xt7j0z70zs3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j0z70zs3p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1934 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1934 Vol.5 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, February 1934 Vol.5 No.9 1934 1934 2019 true xt7j0z70zs3p section xt7j0z70zs3p 11' 1:1. 1
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1 Oflicial Publication of the Kentucky Press Association 1 1:1 1 1:
‘1 WW ' 1 :
Volume v FEBRUARY, 1934 Number Nine 11 1 1
____________________________.______________...______._______ 11 1
1 KENTUCKY NEWSPAPERS FEBRUARY 22, 23. .24, 1934 ,1 1 1
1 ._.._. Brown Hotel, Loursvnlle, Ky. 11 1 1 1
'1 Believeing that a list of newspapers __,________ 11 1 2
" in Kentucky would be'o'f value to the THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 1; 111 1 11'
1 individual editors, we publish the fol- 6:30 pulp—Registration and Buffet Supper, Brown Hotel Roof Garden. compli— 11 511 1
1 lowing which is as authentic and up- ments of the Brown Hotel. . 11:1; 11 11
1 m’d‘i‘e as present. Few“ Perm“: Complimentary cover charge tickets to Brown Hotel Night Club 5 3:}: 1
. There are 17 Cities represented by available at registration d es): 1 j 11 1
' one or more dailies. In Covington the ' ‘11.: £1 1
” papers represented are printed in Cin- ' FRIDAY: FEBRUARY 23 . 1I 1 11
' cinnati. TWO papers, morning and 9:00 am.~Business session Louis XVI Room, Brown Hotel. Meeting called to 1 1 1
1 evening editions, carrying different order by President; Lawrence W. Eager, Editor Messenger and :1; 1 1
titles, are issued in Henderson, Louis- Inquirer, Owensboro, Ky. 1'1 1 11'
1 ville, and Owensboro. Ten dailies is— Invocation—Rev. Charles Henry Prather, D.D., Louisville. 1 j? g 11
, sue Sunday editions. Address of Welcome by Mayor Neville Miller, Louisville. 2i ; 11
1 Mime“ Semi‘weekfies are Printed Response by A. Robbins. Editor The Courier, Hickman. 4.; 1
1‘ mariners-resent mmmmem 1
.. , give community weeklies are issued on 10:30 a.m.——-Address, “Pending Legislation and Its Effect on Advertising,” A. F. 11 1 11
1 Tuesday, 12 on Wednesday, 77 on Baumgartner, President the Thompson-Koch 00., Advertising . 1;. 1 ‘1
Thursday, 50 on Friday. and one on Agency, W313i, 0. 1; 1 1g
1 Saturday, 11:30 ant—Round Table on “Advertising," conducted by G. M. Pedley, Editor 1' 111 1
DAILIES The Herald, Eddyville. 1. .1 1 1
1 (All dailies use mats. The letter (P) 12:15 p.m.~——Luncheon, compliments of Bryant White, President Kentucky Utili- 1"_ , 1 1 1
.,-_... . indicates art department and can use ties Company, Lexington. .1 . 1
' photographs; (D). indicates daily; _(S) 1:30 p.m.-Address, “The Freedom of the Press,” Dr. Chas. J. Turck, President 311 1 1 1
1 adicatee Sunday edition; (E) evening; Centre College, Danville. 1 1, 1 11'
I morning. . . . . . . 1' 1 1 1
'1‘ Ashland, Independent (EDS); Bowl— Repmcggeliegiiamgs “'1‘” NE“; ‘0” 3, 1’“be 9:“: PM? 1 1
ing Green, Park City News (ED); y een ohnson, l or Daily Reg'ls r, Ric mond, o- 1!; _
' Covington, Kentucky Post (FEDS); lowed by discusswn 18d by Mr. Johnson. 111 ‘ 1
, 1 Kentucky Times_sta,. (FED); Danville, Report of the Legislative Committee by n. B. Cosine, Chairman, 11 ' 1‘
1 Messenger (E D), Advocate (E D); Editor Shelby News, Shelbyville. 1113 1. 1
, Frankfort, State Journal (MSD except 6:30 pun—«Banquet Dinner at the Brown Hotel, compliments Louisville Board 1 " ; 11
