xt7j3t9d5k95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d5k95/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1946-01-jan19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-01-jan19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-01-jan19-ec. 1946 1946-01-jan19-ec. 2011 true xt7j3t9d5k95 section xt7j3t9d5k95 



    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, Universit-y of Kentucky, January 19, 1946.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m.,
Saturday, January 19, 1946.   The following members were preselt:
Jizdge Richard C, Stoll, Chairman; H. D. Pnlmore, H. S. Cleveland
and John C, Everett.  President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank
D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, were also present.e

    A. Approval of Minutes.

                         * * ** * * * * *

            1. Upon motion duly made, seconded and cn.rried,
               the minutes of the Executive Committee of
               November 17 and November 24, 1945, were ap-
               proved as published.
                         * * * ** ** **             -

     B. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller submitted financial report for the first s8x
months of the current fiscal year and read a brief analysis, which
isquoted below.


Jarnuary 1 j 1946

^-^  dent I-;, L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

1A1;,r dear President Donovan:

          I submit the financial report of the semi-annual period
3nded December 31, 1945.

                        General Fund

          The combined general fund income realized amounted to
91,995,996.63.   This amount is 56% of the budget estimate, in-
cluding the increase of $175,000.00 authorized by the Executive
Committee on Nhovember 17, 1945.  The income realized as of De-
cermber 31, 1945, exceeded income realized during the same period
last year by 27%.   The combined expenditures, including encum-
brances, were $1,563,011.32, or 46.5% of the revised budget
appropriations.   The expenditures for the first half of the
current fiscal yearwerel0% gretater than the expenditures dur-
ing the first half of the preceding fiscal year.   The follow-
ing tabulation summarizes the appropriations and expenditures
of the various divisions of the University at the end of the
first half of the current fiscal year.



Enc.& Exp.


Admin.& C-en. Expense
College of arts & Sciences
College of Engineering
Collepse of Commerce
Collee of Ag. & Home Ec,
College of Law
College of Education
Grad.School & Related Active
Operation of Physical Plant
Aiuxiliary Enterprises
Plant Fund
Experiment Station
Agricultural Extenision
      Totals              T

  32, 945.86
114, 236.00
123, 721.17
539, 000.00
- 994  . 599 21. 59
, 502, 150.92

$   77,738.84
   277, 658.29
   75, 066.93
   64, 645.49
   92, 613.99
   290, 355.41
   477, 225.82
$1, 693, 535.58




President H. L. Donovan
January 18, 1944                                      Page Two

          An examination of the report will reveal our anticipated
inconse to have been reasonably conservative, and it is expected that
the estimates will be realized. The expenditures and encumbrances of
the various departments and divisions are shown to be less than half
of the departmental appropriations made by the Board of Trustees for
operations of the various departments and divisions during the current

     Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension

          Realized income to the Experiment Station division is shown
to be 56.1% of the budget estimate, and exactly 50% of the budget
estimate for the Agricultural Extension. The expenditures for these
divisions are shown to be 49.5% and 48% respectively of the budget

     Restricted Funds

          The report for the restricted funds shows the status of each
account as to the beginning balance, current balance, receipts and
expenditures for the first half of the current year. There is a com-
bined balance in restricted funds of $1,233,871.61, of which
$856,448.00 is invested.

     Termination of A. S. T. Contracts

          All contracts with the government under the A. S. T.
program have been terminated with the exception of the current con-
tract, which ends January 26, 1946. The federal government spent,
for activating purposes, on integrated and non-integrated property,
a total of $128,426,76, All such property has been purchased through
termination modifications, at a total cost of $19,175.78,

                                   Respectfully submitted

                               /s/ Frank D. Peterson

Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller



     The Committee examined the financial report and took the follow-
ing action:

            2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
               the financial report of the Comptroller is
               ordered received and filed.
                         * * * * * * * * *

     C. Budget Additions.

     President Donovan read a list of budget increases and recommend-
ed that they be authorized.



