xt7hx34mpm6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hx34mpm6f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-03-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1977 1977 1977-03-22 2020 true xt7hx34mpm6f section xt7hx34mpm6f Tests special diet
UK researcher advances

study of diabetes control

Kernel Sail Writer

The recent Food and Drug Ad-
miristration ban on saccharin has
caused some consternation among
diabetics who are diet-conscious.
However, another development
should give those with the disease
some hope.

After four years of work, UK
medical researcher Dr. James
Anderson has come up with a high-
carbohydrate, low-fat, high-fiber
diet thatoould bea major step in the
control and prevention of diabetes.

Anderson, UK associate professor
of medicine and chief of the en-

docrine section of the Lexington
Veterans Administration (VA)
Hospital. developed the diet with VA
dietician Kyleen Ward and VA en-
docrine specialist Dr. Tae Kiehm.

“Diets of this type have been used
in trea ting diabetes for over 40 years
but haven't yet gained widespread
acceptance,” Andason said. “As
far as l know, we are the only ones to
publish the findings of research
which shows the effects of high-fiber
diets on diabetic patients."

Anderson published the diet in the
August issue of the American
Journal of (‘Ihtical Nutrition and has
already received more than 600

letters from doctors requesting
copies of the article.

Focus on insulin production

Diabetes, an inherited distur-
bance, is thought to be caused by a
deficiency of insulin, which is
necessary in the metabolic
processing of all foods. The disease
is most evident in relation to the
breakdown of sugar and is
characterized by excessive glucose
levels in the blood.

Many diabetic patients can be
treated with anti-diabetes pills
which stimulate insulin production.

Continued on back page

Current problems in Congress
discussed by Rep. Hubbard

Kernel Staff Writer

inflation is the “number one”
problem facing the 95th Congress,
according to US. Rep. Carroll
Hubbard (DKy.). Hubbard made
the remark yesterday at the UK
College of Law during a discussion
on current isms before Congress.

“I‘m really concerned with
balancing the federal budget,”
Hubbard said. He expanded by
saying that the federal government
is often asked to fund projects which

could be funded by the states and
that people don't realize how great
the national deficit is.

“The time has come to blow the
whistle on federal spending,”
Hubbard said.

As an example, he admitted that
Kentucky prisons are a “travesty”
and need many improvements but
said he’s not sure if federal money
should be sient on such state-
oriented projects.

Hubbard also questioned federal
support for a new legal Aid service.
He said he doubts the need for ad-

ditional finances, and “wouldn‘t be
enthusiastic" about backing a move
to expand legal Aid.

Supports reorganization

Hubbard also commented on
President Carter's announced in-
tention to reorganize the federal

“Farmers and anal] businessmen
especially have complained for

years about problems with red-

tape,“ he said. “Carter is trying to
Continued on back page


Stick 'em up or V" chute

—Iill Kighf

Although it looks like they might be attending a
religious service of some sort. these members of
Professor Arturo Sandoval‘s three-dimensional art
class were crawling around under an army surplus

parachute yesterday. just trying to “get the feel of
it.“ The class was learning about applicable planes
in art.

Vol. LXVIII, Number 128 ' an independent student new University ofKentuchy
Tuesday, March 22, 1977 Lexington, Kentucky



























Several pigeons are trapped inside the attic of the
Home Economics building because screens were
recently installed over the attic windows. Em-
ployees of the mites and minerals department say
they have asked the Physical Plant Division
(PPD), which installed the screens. to open them
and release the birds. Sue Wilson. mines and
minerals secretary, said the birds have been




Long-time civl rights activist Lyman T. Johnson
says he’s concerned thatsince court-ordered busing
began in Louisville two years ago there has been an
upswing in incidents that apparently are racially
motivated. He says “thugs and repressive forces
not hold enough to came out before are out in the
men.” Jonnson, 70. was the first black to enroll at
UK and former head of the state NAACP.

David K. Heydmger. president of the Ap-
palacls'an Regional Hospitals, lnc., said yeasterday
the United Steelworkers of America has notified it
thatthe union plans to strike the hospital system on

April 1. Heydinger said the union plans to strike

becaus agreement has not been readied on a new

Kentucky's medical mabractlce crisis has
peaked, and the stat lsurance Department is
havig le- treubb finrhg canpanles to ur-



trapped for at least a week but that no action has
been taken to free them. The trapped pigeons have
survived by eating food brought to them by other
pigeons. Wilson said the birds have been bringing
food since the screens were put up. PPD Director
James Wesseis said yesterday he was unaware of
the compla ints and would see that the pigeons were

—Iill Kl’hf

Amazing rays
Sunburns can be treated, but be careful

Kernel Sta ff Writer

Florida or Bust.