1 Monday); Fulton, Leader (ED); Har— of Trade. :11 .1 5|
1 Ian, Enterprise (EDS); Henderson SATURDAY, FEBRUABYM 1| 1 11
1 G19?” (M except 1’10““) and 9:00 run—Business session Louis XVI Room. Report of Radio Committee by Jas. 11 i: 1
Joulnal (E except Saturday), Gleaner T Norris late Edito Dail Ind 1 _, 1 11
and Journal (S); Hopkinsville, Ken— - ””30“ . 1‘ _ Y ependenti Aswand- 1, 3; ,1
tacky New Era. (ED); Lexington, Hep 10:00 a.ni.~—Address by Thornton Wilcox, Admmistrator Federal Eniergency Re— 1 1. l1
' 31d (msn Leader (EDS); Louisville, lief Administration and Civil Works Administration, Louisville. 11 1 11
. Courier-Journal (PMDS), Times (PE Round Table Discussion on “Circulation," led by Joe T. Lovett, '11 11
f D), Herald-Post (FED); Madisonvflle, Editor Ledger & Times, Murray; “Job Printing,” led by 111, - i1
, Messenger (ED); _Mayfieled._ Messen— Herndon .1. Evans, Editor The Sun, Pineville. :11 1
381‘ (ED); Maysvflle, Bulletin (MD): Lecture, “Modern Trends in Typography,” by Victor R. PW, 5‘1 :2 1
Independent (MD), Public Edge? Department of Journalism, University of Kentucky, Lexington 11 1 1‘:
(ED), Middlesboro, News (ED). 12,30 m-Lun heo at P d . Cl b 1. ts C . J :1; 1| :1
Owensboro, Messenger (MD except ‘ p. ' c n _ enennls u ’ comp unen ouner— oumal and ;1-‘ 11 g;
; Monday), Inquirer (ED except Satur- . Louisvflle Times. 311 1 11
, day), Messengepmqmrer (S); Padu- . Report of Secretary-Treasurer, J. Curtis Alcock, Danville. l1! '1 1:
‘ oah, Sun—Democrat (EDS); Richmond, Annual election of officers. 1 7 l1
‘- Register (ED), and Winchester, Sun Report of committee on resolutions. 11.: 11
1 (ED). Adjournment. 1 1
1 SEm-WEEKmEs ._______________._____________________ 1 g
1 (Publication dates as indicated). Twice-A-Week Leader (Tm; Provi- Published Tuesday 1 .' 1
1 .Bowling Green, Warren County Cou- deuce, Enterprise (TF); Ru ssell Columbia, Adair County News; Flour 1 . 1
1, tier (TF).; Corbin, Times-Tribune Springs, Russell County Star (TE); ingsburg, Gazette; Harrods'burg Dem— 3 : 1
1 (TE); Elizabethtown, News (TF); Ir- ,Shelbyville, Kentuckian (TF); and oer-at (M); Lebanon, Marion Falcon ; 1
’1 vine. Estill Herald (TF); Madisonville. Stanford, Interior Journal (TF). (M); and wmtesimrg, Letcher County 1
Hustler (W5); Hayfield News-Herald COMMUNITY WEEKLIES Leader. 1 “
('I’F); Mt. Sterling Advocate (TI'h); (Publication dates are indicated in Published Wednesday : 1; 11‘
Paris. Bourbon News (m; Paris, groups. (M) indicate casting box and Brandenburg, Meade County Mes- 1 3 1 '1
. Kenmelnon Citizen (WE): Princeton, uses mats.) moose turn to Page mm) , 1,- 1;
1 1 5 1'1 1 11
~ -1 ,:
1 _ 1 17 .

 1'.”"'1.‘1‘ “I ‘ ‘ 1
11111.1. 1 ‘ 1 1 13 1
J 1. 1 31. 1 .1 ‘1
“-11 111 11" 1‘
33 113': Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1934 3
-11..11 11. .________._._.__....._..———————_
:311191 :1 1.1“: ———-———-——-—-——-—-—-—'—— 3 31
. . . 1 1
111111 1 - 1111 11 1 who sent a file of his paper for the press association meetings. and diS- 1
111' 1 '11 1'1 1 K311111610; Press last five years. If you have extra files 'cussed with state organizations and 31
113,1 1111 111 1 ._____..__._.—————-———« of your paper, the best place for use their officers the various phases of 3
11111-1 3 11 1 1 Official Publication of THE KENTUCKY of future generations is in this per— 'the code.
