xt7j0z71021x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j0z71021x/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1978 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, November 1978 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, November 1978 1978 1978 2022 true xt7j0z71021x section xt7j0z71021x  













‘ INTER-Pills





M. l. KING



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;. ' " VOLUME v1





JULY 1978


" Officially Opens With



urpose Building 1 A
Special Ceremony


The long-awaited Chapel/Multi-Purpose Building
at the Kentucky. Correctional Institution for Women'
at PeWee Valley was officially opened on Monday}!
October 30. - 1' 5 »

A Special dedication ceremony was held in which.
both Justice Secretary John L. Smith and Corrections
Commissioner David H. Bland s oke. The crowdof
more than 200 were entertaine with muSic presented
by the Resident Choir and a reception was held in -
the new building following the ceremony. * . '*

Secretar ’ Smith, Commissioner'Bland and KCIW
Superinten ent Betty Kassulke cut theribbon at
the entrance to the building (photo on left)..
As art of the refreshments at the race troma
cake, dlesi ned in‘ the likeness of the new acrlity,.was_m
prepared, upper left photo). ‘

The Resident Choir led the'procession‘ from the
“Barn”, the recreation center at. KCIW, to the new
Chapel for the ribbon-cutting ceremony and the

reception (above photo).

The one-story brick building will be used for
religious, self-motivation and counseling programs.


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KSR Weight Lifting Contest

By .Iames Knodel

On September 4, fifteen
men went through the
process of warming up for
the reformatory’s annual
Olympic Power Lifting
Competition, to determine
the strongest man.

Each year the officials
in charge of sports and
recreation at the reforma-

tory hold an Olympic pow-.

er lift to determine the
strongest resident in the
institution. The contest,
which consists of three
events (squat,
and bench press), is a
grueling, muscle-pulling
event, requiring a tena-
cious mental. stability.

As in any competition
where the participation is
limited to a select few,
there is always one indivi-
' dual who stands far ahead

By James Knodel

Birdsong, winner of the '

Mr. universe title for
1975, was invited by
Wayne Pierson and Rocky
Carter, gym officials, to
. the reformatory on Sep-
tember 9. He gave the
‘ inmates suggestions on
posing, nutrition and ex-
ercises; then demonstrat-
ed the art he has mast-
ered so Well himself.
Birdsong came before a
crowd of two hundred
inmates and guards in the
reformatory gym, answer-
ing questions and talking
in general about body-

dead lift ‘

of the competition. This
year was no exception.
George Jones, who
weighed in at 171 pounds,
has for his third conse-
cutive year defeated the
competition with compar-
ative ease. George, with a
total of 1,225 for his three
lifts, and an astonishing
deadlift of 525 pounds,
100 pounds more than any
other lifter, was a delight
to watch.

, The second place
trophy went to a newcom-
er to the institution, Thea
Callahan. Thea, weighing
in at 170 pounds, came up
with a total of 1,060. The
amazing part about
Thea’s performance is
that it comes from an
individual over forty. This
shows what can be done if
one sets his mind on a
goal, and has the gump-

ranged from

definition, and symmetri-
cal body development, to.
why a persOn enters into
the world of massed flesh.

Bob: . began lifting
weights 16 years ago, at
the age of 15. When he
started, he knew what his
ultimate goal would be,
and how to attain it. In the
first two to three years, he
amassed bulk and .size.
The time after that was,
spent developing symme-
trical musculature, defini-
tion and molding and
cutting. Working out two


building. The questions].
subjects -
dealing w1th nutr1t10n£x
"‘-';Ib6dy mass, musculature‘


. although very entertain-

' days a week 1sthegruel


tion to keep at it. Third
place went to Dale Bethel,
with a total of 975 pounds.

