xt7j3t9d5n00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d5n00/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-08-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  2, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  2, 1929 1929 1929-08-02 2012 true xt7j3t9d5n00 section xt7j3t9d5n00 JiPfi Best Copy Available







PROF. GREHAN First Convocation
Will Be August




of "Letters"


The first convocation of the second semester of the Summer Session will be held Wednesday morning, August 7 at 9:30 o'clock In
Memorial hall. H. E. Taylor, of Bc-rSpent Much Time in Prepar- cital College, will give an organ reon the new pipe organ which
ing Rook on Study
was recently Installed, it has been
of Words
announced by Dr. W. S. Taylor,
director of the Summer School at
the University.
Mr. Taylor Is organist at the UnAND MISS HELEN KING ion church In Berea. Classes will be
adjourned for the recital and the
Saw Many Points of Interest; public is invited.

Returned Across the
American Desert

Prof. Enoch Grchan, head of the
department of Journalism who has
been on a six months sabatlcal
leave of absence from the University, returned last week end from
California. He was accompanied by
Mrs. drehan and Miss Helen King,
who Is now In charge of the publicity bureau during the absence of
Prof. Elmer Sulzer.
Professor Orehan spent much of
the time in writing and preparing
his new book on the study of words.
It is now ready to be typewritten
and will be ready for publication
this winter.
Proressor and Mrs. Grehan left
Lexington February 5 and drove to
to Pasadena, Calif., over the old
Spanish Trail near the Mexican
border, completing the trip February 22. They stayed in Pasadena
until May 22 when they went to
Santa Barbara for a month. They
returned to Pasadena where they
were joined July 3 by Miss King.
The party left Pasadena July 6
and drove back to KentuckyNevada,
the, desert, and through
Missouri, Illinois and
Utah, Kansas,
While in California Professor and
Mrs. Grehan visited many points of
interest in the state. '"Although California and the West are beautiful
and Interesting, we are glad to get
back to Kentucky and to see the
people here again. There's no place
like our own state," said Professor
Grehan when Interviewed,
Professor Grehan will resume nis
duties as head of the journalism department at the opening of the fall
term. During his absence, Prof. Victor R. Portmann has been acting
head of the department.

Freshman Week to
Open September 12
First Year Students Musi Be
in Attendance at AH



The program of Freshman "Week
at the University which starts
Thursday, September 12, at 9 a. m.,
and which lasts until September 17,
shortly. All
will he announced
freshmen expecting to enter the
"University must be in attendance.
A general outline of the program
has already been made known. The
general gathering place of the first
year students will he Memorial hall,
the new auditorium which has re- n
cently heen completed. The Iresh-meare divided into sections of
30, which will have their headquarters In McVey hall, and their programs will he in charge of the professors of the University and their
student assistants.
There will be lectures dealing
with University life and campus activities, and in the meantime "there
will be tours of the campus and
surrounding points oi interest. This
is done in order to acquaint the student with his future environment
and enable him to become "at
home" on the campus. "Each student
is required to have a' physical examination during the week.





The University publicity bureau
maintains a complete and up-to- -i
date file of faculty members, alumni
and prominent students which is
available to all. General informa-- i
tion of the University is also tab- ulated and ready lor use.

Gov. Flem Sampson


Prof. Elmer G. Sulzer, director of
the University band and head of

the publicity bureau, left yesterday

Co-E- d



Final Examinations in Most

"Letters," the University literary
magazine, has been mailed to regular subscribers, and those who
wish to obtain a single copy may
get them at the Kernel office, or
from any member of the English
department. The price of the magazine is 25 cents per copy, or $1.00
a year by subscription.
Prof. E. F. Farquhar is editor-in-chi- ef
of the magazine, which has
a staff composed of members of the
English department
faculty and
students. With the August issue,
completes Its second year
as a quarterly magazine on the
The magazine is sent to people
throughout the South, as well as
other sections of the country, and
has gained a high standing among
publications of its type.