11 "111 1 Puss ASSOCIATION manent file, Help the good work Codes wereapproved onDecomber 23. _3
.311 . 11 1 1 ..__.__.__.____...__.—_—— along for a ninety day period, for the en- 1
11. 333. . 311 1 '3 Vicrox R. POR’l'MANN Editor graying and electrotyping industries. 3
1 11 1. .1 ————-————————--‘--~* 1 v 1 n - ‘
1 111 1 111 O...“ “some“ ~
'1 1 I1 1 mem 01143333131331“lsflléxgngffmn Of The Tugwell Bill, legislation aimed papers and printing plants who pro-3
11'11-1 11 111 ~———.——_.;————g—~——~———w- to drastically change the advertising duce Engravings for their own use
111.111. 1‘ 1 1; 1 PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS and sales plans on food and drug pro- only, and who do not sell to the trade.
.11 111111.1 [1111 3 __.... gducts, was changed on many points These employees of newspaper plants 3
11 1" -‘ 11 1 1'1 ‘.1 Laurence W- Bagel” President. before being introduced into the pre- will be governed by the newspapei code .
11 111 l1' 1‘ 1 11 1 Messenger-Inquirer. Owensboro sent session of the U. 8. Senate. It under which they will work when 3
33 331" 1. 33 33 George A. joplin, jr. Vice-President contains numerous features to the Signed by the 11°51‘19"“ h‘ t . t 1
11' -'1 3 r'. 1 11‘. 11 Commonwealth. Somerset disadvantage of local retailers, which Information from Was mg ontslsmo 3
‘3 1 111; 1 3 . J. Curtis Alcock Secretary-Treasurer will indirectly affect local newspaper the effect that the Graphic‘A ~ 3
1. 1'1 11E 1 11 1 Messenger. Danville advertising. Retailers are still liable dustries Code and the 3 Daily News-
.1311 ‘ 3111 1 1: , 3 , 3 for any misstateements as to advertis- paper Business Code WI“ be signed
1'? 11111 ‘1 1 “ECLU‘E COMM’TTEE ing of the product. The N. E. A. leg- simultaneously by the President- . 3,
1.1313133 11 3 b' 3 —_D , Ch . isiative committee is actively engaged .Until such time as tileaéode: 1:; 1
3333 331 3» 33 3 \. Rob ms 1‘ Irst . istnct, airman in seeking further changes in the bill .,Slgned by the PreSIden ' g 3
1' 11‘1". 11 1 1 1 1 ' comm" magma" _ . now known as the Copeland bill. Ken- effect publishers may continue to op- 3
33 311.1,: 33131 331 3 3 .3. L. Bradley ...3......._Sccond District tucky publishers should advise our crate under the PRA provisions se< 3
111- 31111.? 111 1 11' 1 . Emerpme’ Prov'dencf: , . senators of further desired changes in cured by the N. E. A- late in August.
333 3 3333 3 3 33 1 joe Richardson T/urd District “the bill. Write them today. as substitutions under the presidents.
313 'If 333 '3 31‘ Times, Glasgow . 3 3 Reemployme'nt Agreement. ,
111 1; 11 -1 1‘ J. P. Gozder Fourth District CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES The Code of Fair Competition for 3
311 1 31,333 11 News-Journal, Campbellsville .__ ,the Paper Distributing Trade has 3
111 1331. '31 3 ' 1 ‘ _ _ Fifi" 0‘13“"? The Department of Commerce Bu- 1brought about an apr‘ECia-ble increase 3
1 3111‘ 11‘ ‘1 . 1 "mh 111' ”00d S'x'h D‘sm“ reau of the Census, Washington, an- in the cost of printing papers in small 3
1| 3 21 1 . , Democrat Bedford , , nounced on January 2 a. census of lots. The price decreases ianuanéjizl' 3
3'3 “11,1 ‘: 3 ' rm“ b“f'er“'°°d 3,6”th D‘S’m‘ manufactures covering the year 1933. purchases. This appears to e. a :
1. 1 1211' :1 lihe Herald, Lex‘"3'°“ 3 3 to be undertaken in the immediate advantage to the buyer of small quail
'1, .1 .1311 .3 . R‘ 1" E'k‘" Elgh‘h D's'r‘“ future. Publishers should make sure titles. Explanations coming from pa-3
11; .1 .111 ‘. 1‘1 1 . ‘ ““1”" Recorth Laméster 3 3 that they furnish this information per distributors are to. the effect. that
311 ‘33 31; 1 331 3‘ 1‘” (30319110 ”‘7‘“ 0’5"?“ concerning their own plants to the their cost and waste .is greater. .in 3
3- :131 i 1133 1 .‘ The Dcmocm“ Cyn'h‘am 3 _ government. It gives advertisers and handling small quantities. The PYOb' 3
111 1 11:11? 1 11.11 1 1 Tenth D‘fm,“ others the complete picture as to the Publishers should report these chingles 3
333.13 33 3 3 3 31 3 3 ,3. L. Crawford . . . . Eleventh District size of the newspaper and printing in— lem presented demands some S 11 Y.
