xt7j3t9d5n5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d5n5x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1931 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 07, no. 03, 1931 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 07, no. 03, 1931 1931 1931 2012 true xt7j3t9d5n5x section xt7j3t9d5n5x  
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’;m» _ A { Kl'pp B-\ _ . . Editor and Manager O
I ’ V. . V·   BETTY HULETT, `AO ..... . . Assistant Manager tt
V EV _ V`   7 MARGUERITE McLAUGHLIN, '03 . . . . Associate Editor b
V ’   V   V HELEN KING. `25 .......... Associate Editor
l l   { I   OFFICERS OF  ggvoiarionw K K I I K EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE [
' g ‘ ll'.   V LEON K. FRANKEL. `Ou .... President W. C. Wilson, '13 Dr. George H. Wilson, '(J4 C
‘  , V   V   `§ 1 - MRS. RODES ESTILL. '2l . . . Vice-President Dr. E. C. Elliott, `02 \\’ayland Rhoads. 'l5  
` ', V! [   JAMES S. SHROPSHIRE, "19 . Seci·etary—Treasurer Lulie Logan, *13 \\'a!ti·r Hillenmeyer. `ll
_ · Q V L f V . C
·     LZ V >{.__” ;%;;; .*+-5   ’r;i·;;;rr r7·*+r"rr I ’ii:;?"r 'fwr nr ‘ W · r V ·   H
; . ~‘l - _ ·     ALUMNI CLUBS  
`   i V? U l ASHLAND ALUMNI CLUB C. B. Sauer. secretary-treasurer, care Arm— §
7 { . ’ J. Sneed Yager, president, Blackstone Build- strong Cork and Insulation Co., 120 \Vest D
I { ` ing, Ashland Illinois St. d
* l
  ‘ · A F {Im C. L. Templin, president, 764 Greenwood Ave. Miss Lillian Rasch. Holmes High School, pre- ll
ll ` , VK George A. Wisenberger, secretary-treasurer, Sidellt ll
  T V _ y_ M_ ()_ A_ Harry Vtlhaley, Cincinnati, vice-president li
  ` I "   V\'a.rren Clare, vice—president, care Clare and George H. Hailey, Cincinnati, treasurer €
  . (;0__ Bona Allen Building Miss Adcle Slade, secretary. \'
;i ¤
  Mrs. Geo, VV. McKee, secretary, Box 66, Pine-. IL Layman Mays, president, 3018 E. Overlook O
gi VV_ Vinh Ky_ Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. t.
  .`{ i V _ R. E. Clark, secretary-treasurer, 1838 East .
ii; » ~, . _ 101st St., Cleveland. Ohio.
QVV -   · J. M. Sprague, president, Box 66, Enslcy. Ala. t
{li * _ S. C. Ebbert, vice-president, 321 Brown-Marx LOUISVILLE CLUB { E
ll V V. Building, Birmingham. Tom A. Ballentine, '25, president t
  4 »   E. J. Kohn, secretary, Box, 35, Ensley, Ala. J. Donald Dinning, *21, vice-president t
dg I A. B. Haswell, treasurer, P. 0. Box 1174. Bir— Mrs. Tom A. Ballentine (nee Marie Pfeiffer. I
N ` * . mingham, Ala. Louisville, ex-'27, secretary t
, {V · V I V BOWLING GREEN CLUB A. Pete 1"Little Pete") Lee, 915, treasurer. ` Q
      W. J. Craig, president, care Western Kentucky NEW YQRK CLUB H
. ~ . r A ·
· 5 l _ _ State Teachers College Samuel A. Smith, president, 17 John Street. I
— 1 ‘ \ Mary Lee Taylor, secretary, care Western New York City  
V I V ~! Kentucky State Teachers College. W. G. Hillen, secretary-treasurer, 850 Fl'0llIl}?,`-  
Q . § ,5 BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB *‘“YS°“ A""·· N°‘“"k~ N· J· S
,V .. ‘ I I. F. Taylor, president, 151 Virgil Ave. PHILADELPHIA CLUB 5
  °l. V I J. W. Gedgel, vice~president, 129 Harlem L. C. Davidson, 'Z3, president. \
V‘ " R. A. Stipp, treasurer, c-0 Buffalo Forge C0. Richard Bozeman, ’29, secretary-treasurer. }-
  ~ ~ ‘ . ' I, , - `
VV V (l;i;de EV Dame secretary c o Amercian WASHINGTON ALUMNI CLUB I
_ ~ ass O` Jesse I. Miller, president, Commercial Nation- i
.   f   H. M. Nicholls, president, 104 South Michigan Elmer I), Hayes, secretary, care Interstate l
`   ` V Ave. Commerce Commission.