23, 24

Registration for the second semester of the Summer Session had
reached a total of 10 students when
the last jday for enrollment had
ended, topping previous records for
the final summer term by 36.
Approximate numbers of students
in the six colleges are: Arts and
Sciences, 155; Education, 230; Law,
30; Engineering, GO; Commerce, 15;
and the Graduate School, 96.
Reservations for rooms in the
dormitories are now closed for the
second semester. However, students
who wish to sign for rooms for the
fall term may do so.
Dean William S. Taylor of the
College of Education is in charge of
the Summer Session, while President Frank L. McVey and many of
the members of the regular faculty
arc also on duty during the summer.
Special permission is required to
work off more than seven credits or
more than six, if seven were taken
the first semester, as only 13 may be
taken lor the entire summer.
in most
classes will be held August 23 and
24, with school closing August 24.
The fall term will open September
12 for Freshman Week, with sophomores, Juniors and seniors registering September 16 and 17. Class
work will start September 18.

the University who has been spending a three months vacation in LexIN
ington with his grnndmothcr, Mrs.
F. J. Conn, will leave Sunday for
Columbia, South America where he Students Who Wish Rooms
Is connected with the Tropical Oil
May Send So Check to
Company. He docs not expect to re
Dean Melchcr
turn home for two years, when he
will have another vacation. Mr. NEW
Conn Is a member of the Delta Chi


Complete Rearrangement and
RecataloKUcing Is Made
by Faculty Members

Miss Ruth Bohnin

new volumes have recently been added to tho. library In
the College of Law at the University, according to Dean A. E. Evans.
A complete rearrangement and
of the library was made
during the last week by members
of the faculty.
While Judge Lyman Chalkley was
at Harvard University last year the
librarian of the Law College there
presented him with the Harvard
Law Library Catalogue, in two volumes, which has proved of aid to
law students.
During the past year Dean Evans
has obtained the reports of the lowa.
er courts of New York and
An effort Is now being
made to secure the statutes of all
the states, as the library possesses
statutes of ten states at present.

Is a picture of Miss Ruth
Bonnln, who was a sophomore at
the University last year, and participated in many campus activities. Her home is in Concho, Okla.
Word has been received here that
Miss Bonnln will attend the School
of the Theater, Harner Institute, in
Kansas City, Mo., this winter, and
is planning to follow a stage career.
While on the campus she was outstanding in the dramatic field, and
was leading lady for the 1929 Stroller play, "Square Crooks."
was regimental
Miss Bonnin
sponsor for the R. O. T. C. unit and
major during the past
had a title of
year; she was selected a Kentuckian
beauty for the past two years; was
elected vice president of her freshman class in
and was a
member of Alpha Gamma Delta,
Word has been received from
social sorority.
members of Toy Sandefur's Rhythm
Kings orchestra, now playing different ports in the Pacific touched by
their boat, the S. S. President Jefferson, and also on board ship, that
they are having a very successful
They are now near Kobe, and will
play there August 4 and at ShangAt the stunt
Prof. Bertrand Ramsey, of held August 5.ship, members ofnight
on the
Physics Department, Will band played an overture, sang a
Speak on All Phases of duet, and gave a guitar duet.
They will reach San Francisco
August 21 and will return to Lexington in time to enroll for the fall
ir your son Is an amateur electris
all members of the orchescian or if you are Inclined to tinker tcrm.-aUniverwith the radio you are bound to be tra are connected with the
interested In the radio speech to be sity. Sandefur expanded his orMr.
given Thursday, August 8, by
Ramsey of the physics de- chestra from five to fifteen mempartment of the University. Pro- bers this year and has two other
resorts in
fessor Ramsey's speech will cover units playing at summer
all phases of the interesting subject France.
of electricity in a simple and comprehensible manner. Educators and
all others interested in the welfare
of Kentucky's school system will
hear something to their liking Tuesday. The complete program for the
week of August 5 follows:
Monday, August 5, 12:30 to 12:45
p. m. (a) "Sheep Talk," by Prof. Explorer Expects to Spend
R. C. Miller, College of Agriculture,
Remainder of Summer in
(b) "The Fall Millinery Forecast,"
Excavating: for Signs of
by Miss Isabelle Story, College of
Ancient Life.
Tuesday, Augst 6, 12:30 to 12:45
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser recently rep. m. "Getting Money for Kentucky's Public Schools," by Prof. turned from California where he
attended the Kappa Sigma convenDale Russell, College of Education.
Wednesday, August 7, 12:30 to tion'. He left the first part of the
12:45 p. m. (a) "Dairy Talk," by week for Logan county and will
Professor Joe Nageotte, College of spend the rest of the summer there
Agriculture, (b) "Sheep Talk," by doing research work and excavating
Prof. R. C. Miller, College of Agri- for remains of ancient life.
Dr. Funkhouser did not have time
to thoroughly examine
bones of
Wednesday, August 7. 9 to 10 p.m. the animal supposed to the a tyran-nosaur- ls
University of Kentucky Salon orrex, brought here by Dr.
F. Kinsolvlng, from Missouri, but
Thursday, August 8, 12:30 to 12:45 will go into the matter further upon
p. m. "The Stuff of Electricity," by his return.
Prof. Bertrand P. Ramsey, departHe expects to find men to do the
ment of physics.
actual excavation work near the
Friday, August 9, 12:30 to 12:45 site in Logan county, and did not
take any companions with him.
p. m. "What Farm Folks Are AskDr. Funkhouser and Prof. W. S.
ing," by Prof. N. R. Ellliott, College
Webb made some startling discovof Agriculture.
eries of a very ancient race last
month in Lee county, and the former hopes to have as gratifying reSchool Gives
sults on his present trip.

