xt7j0z70zx29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j0z70zx29/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-06-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1996 1996 1996-06-27 2020 true xt7j0z70zx29 section xt7j0z70zx29  







See how UK basket-
ball players fared in

last night’s NBA

Draft. See page 6.




Building lor student body

C enter additions
wzll be welcome

By Chris Padgett
Editor In C bief

and Jay G. Tale
Arsinant Spam Editor


Renovations in UK’s aging Student
Center will brin banking services to
campus, a frien lier facade to food
services and a new place to display
works of art.

According to Assistant Student
Center Director Phillip Latiff, current
construction projects in the Student
Center should be complete for the fall

“The majority of the work that is
now being done should be completed
in time for the first day of fall classes,”
Latiff said.

Perhaps one of the most startling
additions will be the newly redesigned
food court on the second floor of the

Plans call for the UK Food Services

roject to consolidate options and ease mm cm, Km", "If
ong lines.

“We are tryin to update the look m I M ll" (Top) New windows were recently installed in the Student Cen-
of the area. a’hen visitors and ter Great Hall. (Below) David McPherson of the Physical Plant Division rewires part


prospective students come to see the
University, this is what they see,” said
Debra Ross, Axillary Services project
manager for the renovations.

“We want prospective students to
have a good impression,” 5‘1
she said. '

The UK Federal Credit ,
Union will be bringing a 3
new branch to the first floor I
of the Student Center for a .
fall 0 ning. 3

“ he branch will defi- 3
nitel fill a void that was left 3
by t e loss of the check-
cashing service,” said David E
Mead, an undeclared '

According to Mead, the -
lack of a check cashing ser-
vice presented a problem to
him on more than one
occasion when he live on

campus. ‘-
“ t was a real pain not
bein able to cash a check,” .'
Mea said.

In addition to an oppor-
tunity to cash checks, the
credit union will offer similar services
that are available at its main branch on

Export Street.


of the newfimd court.

The credit union will occupy a
space that was formerly apportioned
to the Peale Art Gallery.

The gallery will move to a
- s ace adjacent the Great
all, which fomierly
' housed Student Billing

More space will be avail-
able in the new gallery
location to display more
work of art.
Renovations to the Great
Hall have been ongoing
throu bout the summer.
Win ows were replaced
and the front facade facing
the Administration Lawn
was restored to its original
On a recent visit to the
Student Center, many UK
; students voiced anticipa-
3: tion and support for the
. renovation prOjects.
' John Klein, an accounting
sophomore, plans on
ning a UK Credit Union account.

‘1’" open an account because" the
location will be quite convenient for
me to use.”







j’une 27, 1996

'N (flarrifiedv 11 Features 4
1 Spam 6 Hm'pomt 8



., NEWSIJytes

Four killed in
Park 6in auto accident

Park City, Ky. — A tractor—trailer rig veered
off Interstate 65 and smashed into a police cruiser
and a van that the officers had stopped, killing
four people and injuring three others \Vednesday.

The truck driver apparently was asleep at the
wheel at the time of the accident, said Lt. Mark
Merriman of Kentucky State Police.

The driver was hospitalized along with two
other people.

The dead included Rhonda \Vaite, 38, of
Thompson Station, Tenn., and her two children,
Michael Ledbetter, 9, and Tera Ledbetter, 7, of
Cookeville, Tenn.

Edmonson County Deputy Eric Stafford, 27,
of Brownsville, died in the crash, which occurred
at S a.m. CDT. A second deputy, Keith I'logan,
30, of Brownsville, was in critical condition at
The Medical Center in Bowling Green.

The woman’s husband, Larry Waite, 44, also
was in critical condition at the Bowling Green
hospital. The truck driver, John Jean, 37, of
Louisville, was in fair condition at '11]. Samson
Community Hospital in Glas ow.

The two deputies had pul ed over the family's
van for a traffic stop.


N0 reports on
rumored rapist

Melanie Jackson
Stafl Writer

Not eve one is a friend, says Rebecca
Langston, K police assistant chief. This is
important to keep in mind in light of recent
rumors of a serial rapist.