111 ‘1. - 1 '1 3 1 “me“ “"1"“: Com" dustry, as well as other distribution in cost and suggestions which they
.31 5." 3‘1 1 31 3 1 ——-——-—-———————-— outlets. may have regarding them to 11333: 3
1' ;‘ 1,11 ‘1 1 , . ON TO LOUISVILLE: Local chambers of commerce and state newspaper organization and
3' 11. 331 13 1 1 ‘ —— other business groups should be 351- N. E. A. 3
1 1 :1 The postponed meeting of the KPA vised by the publisher to encourage -—-—-—-‘——"*" ,
,1 311-111 1'11. 1 will be held February 22, 23, and 24, every business establishment to fill out THE Goonwm PLAN 3 3
1'. 21-11; - 1 3 .13 at the Brown hotel, Louisville. Every the census report and return it to the Reports coming in from various 3
1,3 13131 ‘ 3 3 progressive publisher should make government immediately. These re- sections of the country are to the ef- 1
1311 1111' .3 1 3 every effort to attend. The code will ports should be mailed not later than act that a largenumber of local and .
31111.1 .3 3.1 3 take a good share of the time with March 1, 1934. state organizations are passing resolu-
1". ' 3 '3 . special emphasis placed on the pub- —-——-——————-—————-—- tions opposing the Goodwin plan.
'1 5' < - 1 “Sher's Share in its enforcement: See com: DEVELOPMENTS Among those who have voiced theli .
3 , 11:31 '1 ‘ yen in Louisville! disapproval are the Waggfgtgrn Prgzs 31
1 .11 1 1 _ , _—-—,-——.————«—-——-— . amociation, the Texas 37 855 ‘
:1 1 1‘1 1 1 ‘ 1- ‘ “ U. K. LIBRARY FILES waih‘gnffipl‘f 1323.133? $0;ng sociatlon, and the Tacoma (Wash) 31
'1'1‘ ' 1- 1' 1 1 ' ber of Commerce. The ultimate 3
. 161.; 1 1 1 13 --—-— desk for approval on December 23. Chm th 1 hln es on the at- 3
3 31 111 ? 1 1. Letters have 128611 sent to all Ken- Since that time various reports have 5301:1688 gruntiogainmaniglfacturers ac- 3
33.1.1 .1 ‘1 3 1 tucky newspapers asking their coop- been received as to why the code has “d? at th N E A Bulletin ken- ,
111111 .1 1 11 1 eration and assistance in sending files not been signed. None of them appear gorkmg gushers should study the plan 1
31‘ 131113] ‘- 1 of their papers for permanent and to be of enough importance to make “C y P“ bef takin an definite 3
1111311131 1 1 3. 1 safe inclusion in the University libra- any appreciable difference in the code thoroughly e ore g y ‘
3‘5? 3‘ 31 11 ' 1 . 3 ry where they will be availaglllle for 133.11 when it is signed. tfloweE’er, to, 3:911; steps pro or con. 3
1‘11; 1‘1-‘3' 1‘ ‘ the citizens of the state. ese f es the President's signa ure as no M“ -3
3131311 313 1 ‘ 5 will be put on permanent file for fu- placed on same, and until it has been N0 C‘RCULARS 11" BOXES“ to 3
331; 1 11 13 ,2 1 3, ‘3 . ture uSe in historical work, legislative approved by him the National Editors. Kentucky publishers should cai1 s