Rhythm Kings Band

Leaves University;
Will Go to Akron GIVEN FOR WEEK


Trail's End Camp Is

Trail's End Camp for girls, owned
by Miss Sarah G. Blanding, dean of
women at the University, and Miss
Mary DeWltt Snyder, is reported as
having a very successful season. The
camps is beautifully located on the
Kentucky river, near Clay's Ferry,
Richmond rortd, and Is well attended by girls from all parts of the
United States, some coming as far
as Texas to enroll.
Dancing, archery, tennis, riding,
rlflery, urt work, basketball, swimming and canoeing are some of the
sports included in the camp schedule. Two periods of four weeks
each are held, in which time many
trips are taken on the river, to
Mammoth Cave and nearby historical sights of the Blue Grass country.
During the summer while Miss
Blanding Is at camp Mrs. P. K.
Holmes Is acting dean of women.
The former will close camp and re
turn to her work at the University
In, time for Freshman Week.


Miss Ruth Brown, who has been
head of the catalogue department
at the University library for the last
two years, has resigned and expocts
to register at Columbia University
in the fall where she will take ad
vanced work for her master's degree in library science. Miss Brown
is leaving at the end of this ween
and will visit friends in Frankfort
and Winchester before going to
Washington, D. O., to Join her family for the rest of the summer.

Dr. Roy V. Sherman, of the department of political science at the
University, has resigned his position, according to Dr. J. C. Jones,
head. of the department, and will
take a similar appointment at the
University of Akron.
Drr Shirnian iaa graduate- of the
University of Iowa and has been at
the University of Kentucky for two
years. He was largely instrumental
In forming a League of Kentucky
Municipalities for the state. He will
devote most of his time to municipal government and administration
at the Ohio school.


45 Counties Are Represented
by 8(T Men and 28 Women

at Fifth Annual University

Forty-fiv- e
counties were represented in the fifth annual week's
course in poultry rasing at the University which closed last week end.
Eighty men and 28 women, repre
senting counties extending from
Ashland to Fulton, were in attendance. Farm poultry problems
were considered and practical work
given in judging, culling, selection
of breeding stock and other opera
Members of the the University
iaculty were asisted In the work by
H. H. Steup, of "The Poultry Tri
bune," and Prof. Berley Wlnton, of
the University of Missouri.
The board of directors of the
Kentucky Poultry Improvement As
soclation, meeting during the week,
voted to continue Its activities in
behalf of the furthering of raising
of better and more profitable poultry on the farms of the state.
Arrangements were made to turn
over to the Experiment Station sufficient funds with which to employ
field agent In poultry
A resolution was passed by the
board urging the International
Baby Chick Association to hold its
1930 nnnual convention In Louis-

C. A. Duncan, of Calvert City, and




Course, in Aviation

Junior College and School for Girls
has announced a new course in aviation, Including ground aviation, a
course for flying for a pilot's license
and a commercial license course.
The work will be under the direction of Professor Spaullng, director
of the Curtiss Ground School, and
will meet the requirements of the
U. S. Department of Commerce.
This is not the first time that
Mason College has launched a
course In a field formerly regarded
as one solely for men. Some years
ago a course in Journalism was in- stltted and the students at the col
lege were allowed to work on as
signments on the local newspaper,
the Dally News.