There you are. driving down l-75
chantirg those magic words in
rhythm with the thudding of light
reflectors against your tires. Florida
or Bust... Florida or Bust... its like a
religious incantation.

But now the party‘s over.

The hordes of spring-break
vacationers are back in town——
bragging left and right about their
sunny exploits and one-night stands.
Boring us all with tales of. tequila
and sunrises, acid and Disney

But there is a revenge—a revenge
in the time-worn tradition of Mon-
tezuma and Mexican water. its a
revenge so sweet, so violent and so
satisfying that it will help make the
coming week tolerable to the ones
who didn't go south.


Not just any old sunburn, no. Not

the kind that just flakes away the

days. lwvirrg remnants in the halls,
on your chair. in your soup.

No. a real sunburn. The kind that
burbles. swells. turns red and
bubbly and aches. We‘re talking
about an eyeshutting sunburn here.

Sweet. sweet revenge.

Already the student health service
reports that about 10 beet-red
scholars have checked in for sun-
burn aid. “We've had second- and
third-degree bums come in and we
treat them just like they were
burned in a fire." said Ellen Currey.
a health service nurse.

Pity is probably in order now. But
to those who spent last week wat-
chir‘g that little “Tan don‘t burn”
girl get her pants pulled down on TV.
such feelings of good-will are
probably difficult.

if you are one of the lucky few who
can afford to complain about sun-
bum (spare us), there are a few
ways to cool off and ease the pain.

As usual. the first thing to do is
take an aspirin and drink a lot of

Keepingthe skin moist with all the
various lotions on the market will
help prevent cracking and splitting
and ease the ache. But if you have
sensitive skin, be careful. Lotions
can sometimes irritate sensitive
skin and make the burn that much

Poetic justice.

Nurse Currey recommends
following directions in the health
service‘s manual, “How to take
care of yourself." Look under S for

The pamphlet says to try a tub of
lukewarm water with one cup of
Aveeno Oatmeal—a skin-soothing
solution that needs no prescription—
and Aveeno Bar Soap to keep that
scarlet skin clean.

Occassionaily, sunbums can get
infected if they are serious enough.
Keeping the area clean is important
in combating encroaching gangrene.
t'se lotion sparingly. if things get
worse, get out your checkbook and
go see a doctor.

Ah. sweet revenge.


derwrite beginning physicians, Commissioner
Harold McGuffey said yesterday. He credited
legislation enacted by the 1976 General Assembly
with stabiliu’ng Kentucky's market.


James H. Lesar. one of James Earl Ray’s
lawyers says he looked into the story more than a
year ago that Louisville police and FBI agents
plotted to kill Dr. Martin farther King and corr-
cluded “there wasn‘t much to it." Lesar said that
even if the allegation of a retired Louisville
policeman is true “it was remote from the
assaunation" because the man aleges only talk
and note na tempt to kill thecivil rights leader.

As armed man held at least an employee of
Baltimore’s Department ofSocial Services hostage
for a short time yesterday before be freed them
unharmed and began the negotiations with police‘
that brought his surrender a short time later.



French stock market prices tumbled yesterday
as mass‘ ve Socialist-Communist gains in municipal
elections raised the prospect of more leftist vic-
tories in next spring‘s national elections. “We‘ve
got to modify our tactics," said Jacques Chirac. the
former Gaullist premier who became mayor of
Paris in one of the rare successes of the ruling

Soviet leader Leonid l. Brezhnev said yesterday
that prtgress in relations with the United States
was “unthirlrable” as long as Washington criticizes
human rights conditions in the Soviet Union.
“Washirgton‘s claims to teach others how to live, i
believe, cannot be accepted by any sovereign
state,“ Brezhnev said in a speech.