Administrative and General
  Registrar's Office
    Personal Services
  Personnel Office
    Personal Services
  Public Health Service
  Public Relations

  Arts and Sciences
    Mathematics and Astronomy
    Social Work
    University Training School

General Library

Maintenance and Operations
  Maintenance of Bldgs. & Equipment
    Pence Hall
    Biological Sciences Library

80    $ 700,00







1030     1,340.00







     The President explained the necessity of increasing various de-
partmental budgets, and the Committee took the following action:

                          * * * * * * * * *

             34 Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the increases recommended by President Dono-
                van are authorized, and the Comptroller is
                directed to take the various amounts listed
                above from the unappropriated balance of
                the University budget or Restricted Fund
                budgets applicable to each requests

     D. Enrollment--Winter Quarter.

     President Donovan reported that the University had experienced
an unprecedented enrollment for the Winter Quarter, which began Jan-
uary 2, 1946,   He gave the following enrollment figures for the
Wtinter Quarters:

                  January  1945  _- 1706

                  January  1946  --  3529.

     He stated that the figures represented an increase of 106.9 per
cent, and an increase of 879 students over the registration of Sep-
tember, 1945.

     E, Report on Exchange and Sale of U. S. Treasury Bonds.

     President Donovan read a letter from the Comptroller on the ex-
change of registered U. S. Treasury Bondsfor Coupon U. S. Treasury
Bonds.   The letter also reported on the sale of these bonds.      The
premium shown represented a substantial gain in the various accounts
through the sale and reinvestment of these proceeds,

     The Committee commented on the possible gain to the various ac-
counts, which sum would amount to $48,414.53.    The report was ordered
received and copied into the minutes.



                                       January 18, 1946

President H. L, Donovan
University of Kentucky

My de-7r President Donovan:

     The Board of Trustees at its moeting on December 11th
authorized exchange of registered United States Treasury
bonds to coupon United States Treasury bonds, and the sale
of $598,500.00 U. S. Treasury bonds and $60,000.00 U. S.
Truasury 7/8a  certificates at market price.  This is to
advise that the exchange and sale of the U. S. Treaisury
bonds and certificates have been consummated.  The follow-

ing figures will undoubtedly
members of the Board.

U.S. Treasury bonds:
212  6/15/1964/69 104-22/32
2X,% 12/15/1964/69 104-21/32
1-3/4% d/15/1948   101,-29/32
2Z5 6/15/1959/62 102-11/32
2% 12/15/1952/54  104-22/32
20% 3/15/1965/70  104-25/64

U.S. Treasury certificates:
7/8% 6/1/1946     100

be of interest to you and

Par     Premium      Sale

$ 8,500.00

S 60,000.00


$  398,44 $ 8,898.44
3,750.00   83,750.00
1,830.00   97,830.00
    70.31    3,070.31
 4,781.25 106,781.25
 13.567.03 322.567,03
J24,397.03 $622,897.03

$ 60.000.00


UIS. Treasury bonds
2-$ 12/15/1967-72 103^

Total gain on transactions
as of January 15, 1946

$670,000.00 *21.775.00 $691S,775.00


.Increased yield per year on
  $658,500.00  .*......... @ ' '. *... *. o.e..    2.242,50

  Total gain for first year  .....  ......... $48,414.53

    A gain of $24,397.03 is above shown on the sale of United
States Treasury bonds and certificates,  The proceeds of the
sale of the bonds have been invested in UPS. Treasury 2-% bonds,
dated November 15, 1945, due December 15, 1967-4972, in the amount
of $670,000,00.   The market price on these bonds on January 15,
1946, as given by the First National Bank & Trust Company of Lex-
ington, is 1034, which is equivalent to a premium of 421,775.00.



      The U. S. Treasury bonds sold had interest rates of Prom
 7/8% to 2{%.  All of the new bonds bear interest of 2?%, which
 fives an increased interest yield per year on 5658,500.00 of
  2,242.50, or a possible gain on the transactions for the first
 year of Q48,414.53.

      The new bonds will be placed in the lock box of the Universi-
 ty of Kentucky, subject to direction of the Board of Trustees.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     F. Resolution of Commendation of the Comptroller.

     Upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried, Comptroller
Frank D. Peterson was thanked and commended for the manner in which
he had been able to sell U. S. Treasury Bonds and re-invest in other
issues of U. SBonds, so as to gain a profit of $48,414.53 in the

     G. Bond of Treasurer of the University.

     The Comptroller reported that his bond as Treasurer of the Uni-
versity was fixed at $50,0OO.   He recommended, in view of the fact
that the investment of Restricted Funds had materially increased,
that his bond as Treasurer be raised.   Members of the Committee dis-
cussed the question aind took the following action:

             4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the bond of the Treasurer of the University
                is fixed at 4500,000, premium to be paid
                from University funds.

     H. Request for Bids on Dormitories Delayed.

     It was redalled that the Board of Trustees, at its meeting on
December 11, 1945, had authorized and directed the Comptroller to
advertise for bids for the construction of Residence Hall for MLen,
Residence Hall for l';omen, and Food Service Unit for Women, to be
made and received not later than IMarch 1, 1946.  It was further
stated that the general condition of the country was such as to make
questionable the wisdom of proceeding according to this plan.



     After discussion of the matter, the Executive Committee took
the following action:

                          * * * * ** * * *

             5, Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                due to changes in economic conditions which
                have taken place throughout the country since
                the meeting of December 11, it is the unanimous
                judgment of this Committee that the authoriza-
                tion and direction to advertise for bids for
                the construction of buildings on the campus
                of the University be deferred, and the Comp-
                troller is directed to await future action of
                the governing body of the University.
                          * * * * * * * * *

     I. University Purchases Approved.

     President Donovan reported a communication from the Comptroller
listing purchases made for the University.

                                               January 18, 1946

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of
     emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con-
     tracts, and departmental purchase orders which have been
     made by the Comptrollerls Office between April 1, 1945 to
     June 30, 1945, and July 1, 1945 to December 31, 1945. These
     purchases have not been approved by the Executive Committee
     of the Board of Trustees.   The listing below gives the
     numbers of the documents requesting the purchases, or actual-
     ly issued as purchase orders, which documents are made a
     part of this record and arc hold in the Office of the
     Comptroller for record, subject to inspection.    These pur-
     chases have been made on properly drawn documents at the
     requests of the various departmcnts and have been charged
     agriinst available funds.  The list follows;



April 1, 1945 to Juno 30, 1945

State Rcquisitions
Emergency Orders
Special Orders
Departmental purchase


University general

#1394 to #1768 irol.
#1950 to #2761 ',
#3508 to #4807 I


July 11 1945 to December 31, 1945

   State Requisitions           r1 to
   Emergency Purchase Orders    #1 to
   Library Departmental Orders #2001
  University Departmental Ord. #2701
  Special Orders               7rl
  Contract Requisitions        ,#1

to #16125
to #X5775
to #16000
to #15325
to #15725
to #17125
to #15844



#848 inclusive
#1438  "1
to #2241 n
to #2309 "
to #2964 "
to #2421 1I
to 5     "

          The record of the above purchases is respectfully submit-
     ted with the request that they be approved by the Executive
     Committee of the Bpard of Trustees, thereby ratifying the ac-
     tion of the Comptroller in making such purchases.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  ( Signed) Frank Do Peterson

     The Committee discussed the purchases and took the following ac-

             6. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                purchases made by the Comptroller, listed
                above and made a Dart of these minutes, are
                ratified and actions of the Comptroller are



     J, Purchase of Building Supplies.

     The Comptfoller reported that he had received a list of building
supplies from the Recorntruction Finance Corporation, and asked ap-
proval for submitted bid of _lli277.67 for a quantity of these sup-
pli.es.  It was further explained that this bid price represented
about 25% of the original cost of the supplies in question;

     The Committee took the following action:

             7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the Comptroller is authorized to submit bid
                to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for
                the building supplies, and he is authorized
                to pay for same from funds appropriated for
                the purchase of surplus and excess property.

