xt7j0z70zt4t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j0z70zt4t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1971 1971 1971-11-08 2020 true xt7j0z70zt4t section xt7j0z70zt4t \ , . ,

t . . t . Beth Steel, legislature are targets - a

By GEORGE E. GIBSON Pa. to the Bethlehem Steel (70. fight for the April Bethlehem Steel the people who run the state. All they . ' I" .

Kernel Staff Writer Marchers will meet in Nazareth on stockholders’ meeting in Wilmington. care about is the almighty dollar. We‘ve , ' “ ‘

December 23. Del. The PCCA will ask Bethlehem mt to iut these ieoile in a osition ‘ '. ‘ .

Bethlehem Steel and the Kentucky } The PCCA will hold a three-day shareholders to let strip—mining 2where 1“le have tolioglood. P ‘ j '
General Assembly are lined up forth” 0t, “Be-In" at the January Opening of opponents represent them at the “The whole business of action to build ‘ , ' _' . '~ ‘

. action .“0’.” the Plke County Citizens the Kentucky General Assembly. stockholders‘ meeting. (”gum/11W)” SCUM t” ”W t“ ht‘ tht’ kc) ' ‘.
Association (PCCAl and oth‘fr PflOF t0 tht‘ ASSthTY’S convening Change through action Broad l-‘orm Deeds and reclamation I '
anti-strip-mining groups in the Kentuc y the PCCA will contact Assembly Tom Ramsey. Temporary Kentucky projects were also attacked by :\L‘ll()ll " i' -
area. members and urge them to vote to Organization (TKO) member. said (‘onl‘erence speakers. . flu ."

At Saturday’s “Action Conference to ban strip-mining. through action and organization changes “The Broad l’orni Deed has got to go.” ,- ' " ‘
Ban Strip-Mining” in the Student Center V April 15 Will be “Tax Coal Day.” would come. He said informing the public said Joe Begley. representative ol the ' . t
a four-point program was formulated The PCCA Will 35k to“! 10 percent of the issues wasn‘t enough and that ('iti/cn‘s League to Protect Surface I
zeroing in on Bethlehem and the General tax on the sale price Of 1111 minerals things wouldn‘t pull themselves together Rights. Beglcy said through the use of .
Assembly: mined in Kentucky. The current witlmuthelp. Broad Form Deeds people literally sold f;

Plans proposal involves taxing only coal on “There are people in this world who everything they had for 10 to 50 cents an i ~ : '.
) Plans were finalized for the a mining cost per ton basis. simply don’t give a damn." Ramsey said. acre. fl ‘=_

Christmas Eve march from Nazareth, V The PCCA is organizing a proxy “like the people who run Bethlehem. or (‘ontinued on Page 2. (701.5 ’r

A&S t0 publ' h T '
Kernel Staff Writer -

Tomorrow the College of Arts and Sciences is going to '. ‘. 3
tell you the things you really want to know. > , ' ' .

Tuesday a tabloid entitled “Special Academic ’ . "
OPP‘PWmt‘eS at the UmVF’S‘tY 0f Kentl‘Cky WI“ be an independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky ‘ .-
distributed on campus. In it you can see how to test out . .
of general studies classes, how to make up your own . Monday, Nov. 8. 197i LEXINGTON. KENTITCKY 4050b Vol. ani, so. 18 5 a
major, where to go for advanced placement, and much -————————-——————-———————————-—————____.______________.
more. " -

This handy guide to beating the educational rat race is M . l, ‘ ‘
an official compendium of all the little-known UK one Inc to 6 re orm
programs which provide alternative pathways to a ’
degree. The guide was prepared under the auspices of Dr. . f
John Stephenson, dean of undergraduate education. He . . . 0 _ '
said something like this has been needed for a long time. VlSltlng . e ucatOI‘ e lev 6S . u.

“I got the idea about this time a year ago,” he said. , .,

“We ke t havin eo le discover our ro ams and sa 1

‘why dopn’t you gov}; till us these thingzwgthe students}: BY_LINCOLN R LEWTS must be reworked to account for the slower rate ’ 4 ~ :

the faculty, don’t know about special exams. They Assrstant Managing Editor of state funding increases. He suggested better use

haven’t heard of topical majors." The coming years of financial austerity will of existing facilities with cooperation between ’
Compendium provide higher education the opportunity to private and public institutions. 1'" " g

Stephenson said the information in the guide would “facilitate educational reform” Dr. Jerry Miller. “All of the ’70’s are going to be tight. The ;
include who to see about creating your own topical president of the American Association of Higher relative level of faculty salaries is going to drop.
major; descriptions of present topical majors such as Education, said here Friday. One way to fight it will be unionization which will ' _ j '
American studies, urban studies, black studies, Miller, who spoke to UK administrators and probably come,“ Miller said. 7
environmental studies: CLEP and other special exams for guests on financing higher education, said he Discussed voucher plans _. 1 _
testing out of general studies classes; pass-fail Classes; thinks the reduction in the support of higher Miller also discussed proposed financial plans .

