xt7j3t9d7z00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d7z00/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2000 text GLSO News, October 2000 2000 2000-10 2019 true xt7j3t9d7z00 section xt7j3t9d7z00 l t /‘/ l ” ’ 5 t/ f t
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Coming Out Farm
In celebration of Autumn, the The end 0f summer is upon US'
anniversary 0f the Fairness The Pink Pages’ 3 directory of October 8, the Imperial court is hold-
Ordinance, to kick Off Coming Out GLBT and GLBT rriendiy businesses ing "The End of Summer Burger &
Month in Grand Style, and _ well _ just and organizations, is C(MNG OUT in Brew“ at 3:30 at the Limestone Club.
as a good excuse to have a party, the OCtOber. Everyone is inVited t0 CBI‘ The COSt is $5 With all proceeds
Bluegrass Chapter of Kentucky ebrate with GLSO and pick up a going to Moveable Feast. Emperor
Fairness Alliance invites you all to a copy at the Coming OUt Wine and EV and Empress Tracy Wt" be hOSt'
Fall Celebration. Cheese Party on Friday evening, ing this non-drag event to close outa
Join us Sunday, October ist, October 27 from 5 pm to 7 pm at great summer.
from 3-7 pm at Windy Knoll Farm to the Pride Center. Thanks to Ginger, The Limestone CM) is at 213 N
hang out and have fun in this glorious Jordon, Rose, and SCOtt for picking Lime. tUSt north 0‘ Columbia's and
weather with old friends and new! up the pieces and getting thisdone- W SOUth 0‘ Atomic Cate 't is a ""39
We're providing free dinner for 'all th addition to 900d t00d and place to relax in a non-bar atmos-
(veggies, tool), entertainment, non- 900d company, there Wt“ be a num- phere.
aichohoiio drinks, and one big bonfire ber of videO’S shown including, The 00“” Wt“ be exl’ettmeht‘t‘g
to keep you warm! Bring your own Through Their Eyes: Stories of this year with new style events. Drag
marshmallows, marshmallow sticks, Gays and Lesbians in the is 5“" the primary focus, but there
and s‘more makings, and blanket or Mountains, by Appalachian teens, seems to be no shortage 0f drag
lawn chairs to sit on. Kids are wel- Trevor, an academy award winning events in Lex. Those who attended
come, too! We hope to have many short film, and Before or After the Leather& Lace Reception featur-
. vendors, so bring money for Pride Stonewall, viewers choice. ing the 9 Inch Males, know very well
items as well. that the court can succeed at more
For those who are not yet regis- New 1.050 than drag. It will be fun to see what
tered to vote, you may register at the the creative team 0‘ EV and Tracy
party and we'll take care of turning in GLSO t5 3'50 marking "Coming Wt” come up With- fig
vote for? We're holding our own the Pink Pages by "coming 0Ut" E ,Awre‘fifi?
LGBTA straw poll to see who YOU with a new, logo. Designed by emmmemrotfiitimwmflfiifif
think should be elected President in Jordan Summers, the new '090 i 5 ~ fay
November! We'll announce the win- ShOWS GLSO standing firmly atop a it 5 '7 =12 E ts:
ner at the end of the evening! "stonewall." An appropriate sym- rear-iv , WT ,_ 1 -_ 1
Fairness's second big event is a bol representing GLSO'S twenty- e t l WW J Q/lllf}
reunion concert by Yer Girfriend on three year history 0t serving the i h t .h _, 1 5‘
Saturday, October 28. We will be at community from the era 0t - - .- ~ lie
"Stonewall" into the 213t Century. i. .,;3::,,,.,.:<,.,::::s,.fi,“we,”