     K. Budget Approval Increase.

     It was related that the Executive Committee had previously ap-
;roved a sum of Z20,O00 for the purchase of surplus government prop-
erty, and necessary expenses incurred in connection with securing it,
and that this amount might not be sufficient to enable the University
to buy surplus government property needed, and to pay the crating
and handling costs on excess government property which may be avail-
able and secured.   It was further explained that the Uhiversity is
entitled to 40% discount on surplus government property and that it
would be possible to secure materials and supplies needed at very
favorable prices.

     The Committee discussed the wisdom of taking advantage of the
opportunity and took the following action:
                           * * * * * * * * * *

             8. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the sum of M20,000 is authorized appropriated
                for the purpose of purchasing and paying the
                costs of securing excess and surplus govern-
                ment property.



     L. Report on the Election of Alumni Member of the Board of Trus-

     President Donovan read the following communication from the Secre
tary of the Board of Trustees;

                                          December 13, 1945

     President H. Li Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          In accordance with Section 164.140 Kentucky Revised
     Statutes and by the authority of the Board of Trustees of
     the University of Kentucky, an election of the alumni of
     the University has been held to determine the three leading
     alumni candidates to be certified to the Governor, from
     which one may be appointed to a term beginning January 1,
     1946.   The Secretary submitted ballots to all alumni of
     -record in the office of the Alumni Association,  All bal-

lots properly returned have been
are as follows:


Thomas He Cutler
Edward S. Dabney
Joseph T. Lovett
William W. Blanton
Headley S. Shouse
Horace-H. Wilson
Kenneth King
Geo. A.ScottSr.
F. C. Mahan
Scott Breckinridge
Geo. H. Hailey
Lydia R. Fischer
Jas. Parke
Polk Threlkeld
Mirs. Gentry McCauley
Marshall Barnes
Guy Hugue-let
Will Townsend
Sanders Parker

counted and the results

    C. T. Amyx        1
    H. C.Robinson     2
    Wm. J. Moore      1
    Helen King        1
    Paul H, Mansfield 1
    Ben A.Collings    1
    Watson Armstrong  2
    Richard Van Hoose 1
    Hugh Merriwether 1
    Morton W'alker    1
    Elizabeth Ragland 1
    Hal Dudley        1
    W.Emmet Milward   I
    Bertram C.VanArsdale
    William Gess      1
    Gnyle Mohney      1
    Thaxter Sims      1
    H. Clyde Reeves   1


     Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) Frank D. Peterson# Secretary



     It was further reported that the Secretary, in accordance with
Kentucky Revised Statutes, had submitted to the Governor of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky the names of the three alumni receiving the
highest number of votes.   The report was ordered received and copied
into the minutes.

     X, Awards to the University at the Fat Stock Show.

     President Donovan reported that the University had won a number
of awards and prizes at the Fat Stock Show in Chicago; He read the
following communication:

                                        December 8, 1945

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          The Board of Trustees may be interested in learning,
     if they have not already noted it in the press, of the
     awards to the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Stations
     Univers4ty of Kentucky, on its exhibit of sheep ( fed and
     prepared for show by Mr. Harold Barber, herdsman) at the
     recent Fat Stock Show in Chicago.   The awards to the Ken-
     tucky Experiment Station were -

          Grand Champion single lamb - Southdown wether
          Grand Champion pen         - 3 Southdowns
     ?his is second consecutive grand champion award
     Placings of the Kentucky flock -
          Southdowns - 1st, 10th, 11th, 13th and 14th on single lambs
                       lst and 4th on pens

          Hampshires - 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th on single lambs
                        2d and 3 on pens

          Cheviots   - let, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th on single lambs
                        1st and 2d on pens.

          The grand champion lamb sold for $3 a pound at the
     auction sale after the show.

                                         Sincerely yours,

                                         (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                 Dean and Director



     Members of the Committee expressed their-pleasure at the honom
won by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and ordered the
report made a part of thecse minutos.

