xt7j0z70wt0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j0z70wt0f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-10-03  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  3, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  3, 1952 1952 1952-10-03 2013 true xt7j0z70wt0f section xt7j0z70wt0f r


The Ken tucky Kernel



Friday Is Deadline Rush Program Draws Criticism '52 Lecture Series
Scheduled To Open
For Applications
Monday A t Coliseum
On Fraternity Row
Sigma Nu took in 12 pledges compared with 26
last year. Chaplain Jim Perry said, "We did not
"Needs ironing out . . . it's a good sys- get enough pledges, but the IFC system is good.
tem . . . we want an informal rush . . ." It just needs to be ironed out more."
did not take in any pledges and
These were some of the comments that TreasurerChi Denssord said "We were a little
fraternity officers gave when asked what green this year, but we hope it will be better
they thought of the new formal rush pro- next time." He offered no complaints.
Frank Morse, ATO sentinel, said "I don't like
it. It should be modified for better use, and it
Figures show that 238 men were pledged gets tiresome and boresome." Morse was well
out of 370 who signed up for rush. Last year satisfied with the number of pledges, 13, which
approximately 280 were pledged, according to they got.
Pi KA took in 9 pledges and President Hugh
George Lawson, Interfraternity Council president. There are no figures available on the Roe said that he likes the system, but that it
number of last year's rushees, because there was needs two or three semesters to work right. "The
way the matter stands, an informal rush is
no formal rush recruitment program.
The affirmative side maintains that formal needed," he said.
Sig Ep President Henry Neel had "no comrush is considerably less expensive and gives
rushees a chance to meet all fraternity men and ment" to make, when asked if he was satisfied
with 13 pledges. The Sig Ep's took in 36 last
vice versa.
The negative side holds that the system disJohn Nichols, KA
criminates against fraternities having
said "yes"
houses, who don't have the opportunity the program was successful, but he declined furto display the better aspects of the particular ther comment as he had worked with IFC
throughout the rush period. KA took in 24
fraternity as they do during informal rush.
pledges compared to 23 last year.
James Fehr, AGR treasurer, said that the program worked fairly well, and only those interTKE got 3 pledges compared with 14 last fall.
ested actually went out. It worked somewhat President Paul Wright said he thought the sysagainst professional fraternities, he said, as they tem fine, and that it will work on the campus.
are limited in membership at the start. He said He also stated that IFC will have to "iron out
that AGR did not fill all membership vacancies the wrinkles," but he would not condemn the
overall program.
with the 7 new pledges.

Houses Will Be Buill
Easl Of Rose Street

the deadline on applications for the eight new
Next Friday
the University plans to build, President Herman
fraternity houses
L. Donovan told 50 fraternity representatives, alumni, and school
officials at a "fraternity row" meeting Monday night.

"We're not trying to sell you a
bill of goods." the President stressed,
in commenting on the construction
project. "The administration is trying to serve you."
At the beginning of the meeting
Dr. Donovan outlined the details of
the housing development. He said
the University was building all the
houses from the same plans because
of the vast savings in architect's
To Float Bond Issue
He pointed out that the University is floating a bond issue to

finance the construction of the
houses and will always retain title
to the property. Fraternities may
rent the houses, he said, and obtain
a long lease with automatic renewal
clauses. He added that the rent
would be sufficient to retire the
bonds, pay the insurance and interest, and maintain the buildings.
The bonds will be amortized over
a period of 30 years, the President
explained. After they are retired,
he continued, the fraternities will
only have to keep up the houses and
pay a reduced rental fee.
Current plans for the fraternity
development call for it to be built
east of Rose Street, next to the new
football practice field. The University will extend the street going past
the houses to intersect with Woodland Avenue. The President noted
that the street will be wide enough
for adequate parking space in front
of each house.
The houses will cost between
$100 000 and $110,000. he estimated.
Each building will house 48 boys
and will include complete living and
dining facilities, a chapter room, and
an kpartment for the house mother,
in addition to 12- Interior Decorations
The cost estimate on the houses