Walter J. Fresh, of Georgetown,
representing the 800 accredited flock
owners in the state, assumed places
on the board of directors.
Other members present
W. E. Pyles, Maysvllle; A. L.
Strauter Harney, Paris- - George R.
Turner, Campbellsvllle; Clyde San C. M. T. C. MEN RECOMMENDED
ders, Lancaster; Mrs. John Flster,
Lexington, and J. Holmes Martin
Olen Coffman, Lewlsburg, W. Va.,
and J. R. Smyth of the Experiment
member of Company I, and George
Leedy, of Palntsvllle, a member of
Company M, both In the Citizens'
Military Training Camp at Camp
Knox, have been recommended as
principal and alternate respectively
for the University
which will soon be awurded.
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
the University, left Wednesday for
a six week vacation In WilliamsMISS HOFFMAN LEAVES
burg, Mich. He plans to fish, read
and sketch, Indulging In his favorMiss Laura Gill Hoffman, secre
ite pastimes, and will return In time tary to the dean of women, has
to take up the work for the fall left on a three weeks vacation. She
semester. Dr. VcVey was accom- will visit friends in Mt. Sterllnc
panied by Mrs. McVey.
and St. Louis, Mo.

Pres. Frank


Richard Conn Will
Return to Columbia
Richard Conn, former student At

Law Library Adds
49 Books to List

Classes to Be Held on


the old spltoon whltch used to make
(By Beecher Adams)
This here Kernel office ain't what life easy around here when a guy
to be naw siree, not by a wuz a strugglln over some fool
it used
heckuva sight. It uster be bad enuf story turned In by one uv these
to cum over here and find all these here gal reporters, and danged If it
here female flappers dashin around wuzn't gone. Pears to me like they'd
a tryln to make out like they wuz , done gone and swapped It off fer a
Jernillsts, without havin em tryln to mirror cause there It wuz, nsettin
take over the whole caboodle and right over the editor's desk. Now
run the danged thing. O' course you and me know that a newspaper
now that they hev done gone and olflce ain't no place fer a lookin
slipped a fast one over on us hard 'glass the lord knows there's enuf
workln cusses and put in a woman funny sights a hangln around with
editor-in-chiwe've" got to swaller out havin to take a look at your
It and say nothin, but I'll be dad own mug.
These female Journalists are pretswitched if I don't sneak in there
and throw this petition uv down ty punk house keepers too, fer I'll
trod Justice on her majesty's desk be a flap eared mule if the floor
didn't have enuf Junk on It to stuff
and she can take it er leave It.
I'll be bad burned if I didn't purty Mammoth Cave. I never seen so
near eat my last chaw of long green many hairpins, old gloves, and perty
when I seen that thar office this 111 ole hats In my life.
Yes, and right now there's four
morning. I heerd some giggles like
the sololoqules uv a gang uv barn- or five uv em done come in atryln
yard fowls but I never expected to to see what I'm a wrjtin. They're
see what I saw In that otlice, once hangln around me now glvln me
the free and easy club room uv real hall Columbia, but by gosh I'm a
news guys. The whole place had a goln to finish what I got to say and
delicate air of some kinder perfume I hopes If they don't like It they
and I never seen so danged many can run their durned old Kernel to'
powder puffs a layln around before suit thelrselves, cause its shore sunk
in my life. Fust hand I thought I'd too low now fer any uv us oldtlmers
a swore I'd stumbled in the wrong to try and salvage it from the scrap
place but the sign wuz still up heap. Shades o' Horace Greeley,
whiten says Kernel Office so I am- but times ain't what they uster be,
bled on in. Wal I looked around for naw slree not by a heckuva sight.

