xt7j3t9d7x36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d7x36/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-12-17 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 14, December 17, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 14, December 17, 1914 1914 1914-12-17 2015 true xt7j3t9d7x36 section xt7j3t9d7x36 es cpy vatlable
B t C A '
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I H E  
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University of Kentucky
l v()L_ VI], LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, DECEMBER 17, 1914. N0_ 14_
c I l I I
L llllll Illlll llllll `“"""”*“° *`“'”`“"' ’“lllll|IH" 8|}HllllllIl lll "’“°S"'”°” "`°“ “°°" lllllllIHl[ll Ill Hill! t
S     8 I A A Q The Chicago Alumni Club of -tlYe{   FI4   Coach Brumage Says the Outlook forl      
- ' ' ' ' University of Kentucky. at its annual ( the Season In Bright
O ——-—— fall dinner held on the evening of No- l —·;·—— One. —;;
· Question That Th1‘€9·l7€¤€d "*"“"*" 2‘°‘· °‘°°‘°d H- "· L°‘"’- I Selected by "K" Men at Din- ; Experiment Station Man is
n · mmm Trouble is Settled we ¤~>~····=¤¤ J· B- S·¤¤·"·· ML] no- Given by coach ,"““‘“" *’“" "'“°"°‘* '“ ”°" “““"’ stated President of tm-
· ~ Satisfactoril l vlcepresldent, and F. H. Graham, 1908, B ““Y· and B Brea! d€¤l OYVNBW m¤·'·€¥`i¤·l: t t B d
  y secretary and treasurer. All of these! rumag€' lla Hh0Wl¤K UD WSU- Couch AlDh8 por an 0  
I   BARKER ACTIVE men are wen known in Lexingtom and "Dutch" Schra®tt tem the wud. B"""“g" Says the °“*l°°k for ¤ 800dI —_"
.— do   their friends will be glad to hear of ’ CMB on the grlolmn next mo. He wulflugliés E :>t‘;l8l;; this yes; d d I        
. " _ · __ __ H _, ap. ap . organ a orwar ,an -—-
  The twenty·11r¤t annual convention mil; hgsxsggozgmgirelzjltjlsmls thol"h°°°n’ captain by the K men last Schrader and Gumbert at guard of last! Dr. Fred Mutchler, head of the Ex.
¤f ¤¤¤ S¤¤¢¤¤*‘¤ I¤*°'°°“°€*¤*° Am targsst and most tnnuenttat may tal   y¤¤r°¤ Squad Me outror nrmice- Jim """"‘°" ”°”“'““°"° °' me E*¤°'*¤¤°¤*
letic Association was held in Lexlng- Kooloolly Alomoly oo well oo ooo oll `  l  ooo .    A  plll·k_ Scott and Tuttle have not come Station, was unanimously elected
{ ton   and Saturday of   ww, the Oldest.   has a membership Ofl     .j,_£l'l    J ' 1; Out for practice due to   ]njuries_ pr€Sid€Dt4 of t.h9 Kentucky stile
with about fifty delegates from the ovol. lllly ood holds roooloo dloooro ol i' "’   ' ' "  _ These mon expect lo Como oul Soon as l·`armers' Educational Cooperative
;         of the dlnner each spring to the Senior class *1 I |T|(}fnbQr of   yg8]•’B squad_ “'€ek· One hundred delegates {[0]]]
meeting were the admission of Tra¤·lol lho Collooo of Moohoolool ooo Elool t   _ Q., Hopkins, particularly and Sandli¤,I various parts ot the State were in at.
" sylvinla and GGOPQBIOWII into the l trlcal Englneorlng yvhen lt goes to Cm. l   ` Schwartz, and Sgurgen of last, year’g l l9ndanc€·
association, and the amicable settle- oaoo on no onoool looooolloo mp. l do V   l Second Smog men, are making Showl The State officers elected were: Dr.
ment of the Om yur rule lllld the   logo ln dolly pmcllco Pred Mutchler, president; James Mc-
summer eligibility rule. _ ”`—`_°`°”_*; vg - _ 110 I Among the new men who are show-l K°°· W°°dY°"d C0¤¤l·Y» V|¢¢·D|'¢¤ld6¤i;
V The olwyool. rule, lorblddlllg lallellll. , ~ * log do well may bo moolloood Klmml Frank Baker, Bath County, conductor;
men rrom playin: on varsity teams       {names, nmrrsn and Sauer, an msn-I Lewis Marshall. Wvvdfcrd County.