 pride CQVII'QV‘ vision, GLSO has submitted two
, _ . _ .- AT 0 Crossroads' grants to funding agencies and we f
* GAY and are working on a third. (Thanks
LEobIAN , The Pride Center is officially Gmgef'l _ _
SERVICE. looking fora new home. The Center We. Will also continue 0'"
,jt. ORGANIZATWN at Waller Avenue has served us well fundraismg activities '" the commu-
gy Le . gm Kentucky for the last three years but time has ”'ty- We would "ke '0 thank The '
a" m ' I come to move on. The current imperial 00"") The Men’s Chorus I
- lease runs out at the end of and Scott Ackerman for their recent l
February and the plan is for a donations. The Court, in particular, z
71:2. smooth transition into a new and has been the major contributor '0 i
ULSO NEWS better facility. the Pride Center over the last three 1
Vol. 15 N0. 10 The Pride Center Committee is yearlEN h l t l d h' i
. working toward finding suitable _ e ave 0W goasan ac rev— i
, 1’“in811“! Monthly by space. Our need is for at least mg them Will not be easy. in our -
1,200 square feet of office space communrty'the heart is often writing I
that can be configured into a variety but the Will '5 often weak." i
of meeting rooms. The space must Everyone sees the "fk'ed thI’PDTO- |
- be completely handicapped acces- grams and servrces " e t e “de 1
The Lexmgton Gay sible. We are searching for a con— Center but few of us find the time to 1
Lesbian Service venient, preferably central location be involved in making "_ happen. .
. . with ample parking. It is important The Pride Center Committee and '
Organization that the new Pride Center be locat- GLSO need YOU- We are grateful '
'ed in a safe and welcoming neigh- for the financral and moral support I
321 Second St- borhood. if you know of any proper- that we receive from so many in the
ty that fits these criteria call Jane at community but we need your time
389-7698. . and talents too. We want your ideas
Editors: Plans for the new Pride Center and energy. d k I
- - if you are intereste in ma ing
Mary Crone . Include havrng a staff person at the _ |
Center during regularly set business the new Pride Center successful I
Peter Taylor hours. The new Center will have a and making a difference in our com- I
phone line, and web site to provide munity we encourage you '0 get ‘i
information and referral services to involved. To f'nd 0'“ what you can i
GLSO Annual Dues the community. do call Jane at 389-7698. 1
and Newsletter: $15 More than just a meeting —'_———-———-——— l
Dues Sud Newsletter for space, visions for the new Pride Fairness: Y“ Girlfriend ‘
ouples: $20 Center include establishing a lend- 'm-“m’md m" P‘!‘ ' '
ing library of GLBT books, videos the Unitarian Church starting at 8 ‘
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are and other media; providing a mas— pm. This is a fund raiser and we re
those of the athm and do,“ ”998553,in sive community bulletin board for asking $10 at the door. Beer, soft 1
represent those of the GLSO Board. publicizing events, advertising good drinks and snacks will be sold. |
Submissions are welcome and become the and services, and locating housing Please do not bring alcohol. |
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves or roommates; and expansion of Dress up in a contume to win a i
the right '0 Bdl' SmelSSionS and advertise- services to our GLBT brothers and prize or come as you are. Look for- I
ments 35W” 35'“? nghtto re18012303! SUb- sisters outside the greater ward to other Hallowean activities— i
m'ss'ons ”adven'semems' Lexington area. and be prepared to dance, dance, i
To financially support all of our dance. , I
GLSO Page 2