A gunman who seized nearly so hostages in a
downtown Toronto bank yesterday freed most of his
prinners five hourslater butstuck to his demand to


be flown to Uganda in a tramport plane to see his
“pal“ President ldi Amin. The man, who identified
himself as Bob McClarken of Vancouver, said he
had been a mercenary in the Congo, now Zaire, in
l965 “and i just want to get back down in that

The newly created Janata party has won a clear
maja'ity in parliament. defeating Prime Minister
Indira Gandli and the Congress party that ruled
India’s millions for 30 years, the national news
agency announced yesterday.

winter again

It may have been spring yesterday but it is winter
again today. We will have showers possibly mixed
with snow before endarg tonight The high today
will be in the upper 40‘s but will fall to the upper 30's
by evening. Tonight will be clear and cold, the low
near 30. Tomorrow will be sunny and warmer. The
high forms-row will be in the upper 50‘s.





editorials 8: Comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University


Glue! Edwards

:t‘turiol Editor
Walter lllxsorl

Munglng Editor
John Winn Miller

Laden and com—nu should be addressed to the Editorial edloe. Iloo- lid. Jone-oile- Inilfig. he] nut be In“. if“
wooed and signed with name. More“ and telephone number. Letters cannot once. 35. words and con-nu no "wit!“ to 1"


Main-It laugh. billion re» Elton Wlee Elm
Mike Mouser \‘uuniu- [Irritant Phil Rutledge
rm Gabriel Did [bury

9" ve Iialllnur Chief Photographer
Milne strange Sit-wart litmmun
am “no: 5...“ a“. “i rrtiising Manon r
Nancy Italy Jm Romy Alex Kelli



Power moves fail;
Gandhi’s reign ends

0n the surface it appears that democracy has
returned to India. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi,
who lost her seat in Parliament in this week’s
national election, said Monday that she would
resign her position today.

Her departure marks the end of an era in In-
dian history, and leaves questions about the
future of what has been termed the “world’s
largest democracy."

Shortly after her defeat was announced,
Gandhi lifted India‘s 21-monthold state of
emergency. The emergency, which was used as
justification for jailing several of Gandhi’s key
opponents, was imposed after the State High
(‘ourt of Allahabad upheld her conviction for
violating campaign practices during the 1971

In a surprise move, Gandhi relaxed the
emergency restrictions in January and allowed
free elections. It was a move that cost Gandhi
her job and led to the defeat of her Congress
Party. which has ruled India since it became an
independent nation 30 years ago.

The 59-yearold prime minister lost her
parliamentary seat to former Socialist leader
Narain. who was jailed during the state. of
emergency. Immediately after the election
returns started flowing, the oposition coalition,
the Janata tPcopIes) Party, called for her

Stripped of power and in the new minority
party. Gandhi agreed to step down.

India‘s fate is now in the hands of the Janta

Party, which was formed two months ago
through the merger of four non-Communist
oppositim groups. The leading contender for
Gandhi’s postappears to be Morarji R. Desai, 81.

Desai served as deputy prime minister and
finance minister until he and the old~line
leadership of the Congress Party split with
Gandhi in 1969. Earlier he had served as minister
of commerce and industry and as chief minister
of Bombay.

Desai is a srong opponent of communism and
has criticized Gandhi for being
unfriendly to the West. Desai, who was jailed
during the state of emergency, continually
lashed out against Gandhi’s dictatorship and
became a central figure in the campaign.

It’s interesting to note that Gandhi is the first
“dictator” in memory to be voted out of office.
During an 11-year reign Gandi moved India into
the nuclear age, signed a friendship treaty with
Russia and fought a war with China.

In addition to the damages incurred as a result
of the state of emergency order, Gandhi’s reign
was jeopardized by a government sterilization
program. Initiated as a voluntary program,
Gandhi later forced sterilization on India’s 620
million people.

It was an enourmous burden trying to rule a
land with no common language, hundreds of
religious sects and containing several
nationalities As with most powerful leaders,
Gandhi took some positive and negative steps.
But, in the end, she had lost the people’s support.



\\ Hm.I


a 6 arms new it
IO SADIE HOPKINS wire it owns ONLY tut 0114a



To my sziusr


What’s college really like?

By TODD (‘.\RSTEN.\'

Freshman. The name just sounds
as young and naive as the real thing.
Explaining naive. first through the
use of academics. A freshman will
very rarely. and l mean to empha


size very. miss a class. Even those
at 8 am. that seem to be all the way
across campus. are always attend-
ed. If a freshman happens to he
deathly ill, he or she absolutely must
get the notes from someone in the
same class.