The UK police say the rumors are just that -
rumors. Langston says UK police have had no
reports of non-aquaintance rapes this year.
Langston says several women have told the UK
police rapes are occurring but not being reported.

angston says re rtin rape benefits everyone.
She does not be ieve tEe rumors of unreported
rapes are substantial.

Langston says if rapes are reported, UK police
will t the information out through flyers.

K police and Lexington police agree. “There
is no serial rapist. Let's do away with all the
rumors and panic,” says Lexington police Sgt.
Mike Roe.

Roe says no two reported rapes appear similar.






2 Thursday, jun: 27, I 996, Kentucky Kernel



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Editor In Chief. ................................................... Chris Padgett

Assistant Editor ............................................... Sheri Phalsaphie
Ofl—Llflt‘ EditorScott Drake
Chief Photographer ................................................. J ames Crisp
ChiefCopy Editor ............................................... Tiffany White
News Editor ....................................................... j ulie Anderson
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Features Editor.. ................................................ Eric 2V1. Zeman
Senior StaflColumnist................................Ashley Shrewsbury
Senior Staff Critic ............................................ Travis Robinson
Assistant Sports Editor .............................................. _ lay G. Tate
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LaShanna Carter .......... Lesli Riggins ............. Darrell Wacker

The Kentutky Kernel is a puhlitation of Kernel Press Inc.
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By Carl Hoekelman
Staff Writer

There were no true coffee
houses in downtown Lexington
or the campus corridor in 1992.
This changed when Common
Grounds was constructed in the
ground floor of a building that
formerly housed a grocery at 343
East High St.

\Vhen owners Bo, Lucia, Moe
and Ron bought the establish-
ment in August of 1995, the cof-
fee shop was already making the
transition from being frequented
b graduate students, profession-
al; and local business owners to

Now Common Grounds
plans to make another change
when it begins offering an exten-
sive wine list, says Ron List, one
of the co-owners.

In addition to house wines, a
wine list of about a dozen other
more expensive wines will be
available for $3 to $5 dollars a
glass, or $18 to $24 dollars a bot-

The prices for the alcoholic
beverages are a dramatic jump in
comparison to the dollar-and—a-



sou HHPAIRICK Klrlclnlfl"

”WING “Avon To A" 0|.” MEN” With the addition of a wine list,
Common Grounds coffee shop will prohibit minors after 6 p.7n.

quarter cups of coffee that have
become a staple to the mostly
under-21 coffeehouse crowd.

To change a formula that
seems to draw so many kids on
Fridays and Saturdays might
raise some eyebrows, but simple
economics explains why things
are changing so much.

In a separate move, owners of
the popular campus hangout also
opted to implement a minimum
admittance age of 18 for peo le
who want to enter the shop a er
6 pm.

“We want to expand our
products and are attempting to
attract an older crowd,” List said.

Before today’s change , estab-
lishment owners had a problem
with kids entering and occupying
a table for hours.

List explained that the owners

put everything into the shop and
find it quite frustrating to be
taken advantage of.

Because Common Grounds
will continue to serve cakes,
croissants, muffins and other
bakery products, it is not
required by law to restrict ado-
lescents from the premesis, but
the decision was made to curb
the number of “campers.”

Parking has also been a minor
problem, evidenced by a warning
at the doors stating that the adja-
cent lots will tow your car. List
isn’t too concerned about the

roblem with available parking
by the High-on-Rose building.

But the owners are confident
that they can make the change.

“It’ll work —- it’s what needs
to be done,” List said. “It will
appeal to more people.”


Travis Robinson
Senior Stafl Critic

The summer music scene gets
a push this weekend as Lynagh’s
hosts two acts that are sure to
keep even the most picky music
lovers tapping their toes.

Alejandro Escovedo is an
Austin, Texas native who has
been compared to Townes Van
Zandt, Tom Waits and Leonard
Cohen. With These Hand: is his
most recent release and spans a
wide range of musical styles ven-
turi from the grungy aoundin
“Litte Bottles” to the soulfu
country sound of “Nickel and a
Spoon with guest Willie Nel—

Escovedo also takes full
advantage of a variety of instru-
ments incorporating string
arrangements on “Slip” and “Put
It Down”, sparse piano and
acoustic guitar work on “Tired
Skin” and a wildly rcuaaivc
beat on the title track ighli ht-
ing the work of none other t an

comes to

Escovedo's niece Sheila B. (so
that’s what the E. stands for!) and
brother Pete, who has worked
with Santana on various projects.

