xt7j3t9d6b62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d6b62/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-02-27 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 27, 1976, no. 117 text The Green Bean, February 27, 1976, no. 117 1976 1976-02-27 2014 true xt7j3t9d6b62 section xt7j3t9d6b62 ~———~ LE?°!¤ 2-
27 Feb. - Dr. Daniel Rowland
Prof. of History -' G R E E N
3:00 PM, Gallery. B E A N
Topic: "Russian
Hesychasm" (See note)
s March - Branch Librarians Araa UNWERSWY OF KENHQKY \-¥§Rg*3,¥§§
Meeting - 8:30 AM, §EW$*5Ep`ER H Ngé. E /73éSB
Tech Services Conference av; arre ' lt°r xt'
5 March — Library Faculty Meeting - 8:30 AM, Gallery.
Serials Coordination Committee:
As approved at the last Library Faculty meeting, a Serials
Coordination Committee has been formed and the following librarians
have been asked to serve on the Committee:
Ed O'Hara .
Florence Jones
Agnes McDowell
Toni Powell
Omer Hamlin and Paul Willis, Ex·officio
The initial charge to the Committee follows:
1. Review existing and potential duplication of serials in
the libraries on the Lexington campus.
2. Recommend cancellation of titles as appropriate.
3. As requested, participate in discussions relating to new
4. Consider recom endations for a collection development
policy for all University libraries.
ASERL Statistics, 1975/76:
Statistics recently published by the Association of Southeastern
Research Libraries give the following rankings for the University
of Kentucky Libraries (excluding Medical): `
Number of microtexts: 2nd
Number of periodicals: 4th .
Number of volumes: 9th -
Salary expenditures: 10th
Book expenditures: llth
Total expenditures: llth
Members of the ASERL include the 29 largest public and private
university libraries in the southeast.

Tonight, 27 February, the Friends of the Lexington Public Library are
sponsoring a "Ga1a" which is: a rare book sale and auction, a concert
a dance and pub with entertainment. Begins at SPM (auction at 7:30),
Springs Motel Thoroughbred Room. Tickets are $5.00 per person and
proceeds will go toward the new Lansdowne Branch to open later this
year. ‘
The Kentucky State Department of Libraries has subscribed to the
Courier Journal Computerized Index. Public Libraries throughout the
state will benefit from this service which is free to all librarians
and citizens of Kentucky. The service will supply hard copy of
newspaper articles published in the Courier.
- Tuesday of National Library Week (6 April 76) delegations of librarians
and trustees from every state will visit offices of legislators in
Washington to make known the influence of federal programs in building
library service for their citizens. Further details are available
from Celeste Moore, Department of Library and Archives, P.O. Box 537,
Gale Research Presentation: A :
The Library Science Student Organization (Lsso) is sponsoring a
presentation to be given by Alice Nelson of the Gale Research
Company, publisher of reference books, dictionaries and di-
rectories. The lecture-slide presentation gives an overview of `
reference book publishing and is open to the public. Wednesday,
‘ 3 March 76, 2-3:30 PM, Room 320, Chem./Physics Bldg.
Russian Hesychasm:
A lecture on Russian Hesychasm (a topic of current interest and
enthusiasm in the Acquisitions Department) will be given by
Dr. Daniel Rowland, Professor of History on Friday, February 27th
at 3:00 in the Gallery of the Rare Book Room._
This discussion of Russian mystical thought will be followed by a
reception for Dr. Rowland and refreshments. The public is
U.K. Student SLA Chapter Meeting:
Greg Payne, President of ABI, Abstracted Business Information, Incq
will give a presentation and demonstration of INFORM, an on-line
computer data bank of information compiled from hundreds of
business publications throughout the U.S. and abroad and designed
V for the manager in business, industry, and institutional adminis-
tration. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 24 from ‘
6-8:00 P.M. on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

 Spring Library Conference:
"Audiovisuals in the Academic Libraries" is the topic of the spring
conference of the College and Research Section of the Kentucky Li-
brary Association. The conference will be held 2-3 April at
Boone Tavern, Berea College. Reservation forms are available from
Mary Moberly, Room 225 Medical Center Annex #2, UK, and should be
returned by 24 March. Any staff member wishing to attend should
submit a travel request to Faith Harders by March 15, 1976. When
we know how many people will be going, the travel allotment will _
be made. At this time, we plan only to cover part of meals and
Jeff Sauer, Vivian Hall and Frances Williams are participating in
1 the U.K. Training and Development program on Supervisory Manage-
Debbie Garr, Circulation, has left the library to take a position
with the College of Nursing.
The new night supervisor for Circulation is Thomas Bullock. He
; has a B.A. in English from Greenville College and has worked at
E Asbury Press.
— Supervisor's Course: If the library has at least 8 or 9 interested
supervisors, Martin May from U.K. Training and Development will
give his course on Basic Principles of Supervisory Management at W
the library. It will be the week of May 10th (when school is out)
and will be held Monday-Friday, 8-12 (or if people prefer, he can
split it over a two week period.L If anyone is interested,in
participating, please let me know as soon as possible so Mr. May
can work us in to his schedule.
F. Harders ·
Professional Openings:
Acting Head of Special Collections for this coming year.
Acting Head of G.P.D., Jan.-June 1977 while Susan Csaky is on
If interested, please see Faith Harders.
Seminar: Continuing Education is sponsoring an "Innovative
Management Seminar for Managers who want to Make Things Happen."
There will be 2 sessions -— April 14-l5 and Sept. 9-l0. Cost is
$150. For further information, see Faith Harders.
Opening: LT III, IMMR (Coal) Library. Now interviewing for the
position. If interested, contact Theresa Wiley, Rm. 9 Bradley
Hall (Phone 8-5879).

§MPLO]MENI gPPgRIuu;If§§: _
Head Librarian. Morris Harvey College, Charleston, W. Va. Spring 76.
Processing - Assistant Division Head, University of Georgia, Athens,
Georgia. July 1, 1976. $15,000 · $18,000