xt7j3t9d5d9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j3t9d5d9d/data/mets.xml  1910.  books b92-89-27465871 English W.E. Bidwell, E.H. Ellwanger, : Frankfort, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Legislative histories Kentucky. Kentucky Biography. Legislative history and capitol souvenir of Kentucky  : portraits and sketches of Senators, Representatives, and officials and attaches of the various state departments. text Legislative history and capitol souvenir of Kentucky  : portraits and sketches of Senators, Representatives, and officials and attaches of the various state departments. 1910 1910. 2002 true xt7j3t9d5d9d section xt7j3t9d5d9d 





Volume No.



Portraits and Sketches of Senators, Representatives and Officials

       and Attaches of the Various State Departments.

   To the loyal Kentockians who caused the beaoi-fui new Capitol to be elected. to the
Members of the .eceral Assembly and the State Officials who were the frst locky 0000-
pants: and to their legion friends who no heartily commended the effor ts of the publishers
to commemorate the same by this volume. the book Is affectionately dedicated.
                                           - THE PUBLISHERS

               Frankfort, Ky., March, 1910.

            WILLIAM E. BIDWELL

                                   Hslf-,o-e, by Bosh-Kds C.. Louiville
The Fuslkfor, Poofi.g Co., Isco-por-te .          Photos by Geel-, Feusl.kof

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4Obernor UbU5on'!5 Zribute to ixentudkp.

extrpts trouit Annualt 2bbress. Irbr  etorle anib Vlier w.at'
      beiitimrrb btfore thb Antericai Mtlar a5ssod.itiotn. at
             73ttroa fftlicinan, August 2  10C-:t

      (Reprinted from the Proce-dings of the Association.

    "I,et tile declare that ntowhere in the world is there
a trter, stronger. mire intelise devotion to lawv than in
Kentuckv. It is our heritage. hirthright. pride anid joy.
an.d prized as the svery fortress anti heart of our liberty.
    "The pioneer    mien atid womien wilho left horite antid
kiti anid traveleI the ss ilderness road over the Alleghenies
anid Cumnberlandl Motunttins from  the  ouuntains of Vir-
gittia and North C arolinia a'toi the hills of 3a1r-land. atiti
catime downi itito the deetp w-omis of the dark antd Itloo-Al
grouitd tif Keutuks-. .crupieti by fierce savages. wot i .
place in tihe histotry of titankinld, xivicii. perhaps. ito ot-er
people ever gaieil. "
    "It is tle ir that wvith all otir reverence for the les-
Iterate courage tf our pioneer ancestors, the stock has
iittt ruii dosvi liut is Just ns hardly and "gaime' as it e-er
was, with the sanie genfius for organization anid the sanie
loaltv to lawv antid order.
    'The real test of the law autd Order setitinient of a
commiiunity is tnot iti tbe acquies-euce of a nild-manneretd
race. but it is wvhen stroneglmprii heaued iieterniinei peplhe
with their feelings itild passions excitel -so that lisortiers
result, finially put dlowni their revolt antid restore order
anid safety. Fromii the earliest titmes our race has never
hteeti either titilil or easy going. It has Awa-s heit
stronig  detertititietl eariiest hard-headet a-Iit fearless.
atidt it has ,teeti the rule anId not the exceptioti for ever-
netihr  tr. fight against what lie helieveet to bt' wrVitig. There
are iiaiy commonsii  inistanices of wvhat aiii ty-pical Amier-
ican sill resetit wtith  violeice. regarilless of la-v  lie
rarely stes out a peace -arrait agaitist a .m.oan who calls
htini a liar. Generally. tiir peo-lp  have conititit aui
evet. steadhv miarch. lttildiig strongly to the law: hut it
is itievitalte that such a pettple. fronm ti.tie tut titite. sh.. il
have atortits of exciteniieiit anid paSSi loc.al outh reaks.
autilh times of last-lessiess.'

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State Superintendent of Construction.