was made 0Dti0¤\l with S-   A- A- ' . l Imen. Coach Brumage says that lf his treasureri W9 Rel'- J- H· SUUDG. PGD-
members and each Institution may dc-   ll       _ ltntsrprstatton of the s_ t_ A_ A_ are llc.   dlewn County. chaplain; George Dun-
t . cldd whether the restriction shall ap- _ . cepted by the asoclation ofticlals, lat). Woodford County. d°°'k°°D¤¤'-
pty to tt. This wtn result tn two   _     |Freshmen will be eugtbts mt- the|Tl¤<* State Serretsry will be appointed
• ‘f°“T.;..‘1'Z.2 .§1‘i.'Z1"II.I2‘   ‘° Still S°*‘€d“‘€ is Arranged} t       l‘""“’· ZZ.,.'§IZS"1.Z‘;E..l£`2;$§"‘i§‘ .T,'§.,;‘§ ZT;  
D Yctlon on the summer base ball ell- for the Forthcomlng   l John U. Field, Woodford County,chalr-
bility rule, which bars an athlete who S€3S0l'l 3t Sttilté.   _       l man; Samuel Rogers, Bath County; M.
would play on an S. I. A. A. team from ———— l E R S- NWS- P€¤dl€£0l1 Cvlllltyf S. G.
playing summer base ball for money, llollkel ball pmcllce for me gl,-ls l     PR[SIn["]'lttaker, Powell County. and Otto H.
was ost oned until the next annual _ l _ _f Lee, Franklin County.
  D l I bGguIl I)9(€lIlb€I` 7[ll, with dbOl1[ twen {Thursday evenlng when they had asl' l Doctor luutchler     the work
All oftlcers were re-elected for an- ty new candidates OHL Sembled at me home Of Coach Bm" . iof rebuilding the organization through.
other year by unanimous vom. They A strong schedule has been al`- mage, where the members had beenlJ.   POI`t€I` of L€X1I1gtOIlloot the Stole, on Jmoory 1. wml hl.
wore: * ranged by Miss Elsie Heller, manager invited to partake of ‘°S0ll19" f€8·St· i Hérald, AddI’€SS€S th€ lheadquarters in Lexington. His salary
President, W. M. Riggs, of Clemson. of the team, which puts the Kentucky! Schrader. {pst w°“ his lem"` lastl Y0l.1I“lg J0l1I'Il3liStS. lhas been tixed at $4,000 a year.
    M °*“"‘°‘·   in         <·*ii§“ItZ“L1TZF§°.Ef Z‘i`.1ZZ.f‘Z§ZZ.§f§§I|   J   .., ....   FT     E °“°“ °‘°""
‘    Exit, ‘{"“ S‘“"’“`K"“‘““"’· °"‘° ““"»¤¤u mts an for wtttctt he tat been stator of ta, Lexington H€,.,..,_ ,,.,.l;Qlp  “fh;’n“';:)lf;“;0:  
°*"°""“* S °°°“ " ”‘“"‘°‘“°°°"‘“ qexsgsjt game M the S ¤¤¤¤ ¤ wm ¤¤!ju?LZ.,;°nY;;;;t at the ttm   .(:€;;tf¤;ll$ntPZY;;ti;°b.§Z`;.$.?°°J; *     ""’ “"°"g°“° '“'“‘°”' °°°"°'“°
and Alabama-John Morris, of Gm- played with an an-Star team from Mm.} mes Pgrk "Bill' Tuttle Herschel·"The Ethics ot Journalism " Drawin uw sociéty ever formed. The Sum
— gta; Third Distr-1ct—Mississippi, Louis- Healthy, ohm. who hovo a clooo Slotolsi to Pano Him Jimmio Hed as lupon his wl HQ newspa er ox eriencf organization has 400 local unions and
luna and Texa.s—T. W. Atkinson; wlol me exception of one defeat bylmtsul. Bailey Frmlklm com G zR.lMr Porter dpoke imergsungli on mo .t,l)|llllll€1ll·b€l`S,WlliCh‘£hO new ottlcers
;;;Sr;;L;;;t;i:t;;{:·;iui;yT;l·:¤·;;;i I'"? "§§"ff‘jf.`§Q§ §f,"§;, ,j§“‘;§“f‘jf‘jj s··~¤t. may t»t.tt·ta. -M-—Tt,.,..,,,.k, ,.,..... ,   ,,,9   W, lemlm me ·-ee ¤»   ·t» »·».t»t»t» mt year.