The contest this year, THE INNER SELF

I ’ve been in prison

For a long time now,

And it seems as though for years,

I ’ve been trying to get out of here—

ing, was not received as
warmly gas in previous
years. Participation was
down due to the lack of
appropriate prizes, and
the irregular bars used in
the lifts, which necessi-
tated cutting the attempts
in the lifts. Both the bench
press and the squat were
placed at two attempts,
and the dead lift at one.
The general feeling was
that to attempt maximum
poundage so soon would
be to invite serious injury.
The bars have become
bent, worn, and welded
through the years, which
does not provide a safe
means for lifting such
great weights.

For in this place I deserve to be,

For I ’ve searched “T he Inner M e”

We all think we know ourselves-‘-

But have we searched without a doubt?
And sit down and tried to figure as out?

All my life, I’ve done wrong,

Following impulse, feeling strong,

I ’ve cheated not only on my neighbor
But more on myself.

For inside me, where it counts

There is nothing left.

I have a body with a heart inside,
That lets me live from day to day.
So I can go on punishing myself
And making myself pay—

Pay for what? For being born?

With a body and mind not my own?
In self pity, these thoughts I think,
As I try to place the blame on anything—

The doctors say I 'm self-destructive,
._’,T hey say this' Is the way I want to be, _=

to four hours a day, six ,
s. To hurt myself, to bring me pain, '



gitegxmentedfi. ':.:T0‘§I‘¥k.734'“gs to, confuse Iny brain— a; ‘ 1‘
chars developed over the; q - ~ ."’*'"'“” -~-- «.—~ zr~~~ - .. ,
years So herein prison. I ’1] stay a while, '

Bob, a native Tennes-
sean, grew up in Louis~
ville, where he attended *
Western High School. He
began entering local con-
tests while in high school
and after winning a few,‘
began to move to inter-
national competition. Af-
ter‘winning such contests
as Mr. America, Mr. In-
ternational and Mr. Uni-_
verse, Bbb began touring
the country promoting
health spas for Golds Gym
in California.

, and now and then, make myself smile, .
But I ’ll keep searching ”My Inner Self”
- With hopes that I can find something left!


The poetry printed here was submitted by a
resident at the KentuCk Correctional Institutioni
for Women at Pewee Va ley. The writer requeste

that the poem be printed anonomously.


the kentucky .




Gay Dwyer...........Public Education Services-Manager

Larry Lenston............‘....Photo &Art Editor T '

The KENTUCKY INTER- PRISON PRESS, a monthly publication of
the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky, 40601, is
produced by and for residents of the 11 correctional institutions of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The views expressed in this
publication are not necessarily those of the Kentucky Bureau of
Corrections. Reprint permission is hereby granted, provided the
proper credit is given. All correspondence and Forms 3579 should
be directed to the Public Education services Manager, Bureau of .
Corrections, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601. Second Class postage
rates paid at Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601.

Kathy Martin...........KClW
Rita Dockery...........KClW' " ,
David Fleming..........BCC

Ronald Tipton............KSP
USP8011170 ‘ I .
Walter Harris.....‘.......KSR












Jaycees Participate In Bluegrass Fair

By David Fleming

BCC—The Bluegrass Jay-
cees worked at the Lion’s
Bluegrass Fair from July 14- 22

' handing out literature about

the Kentucky
_ System . and .
McDonald’s balloons.
p This was part of a commun-
ity project of: the Chapter.
ProCeeds‘ from the balloon


conceSSion and ad sales have .

gone to various activities on


By Tea Aseere

LA GRANGE—0n Satur-
. day, August 25, the residents
-' atKSR heard strange shouts.
coming from the gym. Upon
further investigation, the
shouts proved to be, the Word
_ “BINGO!” Curious residents
entering theT gym found an
atmosphere of tension and
excitement, as approximately
.150 residents were gathered
.for the bi- monthly
tournament sponsored by the

The tournament consisted of
' five games, with the first three
being single column games,

; the fourth a coverall, and the
, last a four corner game. By the
’ time the'last‘ number had been

.. called, the crowd had grown to
250, due to spectators and
friends of the players.