L Vg; i Q Pl  
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-_ l..€XlDgtOl”l Alumhl EHt€l't&1I]   llClCElt B&Sl(€t€€l'S  
E, .
'Wildcat teams come and go, as do all to be graduated? The little rascal is SO ,  
things. earthly. Since the first champion- "intriguing," according to Uncle Enoch   i
abil? g11`lS' toani of about thirty Y€a1`S_ago, ‘Lil’ Mack was not a high school star. He    
brought the laurels back to the Univer- was discovered by Johnny Manny. basknn   i 2
_ sity, fans have been pulling for basketball ball coach in rggg Y   ~   €
honors and periodically e glory has been . · , · . _ t .   i
Kentucky’s. The Lexington Alumni club tn gglggdsplfffnllirpllghliytlls athletlc cgilieel l   i
has acted as local representative for all Santambeg nntnsrliironk qcampiim-1 wr?]   Q r Z
other former students in encouraging the · » an Sglvmg Q C gate r"i#` l ‘  
With the Cats on Stoll field and from the ·€ i .  2
t€“mS· the wachr and the ljmsent Student first of December until the season closed “’ i l
body in tho making of Cbanilnona he covered the distance of the court from ‘   _  i
, What a thrill the 1931 team gave ug! basket to basket with the alertness of in-    it  
ln the words of several others, "we were Spired youth and "the swiftness and pre-   v 1
or champs for forty Seconds}, That is the cision of a cat after the elusive mouse" as     4,
tive regulars, five subs and coach were tho lamented Fuzzy Woodruff Would Say.   t
champs for forty seconds, but there is Carey has been Lexington’s athletic idol ' i w
much more to the story. ‘Lil’ Mack was Since his debut on Lexington High School’s   i  1
top scorer for the tournament and the team. The Varsity selected him to guide   i
Southerners put him on the mythical all- lta destiny about a year ago and how he i f z i
¤· Southern team. Moreover, his many sym- has steered the craft to the entire satis- -1  _ 
at pathisers will wager that he was knocked faction of his Crew was attested in the     `
down oftener and had more black spots final trials in Atlanta and his farevvells on ’,   
On his anatomy than any Other player tllé OCC2tSiO1”1 of his l3.St 3])])€21l'aIlC€ RS Cap-  T  
e- in the tourney, but mere triiies like that tain Sl>i€€1` Monday night, March 9- But by  »;
never daunted Louis McGinnis. That lad back t0_ tho tournament. Carey made 22    4
broke into basketball, as a hip pocket bolntn in K€nt¤ol1‘oDa1‘o€l to do tho Saino Stunt QF 1`atb€1`   ;_ ’ i 
the Sports Writer got to the fourth para- a similar one for the 1931 champions, but _    
graph of his daily report. Eighteen points the <·hamp1<>ns Wont on to M=uy1a¤d.YDiat gr  
at the moment was a record individual tho blasted cheat of tickle f°l`tun€· N2 ,    r
_ score; 18 points was but one less than was Judgment had tho 
.   f 1 4 ton was the best back guard in the south, Ellis Johnson of Ashland held the guard ‘ I
ISI I I as we used to say when Burgess Carey position cinched until an injury befell him I
. I I I I tried to get the team, of which Jimmie and he had to make a reservation on the l
` I I I I   McFarland was captain, to get going back bench to rest for the entire season, one (
. j I I I in 1924. Turkey Hughes, Lovell Under- might say. That was his second hurt and I
_ - I I wood, Bill Milward, and Foster Helm were no chnace could be taken. But Ellis has <
,   7 II in that group. been called a natural athlete and he is just t
· Q I Remember? But Jake Bronston, the star that. He is one of the Great Designe1‘“S r
I II V I ~ guard of 1931 is the subject of this dis- examples of a high class boy. Work or l
J . I cussion, and fans, he is just a junior. play means that he is doing his best and I
.I  , Chalk up one for' the future hopes of up to now that has been a powerful best t
. _ Kentucky and to him has been entrusted and he is a SOPHOMORE. Spell it with i
¢ I AMI al cg-captaincy for the next year. Has caps. He is that important. But you n
I _ e rains? Has he leadership? Is he a knew that. He was the mythical captain I
I Q LSE; certain shooter and can he watch his man of a mythical high school team for all- 1
I   , A ing
    * Cok
    , I purr
 . i Mv  .
V ir ` My _I. d_H_,__ _ -U--. I * ‘ --—-——;—-—·~ _ I --- - I ·""*T ’V` j A  
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