xt7j0z71022h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j0z71022h/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1977 bulletins  English Frankfort, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky Teacher Preparation and Certification Handbook 1977 Edition", vol. XLV, no. 4, 1977 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky Teacher Preparation and Certification Handbook 1977 Edition", vol. XLV, no. 4, 1977 1977 1977 2022 true xt7j0z71022h section xt7j0z71022h mmfimRFBFW-"m‘t‘nm:.‘h‘~‘:p}\ was! '3. ya vmw v.3”, z ‘ , . » .1.» .u


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2r reparation

Department of Education

Bureau of Instruction

Division of Teacher Education and Certification
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

James B. Graham, Superintendent


Teacher Preparation
and Certification



Cost of printing paid with state funds




Volume XLV Number 4
April 1977



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The Kentucky statutes provide that “all certificates . . . shall be issued in accordance with the
published rules and regulations of the State Board of Education through the Superintendent

of Public Instruction” (KRS 161.030). This handbook is published to satisfy this statute and

to giVe wide distribution of the regulations of the State Board of Education that relate to teacher
education and certification.

This handbook includes the regulations adopted by the State Board of Education through Decem-
ber, 1976. For the most part the statutes and regulations pertaining to teacher education and
certification are presented Without further explanation or comment. Numerical references to

the Kentucky Revised Statutes and to the State Board of Education regulations have-been
included as a part of the sub-titles.

In order to give further clarity to the actual regulations at certain points interpretative statements
have been inserted, but in these instances the interpretive material has been inserted within
boxes so that there will be no confusion with the actual regulation.

It should be noted that while the regulations for teacher education and certification are legally
adopted by the Kentucky State Board of Education the decision making process which precedes
this adoption is designed to insure a broad base of participation. The Kentucky Council on
Teacher Education and Certification has the legal responsibility for prescribing curricula for
teacher education and for making recommendations to the State Board ofEducation for adop-
tion (see KRS 161.025 and KRS 161.030).

Within the Kentucky State Department of'Education the Division ofTeacher Education and
Certification has been assigned the responsibility for administering the regulations, procedures,
and policies relating to teacher education and certification.



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By action of the 1974 Kentucky General Assembly all regulations of all state agencies have been
repromulgated in accordance 'with a specified legal process. With respect to teacher education
and certification any further changes must come about by a step—by-step process which is summa-
rized as follows, assuming a favorable action at each step:

a. The Kentucky Council on Teacher Education and Certification recommends a regula-
tion or regulation revision to the State Board of Education.

b. The State Board of Education accepts the recommendation and adopts the appropriate
regulation or revision.

c. The regulation is published in the Administrative Register ofthe Commonwealth of
Kentucky for the purpose of serving notice that there is a pending change and for
providing the opportunity for further reaction or a public hearing.

d. Upon request a public hearing is scheduled and conducted by the State Department
of Education.

e. The State Board of Education reconsiders the regulation or revision in terms of the
information presented at the public hearing.

f. The regulation is reviewed by the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee.
This is ajoint sub-committee ofthe House and Senate of the Gener’al Assembly charged
with reviewing all proposed regulations in order to (1) determine whether the particular
state agency has the legal authority to issue the regulation and (2) whether the regula-
tion is in keeping with the legislative intent.

g. Final publication of the effective date of the new regulation or revision in the Adminis-
trative Register.

It is only after the last step in the process that a regulation can be implemented.

It has been the practice of the Kentucky Council on Teacher Education and Certification to give
wide publicity to proposals under consideration and to seek input from all affected parties before
making recommendations involving major changes.

Suggestions or proposals for regulation revision are invited by the Council. Such communications
should be prepared in writing and forwarded to the Kentucky Council on Teacher Education and

Certification, Room 1823, Capital Plaza Tower, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.

For further information about the Council, see Chapter I, Section D.






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Endorsement of high school certification for classroom teaching at the elementary school level
is now a program of preparation to be completed in accordanCe with the direction of the college
or university adviser. Heretofore the endorsement plan was a list of courses which was checked
off by the state certification office—see page 49.

Health occupations has been added as one of the specialization options for high school certifica-
tion—see page 43.

Special education programs have undergone a comprehensive revision. The new programs are for
“teachers of exceptional children”—see Chapter XV, page 61.

A special education component has been added to all undergraduate teacher preparation programs
in connection with the requirement for preparation in Human Growth and Deve opment and
Learning Theory—see page 33.