only the exterior construc- tion. Individual fraternities will be
required to do the interior decoration. Some variation in the landscaping for each unit will be af
forded, Dr. Donovan asserted, since
each group will also be allowed to
determine how they want to lay out
their patio and yard.
The University considered two
building plans for the
houses, he related, before deciding
on the adopted design. The other
plan provided for a dormitory-typ- e
house where all the boys would sleep
in one large room. Both designs
were basically the same in other
room provisions, he added.
Guy A. Huguelet, a member of the
Board of Trustees and the man Dr.
Donovan described as the "sparkplug" of the "fraternity row" plan,
told the assemblage that two sororities, Chi Omega and Alpha Delta
Pi, are now operating under the
same plan the University plans for
the fraternities and are quite satisfied with it.


it has been Papa

has particularly endeared himself to Patt
Hall girls. The angle at which his
trunk slopes down to the ground
makes the perfect spot for a goodnight kiss. There are two theories
as to how Papa got that way.
The first holds that when Papa
was a mere sapling, God, knowing
the needs of lovers and the brightness of Patt Hall's porch light, commanded the wind to blow and bend
the young tree's trunk. The second
is that the tree has bent gradually
through the years under the weight
of the thousands of kisses given
and received beneath its branches.
Both theories have their possibilities.
Ginkhos have other uses than
that employed by Patt Hall freshmen and their dates. The seeds of
the fruit when boiled in water make
a sedative which eases stomach pain
and induces sleep. Philosophers and
mystics sit beneath them m China,
hoping that the ginkho will impart
to them some of its ageless patience
and strength. In fact, a ginkho has
never been known to die of natural
causes. Mama and Papa are defi
nitely here to stay.

By Claire Wood



Ag Team
To Attend Contests
Seven-Ma- n

judging team from
the Agriculture Department will attend two livestock judging contests,
the American Royal in Kansas City,
Mo. on Oct. 18 and the International
Livestock Exposition at Chicago on



Nov. 28.

The team will be chosen from the
students: Jack Butler,
Marion Hayden, J. H. Heller, Thur-ma- n
Hopkins, James R. Jones, Emery Keck, Jack Millikan, Thomas
Streeter, Joe Turpin, and E. G.


Prof. R.

A. Lonij

will co:ich the


""'5, "



riif i'tiiMtmmmtm

fhoto by Betty Baug

DICK RUSHING IS SHOWN returning an intercepted pass in last
Saturday's came. Tommy Adkins is the player putting the block on
the Mississippi player. Rushing returned the ball to the mid field
stripe before being tackled by a host of Rebels.

