xt7j0z70wc4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j0z70wc4m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1917-13-aug27-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-13-aug27-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-13-aug27-ec. 1917 1917-13-aug27-ec. 2011 true xt7j0z70wc4m section xt7j0z70wc4m 



                  August 27, 1917

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in
President Barker's office, pursuant to call, to finish busi-
ness interru'3ted by the meeting of the Board of Trustees, Au-
gulst 16. The following were present: Chairman Nicholas Messrs
McKee, Johnston, and Doctor Marks.

     The regular order of business was taken up. Under the
heading "Unfinished business" a report made by Acting Dean
Roberts, of the College of Agriculture, to the Executive Com-
mittee June 20, 1917, and at that time not acted unon, was
taken up.

     Recommendation 1 of Dean Robert's report, which asked for
the transfer of E. J. Gott from the Experiment Station to the
Teaching Division as Instructor in Bacteriology, to have full
charge of this work, wan adopted.

     Recommendation 2, that Doctor R. L. Pontius be designa-
ted Acting Head of the Department of Diseases of Live Stock,
was approved.

     Recommendation 4, that J. 0. LaBach be made Head of the
Food and Drug Department, if by July lst, R. M. Allen had not
signified def.nite intentions to return to the Experiment
Station work. The Board instructed Acting President 3oyd to
write further to Mr. Allen, asking for a definite reply to a
former letter written by President Barker, on this pointt

     Recommendation 6, that J. B. flutson be appointed as In-
structor in Farm Management at a salary of $1200, indicated in
the schedule of salaries was referred to the Budgeting Committee
and there acted upon.

     Recommendation 6, that Miss Linda Purikell be appointed
Instructor in Home Economics at a salary of $750 per year, was

     Number 8, recommending that the salary of Judge Lafferty
(five hundred dollars), paid by the Exneriment Station as Legal
advisor thereof, be discontinued, was referred to the Budgeting
Committee and there acted unon.   1he action of the Oudgeting
Committee up6n said salary was that the same rule that obtain-
ed in last year's budget sh8 uld continue in this year's budget;
viz., that of Judge Lafferty's salary, the $500 referred to be
paid out of the Experiment Station funds, and the remainder out
of the University funds.


      Number 11, asking permission to fill the place held by
Messrs. Roger Jones and Elmer Ingram, Insnectors in Feed and
Fertilizer Control work; the Board authorized Dean Roberts so
to fill these positions.

     Number 12, recommending that $5000 be approoriated from
Station funds to building an iumplement barn, was discussed.,
but no action taken.

     That paragraph of Recommendation 12 which referred to
expenditure for macadam roads, fences, etc.. on the Station
Farm, was referred to the Budgeting Committee, whose action
is set out in the budget.

     Number 13. recommending an exoenditure of about $2500 for
a stock Judging pavilion, was discussed but no action taken.

      hat portion of Dean Robert's recommendation which affect-
ed his own salary was referred to the Budgeting Committee and
the Secretary instructed to note merely the legends: "Attdnded
to In the budget5.

     Acting President %oyd stated to the Board that in its
meeting of August 15. had hegun to read his report as Acting
President but that the same had been interrupted by the ad-
Journment of the Executive Committee to meet with the -Board
of Trustees at 1;30 o'clock. ae asked permission to submit
and did submit the following supplemental report; action up-
on which is noted as follows at the close of each paragraph:

To the Rxecutive Committee
     University of 4entuaky


     I wish to make the following renort, to supplement that
presented, but not 3.cted upon, at the last meeting of the
Executive Committee.

     Professor F. E. Tuttle, Denartment of Chemistry, makes the
following recommendation, under date of Autgust 25:

"Doctor P  P  Boyd,
     Acting President
          Lexington, Ky.

IbDear Sir:

     As a result of several consultations with you and with
your aonroval, I have finally tendered positions in the De-
partment of Chemistry for a neriod of one collegiate year, as

       Mr. C. C. Xi-plinger, Asst. Irofessor of chemistry,
                                                Salary $1200
       Mr. A. W. Withrow, Instructor in   hemistry,
                                                Salary $1100
       Mr. A. F. H-ardman      u         Chemistry
                                                SalAry $ 900


       "Under date of September 18, 1917, Doctor L. C. Daniels
  requested one year's leave of absence in order that he might
  carry on research work in the dye industry. This, with your
  concurrence, was granted and 1r. Kinlinger has agreed to come
  in his place at a saving of $400 to the University.