The general education component for all undergraduate preparation programs have been redesigned
in terms of a performance objectives approach—see page 101.

The Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps personnel now have a preparation-certification
program—see page 98.

Vocational education has undergone a comprehensive revision. Refer to Chapter XXII, pages 94.

Secondary education specializations for the following have been added, revised, or deleled:
Areas of Concentration

foreign languages—see page 39

social studies-see page 41

industrial arts—see page 39

vocational home economics—see page 42

vocational industrial and technical education-see page 43

industrial education—orientation and exploration levels—see page 40

industrial education—preparation level—see page 40

Teaching Majors
industrial arts—see page 45

industrial education—orientation and exploration levels—see page 45

The duration period for the issuance of teaching certificates has been changed radically. Please
refer to page 7.





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Recent Changes in Teacher Certification Regulations ............................

I. Selected Statutory Provisions Relating to
Teacher Education and Certification

Certification Required .............................................. 1
Issuance, Revocation, and Suspension ................................... 1
Definitions ..................................................... 2
Student Teachers ................................................. 3
Paraprofessionals . . . .y ............................................. 3
Kentucky Council on Teacher Education and Certification ...................... 4
Ranking of Teacher Qualifications ...................................... 5

11. Teacher Certification Procedures

Application for Teacher Certification .................................... 7
Dating of Certificates .............................................. 7
Preparation Completed Out of State .................................... 8
Non—Tax Supported School Certification ................. _ ................ 9
Time Limits for Applying for Certification . . . . . . . . . . . i .................... 9
Certificate Renewal . . .- ............................................ 9
Qualifications for New School Positions ................................. 10
Substitute Teacher Qualifications ..................................... 10
Substitute Teachers Salary Scheduling .................................. 11
Qualifications and Utilization of Paraprofessionals .......................... 11

III. Ranking of Teacher Qualifications Under the Foundation Law

General Ranking Procedures ......................................... 12
Salary Scheduling and Ranking ....................................... 12
Fifth Year Program for Renewal and Rank II .............................. 12
Rank I ....................................................... 13
Ranking of Vocational Trade Instructors ................................ 13‘

IV. Procedures for Approval of Teacher Preparation Programs and Accreditation of
Teacher Education Institutions

Evaluation and Approval of Teacher Preparation Curricula ..................... 15
Accreditation of Institutions ........................................ 15
Kentucky State Plan for the Approval of Preparation Programs for the

Certification of Professional School Personnel ............................ 16
Proficiency Evaluation . . . . . . . . . .- .................................. 16
Experimental Programs of Teacher Preparation ............................ 17
Correspondence Credit ............................................ 17
Laboratory Experience in Lieu of Student Teaching ......................... 17

V- Kentucky State Plan for the Approval of Preparation Programs for the
Certification of Professional School Personnel
Standards for Accreditation—Undergraduate Programs ----------------------- 18
Standards for Accreditation—Graduate Programs --------------------------- 21













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Standards for Professional Education . . .I ................................ 24
Curriculum Standards for Specific Preparation Programs ...................... 24

General Education Component of Teacher Preparation—
Curriculum Standards .............................................. 25

Kindergarten School Teacher Preparation—Certification .......................... 27

Elementary School Teacher Preparation-Certification
Provisional Elementary Certificate ..................................... 29
Standard Elementary Certificate ...................................... 30

Middle School-Junior High School Teacher Preparation-Certification
Provisional Middle School-Junior High School Certificate ...................... 32
Standard Middle School-Junior High School Certificate ....................... 35

High School Teacher Preparation-Certification

Provisional High School Certificate .................................... 37
Areas of Concentration ........................................... 38
Majors ................................... , ................... 44
Minors ...................................................... 46

Standard High School Certificate ...................................... 47

Extending the Validity of Elementary and High School Certificates

From High School to Elementary ..................................... 49
From Elementary to High School ..................................... 50
Elementary School Physical Education .................................. 50
Elementary Art ................................................. 51
Elementary Music ................................................ 51
Elementary Experimental Programs .................................... 51
Reading Specialist Preparation-Certification ................................ 53
Driver Education Preparation-Certification ................................. 55

School Media Librarian Preparation-Certification
Provisional Certificate for School Media Librarian

Plan for Classroom Teachers to Qualify ................................. 57
Standard Certificate for School Media Specialist ............................ 58
Professional Certificate for Media Supervisor .............................. 59

Teachers of Exceptional Children Preparation-Certification
Learning and Behavior Disorders ....................................... 61
Trainable Mentally Handicapped ...................................... 64









