xt7j0z70zt9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j0z70zt9r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1975 1975 1975-12-03 2020 true xt7j0z70zt9r section xt7j0z70zt9r KENTUCKY

an independent student newspaper M:


Vol LXVII No. 85
Wednesday December 3,1975

1 Dana: Pic we as
University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky


GSA' Students pass resolution to continue meetings:

senators say future of assembly in doubt

Assistant Managing Editor

()ne result of Tuesday night's General Student
Assembly (GSA) meeting may be a renewed
effort to eliminate the GSA. said Jim Harralson.
Student Government (SG) president and GSA

“There may be a stronger move to delete (the
GSA from the constitution). I felt a few more
senators were dissatisfied," Harralson said
after the meeting in the Student Center

This was the second GSA meeting this
semester. The first. held on Nov. 11. drew
criticism tor apparently being stacked when only
about 45 people attended, 30 of whom were
friends of SG Vice President Glenn Stith. About
140 students attended last night‘s meeting.

Marion Wade. Arts and Sciences senator. and
sponsor of a Student Senate bill to kill the GSA,
said when the meeting was over. he felt he was
right for trying to abolish the GSA. Wade‘s




In Taylor investigation

The trial date for three suspects in
the alleged kidnap—murder of Luron
Eugene Taylor has been set for Jan. 19
in Fayette County Quarterly Court.

'l'aylor. allegedly kidnaped from his
Lexington apartment ()ct. ti. was found
dead 10 days later. floating in the Ohio

('harged with the kidnaping and
murder are Elmore Stephens, 23, who
has been released from jail on $50000


Suspects' trial set for Jan. l9

bond. John Bishop. 22. and Robert
Channels. 22. of Lexington.

Stephens was an All-American tight
end on the 1974 I'K football team.
Bishop is a former Wildcat team

Bishop and Channels are still held on
$50000 bond. 'l‘heir attorney. Henry
Hughes. said, “I'm trying to secure
release of Bishop and Channels but I
don‘t know when I'll get it.“



Council undecided on parking
for lexington Civic Center

Kernel Staff Writer

'l‘hree sets of parking proposals for the
Lexington t'enter were submitted to the
Lexington l'rban (‘ounty Council Tuesday
in a sometimes stormy three-hour public

\\ hen the clouds cleared the council still
had not settled on a specific plan. although
it did commit itself to providing at least
1.2m parking spaces in the South Hill area
across High Street lrom the center.

The proposal which appeared to have the
most support at least from the packed
spectator section was lourth district
t‘ourx-ilwoman Pam Miller's plan for a
multi-level parking structure on land
already acquired and mostly cleared by
the Lexington (‘enter Corporation (LCC).

()ther pmposals were offered by Mayor
Foster Pettit and R.W. Booker and
Associates. a planning firm hired by LCC
to study the civic center's parking
situation around the center.

Ltt‘ Director Tom Minter said the
Booker study indicated a minimum of 2.600
parking spaces were needed to handle the
center's parking needs.

Although none of the plans were ap
proved. the council under pressure from
developers of the hotel which is to ac-
company the center~ passed a resolution

which committed Lexington to providing
at least 1.200 spaces somewhere within the
area bounded by High. Broadway. I’at-
terson and Maxwell Streets. At least 800 of
these spam-s must be located in the north
half of the area nearest the center. The
parking area must also include frontage on
High Street comprising at least oneiiall' of
the length between Broadway and Pat-
terson Streets.

The council passed the resolution in
order to assure developers of the Hyatt
House Hotel and shopping mall included in
the Lexington (‘enter plans that adequate
parking would be available in the area.
The developers informed the council
through a letter to Mayor Pettit that
“financing committments for the hotel are
contingent upon satisfactory resolution of
the parking question."

l'nder Miller‘s plan. a parking structure
would be built on land surrounding Spring
Street from High to Maxwell Streets. The
structure would be two levels on the civic
center end and one level «above surface)
on the Maxwell Street end.

The plan would provide 2.228 spaces at a
cost of $6.76 million. If necessary. one level
could be added to each end. providing a
total of 3.128 spaces for $8.76 million.

Continued on page 8


i 4".