Naive. in this sense. also means

On religion: Consider Jesus... ..

I work at [K Medical Center and
my husband attends Seminary in
\l'ilmore I really feel I must
respond to the letter written by
Stephen I). Quillen which appeared
in Thursday's Kernel.

I. too. have studied the various
religions of the world. feeling a need
to make a commitment in my life to
something. instead of just me.
Having gone to college in California


and being close to the drug culture. l
could see a real need for commit-
ment in my life. I tried several
answers to the problem and it wasn’t
until two years ago that I found an

Jesus is the only One who offers
salvation. freely. in any religion that
I know about. None offer the
assurance of life after death through
faith. Even more relevant to our
current problems. though. is the fact
that the committed Christian has the
power to have an abundant life as we
live today!

Being a psychology major. I have
studied the workings of the mind and
the scientific offer of a mind over
matter philosophy. I.'nfortunately. it
is also the mind that can "crack up“

In today‘s society. we live on top of

a time bomb of apathetic. uncaring,
uninvolved people all around us. We
play games with one another; we
back stab: we lie; we worship
money. sex and anything else for a
quick high.

Jesus offers a life (if truly
committed to it!) that allows the
physical. mental and spiritual power
to have a happy and complete life.
Which. I might add. is not too
common these day!

Christians are not people better
than anyone else, just people who
have found the answer to the
God-shaped void in our lives: Jesus

I would challenge the young man
to try making a commitment to
something other than his own being;
to make a commitment to something
eternal and unchangeable. And
please. try and keep an open mind
for the truth.

Those people are “badgering” you
because they are genuinely concern-
ed about you. Listen to what they
have to say. I assure you: they and
all Christians will listen to what you
have to say. We are not afraid of the
truth. Jesus has told us that we shall
know the truth and that the truth
shall make us free!

For you see. God‘s Truth is Jesus
Christ. We as men and women

moved away from God and He sent
to us His Son because He loves us.
It’s a gift that He offers freely to all
of us. A gift that we cannot earn but
can only be reeived through faith in

That. Mr. Quillen. is the difference
between Christianity and other reli-
gions. Religion has been defined as

man reaching out for God. Christian-
ity is God reaching out for man!

I challenge you. Mr. Quillen. and
anyone else who is seeking after the
truth and the answers to their
questions: consider Jesus.

This comment was submitted by
Donna Crane-rt. Lexington resident.

. . .Truth is in logic,
not in philosophy

I wish to respond to Stephen
Quillen‘s commentary concerning
“Self~proclaimed Christians“
(March 10.1977). Near the end of his
article he says. "Perhaps I have
said too much already or left too
many questions unanswered. "

There is. indeed, an extremely
relevant question that he has left
unanswered. He is trying to discuss
the credibility of Christianity. But
the credibility of Christianity stands
or falls on the basis of one single
event in history. the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead.

Discard the resurrection and
Christianity totally crumbles. With-
out the resurrection it (like other

religions) has a dead Savior and has
little to offer. So the crucial issue is
whether the resurrection is ade-
quately supported by the historical
evidence. Mr. Quillen fails to deal
with this. -

Christianity should be accepted or
rejected on the basis of logical.
rational and honest evaluation of the
evidence that supports it. Mr. Quilv
Ien is trying to find the answer
through a search of philosophical
ideas. The answer is to be found in
history. not philosophy.

Paul I.. Cornelius
Associate Professor
Agronom y and Statistics

studying for tests weeks in advance.
just like mommy and daddy said to
do. This way they won‘t have to
cram the night before the test.

Still. when the test comes up. he or
she will stay up most of the night
studying for it just to make sure.
Never missing classes. studying
hard for tests. should mean a lot of
to students. Where are they all?

Many freshman arrive at college a
little on the cocky side waiting for all
the girls, or the guys, to drool at the
mere sight of them. WRONG! They
soon find out that there are approx-
imately 10.000 others of the same sex
to compete with. each with similar
ideas of their own.

This discovery sends most fresh-
men into the depths of ”depression.

from which escape is not easy.

Realizing that he is no longer the At
jock. stud. and he—man that he once
was at the high school. is not an easy
thing to face.

The next step is to try to build the
confidence back up with the opposite
sex. Being shot down and getting
looks from the opposite sex that say.
“what the hell are you doing.“
makes it tough to continue the

Finally, one is found that will
speak back. The hopes go up but
where does that bring the freshman;
back to the. realization of card
games and soda pops in the room.