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Kentucky's New State Capitol

            And Its Construction

               BY C. M. FLEENOR


T H E ffi.;t acttiuil stel toward the ereetiou ot tile new
    ('apitol was taken  bv the V194    (General As-
sebnIl)v, whkiet-i convened in tile old Ionic porti oedl State
House in Northl Frankfort. This Isxoh  appropriated
1,000,W0) for theat puirpose and constituted a State
Capitol Building Commuission out of the Sinking Fund
(Collmlissioners of the State, who were, under the
existing laws, the five chief elective State offieials,
namelv: The (lovernor, J. C. W. Beckhami; the Auditor,
S. W. Hager; the Secretary of State, 11. V. Mc(ithesney;
tihe Treasurer, 1I. Mt. Bosworthi; and the Attorney Gen-
erul, N. B. Hays.
T HE need of new quarters for the State G(overlnment
     had belen long felt. The old State House, which was
erected in 1827-9 ut a cost of 85,0(X), was considered a
fine building in its time und ecommodious enough to house
all State departments. In 1869 it was regarded as out-
grown, and the State began the erection of another build-
in-, to thke its I)lace, 100,00M) being a)pprop)riated for the
work. This amount conimleted time east wing of the new
building only, and no subsequent ahpproIpriations were
ever nviude. In conseqluenee the State (Government was
housed in two buildings and an old brick annex until the
year 1909 wheen tIme present new Capitol building was



RIVALRY between Louisville and Lexington for the
R! location of the Capitol, both seeking to take it
away from Frankfort, was responsible for the long de-
lay in the matter of a new Capitol, but this was
definitely settled, however by tbe new Constitution
framed in 1891 which located the seat of government
permanently at Frankfort and the Legislature of 1904
brought the movement to a culmination by the million
dollar appropriation.
F OlT)LWIXG tlme adjournment of the 1904 Legislature
     the Board of State Capitol Commissioners imet and
elected If. B. Ware, of Frankfort, secretary, and appoint-
ed a meeting at which time it wvould elect its superinteiid-
ent and cmnsider the question of tlme selection of an arechi-
teet. In view of the fact that the hoard was inexleri-
enced in the teelnics of building, especially in suhli work
as would enter into time construction of a State l'Cm1itol,
it was deenied the wiser plan to select a sutperintenident
in advanee, one experienced in architecture, or an nrclii-
ted by profession. that his first duties might lie those
of an advisor to tlme board to assist in the better lhandling
of the matter of the selection of an architect and other
preliminary work. At its next meeting, April 7, 1904, C.
M. Fleenor, of Bowling Green, Ky., was elected sulerin-
tendent of construction for the State. On June 10, 1904
Frank 3l. Andrews, of Dayton, Ohio, was elected arelii-
teet. Then followed several months' consideration of the
State's needs and the most suitable plans adapted to
them; style, finish and arrangements, each coining in for
its share. The location of the new building came up for
consideration with the other matters and time need of a
new site was made manifest.
I N January of 1905 a sleeial session of the Legislature
     was called to consider this question and a site on
the south side of Frankfort was selected and an apj)ro-
priation of 40,000 was niade for its purchase and prep-
aination for the new building.



TllHE preliminary work of clearing and excavatinlg for
     the site was begun on May 25, 1905. On AuguA
10 the general contract for the construction of the
lmuilding was let and the work on time excavation
for the foundation was begun four days later (Aug-
ust 14, 1905). The general contract was for 0,000,
and the time for the completion of the work was
twenty-four monthls from the dite of time signing of
tile contract. This time limit, however, was extended,
iirst, by forty-five days, by reason of extra work found
mecessarv to be done in excavation and on foundation le--
cause of rock boul-iers -neountered and treacherous clays
found lying Ibetween them  whiceh were considered too
dangerous to risk the foundation walls upon.
0 TI[EI extensions of time wv-ere mimade to cover ad-
     ditional contracts entered into -and whil womuld
liive to be -onmnplettd along with the original e-ntract.
tile TLegis;atitre of 1906 having al)ppro)riated 250.Off0 ad.
ditionnld to the million dollar appropriation madle in 1904,
the .dl(lditiolnal appropriation to cover the cost of a ehangre
in tIme interior finigih of the building fromn Bedford lime
sLone to Georgia marble, and for a terra eotta roofing
for tlme donme instead of the copper of the first contral,
amid al.so for the enrikhmment of the pediment of the front
pavillion with riehly carved allegorical figures. ('on-
tracts for the extra work were let in June, 1906, the oring-
inal eontra:-ting finn securing the contract for the new
marl)le and terra cotta work, and (Charles 11. Nielhaus.
sculptor of New York City, being selected for time work
to be done on the pediment.
XN tihe year 1907 munch work was done upon the build-
     ing, but it was by no means completed on the date
designated in the original comtract. l)elays of mm:imy
kinds arising so that the building at the time of this
change of time State administrations, January, 10, was
scarcely then completely under roof, while little of the
finishing work of time interior had been done at all.