Pmsldem Barkefs activity at tho lfgsablfmm saving other games wm son, Floyd Wright, Gibson Downlng,;entbryo journalists of the importance      
meatlng was freely olscussoo and hls be added on me local nom., with the l ( hnrles Petrie, Karl Zerfoss and 1\lan·lot`lltetl) prospeotit eltalllltg. 1 Y      
_ influence was boneoclal ln provomloo ll _ Hug towns. lager \\. ll. Croan.   . r. orter lwas eec'te Ito tonorary _
the Stormy Session generally predict- *ll;0°uull‘(0f the Old varsity girlo am; ` -;..—..•.,.` --— tnembersltlp tn the lnlyersity P1‘ess—1914 Graduate from College of Mines
ed, Pmglooot Rlggs Sold ol hlm. book and at work, Misses wood, H€l·l(.HRISTMAS HOLIDAYS lsslioiilxtiortl some driinlleilasooend lwusl Receives t-hghut cl-ads in rut,
"""‘***""*"‘ “""" ‘“ ‘" "" °"‘“‘°“     ~·¤ Huge-- Mt ¤¤r¤ Me-? BEGIN SATURDAY " M· é     ‘“   l   R...,t..—r..,   .....,..e...,., ,,
me most valuable man the association garet lngt-ls, Hilda Williams, Pearll _ _ _—— _ ' { Horborl Gliollom rooldoot of too`19l~l from the (`ollege of Mines, re-
has gamed “i“°° '·h"’ l°““ by d°“th °t llgstitt, may Hamilton and Francesl (hrmmas holidays at bmw llmwra l.l,l__5 _l“ol_lolloo' pllllmdllwll llloiceived the highest grade in the mine
D()C(0l‘ DUGIGY, of V8Dd9Tbilt, (the uelool are making creditable ollowlnglslly Dtéglll Sitlurtlliy l)t’(‘€ll\b€I‘ Hlth, HL oDooker‘ U ' {f0I`€man,B oxuluinatlun which was
f°u"d°r Of thi`) S' I' A' A’)' and Presb and Miss Nancy Innes, of last year's:l*°°"- i Tho omlool oloclloo of omooro olpheld the last week of November, ac-
dem B¤··k¤*'¤ presence wm be a val- squad, is expected out after Christ-; All question as to when the holidays mo wooo Club whloll was hold oltorlcording to announcement tnade by
“°bl° °"°t t° °v°ry meeting of the mas. The schedule as already ar—;l.omml,lll.l, was Settled Nionday oven. om moollog. rosollod lo mo oloolloo Dean C. J. Norwood, who ls chief mine
association',. Fkllllwd follows: ling at a meeting of the Deans of the l,l “·_ l.;_ Slllllllll.k_ ol Sllolbyvlllo. inspector ofthe State and chairman of
lt was ge¤0|'8"Y agreed at the mee" January 9—Mt. Healthy, to-l· AH‘jtat·ious Uolleges. Several days ago a llloolllllot. Loo ololoolo ol, Borootowo the Board of Examiners.
lug that on account of his activity and stars at Lexington. lltetttion was circulated among the stu- l·ll.lt.l,l·l,sllll.lll lllld Alla; dllldrod Toy; Sixteen men took the examination
{may-eat, President Barker would be _lollllol.y 22_,_lllllvel.slly lll lmlllllyllll,   ollols oollloo lllo looully lo oorolll me lor ol. lA_Xl"o'loo sooroolryl and all but one made a passing grade,
given um pmsldency uoxt year when at Lexington. lholitlays to begin earlier than Decent- l     _o_  _ eight of them receiving tlrst class cer-
P"°“m°m Riggs wm mum auwmuui l•`ebrttary 6-Mt. Healthy, {U.) All- bel. 23_ 'l`wo tltousnntl years ago Socratesllmclltglt wllll-ll nlllllllt lllttlll ll, uct all
° "“"Y· stars at vlttcinuati. l rl·lll,,,, was l.l,ll,,ldeml,lo llllerlm knew that sttct-ess was a tnattt·t· or the gl,l·,,lll,,ll lll llllll,,,_
MI88 K H;;'_ A *""l"`““"·V 13`Bu“m€““ W°'"“""*fttver the outt-omo of the matter and "lllld- Sliifv ¥'•’<**il·i¤¤t·t his <‘¢*Piilivule, Mr.
      (`ll|l) Ul. Louisville, li'. IEXIUQIUU. lllltt l·el.(.lltlllll of the lNoU[loll' AS u NAS il lllllll llllllktful, SU lb} llt*," lll:) [{(_)bius0n has [jppll [nude ar [nine fort).
February 2o—Vanderbut llttivet·-`lwllll ol lllo Ulllllllll, lllo sludldlll, wlll toltl the pupils thut gatltt·rt·tl around matt by the Nortlteustern Coat coll,.
Miss Margaret King. UIIIVGTBUY LY MW at l·*"‘mUm¤· lbt- able lo t‘t·ttt·h home before Christ- mm- llilily Lllld is INN lil full &‘0llil‘U| of one
brorloll, rodllollts that all sllldalltll hav- l·‘t·bruary 26——Uulversity of Louis; lllllo lllll plllows will blt l-,.,llllll,.ll rllr_ ____V l _A of the contptuties' ntlnes at Auxler. He
log books from lllo llbl-dry lytllllll (hell; ville at Lexington. l_ldlllllll·y ;,_ "<`o||•·g<‘ |i¤‘~·d" u Your Yt*1U'S' loaf. ' matte an enviable record while at the
borore going home as a flue of two Xlurrlt ti lluslness W0ntau’s <‘lub at t •+_ r l'nit·ersity and if he continues to do as
como ll doy wlll bo cllurged dlllqllg [hel l.oult·tvllle. } \\'ht·tt wealth is lost, Iltllllllll; is lost; Uattdldates RUN for oflicc andl well as he has done tht. (Bw lllolllllll
llulldllylll the game as during the March 13 - Denison University atl when health is lost, something is lost; l Illl>l·I in automobiles tttter tht·y'rel since his graduation he will be a great
school loud ltlranvllle, U. ibut when t·ltarat·ter is lost, all is lost. lelected. ,··rt·tlit to the school.