. advanced placement; the special A&S 300 courses and education will force colleges to cut outmoded such as the voucher plan which is in modified use » a
much more. programs and decrease size of faculties. in Ohio. He expressed disenchantment with this ' g ‘

“The information is in the course catalog, but there it He said as enrollment increased. faculty will formula, which provides for states allowing each ' . _ .i . _ .
has a dulling effect," Stephenson said. “Hopefully ours have to carry more course hours and increase student a fixed amount of money to attend the . -’
will be more readable.” productivity. institution of his choice while not giving direct , . ‘-

Stephenson said he viewed the guide as an “inventory Ideal class size is not 25 to 30. he said. because support to the schools. '. .
of University resources." The programs and faculty it is too big for a seminar situation and He said he does not believethe plan would truly . : j . .
expertise were already in existence: it was just a matter inefficiently small for a lecture situation. encourage reform 85 its PTOpOhChtS claim. " . - ‘ ‘
of bringing them to the students' attention. Pendulum swing Miller. who is a professor of Higher Education at , . ' '

Stephenson said most Of the credit TOT getting the Miller pointed out the present cutback in the UHIVBTSIty 01 .Michigan. said since 1955 "
information together ShOUld go to administrative funding is a predictablc swing of the pendulum enrollments hill/6 trlplCd to about eight million T, .‘
assistant Lindsay Davis and Associate Dean of Arts and that peaked in the 1950*S and ’60’s. “Such growth students and‘ institutions have increased their if a
Sciences Richard Lowitt. Both have been working on the periods occur from time to time in all institutions. eXpendltures Sixfold. .. . . . . ‘ '; .
guide this semester. Such upswings must end," he said. He said the present financial Situation Is not ‘ .. ' .'

The guide will be mailed to all faculty advisors and P ‘ 1‘ . serious compared to the 30 s when institutions 7..
will be distributed in the residence halls, Student Center. sychological adjustments are felt by had to cut budgets by 35 percent Whllc accepting a .- "
the Office Tower and elsewhere. administrators. faculty, students and public during large increase in students. . . . .

SUCh downward SWTth. he S'dld‘ because lOb Miller is a native Kentuckian and was executive \. . '
Opportunities and salary rate increases 'dfC gone. director of Kentucky's (‘ouncil on Higher Public " . ,V '-
Miller said state higher education master plans Education from 1956 to l958. :‘ -; ,' '-
. o q . a .
America—love it or leaflet i .

J ay W es tb rook teaches “a rt of waging peace ’ ' " ‘

By JERRY W. [jEw'S plant‘s production is geared now to used to see with a high school letter sewn got sent to .Iilll last year after he mailed a V. ' . . . '

Assocrate Editor producing the new 3‘1 lt‘t engine. l5 that 0“ tht‘ Std“. guava bomb casing to his Lexington draft ' l "

The General 5190"” board members correct." the minister asked. Besides the tinusal circumstance of a board. : ' t ,'
sat QUTCtlY as members or several citizen “That‘s right." the president of the General Electric Board with hair as long Indicted on a charge of common law - ‘. i ‘ " I.

BTQUPS were ushered into the room. The board answered. “Well, whatjustification as the citizen‘s groups. it was a bit assault and prosecuted by lexington . " ' .
mid-afternoon sunlight'poured th through do you have for producing this engine." unusual to find the board meeting right prosecutor l5. Lawson ng: Westbrook‘s .l“ 7 -I ’ _
the tall wmdows WhICh enCircled the the minister said. next to the University of Cincinnati‘s case was finally overturned by the court , '
GOtth style room «'15 thC CltlZCh5~ ‘You elected them‘ campus. the band striking up the Judge after the _iury found mm guilty. ‘ _
representing. environmental, welfare and The answer came back swiftly. “You as homecoming half-time show right outside Westbrook was leading tm non-violence - -
clergy organizations sat down at the wide taxpayers elected the officials to office the building. seminar. only one session of a larger .. 5
conference table. who are now paying us to build this Not really a board meeting weekend event on the U(‘ campus called ‘ ' . .
The 155‘” at hand was the corporation‘s engine," the board member said. The The truth of the entire situation is that “Watermelon Weekend" which included ~ . ' '
PTOdUCti0h Of a new Jet engine, designed other board officials nodded in the board meeting was actually an sensitivity sessions. media and ‘
to easily PTOPCI the Th03t modern jet agreement. their long hair falling across excellent example of a role—playing educational sessions with titles such as - ' . h ‘
bomber across the "CC ' paddies 0f their eyes. session in a non-violent trainseminar this “America-Love It Or Leaflet." The " I ' '
Vietnam. After the formal mtYOdUCthHS Across the room. watching every action past Saturday. sessions were all designed around a I l
were made. the young clergyman spoke of the meeting stood a bearded observer. The observer of the action was Jay general heading called “the art of waging ' u
up. . wearing a pair of worn out tennis shoes Westbrook. remembered by many people peace.“ '
“We understand that 50 percent Of ”"5 and 3 blue cardigan sweater. the kind 0'19 in Lexmgton as the person who nearly Continued on Page 2. Col. 1 l 1'