     N. Use of Prisoners of V'ar on Kentucky Farms.

     Prusident Donovan gave a summary of the report on the use of
prisoners of war on Kentucky farms.  He stated that the work was
carried on through the Agricultural Extension Division and was a pnrt
of the Emergency Farm Labor Program.   The President read the follow-
ing summary:

     1. German Prisoners were used on 2,287 farms in 41 counties
        in Kentucky in 1945.   They accomplished 151,139 days
        of work at direct placement cost of three and one-third
        cents per day.

     2, The prisoners were secured by the State Farm Labor COfice
        of the Agricultural Extension Division of the University
        of Kentucky.

     3. Prisoners were housed and fed and made available to farmers
        by the War Department from camps located at Camp Campbell,
        Camp Breckinridge, Fort Knox, Shielbyville, Owensboro, Frank-
        fort, Lexington, Paris and Danville.

     4. County Farm Bureaus acted as sponsoring and contracting

     5. County Farm Labor Offices cleared applications and made

     6. The level of performance and general satisfaction was very

     O. Chi Delta Phi Fraternity to Sponsor and Publish Magazine.

     President Donovan submitted a report and action of the Rules Com-
mittee of December 3, 1945.

                       UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

     Rules Committee      December 3, 1945

          The request of Chi Delta Phi fraternity to sponsor and
     publish a literary magazine was referred to the Rules Commit-
     tee for consideration and recommendation.   The Committee met
     on Tuesday, December 4, 1945, at 4 p.m. and heard explanations
     from a committee of students from the fraternity and Miss Jane
     Haselclen, proposed sponsor.  The Committee raised a number of
     ouosti.ons as to content, responsibility for supervision, and



     financial responsibility,

          The followinz action was taken:

          A motion was made, seconded, and passed without dissenting
     vote to recommend to the University Faculty th.t the request
     of Chi Delta Phi fraternity to publish a literary magazine be
     granted with the following provisions, (1) that the puilica-
     tion be under the direction of the Publications Committee,
     or another faculty committee designated by the Presidant, and
     (2) that no issue go to press without assured funds to pay
     the cost of that issue.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                               (Signed)     Dana G. Card
                                   H        Leo M. Chamberlaiin
                                             C. S. Crouse
                                             R. G. Lunde
                                             Roy Moreland
     Me E. Ligon absent.                     A. J. Lawrence, Chairman

     The Committee discussed the action of the Faculty and took the
following action:

             9, Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the action of the Faculty is concurred in,
                and same is made a part of the records of
                these minutes,

     P. Gifts.

             (a) From Commissioners of the City of Lexington.

     President Donovan reported a gift from the Commissioners of the
City of Lexington of two radio towers and read the following communi-



                                       January 7, 1946

    Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
    University of Kentucky
    LexinRton, Kentucky

    lMy dear President Donovan:

    The Commissioners of the City of Lexington have donated to
    the University the two (2) 13-foot steel towers nowv being
    used to support the present antenna system for the Lexing-
    ton Police Department's radio station.   These towers are
    in very good condition and represent a new value of between
    $1l,600 and $2,000.

    I presume you would like to make an official report to
    the Board of Trustees on this acquisition as well as to
    thank Honorable R. Mack Oldham, Mayor of Lexington, and
    the other Commissioners for their generosity.

    Very truly yours,

    ($SIcned) Elmer G. Sulzer
              Director of Public Relations

                          * ** ** * ** * *

             10. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                 the zift of two steel towers from the City
                 of Lexington is accepted, and the President
                 is directed to write a letter of appreciation
                 to the City of Lexington on behalf of the
                 University and the Board of Trustees.

     (b) From Swift add Company.

     President Donovan reported a gift of $15,400 from Swift and Com-
pany for the study of factors affecting utilization of forage by late
lambs, to be conducted by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion, and read the following communication:



                                     December 31, 1945

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

Enclosed is check for $15,400, a contribution from Swift
and Company for the study of factors affecting utilization
of forage by late lambs, to be conducted by the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station.   It is anticipated that
this project will extend for approximately four years.
Also enclosed are two copies of an agreement signed by Dr.
Newton, vice president of Swift and Company, which are sub-
mitted for your signature as president of the Universityb
After you have si:ned, will you please return both copies
to inc and I shaIll mak,. the pyroper transmittal to..Swift and
Company.  If you wish, I shall be ,lad to prepare for you,.
at the appropriate time, a letter indicating the assignments,
responsibility, and the provision for an advisory committee.

