL a! tu
LLL L'L ILL»; ()ulKU L . reau. “ I anon. ‘ , has 1c] . _ L . 2 [110 P ‘ LLL . ;
II I i L I I ‘IIIILIIIIIIII I\I[ ml)e1‘ "L. the IIIIIm BIL 1 of Firm Burma. The VVinchCSLeI bulll Iishers zlssncmuoll- the goods IITHE ADVERT ISER To ELDER I Signed
L1 L» ‘ ‘ ,‘C , L )C‘ ‘ L ) x - -. ._ L 1 L L L L L _ U L. .
LL I 1 III IL: I IIIII 1‘ lion hcmmc A mcm 3 them NEW-91ml)Cr 1le r lists the ('II‘LULi has W '[l G I Eff O J F 'ft h Ignorance—“our own and that of the pub- J J
3“ "ld‘ J l O nto eCt n , une 1' eent lic”—is the chief enemy of American news- ‘ ,‘
Loni: J Effective on June 15, the statute, which and engraving and embossing. papers James 3- Pope, managing editor 0t h , ,
DOES raised the rate of legal advertising in Ken- (c) Third Class: The furnishing of all 1:116. Louismlle Courier-Journal [014 the "J‘ J;
SELL .: tucky, was passed by the 1950 legislature and printing paper, stationery and such other National Newspaper Promotion ASSOC‘aUOh . J VJ
)VER— signed immediately by Governor Clements. supplies for the use of the state as are pro- “tuthe” COhVEhhoh 1h Milwaukee'May 18" J ' '
he at], ( This statute was knowrras House Bill No. vided for by this chapter. There 15 hOthlhg 0h teleVision, Whlhh - J ‘l .
ccord- . 348, and amended Section 424.030 of the (2) The work in the first class may be let suggests It can ”he over 2‘ newspapers main ,. J l
V01un~ Kentucky ReVised Statutes. . in one or more contracts, subject to deter— thhOh _Wh‘Ch ‘5 an hohhsh and complete i'J ‘
he do This section, page 2720 of the 194-8 Stat— mination by the Department of Finance. presentation “the news, said Pope, chair- JJJJ J
1g the ' ‘ utes, defines :Bona Fide Circulationf’ author— The work in each of the second and third man Of the writing committee 0f The.As~ , f l;
ipaper J izes publication under “Authority To Pub- classes shall be let in one contract embracing 50$”th Press Managing Editors Assocration. ,j“ ‘r f .
on“: lish; How Acquired;” sets the legal rates, all of the work in that class. I am Shh COhVIhCEd that our Chtet enemy i , ;
he 2111- now amended, under .“Rates. Allowed hub- (3) The same person may become the con- hhd the only one we need “70th too much 3 J J
:Ihrist- J lishers;" and sets forth in closmg, regulations tractor for two or more classes, if he is the about at thls stage 0f the game, 15 ignorance, J J J J " ' ,
regarding ”EVIdence Of Publication.” lowest responsible bidder therefor, he continued. Our own ignorance and lheP' 12", J
news- I The third part, as now amended, reads: SECTION 2. subsection (2) of KRS 57.040 titude and the ignorance 0f the public.” J J I
f “th - For all newspaper advertising required by is amended to read as follows: Pope said that it people Of democratic 1 J J
Adm. luv, the publisher is entitled to receive as (2) No contract shall be let to a member nations have to “make their urgent and mul- . J}, J . '
pi‘emc J lull compensation at the rate of seventy- of the General Assembly, or to any person tiple decisions ht the next decade out Of _JJ J J
‘ five cents per linear inch, single column, holding a state office, or to any person who ignorance, we are sunk. It is “0t enough any ,J J .