 ' 2 ~ l‘llli kl‘iNl‘l (ZK\ klIRNI’l. \Iulltl.l\, \m. h‘. |tl7l ”___—__—
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I \ 'lf.. t “I” Hi}: \k‘s‘\]l‘!‘,\ 11,- .tI..lt..\l .Ht. lili l H. lttlllI\ .liIl E“??? r \I "i I ’ va_ . II 1’3 .I I .
, , i . . it . .\ [i h‘” .i -i ll irikriii' ttm l‘lllcll about ll.‘ «E V. k»; w ‘ ‘ ’ "g .. ‘ ' EA
. . _, w A n! , ‘ ~ ~ ~ " “‘ > one s s! 4. m _ . . v -~ t 9
' ' . - , in \wyi w .iii's " explained “esthi will v’ ‘t i '5‘» . (g ‘ , ‘i as .. i
“ ‘ ‘ “ “ " i‘ J t't in, ‘~ ’3 " L: » * ”r K. . » .
i \. \-- \1 “R‘l’” ‘ \ -“"' ‘J'i “V“ (iiiei'illa theatre ? .~ g ~ - * I, ' «r : W .I
' ' ' " \‘ ”1" THU \\~ EH” “W“ "i \\cstl\it \'i\ \‘\I;‘iiliil\'\l lll\ gioiip .: ’2’" in . R- r." d" » ’9 I y , Q‘gfi‘ E? 'I"
i i‘ ‘~ ' " t": \“ ’L\l t . i . c I.'" , i. it ' X‘“ ' i
. “H ~ w‘ ‘H1 H 4”“ “ *‘ ill I).i\tui: ll.l\ omit imuiud lIl -‘.. m” '32:, ' . », ‘z . ‘
' , , . , .5. i. . H .,> “ ' . I . I g ‘ilx : i, 5"" ' ‘31 3' i a. t ' in. , .- t ' .
. ,- \ hum «hike- \\\\‘i\lI\ Litatti ziiaiiiall ,5. I \c 1““, . ,- - t *
i .i ‘ ' \\ \‘Sli‘i'\‘«‘t\ 11““ 1” hd.‘ lune hiv'ri'ne as mi There an l \yill " U' a I I ‘ ”tiff-ii? = ' '3" ii";
, . . Uni-A no“ and l\ HtM‘Hu “”1 won he "'lllt'illIH . \llll against I ,,, in: . . _
'l A \l\ other Devt‘lk‘ Hi HUN-““1“” the mail _i\ leer: challenge on the ' ' > . I =.~
I I . I b .3. II .1' I zf it ..,;: If . » ' .. .Y. I: .. '
. ‘ I , d‘inI‘lkIW’lIl ”Milli“; I] “I“ f—‘Wl’l‘ constitutional I tights IoIt I the II‘III . i We #1,»? “K
, a, - is liltlkllklltlLlll but originally “as group It) E‘c‘llitllil and lcatlct the , , IA ,. _ *2?“ “gave N732»
V i i i t l‘JII 0! 1h“ I‘Mllk‘l‘lkiim Friends area. lhe mail has ictitscd to let ‘ II .5 ' is {I QM 4%! .
. . . . Serncc ( ommittee. them peitorm in the area. ~\~. , a“ f . ’ Iii ’ 5-31 $.21 I «‘“i, a} s .
i I ' ~ .‘ As tar as the draft and .lay a It h n u g h a C c H r d i n g to « é M " .i ,1. ' I w VE;‘;=V““~M
. f i Wk‘Slmel‘ go. ”‘9 ””5195 3”“ Westbrook they haxc still gone " V A R??? ‘ :ZT,“ . g; ‘ ‘ g7: -_»
' ’ f i still continuing. I RCCL‘Y‘llIl' through with their actions. Jay Westbrook (standing in back) observes a role-playing session in which the members '
». ' , , Westbro 0k H’Ct‘chId h” A” we ”I“ strike this thine take the parts of concerned citizens confronting a General Electric board about the
. . I. " ' c o n s c i e n t 10 u s U bi e ct o r I .. ‘ '.I_ . L A I corporation's production of a jet bomber engine. (Staff photo by Jerry W. Lewis) .
'. ~ ~ ' .- ~- - . 4 ,, , down. noted Westbrook. the
I , ., classification. only to ham the I ”I 'l . l I I h I .) . I m I
.. . . ‘ . '. state draft director appeal it to ma 5‘, “ “H ”3 “( mlm‘ .L