B EGINNING with the year of 1908 a new administra-
     tion took over the affairs of the State, and, with
other things, the active eharge of the work of t1le Capitol
building under construction. The Building Commission
being, as before st'tted, coml)osed of the members of time
State Sinking Fund Commission, who, under the Consti-
tution, were the five chief officials of the State, Governor
Augustus E. Wilison, therefore, became clhairman of the
('apitol Building ('omumission. and l-n L. Bruner, Seere-
tarv of State; Frank P. James, Auditor; James Breath-
itt, Attornev General; and Edwin Farlev, S1tate Treasur-
cr, the other nmeumbers of the official  'Mard. Mr. Fleenor,
superintendent under the appointment of time first board.
was requested to continue in office by the new board, and
on the first of April, 1908, Capt. Edward M1. Drane was
appointed to succeed H. B. Ware, who had served as see-
retary with ahility and fidelity from the first organiza-
tion of the board in March of 1904. The firm of F. M. An-
drews  Co., arehitects, was retained, and the work on
the building proceeded without interruption.
THE Legislature of 1908 appropriated an additionai
     460,000 for carrying on the work, the appropria-
tion being divided as follows: For furniture, floor cov-
e-ing, etc., 150,000; for electric light fixtures, 30,000;
for metal file cases, 75,000; for architectural terraxe and
landscape work, 115.000; for power plant and its equip-
nhent, 90,000.
UT DER a latitudinal Interpretation of "floor eover-
     ings, ete.," a  numuer of contracts were let for
things quite material for the completion of the building,
but not specifically mentioned in the wording of the amp-
propriation, and these were paid for out of the surplus
left from the amount appropriated for those purposes
which were specifically mentioned. One of the incomplete
parts found under the general contraet for the construe-
tion of the building was the cement floors of halls and
corridors. It was never the intention to have onythin-



eise than warble floors. Imt tile limited alplprolpriation
first made and tnder which floors properly came, fixed
thleui "cementt" for the time being. Believing, however,
that thcn furniture and floor covering approlprittion was
more than ample for all purposes unider these hleads, the
cohi0111iss)on awarded a contract for the omitted marble
floors early in tile year 1908. setting aside therefor 22,-
SWflN out of tile "furniture and floor coveringg" appropria-
tionl of 150,000.
IN January of 1'M the coatract for tile furniture was
     let for 63,500, Nhiiieh included not only tIme movable
furniture but sectional bookeases and Venetian blinds as
well. The archliteetural finish (counters, railing, wiain
scotings, etc..) was also contractud for under tile head
of "furniture appropriation,'' as were certainl deeora-
tioIIs. mural paintinms anid the 'like. Thle contract l)rice
for the architectural finish was 11,386. Tlme interior
decorationis of the offices, corridors, et:-., cost 14,314.
The decorations :ind furniture in the State Reception
iRoonm  ost 9.,380. The miural paintings over the doors
of the House and Semenite ehainmers co)st 7,000. The
cbrlpet., rugns. linoleuimis. etv., throll'-inolit tile building,
except those in tile State Reception Room, cost 13,501.
Ti.ese several ecolitracts, with a few iminor cines, were all
placed under the "furniture and floor covering" 'head.
along withi the 22,800 for the marble floors, and were
paid for out of the 150,000 alplprolpriated.
T   EIE electric li-ght fixtures of thme biuilding were sup-
     plied at a cost of 29,604. The State Treasurer's
vault and all t1me other vaults and safes in time building,
were instlled at a, cost of 1,850, which was eliarged to
the file case appropriation. The file eases, proper, and
tile bookstacks of tile library, cost tile State 37,333. The
mietal screen contract of 3,00) was charged to the 75,-
000 file ease appropriation; all eontracts under that hlead
aniouinting to 49,500. Some 25,000 of the Wlance was
ex'pended on tile landscape work of tile grommnds.