J solid, eight-point measure, for each insertion. is not a citizen of Kentucky or to any person more W“ to have a hazy idea 0t what’s ht t ‘ J V
Advertisements in judicial proceedings shall who does not covenant to perform all the the headlines, the citizen must be informed J
)r has . be, taxed as costs by the clerk of the court. work within the state, except that matter in on a maze 0f intricate facts and ideas." , ‘J J i
m rc- J The rates of advertising in a daily news- the second or third class may be done or The Louisville editor said that in his POSt' J‘J J
_ 4 paper shall not exceed one dollar twenty-five , purchased out of the state. A person who is tit’h he had to be aware 0t such promotional J J 31‘ ,
Pm“ cents per linear inch per insertion. ineligible to be awarded any state printing features as comics and contests. “But,” he J . J J I
apera- Ever-y Kentucky publisher should familiar- contract shall not be interested in any way continued, “the education Of all citizens ‘J J
3 item he himself with the full context of this Sec- in that contract. suflicient to meet the emergencies ahead has JJ-JJ J J
what lion. SECTION 3. Subsection (2) of KRS 57.050 got to get our attention. Comics will pro- lJ J
:c ad- , _____.____. is amended to read as follows: vide relief, but none of the answers. "fllJ J l
Mm J Another important amendment, known as (2) Paper, stationery and SUPPhCS neces- “We have tried to compete With entertain: JJ J
_ J Senate Bill No. 175, was passed into law by Sitt)’ for state printing and binding Of the ment media ,1“ entertainment. We have to ‘J '
')56 01 J the Legislature, and likewise becomes eifec— second class and materials for half binding, print some light material, of course, but I ‘ l J
9“ "t J live June 15. This amends Section 57030 shall be furnished and paid for by the con— think we are letting our adversaries choose J J J J, ,
might J of the Chapter on Public Printing and di— tractor. the weapons which will defeat us if we un- '; j 1 iJ
l, post vides all public printing into three classes Section 4-. Section 57.070 of the Kentucky dertake a? meet television With more and J_l J JJ
9 DC‘ instead of four as provided in the original Revised Statutes is amended to read as [01- more comics and features. J ',
““56 ,J Statute. lows: “What we have is not the imitation of life, 5"“ ,J J
thion J The bill as enacted into law reads ”SEC (1) The Department of Finance shall,‘be- but life itself. There are no other limits on J J
J TION 1, Section 57.030 of the Kentucky Re- tween the htSt day Of August, 1950: and the news. W? have to. be smart enough to find J J J
‘ Vised Statutes is amended to read as follows: first day of November, 1950, and within the the techniques WhICh do JUStlce to the “Ch‘ J JJf
( (1) The business of printing and binding, same period every fourth year thereafter ness Of our_ material. It we are, nobody can J ‘ J! J;
ill ild' ‘ and of furnishing printing paper, stationery give notice, which notice shall appear once compete WIth us. J JJJ
if the ; and supplies for the state shall be divided during each week for five consecutive weeks The hrStOJOh Of a newspaper, P0P? tOkt ;: ' ,l J]
)f his l into three classes as follows: in at least one newspaper of general circula- the promotion men, 15 being guardian 0t , , . ,J'
clip- i (a) First Class: The printing of all bills tion in each of the cities of Frankfort, Louis- freedom and democracy. If your powers 0t J , JJ
more ‘ for the General Assembly, together with such "the, LeXihgtOD‘ AShlahd and Paducah, promotion can; make people believe and un- “J; ‘ J JJ
mged J matters as are ordered by either or both Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio, that sealed derstand that, he 531d, we can become “5 ‘1‘ f Jl
tsmaii 11011565 to be printed in bill form; the print— proposals will be received at the office of the impregnable as the man who wrote the COh‘ J . . i} J'
68ch ing and binding of the journals of the two Commissioner of Finance, for the first two Stl‘t‘Ut‘Oh meant f.0r 11.5 to be. i , 1 Jr JJ
calls" ”muses; the printing and binding of the classes of public printing and binding in It the accusation ‘5' ”he that newspapers J ‘3 ‘J
clip- "Olumes of public documents, and of the separate contracts for the term of four years do hOt hhhh the“ _0hhgat10h 1h ademocracy J .