. . , . the national draft boird shopping areas ot tomorrow. Will I .
, 4, ‘ ‘ ' ewai'e of )artraln trave p ans
' - " , Besides the board meeting b 9
,3 , . ’ ' confrontation role playing. “I
' ‘- , Do You Need A . ‘ \‘ '
. .. , Westbrook and other leaders ot t t t " t ’
R " G 0d Photo’ the session led the group in Says 11 en en 6] 11.60 0] l
’- ‘ ‘ . « ea Y O ' several variations of peaceful . I ' y
. . g . F B . P vigils and leat‘leting actions. Last summer hundreds of advertisements and the college and exchange programs With ,
, - . ' .. . or usmess. Another session m the afternoon vacationing college students campuses. several foreign countries. - I
,. .I .. For Application? broke down into workshops on wereIstrandeId inIEuroperecause University doesn‘t sponsor C The local BChamtgerI of I
I . .. .I p leaflmmgI street speaking and a charter airline agency went “When students see these om merce s . etter I usmess
, ' " ' FO' PUSSPO’tS- h 1 tteclini ues. bankrupt. And according to an . , Bureau also offers aSSistance to
. .' . > . ot er non V10 en q ”I. l . th St d) t C t 't advertisements on campus, they eo le lannin to h t
I _ j . II . I or just to give as a Gift “The main potential of this 0 Imahm e [.1 en en er,i are under the impression the at htfs thfou h fl , C 8:165
I . I .I , . whole thing is to bring people COX“ irzigrreigiiigllvnlar e number University is backing the b g . g. biesc so-cahIe v
.' . , , . I . then 90 ,0 together to share in common of bar ain gchartir airline particular agency. This is not IIargam agencres ty r6338“ mg .
' ~ ‘ concerns,“ Westbrook explained. .g . . true,” explained Harris. e companies pas 56“” S' .
~ ,_ . .. , , ‘ , . companies are springing up For further information
.« ~ ,. Out of that We can deal With . . . 3
. .‘ - ‘, . SPENGLER and implement those concerns ” throughout the country In an attempt to alleViate the contact Frank Harris m room ‘
7 g ’ f . . ' " " attacting many college studentst problem 0f fraudulent UHVCI 203 of the Student Center or Dr. 1
,3 ' STUDIO . especially during the Christmas plans. UK‘s Student Center Fraser in room 117 of Bradley
. '. ' , ~ ,I T and spring breaks. Board and the Office of Hall.
. , " Y- ,‘ _ .
‘, ; 222 S L. f 0le V7 According to Student Center International Programs are
'_ " - ‘ . ‘ 'mes one Helzberg 2} I Director Frank Harris. “Many of offering several travel plans and
~ .I'I.‘-. ~ ?. Sells / \e these bargain travel agencies are advising students which outside . . .
'I » fl . Wallet Size—Six for $6.50 =' C f'f' d ,\ unscrupulous and inexperienced, travel agencies are legitimate. A ntl'Strlpplng
"I’ i , ' I ', P t Thre‘ for $4 50 , er ' 'e ‘ “Charter agencies are required The Student Center Board has