THE airelitectural terrace around the building cost
     72,922 whielh came out of the terrace and land
seaping appropriation of 115,000. The balance of this
appropriation was expended in the purchase of g-round
for tie 'approaelhes and for the landscape work itself. The
work on 'the grounds is being done by day labor.
T HE power house and its equilpment, for whivh 90,000
     was appropriated, cost 8,.3.6 and the installation
of the heating, lifhting -and ventilating work cost 79,-
099, this latter amount coming out of the origrinn' million
dollar appropriation.
IT WILL be seen from the foregoing that the total
    appropriation for the Capitol building proper was
1,250,000; for its furnishing and outfittini. 255.Y)'0:
for the power plant and its equipment, 90,000; for the
architectural terrace and landscape work of the grounids,
115,000, and for the grounds themselves, 40,000;
making a total of 1,750,000. The building itself ae-
tuallv cost a little less than 1,200,000, when we de-
duct the architeet's commission and the rest of the
work pertaining thereto-including Power Plant, archi
te tural terrace and architeet's eonunission4-to some
.97,000, or the whole, including architects commis-
sions on all the work, totaling 1,645,000. Altogether
some 100,000 has been expended in the purcltase of
tie giounds for tie site and tie work done thereon. This
in a large measure makes up the rest of the 1,750,000.
CROWNING a gently rising hill in South Frankfort,
C   with the beautiful Kentueck river winding throu!ghi
undulating lowlands at its base, the new ('apitol stands a
monument 'to a progressive Commonwealth and to its
designers and builders. When the grand alpproac-h and
landscape work has been completed, the building and its
environs will have few peers among State Capitols.
TIHE building is of the French renaissance architec
     ture with the neoclassie feature of the dome, which
characterizes the general designs of State Capitols. In



size it is 402 feet and 10 inches east and west, and 180
feet through central pavillion north and south, these
figures being exclusive of the terrace walls which add
some thirty or forty feet each way. It shows three stories
in the treatment of its elevations and is finished with
parapet walls which give the appearance of a clere-story,
and which do accommodate an attic or fourth floor, which
is used for fan rooms, storage, and the House and Senate
balconies. The center pavilions rise some five feet above
the parapet wnlils of waists and ends, and above them is
the base, and then the true p)odium of the dome. From
terrace walk to top of center pavillion is 80 feet; to lan-
tern on top of dome, 210 feet.
T HE base of the exterior of the building is of Vermont
     granite; the rest of the face -work, inaluding thie
dome, is of Bedford lime stone. The first story is of
rusticated work laid up in huge blocks. Through the
second and third floors run the seventy large monolithic
columns which surround the entire building, the rear
and end fawades being treated the same as in front. The
columns are Ionic in design, and the entablature above,
and the treatment of other features of the building, con-
form to them. The dome is treated in like manner, ex-
cept that the twenty-four encircling columns are in see-
lions instead of being monolithic. In the matter of its
mono'ithic columns this building stands alone among
State Capitols, and the beauty of the feature can be fully
apl)reciated when one hals compared these columns with
the sectional or drum columns of other buildings. In the
enrichment of the tympanum of the front pediment this
building is also in the lead of other State Capitols, and it
is a question whether there is a richer sculptured pedi-
ment in the entire country. The conception and its exe-
cution is simply magnificent and will serve to foster and
quicken art in Kentucky. Much credit is due the skillful
carver, Mr. Peter Rossak, a young seulptor recently from
Austria, whose apt interpretation of the models lent much
to the design in bringing out the salient points.