We've been talking about fresh-
man; not let‘s switch to the same
student four years later—notice any

Many things have happened since
the seniors freshman year. Aca<
demically. he or she is no longer
afraid of missing a class or two or
three or. . .Fall of the senior year. the
student is looking forward to an easy

They always heard that if they
work hard their first three years, the
last year will be an easy one. Many
do that but forget a few things: like
the Math 123 or Geology course they
dropped a few years back. All of a
sudden that easy senior year has
turned into a bear.

When the senior realizes that he is
behind in credits, he must do
anything. and will do everything to

graduate. ()ne of the first things
available is the bypass test. By
previous knowledge. a student has a
chance to pass a test over an entire
course; if he is successful. he
receives the according number of

Correspondence courses are also
popular. (Psst-—did you know you
can finish those things in a week or
two if you know someone else who

Socially. the senior has long since
learned to drink and party; two
words which may as well be
synonyms by this stage. If the
student is an independent. meaning
no affiliation with a fraternity or
sorority. bars and parties at friends
apartments Usually suffice. ' '

By this time. the senior" has
learned or tried almost any kind of
drink. Snowshoes. pink squirrels.
Wallbangers. Singapore Slings.
White and Black Russians, (a black
Russian—I didn‘t think there were
any of those). and oh yes—Stroh’s.
Bud. Miller. and the like have all
been tried, tried again. and liked or

This might now have been a fair
evaluation of differences and chan-
ges between freshman in college,
and that same freshman three years
later. but it‘s close. When social life
is brought up. so is drinking.

That might not be accurate for
everyone, but again. it is close.
Everyone has different ways of
partying; some better, but some
much worse than having a beer or a
mixed drink.

Looking back and having used
some of my own experiences and
some others‘ experiences. I would
imagine that 80 per cent of the
people in any university can see a
similar trend. if not in themselves.
in their classmates.

It is for them that I wrote this. It‘s
fun to look back and see the things
that everyone did right and wrong.
On second thought. I might sell it to
future tuition—paying parents as a
guide for what to look for if their
child is being a good student.


This comment was submitted by
Todd (‘arstenn. an A818 senior.

John Boy Miller goes North, but misses Bluegrass

Ah spring break: a time for sunny
beaches. suntan oil and wind-swept
skislopes. I-‘tr some. spring break is
spent in search of the perfect fan. for


51.4,. miller

me. it was spent fighting a serious

disease chronic unemployment.

I've been a student all my life. At
one time leven considered making it
a career. but I haven't found a
market for professional students. Iii

desperation I‘ve latched onto the
next easiest occupation. writing. All
it takes is a dictionary, strong
opinions ard an obnoxious per-
sonality. Since I possess all three
and with graduation rapidly ap-
proaching. I decided it was time to
look for gainful employment.

So. uriike most of you, I headed
North to the Big Apple. During the
bus ride into Manhattan, I kept
wondering why New York has such

. an unusual nickname. The awe

inspiring dryiine with its towering
buildirg and thick haze hardly
reminded me of fruit.

A casual stroll down Broadway.
however. provided the answer; New
York is a cdlage of fruits. With its

pimps. whores. wino‘s. Iimosines
and a cast of millions. New York is
unique. And there I was. caught in
that mass of humanity. looking for a
'pb. which I suppose makes me
somewhat of a fruit for wanting to
live among them.

Nonetheless. I persevered;
knocking on doors going to coun-
tless interviews. being told how tight
the market is and how unlikely I was
to find a job. At night. I would walk
around New York absorbing some of
the magic that makes the city

The flashing neon lights created
an eerie mural of characters
wandering the streets. Traces of
charcd smoke filled the air as

vendors hawked their hot pretzels on
every corner: their voices mingling
with the shouts of taxi drivers and
blaring homs.

Every night as I returned to the
hotel. I was continually surprised at
the empty streets. By ll pm. New
York was deserted. There was one
wino. though, that was always out.
Ile wou Id stand in the middle of 50th
Street with his right pants leg half
rolled up. standing next to an empty
bottle of beer where he would pound
m the street with drum sticks.