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Speech and Communication Disorders .................................. 67

Hearing Impaired ................................................ 69

Visually Impaired Pupils ........................................... 72

Multiple Handicapped Pupils ........................................ 73

Teacher Consultant for Special Education ................................ 74

Director of Special Education ........................................ 75

Standard Certificate for Teachers of Exceptional Children ..................... 76

XVI. Guidance Counselor Preparation-Certification ............................... 78
XVII. School Psychometrist Preparation-Certification .............................. 81
XVIII. School Social Worker Preparation-Certification .............................. 82
XIX. Rehabilitation Counselors Preparation—Certification ........................... 84

XX. School Administration and Supervision Preparation-Certification
Professional Certificate for School Administration and

Supervision ................................................... 86
Internship Plan for Assistant Superintendent .............................. 87
Internship Plan for Assistant Principal .................................. 87
Curriculum Standards

Elementary School Principal ....................................... 87
Middle School-Junior High Principal .................................. 88
Secondary School Principal ........................................ 89
Supervisor of Instruction ......................................... 89
Director of Pupil Personnel ........................................ 90
School Superintendent ........................................... 91
XXI. School Business Administrator Preparation-Certification Preparation-Ccrtification ....... 92


XXII. Vocational Education Preparation~Certification

Industrial Education Teachers ........................................ 94
Certificate for Administration, Supervision, and
Coordination of Vocational Education ................................. 96
XXIII. Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Preparation-Certification .................. 98
XXIV. Emergency Certification ............................................ 100
Appendix I
Explanatory Notes to Statement on General Education ....................... 101





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Appendix 11
School Librarian Certification (old standards being phased out) .................. 103

Appendix III
Background Materials from Committee on Special Education .* .................. 105

Appendix IV
Special Education (old standards being phased out)

Educable Mentally Retarded ........................................ 112
TrainableMentallyRetarded...........................' ............ 113
Orthopedically Handicapped ....................................... 113
Partially Seeing ................................................ 114
Blind ....................................................... 114
Hard of Hearing ................................................ 114
Deaf ......................... 115
Neurologically Impaired .......................................... 115
Emotionally Disturbed ........................................... 116
Speech and Hearing ............................................. 116
Standard Special Education Certificate ..... ' ............................ 116
Supervisor of Special Education ..................................... 117
Appendix V
Vocational Education Certification (old standards being phased out) .............. 118

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160.350 Superintendent of Schools; Appointment;Term; Salary; Vacancy; Qualifications;
Removal. (Excerpt) . . . Before any superintendent assumes his duties he shall present to the
board of education that elected him a statement signed by the Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion that he has been duly issued a certificate of administration and supervision issued in accor-
dance with the provisions ‘of law and which qualifies him to hold the position to which he has
been elected, and he shall hold such certificate throughout the period of his employment . .

161.020 [4502-6;4502-10;4502—11;4503-2] Certificates Required of School Emplo ees;
to be Filed; Validity of Certificates Issued Under Former Law. (1) No person shall be eligi 1e to
hold the position of superintendent, principal, teacher, supervisor, attendance officer, or other
public school position for which certificates may be issued, or receive salary for services rendered
in such position, unless he holds a certificate of legal qualifications for such position.

(2) No person shall enter upon the duties of a position requiring certification qualifications
until his certificate has been filed or credentials registered with the board of education employing

(3) The validity of any certificate or license in force on June 14, 1934, is not impaired by the
provisions of KRS 161.020 to 161.130, and such certificate or license shall be reissued or renewed
in accordance with the terms of the law applying at the date ofissue.


161.030 Certification Authority. - (1) The certification of all teachers and other school person-
nel is vested in the State Board of Education. All certificates authorized under KRS 161.010 to
161.126 shall be issued in accordance with the published rules and regulations ofthe State Board
of Education through the Superintendent of Public Instruction. In the case ofnon-tax supported
schools, standards for teacher certification shall provide for the certification without further educa-
tional requirements, of any administrator, supervisor, or teacher who has attended, and received.
abachelor’s degree from, a college or university accredited by a national or regional assocration 1n
the United States, or who, at the discretion Of the State Board of Education, has the equivalent
degree from a foreign college or university of comparable standing.

(2) Certificates shall be issued to persons who have com leted, at such colleges and universi-
ties as have been approved by the State Board of Education or the preparation ofteachers and
other school personnel, the curricula prescribed by the Kentucky Council on Teacher Education
and Certification and approved by the State Board ofEducation for the certificates.