 2 T H E I D E A
, •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusnve Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the gsr s G0.
1***** IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °" '°““°  
M At Admission 10c
c M 0PIN10AM\¤11PM
FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. BTAMPER. Jr. 0v•n•r and •n• •r. . . . .
 ·|» + 0 O ·|· 0 O O 0 O 0 0 O 0 O "Sorores Amore-s," the Louisville Scripture and made a talk in which he l Patronize Our Advertisers.
•|» WHO'! WHO AT ITATE O (‘luh, and Y. W. C. A. all claim Miss ` told of the true meaning of Christmas   V,
M   D E • ·|· ·• 0 ·I» O O O ·|» 0 O 4 ·I» O 0 White as a member, while last spring and of how this true meaning is over- A , jj    \\ I-•¤|n¤!¤n
p ___ I Rh,. was chosen gm- ··gmg and Crown) p hhhqowgd by our holiday festivals. De-  _    ;;:_·g:.K%, \ CR  
E JEANETTE BELL- Mh her Own class, she has the double   Hghtfnl music was furnished by mem- » T "   ` [ 9    
    i -—- ldlstlnrtlon of being class secretarylwrs of Doctor Reynolds' choir, Mrs.  ,_ cndmgé 5M:} |(•Mu,yy•• |"g *
, There is a rap on anyb0dy's door in iam h memheh of the ··Kehtu¢klah" William H. Hmner, Miss Hattie Keith. ~   U -  4 IMIL z l
* ' ¤ ». · 1 ° 4 T.k“ m A
l Patterson Hall; a tall figure armed h staff as assistant subscription man- Miss Lily Sharp and Miss Yarrlngton, ~,_..·1h.\ » lhonmm ‘
2 NEW SIIDWS WEEKLY I . ~ t V ,  - ¤- _ _
  pencil and pld enter., 44Any ugefj ‘\I0]llllBt.   V
3 - ·     · . 3 `np“é§ for "rhg   And   bP_` SO, Bfter this     we-           ! `
Wm.; Lest you and yourself in print wonder how Bess has found time topunnuuncement that the holidays would Hur c“*1;;° 48 ;h"• 1°°
as hnvmg received a longedror phone { make such a host of friends, to have begin Saturday at noon and close Mon- OVW 5- , I
      ppp or other startling pews; porlthe time of her life at "hops" and lday, January 4.      
      ..Sm0p·· mmselp html 8 thing Ongdances, and to achieve an enviable Doctor Reynolds cl0s•d the services Barber   O . ’
,_](,am,“B BPH when it comes to be scholastic record. The explanation is with prayer. ,‘
Also C ' Pr d l
pim: a hustling "Patterson Hall News" tv be f°““d in he" b°¤¤d'€¤¤ °“‘"`gy·i    idn:“h' m I T
Umar Entlnly New Msnnqcmlnf lrpporter fm. The IDEA' She manages Whenever initiative, perseverance andl 0 ‘ Lu".-, work I ·’“l."y ·
{this task whh the Same sherry and t<·¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤m sw ¤<~¤¢<¤¤¤ ¢¤ ¤¤¤<>¤¤v¤*¤¤l on mount Dfw memodm com 235 Wm Shen se. j
 — 1 l t k Miss White is the ideal person} UM" U”|""'"Y °°°k aw" #
"’ Mhoroughness that characterize all her'“ as - ;mm the Biological Club wm dispense .1.. A
Imher work perhaps it is hm. depeudwfor the place. Her wolbdeserved re; Free AQAQQN gqpqc Qg homer; gf l
V ' with the usual lecture, but a brief bus- V R H db k N • we •4. Q
ward for earnest endeavor is the com-I "' Y "' °° '• ° U J
* Q ablpness more than anything Ebel f d th lness session will be held at 7:30 Fri- ln"' NW- 76- 4
} which is responsible for the long line | Illéncsntlzgogf   ::0:;:0:;;; snr I day evening in the Science Building.   p
f achievements and offices which has wa" VY ' ° .
|{ 0 I IAN members are urged to be present lctof   Q.
pv sj marked her career in Kentucky State|d°ms· at that time.
University. ' ° I  
Y / T0 be vicepresldent of the class of   ..Sm.B ·n0ugh_ Pm do the beams hold Th Q
\ 'I5 in its Senior year is in itself no Though late in me season we wish I me moon in place?. C
· small distinction, but to Miss Bell this to Submit our gglgctlou of an All-I ____,_•,__;_  
;} _ h°“°' °°m°¤ $9 the °“lmi¤¤u°¤ 0f ¤‘Southern team. This team is picked Creditors and poor relations always Store
I`\ A |““°f“l and buy f°‘“` Yea" in UW Um' [ not for its playing qualities, but for tnrn up at the wrong time. c•“•.• Tad. bwchuy solid"'
» II r"¢¤"¤*¢v· The rare combination of general usefulness and other thlhgs.   umu W. st
M ability and willingness has served to The Hump;   and get acqualnted
/  mak0 her a prominent factor in its Fm.d_,_L_ E__ Louhwma with our advertisers. LEXINGTON - KENTUCKY
l social, political and literary life. K]0ck..R_ E_, Loulglgng State,
l Miss Bell comes from Western Ken- L0ve—L_ ·p__ Ajgbgmg,   `
!tucky—Fulton—aud is therefore a D0wmpg..R_ ·p_, Kentucyk State.          