Who's dat?

amendment failed to get the Student Senate's

Hall Haering. senator—at-large and former
proponent of the GSA. said, “I think we should
take another look at the GSA.“ He said he felt
some groups looked foolish in the meeting “I
think it (GSAs future) is hurting the senate,’ ‘he

Ironically. those participating in the GSA
voted to "condemn any effort to delete it (GSA)
from its constitutional place." The resolution,
which passed 96 to 30, called the GSA a “viable
way for the general student to express his or her

Harralson said he did not favor the end of the
GSA because it is an opportunity for individuals
to express their concerns.

"I would like to see every interested student
have an opportunity to speak." Harralson said.
“The more people (attending) the more
credible," the GSA will be.

Continued on page 8

“it! two horses on Castleton Farm. located on
Ironworks Pike. appear to be checking out an
intruding photographer Tuesday afternoon.
After deciding the photographer was harmless.
they went back to enjoying a sunny day.




Room!“ Journalism milding. Ttieystmldbetymmuewmsigm.


Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges


Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor




The $10,000 loss, which the
Student Center Board (SCB)
Concert Committee suffered as a
re5ult of the Nov. 21 New Riders of
the Purple Sage-Vassar Clements




concert, is a classic example of FM

l programming for what is largely

an AM campus.

We appreciate the committee’s
efforts at scheduling ”quality”
music, but it should remember that
scheduling should be done with the
campus in mind, rather than the
committee members’ opinions.

Committee Co-Chairperson
David Puckett said he felt the
concert was a partial success
because of the “quality of the
music and the favorable crowd
reaction ('Concert Committee
rocks on despite losses, problems,‘
Kernel, Dec. 21.”

How anyone can consider a
$10,000 loss a success on any terms
is a mystery. Still, Puckett, in his
divine oblivion, said he considers
breaking even financially ”second
only to presenting good music.”

The money Puckett and other
committee members so blithely
spent is not the Concert Com-
mittee’s personal expense account.
It is money which has accumulated
over the years from the proceeds of

‘ past concerts. The committee has
; total control over the money, which
l is good. But with SUCh control
comesa responsibilityto please the
campus, not iust the committee.

We realize committee members

; labor under tremendous restric-
’ tions. They can’t use the Memorial
‘ Coliseum whenever they want

Concert loss shows
poor programming

because of athletic events. They
engagefew outside promoters in an
effort to keep ticket prices low for
students and a lot of groups work
only through outside promoters.
The coliseum is the wrong size for
many groups and the facilities—
stage and acoustics—are terrible.

And we appreciate the com-
mittee’s efforts to schedule
"quality” music. After all,
everyone is tired of Three Dog
Night. But Three Dog Night and


New Riders of the Purple Sage are
a long way apart in appeal and it is
hardto believethecommitteecan’t .
find a reasonable compromise, }
even with the restrictions.

On the whole, this semester’s
concerts have been fine. The
Doobie Brothers, Linda Ronstadt
and Ramsey Lewis-Chick Corea 1
concerts represent a reasonable ‘
mix and if they weren’t all
financially successes, at least they
more or less broke even.

But the $10,000 loss on the last
concertwill hurt future UK concert
programing. With the low ticket
prices the committee charges,
$10,000 is a lot easier to lose than it y
is to build up. Since the committee 1
apparently has problems j
estimating what kinds of concerts ;
will sell on this campus, it should 1
devise a system to measure
students’ opinions.

CoChairpersons Ann Hulbert
and Puckett both said they would
welcome student input. Well, to the i
tune of $10,000 the committee '
members can’t afford to wait for (
students to come to them. I


Alpha brothers shared

their time and selves


Alpha Phi Alpha

We, the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity, entered the Chi Omega song-
test because we were willing to give more
than a donation of money, but sharing our
time as well as our selves to support what
was felt to be a worthwhile cause.

We knew of the awards for the best
performance and made plans to do all
within our power to win, anticipating
iustness and due accuracy in judgement.

There have been many questions asked
the brothers of alpha concerning the
songfest, like what happened; how did you
lose; and why didn't you win something.
When the brothers couldn’t divulge an
answer, some people, puzzled in thought,
went as far as to try answering their own
question in diverse befunded ways. But,
yet ending their conversations with:
"Without a doubt, you all were great,“ and
opinionatedly stating their expectations of
us being winners.