Popular University


for a vacation of three weeks In
During his absence, Scott Keyes,
announcer, 'will be in charge of the
University extension radio studio, School Arranged by Univerand Miss Helen King, who returned
sity and Kentucky Accredilast week from a trip to California,
ted Sheep Breeders' Assn.
will have charge of the publicity
Has Successful Week.
Professor Sulzer 'plans to visit the
A sheep breeders school, arranged
largest band instrument factories
in Indiana, as he will spend most of by the College- of Agriculture, and
his time In Madison and Frankfort. the Kentucky Accredited Purebred
Sheep Breeders' Association, began
Monday and ended today, after a
successful week of discussion and
visiting nearby farms.
Tuesday members of the school
visited the iollowing farms: P. 3.
Gaines, Carrollton; W. T. Forsee,
Owenton; Hufus Martin, Sparta- - C.
Retired Philosopher Spends D. Cotton and Son, Jonesvllle; and
Spare Time Riding New Kenneth Connolley, lliston. Wedthe
Pet, "Lena": "Katy" Will nesday of the farmers toured John
William Hinton and
Remain on Farm.
Marshall, at Sadieville; and W. D.
Adams, "Devers Brothers and Cas-sld- y
TJr. Glanvllle Terrell, former proat Stamping
& McCourt
fessor of philosophy at the Univer- Ground; while the Thursday schedsity, who was retired with the title ule
included John "Wright, Millers-lan- d
of professor emeritus at commenceFarms, Versailles and the Uniment, is spending much of his
spare time at his home in Louisa, versity Experiment 'Station, LexingVa., riding horseback on his new ton.
Prof. Richard Miller and Harold
mare, "Lena."N
Dr. Terrell was forced to aban- Barber of the University were aided
ride to Louisa last in conducting the school by Prof.
don his
month when his old mare, "Katy," E. X.. Shaw, of Ohio; Prof. W. L.
went lame, after traveling 300 miles Hennlng, of Pennsylvania ana Prof.
to Gladesprlng, "Va. There he sold C. C. Flannery, of Tennessee.
her to a farmer and she will spend , There was a meeting of the Sheep
the remainder oi her days on the Breeders' .Association Thursday afternoon, which was followed by a
Dr. Terrell's new steed, "Lena," is banquet last night. Speakers at the
quite as good a rider as Katy, dinner were Secretary Sulla M.
the professor reports, as she has not Wade, of the American Shropshire
been ridden much. Due to the ex- Association; Secretary W. L. Hentreme hot weather. Dr. Terrell, who nlng, of the American Southern As
is 70 years old, has not ridden longsociation; Homer Hancock, former
er than 20 miles ut a stretch this commissioner of agriculture In Ten
summer. In 1927 "Katy" carried her nessee, and Prof. E. L. Shaw, of
master 610 miles from Louisa to Ohio.
Lexington in 19 days.
The philosopher describes his new
mare as "spirited, Intelligent and
affectionate." He hopes to get her
down to her gaits in a few weeks.

Kernel "Ain't What It Was"
Moans Former Staff Member


710; Education College
Leads With 230


Prof. Elmer Sulzer
Leaves on Vacation



Enrollment Reaches Total of

Fields Among
Speakers at Affair

Profs. W. S. Anderson, E. S. Good,
Joe Nagcottc and John Nutter, of
the College of Agriculture at the
University, attended the Kentucky
Jersey Cattle Club picnic at the
farm of P. B. Gaines near Carroll-to- n
last week.
Approximately 300 persons attend the picnic, including Gov. Flem
D. Sampson, W. J. Fields, former
governor; Louis W. Morley, secretary of the American Jersey Cattle
Club, New York; and O. E.
southern representative of
the American Jersey Cattle Club.
Governor Sampson and Mr. Fields
were among the speakers.
Barbecued lamb was served for
lunch. Senator Gaines' Jersey herd,
consisting of 200 fine animals, was
on exhibition. The senator is president of the Kentucky Jersey Cattle
Club, and owns one of the best
breeding herds in the South.