\ jmember of the Pennyroyal Club. H€dges..L_ G_, Kentucky State.
`Vice-presidencies seem to be her spec- Oak6p..R_ (;__ Tulane  
ilalty, for the Pennyroyal Club elected S€m€,·..C__ Georg}. Tech, S k
iher to that post for ’13-'14. She is a May.q_ Bu Tennessee, f ve Occasion   C ‘ ·
/ *member of "S0r0res Amores" and of G0f0rth_L_ H__ Chattlncogan 81.1 e fryt Man'  
rn II ithe Horace Mann Literary Society, so MM-ch..R_ Hq Alabama, O gr aiisfaizlior  
‘ [EF;. _ {we gee that Jeanette doe! uct YM}! Cohen—F. B.. V¤¤d9¥'bm fge ' tszm    
@R'BB¤&¤¤¢9¤•$• the propenstiy of the modern woman Ford is small and Mghg, g, quickl usls ° L , C. C
wr ¤•>1¤¤sl¤s to www ¤rs¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤- Starter, mes rough and keeps going $1.50 up CWIII Igaf O.
But Bmw Wuh '°8¤"d to d¤U€¤ wd after he ls tackled. He isn't as fist, chan. P,-body & Con 1¤c_ Msn,.  
` that b“th· it shin be Kivcnn holds I & M., but he can stand a lot of punish-   AM I  
g°°d· the Y- W- C- A- unanimously ment and is seldom knocked out.
Especially     \ Chose her as treasurer °f Y· W- C· A·\ Klock is selected for the other end To `
Find our Styles way ab0vc·f°* ’1*·’15» ¤¤¤ the ¤¤¤r8¢¤<= ¤¤¤¤¤<>r hh account of his sweetness. Though .
th ’ lin which she has taken hold of the someumes BIQ\\" and sometimes. fast. I       {
c avcragy · • • O · . “'°'k has been a "€V°l‘m°¤· Klock is generally pretty steady. `
4 U was ¤0 ¤16¤‘¢ ¤¢¢id9¤t lhlt Missl mvp and ppwhlhg as tackles are 1........L-.._ 
[Hell won the popularity contest lastihard to pear DOwp{¤g_ 33 his name  *""` I
F     ho yea"' but uw result °f “· true d"’m°'\indlcates, is well fitted for the posi- *
3 ot [Hg vratic spirit combined with a reserveluom and his running mam, Love, can C C C     r & C p y {
and tact which have won many closeldown any man O • a 0      
Hats personal friends. Although from thai Hedges and Oakes as guards will  
7 first she has been well known-lu ’11- k fgrynldgble line and
· Ihelp to ma e il .
Sh d M2 She was ¤¤¤¤¤*¤ of her ¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤-gm hard to get by. Wells, of nam- SPORTING GOODS AND HARLMVARE
OCS an `ket ball team—.Iex-mette is the sortlsippi A_ & Mw and ping, of Auburn,     and Gymnasium    
_ · Lof girl whose popularity has steadily were also considered for guards. _ _ ‘
Furnishings increased, and when the memorable Semer is Selected for [he m{d.p0si- BICYCIBS and RCDGIYS, Pennants and }0St¢l‘S, r
strains of the Senior ball are resound- mm Sim.6 he is natumuy named Cen. Fishing Tackle l I ‘ ll
NQW Read ling, the class of '15 may well be proud wr, in fm-; p born **Senter." March _ , , ll
| Specul Pncu on Gymnaaum Equipment, Eatman Kodak: I
`to follow where Jeanette Bell Ieuds! land (jofgrth in the backfleld Ought md S pn Top ¢
···**’ 5   to be able to make some good ad- I I  
_- I `““"°°“· i I46-I48 WEST MAIN ST. LEXINGTON. KY. I Q
    There are very rew perwhg lh statel We may be criticised for vumng I Q
, University who do not know Begg Cohen in HS full-back but with lllm in I l ______________ V I __________ _____ _____, ___ \
C ‘\\’hite, by sight at least, for ber in-}lh6 bavknem W9 b°“€"° the mu “t°  
& 0 • Huengg lg Strongly felt ig g greg] many ` fa? H. Cohen Call usually hold what-     I
lnwrpunmd Hphasvs ot` student activities. As ali’V€¤` he HMB his hands °“·   & M I I   l
\Str0lle+r she has concentrated her Some GHHVUIIY was °"p€"i°¤°°d in ‘
'1"he College Fgl[0wg’   p ilulvnts on classic dancing, in which finding 8 Bumible q“8"°"b°·°k· but C
i W M- W brole she huh frequently appeared pp. uner careful dellberatton, the ch0ic6   I   ; (   I
I   . umu the mm-nlghth. She has ache ren on May. of '1‘<¢¤¤¤¤<=¤¤<><=· MM'- ¤¤ ¤ • ~
L€XiUgt0l? r gggar CO'   (mr whgt very few students pwcom. word, indicates a possibility, and with luconorlldt  
B0 0
M f fr". of lnlish; she has converted her tnlent him 85 *l¤¤¥"-€¥`b9·"k· U“"`*’ i‘* *’· ¥’°“i'
    Limo practical service by her work at blllty that he might make s0mB 1:006 •  
- •
` the Wesley House, where a night glass KBJDH- I I lh R h N S  
  .has been organized in gymnasium. ——————••-•—~··-·— e   t     _'
—- ————~———— —»—» -—»——-—-—--— { ————————··—————; v—~-»,-»».-· »» [)R_ C_ L_      
_ • • • J ·'••· · ` _
Catan •xclu••vely to Stud•nt• I EYE, EAR, NOSE md THROAT (.hap(_l services vww (,0udu(,[€d yu,     A   .