Unlike the rumor, we’re not crying
discrimination, but it’s a good thought, for


we noticed the two black representing
judges on the panel.

We knew the people were to be pleased,
but the score sheets decided the winners
(not the iudges). And, in this case, we felt
if our scores ranged from good to excellent
on audition night, with the few mistakes
made, the Wednesday night performance
(the finals) would be by and large more

Well, evidently our rational didn’t hold
because it was said that some of those
qualities that supported our high scores for
audition suddenly became detrimental on
that finals evening.

It’s not that we can’t bear losing, but it
was even stated in a Kernel article (Nov.
13, ”Singing for charity...”) that Sigma
Chi was a very weak second.”

it’s funny how the audience response
and inquiry questions whether one of the
winners was really a winner at all. The
brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.

This comment was submitted by the
brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.



Maintains the mind

A M radio mirrors
today ’8 America

With all due respect to Robert Pirsig
(author of ”Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance”), riding a motorcycle is not
always the best way to make a trek over
several hundred miles of road, whether it’s
on l»64 or county route 1362. This is
especially true when it’s 32 degrees out
and you need to make ab0ut 450 miles in
under six hours so that you can meet your
ride for the next 300 clicks of the trip. This
is absolute truth when y0u’re in the middle
of the West Virginia mountains, for
example, and the moths break instead of
go splat when they hit y0ur windshield.
Give me the comforts of a heater and a
styrofoam cup of coffee any time under
those conditions.





But at the same time, the assets of the
automobile are limited even under the
most favorable of conditions when the
reason for being in one in the first place is
to transfer your body several hundred
miles with no time for leisure stops, shady
picnics or cruises d0wn country lanes.
Under those conditions, driving (when
alone and even if not) can become
drudgery and the art of living may be
distorted into a quest for survival against
speed~trapping cops, trashing the car with
munchie wrappers, nodding off and chain-

The most difficult battle of such an
arduous adventure is to not let the mind
totally wander off into the nooks and
crannies of days to come, days gone by and
days of future passed. In so doing—and it’s
eaSy to do on a long trip—the driver
becomes a creature of the future and a
prisoner of the past——a multi-hundred mile
daydream is created. This dream may not
be so badmreflection is good for the soul,
but a whole day of it is not, necessarily.

Living in the present is hard to come by
on these auto odysseys. Without a rider or
with a boring one, iustabout the only ways
to stay with the present are to look at the
scenery and to listen to the AM radio.

”The radio!” you say. ”All radio is
garbage!” you may exclaim. ”All radio is
bullshit!" you may mutter.

Ah, radio, l reply. Radio, the medium
that comes closest to being the least
distorted mirror of America that exists
in communications today. Not necessarily
from its quality, nor from its quantity, but
from its sheer accessibility, radio reflects
what's going on in more fields, in more
ways and from more locations and
viewpoints than does any other means of
passing on information and entertainment
in this country.

Radio is the medium-mode of mainte-
nance of'our minds that is mass-produced
more cheaply per purveyor than any of the
other media. And the cheapness of its

reception makes it available to literally
everyone. Ol’ Buford Earl Crumpler down
in Belle Buckle, Tenn., can tune in any
time he wants and find out what's
happening in Atlanta or Chicago, New
Orleans or New York, Nashville or Boston,
and from a local point of view. Mrs. Judy
Beasley, a housewifefrom Springfield, ”L,
can catch the Grand Ole Opry every week
even though she may never get down to
Music City to hear it. Henry Williams, a
crime reporter in Asheville, NC, can give
ita little effort and check Out Birmingham
tO see if that city is still maintaining .i’s
number one murder rate right in the
middle of Wallace iaw’n‘order country.
Anyone can get into the heads of several
million teenagers at once by listening to
Top 20. (Feurhundred miles equals ab0ut
nine renditions of ”Bad Blood” during a
typically heavy musical drive.)

However, only a small percentage of the
stations spew Out a stream of foottapping,
rhythm-laden tunes all the time.

There’s also news with a local outlook on
the AM; continually updated national
news reports; the talk shows, c0mplete
with plenty of nuts and fruits if you listen
late enough; interviews with personalities
of all sorts.