, The SPADE Club has plans
far future Bingos and other
C tournaments, with the pro-'
Niceeds going to the club. The
'7 SPADE Club is one of the,
'«business organizations at the

I ' IrefOrmatOry, designed to offer

each member an opportunity
to better himself


the complex, plus same home”

and lawn rennovaton of senior

citizens’ homes in downtown


Members were stationed in
the commercial exhibit tent
with literature about various
departments within and as-
.sOciated with the carrections
system in the State of Ken?
tucky. Volunteers in Correc-
tions assisted the JayCees at
the Fair. Slide presentations

_on the Jayceesand the Car-


By Ralph Husband.

LA GRANGE —— The Audio-
Visual Centre at VKSR‘ held
their annual picnic on August
8, in the Honor Unit Lawn
Visit area. Food and fellow-

ship were provided by mem- »

bers of -the First Baptist

Church, and Woodland Bap-

tist_Church. . '
The tables were spread with

bled 11p.”

rections System were shown to
the public as they passed the
Jaycee booth.

Two- -man teams were sta-
tioned at each entrance to the
Fair selling helium filled bal-
loons. Little kids’ 'eyes were
big as saucers with smiles
from ear to car. This was the,
Fair. People screaming and
shouting on the various rides

and the constant barking of I

the game booth . attendants.


lPlcn Ic'At KSR Sponsored ‘
By Area Church Members

everything from fried chicken
to peach cobbler- Anticipating

‘ a rush on the fried chicken and

homemade desserts, it was
decided that the guest church

'members should pass through

the line first. Immediately
following the church members
were the hungry (some even
fasted prior to the picnic)
members of the Audio Visual
Centre. Everything was “gob-



PROS Conduct

Tennis Clinic

By Larry Lenston

La Grange — Saturday,
August 26, turned out to be
quite a day for the tennis
fanatics at the Kentucky State
Reformatory, as Chuck
Cooper, a tennis pro from
Louisville, conducted a clinic

Cooper brought with him
two one-thousand-dollar ball
machines, several hundred
tennis balls, and enough ten-
nis rackets so that there were
rackets for. everyone
wanted to try the game. A part
owner and tennis pro at the
Louisville Tennis Club, Cooper

‘was accompanied by John


By Kenneth Hayes

LA GRANGE— The Varsity
Club at the Kentucky State

' Reformatory presented the
Tournament of Sports in Au-

gust. This tournament con-

, sisted of a ping pong, two-on.- -

two basketball and horse-
shoes. Trophies were awarded
to first place winners in each

J in Rickerts proved to be the
best ping pong player of the
day, while Michael Mundy
and Tom Payne combined
forces to win the two-on-two
basketball event. William
Miller was the victor in the
horseshoe tournament, defeat-
ing many other players for this

Summer Basketball At KSP

By John V. Looper, III

basketball at KSP has been a

, , major event at the 91-year-old

maximum security institution.
Thisyear, under the athletic
leadership of Carlisle Towery,
the athletic ‘ department is
trying to put together a more
solid athletic program, so that
more men at the penitentiary
will become involved in or-

~ ganized athletic events.

Slimmer 1,

Five teams made up the
summer league, With Don
Mason and Earl Stover’s
teams holding the number one
positions respectively. The
other three teams are con-

tenders, so there’s no predic- .

tion at this time of what team
might be the Summer League

The league is lead in scoring
by‘ Chancey Baldwin, Eugene
Strong, Warren Caldwell, Earl
Stover and Don Mason.

First year Athletic DireCtor
Carlisle Towery, a basketball
Hall of Famer himself, is
already looking ahead to a
very promising varsity basket-
ball season. Six of his basket-
eers are using the summer
league to condition themselves

for the upcoming season. This ,

may be the best year of
basketball at the penitentiary
since the departure of Roger
Baily and Milton Ray.

who .