       "Up to the present time, I have not received acceptance
  from Messrs. Withrow and Hardman, but exnect them Monday or

      "I wish to state in conclusion, that in all my Drofession-
 al experience, I have never experienced so great difficulty in
 securing men for teaching, on ac ount of the fact that the
 chemical industries are scouring the country for men at
 attractive salaries.


                                        (Signed) F. E. Tuttle',

      I recommended that Mr. C. C. Kiplinger be made Assistant
 Professor of Chemistry for one year, at a salary of $1200; that
 Mr. A. W. Withrow be made Instructor in Chemistry for one year
 at a salary of $1100; that Mr. A. F. Hardman be made Instructor
 in Chemistry for one year at a salary of $900.

      On August 18, Doctor L. C. Daniels requested a year's leave
 of absence, in order to carry on research work in the dye indus-
 try. I took the liberty to grant this request, and ask that you
 add your confirmation,.    Mr. Kiplinger is annointed as Doctor
 Danielse substitute for the year, at a saving of $400 to the

      These salaries are not exactly those set down in the bud-
get, but Professor Tuttle states that it is absolutely impossible
for him to secure men at a  lower figure, because of the fact
that the chemical industries are scouring the country for men
at attractive salaries,  If these salaries will be allowed as
recomnended by Doctor 1uttle, he agrees to do without one teaching
fellow, which has been allowed in the budget,    he net result of the
appointments, $000 then, is to save on the budget,

     (Approved by the Executive Committee).

     On "ugust 20, Dean George Roberts, of the College of Agri-
culture,-recommended that Mr. J. H. Martin, a graduate of Pur-
due University, be appointed to fill the vacancy made by re-
signation of Professor W. H. Wilkins, his services to begin Sent-
ember 1, at a salary of $100 per month.    his recommendation is
seconded by Professor Hooper. Head of the Denartment of Animal
Husbandry and Doctor A. M. Peter, Acting '0irectpr of the Exper-
iment Station.  I add my recommendation also.   The budget an
made out for Presentation today, allows $1000 for Chicken Ex-
pert.  (Dean Aoberts  letter follows);


"Doctor P. P. Joyd,
      Acting ?resid1ent,
           University of Ky.

My dear Doctor  oyd:

      'U'on recommnendation of Professor J. J. Hooper, 1fead of
the Animal Husbandry Department, and Doctor A . 14. Peter,
Acting Director of the Experiment Station, I wieh to present
the name of J. HI. HArtin, a graduate of Purdue University,
to fill the %vacancy made by the resignation of jrofessor W.,
H. Wilkinse, him s ervices to begin Sentember 12, at a salary of
$100 per month.

     "Profeosor iHoo-er has made a thorough investliation of
his Gualifiatt ons and has seen him personally and ts thor-
oughly satisfied that he is well qualified iu every respect
to fill this pozitionB.  e are very anxious to have action
on this nomination at the next meeting of the E~xecutive Com-.
mi ttee.

                                   Yours very truly,

                           (Signed)George Robert s
                                   Acting Dean

     (A-onroved by the Exeautive Committee)

     Urnder date of Auust 16, Dean %obertsi recommended that
leave of absence, until 1ecntenber 1, 1918, b  granted  ro-
feasor At. H. Gilbert of the iotany De-artmsnt.  Professor
Gilbert desires to work with the U. S. Denartment of Agri-
culture. I have aoproved this recomnendation and ask that
the Committee grant final authority for it.

     (Dean ioberts' letter followne)

"Doctor P. P. loy.
     Acting President,
          University of Kentuoky,

"My dear Doctor Boydt

     "professor A. H. Gilbert of the iBotany Department has
asked for a year's leave of absence in order to work with
the U, S. Department of -grioulture.  I recommend that leave
be granted him until Bentember 1, 1918.

                                  Yours very truly,

                          (Signed)George RobertsB
                                  Acting Devn.

     (Approved by th3e BxeOutiVe Gommitees and Acting President
Boyd authorlted to ac t finally on the matter of appointing
a temporary head of the Denrtment of 40tany.)