Dams,“ amp ‘on "Ocidbér” a: the ’ christian Lawsuit/ctai‘225:3666';’”
"Coming Out Support" Church will recognize Solidarity
The process of "coming out" as a Sunday. Davina Warner, Worship Thoroughbred Bowling Tournament.
lesbian, gay man, transgendered Associate, will lead the service which The Rainbow Bowling League
person or bisexual is often difficult will focus on Coming Out. Church is hosting a bowling tournament at
and lonely. Many of us have had begins at 10:45AM. Southland Lanes on October 27
that feeling of being "the only one." October 18, Interweave will host through 29. .
if you are in the process of coming an evening 0f open dtSCUSSiOh as
out or are just thinking about it you part Of Adult Religious Education. A Social Concepts
don't have to 90 through it alone. panel of gay men, lesbians, and Social Concepts has planned a
The GLSO Discussion/Support bisexual people will share informa- second annual Halloween Party for
Group gathers once a week to pro- tion about their lives. This event Saturday, Oct 28 at the home of
vide support, encouragement, and begins at 7:30 pm. Jordon and Rose. Festivities begin
people just willing to listen and We hope you will join us at the around 7 pm. This event is for
share their own experiences with Unitarian Universalist Church in women only. Come in costume and
those who are newly coming out. October. For more information about expect s‘urprises.
Join us any Wednesday night from Interweave or any of these events,
7 to 8:30 at 2216 Young Drive, Suite please contact Davina at 271-6174 citizémuui
1_ Call Jane at 389—7698 if you or artemis427@yahoo.com. SisterSound announces its
have any questions or concerns. Winter Concert to be held on
Vollyball League November 4th, 8 pm at the Singletary
Interweave The popular primarily GLBT vol- Center. It is early this year so mark
Interweave has several events leyball leagues sponsored by AVOL, your calendars now. Tickets will be
planned for Coming Out Month. Volunteers of America, and the available in mid October.
Beginning Sunday, October 1 we will Fayette Co. Health Dept. will be SisterSound will be presenting a
be showing Coming Out \fideos fol- starting on Sunday, October 8, from collection of Broadway music, some
lowing church the first three Sundays 4-6pm at Castlewood Park in the by the full chorus and some by small
(10/01, 10/08 and 10/15)_ Everyone gym. There is no charge to play and ensembles. We are also sending out
is invited to explore coming out there is a brief presentation at the fund raising letters soon and would
through the stories of filmmakers. beginning of play on health issues, appreciate the continued financial
- Here's the current schedule: etc. A complete schedule can be support of the community.
10/01 1 pm __ Get Real found in the ad on page 13 .
10/08 12:30 __ The Truth About Jane We will play every Sunday for 9 SISTAHS IN THE LIFE
10/15 12:30 __ Losing Chase weeks except for Thanksgiving. The Sistahs in the Life is a newly
All videos will be shown in th tournament is Saturday, Dec. 16th, formed and growing social/support
classroom wing of the U.U.Church. 9am until all the teams have played. collective for Lesbians of African
First Sunday Lunch will be served There will be free t-shirts, refresh- Descent. There will be a Halloween
before the video on Oct 1_ ments and trophies. No fee to enter. Party on Friday, October 27, call
lnterweave will have a sandwich It is a double elimination event. Missy ( 608-8921) for location or
potluck during the video on Oct 8 You can either bring a team or other information.
(Bring chips, soft drinks, salad or come and be placed on a team. For Sistahs All black women ages 19
dessert to share.) Interweave will more information, contact Mark and older are welcome to join. The
provide pizza on Oct 15. Johnson at 252~2371 x541 or call
...Communify News continued page 4