Fritts, an assistant, and John
O’Brien, a member of the
University of Louisville Tennis

The clinic .was divided into
two classes for beginners and
more advanced players. The
beginners were taught the

'basic strokes, and the proper
way. to hold a tennis racket.
Advanced players were of-
fered the chance to work on
particular parts of their game.
By using the ball machine to
lob the ball at himself, a player '
could work on any part of his

Cooper plans to hold anoth-
er clinic at the reformatory in
September. '


KCIWWomen .

New Form 0t 1

' By Kathy G. Martin

K.C.I.W. has a new. branch
to add to their rehabilitation

Upon arrival at K.C.I.W.,
each new admission will ref"
c'eive a course in “Rational“
Behavior Therapy,”_ classified
as behavior therapy.

“Rational Behavior Ther-
apy,” widely known and used,
can be a rewarding experience
to those who wish to under-_
stand themselves and others.
R.B.T. deals with learning
how to control your emotions;
learning to accept yourself;
facing the truth about yourself
and wondering, “Was I really
like that?” Accepting your
faults and learning how to
correct them, is an important
factor of R.B.T. V Through
R.B.T., we can face life realis-
tically and solve our problems _

by learning how to understand

ourselves and others.

Some inmates" at K.C.I.W.'
are now applying R.B.T., to
others and the effects are

R. B. T. is a step closer to
Freedom; Freedom to control

your emotions.



7th Step Holds Annual Banquet A’r KSR


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tf—Z‘T‘Nf‘r‘fl: fiWFV ‘ .' u;


, The New Life Program
of the 7th Step Foundation
of . Kentucky conducted
their Feurth Annual Ban-
quet and Awards Presen-
tation on October 5, inside
the Kentucky State. Re-
formatory at La Grange.

Acting as Master of
Ceremonies was Alan
Whiting, 7th Step Louis-
ville Area Director.

Guests present at the
festivities included the
Program membership,
their families, 7th Step
staff and Board of Direc-
tors, officials of the Bur-
eau of Corrections and
Department of Justice,
Reformatory staff, ex-
members, 'and' other
people who have support-
ed the Program during

KCIW Residents

Learn More Than


The Consumer and
Family Life Skills program
at KCIW is designed to
provide instruction and
experiences to residents
which will increase their
knowledge, understand-
ing and skills in all facets
of personal. and family

According to Sherry
Buda, the vocational edu-
cation instructor who

teaches the program at

KCIW, the Consumer and
Family Life Skills program, '

C ' serves as a““complefni§fif"” ‘

and supplement” to the
otherprograms offered at

V . the institution.

“The entire program is

' geared toward Consumer

management. When we
are involved in the Food
and Nutrition segment,
the wOmen learn much
more than food prepara-
tion,” she explained.

‘ ‘The program is
oriented toward providing
an atmosphere where
personal development can
take place and serves as a
complement , to correc-
tional programs and occu-
pational training provided
in wage-earning. pro-
grams,” she added.

According to Jim
White, former Vocational

‘ Programs Manager for

the bureau, the Consumer
and Family Life Skills
program differs from oth-
er vocational programs
being offered at KCIW.

“We basically view our
vocational programs as
job preparedness pro-
grams. This particular
program is actually a pre-
paration for living with its
aim 'being to prepare
people to live productive
lives and to manage their
lives in a consumer-ori-
ented society,” White

“The program allows
the flexibility for involve-
ment in other programs. It
is not an either/or situa-
tion,” he added.

According to Ms. Buda,
the program consists of
six study areas—Consum-

,er Education; Housing

and Home Management;
Textiles and Clothing;
Foods and Nutrition;
Child Development and
Personal and Family De-

She explained that spe-
cial interest courses are
taught in each area. For
example, KCIW residents

have, in theipast,'focused* . ' ,
: onél.'home'-furnishin' :~?*as*‘a.f:fir . ._ , ,, W. .
- ‘ " ~"'g Ray Whitey“"recalled-this

'> speEié-l interest ‘t'dpic; u'si " .
_ days as an inmate at the

ing their learned skills to _

make improvements in
the dormitories.

Another recent topic
has been “The Single
Parent,” focusing on. par-
ticular problems encount-
ered by a single parent
and ways to deal with
these problems.