     Two requests for permission to do snecial work have
been received and granted:

     Miss Margaret McLaughlin, of the Department of Journal-
ism. was granted permission to do work in the nature of ex-
pert services not readily obtained elsewhereF on the Blue
Farm Grass supplement, issued by the Lexington Herald, on Mon-
day morning.  Professor Grehan, Head of the Department, re-
commended that this approval be given. (Mr. Steswarts' letter
follo ;7s:)

tDoctor P. P. Boyd.

Dear Sir:

      "The Lexington Herald desires to secure the services of
Miss Margaret McLaughlin, of the School of Journalism, to do
special worIk on our Blue Grass Sunolement, issued on Monday
morning.   he work reou red is in the nature of exoert services
which are not readily obtainable elsewhere under present con-
ditions, and I believe within the regulations recently adopt-
ed by the B3oard of Trustees, Permit me to call attention al so
to the fact that there would be a mutual adv;,ntage in the ar-
rangement, for the University and the herald, since the
zpecial work in mind would bring Miss McLaughlin into inti-
mate touch with the school of -Agriculture and it should be
the means of disseminating information of Interest to the pub-
lic that would be valuable to the Univezsity and in line with
the University's extension work.  We hope therefore that ae
may have the permission of the University authorities to se-
cure Miss McLaughlin's services, with the understanding, of
course, that her services to the Herald will In no way inter-
fere with her duties at the University.

                              Very resoectfully yours,

                              (bigned) Charles I. Stewart,
                                       General Manager.

     (Approved by the Executive Committee)

     Professor Edward T        utHill. Head of the Department of His-
tory and Economics, has written, at ting that on July 1, 1916
he entered into an agreement to supply certain historical and
soclal material for a new encyclopedia, .and asks that author-
ity be given him to carry out this contract. (Professor
Tuthillis letter followst)

President Henry S. Barker,
Lexington, Kentucky.

My dear Sir:

     tiSince the July meeting of the Bonrd of Trustees of the


University, I have learned that I am under contract to supply
certain historical and social material for a new encyclonedia.

      'Ihis agreement was made about July 1, 1916.   The enter-
 prise was delayed by several circumstances, and I supposed
 it had been abandoned. A letter from the editor now states
 that the publication will go forward as planned originally.

      "I am, therefore, writing to you a statement of the
 facts that I may not viol te the rule adopted in June pro-
 hibiting outside employment of members of the faculty.

      "With much regret, I am,

                               Very sincerely yours,

                               (Signed) Edward Tuthill.

      (Approved by Executive Oommittee)

      Acting president  oyd reported to the Committee that the
Business Agent, D. H. Peak, and himself, had visited Washing.
ton at the instance of the Committee anpointed to procure a
commandant for the University for the session of 1917-19;
that they had called in person upon Adjutant General Johnston,
of the War Denartment, who assured them that he would make
an appointment in due time, of a retired army officer to take
the work of a commandant for the University, and that notice
would be sent of that action in due season,

     Acting eresident Boyd asked that some action be taken,
authorising proper announcement of the coming President Frank
L. McVey, who formally accepted his election to the Presiden-
cy of the University in the following letter:

Mr. Lnoch Grehan,
Secy. Board of Trustees.
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky.

My dear Mr. Grehan: .

     Your letter of August 16 has come to hand and I am ac-
knowledging receipt.

     I accent formally the presidency of the University of
Kentucky under the conditions stated in your letter, namely,
a salary of $8500, and the use of the house recently purchas-
ad by the Uliiversity for a residence.

     I note that you say further that this house is to be put
in proper condition, so that it will be a suitable and conven-
ient place in which to live.

     4ith appreciation, I remain,

                                  Yours very truly,

                                  (Signed) Frank L. McVey, Pres.


     With reference to former action of the Board, establish-
ing John Humphreys as Head of the De-oartment of Markets, Mr-.
Mckee moved that t:e language of the minutes of that action
be changed so as to read: "Read of the Department of Mnrkets
in the College of Agriculture, with the title of Professor.N
Duly seconded, this motion was adopted by unanimous vote and
the authorized change in said minutes thereuPon made.

     The Dusiness Agent's report was taken un and acted upon
as indicated here n:

                       SPECIAL REPORT

To President H. S. Barker, and
The Executive Committee,
University of Kentucky.