 A"'f'h-‘ii‘w; j. ' through by 7pm (often earlier). If you at Centre College in Danville. The
ammum .. 3-. = WWW . -
c.- n i “I ‘ e ‘ 1 lawn. can drive a car you can change a life. debate wrll start at 9:30pm. The
major objective is to identify a com- . . . host, Centre College, is arranging
munity 0f black women and bring ”5 WIS‘IIM Cfia'r big-screen TVs for outdoor viewing.
to the same space at the same time. Wishing Chair will be playing in Come join Bluegrass Fairness ‘
We understand that there are Lexington and in nearby communi- fora picnic before the event. Bring a l
degrees of "outnessu so we strive to ties on the following dates. Come blanket, food, a Fairness t-shirt and |
provideasafe, confidential and wel- hear them play live. whatever else suits your fancy. I
coming atmosphere. LeTonia 233' OCt 5 Cheapside, 10 '1 am (duo) Many thanks to our Danville/Boyle l
3751' or Joan 252'2657' Cd 6 High on Rose With Mother County members for helping coordi— i
Jane, 10 pm —2am (band) nate this! If interested in attending i
“flu”. "at 00‘ 10 Indiegrrl Tour, Lynagh’s, 9 and car—pooling, please email Jeff i
Moveable Feast is looking for pm, with Beth Lodge-Rigel and Jones at jeff@qx.net V
someone who knows how to use Ripley Caine from Chicago (band) i
Quick Books to give a few hours a Oct 19 Cheapside, 10 -1 am (duo) STOP THE HATE RALLY i
week in the office, doing data entry, Oct 20 Mia's, 9-12 pm (duo) A Stop the Hate Rally and Vigil ‘
balancing the accounts, and paying Oct 24 Alfalfa‘s,7-9 pm (duo) Wiii be heid iiom 6:30pm-7130pm in .
bills. if you have an accounting Cd 25 Twice Told, Louisville, 8 pm, Lexington‘s Triangle Park on Sunday, .
background or bookkeeping experi- cover $4 (band) November 5. Anumber of progressive
ence we could use your help. Please OCt 27'23 Cheapside, 10" pm (duo) groups are collaborating on the effort. .
give us a call 252'2967' Representatives from Kentucky i
We are always "1 need or volun- VP Debate Fairness Alliance, and Bluegrass i
teers. Delivering meals is very easy; The Vice Presidential candidate Fairness Wiii be participating I
YOU come in at 5315 pm and YOU are debate is to be held Thursday, Oct. 5 i
I l I
W Fm Food 1 M
Mondays \ Sundays
Karaoke The Only
iv Game in Town
4mm“ {lama >433 I 20 S Upper Street
95%“ 359-455-9905
' .2‘9;
:2“ [or reservations
Fridays 6: Saturdays
“V3 Music a. Daily Specials
GLSO Page 4

 HUGS of the Bible is it acceptable to question scrip- to continue growing in knowledge of
by Dotti Berry ture? Is the Bible authoritative and God and so also come to know our-
relevant for the year 2000? If any of selves better. Beginning "in the
During the upcoming fall sea— these questions have ever crossed beginning," come join us in this
son, Dr. Lisa Davison, Assistant your mind or if they spark your Study adventure.
Professor of Old Testament at curiosity, then HUGS of the Bible We plan to meet on Sundays
Lexington Theological Seminary, will may be the place for you. from 11 am. - 12:30 pm, starting on
be leading HUGS of the Bible: As a group we will be equipping Oct 15. Our worship will be held at
Hearing, Understanding, and ourselves with tools to approach the the home of Dr. Lisa Davison. Those
Growing through Study of the Bible. Bible as something to be wrestled of you who want to join us will be
We are a totally inclusive body of with, not simply as a pretty book we given directions to Lisa's home. If
Christ, seeking ongoing community keep on the coffee table. Hearing you have questions regarding our
with one another as well as reaching the stories of faith will offer us the upcoming worship, you are encour-
out to welcome and affirm all God’s opportunity to embrace the message aged to call Lisa at her office at 252-
Children including but not limited to of love and grace found in scripture 0361, Ext. 257, or e-mail her at ldavi-
Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and to be liberated from the all too son@lextheo.edu. You may also e-
Transgender and Allied Persons. We frequent use of the Bible to abuse mail Dotti Berry at dotti.berry@mind-
are not connected to the Seminary. and degrade others. springco, or call her mobile phone
What kind of issues will we be By taking the Bible seriously, we 489-4791.
addressing? These are some of the will seek a better understanding of We plan to continue through
questions we ask ourselves. What what it means to be created in God‘s 2001 although dates have not yet
does it mean to take the Bible seri- image with the Divine's breath within been determined. Please let other
ously? How is the study of scripture us. The evaluation of scriptural texts people know about this program...
different from a devotional reading? from a variety of angles will help us ALL ARE WELCOME!
Fairness Presents
\(EQ Sat Oct 28
YQWQ 8 pm to mndlmght
6Q» $ 10 Donatlon
O o O O
Umtanan Umversallst Church
3564 Clays M111 Rd.
GLSO Page 5