AUGUST 2, 1929






U. of K. Professors
visii jersey jticiui;


Breckinridge, Kincaid Halls
and Old Dormitory Face
on Open Courtyard
The construction of the two men's
dormitories Is rapidly progressing
and Bradley, Kinkcad and Breckinridge halls will be ready for occupancy September 12. They will
house about 265 boys, but reservations are going fast, and students
desiring rooms are advised to communicate with the dean of men at
once. Reservations may be made by
sending a check for $5 payable to
the University of Kentucky to Dean
C. R. Melcher.
The rental Is from $40 to $55 for
each student per semester, that is,
about $2, $2.50 ana $3 per week, according to the room location.
The two new buildings, Breckinridge and Kinkcad halls, together
with the old dormitory will face
upon an open courtyard which will
be cleared and sodded as soon as
possible after work on the buildings
is completed. All are fireproof, having no inflamable material in them,
except the window sills.
A distinctive feature of the new
buildings is that they are divided
into three wings, so that It Is necessary for a student living in the west
end of Kinkead hall to enter that
portion of the building by a door
which opens on the courtyard. Students living in one part will not
have access to other parts of the
three section dormitory without goat aning outside and
other door.
The matron will have her apartment in the center portion of Kinkead hall, and it will consist of a
nurse's room, an office, living room,
kitchenette and bath.
There will be several bed wards
in each building, as well as studies
in each hall, one at each end of
the building. There will also be several suites, consisting of a study and
bed room.

Mrs. Eloise Bland
Dies After Illness
Was University Graduate and
Member of Chi Omega


Mrs. Eloise Allen Bland, 32, wife
of Clyde Bland, of 719 Tremont ave.,
died recently at the Good Samaritan hospital following a short illness.
Mrs. Bland was graduated from
the University after which, for several years, she was head of the
.home economics department
Lexington Senior High School. She
had charge of the high school cafeteria and was recognized as one of
l the outstanding
leaders In her work.
At the University she was outstanding In campus activities, a member
of Chi Omega sorority and the
Home Economics Club. Mrs. Bland
was charming and greatly liked.
Besides her husband, she Is sur
vived by a daughter, Lucia Ann
Bland, three days old; two brothers,
W. D. Allen, of Princeton, Ind.; and
J. T. Allen, of Tulsa, Okla., and two
sisters, Miss Anna W. Allen and
Miss Luite D. Allen, both of Washington, D. C.
W. L. Williams Jr.. a student in
the graduate school won the championship of the bear grass flight in

the Lexington golf club tournament
held recently at the Picadome golf
club. Mr. Williams was a member
of the class of 1924 and is now doing work in bacteriology at the University.

Campus Is Massaged With
Beauty Cream, Says Writer
(By Vernon D. Hooks)
Part of the sod removed from the
Beauty may be only skin deep as location of the new library was used
far as the dainty sex Is concerned, ' to line the sides of the walks.
but to M. J. Crutcher, superintendOn the south side of Stoll field
ent of buildings and grounds, and approximately seven acres are be-,iHarry Lindbergh, landscape gard-ne- r,
converted Into the University
who keep the Jar of beauty arboretum and botanical gardens.
cream with which the University t This section of the campus is des-- I
campus is masaged, this cannot ap- tlned to be one of the most beauply when the beauty has long roots tiful and Interesting garden spots
or a concrete foundation. The Ken In Kentucky. The work is under the
tucky campus is always garbed in supervision of Mr. Lindbergh.
seasonal garments and Its outward
Rocks forming two piers and a
appearances carnge as often as the network of flagstone walks have
fickle fashions.
found their way from the fields and
The alumni of 1928 would have to hills near Wilmore while nurseries
look twice before they recognized In dilferent parts of the United
home, and alumni of other years 'States are contributing trees and
would find only strange buildings shrubbery for replanting.
and grounds. The evolution Is not
The section now being reclaimed
complete; In fact, tho evolution will was once Dr. McFarlan's garden
never be complete, no matter what and is rapidly taking on an aspect
the verdict of Tennessee courts.
of beauty. Ornamental trees and
New buildings are being born so shrubbery with foreign trees and
fast that the student council is shrubbery, together with a rock
contemplating a guide book for stu garden for alpine plants are being
dents to be revised daily In order planted on the sloping hillside. The
that freshmen will not get lost.
of the hill
m the future automobiles will will be utilized for native trees and
have only two streets through shrubbery. Trees are being thinned
which they may enter the campus. and obstacles removed all the way
The old Limestone drives and a new to Rose street with a view of
drive from Rose street to McVey
the gardens. The Lexington
Hall. What was once a roadway be- Garden club sponsored the Idea of
tween McVey hall and Kastle hall
has been transformed into a walk. '
(Contluaed on Page Four)