0W“ general and local laws and joint resolutions; beginning with the first Monday in January, —to keep the public fully and fairly inform- = , J
3 you the printing and binding of all reports, doc- next ensuing, at a certain rate not to ex- ed—the penalty “”11 be final and ahSOIUtC- 5“ 3 JJ
as to limems and other matters bound in book or ceed the rates specified by law. There Will be no newspapers left to promote, . J, ‘ J
Pamphlet form; all printing for the Depart- (2) The Department of Finance shall con- and no one to promote them too. J'J J J
J "lent of Education; and all miscellaneous tract for the purchase of paper, stationery ———————o-—-——— . J
lPrinting and binding necessary for the sev- and supplies of the third class to meet all The newly organized Louisville Press, "J J ', JJ
JCh ” ‘1 en] departments and not otherwise provid- needs therefor for any period not less than Radio, and Television Club opened its doors JJ
each 7 Cd for in this chapter. three months nor more than one year, and at 678 Armory Place in May. The club has . - JJ
1 (5) Second Class: Lithographic printing shall so state in advertising for bids. over 150 members. . J , IJ' ;
i - , it,

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4 1“4i‘.‘. “4“ fi ” Frida ' entuck “ms of WBekl arkets are 4 4 "E‘
3 :44“ '3 '4 4 y and Saturda y Partmnts. In y newspaper adverl-n-lze ac‘ 4 g
4 4444 4 ‘ 4 y’ June 9 0 d gl‘OCel‘y Ettown with rel ~ “5mg de- 5
44 4444 4 .4 R4 . r. “ 104 1950 444.044.. 04240444444441.4044, 40044 44;“‘V64444ea4444 4 z
4 4444444 4 4 4 4 H gistranon’ Henry Clay Hm I riday, June 9 Cline. Of :1: largest sonices (:fCIESIng may ’4‘, E
44 H 4 “ 4.. “ ' 4 . urs ‘ ls 1 4 E
44.4444 . 4.4 4. aUdlca G 6 am . - e4 no He 1’ aY rev. 4 =
‘ 444444‘ 44 1444 »4 B d P 01f TournamEnt B 11 4 allelng541nto the full. 14w grocery aCCOUn " E
‘ 34'44 " ‘4‘ 4‘ “41‘ 4 i1 ge Party Bell ’ e dome C0unt y an“ the fir4 plge categOTy i L 4 E
4 4443 ‘4 - 4 ‘- _ ’ Bionte cou TY Club B444 witl . 5‘ Space con . mmedi- 4 E
4 4 44 44 44 _ 4 4 Buffet Dinner C Iltry Club 51414 1 the guidanCe 04. tram lS Signed _=_.
44 44 ‘ 4 Ourt - "Ht 41 '2‘“ ad4 -- ' E
7 44 44 ‘_4 414 ‘44 4. esy Ashland 041 and Rel-4 . (hams 341;: knOWs the needs Lirtflsmgcm g
44-4 4 44 “1114; C0 . f ’ moufltof - OOdm : 5:;
444 44 4 4 44 4 .444 4 4 “many and the Armc .4 Tom Spilsmodic ‘42 ,dl.s.p1.ay sPace ma er ‘ E
4““ “:4 ‘4 i 4 “ 9:00 3““ Call 4 Saturday June 10 0 steel Corp page 21(154 x 4 lnselftious toy ilse E
2‘4 ‘4‘ . '- 4: ‘4 ' O ’ - E
.-4 4 44 4 4:4 4 4 444 Order, Pre‘. GTOCer ( 4 . “11 E
444 4 4 1‘ 44 Invocati0n Re :demJoe La Gore is One ofythldxeriimg’ if Planned 4 E
34‘ :4 , ’ V- - R. c . .. 4 - . ee ) 4. COTFCCtl E
. 444444444 4,4 .44 4444. 444 4 Ray To Th 4 urly’ 1441454 Fresh 4 30411145. COHSUmersy 1 Elhers most rehab1 Y4 E
44444 4. 4‘44 44 44 44 4- e City, E H Yterian Chu 1014 food a‘lwflys are - 6 ac. E
44 4144.4 ‘44 ‘4‘ 44 VVClcome To A 11 I ugh Williams I‘Ch And “11: 131:”: they like to C In the market ‘ g
4 4 4 44447 SI 21nd,]; _ 4 ’34 ette 4 Ompare - . E
44 4444-4 4 -44 -4 44 Response, Vice Pre -1 I Paul Wllliams Presid ls there to Cominmd more convenienlinces' 4 E