In addition to the spe-
cial interest classes, the
program also offers Living
Skills Training I and a
special unit on Personal
and Family Development
which is offered in the
Assessment and Orienta-
tion Unit (A & 0).

According to Ms. Buda, ' ‘

the ’unit includes seg-
ments concerning diet and
weight control; dealing
with family separation
and family planning.

. She also pointed out
that independent work

times, set up for one hour
each day, have been es-
tablished, allowing the
women to work on special

“The women have been
very receptive to the pro-
gram and appear very
interesting in the training.
Since the training tends to
maximize their skills in
areas in which they have
some previous know-
ledge, they enjoy a great-
er degree of success,” she

“And, the taste of suc-
cess generally leads to
success in other areas,”
she added.


their four years of exis-

The keynote address
was presented by Donald
Howard, 3 , New Life
member. Howard began
his speech by explaining
some of the purposes and
goals of the organization.
He credited the success of
the Program’s activities to
the fact that each man
involved has made a total
committment to making a
positive change in his life.

Another member of the
Program, Mike Sosh,, in-
formed the guests of the
challenges still ahead,
and the desires of the
membership to assist oth-
er inmates in the re-direc-
tion of their lives.

Bill West, State Direc-
tor of the Louisville-based
treatment program, relat-
ed the support that 7th
Step has had throughout
the years and the changes
and growth of the F ounda-

He also explained the
first two of the seven

Steps to Freedom and the ,

impact'they have on each

person who becomes a

member of the program.
The newly-elected In-

Reformatory and the
changes that he has seen

If youvwant to send your copy
their address and yours in the spa

where the two open edges meet, leaving both ~the return and recei

ternationali President _ of. _ « i.
' ‘e'iiaZtlxslstep:rfeiih'detiqne:


in Kentucky’s penal insti-
tutions. . ‘

White also spoke of the
suggestions the Founda-
tion is making to prison
administrators throughout
the country to further
improve the methods be-
ing employed in prevent-
ing crime in the com-

The guest speaker for
the evening was Dr. David
Bland, Commissioner of
Corrections. Dr. Bland re-
affirmed his support for
organizations such as 7th
Step and the committment
that the Bureau of Cor-
rections has made to the

He spoke of how he
became involved with 7th
Step during his first days
in charge of Kentucky’s
correctional system and
the impressions that he
formed of the program.

Bland also spoke of his
concern for the future of
America and the heavy
burdens being placed on
the taxpaying citizen by
welfare and institutional
costs. He commented on
the disasters ahead unless
steps are taken soon to

'correct the problem. He .‘
, stressed that-his goal was ,
potential ‘drains‘ on" so-

ciety. g p _ ‘ ..
Commissioner Bland
further reminded all pre-

ter-Prison Press requires one 15 cent stamp.

sent that no matter what
they have become, to
never forget where they
have come from. This, he
said, makes all things
easier for the future.

The Stepperof the Year
Award is presented to the
inmate, who in the opin-
ion of his fellow members,
has undergone the most
change in the year and
has contributed signifi-
cantly to the Program.

The Award for 1978 was
presented to Larry

The other award is pre-
sented annually to a non-
offender who has aided or
supported the Foundation
through a varietv of ef-
forts. The I Care Award
for the year was awarded
to Fred Kunz.

Mr. Kunz, a Louisville
restaurant owner, serves
on the 7th Step State
Board of Directors and on
the Boards of other chari-
table organizations. He
has aided in fundraising'
and public relations for
the Foundation and in the
support of ex-offenders in
other areas.

The dinner closed with

a ”Benediction by . Robert
White, ,
.meuibertieas: ”

The me "l'iwa‘s' catered A,

by Tommy Lancaster of
New Albany, Indiana. ,

of The Kentucky Inter—Prison Press to someone by mail, please place

ce provided below. Fold vertically and staple one time in the center

vet’s address visible. The Kentucky

also: 5 avg-Beard »'





















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