cclioeTlIIeIcwsof'the rcalTulcrrBcnlto Mussolini.
It appears that one' of the great problems regarding

The Kentucky Kernel

the future peace of the world lies In the dynamic figure of "II Ducc." The last Italian parliamentary elections removed the Inst vestige of popular, free government, leaving him In control of one of the recognized world powers. His convictions about nationalism
and his belief In the necessity for large armed forces
arc dogmas, nineteenth century In character, which
caused the political upheaval In 1914.
If his policy did not Involve the rest of the world,
It would be a matter of little concern. But the ever- lncreaslng population which his nationalism demands
must ultimately require Italy to expand her territory. And there Is little probability that the peace
of the world would prevent the premier from employing his "defensive" forces to realize his ambitions.
Cornell Dally Sun.

The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the
students and alumni of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the college year
by the student body of the Unlvcrsltv.
Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year-F- ive
Cents a Copy. Entered at Lexington Post-ofllns second class mall matter.




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Hazel Baucom
Pat Rankin

C. D. Hughes


Percy H. Landrum


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Roy H. Owsley
Phones 6802 - University 74
Circulation Manager

Sometimes I see on a mother's face
A beautiful smile,
And I think that surely
It is divine.
But then again
The cynic smiles,
And I behold
The devil's handiwork.

There has been quite a bit of comment by the
younger students attending the University on the
drabness of the campus during the Summer Session.
activities to speak
No athletics, no
of. Unbearable to many boys and girls who are used
to the excitement and social life of the winter semesters.
However, to n good number of the students constituting the summer enrollment, summer school Is a
most welcome way to spend a vacation. Here Is a
chance to get back Into college life for those who
teach all winter. Also work may be taken on higher
degrees, and consequently higher salaries may be
commanded by those who receive them.
And secretly, the very people who complain about
going to classes In hot weather arc glad to get the
opportunity to obtain extra credits toward


He came as a song unbidden
From afar, we knew not where.
Somewhere his story was hidden
But we were too vain to care.
He moved In a world of beauty
And with ears attuned he heard
Notes of heavenly music
In the song of a forest bird.
The gray trees told him stories
That we mortals could never know
And we often wondered why he gazed
So long at the sunset glow.



While the world in general was hopefully watching
the attempts being made at Geneva to find a satisfactory basis for the reduction of armaments, a note
of dissent was heard from Italy. King Victor Emanuel
in his address at the opening of the twenty-eight- h
Italian parliament said, "As attempts so far tried" to
bring about disarmament "have had no success, it is
the duty of the state from now on to take measures
for defense to render the mother country powerful,
and therefore respected." The King spoke these
words, but the King like all others in Italy merely

His life was a melody sublime
But we were too dull to know it.
We were of the earth and common clay
Arid he was a deathless poet.

Music, Stage and Screen
Here we are back after a short
lapse Into obscurity last week. No,
wo dldn t have n sunstroke, nor
were we completely annihilated by
the heat. The reason that there
wasn't any column will have to remain a dark secret. We promise It
won't happen again.
Our campus is beginning to bring
forth a lot of talent along the stage
line. With the Stroller leading lady
planning to follow the call of the
boards; two Sigma Nus In Hollywood: two PI Kaps on the show
boat and another Kentucky man
actually taking a good part In a
talking picture, things seem to be
on the up and up for our side.
Ben All Sunday
For the picture coming to the Ben
All Sunday, Fox Movietone
"The Black Watch," starring
mir nld fnvorlto. Mletor McLaclcn.
we fo