. 44 4444444444 44 .. 44 44:4 4 ‘ 51(ent D _ ’4 em, AShl the ad 4 (1‘6 pricCS h Way 4‘ _E__'
444444 4‘44 ‘4 4.3444444411111165 0113135 Cor and BOard f 4 Vertlsementv ' t an exam" ‘ E
4‘ 44.4.14 4 4'4 4 . “4:44: 9:3 .4 nette: L ' ~ 0 Trad LhOu 4 5 In th 111mg ‘- E
4444 4444444444444 444 0 am. Keep Kentucky G 0111sv1116 Courier JOHrnal e issuegligompetitive Copy 1gplgewspaper? A1. 4 g
4‘ 44 4 4: 4 4 4 444.144 ‘ “ r6611,” and 4 c Vertisi 4 ‘ ars in th 4 g
44 4 4 4 4 4.444 . Greetin S J. A. Buchholz OPPOrtuni- Hg idioms each Ham 4 E
.4 4 44. 4 4 .4 g From W , Kentu k . - LY Of 3 ~ merchan —
44 4444144 44 j. 44 W-Va est Virginian Edit C y DlvisiOn of Fore“ mg points4 Weékomting Out his specialt 44444: 4 E
4444.4 4 4 4- ~ , ‘ ’ 0r Joe s 44 time .4 ‘6‘“ s 5e“ 4 E
444444“ 4.4 .4 4441 ‘44 ImPreSSlOHS of Europe’ hort, News, RaVenstol T: (2:116? Price lsadirs’iqisléhat are some. 4 E
4 ,1‘ 4. 444 4 .4 4’ V . ‘ c E
44 44444 4 4‘ 4‘ :44-4‘4: 4 “ Wage-H01“ Regulat‘ George Yates, Versaille ( ’ [Crent P1112) a leadlng grocery 22c examplg 1' E
4 4“ 4‘4‘ 5' “4 ' 10115 a 5 . ‘_‘ 4 are i oum, d'f— ‘ E
444 4444‘ 5‘4 40437444“ D' Vlsor’ LouisVille nd Newspaper-94” Pat Mel {comma “‘“1‘ Lhe “42:34“ UPOn their £44454 “ E
44 4 444 4 lscuSSil0n and . Gal" Investigatio sw merdlants 44,- .lsmg departmentv ‘ E
.4 4 4444-4444 4444 444 4444 _ 01d B queStIOns n 81113611 110111 ruflnin 31131126 m-lximllm Cry ‘ =
44 :1‘44 4‘4 44‘ 4‘44- ' . ‘2 ( E
44 444‘444 4 1 “1‘4-‘4‘ usmeSS—Legishtive to Increase :1“;ng gage 21d_ It takezeflllts I E
‘44 44444444 ‘4 434$: K WOuld b. . IV ispla 5 ‘me E
44 4444 .‘4 4 "‘ ‘4‘444444 New B . entucky Press Spom F to hi 1 C unwlse On the PKZ‘E pace‘ And it 4 E
4444434 444‘ 4 444414 uSIness S und mo g1 preSSure the me 1 0f the 5°1icitor E
‘4 ‘.‘ 444.4444‘ "4 - 4‘45 Prese - . re SpaCe rc 1am ' ' 4 5
4444444444 ‘4‘ 1“ “T4: Afternoofl. manor] of Awards; KPA 195‘ SOHCitor 5110113121311 he aetually “:3: u'il‘ng 4 E '
444444444 ‘ :4 ‘ 4 ' Tout of Armco Steel P1 0 Annual Contests the gmcer in texalyzf the Space netds 1(1): E
‘44 4444.44 4‘ - ‘44‘4 an 4 S E
. 4‘:-44,‘4‘4;.4:4 4 4 ‘4 Tour of Ash] _ 4 t’ Iromon, or ume 0‘ “1654 and O the. Store’s Size, vol- 4 E
4444‘4‘444 4 4 Evenin _ and Refining C factom Other Slmflar . 4 E
4 444444444 4‘ 4 g- Baanet and d Ompany Plant For ex Important 4 E
44 -‘ : ance4 Ash] 4 ' ample, an a . ‘ E '
44 44.4‘44: 4‘ 1 4' Pendent and COun 4 Wthh h - . vemge-Sizel 4 E
I 4444444444 .44 ‘ 4 I Addy-€55, Jesse Stua'irty Club, Courtesy of the A Od’ Wislizsbfen 1n bUSiness f0: 20:1:1markfl’ 4 E
4: ,4 44 4 ' '1113 d 4 0 advc - . ort peri- E
.44 444444444 4' :4 . Po . 5 n 1nd . 1ndn »4 4 . “156 1n E
444444 ‘4 14 4 Ay For M'leage ‘ e thorzugiiies‘ the market 0:416 Paper‘ I" 4 E
44‘4 441444 :4 44‘; 4 member 4. Y familiar . Per may be 5
“‘4 444444444 4 - 4 ‘ YCars emplo 4‘10“? that durin RECent additi . needs’ and then a - Wlth hls advertisin 4 E
4444 44‘44'4444‘ g4 ‘4 4 W365 of th g the Wa ROm ons '10 lts - not 0 ' . ga1n4 he m g E
‘4“. 4444‘ “4 ‘44 own aUtomobiles 0 6 Paper who used th 'r M an tyPe families BOdom and Tim peq Verly tamlliar With h ay not4 If he is 4 E