Gent 1 emen:

                      FINANCIAL STATEMEN.,NT

     Owing to the fact that the Budget has not been complet-
ed. I can only make Financial Statement. I file it herewith.

                        STATE HALL

     Some action should be taken at the present meeting con-
cerning State Hall.  Messrs. Wilson and Schaber, the students
who had charge of it at the close of lart year, say that they
do not care to renew dontract.

     (Referred to  uasiness Agent and Acting Preeident  oyd
for final action.)

                     PROFESSOR SCOTT'S EXPENSE

     A traveling exnense account for $35.94 for expense of
Professor C. H. Scott on his trip relative to employment by
the University. It Is recommended for payment by Professor
Miller, but it seems proper to refer it to this Committee for
its action before payment.

     (On motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. McKee, the
amount was ordered paid, by unanimous vote on roll call.)

                     EENTUCKY MINING INSTITUTE

     The Kentucky Mining Institute has sent a check for $100
In part payment of amount due University Press. At the Jan-
uarymeeting of this Committee, an order was made directing
the  usiness Agent to make the best ronsible settlement of this
debt. Accoriingly settlement at one half the amount due was
suggested. The check for $100lis so wvritten that if accented
it closes thb agreement to settle at $lB3.36, one half amount
charged.  I submit letter, exhibit No.3. Please make an order
concerning this.


(Approved by Committee)

                        STUDENT FEES

     I ask you to make some ruling as to what the Registrar
and business Agent shall do relative to collections of fees
from County Appointees, in view of the fact that the Co-art
of Appeals has not yet and probably will not make a decision
in the Dending litigation before time of matriculation.

     'hould not the question of possible refund to students
be taken into account in the make un of this year's budget?

     in order to avoid the trouble and loss caused by giving
time to students, I believe this Committee should make some
ruling concerning it.

     (Business Agent and Registrar instructed to get advice
of Attorney General as to howv to proceed in the matter, and
act in accordance with such advice.d

                        DOCTOR PATTERSON

     Doctor P.atterson insists that certain things be done in
the way of repairs.  It s'eems that it is an oven question as
to whether his request be granted, and I do not wish to go
contrary to the will of this board. Kindly advise. (Business
Agent instructed to get advice on cost and extent of repairs.)

                         QLD CISTERN

     Back of the site of Clay Hall is an old cistern. I did
not know of its existence until the janitor told me of it after
removing a pile of brush, I have had it covered with old
post, nailed together with boards which can not be removed
with ease. However, I think it proper to acquaint you with
these facts.

     (Report accevted.)

                        EIGHT WATCHMEN

     It is the custom to have two students for night watch-
men and to pay them $20.00 each month. As the advisability
of this is questioied, I think this Committee should discuss
the question. (Business Agent authorized to continue arrange-
ments as long as work is satisfactory.)

                         SUMMER SCHOOL

     The minutes are uncertain as to a-onrovriation for Summer
School. Please make an order as to amount to be oaid-Education,
Law and Mechanical Departments. (Mr. Johnston moved that an
appropriation of $100 for the College of Law and $300 for the
College of Mechanical kngineering be made In addition to $165Q
avnropriated to Department of Education, to meet these expenses.
Duly seconded, this motion was adopted on roll call.)


                  ADVERT I SING

     There is no apDropriation in the budget for advertising
in periodicals.  ome advertising was done last year both
generally and by departments. I wish this Committee to be
advised as to this, and that it make such ruling as see-m
proper. (No action taken.)

                  MULLIGAN PROPERTY

     The Treasurer of the University, Mr. Downing, gave me the
deed ,o the Mulligan property, suggesting that it be record-
ed.  -his was done, and I submit the deed and the abstract of
title'and certificate of Attorneys.  (Deed and abstract or-
dered placed in bank box.) I call attention to the fact that
provision must be made for necessary exoense connective with
this property. Items of expense are being presented. (Mr.
Johnston moved, LMr. McKee seconding, that the expense of im-
provements to the Mulligan property be said out of the funds
for building and Permanent Improvements. Adopted on roll call
by unanimous vote.)

     I submit Exhibit No. 6 correspondence sent by Kinkead
Coal Comoany. By this it will be seen that an effort was
made to get a reduction of contract price to correspond with
probable government regulation prices, and that mining com-
pany does not think proper to make concessions. Such reduc-
tion, according to Kinkead, might have amounted to as much
as 75 cents per toh, but he adds that the main value of the
contract is that it assures coal for the winter, which with-
out contract he thinks would be very uncertain.    Increased
freight rates have increased our contradt price to $6.10.
The University to date has received about 300 tons on the
contract, and about all the coal bins are filled. (Report
received and filed.)