 | M p E Ri Al


Ti ME: 5:00-7:00 ____
w DONATiON $5 &W
W “All pROCEEds TO ‘éfil
- GLSO Page 6

 The New Circle of Life Vrrrrooom - my car and my mind for others it means examining some
By Lori Shepherd are racing now, one down habits that keep us in hiding. Each of
Winchester Road and the other back us will come out in our own way and
Red light - my car comes to an to a place I had long since aban- at our own pace.
easy stop and the air that had been doned. I spread my arms out - wide, This month we might also think
swimming around me is rushing to I fear I might touch a passing car but about how our progress as a com-
escape through the open windows, I am exhilarated not frightened. As munity effects young people. As
the sunroof and every other opening the beads of sweat slip away into the more adult lesbigaytrans individuals
it can find. it is a beautiful day and l atmosphere so does some of the come out to the straight world, as
have decided to forgo the air condi— pain of this time in my life. films and TV have become more
tioner in search of fresh air from the "Look Momma, no hands!" l feel accurate and varied in their portray-
world outside. like a child again on my Mickey als of us, the harder it has become
As I sit still in traffic and still in Mouse bike, with my arms out- for young people to stay in denial or
my seat, the heat of the afternoon stretched, head back and eyes in the closet. (Some straight people
sun bares down on me and perspira- closed. I can see her standing impa- even seem to be developing gay-dar.
tion begins to force it's way through tiently on the front porch, dishtowel in Yikes!)
my skin, seeping into my clothes. her hands, waiting for the end of my We know that the average amer-
The sweat that leaks from my body "trick" so that she can go back inside ican high school is one of the most
becomes strangely symbolic of the and finish dinner. homophobic environments in our
tears, struggle and pain of my sum- The world has, as it always country. LBGT youth need our sup-
mer. does, righted itself. port. They need safe places in which
The sweat on my brow feels An inner sense tells me that an to meet, talk, explore who they are,
thick and my hair sticks to my fore~ intersection is approaching and with and develop self esteem.
head, just like it did that day in July it my impending demise so i lower There is now a collaboration
when we buried my Momma. my eyes to the horizon and pull my forming between NCCJ (National
Honk - the gentleman in the car foot off the pedal. The wind again Conference for Community and
behind me raises me from my den of rushes quickly out of the car and the Justice) and GLSO to make a Gay
sweaty self-pity and i take off from coolness of my skin gives way to tiny Straight Alliance Youth Group a reali-
the light, fast. pin—pricks of heat but now they feel ty in Lexington. We are looking for
Half from anger and half from good to me because I know that with other organizations and individuals
embarrassment my car is racing now the changing of the light i will again interested in working with us. For
and the same wind that had rushed feel the rush of goodness and life. more information contact Mary Crone
out just a few minutes ago has Green light - i feel alive. I am at 266-5904 or at NCCJ: Mahjabeen
returned with a sweet vengeance. As alive. or Stephen at 255-6999.
the cool air flings itself all around me, in other cities, groups such as P-
touching my arms, my back and my Coming Out Month FLAG (Parents, Friends and Family)
neck I can feel the sweat begin to Gay Straight Alliance and GLSEN (Gay Lesbian and
evaporate. The only places where . Straight Educators Network) have
liquid still pools are the crooks of my "3 Coming OUt month. GLSO been instrumental in getting Gay
elbows and the backs of my knees, encourages YOU to take mu: next Straight Alliances started. Our local
which are protected from the air as step 0Ut 0' the CtOSGt- A big step, a P-FLAG chapter does not have
they fold in on top of themselves. small Step, a hesitant Step. it does enough members to be active.
The coolness of my forearms and Mt matter too much hOW big a GLSEN-Ky is just getting started.
thighs is fantastic and I long to feel Change YOU make, it matters that YOU New members in either of these
that release everywhere on my body. bUttd your 59" esteem and become organizations could be helpful as we
l brace the steering wheel with my comfortable in your expression 0t organize a youth group. For P-FLAG,
left knee and push my right foot deep who YOU are. For some Of US. this contact Jim Elston at 266-3934.
into the gas pedal. means a struggle to overcome fear, GLSEN Xarechanging@webtv.net
GLSO Page 7