T HE stone terrace, recently finisbed, is the real setting
     of the building without whiili i4 were inoinplete.
andl this again will be aveentiated by the granid approaelc
to be constructed, and the proper iandsiape work to be
done on the grounds. From any point, thien. the tCalpitol
will be a finished product from without, withi few rivals
in the land.
BY' reason of the liberalitv of the 19016 Le-islature
     which ma de possible tie hliandsome pediment, oni oley
wws also a-pprop)riated for an extra in the interior finish
of the building, namely, the changing of the finishi of the
corridors. nave, etc., from Bedford stone to Gieorgia
marble and Vermont granite. An appreviation of this
will be felt at once when one enters the building. The
outer vestiI)ules are of Bedford stone, the interior workl
of marble. The differene is marked and it gives ri.ch-
ness and tone to the general treatment.
TlIE: corridors, stairways, rotunda and naves, are
     features withe whichl few State (Ow)itols can eom-
pare and none surpass. So far as the mean s were at
hand the finishi has been unstinted. It shows refiemeneat
and it displays taste, a taste t'halt will lead to better thliings
in the public buildings of the State.
THE first floor is for general offiees and file roo:ns.
     The setcoroi1 floor is taken up with the exeentive of-
fices and those of the higlier State officials. Thil, ('ourt
of Appeals elnmnbler is in the. east end, in the south psa-
v-ilion is the Library, in the west end is the Board room,
While most prominently in front is the State lcveption
Room. These several rooms are especially designed and
riehly furnished in quiet but elegant taste.
THE ('0 art of Appeals cliamber is considered by many
     tif lhandsomaest room in the building. It is paneled
in solid mahogany to the ceiling with pilasters support-
ing the massive girders which span the room and which
siTPlport Hime floors above. The judges' stand and the
l)alustrade sepail-tting the eourt from the speetators'



benches, are likewise of solid mahogany, richly earved,
with bases of Vertle Antique mnarble. Time ceiling is of
O ld l)uteh Mfetal." haninered effeet, and paneled with
egg and dart mould enrichment. Time carpet is of deep.
tufted "'smxolln" of a riel, moss-green eolor, rand time
furniture mxithogany upholstered in gennine hand-huffed,
olive-green leather. The fixtures are of genuine mronze
and of rivh design. hmarnionizing splendidly with tile other
fuimlisilings of the room. As a whole, time room is verv
fine and rihll in design and finish, anti was fitted out
at a cost appq roxiamating 10,000.
T    THE stickler of "styles" and the lover of time
     "Francaise," the State Reception Room will per-
011a)s make the strongest app)eal, as it is decorated and
furnislwd after the period of Louis XIV. It cost nearly
S10.00() to fit out this chamber, which is tIme "'parlor" of
the Capitol and intended for dignified occasions of state.
Time walls are canvased and hand-painted with reprodue-
tions of famous French seenes about the roval eitv of
Versailles. Cornice and ceiling are brought out in lhar-
monv, and tIme Imardwood floor is covered by a one-piece
rug, 16f'lx55 feet, French "Ellane" quality and make,
especially designed and woven to match the colors and
finish of time clianiber. Tile I-rge French windows are
draped withi costly lace and Imung with damask portieres
of color and shade to harmonize with tile otimer fittings.
Time chairs, ibeneles and sofas are of rielil- earved Cireas-
sian walnut, upholstered witim velvet of tile finest quality
to match the d3mask portieres. Time center table is of the
same materi' and finish as tile clhairs and sofas. blt riell-
er still in carving and eovered with a genuine Brecihe Vio-
lette marble top. Tue handsome old gold fixtures with
their thousands of swinging prismns comlplete tile effect,
wimicl is one of magnificence and grandeur.
r  IF, other rooms and offices of tile seponid floor. wihile
     not so rich and pronouneed in their effeet as those
described, are, nevertheless, finished hlandsomely and sub-
stAntiallv. Mlahmogan is tile finish thlrougiloult on this