. 3 3.3 3‘ 1 ‘ 3 acts. local and personal information, ial Association, (national code author- the attention of their local reta 2: 3
‘11 1‘1 1 1‘. j .1- 1 1 real estate transactions, wills, and oth- ity for weekly newspapers, dailies who the following order by Postmas 1‘ 3
1i" 1,. 13.1 '5 ; 3' er material that could be lost in tires, do not assent or sign the daily news- General Farley, issued January 3. fl 3
11* 31‘? 11 1 : etc. single copies 0f over 100 papers paper busines code, and small print- That only regularly stamped ma 3
if .‘ 11 31 1 -. 1 are being received. However, complete ing plants) has taken no definite ac— may be left in private mail boxes. EV- 3
11 11 ;3 :1 .1 1 3 files. especially for past years. are eS- tion towards setting up administrative erything else. including circulars aréd' 3
3.1311 1.1,: 1 ‘ 3 3_ 11 pecially requested. The first gift was machinery. During the past three advertising matter, will be collected 3 3
1' ' 11111-11 .3 31 contributed by Editor F. s. Brong. weeks representatives of the N. E. A. the carrier and held for regular 905'!“
133 3131, 31'11 1 :1 Licking Valley Courier, West Liberty. have attended a large number of state age rates. ‘
’ ~, 1': 3:». 1, . 1
1311131" ‘ 1
3331313 3 3 33 3 .’ - ~.
\1.-‘-= -4 1‘1, 3
1g—7___ . _ 7MA-W_,W . . .

 1- ‘3 .1 t‘3 "H3 I.
3 3 . 3
3 3 3:3 3.
3 3 3‘ 3
l 3- February, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 3 3 :33
3is- ' 3 (Cotntinued from Page One) New Haven, Rolling Fork Echo (M); gram; Warsaw, Gallatln County News 3 3 333
and ; senger; Brooksvxlle. Bracken County Olive Hill, Carter County Herald; (M); Wickliffe, Ballard Yoeman (M); Wt 33
of 3 News (M); Clovei-port, Breckenridge Owenton, News-Herald; Owingsville, and Williamstown, Grant County 33'"; 333:
’ News (M); Georgetown, Times (M): Bath County News-Outlook (M); News 3'3 3
23, 3 Liberty, Casey County News; Mt. Ster- Peintsville, Herald (M); Pikeville, Pike Published Saturday :3 3-: 3:
en- 3 ling, lsezliztmel-gemoirat $1374): glam:- County News (M); Princeton, Cald- Hawesville, Hancock Clarion (M). 3 33'? 323
'les, 3 lasvll e, ews; well 0!), en oun y well County Times (M); Russellville, ': 3, ‘ 3:3
lus- ‘ Democrat; Pineville, Sun (M); Smith- News—Democrat (M); Sebree, Banner; Riflfxixon‘dogxefitely' k3! edito: 0f the =53 3}; - 333
ws- land, Livingston Enterprise; Somer- Scottsville, Citizen-Times Shelbyviiie ’“n “we”. 3“ °p‘ if i: 3'?
)ro‘. set, Commonwealth (M); and Tomp- Shelby News (M). I , eratgfin fgefngmvgdmm anmmd 15 Whom ‘ 3:3 33 33
use kinsville, News (M)- Springfield, Sun (M); Steams, Mc- Sgnvaleegence e “Sh a speedy ,3 “3
lde. 3 Published Thursday Creary County Record (M); Sturgis. ‘ :9 ,3 3