10.70 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 8:00 pni Raiznbow 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study 9130 pm Vice-Presidential 130 pm Gay. /Le;sbiar1 AA - Ii! ‘ , .~..
10:45 amn UFU Church Bowling (Southland 7:00 pm GLSO Discussmn Debate (Centre College) ‘ ‘ ,. ./ J ‘ ”[4, ‘
1300 pm Gen Real (UU) Limes) Group , ‘ ‘a’, .I . I
3:00 pm Fairness Picnic 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA _ I . ~ ‘ .
(Windy Knoll Farm) .
5:30 pm Men‘s Chorus
Rehearsal q’St. Michael’s)
6:00 pm Dignity
8 9 13 14 Restaurant
10:40 am LMCC 8:00pm AA Step Study 113‘? Pm Bluegrass 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study 7:30 pm Fairness 3:30 pm.Gay./Lesbian AA
1045 mm Comment Eillmess-Sleenilg ' 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion (Pride Center} .
Service (UlU Church) .Cmnmittee'tpride Cent.) (i‘rroup 5 5 7 S . leestone
12:30 pm The Truth About {lane 8g)” Plrln Rimbl)‘: 1 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA L . K
(UU) ow mg (- out iant
3 :30 pm Imperial Court Burger Lanes) eXlngton’ Y.
61: Brew (Limestone Club) _
5:30pm Men‘s Chorus 2'53 0014
Rehearsal (St. Michael’s)
15 ‘18" —' 17 “’ 13 ’”’“ 19 20 “ .fi"_ featuring the famous
10:30 am LMCC 7:30 pm GLSOBcardi 8:00 pm Rainbow 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study ““10 (" .r/Iesbian AA
101115 aim UU Church lvieetin - 0 en to the. Bowling (Southlanil 7:00 .Im GLSO Discussion ’ h pm My 5" ‘ . Alfalfa 0° e€kend BrunCh
- . g p.” - F 8.00 pm AA Step Study
3:30 pm Men’s Chorus. public - (l’nde Center) Lanes) Group OLSO NEWS DEADLINE. ’ - bl b
Rehearsal (St. Michael‘s) 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:30 pm interWeave SUBMIT ADDITIONS SCfVlng ue Crry
. » Discussion Panel: (UU) AND/DI? (EOR REQHONS b k h k
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA [40R NL::;§(.:1;:»IDA R 11C W eat panca CS,
__.__.__.____ __.__.__.._____ ___.__._____ _____.__ __.__.____ _____________ .__._._____,___ eggs benedict arnold,
22 23- 24 25 26 27 28 - h 1
10:3’0 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA 8th Study 8:00 pm Rainbow 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study 5:00 pm. Pink Pages Coming 7:00 pm Social Spanls ome ettes
1 1:45 am WU Church Bowling (Southland 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion Out Party (l’ridlc C enter) Concepts Halloween
5:30 pm Men’s Chorus Lanes) Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Party gourmet desserts)
Rehearsal (St Michael’s) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA TBA Thoroughbred 3:00 pm Yer Girlfriend
Bowling Fairness Dance and mUCh more
Tournament (Southland TBA Thoroughbred
. Bowling Lanes) Bowling Toumament
(Southland Bowling
Lanes; All of our breads and
29 -— —-———————-—30 —-—— 3?... ~————— desserts are baked daily
10:3sz aim LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 8:00 pm Rainbow , in our kitchen
152335;? gigs); [my (“u‘hl‘md USE THE DIRECTORY 0N LAST PAGE TO CONFIRM EVENTS
TBA Thoroughbred Bowling . .
. - Free Evening Parklng