, II .. OSSPOr s— e . Perfect \II .7 by the Owl Aeronautics Board sponsored trips to Spain, , .
I”; I >I I' Diamonds ! /' l0 ”fins?“ business only Wllh SWitzerland. and Mex1co tor acnorl ls
’ f ', " . ’ ' .T. Phone 252-6672 “C I” ,, $155 . organizations Wllh 3 minimum students and faculty, and is now
". V' I V 85' ‘ 63’an $95 " Ol‘ 40 people. explained ”MFR“ planning a trip to Amsterdaiti
.‘I II ___—___...— -’ ' V HQWCVCT- this 111‘" is “(‘l for Christmas break. on the (IOCkQI
' .I i .y - -I ‘ KERNEL CLASSIFIED ADS I HELZBERG ' “”0”“‘1l‘r(’l‘9r1."- The Office of International
_. III . BRING RESULTS! FAYETTE MALL These agencies reach their Programs offers UK students (‘ontinued from Page 1
{34. . . ___—___ 0110111010 through newspaper information on charter flights ”Ninety percent of those
. I. ‘ -I deeds were signed with an “X"f‘
i' - " . r' : ~ Begley said. “Those people
I _' couldn't read or write and
1,. t- jvi. nobody told them \ihat they
.-- I. I were getting into."
V. _IIIIII 92] LIMESTONE ACROSS FROM MED CENTER ON LIME Begley added that abolishing
" .- ' " ‘- Broad l’orm Deeds wouldn’t
7 . stop people from selling their
I I . ' 3 land to coal companies. but it
.' II .' . .I “ would “prevent selling for
.r‘ .I ‘I ' . pennies what they should be
I M O N D A Y — T H U R S D A Y sellingtin-dollars.“
I, . . ,II . _ — — — — BCSSlL‘ Slllllll. member ()l‘ the
' ‘ - ‘A‘ \A‘ V“ Appalachian (iroup to Save the
'. I 1 ' a V P/ P/ Land and People. agreed the '
,, ‘ . I.' deeds had to go. “When they
-.I'I ii Reguk" pieces Of brought Broad Form Deeds into
., II ‘I , TROUSERS , SHIRTS eastern Kentucky, they robbed
I . I I. any Dry Cleaning us blind."
‘ I: .‘ 0" DRESSES COATS Beautifully Ms. Smith showed slides of
, .y if i SKIRT L d d “reclaimed" land and the effects
4. JACKETS an" ere of strip-mining. The slides,
.. ,I I..I ..j which were taken in Letcher.
I II-‘I , z , . . Perry and Knott counties.
I I . > . OHIY $1.00 OHIY $2.98 OHI)’ $1.00 showed roads and houses buried
, , under debris that had fallen
. - , I _ I 1 '. " ' from strip-mined areas.
- . : , . ' -w ““5 .
‘. . I . I I FREE ClTY IDE P|CKUP 252-1340 The reclaimed land looked as
', V ,, barren as the areas still being
I I _ .I II II I .III 4 II M strip-n]inch
., I~ ,I I I The PertWIHCbY Papers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg According to both Smith and
. I I . - . . , J. ~ Just" I, ,4; , , . ,. U I , I IIIIIIII I III . y Begley. reclamation is impossible
’.~ I~, . III; , II IIIII . " ‘ ‘I ~ I ~M’- . t I ‘ 57/1,, ”3495'” 7?, and restoring the land
'I 5 ‘~ ' ' “ ‘ ' ’ 5 i . i . C: , V. i v I “ ‘ i ' , 1“” L , ”Vi/l" 7f",‘i‘7«"§>1// >< “promptly and properly" is