=44 4444444444 4.1 4': , reimbu n compan b 4 611* ergenthal . are annou CS 5 Of his bu 4 t C advertis' E
4444444444444 44 4 4 rsed at the , y “Slness w t‘ er Llnot nced by th gen: 4 Slness and th 4 4 mg as- 4 E
4.4 4 a :- stated 4}, We of 5 . ere ‘ngs mm 1 ype Com an - e 01‘ Indiff CSOhmori - : E
-‘4:.44444s 4 .4 at for h C a Imle I . PCted 0n 4 P Y Wlth c 44 erCnt tow Snegh- : =
4444-44‘41‘ t‘ 4 have be . t 6 PM Seve ‘ He tallc and S 9‘P01nt B . u" ”count, bOth ard the res ‘ 4 E
4444:4444 4 4 that thi::1npa)l‘)1ng 6c 3 mile Irtall1 years they With Italic 2:131 Csaps, 114301.11t 152301114 With be logers_ merchant and newfpapzffi 4 E
44444444444 4 4 of 1W 6 low in 1- ' 0W appears Time. man (3 0’11 Book Th E
4 4444444444444 44.4 4 4 4 Other 116ws a lght of the 4 5 ROman With ZIPS; and 14_ 4 4 e Space Sal E
4 44444444444444 ‘4 4 ‘ ‘4 a Small P PCI‘S. An in . PraCtlces T Bold4 POIDL (lisCuSs t1 CSman Should 4 E
44 444444 44 grou f C11111444 Confi he tw . , 16 Probl . thorou 141 5
‘444444444 44 4 . 4 {ad thalt thegeoisrzemiifrs has developtceldtlio 1‘espective Osefizdonl faces r0und 0 than determine (:1: mm the merchanting 4 E
“44441444444 4 ‘ 0w . “’1 e ‘ . e 8 WI h ut tH ' WI 4.) ' 2111101111 5
44444.4 4, 4 anCes. . . Varlan able f It Sta 4 Elr rm ( . t of s =
W4 ‘4 4 ‘ ” 4 ' give the dizlflthls rea50n it is ifsplon 4:114 31» linotygsz 6 to 14“P<>int at}? sues avail. tam thin: 1111411233111“ res‘lltS- Oniaciemgjit 4 E
. 4‘4 ‘444 4‘ 4 ma 5 11'1 a bull - $51 16 to - ace dCVe] I. Cs ROma is th - 6 pointed — E
1: 4 “ 44‘ 4 I '44 4 ry Tepom E3tln sto “011 wh' Oped for 4 n’ a 8 basis fo . out4 COnsit 4 §
1‘ "444M444‘14‘44'4444:“4‘44“‘44‘| able 0n 444%qu been Prepared am -A sum“ and job 1:441 has found applicge'm GOmPOSi- The memhan: Slf'essml grocery adveriifililcy 4 E
‘~ 4‘4" “ ‘ ‘ “'444444 4 L—S'N'P'A- ls avail. Sizes from 2r; as well’ is now “En m book every Other mo: 40 splurges'With a large a: 4 E
.‘-4:44. 44‘; ‘44. . 0 t ' 4 t1 5
4 44444444444 47' 4 ‘4 or Italic and2s:: 14'POlnt with eigable In :41“ a regular weekldzes not get the results i E
1 4444 '- 4 4‘ 4 24140444444 e4 B0“ ‘8 44444.34 may be 4434ff°umd°es4alth°ugh 4E
(Pl g less Space. Space 14% ‘
Ease T . . E
4 4 um TO Page Szx) =3
4 4 4 4 4. 4444444444444"
’44: 4

 - ' W 'E
, :E ,
0 May, 1950 The Kentucky Press Page Three E I
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E E F E ;E E
sing de- E E ’1 E E
'healthy E E 0’. E EE E
‘1ng EE 0 a o o E E .7
E E Dlstln UlSh ed Service 2 E” E
aCCOunL E E g ' . . E EE E:
immedi- ‘ E E EE E3
E signed. ‘ :2: E EE E.
Eing con: 5 E E E E
Eod mer- E E * E EE EE‘
may rise E E E E E
to full E g E EE E . "
orrectly, E: For more than 90 years A & P has devoted all its energies to giving E EE E ’
iable ac- E E the American public more good food for its money. E EE E .
E k E E E E E = E
31:21:: E E Millions of consumers have shown, by their patronage, that they E E ‘
ent way j E approve of this basic A & P policy. E E E
:EWXE E: Now recognition of our service in improving the nation's living E ; E E .
be same E E standards has come from the American Dairy Associat