                       AUDI   OFBOPKS

     Mr. John Morris and his assistant Mr. Herman Anderson,
began an audit of Patterson hall books July 28. Hle worked
about one day, completing the audit for one year.   to complete
the audit for the period of time Miss Hopper was in charge
will take at least two more days. It will cost aporoximate-
ly $25.00 per day, two men working.

     The auditors began work on the cxneriment Station books
on July 30, and worked six days, completing one year's audit.
Mr. Morris informed me that the books have been well kept,
but I have not yet received his written report.

     At the time kr. Morris came, Mr. Miller, examiner of
Federal Omith-Lever funds, was completing his examination of
the books of Extension d-ivision. As it was necessary for him
to make a complete examination of all the books, I did not


deem it necessary to have further audit made. I submit Ex-
hibit No. 7, a report that I rea-uested him to make concern-
ing this audit.  (Action concurred in.)


     The vault in the business Office has been comoleted and
the rooms and vault will soon be ready for use. Your Committee
on Vault thinks that wooden shelves will antwer for all pre-
sent purposes, and steel furniture may be put in when the
financial condition of the University is better.

     As the time for payment for construction of the vault
and preparation of B6usiness Office is at hand, an order should
be made, stating from what funds such exoenses should be paid.

     (Moved. by Mr. Johnston and seconded by "'octor Marks,
that expense of building vault and making incidental changes
be paid out of Extension, Experiment Station and University
funds, equally divided. Adopted by unanimous vGte.)

                     STUDENT FEES.

     It has heretofore been the custom to make rules for die-
tributing student fees and for refunding student fees, I
submit Exhibit No. 86, the regulations in force last year, and
a proposed regulation for this sear, Exhibit No. 9, asking
that yo-aass on this.  Exhibit No, 9 follows:

                     aTUDTNT FEES XEAR 1917-18

1.  Refund all fees to any student that fails in entrance
requirements,  No other refunds except by order of the Council.

2.    he Incidental Fee of $17.50 is pro-.rated as follcwnl

Stuident Activities:

                   Athletic asociation     7.80
                   Kentucky Kernel         1.00
                   Y.M.C.A. & Y.W..A         .60
                   Lecturers & Sundries    . Q...
                                   Total    9.50

     (Approved by Board)

                     PTR      HL REPORT

Paid expense Miss Crane                     75.96
Cash transferred from Fayette National
to Treasurer of University                2124.33
Deposited by Summer School                 860.92


Cash received and expended Summer School    146.43
Other Collections                                821i  
                                            $3229.61   3229.61
Indebtedness reported       $1249.25
Estimated Indebtedness
not reported                  250. 0

     This is incomplete, owing to the fayt that total out-
standing bills have not been reported.   he exnense includes
only operating expense last year and summer exnense.

                       BUSIESS -OFFICE

     I submit Exhibit No. 10, a report in part as to system
in the jusiness Office.  In connection, I would like for the
Executive Committee to discuss the advis. bility of bonds for
the employees in the business Office.  Exhibit No. 10, follows:

Business Office:

     As systematizing the business office according to orders
of this Committee, I wish to report in part as follows:

     In arranging the business of the Experiment Station so
as to give least inconvenience to the station, the following
general outline appears advisable to the business Agent and
Director of the Station:

1.   All books shall be kept in the  usinese Office, and all
warrants otr checks shall be issued from that office.

2.  AII money shall pass through the Ousiness Office, and
record shall be kept there, deposits with the Treasurer be-
ing made from that office.  Systematic reports shall be made
by all departments where money is collected, to the   usiness
Office, showing amount collected and such other details as
may be deemed advisable, each report being audited by Business
Office when received.

3.   An office shall be kant at the Experiment Station,, with
a competent person in charge, acceptable to the Director of
the Experiment Station whose duties shall be such as are a-
greed on by the Director of the Station and 4usiness Agent,
such duties including following:

     (a) Receiving requisitions and making orders therefrom
on approval of Director of Experiment 6tation and business Agent.