Dairy Team
Places Fourth
In Nationals

Troupers' Tryouts
To Be On Tuesday

Troupers' tryouts will be held at
Tuesday in the Guignol laboratory theater. Fine Arts building.
Troupers, UK's performing organization, is interested in singers,
UK's dairy cattle judging team musicians, dancers, comedians, tumreceived high honors in national blers, magicians, and any other enand regional judging contests this tertainers.
Further information can be ob
Competing in the National Inter- tained from Miss Joyce Perbix at
collegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Con- 2170, or the Physical Education De
test at Waterloo, Iowa, the four-ma- n
partment, at 2324.
team placed fourth out of the 30
teams judging. At the Southern
contest in Memphis, Tenn., the team
won first over 10 other competitors.
Separate breed competitions gave
Kentucky first in the Holstein class,
fifth in Brown Swiss, ninth in
feature of last
Guernseys, and fourth in Holsteins.
Results of the individual judging Saturday's game with Ole Miss was
contests in Waterloo placed UK the performance of the UK's MarchTheir
team members John Wente and Billy ing 100 during half-tim- e.
show added extra dash and color to
Ridgeway fifth and eighth, respectively, of the 90 judges participating. the afternoon that was missing
Individual results at Memphis from the first half.
gave Kentuckian Marcus Hopper
Before beginning the regular profirst place over 44 competitors. John gram, the band presented its new
Wente was in fourth place. Wente soonsor for the year, Kay King.
was also third in the Jersey class. The Marching 100 formed
The other member of the team was and played "I Want a Girl" while
John McGeehan, a senior in the Joe Rust.
Miss King was escorted on the field
Department of Radio Arts, has been
where she exchanged places with
awarded the second annual Ken
last year's sponsor, Barbara Baldtucky Broadcasters Association
scholarship, Leo M. Chamberlain.
The band formed a football funny-fac- e
of the University, and Will Be
that smiled at its audience. In
Mrs. O. C. Halyard, Acting Head of
a formation of musical notes, the
Mid-Octob- er
the Department of Radio Arts an
hand presented its concert number,
nounced this week. The scholarship,
Applications are now being ac- "September Song." This was the
for $150 was granted McGeehan for
cepted for the Fulbright Awards is- first of a series which the band
the 1952-5- 3 academic year.
sued under the Fulbright Act and plans to play at the home games.
John came to Kentucky in 1949 as a part of the educational ex- "Stairway to the Stars," "Moonlove,"
after working in New York City for change program of the Department "Bells of St. Mary," and "Beautiful
four years. He served with the U.S of State.
Savior" will be future concert numMarines during World War II. He
The program under the Fulbright bers.
saw service in the Pacific, had two Act is supervised by a board of forPracticed This Summer
ships shot from under him, and par eign scholarships composed of ten
The Marching 100 began practice
ticipated in the major Pacific in American educators appointed by before the semester started. All
vasions, including the invasion of the President. The board approves band members, except freshmen, atIwo Jima.
all programs, designates participattended a band camp at Daniel Boone
The scholarship went to McGee- - ing institutions, and selects grantees. the week before school began. The
All applications must be turned in band was under the direction of
nan lor ms curricuiar as well as
record. In addition by Oct. 15. Additional information Warren Lutz, and the choral group
to making excellent grades, he is about eligibility, basis of selection, was directed by Aimo Kiviniemi.
The formations and drill are Mr.
active in the UK Patterson Literary and terms of awards may be obSociety and director of sports for tained from Dr. Paul K. WhitaUer, I utz's original ideas and are built
Miller Hall.
Room 303-on symmetry of design. Each band
7 p.m.

Mr. Leather, only Canadian member of British Commons, was born
in 1919 in Hamilton, Ontario. He
went through public school at Hamilton and Trinity College at Port
Hope and then through the Royal
Military College at Kingston, Canada's West Point.
After the outbreak of World War
II, Mr. Leather went to England
and was engaged in physical training duties. He was responsible for
paratroop training at the Canadian
Army's Physical Training School. As
the result of an accident, he was
immobilized for a year, but shortly
he went to France
and saw service in Belgium, Holland, and Germany.
Broadcasts During War
During the war, he broadcast regularly to Canada and studied history
and imperial affairs at Oxford.
After V-- E Day, while he was in
Germany, Mr. Leather decided to

13-1- 9;


Dr. Jacqueline Bull, an archivist
at the Margaret I. King Library,
was elected president of the Kentucky Library Association at the
group's 42nd annual meeting held at
Louisville last week.
Dr. Bull, who is also head of the
state library association's membership committee, organized the UK
library department of archives following extensive research of libraries
throughout the South having outstanding historical collections.
Research of the library collections
was made possible for Dr. Bull by
a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship
granted her in 1943-4A native of Greenville, Miss., Dr.
Bull has lived in Lexington since
1927. She received her PhD degree
from the University.
Dr. Bull has served on the committee on the economic welfare of
the faculty of the American Association of University Professors. In
the summer of 1949 the UK archivist
attended a course in the preservation and administration of archives
given by the American University in
cooperation with the division of
manuscripts. Library of Congress
and several other well known archive groups.

19 Persons Enroll


The Hon. Edwin II. C. Leather, young member of the British
House of Parliament, will give the first lecture of the Central Kentucky Community Concert and Lecture Series at 8:15 p.m. Monday in Memorial Coliseum.