at: 3 Adairville, Enterprise (M); Albany, NegliS(D§ID)d)szayl%TSVflle,LSel;igcef Mag— = 33 333
hen 3 (M); Augusta, mack“ Chronicle (M); Herald (M); Versailles, Woodford Sun; ’ m Ll N DTYF E W” ‘ 3-3 :3
3 Bardstown, Kentucky Standard (m); Walton, Advertiser (M); West Liberty, 2 3133 3 3
i to Bardwell. Carlisle County News; Bed- Licking Valley Courier; Whitesburg, l... 33' ,3
I“ . lord. Trimble Democrat (M); Berea, Mounatin Eagle; Wilhamsburg, Whit~ g 2,3 33
WS‘ Citizen (M); Berry, Licking Valley iey Republican (M); and Wilmore, Erl- 3 2 ; g3
ned Journal; Burkesville, Cumberland terprise. Gun [-6 "3“ :3
News; Burlington, Boone County Re- Published Friday . '1"? i3 3;
are 7 porter (M); Cadiz, Record; Campbells~ Auburn, Times (M); Barbourville, H 3*: If; 33
m" = ville, News-Journal (M); Campbells- Mountain Advocate (M); Beattyville, Z ‘r’ :3 3
OP‘ 3 ville, Taylor Copnty Stal' (M); Camp- Enterprise (M); Beaver Dam, Ohio t e ? ‘3 3 :
,3: > ton, Lone Wolfe; Carlisle, Mercury County Moesenger; Benton, Tribune- 2 .33 33
f t' (M); Carrollton, News-Democrat (M); Democrat (M); Boonville, Owsley '1‘ : 33 3;-
n 5' Cave City, News (M). County Courier; Brownsville, Eamon- O ' 9 , 33 3 33
f Clay City. Times; Clinton, Hickman son County News; Calhoun, McLean mes 3 '3' 39:3 1 3
11:: 3 County Gazette (M); Cynthiana, Dem- County News; Central City. Messen- . E‘ ‘. 3,3 33
A , ocrat (M); Edmonton, News (M); ger; Central City, Times-Argus (M); ' 1;} 3‘3 ; 5,;
has; : Elizabethtown, Hardin County Enter- Cumberland, Trl-City News (M); Gyn- Check through the latest iw :1 ‘ ' ‘3 £3
3 . prise (M); Elkton, Todd County Stan- thiana, Log Cabin (M); Dawson ~ 3': 3331
33? 3 dard (M); Ewing, Enquirer (M); springs, Progress (M); Dixon, Jour- 3““ 0* your paper. See how ? 1 .2 2:3 33,
3 n: Flemingsburg, Times-Democrat (M); nal (M): Eddyville, Lyon County Her- many 113“” “Icahn bemg 3“ E i 3“ 3 3
3:9,— Fronklln, Favorite; Glasgow, Republi- aid (M); Falmouth, Outlook (M); by hand. 3,“, how many of €- ‘ .3 31: 3 1
hat can (M); Glasgow, Times (M); Gray- Fulton, Wireless (M). l: ldh l) 3 " 33 F 3
= in 3 son. ,East Kentucky Journal (M): Fulton, News (M); Georgetown- . . ' 8"? °°“ “8 “New“ , E ‘ . 33 ‘
rob- ‘ Greensburg, Record-Herald (M); News (M); Greenup, Republican (M); a Two-in-One Linotype. , 3;; - 3," 3
3 Greenvllle, Record; Hazard, Herald Greenville. Leader (M); Guthrie, - , , :3f" 3
1%“ 3 (M); Hazard, Leader (M); Hickman, Times; Harlan, Courier; Harrodsburg. Why doutyou set‘he‘d‘ole g 3‘ .
3;)?” 3 Courier (M); Hodgenville, Herald- Herald (M); Hartford, Ohio County Palm’- "and “1°“ °f Wu" 6 i -
31:33 3 News (M); Horse Cave, Hart County News (M); Irvine, Times (M); Irving— 30,, work as W] _ . _ from i :, 5 , ;.