'- ' , '3 :- ' » . » - ~ I . ‘ ‘9'“ - . a - . a .01! U1 V! Y 7 N “ . - i. .
i, , , , I — , . I III II . . v» w . L w sw, L , I “SN "'1 ImpOSSible. Theres no such
I .II - ,' . I jI f ‘I -I I . r M , I . V f #3 "r! ‘ :a /' MEI/U 1’ 21300 ,7 ‘ 2 thing as reclaiming land,” Begley
. ‘. I. I , II 7: , ,. I. I I i z t , MI; 3 13er n7.- lrpM/g .773 845k5 7— " 8 said. “It's lost forever."
’. .A I - ' ' ‘l ' . v. .‘y ‘7 4' ‘, ,' r, C" v. a Y/ H ' A”. . ' “3/ ‘ Jr J‘.‘ 7 ,J: , 7% > I, ,J\ / . I _7 ,’ ‘7, ‘. ‘—
~ '- ~ 3 ~ 4' ., , ,r . . 'i ,~., >7; f: 755W ”51’ ’\ w = .\“ 5’2 rt. H k
., ~ ,2»: - . . .W -. ,,, V, ,; , 2' ,1 A , ~V=- N ¢ MW: gflemel
, ' . , c '- ‘I Iv . w M? _V) t l {t “a, i‘igx‘ ; ,fg’, (135/, (I; .,' (*- x
. ', I . _ , . . .. g ,~*.‘\;\- 2! t Ia I 1/ (ah @I .v. {3, $ (‘b The Kentucky Kernel. University
. ; '. . ‘ .' . :1 .» 77A???» ‘ , / o _ 7 - 74, $75 ‘P .? w , w \ ~ Station. University of Kentucky, Lex-
. I VI . _, - I , 6 . i . , I, /m _ {I , L ‘. \‘ /,' J I mgton. Kentucky 40506. Second class
' . ’I . , ' . ~ ‘ {div-"‘7’ , ‘ q! l ,7)“; ' Wig ‘ ‘ ‘ {£33, )“ 'é / ,I lmStnKe paid at Lexington. Kentucky.
. I . . '. '; v. I f? - ,‘ II, - KW“: I ¢ .‘I ,- wt . 43w») ’ Mailed five times weekly during the
a \ . -. ; (7.» m '7' if 4 ' " i '. 1». i t . , .' t ‘ \ ‘ a ‘ ‘ 7 Y? I? .34 ‘ ‘ ’ 1 school year except holidays and exam
. f ' ' , . -~. , ' .I: g ‘\JN :3} fi ”7 C .I’. ‘\ 3 fl »‘ \ . l , ' ' u ,3?” Periods. and once during the summer
i I . 3 . .. _, , 4/ " . _ I . - l ,‘1’4 i t -" I/ .. sessmim
.- N . 1 :' .1- 4 , '. \/ I-\- e" ,. ,2 k 47 ‘ \I’k .i' \ AWL . -. ' 3 , , Published by the Board of Student
I I ,. . fix . V\ U 4' .. , 14.15;. g ,‘ I / 4‘ ‘. ,' A' V .l (x; I‘ . -‘ V ‘. . Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
I I , . . I 1 7 . I I .. ,Ii’: , A .g I ’> I I / tI ‘ ”do up u ._., ,I '» .“ J I_ Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
I , 14.1 . r \c _, ‘ ;, 2 ,’ /. .‘ , . I . fl!!! // , II («I / /\ ”(EII . ‘IJ I '~ R , , s published continuously as the Kernel
' i . ., Q . N 1‘ his wt A ‘7 ' fr, \ x. ’ //0t . / r,“ ”/f ,t - ~\_ \ - ‘7 since 1915.
I I. O . l . - IIW» ~ 31, III.I ,1 A $1}; , I I:, f" I \~._.. Advertising published herein is in-
I I I U) . ‘ . / / , .I A; . - . I v I, / II 7"“: S ' ‘ I tended to help the reader buy. Any
. fi ' ’« ‘ I , .‘ , ~z , -. ,) l ‘ I". t . .1” . i 30' t"; \ . -_ _ false or misleading advertising should
‘ m ;; ' ,’ ~ '- ts‘ . ,‘ , -. . ., ,y, I La . . ~ f = , A is \t\\ “~ " t" ”"0““ ‘0 The Em"-
. , I , "I. . , i . .,- ‘ , (I, III'_' _IIIIII 1 It .v l‘s~>\.’x,, ”($35?“ ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES
,. . . i \s .. Yearly, by mail -— $10.50
. , Per copy. from files —— $.10