After a while. I developed a cer-
tain affection for that wino. He was
always in the same spot with his
(turn stidts. Whether dashing to an
interview at 7 am or meandering

back from a night on the town, I
always saw him. He was secure. He
wasn‘t worried about a job: he had
all he needed. He was a part of New

I always felt a twinge of
lximesickncss when I passed him;
CR and Latington are my security. I
know where to go and the people I
will see. More and more at night my
thoughts turned to home. but during
the day Iwasjistaseageras always
to stay in New York. It‘s a con-
tradiction that I haven‘t resolved.

Thursday was St. Patrick‘s Day
and New Ytrk was a sea of green;

more thoughts of home. Finally‘

I-‘riday came and my stay in New
York was over.

As I stepped off the plane in
Lexington. the first thing I saw was
grass. I hadn't seen that for a week.
It never looked so good.

I was feeling pretty good about my
retum until someone told me that
John Boy Walton. of the Walton’s TV
show. had aim gone to New York
that wedr. After everyone finished
with the Join Boy jokes I found out
that he had gotten a job. Now that
riles me. If that creep can do it so
(an I.

I‘m going back and to hell with

I th’gk. _
John Winn Miller is the Kernel
Manogng Eliot. Ills col-nun ap-
pears every other Tuesday.





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Award winning book illustrations
drawn by University Press artist

A book published by the
University Press of Kentucky
(UPK) and illustrated by
Robert James Foose, UPK
art director, is the winner of a
design award from the
Chicago Book Clinic. a
prestigious book design show.

Tie title of the is A
Bestiary. by Boynton Merrill.
Jr. of Henderson.

Popular in medieval times.

the bestiary presumed to
describe individual animals
and to show what human
traits they exemplify. They
were the artist‘s guide to
animal symbolism in
religious paintings, buildings
and sculptures.

The l'I’K book contains a
full~page drawing of each
animal depicted in the
bestiary. loose. a well known

Kentucky professor’s
textbook published
for seventh time

The seventh edition of a
widely-used textbook on
modern busine$ coauthored
by a UK professor of
vocational education has just
been publidied.

The textbook. Introduction
to Modern Business: Issues
and Environment, was first
published in 1950 and has
been revised periodically
since then. Its authors are Dr.
Vernon A. Musselman. a UK
faculty member since 1948,

and Dr. Eugene ll. Hughes of
the University of Houston.

The 656page textbook is
widely used by college fresh-
men and in community
colleges. according to
Musselman. The UK
professor said that a com-
munity college in Texas has
developed a television course
based on the book and that
about 25 universities and
community colleges are
utilizing the course.

Book review series

to be presented

The UK Human Relations
Center will sponsor its ninth
series of book reviews this

The first of three reviews is
set for noon Feb. 9, when Dr.
Lisa Barclay of the UK
department of human
development and family
relations and Dr. Patricia
Halliday of the english
department will review
Passages by Gail Sheehy.

Past Forgetting: My Love
Affair with Dwight D.
Eisenhower by Kay Sum-
mersby Morgan will be

reviewed March 23 by
Elizabeth lluntress, a lec-
turer in the english depart

The last review of the
semester is set for April 13.
Roots by Alex lialey will be
reviewed by Dr. Ernest
Middleton of the College of

All three reviews will be
during the noon hour in the
President‘s Room of the
Student (‘e nter. They are free
and the public is invited to

artist whose works have been
widely exhibited. said that he
drew most of the animals
from memory.

The book was judged ex-

cellent in design. illustration,
binding and paper. One of the
judgts wrote that the book
has a “beautiful look and

Air Force awards

won by local group

The UK chapter of the
Arnold Air Society, an
honorary for Air Force cadets
and its auxiliary Angel Flight
won six awards in the
organizations recent tri-area
conclave at Columbus, Ohio.

Awards won at the cott-

clave, which met Feb. 25~27
and included ROTC detach-
ments from Illinois. Ohio,
Missouri. Indiana and
Kentucky, were:
-— The Samuel E. Anderson
Award for the Angel Flight
which best supports the
ROTC and the Arnold Air

~The l’urdue (Tup for the
Angel Flight which best
fulfills its mission.

The (‘iccoli Joint
Operations Award was Won
jointly by the Arnold Air
Squadron and the Angel

, Major l'hil Yancey was
named outstanding Angel
Flight advisor. and Phil
Hardy won an award for
outstanding service and
leadership as the Arnold Air
Society commander.

~ The llaggin Trophy for the
best mediumsize Arnold Air





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