the 3 Herald. ton, Herald (M); La Center, Advance 1h L' ' 9 p. : I; 3 3-
‘ Hyden, Thousand Sticks; Irvine, Es- (M); La. Grange, Oldham Era (M); e "WW" keybmn'd‘ g' 15 3 3 33
3 till Tribune (ML; Jackson, Times (M); Lebanon, Enterprise (M); Leltchfield, Why stay with only the § =3 ; I 3
3 Jamestown, Russell County News; Gazette (M); Louisa, Big Sandy News— , small sizes" Wh not ,5 :‘ 3 3 f3
. 3 Jeffersontown, Jeffersonian (M); Lnn- Recorder (M); Manchester, Guardian ‘ y g) 3 ‘ 3 3 3:3
1005 . caster, Central Record (M); Lawrence~ (M); Marion, Crittenden Press (M); Bet 011 Your disulay $9 :1 ; 3 33
‘ ef' burg, Anderson News (M); London, Middlesboro, Three States (M). “new“ “mum. é, .- f 3 33‘
and Sentinel~Echo (M); McKee, Jackson Mt. Sterling, Gazette (M); Newcas- 9 g ‘ 33;;
olu- County Sun (M); Midway, Blue Grass tie, Henry County Local (M); Nicho- type. as well. 5 " .' 3 333
)lan. Clipper; Monticello, Wayne County lasville, Jessamine Journal; Pineville. é ,2 3' 3333
hell Outlook; Morehead, Rowan County Cumberland Courier (M); Prestons- . - . 3 3 31:3
T058 3 News; Morganfield, Union County Ad~ burg, Floyd County Times (M); Rich- = n’3w&Mw« 1:” ' ‘3 If 3 33
as- vacate (M); Morgantown, Green River mond, Pantograpli (M); Russell, 3131’“); 3 3 33
38h.) , Republican (M); Mt. Olivet, Tribune- Times (M); Solyersville, Independent yew. -' 3 31 3333
“a“ 3 ”9mm“: 3*“- Vernon. Signal. (M); Shelbyvllle, Shelby Sentinel (M); 44?} - j ' g . ‘ : ‘
at- ‘ Munfordvnle, Hart County News Shepherdsvllle, Pioneer News; Somer- 42.3 e W I 3 33
{8:- 3 (M): Murray, Ledger and Times (M); set, Journal (M); Uniontown, Tele- 13533;, AW’Qggaf-wiy " ’, _ 33
e . - Maestro ‘ ’.'-=.::t:.£ --,1.;T~:'. . "1 - 3 ‘ i
“m -.:;.~ ": . :- 7. A : . 3, _
pm W WWW (3:313: aflzfijfifld3.3235,, '. I, , 3, 3 3
inlte 3:32;“ 2 3i 3;):
:. =3...~ -"‘ - e1 3 U
: IMPERIAL TYPE METAL 3 til» I ; 3 3.;
)31°V_‘;.V;.-sl‘-;"") 2. "V's; 5:,” , = ' l 3 33
. . . ,~ : ‘ 3 3 3
1 to f I can meet your immediate type metal requirements from é 3§:.;g«,:-%:rigii ‘ V 33 3 ‘3
new Chicago, Cincinnati, or Louisville. IMPERIAL METAL 5’ 9 3' 33
lster needs no endorsement. 3‘ "3'1, . I' 3 3
Z ’3 a 3 3‘ 3 3 33
“13;“ H. L. FELIX = ? MERGENTHALER 3 333 £33
£10523. ‘ reeman Ave. Cincinnati Louisville ; BROOKLYN, NEW YORK :33 3
W.,.m,,,~”-,,,, .NNN..-... N 5.; Linotype BodoniFomily 3 33 3
r ‘ .1 ‘115
' 33 T3
3 :3 3 4
3.3 3 “i


 III EIE : :
II' ‘ I II I I I Page Eight THE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1934 -
. :2 : WW I
:1: : I I : "W - "'"" ' *
: E: I " :‘
:E: : :1 E3 . ‘
: IE . -
I: I r i ,
IE: .EE : . . - Cheap Electric .
H E; '- : . , 1
I E I I I; E Pow er For A , :
I: I} E '. * ’
E31 II :5 3 ' I d o 1 P I
I '1 EI ‘ ‘5: I E . I
I E E . 5 n ustrla urposes
1:1 I E ,2 . ' . . I
I E‘I i I ; ' Some of the most responsible leaders In commerce I
I. II I , ' and politics today declare there is abundant reason to .
II I I I expect a rapid and great improvement in economic con-
I E I | ditions this year. I
‘ I; II : I I. II Under the New Deal this nation is likely to see with- I
‘1‘ II I‘ I III in the next few years a marked movement of industrial
; II { I I plants from congested metropolitan areas to the small I
III I cities and towns Where conditions will be more advanta- E
I EE II II I geous for all concerned—industry, workers, communi- I
.I III I: II I Wherever it goes, industry must have a dependable
II II *3 :E unlimited supply of cheap electricity. The communities .;
:I EIEI I‘ I; ”I I , which receive their electric service from the farflung I;
I: E :31 ;_ I: _ transmission system of this company have such a sup- TE
IE.‘ L, : I _ ' ply immediately available. :
' I I I i ' ‘ Our commercial and engineering experts I
II II III 2 E will be glad—upon request—to assist your E
II II 3 III town’s industrial promotion plants I
:«y: In! E I
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:x:;Ei ;: 3:;ng 2E‘: Incorporated
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