It is hard to imagine Escovedo
as a punk but that is just how he
started out in the early seventies
when he formed The Nuns.
Eventually they would become
one of San Francisco’s most leg-
endary punk bands opening for
the Sex Pistols final gig at Win-

Escovedo would later move
back to Texas—and form the high-
Kinfiuential -punk band,

ank and File after which he
formed the band True Believers

with his brother Javier. They

went on to become a legendary
live band and recorded two
albums on the EM] label.

A disappointing break-up of
the Believers led to a move to
Austin where Escovedo went on
to rform with his own
“orcffeestra” that might number
from six to thirteen pieces on any
given night.


With such a wide range of
styles, it’s hard to imagine what
tricks Escovedo will pull out of
his bag for Saturday night’s show,
but it is sure to get a rockin' start
when the show opens with the
Philadelphia band Go To Blazes.

Reminiscent of the Jayhawks
and Uncle Tupelo, Go To Blazes
is a fiery foursome with a coun-
try twang and crunchy guitar

u’aiting Around For the Crash,
the bands most recent release on
the East Side Digital label, shows
the many faces of Go ’12) Blazes
as it soars from hard-edged
country blues on “New Morning
Sun” and “Talk About Me” to
lilting mandolin and acoustic
work on son such as " hoid
Ma " and " eddy Got Rol ed”.

cad down to Lynaghs on
Saturday night for a show that
will please as much for it’s musi-
cal varie as it will your pocket
book. A mission is $5 at the
door, and the show stars around
10 pm.
















Kentucky Knml, Thursday, yum 27, 1996 3




By Julie Anderson
Nettxt Editor


The Athletic Department and
the Margaret I. King Library
have met on common ground——

The Highbridge Springs
Water Company, located 15
miles west of Lexington. serves
two functions for UK: it is a
major underground storehouse
for the M.I.K. Library and it is
the water source for UK Swish
water jugs

VVith the library’s information
overload and the rise of bottled
water drinkers, UK has become a
major account for Highbridge
Springs Water.

“UK began storing things out
there when we ran out of space
on campus. It was an inexpensive
alternative to constructing space
on campus. .foremost its safe
and secure,” said Paul Willis,
M.I.K. Library Director.

100 feet underground in a 32
acre abandoned limestone quar-
ry, Highbridge Springs 15 ideally
situated as a stora e center. The
cave- -like atmosphere provides
year-round climate control for
storing documents, x— rays, and
ma etic files. Air control is sta-
bilized by a house- sized humidi-
fier that regulates about 9 acres
under ound.

e atmosphere in here

1111111 to 11111., ‘


1111 111113???

keeps the boxes perfect. It’s not
too dry,” said Greg Breeding,
Highbridge. Plant Manager.

In the winter three acres fill
with R.V.s and boats. Oddities
such as Fayette Mall’s Christmas
decorations and Lexmark print-
ers are nestled on shelving.

The quarry is also marked
earthquake proof: “they’ve done
geological studies that show cav-
ities in the earth move with the
earth. Where you get the dam-
age is the spot where the shock
rises to the surface,” said Loren
Lang, off-site Vault Librarian.

When the’ cave was first
acquired by the present owner in
1978, the Griffin family, it was
considered an undesirable piece
of property—a place where
motorcycle gangs and ruffians


. D- D .D. D... U... DD.UDIDU.D'D'D'---.'.'-.'..'-'-".


hung out.

Bill Griffin and his 5 daugh—
ters cleaned out the cave to pre-
pare it for mushroom farming
and storage.‘

Cleaning out the cave, Griffin
had to battle a stream of water
which flowed from a limestone
cave in one comer of the quarry.

He conquered it by bottling

Griffin later relabeled the
spring water as drinking water,
sending it through a stringent
cleansing process— reverse

Several years ago, UK joined
Highbridge in an agreement
with the athletic department:
UK uses the water and High—
bridge uses the VVild Cat







Mu Cris. Karel rufl'

am ”I.“ Aaron Bruner (above) watches over the bottling operation
at Highbridge. Stark: of files (top left) waiting for a reader.