3-- 5:

15-2- 5;



Will Deliver Address

co-ru- sh

Heads State


Parliament Member

co-ru- sh

UK Archivist

He pointed out that the fraternities won't have to pay taxes on the
houses because they will belong to
the University. The houses will also receive lower utility rates than
private dwelling places, he added.
"If eight fraternities are ready to
go." he asserted, "we believe we can
get you fellows settled in these
houses by this time next year."
After the meeting, a fraternityv
representative who asked that his
name not be used, commented that
the plan sounded like a fine deal
except for one factor: "I don't know
of many fraternities that are going
to be able to bear the high financial
cost of the operation."

Mama, Papa Ginkhos
Still Shelter Lovers


No Taxes On Houses


Flanking the front walk of Patterson Hall are two gnarled and
twisting ginkhos. For the enlightenment of those unfamiliar with
Oriental shrubbery, a ginkho is a
long-livetree of
Chinese origin, which produces an
plum shaped fruit.
In China, ginkhos sit in front of
all the temple gates to keep out evil
spirits. How they accomplish this is
fairly obvious; when the fruit is on
the ground, no one would come within half a mile of the place.
Known familiarly as Papa and
Mama, Patterson Hall's ginkhos
have a historic background. In the
first of the 19th century six of the
trees were given to Henry Clay by an
unknown Oriental. This, presumably, was an attempt to cement
diplomatic relations. At any rate.
Clay, being a generous man, kept
one tree for himself and gave the
rest away. Papa and Mama came to
live at Patterson Hall.
In time, a crisis arose. Mama, it
was the only female
among the six. Something had to
be done because Henry Clay had set
the M.yle, and the demand for baby
ginkhos was tremendous. Papa, figuratively speaking, rolled up his
sleeves and got to work, and today
Papa and Mama enjoy the distinction of being the direct ancestors of
every ginkho in the state.
Mama is still quite prolific. In
fact, for the past four autumns, she
has borne fruit. In the case of a
common apple tree, this would've
been the accepted procedure; ginkhos. however, are supposed to produce only once every three years.
old tree.
For a century-and-a-ha- lf
Mama gets around.
During the course of years, though.


"I think we will have to go into informal rush,"
Wright said, "to get the pledges we did not get
under the formal rush."
George Lawson speaking for Sigma ChHand
IFC of which he is president of both, said he
thought the program was very successful. It
saved money and gave actives and rushees a
chance to become acquainted, he asserted. "Often
fraternity men will go through school and only
know a few men in other fraternities." he said.
chairman and a
Paul Holleman, IFC
Delt member, said the total number pledged was
a little below normal, but he felt the IFC members would vote to continue the system.
He said the rush system was entirely under
IFC rule and not Dean Kirwan. When the IFC
meets next week, it may vote to have an informal
rush later in the semester, or early next semester, he said.
"The Delt's have a larger pledge class than
ever before, and the fraternity is very pleased
with the results," he said. The Delts took in 37
pledges compared to 25 last year.
SAE took in 28 compared with 30 last year.
One of the members, Jess Gardner, who is also
chairman of IFC, stated he thought
the rush program was a success.
Number of pledges for other fraternities are:
Phi Sig. 8 this year, 18 last year; Triangle,
Phi Delt,
Kappa Sig,
Lambda Chi,
Farm House, 2; Phi Tau, 10; Alpha Sigma
Phi, 1.

D-D- ay

Seniors To Sign Up
For Annual Pictures
Seniors are requested to sign
immediately for their 1953 Kentuckian pictures in Room 116 of
the Journalism building. Pictures
will be taken from Oct. 6 to Oct
24, Fred Bradley, editor, said.
The 1952 Kentuckians are being
distributed in Room 116 of the
Journalism building from 2 to 4
p.m. today and all morning Saturday.
Those who paid shipping
fees last year will be refunded
their money upon receipt of their








UK Graduate


Is Awarded






Byron Romanowitz, graduate student at Princeton University and a
'51 graduate of the College of Engineering, has been awarded a scholarship to do further graduate work
at Princeton. Romanowitz expects
to receive the degree of Master of
Fine Arts in Architecture in June,