we Funny or smc Un¤v•r•|•y l •P¢cnAus·r {mh, by me new Charles Lee Rey-; ’.,,,,,... ' .
GI G d , ·
A•     ::::1•II;?‘:n·53d:‘r:.r 5 nolds, pastor of the First Presbyterian;   North Limestone Lexington, Ky.
QOH. I. LIMEITONI AND COLFAX4 gmc. ph",. “2_x n•.w•;‘“ "·_x Church, who read a passage from th0 ’ •
U3, . -. , "

 · ll
T H E I D E A 8
—. _  ,, ,_  • 
   WHITE MATHEMATICS Ill- we should Dart.
, 1 l I CLUB HKARB TALK! Surely, the Christ whose very name is I am s mother to the end of tlme!"
J esl q AgI'1Cl.1ltl1I`& at at —— *·>*·  e·"**
. I I White Mathematics Club meet Tues- Wlll hear me too. for long use He nnld   D
I -—-—-—-—--————-——————-———————~--——r·~ —~ r·—   ·r I day afternoon, December 15, at 3:30 Of that poor woman who had been like
,,,0,,,m, ,__ ,,,,,8 gm,. ,,,,,, ,,,,,~..·o.,... ... o. rl r. em. .0...... me BARBER SHOP
. [number of students pm"'], at me, The mggtlng wss conducted by Prof.I‘She has loved much, so much shall At Leonard Hotsl '
. Ime8tmg_ IJ. Mo. ton Davis, who made a talk onI be forgiven} I NON! UETTER
Hamm the addr", MIM, morencgj "Substltutlon and Groups." which ls a So now, perchance, my prayer for hlmI _n`*9E_YV_E'·-L ang- P"°P""t°"*
V lon of the book under discussion., I love .
I, ][| |][ |]|| [X}|||]|I||]|| nm. ..,. .       .....   I W S GRI FFING
' wu. introduced   professor       l)O(‘[()I'   finished K   COntlnu€dI     reach the far and hoavohly   • •
E Bryant, of the College of Agriculture, from the Dr¤¢¢dt¤8 ¤l€0ti¤8· nant The Sauna!. Grocer
li l · P0\1ll.l’y SllOW That Had who made an ;m,,,.,,m,g_ though shorrl The mathematics club consists chief- Where Christ. who waits with Wide. y
‘   Been Called     ts"; Ily of instructors but the meetings arel fvondmllflz arms. Phone   I
I   be Given' Iopen and are held on Tuesday MWF Shall welcome mm because of what Cor. 0. LIm•ston• and Vlrglnls Ave.
, on of each week. I he dtd- " ""` _
l ‘ The big poultry exhibit which has ••"'••***••'•••*••*llU h hl
tI . • • ____,,_,___;_ IBecause he taught me W st a 0!
5 been an important attraction ln nut UNIVERSITY NOTES symoetneuo rrlend--·rnere·o wan mug
years during Farmers' Week will be • • • • • • • • • • • • I. * 4, * 4, comfort, Mrs. Mclrllnnery. Noo thatl In Mmm love and by hh gentleness
nero on. yenr as nemo, although ul _.... ver nlllr men ll·¤ me to · better d d I, |)||. ,|_ T, $|,AT0l
l r ed o un r o om n' rr r n r. sookk rt “°"•’· ye lm wm **° ‘· °’ ¤’¤'·”· "° “'"°“ ""' “”'“"‘ °“ °""‘ °“ .