But naturally, you really have to work to
get the full eniOyment of radio. The key to
it all is to get your trigger finger—the
index on the right hand—finely tuned into
those five buttons in the dash. Next comes
the perfection of a well-honed wrist so that
maximum station coverage can come with
the least effort. And a keen ear is a must.
\Mthout it, you can miss the Opening bars
of ”Orange Blossom Special” from some
500 kilowatt spit-and-bandaids station out
in Bugtussle (pop. 2,500), or you may not
catch the crowd noise in between com-
ments during a Bullets-Knicks game.

It may be said, even if tritely, that radio
best measures the pulse of the nation as a
matter of its format, it nothing else. The
pulse may be filled with nastiness or it
may be uplifting, but fiercely competitive
radio is the medium most open to change
to get Today to us in the most contempo‘
rary fashion.

lt‘s notall good, of course. Compare TV
and most newspapers toit, however, and it
doesn’tcome Outall thatbad. And if y0u’re
driving thr0ugh Pittsburgh or St. LOuis or
Chillicothe, Ohio, and you iust don’t have
the time to get out and make friends with
someone there, the ol’ local AM station is
the next best friend you can make with the
least effort in the quickest amount of time.
It‘s an education about a specific place
that’s cheap at any price.

Notwithstanding the recent social
phenomenon of the CB radio, the AM band
still provides the greatest-diversity on the
road or in the living room.

And y0u don’t even have to buy an
eight—foot antenna for it. either.


lick Downey is a hopelessly ambitious
writer who is currently disguised as a UK
law student. He has had some experience
in the Real Worlds of iournalism and
disaster-area insurance adjusting. His
column appears weekly in the Kernel.


-’; ”M‘s...”

w' .

Casi'hw-h.” Aw,-








I is



-~ an.»

I a“.



Interfuture participants study
"on location" oversea!

Kernel Staff Writer

The Netherlands may seem a
long distance to travel to study

But agriculture junior Donna
Fynsk will spend most of the next
nine months abroad. exploring
the effects of the nitrogen fer—
tilizer shortage on the
Netherlands and Ghana.

Fynsk is the third ITK student
and the first agriculture major to
participate in the nation-wide
program lnterfuture i II”. II“ is a
14-month program which in-
cludes independent reading, sev-
eral conferences and seven
months “on location“ overseas.


agriculture junior.
participates in the

lntertuturc program.

which emphasizes a
erosswultural approach

to world problems.

(‘oordmated at [K through the
IliIit'f‘ Inr‘
l'rogmms =01!" . 11:") Bradley
Hall. [F Hitters young men and
women the chance to create their
own studies or global in«
terdisciplinary issues." ac»
cording to the “073%; IF


iros )ectus. The in) Iram. which

is open to any undergraduate.
aims at "Iinding the tools.
materials and tests by which we
may live with ourselves. each
other and the planet."

"With the demands for food
prrxluction. more efficient fer-
tilizers are needed." Fynsk said.
“Without them the world cannot
be ted.“ Because of the natural
gas shortage. new raw materials
are nceded to produce nitrogen. a
main nutrient in fertilizers. she

It’s no
bed of

roses 0 O O

ROTC. The more
you learn, the
better it looks.


Not everyone can pass all the ROTC
courses offered. Theres a lot of work

involved, but the payoff is great. Just
joining ROTC is an accomplishment
in itself. Learn more about Army



IF emphasizes a cross-cultural
approach to world problems. so
Fynsk will spend three months in
the Netherlands. a developed
western European country. and
three more in Ghana. a
developing country.

“The studies will be com—
parative. so my knowledge can
be used in any country." she said.
Fynsk. a Delaware native. would
like to work abroad when she
completes her planned doctorate
in soil sciences.

She will leave for New York in
early January to join nine other
IF participants for a two—week
intensive Dutch language
workshop. By February she will

be working in the Netherlands on
her terblizer project. which has
been revised monthly since the
program began last June. Ac
commodations have been
arranged with a Dutch family
and later in an independent
student complex.

Academic credit for IF will be
arranged through Fynsk‘s {'K
adviser. Dr WW. Frye. and the
[K Hffice tor Experiential

"The experience will be in.
\aluable because IF participants
learn skills and methodology that
most undergraduates have no
opportunity to learn." said
Roberta Erena. HIP Study
Abroad adyiser. ”The program is
individualized and intensified
like no other study abroad




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