For Writing Class

In national competitions sponsored
last year by the Beaux Arts Institute
Nineteen persons have enrolled in of Design of New York, Romanowitz
the noncredit night class in creative won two
first prizes and one second
writing, Dr. William M. More, professor of journalism and instructor prize.
of the class, said this week.
Last year Romanowitz did gradThe class is being offered by the uate work at Princeton and was
Department of University Extension, named as the student who showed
and will meet in the Journalism the most promise in architectural
Building on Tuesdays for 10 con- design. He also had the highest
secutive weeks at 7 p.m. The first scholastic standing in the graduate
class was held last Tuesday.
school of architecture at Princeton
Dr. Moore said that the class will for the year 1951-5stress articles and factual writing.
While a student at Kentucky, RoExercises which the class will do will manowitz was a member of Phi Mu
also be applicable for short stories, Alpha, musical honor society; Tau
he said.
Beta Pi, engineering honor society;
with the University and Phi Sigma Kappa, social frain offering the clas is the Lexington ternity. He has worked two sumWriters' Club, organized several mers in architectural design with
weeks ago after the University's first Brock
and Johnson, Lexington
creative-writin- g






ft tm



He didn't have a
constituency but soon became a
member of the Conservative Party.
For his first election, the party assigned him to a district that was
strongly socialistic, but he won with
a "handy majority."
go into politics.

John Carradine. star of stage and
screen, will appear for one performance only at 8 p.m. Wednesday at
the Guignol Theater, Dr. William S.
Ward, head of the English Department, said this week.
Mr. Carradine has played in such
movies as "The Grapes of Wrath."
"Les Mlserables", "Mary of Scotland", "Winterset", 'Jesse James",
and "Captain Courageous." He recently appeared in the play, "The
Mad Woman of Chaillot."
In his program, Mr. Carradine

will present some of the


scenes from Shakespeare and selections from other English and American poets. After the program the
audience will have an opportunity
to meet Mr. Carradine and talk with
him in the Music Lounge.
Tickets will go on sale at the
Guignol box office at noon Monday.
The admission is 50 cents for students and one dollar for all others.
The program is being spoilt reU
jointly by the Guignol Players and
the English Club.

Marching 100 Add Color, Dash At Half Time




Bellcvue, Newport, Ludlow, Covington Holmes, and Highlands.
On Nov. 21 in Knoxville. Tenn..
there will be another niarctun? band
clinic for southeastern Kentucky.
An addition has been made to the
band's uniforms this year. Bo ides
the regular uniform of blue jackets
and caps, white troupers with blue
spats, white ascots. and white feather-duster
cap plumes, raincoat and
white gloves have been given to
each member.


Fulbright Applicants

Pre. cnt and former UK ; t'lueuts
have done a number of : .pecMl arrangements for this year's
They include Robert Griffith,
band director at Loui.svillo Manual
Hi?h school Jim Eversolc. with the
U. S. Army at Camp Rucker, Ala.;
Cecil Carrick, now teaching at Eastern High school. Middletown: Dave
Livingston, teaching at Beattyville
Hiyh school; Fred Hines, a senior in
the band, and Mrs. Mary Lutz,
teaching at Picadome school.
Staff members, beside. Lutz and
Kiviniemi. are Richard Kamm.
graduate assistant at UK, formerly
solo cornesist with the University
of Illinois: Dick Borchardt. graduate student from Western Kentucky State College, and Don Wilson of Shackleton's. All three assist with marchinr: and sectional



No 'Local Boy Tradition
"Beins a member of Parliament in
Great Britain", Mr. Leather says,
"is quite different from b'in a
Congressman in the United States.
There is, for example, no local boy
tradition in Great Britain. It I. not
necessary to be a resident of a
where an aspiring yount?
politician seeks election. He must
first be approved by the cnnimitt.ee
of the party under whose banner lie
seeks election, and is then assiuneU
a district in which to fare forth to
win his spurs."
"Most M.P.'s. do not live in the
constituency which elects them," Mr.
Leather continues. "But I think this
is wrong. One should be close to the
problems of the people whom one
represents, and one can not understand their situation living in a big
house in London."
A great deal of Mr. Leather's work
as an M.P. is in the parliamentary
labor committee of which he is joint
secretary. He is a member of the
Association of Supervisory Staffs
Executive and Technicians.