(3) The State Board of Education shall approve the curricula of any standard college or
university, or of any department thereof for the training ofteachers, whenthe currlcula comply
with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and are equivalent to any or al
the curricula prescribed for the state institutions for the issuance ofcertificates to students of
State institutions and when the institution has otherwise met the terms and conditlons
provided in KRS 161.010 to 161.120. Any student of such institution who has completed
any of these curricula or the equivalent thereof, as approved by the State Board






of Education, and who in addition thereto has completed the prescribed requirements for the
issuance of certificates for teaching to students of the state institutions may, by the State Board
of Education, be granted a certificate for teaching of the same validity and tenure as certificates
issued to students completing like requirements in the state institutions.

161.040 General Qualifications for Certificates. No person shall receive or hold any certifi-
cate who does not present evidence of good moral character and who is under eighteen (18) years

of age.

161.100 [4502—5] Emergency Certificates. When a district board of education satisfies the
State Board of Education that it is impossible to secure qualified teachers for a position in a
school under the control of the district board, the State Board of Education may, on approval
of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, issue emergency certificates to persons who meet
the qualifications determined by the State Board of Education for emergency certificates. An
emergency certificate shall be valid only for the specific job for which issued and for the current
school term. The State Board of Education may require the passing of a written examination
before an emergency certificate is issued.- The examination shall be prepared and administered
and the papers graded in the State Department of Education under the direction of the Superin—
tendent of Public Instruction, in accordance with rules and regulations approved by the State
Board of Education.

161.120 [4502-9] Revocation of Certificates. Any certificate issued under KRS 161.010
to 161.110, or any certificate or license issued under any previous law to superintendents, prin-
cipals, teachers, supervisors, attendance officers or other administrative, supervisory or instruc-
tional employees may be revoked by the State Board of Education, on the written recommenda-
tion ofthe Superintendent of Public Instruction, for immorality, misconduct in office, incom-
petency or willful neglect of duty. Before the certificate is revoked the defendant shall be
given a copy of the charges against him and an opportunity, upon not less than ten days’ notice,
to be heard in person or by counsel.

Additional grounds for revocation ofcertificates, KRS 158.990, 159.990, 161.990.
Removal ofschool employees, KRS 156.110.
Suspension of certificates in case of breach of contract by teachers, KRS 161.780.

161.780 Termination of Contract by Teacher or Superintendent. No teacher or superinten-
dent shall bc permitted to terminate his contract within thirty days prior to the beginning of
his school term without the consent of the board; any such teacher or superintendent shall
be permitted to terminate his contract at any other time when schools are not in session by
giving five days’ written notice to the employing board ofeduc ation. Upon complaint by the
employing board to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and after investigation by
him, the certificate of a teacher or superintendent terminating his contract in any other manner
than provided in this section may be suspended for not more than one year (1942, c. 113,§7;
1944, c. 98).

161.010' [4502-2] Definitions for KRS 161.020 to 161.120. As used in KRS 161.020 to

(1) “Standard college or university” means an institution that is a member of the Association
of Colleges and Universities of the Southern States, the American Association of Teachers Colleges,
or the Kentucky Association of Colleges and Universities, or that is recognized as an accredited
four-year institution by the University of Kentucky.

(2) Standard college or university work of“graduate grade” means approved work in a
Standard ’college or university that has a program ofwork extending beyond four years of college
or university work.

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(3) “Semester” means eighteen weeks (one-half year) of standard college or university work.
(4) “Semester hour” means one academic or college hour per week for one semester.

(5) “Student teacher” means an adult who has completed the prerequisite teacher preparation
as precribed by the accredited teacher education institution in which he is enrolled, and who is
jointly assigned by the institution and a local school district to engage in a period of practice teach-
ing under the direction and supervision of the administrative and teaching staff ofthe school dis-
trict and the institution.

(6) “Para-professional” means an adult school employee who works under the direction of the
professional administrative and teaching staffin performing, within the limitations of his training
and competency, certain instructional and non-instructional functions in the school program as are
illustrated by, but not limited to: clerical duties, tutoring individual pupils, leading pupils in recrea-
tional activities, conducting pupils from place to place, assisting with classroom instruction as
directed by the teacher, aiding the school librarian, preparing and organizing instructional materials
and equipment.

(7) “Teacher aide” shall be defined synonymously with para-pro fessional.