 THE KENTIT kl KERNEL Hrmrlm. Nov. 8. l97l ii i.
m, John Lee HtJOitPr lnuw Arnrstrlrnrt i. I. 1
Lauundr) Almerda Duke Ellrrqturl Brllre Hollrday . , . i
London Symphony Orthestsa lrm Hardzn Renata lebaldr ,' . . ., I
Woody Guthrie Pete Seeqer Vrnel Lateel Modern Jan Quartet 8 . ' I 1'
' Glen Campbell Rod McKuen Stan Getz Al Hill Benny Goodman , Iv ' ‘ -, '
W99 Montgomery Les McCann Jams lau Aretha Franklin Dave Van Ronk .t I ‘ N .
Frne Arts Quartet Josef Krlps Marla Callas N V Pro Musrca ‘ I 1'
Cannonball Adderley Chet Atkrns Eddy Arnold Quartet Judy Collins "WM Of 1 ’ ‘ ~u
. , _ y _'
= Herbie Mann Ray Charles London Svmphonv Orchestra Manrtas De Plata . .7 'I ,.
PIYIShlllgh Sym Orchestra Marra Callas Josef Krrus Andres Segovra hm labek - _ I. . . _ _.
' Gerry Mulligan Laura Nyro Otis Reddmg Count Basre V ‘ s h
: erlram Sternberg Leadbelly Bill Evans Carlos Montoya to cm W I ,‘ - '
Ahmad Jamal Glen Yarbrough Ramsey Lewrs at unhem d I i i ,‘I I.
Muddy Waters Jimmy Smith . '- f
m * low low ces! ,. ~
Of L l - ‘ 4 v , 3‘ 2
ss ; 1 . .
to ' , I
ter ' . ' .
ed _ ‘ ..
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on 3 ‘ *
C)’ x . I,
' lmliio w _ . . I . . - .
. ,‘WNW—ma-‘* Beethoven Nine Symphonies 8 Record Set , ‘ z . r ‘ ‘
1 Schwdn'l Car on $39 98 , . 1
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 L 'ttl It f ll t publicized
. . . . ~ . . . . . . .- in somethim that U
Tuesday a tabloid entitled urban studies and enVironmental at least a few students to try a dktldCVtO ma“); If tlE .1
“Special Academic Opportunities at studies‘.’ by-pass exam rather than sleeping really interests Vicm- 1181(1) lebgOd
.. . .. .. . . ~ . ,.- ‘ -. r. w 've een
‘ , the l'niyersity of kentucky Will be Did you know that there are through a semester of lecturts in of this Unichrfilty 1 d
. . distributed on campus. numerous by-pass exams that unenlightening Memorial Hall or SCFVCd somew 14t-
. , The i "rloid mi ht be more a itlv students can take to avoid man of
g l .
‘ t it lc \‘ "Thin is every UK the large borin lecture courses? Th‘
» g. ' ‘ the
. . underir' uate should know but for The booklet. prepared under the ' cum,
3 - some :ason doesn‘t" because it auspices of Dean of Undergraduate socie‘
. V will {st many of the more Education John Stephenson, will e enIU‘ g erne Wh
- V' ' “ progressive programs at UK which explain “1059 programs and many r 23::
. ‘ - . n . t l' \Htin oi ertttan .
. V haye in the past only bteii known more. . liS’lfl\l’il.l.\'lll{l) W” \' ‘ LEXING’I‘UN, KY. posrt;
, ' _ . by few administrators and ThC booklet W111 come out at a —~n~~~——~~~~- 2 22-27222 2' ,c7,__;_V,V_VT__r-T_7.V.V~V_m—_~—_ value
. ‘ = - , ' _ , - . J ‘ »' . , . » l ' 1 on, no 4) r' we . '.
. . _ [yrccliyus few students. particularly opportune time for UK __fijj‘_{f’jf’_’j,',"77’}, 1’1?,V‘jrfo'fflflfffif.’ 91:1-.LUL___#————~—n-'—~ 310m
'. i I I . . . . . ,. s~ .‘ . -. _ v . V e r
‘ . -' ,, Progressive program at UK? Hard StlldL‘ntS who W1” be beginning the Mike \\ nits, Lilitor m (JIM, . . . . actua
- . - T - l , . 1 . k , d b V . , t- . Jane Brown. .\!uiiuging Editor Jerry LOW”. A3300“? hditor
. ‘ . ' - t0 bChCVC bUI tI'UC. Dld VVOU kIlOW 011% d“ UOUS tdS an . UI'QdVULI’d 1"" l).t\'itl A. King. Bttsiru‘xs Manager John Gray. Editorial Page Editor Pe‘
'. 7 ‘ i ' that UK 11115 11 TOplC'dl Majors 1135le known 115 PTL‘YCEISUEIUOH “115 lanite l‘l';|lltl\, (.tcg llaitinann. Rathel Kaiuuf. Lincoln R. Lewis V]r.. The
. , , , ~ , - . , x c. x \ , llalt- Matthews. and “truth \Vi'ighl. .luislrml .\Iumlgianr Editors Upon
‘ . , .1 . program In “huh t1“ StudLIlI Llei WLfk' ‘ _ V Mike 'l'ii-rni-V‘ Sports Editor Don Rosa. Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor "10”“:
V . V i. .. Inuitir in things like black SIlldlCS. t-lopefully thC booklet W111 cause ‘ mag
. ,2 . incor
. ' - .1 o i-..” my“
.. ; . , Kernel Forum. the readers wrl te w...
' -:‘ ’ - - ' field
- . , . [5]", County story promising forced to leave the mountains There is a need for much the t
f . ' 1' Am Chltl‘ 0 Ti . l . W d d , Oit b 13 to make their contributions else where. intercommunication between the vast natui
, , i ' i * ' . . .
,V V , .. .: . , a. . 1‘ 1”? 81:" e :esKay S 1 201:,“ .‘ I ask all our self proclaimed savrors to number of people at this school who are powt
- . ' 155.1“. 0 1“ Ventuc y erne y a “6 please forgive those tired educators if directing their energiestowards change of 1“le