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 4 Tburxdqy, jun: 27, I996, Kentucky Kernel

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liostulara’s Sflllllll a groovy lllBIlll

New keyboard player adds kick

By Jon Fitzpatrick
Staff Writer

In many ways, the local band
Rostulara can be compared to a
little lost puppy without a home.

The VVilmore based band
which has recently released it’s

Lara,” pays tribute to a wide
variety of musicians from the
505,605 and 805 including: The
Who, U2, The Beatles, Sting,
Alex Chilton, the Zombies and
even Elvis Presley.

“I think a word that definitely
describes the band IS anomaly,”

own self—titled CD, “Rose To sastohn Fitch, lead vocalist for


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While Fitch credits Bob and
Ziggy Marley as personal inspi-
rations, the name’s resemblance
to ‘rasta’ is only coincidence.

The name Rostulara actually
was an idea of John’s brother
Nate, the drummer. Fitch
explains that Rostulara was the
name of a poem written by the
14th century Italian poet, Petrar-

The three founding members,
John Fitch, Nate Fitch and Rob
Rainwater, originally began play-
ing music when they were 15
years old.

After high school, the band
(not yet Rostulara) split up and

only played sporadically.

Fitch met the future bass
player, Bud Ratliff, while attend-
ing Asbury College. In 1993,
Fitch introduced Ratliff to his
brother Nate and Rainwater.
Ever since, Rostulara has been
playing strong in the Kentucky,
Ohio, Tennessee and Indiana

Rostulara enjoys playing local
gigs. They played at the First
Annual Churchill Downs Music
Fest on Monday with the Blue-
berries and will play at Jefferson
Davis Inn tonight.

John Fitch also says that the
addition of new keyboard player
Charles Ellis has allowed the

music to expand and mature.

“Our guitar player Rob used
to be playing literally two or
three parts at a time,” Fitch said.
“Charles has allowed Rob’s parts
to stand out and become signa-
ture components of our music.”

In many ways, Ellis can be
seen as a saving grace. According
to Fitch, “Charles really helped
the band remain lighthearted.
He was the spark we needed to
keep doing what we’ve been
doing. He was a kick in the pants
and a kiss on the cheek.”

One thing can be said about
Rostulara: they are a team. Most
of the guys are friends on and off
the stage which adds to the secu-
rity of their music. Rocking new
keyboard player Charles Ellis in
tow, it appears Rostulara has no
place to go but up.


Schwarzenegger “BI‘flSGS” competition

By Ann Boden

If you are looking for action,
look no further. Arnold
Schwarzenegger rampages into
movie theaters once again.

Schwarzenegger and Vanessa
Williams star in the new Warner
Brothers movie “Eraser” which
started in theaters last FridayUS

Schwarzene r pla
Marshall John finger, t eEras—
er. Kruger’sjob 15 to rotect spe-
cific people in the ederal wit-
ness protection program. He
steps in when a witness is discov-
ered and gets into serious trou-

He ‘erases’ the witness from
existence by changing their iden-
tity and hiding them somewhere
that they will not be found, and
he always works alone.

Williams plays Lee Cullen,
the first honest witness Kruger
protects. She works
for a major defense

company called
Cyrez makes

weapons that sell to
the highest bidder,
no matter who the
bidders are.

These weapons
are not the kind of
weapons that the
National Rifle Asso—
ciation would want
gun control advo-
cates to see. But some
movie-goers may
want to add them to
their own collection.

Cullen gets caught
in the middle 0 a

major government scandal


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involving a senator, some dirty
FBI agents and illegally manu-
factured guns. Even-
tually, she needs
Kruger’s help.

This movie, unlike
some action movies,
has a good plot as
well as good action.
Williams and
Schwarzenneger were
an excellent pair for
this adventure.

I really enjoyed this
mov1e and was not
bored at any time.
Following some of
the more intense
scenes, which come
one after another, it
was hard to catch my
breath. ”Eraser”
packs a punch that
everyone should get hit with.










By James Ritchie
Senior Staff Writer

Fuel up the Winnebago and
spray on the insect repellent; it’s
camping season once again.