 Could It B 6? him. Jake had a hi-tech automobile about the answering machine actual-
that looked like a car in the front and ly being Rudan. But that was a silly
Reina“ Jones the back seat and trunk had been notion and we let it go.
, reconstructed to accommodate a Today, the woman from the col-
_ My srster told me that I sounded household freezer. The freezer was lection agency called again. She
as 'f I was half-asleep and scratching full of meat. Rudan had told Jake to said that we were to tell Rudan that
my butt when I recorded the 'mes- come by our way because we might this was her last chance; if she did
sage on our answering machine. I be able to use some discount gro- not contact the agency by noon
(M "9‘ tell her, but our answering ceries. tomorrow, then there would be
machine has a mind Of ”5 own. We asked Jake how he knew immediate legal action. '
Sound effects are a part Of the SW" Rudan. He said that he really didn't We tried to tell the woman that
and character that make 't “'T'que know her at all, but he knew her tele- she had dialed the wrong number, .
and. we love that plastic box “ke a phone/email girlfriend and it was she but she said that Shaft and Sugar
family member. _ who had told him about Budan and Flay and Catherine the Great had all
We rely on 't to Te?“ most us. Jake made it sound like we were said the same thing when she had
mességes because '_t '3 keenly connected to that Rudan woman and called our number before. She would
selective about disconnecting that didn't settle too well with Kat and be happy to add more names to the
unwanted callers. We even 983mg me. We informed Jake that we didn't file, but regardless of the number of
sages for people who do "Qt live at know Rudan, Shaft, Sugar Ray, names, tomorrow noon was still the
our house. JUSt last month we got a Catherine the Great, or the touch- deadline. Then the answering
call from a collection agency for tone girlfriend. And we didn't need machine intervened with a loud
someone named Rudan. The caller any meat, but did he have any fish. squeal and the caller was discon-
never said what the last name might Jake took a sideways glance at nected. .
be, but we 5""? learned an awful IOt both of us, and then he let out a girly Kat and l are sitting here on the
about Rudans life. scream and doubled over laughing. I couch, trying to decide if our notion
We heard her account number, guess we did sound kind of silly say- about the answering machine being
{inert aficount bglanfie, alnd we know ing all those names, then asking for Rudan was such a silly idea after all.

. a S_ e move W't out eavrng afor some fish when the man had already Are we going to need a lawyer to
warding address. The caller 8'30 said he had red meat. defend our beloved plastic box?
said that Rudan was a.k.a. Shaft and Jake finally pulled himself Guess we will know for sure after
a.k.a. _ Sugar Ray and a.k.a. together and said he didn't do fish. noon tomorrow.

Catherine the Great. Then the con- He also said that we seem to know

nectlon was severed. The agency Rudan as well as the last couple that GAY—BAP

called back. Or rather, the agency he had visited. He apologized for dis- The term gaydar, defined as "a

computer called back and lfifi some turbing us and got back in his auto gay person's ability to spot

sDort eigesgcret agent eede. RUS345 and left. another," will join hundreds of words
an Vihen $113385 replay the As we were watching Jake appearing for the first time in the new

messages a second time everything round the corner,_Kat and I noticed edition of the Random House 1

had been erased That happens that the answering machine had Dictionary. Other new words and

sometimes but we didn't mind started to pop and click for no appar— phrases include dot—com, 24-7,

_ ’ _ ' ent reason: the phone had not rung megaplex, and e-tailing.