, "“Id_°: I " Im “°’ " I I th h 'I3 °:"‘~’”   ’°'f”· m °:”’° HEI Mrs. Mcrllnnery (granny)-1 stllll soul. 127 Chgapspde
•§ · "°“ ““’°"' °°“ ‘°°°““ ° ° ' ° “”“°" ¤°'“° ° °°· “ ' llre nre h'tt of tr¤¤ P0¤t!'Y hl An exquisitely expressed tribute is g 2 r    
8, di} Att" tm “‘° “‘°“"’°” °·d*°“"‘°" ‘° I present- The noemn ere of eneb elsentpnld to motherhood an two on the 107 South LIm••ton• Street
U ” ·' the Leonard Hotel, where a luncheon I as are Seldom wrmen nowldaym M_ poems The poem. ..Mmam Loved of 0pposIt• tho Phesnlx Hotel Block
—-— ‘ ’ L 1 t K .
. Secretary or Agriculture J. W. w" °°"°d· ‘ calling the days of Browning and Ten- Goan and ··1v1otnernood," are so pathet- Fm8_I__cLA°;xVc`g'::’ G;ARAm_El°
Newman gave an interesting address —— }¤Y¤0ll. 8l¤¢0 the? M0 full of hl1¤1¤¤ ill- ically and touchlugly beautiful in con- e
to the Agriculture and Home Econo- l)r_ Joseph 1-l_ Knngle, dlrootor or the torests, human sympathy, and human I cgpuon {Lgt thgy soom to bg thelecho Mug M. After gb, Gm, lg
mics Societies, which met ln joint Experiment Station, gave out thel€m0tl0¤¤- Th9Y are ¤`16¤¤¤89¤ of Blot a soul illuminated by the divine M ,
session in the chapel Monday night. statement Monday that the cold S0¤l €0¤tld¢d to other souls. service of womanhood. She could   S
‘ His subject was "The Opportunities weather and snowfall would be of as-l Ml`¤· Robinson shows hl théle llwft I still rejoice because she performed her wher, dl il won md GOOD.
• Open to the Graduate of the Colleso slstance in the checking and possible! D0¤¤l¤ that Sha l'9¤hZ¤¤ thlt l>06¤‘Y ls greatest earthly mission, although God
of Agrlculture," and many helpful sug- eradication of the foot and mouth ` an appeal to tha ¤0l1lf¤l Dart of b\l¤1¤¤ had taken back the child he had given Hot Chocolate, Candy and logs
gestions were slvell to the students disease because the snow-covered nature and ¤0t to tha hltalhwt l1l0¤6. her.  
in this department. flelds would prevent the infected cat-Ian le tha erroneous eoneertlon of man? Dr, J_ Edward Ggrdgn
Secretary Newman said hg received ue from grazing and leaving germs I of l.ll€ H10d€l°Il pO9tS,   18 plrtlllly I npc'. in my soul has grown the won.  
many calls at his ofilce ln Frankfort or the disease on me gross. responsible for our exe belns called a umu, ,,0,,.,,-
for men and women trained ln um --—- boetleee one Hevlns the heart of a or p,,,r,,cr meow,-noeo_ the one eos. McClelland Building
work, but that at was not always the Three men are wanted from tneIboet. elle elnso etrelsnt to the heart MI um,
men who had made the highest grades College of Mechanical and ElectricalIhar raanar- Sha €mPl°Y¤ nzaln end And ur_u|n]oou pusslou of the human ’ G0 To
ln class work, who got the position, Engineering to rnke up work with rheIar;aln the old theme of love, and burn Johns I)|'\.|§ St()|'¢
but they kept abreast of the general Cigar Machinery Company of New I traata tt no two thnaa ahh€· Yat· oooh Aho though our God has willed that N°"t t° P“* °m°’
I trend of affalrs in agricultural mat- York, after their graduation in June. lime hl snob manner that a haart   FOI Pl'£$CflpIl0l\S, Sl1ll0lI¢1’Y, Soda
( T ters. Emphasls was laid upon the Mr. A. C. Buensod, of this company.Ithr0h may be talt hl eeeb Wahl-       wat", cuugry, Pipes and Qgus
reading of farm papers and journals in addressed the seutdents of the SeniorI Tha larl8ua8a hl almhla rhYthl¤t¢al· 2 ———-——————;————— ——
order to accomplish this purpose. class on "The Opportunities of a ond musical- Tha themen ara °rl8t¤at ' . ~·ee-~»e—--· __ _
l .. III 0 0 OS ,   r ·-res-. -
ln the course of this talk, Secretary Young Engineer in the Tobacco indus- I ln traatlu€nt· and although tha Wln8¤ ,     'I
.. · z'   ·— -— ._, ._ , L · ·
Newman referred to the time when try," on the 8th of this month, andI°t tan°Y are free. no unnatural dla t ;`h:;1l°J°:lT(::1t’Bm::u;::;·yg:; Q"   _.ll· I  
I I' _· ‘ elf .-
seventeen years ago he was an lnstruc· asked Dean F. Paul Anderson to ap- Phl·Y of h¤a8t¤att0¤ ta llaad- Thara lol B 0 8 In Q y i_ >_ `_ j_     { ,>,
I |personallty we are able to tailor ind _ _ , . . . .r,-_.. o . .. .m__`,g‘*; I
tor at the University and the total point three men to dll the positions. In ur"n°nunatlnK note °Y ¤¤=e¤¤l<·¤ or ¤·¤r¤l·l¤e¤¤— ‘° ’°‘“’ '“°““’° " °‘" °°"“"’ °"°° Why Have Sore Feet
ex"], ton S 1 est tore The poem after which the volume is $ 8 UP _
g   named, "One Woman to Another) ts 1 B}; W8ll(:`llg 0ll  
.9 • Call and see our large display of lm- S0 QS W ell WE
The     S     the best poem ln the collection. lt is pomd um domestic wool". md lun then! on for the same
a poem of interest to every class be- your measure taken, _ _
‘    I Come to   ·t°r° for the cause   has love and forgiveness for            
I · ’ ‘l `   ; I .  g  4 ll its theme. It is a story of a woman JUSTRIGHT GARMENT. °
‘ M Yr     , ll young men'! gifts, and for the rl l _ { u u h I { h To be absolutely all hand tailored
l   l    r _       ¤·· W   ·· °* ...... go., .............. an ....-y d...n. nnlragu Qulrk snug Hepalrlng
 _.I...I I V I l older men, t°°_ husbuudsaffections has been supplant- We suud but of every ord"- whoa.