Kentucky offers a variety of
opportunities to forsake the
comforts of the modern home
for a chance to bond with Moth—
er Nature.

Red River Gorge Geological
Area in the Daniel Boone
National Forest, in Stanton, Ky.,
is the most popular campsite area
among UK students, said Oliver
Bingcang, a sociology senior
who works at the UK Outing

“There should be a little
something for everyone (at Red
River Gorge),” Bingcang said.
The site has a large number of
trails for hiking or camping, but
they are somewhat primitive.

A network of trails form the
Red River Gorge National

Recreational Trail, allowing hik-
ers to travel longer distances.

dam cm Kurd my
Cling "If THIS Sociology

Senior Oliver Bin rang brushes
down a tent at Ulg Outing Center:





JAMES CRISP Kernels-ruff

If” “WEB HINGE Tbe gorge i: a popluar site for bikers and campers.

Visit it and the many trails in the area during your spare time.

Some trails lead to unique geo-
logical sites including arches and
rock formations.

Lake Cumberland State
Resort Park offers a friendlier
environment for less-rugged

The park provides many luxu—
ries, like rental cottages, a golf
course and an indoor pool com-

lex with an exercise room and a
ct tub.

“With all of its creature com-
forts, the park is still able to
retain a large wildlife population
that includes deer and raccoons.
The lake offers unlimited boat-
iryg and fishing. The marina
o ers a variety of boats to rent.

Bingcang said Lake Cumber-
land is second to Red River
Gorge in popularity among UK
students,“The hiking’s a little bit

less strenuous.”

Anyone can enjoy Natural
Bridge State Resort Park in
Slade, Ky., near Red River
Gorge. Visitors can reach the 78-
foot long, 65-foot high natural
sandstone arch by hiking one of
the numerous trails (18 miles in
all), or by taking the sky lift.

The 1,900 acre park offers

sites with utilities, as well as ten-
nis courts and a pool. Bingcang
said many UK students visit Nat-
ural Bridge.

UK students can rent tents,
sleeping bags and other neces-
sary camping equipment at the
UK Outing Center.

Tents are the most expensive
items, prices ranging from $12-
SZl for a weekend, depending on
size. Tents can be rented for
longer periods at lower rates.
Equipment reservations are on a
first-come, first—serve basis.

The Outing Center also pro-
vides information on Kentucky’s
parks and historic site.

For more information call:

VThe UK Outing Center

VRed River Gorge Geologi—
cal Area (606) 663-2214

VNatural Bridge State Resort
Park (606) 663—22 14

VLake Cumberland State
Resort Park (502) 343—3111

VCumberland Cove (606)

VGeneral information, Ken-
tucky State Parks l~800—255-


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The Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Defenses

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: Name: Larry Bernard Wcinstcin Norrie: Shelly Curran-Hansen
Prop-n: Business Administration 1 . Program: Clinical Psychology

D'autatioa me; Decision W (or yr “W f; Dissertatioa Title: Mttltidimstonal Match oi
oi Maintalattcc Activities with Front End Production ' "

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”3'“ My 8- "’96 ‘f; Date: July 12. 1996
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,...4........ -wm«..~.,..._.-m. _ _ n“ _ a... W..w.n~w ., ”4...,

8 Thursdayflne 27, I 996, Kentucky Kernel Kentucb' Kernel, Tburrday,]une 27, 1996 7 i


some Web, and disqovo Ex-cats Walker, Delk, McCarty land in comfortable spots
UK Federal credit UmOn! taé Jones, whom the Knicks took with the 2 lst pick.


—- that was the team he was hoping he’d be drafted by,”
Pitino said. “In speaking with (Hornets’ coach) Dave
Cowens, he wanted someone who could pro—
vide defensive pressure at the point posi- -
And Pitino reiterated that Delk can play
the point guard slot in the NBA.
“He reminds me a little of Mookie Blay—
lock,” Pitino said, adding that “I +4
think Kenny Anderson now will
not be re-signed by the Charlotte
Though McCarty dropped to the
19th pick overall, he might’ve
wound up in the best position of all.
By landing with the Knicks, McCarty
assured himself of being brought along
slowly behind starters Charles Oakley and
Anthony Mason. ‘, _ a,
In addition, McCarty will pair with a pair of ”p
talented New York rookies —John Wallace, who
was taken one spot ahead of McCarty, and Don-