     (b) Receiving all bills, including travelling exnense
statements, proving same and preparing for payment.

     (a) Keeping and disbributing such stores as may be re-
quired for convenience of departments.

(d) Receiving and distributing freight, express, etc.


     (e) Making up of salary and payroll lists.

     Such books and records may be kept as appear necessary,
and such changes agreed to by Director and Business Agent as
may appear necessary.

                                Respectfully submitted.

                                (signed) D. H. Peak
                                         Business Agent.

(Approved by Executive 0ommittee)

Overdraft as per bank statement 7/1/17
Outstanding checks 7/7/17
Less canceled checks
     Federal Appropriation
     Interest on  onA
     Gen. Education oard
     Rent-Doctor Patterson
     Note-Phoenix &v Third
     Student Vees

Add balance from une
Checks issued on dalaries:
     State Appropriation
     General 'Education Board
     Other Funds
Checks issued on accounts:
     State Appropriation
     other Funds
Outstanding checks July 31-1917
Bal. as per bank statement
Add $75 error in bank statement

          $15631. 16
   25.93  .EiQiLR

4322. 25
  72. 99


5149. 66

  2719. 20


$55810. 96

6199. 66

4194. 33


                                                  63009.89  63009.89

     Doctor A. M. Peter , Director of the Excperiment Station,
appeared before the Board and asked for information with re-
ference to recommendations made by the Experiment Station of
increases in salaries of various instructors of the station.

     Doctor Peter gave the reasons why he had asked in various
instances that increases be made.

    t In response to Doctor Peter, Mr. Johnston stated that
the budget Committee had been at work on the budget the entire
summer, and had made every effort to meet the demands of the
Station and the University, and stay within the limitations
of the 3ybW~priation; that the budget Gommittee was compelled
this year, on account of unusual expenses and by reason of




the fact that the forthooning year was uncertain of results
on &aoount of the war, not to adopt a policy in a general
sense of raising salariesD and th-t the Budget as made out
would have to stand in its present form.

     after further discuyslon of Exneriment 5tation work and
the duties of various teachers, etc., 3Poctcr Peter withdrew.

     Mr. Mcgee moved th1. t the budget reporteci by Budget Goms
mittee as it affected the Exteriment Station. be adooted.
Seconded by Dootor Marks, tho report of the Budget Uommittee
was adopted by the followinp vote

Yeas- Chairman Nichols, Doctor Marks, Pr. Johnston and Mr.
Naysa None,

     After discussion of various items in the budget of the
University, M r. Johnaton moved the adontion of the renort of
the Committee instructed to make out the fidget for the Unl-
versity.  Seconded by Mr. Mceee  the motion wan adopted by the
following voteC

Yeas-  hairman Nichols, Doctor MRrks. Mr. dohngton and Hr.
Nays.. None.

     'he report of tho 2udget Committee was then turned over
to the  usiness Agent.

      hat portion of the report of Dean P. P. Boyd, College
of Arts and Science, that had been undated upon tlhen the
RXecutive Gamymitteo adjourned -Ixgust 15, to meet, wit h th-e
Boart of Trustees, was taken Up.

     1Che recommendation Jy Professor "uttle, Head of the De-
partment of Chemisatry, that Mr. J. J. Owen be made sa teasching
fellow in the Department of Uhemistry for the %orthcomtng
year at a salary of $350.00, which had been endorsed by sean
boyd, was approved by the Committee,

     The recommendation of Professor ;oe, Head of the De.
partment of Education, of Mlss Marguerite Brown as teaching
fellow in Education for the forthcoming session, at a salary
of $350, which had been endorsed br tihe De&a,, was apnroved by
the Committee.

     The recommendat ion of Profeasor Killebrew, th-it; Mr.
Homer Reid be anpointed a teaching fellow In Phynics for the
session of 1917-18, at a   nlaryr of $350, was annroved by
the Committee.

     Thje reomatedidation of Professor Dant le-, thr- the Exe-
Cutive Committee be requested to alter the wording of its
action in regard to a leave of absence for Professor Weaver,
so as to reatd as foljows:


     "That Professor Weaver be granted leave of absence
for next year at a salary of $1000 unless prevented, for
study in another University," was approved by the Gomnmittee.

     Upon motion, duly seconded, the Committee adjourned.


                                 (Signed) Enoch Grehan