You will note the paragraph which provides that the Uni-
versity shall retain custody and control of these funds and
that in the event it ceases to have control and custody of
the funds, the unexpended. balance thereof is to be paid. to
the National Research Council.

I wish to recommend that the funds be set aside as a trust,
to be expended as indicated. by the director of the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station.

                                   Sincerely yours,

                                   (Sinned) Thomas Cooper
                                            Dean and.Director

                     * * * ** * * * * *

        11. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
            the gift of 415,400 from Swift and Company
            is acopted, and the President is directed
            to write a letter of appreciation to Swift
            and Company on behalf ol' the University and
            the Board of Trustees.
                     ** * * *** ** *



     (c) From IV. Atlec Burpee Company.

     Pr ace dcnt Donovan reported a gift of $100 from the W. Atlee Bur-
poe Corlp..ny for an award in Horticulture annually, and read the fol-
lovwing communication:

                                         January 3, 1946

    President H. L, Dothovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

          I am transmitting herewith check for $100,00, a con-
     tributlon from the WI. Atlee Burpee Company.  It is the
     intention of the Company to make an award of $100 annually,
     to be known as the Burpee Award in Horticulture.  The pur-
     pose of the award is (1) to stimulate and help financially
     outstanding students; (2) to encourage outstanding students
     to study horticulture - especially vegetable and flower
     growing, The award is to be made by the dean of the Agri-
     cultural College, upon the recommendation of the department
     of horticulture of the collerre.  I recommend acceptance
     of the fund and that it be placed in the trust account.

                                        Sincerely yours,

                                      (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                Dean and Director.

             12, Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                 the gift of $100 from W.Atlee Burpee Company
                 is accepted, and the President is directed
                 to write a letter of appreciation to W.
                 Atlee Burpee Company on behalf of the Uni-
                 versity and the Board of Trustees.
                          * * * * * * * * * *

      (d) From Charles F. Tur.nor, Deceased.

      President Donovan reported a gift of curios from Charles F.
 Turner, deceased.   He stated that this gift was made possible
 through the will of Mr. Turner, and read the following communications.



                         OWEN Si LEE
                      Attorney at Law
                 512 Security Trust Building
                    Lexington, Kentucky

                                            December 26, 1945

H. L. Donovan, Esq. I
President, University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

     I enclose herewith copy of the will of Charles F. Turners
deceased, wherein you will note that he left a collection of cu-
rios and other objects to the University of Kentucky.   I do not
know enough about them to express any opinion whatever as to the
value thereof, but I thought you might be interested In referring
this matter to the proper department of the University, with the
request that delivery of these Items be made at the earliest
possible date,

                                 Most respectfully yours,

                                 /s/ Owen S. Lee
                                     Executor of the Estate of
                                        Charles F. Turner

                                           January 8, 1946

Mr. Owen S. Lee
512 Security Trust Building
Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Mr. Lee:

     I am requesting Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, Dean of the Uni-
versity, to call to talk with you about the collection of cu-
rios and other objects left to the University of Kentucky by
Mr. Charles F. Turners   Dr. Chamberlain will investigate this
collection and recommend what disposition shall be made of it at
the University of Kentucky.   The reason I have not answered
your letter earlier is that !You did not enclose a copy of the
will, and I was unable to determine what was included in the
collection, and just who would be the proper person to assemble

                                        Cordially yours,

                                        (Signed) H. L. Donovan



           13. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the gift of curios, made possible through the
                will of Mir. Charles F. Turner, is accepted.

     Q. Resolution on Death of Professor j.D. Turner.

     President Donovan stated that he had the sad duty of reporting
to the Executive Committee the death of Professor J. D. Turner, who
has been connected with the University of Ke