for TNT’s draft broadcast. “The Celtics got themselves
a great potential player.”
Despite his choice of a light green suit, Walker insist-
Continental Airlines arena will always have special ed he was in the dark until the moment NBA Commis-
significance for Antoine Walker, Walter McCarty and sioner David Stern called his name.
Tony Delk ~— after all, the three former UK stars ended “I guess I made the right decision, but I didn’t have
their careers there with the 1996 - any idea I was going to the Celtics,”
national championship. Walker said. “I’m happy with them pick-
Last night, it served as the site of ing me.”

a new beginning for all three. The 19—year-old Walker shushed the
And though where they've been notion that after playing just 23 minutes
was spectacular, where each per game at UK, he might not be physi—
ended up might be even better. cally ready for 48 minutes of NBA action.
Walker (Boston), Delk (Char- “It’s hard to play 30 minutes in our system
‘ lotte) and McCar (New York) -— 23 minutes is a long time...,” Walker
landed in spots t at might be said. “It’s goin to be a big adjustment for
me going to t e NBA, but I’m confident

in making that adjustment.”

Ten picks later, Delk became a Charlotte Hornet.
Though Walker’s early selection was expected, Delk was
taken earlier than many experts had projected.

“Tony Delk wanted to go to the Charlotte Hornets

By Brett Dawson
Spam Editor “He’s a legit 6-10, he gives them what they need
from the perimeter — he can make the three-point shot
(and ) the midrange shot,” Pitino said.

The questions surrounding McCarty, as always, cen-
ter around his weight, but Pitino said the competition
McCarty will see in New York will improve his skills.

“I used to tell him when he got hit, God forbid some—
day you get hit by (Patrick) Ewing, Mason or ()ak-
ley,” Pitino said. “He's now oing to find out. He’s
never going to forgive me or that statement."
McCarty’s outgoing personality should play well
in New York — shortly after being drafted, he
,. broke into singing Boyz II Men’s “Thank You" on
I TNT — as should his pro—style game.
“Everything we do at Kentucky, they do in the
pros,” McCarty said. “It really prepared us well.”
Though center Mark Po e had not been drafted at
press time, UK became tlie first team to have three
players taken in the first round since 1992.
“Now you know,” Pitino said, “why we won the
national championship.”







perfect fits.

The Cat with the shortest UK career also had the
shortest wait to be drafted. The Boston Celtics made
Walker the sixth pick overall.

“I think he was putting on green for the color of
money,” said UK coach Rick Pitino, a television analyst








Tight entl Spencer hoping ESPN takes on senior
to make name too himsell 0" a tI‘III t0 X-Games


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By Brett Dawson To further that experience, r-UK ————————————————— U—K1
SomEditor R b. , j l. i 7
By Brett Dawson become recognizable. ball that normally, if the p hfs (13:2): Giftignse’tirggflgi —WlTH THlS COUPON—
SPWI 1‘34“" “I think Tim and I make a receiver doesn’t catch it, Ryan Robinson is taking mer work. Last summer, the

Chad Spencer has a head
start in making a name for

The 6-foot-2, 220-pound
Spencer, a freshman tight-end-
to-be at UK this fall, became
known last week as the gu
who’ll room in college with
Tim Couch.

Before that, he was known
as the half-brother of former
VVildcat linebacker Donté Key.
Like Key, Spencer was a stand-
out at Franklin—Simpson High
School in Franklin, Ky.

If Spencer has many perfor-
mances at UK like the one he
had in the Kentucky All-Stars’
10-0 win over Tennessee last
Friday, though, he won’t need
anyone else to help him

pretty good combination,”
Spencer said after catching
three of Couch’s passes for 51
yards and the game’s only
touchdown. “Hopefully that
goes on for about the next four

That connection first
formed off the field, when
Spencer and Couch met on an
unofficial visit to UK during
their junior years.

“He’s probably one of my
best friends,” Couch said of
Spencer. “ We just have a good
time hanging out and talking.”

Spencer had high praise for
Couch the person —— calling
him “just about the easiest guy
in t