Senior Gels
Radio Arts


I-- D

John Carradine To Star
In Shakespearian Scenes

non-athlet- ic


Students' wives can get tickets
for the Central Kentucky Community Concert and Lectures
Series for five dollars instead of
the regular price of eight d.)li;m-Robson D. Mclntyre, professor of
commerce, said this week.
Tickets will be available through
October in Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain's office. Students should brin:;
cards for identification
purposes. Prof. Mclntyre said.

fresh air in British politics."
Like other young parliament lumbers, Mr. Leather engages in pnvae
business. He is with a firm of insurance and banking brokers in


In the distric t which he now
represents. North Somerset, he defeated 32 candidates to win selection
by the North Somerset Conservative
Committee. Mr. Leather has often
ficht-in- g
been called "one of Chun-hill'- s
young men", and "a breath of


rt rrrttrwmMr

n "1








I K'S MARCHING 100 are pictured above going through a maneuver between ihe halves at last week's
game. In the center of the marchers, perched on her father's shoulder, is Donna Wilson, featured twirler

with the band.
member has a number, and these
numbers are charted on a planned
sheet of intricate drills.
The Marching 100 will initiate a
new type of drill at the
game next Saturday. The new
march is called the "Providence
Drill". The band is divided into
four-ma- n
groups. Half the band
will be doing differently than the
other half.
The concert number, "Haminrto,"


will feature Bill George as trumpet
soloist. The band is also working

street beats,
inusing authentic
Don Wilson and his daughter.
Donna, will be doing their usual
twirling at the game. Drum Major
Max Smith will be leading the band.
Lutz Is Illinois Graduate
Warren Lutz Is in his third year
of directing the UK's "Marching




Band. He graduated from the
University of Illinois, and obtained
his Muster's Degree at UK. Mr. Lutz
was an Army man for 42 months.
He has started a clinic for hmh
schol marching bunds which will be
held Oct. 24 and 25 in Cincinnati.
The UK Marching Band will be
This clinic
there for the week-enKentucky Imh
is for northern
schools and will take place at the


� best copy Available

Democracy 's Pi 'ess Must Standi
Against Censor 's Blue Pencil
".Vo nation, ancient or modern, ever lost the
liberty of frcrftj speaking, writing, or publishing
their sentiments, but forthwith lost their liberty in
general and became slat es."



That declaration is prrhaps even more appropriate today than when it was written, well over a
100 years ago. The dark spector of press censorship is moving all over the world in a concerted attempt to shackle and restrict men's thoughts,
dreams, and hopes.
pencil of the censor is by no
confined to the Iron Curtain nations. Here
in this country, where Article One of the Bill of
Rights specifically provides that there shall be no
abridgement of the freedom of speech and press,
forces are constantly at work to hamper newsmen
as they go about their daily job of gathering facts
for the people.
From federal agencies down to local governmental units, barriers to the free dissemination of
information are constantly being erected. In one
small community, a clerk in the county courthouse,
in direct violation of the law, refused to allow a
newspaper to publish county marriage license records. The newspaper had to go to court before the
clerk changed his mind. Public institutions of all
heavy-markin- g

Honorary Seeks
Student Authors
This fall, for the third straight year, UK's Alpha
chapter of Flu Beta Kappa is seeking an undergraduate who believes he can write. Purpose of the
search is to reward and encourage the would-b- e
author by having his work published and distributed
to all major libraries in the world.
A three-ma- n
committee in charge of choosing a
recipient for the award is just a little discouraged
about their task. The last two years they've proclaimed the same offer loud and often in the
Kernel, on campus bulletin loards, and through
personal letters to even- memler of the faculty. So
far, not one embryo Shakespeare has appeared to
even try and claim his rightful prize. It almost
looks as if the UK campus is devoid of literates.
The rules of the competition are very simple:
Manuscripts should not exceed 50 double-spacetypewritten pages. Subject matter is left up to the
author as is the style or vehicle of expression. The
committee has no preference about the type of
writing to be submitted it can lie poetry, prose, or
even an interesting thesis that lias a general appeal.
Send your literary gems to either Dr. C. Arnold
Anderson, Dr. Herman E. Spivey, or Dr. Lawrence
E. Spivey.
Surely somewhere on campus there exists a
writer who dreams of the fame and recognition that
accompany publication of one's literary attempts.
Don't hold back, tin's might be your chance to give
the world another Hemingway, Lewis, or Faulkner,
or Faulkner.