.. » ’ ‘ Mllhmm entitled. PCCA tour finds they do not “con re ate around you“ or some kind and hopefully a large (and no A“
. ' r 6 9 poverty. pride’ is typical of harmful .. g g ‘ ’- - Virgi
, ~ - . ' . . press to touch the hem of vour doubt hectic) meeting would help people
.- ,. . . .V 11 e S half-truth analySis of the mountain garment” when you come to ' the to understand what is being discussed and adve;
- ~ " , 1 people and their problems. . . - - . assut
V , , mountains to declare your mISSIon- They considered by others on matters that are are r
. , - . " V ' And so Amchitka is over After a I am a product of that “poor" are tired. overworked. unrewarded and at concern to most of us. can I
. V, V‘ . ‘ ‘ . ' . . education system. a former employee one time had visions 0f being saviors It is also an effort to, as the article possr
. V ,. hast) Suprc me C ourt decISionV (two years as Social Worker) of the same themselveS- I behold them 85 the true accurately reported. consolidate the men,
. . r ' - which put the tenuous concept of “so Called‘ political machine. and the son heroes and our hope for tomorrow. power and resources of these groups pote
' V . V' » ”national security" over the of a disabled miner. Unfortunately. in my Lew” SINWOW towards actions on a larger scale than has that
V » - ,' V- possible destruction of a land and twenty seven years. I did not aquire my G’Ud- student been attempted before. The important butt
' ,. . , ‘ hundreds of people the Atomic opinions as painlessly or suddenly as our Agriculture point which l wish to make is that this is Mary
»‘ - .. . . ‘ . other outspoken authorities. in no way a “consolidation” of many
V .. -. . .. _, ‘ Energy CommiSSion blew up its . . . . V. . . . . . . “Th M ,,
- v. I five—inevatori bomb with admirable I have never heard a miner say he was 5"“ misinformation organizations mm one. e ovement
‘ i _. , " 1 success‘ cheated by a company or a company I am writing to correct the usual bits of IS "0‘ quite that corporate Yet- I hope.
i 7 . ' i Y . . store. Granted there were those who misinformation that find their way into V {WP- Raymond
'V. _, , all. and there was no earthquake or entertainment and reaping the weekly meetings. Generally they are not
V. -'V_ 1 tidal wave as had been feared. And my ChCCk‘ bUt SUCh people were then, are important. but the report on Wednesdays 5" rvjvrvmlum
1 , " ._ although the long-range dangers of how and W1“ he Whh ”Sforsomehmem Student Mobilization CommitteC It seems to me that the idea of a
. - V‘ the test are still unknown. we no the future. activities generated agreat misconception student referendum on voluntary W;
" longer really care anyway. After By the time Mrs. Ramsey describes the w}??? mustVnottstandgmtccsiuegted. d comnbuhom for services WOUId be a very frust
' f -. . our 338th underground atomic SChOOl SW19” the 10”] absence 0f t e. m w ersda :5 a I pmpose consuugwe move at UK' However,Vl feel in“)
' V ‘ i I ” 3 ' blast W‘ hay i Mr t W) w. t‘ w . credibility is shocking. Although some 0 901.150 1, a e severaV campus that Whhe the 5G proposal 15 aimed In the areas
3 ., V - h L ‘1 h d” ‘ L 7 .~ - l d - 0Tg311123110115111t0 one organization. Of right direction it fails to confront the th
. .-‘ V , have a new bomb for our deficienCies do exist in He e ucation course any such consolidation would be a . VV . ~ e
’ . , . . . . . . system. as they do in all education . . basu. issue. that
. 2. anti-ballistic missne. . . systems. i am satisfied with. and even tremendous nufstVakeV.Vand would result in The referendum should address itselfto a b
. V; V V. V V What a tWisted idea of “national thankful for my educational opportunity. i116 Sdm “.c O I maimdu‘ihty by mOSt 0f the use Of eXISVtmg activity fees on SUbjt
A ,, security" we must have when we I attended the one room school where l itVlVgrouijiano ve ;.. l d “V h campus. I“ admit to ignorance on the l
. »‘ ‘ V. V‘ V ignore the protests of our received special and individual attention. det C.) SUV; t mergVer 15 Pm.” at a ldtbe issue .me Id hate to thmk that I’m thert
Z5: [ neighbors Japan and Canada and My team“ had a MS m Elementary obvr'mu: thgeacdorjganVizanon wou l; comnbmmg $18.25" per semeSter to A‘
[Z destrO V anoth‘r littl‘ . f education and later acquired a PhD. All suffl: ' etl'r m m u]; grograrfis wou d support V3 program aimed at PTOPng UP mate
. VV .‘ft ~ 3 . L t P1903 0 O