161.042 Status of Student Teachers

(1) The State Board of Education shall provide through regulation for the utilization ofthe
common schools for the preparation ofteacher education students from the colleges and universities.

(2) Within the provisions established by the State Board of Education, local boards ofeduca-
tion are authorized to enter into cooperative agreements, including financial arrangements, with
colleges and universities for the purpose of providing professional laboratory experiences and
student teaching experiences for students preparing for the education profession.

(3) A student teacher who is jointl assigned under agreement by a teacher education institu-
tion and a local board of education shalilhave the same legal status and protection as a certificated
teacher employed within the school district but shall be subject to the direction and supervision
ofthe professional administrative and teaching staff of the school district.

(4) Teacher education students, other than student teachers, may be permitted through
cooperative agreements between the local school district and the teacher education institution, to
engage in supplementary instructional activities with pupils under the direction and superViSion
ofthe professional administrative and teaching staff ofthe school district.


Specific regulations for the utilization of the common schools for the preparation ofteacher
education students have not yet been promulgated. Thus far, the language ofthe statute
appears to be a sufficient guide for the local boards ofeducation and the teacher education





161.044 Status of Para-Professionals

(1) The State Board of Education shall establish regulations governing the qualifications and
the utilization ofadult para-professional personnel and adult volunteer personnel in the common
schools. '





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(2) Within the provisions established by the State Board of Education, local boards ofeducation
may employ adult para—professional personnel in supplementary instructional and non-instructional
activities with pupils. While engaged in an assignment as authorized under the regulations, and as
directed by the professional administrative and teaching staff, such personnel have the same legal
status and protection as a certified teacher in the performance of the same or similar duties.

(3) Within the provisions established by the State Board of Education, local boards of education
may utilize adult volunteer personnel in supplementary instructional and non-instructional activities
with pupils under the direction and supervision of the professional administrative and teaching staff.

See also 704 KAR 151080, Qualifications and Utilization of Para—professional Personnel,
found in Chapter II ofthis publication.





161.025 Kentucky Council on Teacher Education and Certification.

(1) There shall be a Kentucky Council on Teacher Education and Certification whose members
shall be appointed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction as follows:

(a) The Dean or Department Head for Education from each of the state universities and
state senior colleges;

(b) Three academic deans from the private senior colleges and universities selected so that
representation shall be rotated among the private institutions;

(c) Fourteen members, selected from nominees submitted by those professional organiza-
tions designated by the Superintendent ofPublic Instruction as being most representative of
professional members to be appointed, to be nominated and selected in a manner to provide
geographic representation, to include:

Two members, who at the time of appointment shall hold the position oflocal school

Three members, who at the time of appointment shall hold administrative or supporting
personnel positions in which the major duties are other than classroom teaching;

Nine members, who at the time of appointment shall hold positions as classroom teachers.

((1) One member to be selected from a list of nominees submitted by the governing body
ofthe Kentucky School Boards Association;

(e) One member to be selected from a list of nominees submitted by the governing body
of the Kentucky Branch National Congress of Parents and Teachers;

(f) Two members selected at large;

(g) One member from the Kentucky State Department of Education representing Teacher
Education and Certification, who shall serve as executive secretary.

(2) Each individual appointment shall be for a period of four years except that one half of the
initial appointments shall be for two year terms. Members may serve successive terms if re nominated
and reappointed in the manner prescribed for membership. Vacancies shall be filled as they occur in



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a manner consistent with the provisions for initial appointments.

(3) At the first meeting held on or after July 1 of each year a chairperson shall be elected by
and from the membership. A member shall be eligible to serve no more than three one year terms
in succession as chairperson. The executive secretary shall keep records of proceedings and shall
prepare the approved recommendations for transmission to the State Board of Education and other
appropriate agencies. Regular meetings shall be held at least biannually on call by the chairman.

(4) The Kentucky Council on Teacher Education and Certification shall develop and recommend
policies and standards relating to teacher preparation and certification including: ‘The requirements
for the preparation and certification of teachers and other professional school personnel; the stan-
dards and procedures for the approval of college and university programs for the preparation oftea—
chers and other professional school personnel.

(5) To carry on the functions relating to its duties and responsibilities the Kentucky Council on

Teacher Education and Certification is empowered to receive donations and grants of funds; to
appoint consultants as needed; and to sponsor studies, conduct conferences and publish information.


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It should be emphasized that the following statute relating to the classification of teachers under the
“pupil unit” system of allocating state funds to local school dist