~ W I I  z W, h k, d I h, h od by n woman of me underworld with our suwlntee- 113 South Broadway
l W I l,   l I ° vc t e in 0 t mg. t at whose love for the man has inspired REMEMBER wc CUT AN° HT Au- _—__——H
l     Il/;I/*_”Ilh' ll men like to rcccive—·tl\¢ kind Iher to higher living. In turn, she E:::::°'::8R(:':.::E·::g:::;  cad Coal C0
. flgf It lI,`  C' ll _. . · -
  I I t d b _ tues ln vain to reclaim him from the .1; 1·.||o,·._ , , ,
Y"    tl , her: wcul ul, *02 ih°i:°°lv“ depth in which he had found her. He . . Anthraclte and Bltumlnous
ll " 1 ., ' /· .
h ,I       oo ww. »ew• rv. ¤•e· cer ,,, ,.(. re death in .n,,...c,n.r mmer, ll|Sll|2lll lallllllllg cn- CQALS
r l " l   Wl.) ‘°"· '“"’°"d°"· "°"°'· *"“‘d' enll ln lllr last moments. remembers N. e. Cornsr Ihort and umn. . K k
I I e kcrchicfa. belt•. canes. uml>rel· and longs for his flrst love. The wo- N“t °°°" ¤·•lv•·•l*v ·°°k “°"’· Lexlngtonl ° (mtuc  
I _ ·‘ lu. bath robes, emoking jackets and many leather novelties. lllllll sends for ber and She ¤rrlV9|
I A lot of useful gift things for women, too. Toilet •ct•, "“ly l" "'“" °" “° uw man “h" had L. M, LAIL JACK DUNN
  manicure sets, bru•hc•, work baskets, umbrellas, ouit casca, OMB loved dead` TM N0 wmnan an
:2I b t alone tu the presence of their dead, _
I ·'·’ ° c' I I and the splrlt of true womanly forgive-    
Come here for gilt tlungo for everybody. ness ls expressed ln the closing lines:
_- Styles for Colege Men
Kauflhah (.'I0thII1g C0. """"   ‘ “°“' ‘°' ’°“· ““" ’°“ '""° “"d
oome. Makers of English Clothes
I 3l4_3‘6 wut Mdn Stun Although too late to listen to his
I words. Phenix Hotel Block Luingtoa, Ky.
• ________ __ ___ |Yet, not too late to hear what I must
6 ‘ L I
· k

 @*1 /9:-
ftfl `.i
@2, ‘
  ···—···—·······—s··     ;
r]»     0 HUH OF THI GADFLY 0 ' i 2
Published every Thursday throughout the Coll•¢• year by the student bod! Q 0 Q 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q W   S n JQ,
of the State University of Kentucky, for the beneut of the under- ee y    
graduates, alumni and faculty of the Institution. TH; NEW. IN MM. `
—   is the ottlclal newspaper •§—the—tln;ersItyiA Itlla  ——-  
the view or furnishing to tts oubsortbers an the collfge osu cnt Knntuokgi oeorgto Teen boys had on nom ¤¤¤N¤ HON! T¤ M0THI|\· I On this ••m• thmhold •t•¤4• •¤· -
together with a digest of item! of interut c0¤c•r¤ ¤| t • ¤¤ V•I'It•I _ ._._ ` in
mm, mm md Cm"` sein ¤ public §¤l¤b:•¢i::¤." Thm mmm: other youth. He hu the atr ot  
—e»-——· ·— =· e -¤      = · ~  or   “"°° “°" ” °°° ' ° ’ meogtn. no head oroot, the moat- Vt,
auascmntou, our ¤ot.t.An ran vnn. nv: cnn ran corv po, lt, m,,m;,,,u,,¤_ T"° °'“ "°"‘° °" "‘° '“" ’“'°· Y°" t  
Entered at Lexington Post Otllce as second clan