Neither of us have an alias and we and there were no messages. We

are-not m the 0'0””!9 naught spy thought it was odd that the machine ,

busrness, so we decrded the caller was operating on its own, because it It's Coming Ox’t'fl‘l’o’ntk;

had 1'33: tr: $223 [$2362 man only did that when there was a (la/ea you next 31:42.35 out, ,

' storm. On that particular day, there . , f - . : . i . I
named Jake knocked on the front was not a cloud in the sky. of the closet‘todaq. , -'
door. He said that Rudan had sent For a few minutes, we joked ' ‘
GLSO Page 10

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. Call me with all your Real Estate needs
MAIL THIS IN TODAY! As we write grants, a substantial mailing list will help represent our work in the
community. We need new and renewing subscribers to the GLSO News. This is an easy but. important way to
support our community. Lower rates are available for students or anyone in need. All you have to do is send
us this form and a check. These are the current projects of the GLSO:
The GLSO News The Pride Center ActOut
Discussion. Group Speakers Bureau Pride Month
Pink Pages Pride Picnic Social Concepts
We are looking for more people and ideas for future involvements, such as:
Mentoring, Community Education, Development of the Pride Center, Youth Support, and more events for our
community. Your subscription helps support all our work. Thank You”
Name . ...
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$15 membership and newsletter
$20 couple membership and newsletter
I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate
Mail to GLSO News, PO Box 11471, 40575

 GLSO Comp 001 '
The 20th annual GLSO Camp Directions to GLSO Camp Out This map is N
Out takes pace Sat., Oct 14 at Eddie an approximation. New campers should call Eddie
and WiHY'S secluded farm in rural or Willy in Lex. for more information. 259-0878
Scott County. Eddie and Willy pro- ' 75
vide comfortable ground, a clear sky, 1 5 miles _ Porter Rd.
and a warm campfire. There are no ‘ Josephine Rd. 17 muss *f-
facilities so come prepared to rough d 2.3 m”
it- . o: 3 Indian Creek Rd. 98 Exit
Come as early as 2 pm. We 2 E 9"” 136
have decided to start early this year ‘42:; onto
for folks who want to spend the after- 8 0090.9 US
noon and early evening in the coun- .9, X 96 5,0, 32
try. In recent years, a number of peo- 91) From Lex. Take l-75 north to the Sadieville
9'8 have enioyed our good company R exit (KY 32). Go 2.3 m west on Porter Rd. Turn left
and then left around midnight to onto Josephine Rd. & travel 3.2 miles. After a bridge,
sleep in their comfortable beds at there isa Y. in the . road. Josephine Rd swings south -
home. Bring warm clothes and food (left). Go 1 mile further. Just past Coppage Rd turn .
for dinner, a sleeping bag and break- , right at a gate into the Woods-Brown Farm (X), at
fast food if your spending the night. i 2232 Josephine Rd. firegate #33.
Some changes have taken place - --—*_-- _______,_.__-.,..___-,____.w_2_2.__.-....-. ___..-_--~.
on the property. The barn has been ers include Sheriff Kathy \Mtt, State
restored and the house has been Senator Ernesto Scorsone, Author
removed. The campsite is not visible Nikki Finne , and a roclamation a. ‘ ' '
from the road, so look for #2232. on from Lexingion Mayoeram Miller. And H“? do), C_am_e Wife" .1
the :vgoden stgFritdon the gatepost ”St The evening will continue with a can- the “5", +0 "imam-“9m m a
pas Ceiifgggzmé if you need more dle light march at dusk followed by a bud W05 "‘9“: Pamiul ”30":
information or want to be sure of speak 9”? open to all survrvors._ the risk it tack *0 H0550?“-
directions. Hope to see you there. ““5 '3 a free event welcoming a Anais Nin
. diverse audience representing many
Take Back The Night chimes, genders, and ages. We . . ,.
_ . . hope to bring together citizens to GLWebPage
October '5 Domestic Violence assert victims' rights and to declare Ii};
gwareniis Mgnth. T3: JWCA our objection to violence. Join us in W‘angelfirC‘com/m