floor, with mahogany furniture upholstered in genuine
hand-buffer leather, the color of the upholstery matching
the respective rooms. The walls of the executive offices
are covered with velvet and the floors with imported Aus-
trian Axminster rugs. Other walls are covered with
buckram, while in the nave and corridors they are can-
vassed and painted "burnt orange" in the general
scheme of the later decorative work to be done.
THE two lunettes of the nave are very handsome and
     striking and represent events intimately connected
with Kentucky's history. The one in the east wing, over
the entrance to the House ehanxber, depicts Daniel Boone
and his companions upon the hank of the Kentucky river
scanning the beiutiful valleys below; the one in the west
end over the entrance to the Senate chamber, shows the
artist's conception of the first convention of the white
man with the Indian-Henderson and Boone negotiating
with Oeon-os-to-to, chief of the Cherokees, for the "I )ark
and Bloody Ground."
oN   the third floor are the house and Senate elambers
     and the committee rooms of the Legislature. The
Youse chamber is of Romanesque design with pl)opei3n
red color scheme finish. The Senate chamber is more
modern in design, with Sienna columns and bases. Both
chambers are finished with the columns Seagliola-the
only imitations within the building. These chambers, how-
ever, are furnished in mahogany and provided with the
richest and most substantial furniture of the same mate-
rial, upholstered in leather. The retiring and reception
rooms of House and Senate are handsome, complete and
comfortable in their luxury.
T HE nave deserves special mention on account of its
     generous length and breadth and the thirtyv-six
great monoalithic columns supporting its massive cornices.
On every hand words of admiration have been lavished
upon this feature of the Capitol, for in this respect it
stands superior to other State Capitols.



NOT only is this great marble nave a thing of beauty
     and magnificence, but it gives light and ventilation
to second and third floors of the building, and is the in-
closed area into which all departments can empty them-
selves with ease. The columns are of Vermont granite,
the stairs, pilasters and cornices Georgia marble, and the
floors of Tennessee and Italian marbles bordered with
Verde antique.
THE furniture throughout is designed especially for
      this building, as are the handsome fixtures and
hardware, the latter bearing on every piece the seal of
the State. In fact, everything was designed to an end,
that end being a complete structure unified in all its
parts. That it has achieved the end aimed at, no one, I
think, will deny.
T HE heating and ventilation of the building is com-
     plete, and constructed after the most approved and
scientific, modern methods. The thermal chambers with
their heating coils, and the distributing fans, are in the
bl sement; the fresh air inta.kc.s in the roof. The fresh air
is drawn in, 'thoroughly cleansed by washing, then passes
to the thermal chambers to be heated and blown to the
larger rooms, halls and corridors throughout the building,
whence the foul or exhausted air is drawn by exhaust
fins up through the attic and forced out at vents in the
roof of the building. In some of the smaller rooms and
corridors the wvarm blasts from the thermal rooms are
augmented by direct radiation when the conditions re-
quire such additional heat. The whole system is governed
automatimilly and the temperature regulated in eadh
room by a thermostat Cold, fresh and filtered water
runs from many drinking founts, While a master clock
furnishes itime and regulation for all important offices and
rcoms. The vacuum-system of cletaning is also installed
as one among the many conveniences as well as every
other modern improvement for an up-to-date building
of this kind.



THE power plant is situated on the bluff of the Ken-
     tecky river some six hundred feet from the Capitol
building and is reached through a tunnel leading from the
sub-basement. Through this tunnel all heat, light and
power for operating the ventilating and vacuum systems
are conveyed, and there is no fire whatever within the
building itself. The system is efficient and complete and
the work up-to-date in every respect, and reflects -great
credit upon the engineers and contractors. In the test
whieh was given the plant by engineering experts, it was
pronounced one of the best in the country and capable
of running indefinitely at a full load, something like a
third more than the actual requirements of the Capitol
I FEEL that it would not be fair to close this brief
     sketch without mention of some of the real workers
upon this grand building who have hitherto stood in the
background modestly enough. I refer to H. E. Kennedy,
a former partner of F. M. Andrews  Co., while that firm
biad its headquarters in Cincinnati, and to George E.
Matthews, a member of this same firm, but now located in
New York. Mr. Matthews has been very active in the
Capitol construction for the last two and one-half years,
and many of the details were worked out by him. E. J.
Johnson has been the architect's representative on the
ground for the last three and one-half years, and his
work has been highly satisfactory.