This week's sketch is the seventh in a scries of

Taculty Profiles." Readers' suggestions for future
Trofile" personalities trill be welcomed.
"I'd have to le forced into an airplane now at the
point of a gun," declared a UK professor in an interview this week. During the last war, however, this
same faculty member was decorated for his part
in some 21 combat missions over the mainland of
Prof. Nathanial M. Patch, an associate professor
of music, was based at Tinian in the Marianas for
11 months as a
navigator in the Ninth Bomber
"We participated in
night raids on
Tokyo, Nagoya, and Koba," he related. "These
Eights were "nampam" incendiary bombing missions from 2.000 to 5.000 feet."
Prof. Patch also took part in high-levmissions.
His crew worked with the Navy on one assignment,
dropping mines in the inland seas of Japan.
"I enjoyed flying then," he said assuredly. "The
Air Force has a good psychological way of fitting
the man to the job. My navigational pursuits were
enough to keep my mind from going completely
stagnant, and I never even touched a piano while
in the service."
Prof. Patch was drafted into the infantry, but was
commissioned a 2nd Lt. in artillery after going to
O. C. S. He was transferred to the Air Force as a
student officer in 1944.
He flew in the last combat mission over Japan,
while the enemy was negotiating for peace. "After
there was quite a furor," he
the second
said, "and all flights were cancelled."
But the Japanese were apparently still not sure
they wanted to surrender and Prof. Patch's group
took off for an "insurance" run. That was the night
lrtfore the armistice. He also took part in the
"show of force" mission over the "Missouri" while
the treaty of peace was lx'ing signed.
For his demeanor in combat he received the
Presidential Citation, the Air Medal with two oak
leaf clusters, and the Pacific Theater riblxm with
three battle stars.

sorts school lxiards, city commissions, boards of
trustees, etc. outrageously deny that the public'
has any right whatsoever to know what is being
done with its money.
Contrary to that view, the public does have a
right to know what is being done with its money
and the nation's newspapers are the best agency to
put out that information. The value of television
and radio certainly can not be minimized, but their
value is more limited, more narrow in scope. National surveys showed, for example, that most of
those who either saw or heard our two major party
conventions this past summer, turned to their newspapers to get a more comprehensive account of
what they had been seeing or hearing.
Henry Ward Beecher once remarked that newspapers are the schoolmaster of the common people.
One can easily see then how effortlessly a despot
can assure his power by seeing to it that he controls
his country's press. Facts are the weapons of freedom, and, without weapons, no army can win many
For the most part barriers to freedom of the press
are being attacked and torn down just about as soon(
as they crop up. However, the fight is an endless
one, a fight that requires the support of newspaper
renders as well as newspaper workers.

Readers9 Comment
Noticeably Lacking
In Students9 Paper
No editorial page can really be complete as long
as it merely prints the opinibns of the editors and
columnists. The modern concept of the "think"
page is that it's a sort of printed forum a place
where the ideas of editors, pundits, and readers are
exchanged, examined, and evaluated.
The Kernel's editorial pages this year have carried few evidences of reader reaction to what
we print. Of course this could be taken as a
sign that we're not displeasing anyone since people
usually react lx?st when they're being insulted.
More likely, however, it means that we're not interesting anyone.
As we've said before the Kernel is printed for its
readers. If you disagree with our ideas, tell us about
it. If you've got an axe to grind, we'll be glad to
lend you a little newsprint to serve as a grindstone.
Don't misunderstand, we'd also like to print a few
nice things about people and institutions once in a
while. If you have a bouquet you want delivered,
we'll be glad to handle the job.
Address your comments: The Editor, Kentucky
Kernel, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Try
to keep your letters under 300 words an