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                  GOVERNOR OF KENTUCKY
   Elected November, 1907, to serve four years from December, 190,
to December, 1911. Was born at Maysville, Kentucky, October 13.
1846. Is a son of Hiram Wilison, who was born in Vermont, and Ann
Colvin (Ennis) Wilson, who was born in Rhode Island, and married
to Hiram Willson in Aliegany county in   . eatern New York. His
father was a farmer and lumberman, and moved from Allegany county
New York, to Maysville, Ky., where he had a lumber yard. From
Mlaysville he moved to Covington, Ky., where he engaged tn the lum-
ber business until 1852, when he moved to New Albany, Indiana, where
his wife died in 1856 and he 'died in 1859. He left four children: For-
ceythe Willson, author of the war poem, "The Old Sergeant," pub-
lished as the Carriers' New Year's address of the Louisville Journal In
1863, and which attracted the interest of President Lincoln, whose In-
quiries for the author, through Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes. and
through him of Mr. Prentice, resulted in Dr. Holmes finding the au
thor in Cambridge, Mass., where he had moved with his wife, Eliza-
beth Conwell Smith, herself a poetess of rare and beautiful spirit, and
his brothers and sister, Augustus E. Waison, Mary F. Willson and Hi-
ram WUilleon. Jr., all of whom are living.
  At Cambridge, Forceythe Willson won as warm friends, Dr. Holmes,
who read "The Old Sergeant" in full in his very popular lecture on
"The Poets and Poetry of the War," and of Longfellow. Lowell andl
Emerson. all of whom were his guests at his beautiful home on MIt.
Auburn St., opposite Elmwood Avenue, and by all of whom he was
made a friend and guest. The residence was a beautiful old Colo-
nial home built by the noted Elbridge T. Gerry.
  From this home, after preparing for college at Alfred University. a
Baptist College in Allegany County, New York. and one year tn a
Cambridge school. Augustus E. Willson entered Harvard College in
1865, and graduated as A. B. in the class of 1869, receiving the degree
of A. M. in 1872. Forceythe Willson died at Alfred, New York, In 1867.
in his 29th year.
  Following his graduation. and one year in a law office in Boston.
Cov. WilIlson came to Louisville in 1870, was admitted to the bar. and
entered the office of Gen. John 'I. Harlan. now Justice of the Si-
preme Court of the United States, and became a partner in the office
in May. 1874, and since 1870 has practiced law in Ltorisville.
    He was appointed chief clerk of the Treasury Department of the
United States in December. 1875, and resigned in August. 1876, and re-
tu-ned to his work as a lawyer.
    In 1877 he married Iliss Mlary Elizabeth Ekin. a laughter of the
late General James A. Ekin. of the Regular Army. and Diana Craig-
head (Walker) Ekin. cf Elizabeth. Pennsylvania. anil great grant-daugh-
ter of Col. Stephen A. Bayard. 'Major John Walker and 'Major Aeneas
Mackay. of the Patriot Army of the Revolution, a ;ady of great beauty.
elegace and distinction, worthy daughter of an illustrious line, ant
universally admire l and beloved as first lady of the Commonwealth.
    lit 1884, 1888. 1892 and 1904 he was a delegate from the l.ouisville
District, and in 1908 from the State-at-large to the Republican Na-
tional Convention, and in 1884 1886, 1888 anl 1892 he wPs the Repuh-
lican nominee for Congress in the Louisville District. In 1 99T-S he
was a member of the Executive Committee of the Indianapolis Alon-
tary Convention, the remarkable movement of the business organuza-
tions for Sound Money. This Executive Committee chose the Mlone-
tary Commission, headed by Senator Edmunds as Chairman, anl
Governor Willson had an active, prominent and useful part in that
great work.



    From 1876 he took an active part in the Republican campaigns in
Louisville and throughout the State, and has spoken in all but seven
of the 119 counties. In 1907 he was given the Republican nomination
for Governor by acclamation, and, after one of the most thorough cam-
paigns ever engaged in by a nominee for Governor in Kentucky, re-
versed the Democratic majority of about 28,000 in 1903 to a Republi-
can majority of 18,053 in 1907.
    He has been President of tne Associated Harvard Clubs, and in
1908 was given Honorary Degree of LL. D. by Harvard University