xt7hx34mpk82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hx34mpk82/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1971 1971 1971-11-09 2020 true xt7hx34mpk82 section xt7hx34mpk82 0 ~ -
W ho w1]l enforce code? -‘ ~
By LINCOLN R. LEWIS JR. Assistant Managing Editor -. i 'v ‘
Who will administer a code of faculty committee and local members object to items “A.. “em" “”enf‘"9€able . ; , . _
responsibilities if the University Senate decides to B,, C,, and F,” because the statements give faculty Wt'lldk'“ Berry. [)Nmts’UlSth ”010W” “1 _ , ; , . , '
pass one? It was the question receiving the members the duties 0M policeman. l‘nglish responded that he felt the subsections are ' " 4 :
majority of sometimes heated attention in He said the faculty should be responsible for unenforceable 3“”? “IT” ”WES“? displeasure - i ' A‘ '
yesterday’s Senate meeting. their own actions and not those of others. mm m" d159”“'””5~ H“ ‘1“‘1- “w" r“ 1“” 1”ng ' ~ ,' d ' .
Monday‘s meeting was a follow-up to the Howell Hopson. student member (’1’ the ourselves what we owe students and Kentucky We . , « , ', ,
discussion only session held Oct. 28. University Senate Council subcommittee which “CU-1 [ff 9” d‘m'“ ”‘1 dclVr’l‘lm‘ What W" W PW”? . ~ " . ' .
The University Senate began its discussion of the drafted the proposed document. said he felt the “Nd"- , , ‘j ,
proposed code of faculty responsibilities with the faculty should have a greater responsibility to the l)r.“l)enny llarris. ”5515mm PWNSSOT "f Botany, _ '2. .i
section concerning faculty responsibilities to the well being of the campus. He said the faculty 531d~ 1}” excuses {m thc “Ode?” nonsense A '1‘ :,_'
University, other faculty members, and areas should be compelled to turn in someone who few 01““ senators expressed Similartcelings. i!
outside the University. misuses University funds. Continued on Page 6, Col. 1 I, 1.
The major objections to this section were voiced 1
in summary by Dr. Stanford Smith, president of
the UK chapter of the American Association of ~ .
University Professors (AAUP).
AAUP objections ,1.
Smith told the gathering both the national _ ,-
Heal h f e ' "
t ee (1 llnquents _.
ea re ' ‘
rr—p reglster
Students who have not paid the mandatory . . ‘3 e,
seven dollar health service fee will be allowed to '3 . " . W
register, according to the Registrar’s Office. ‘ _. . _. , .
Transcripts will not be sent out and seniors will ,» " .. _' TC
not be allowed to graduate until the fee is paid. '. .' . : ,‘ ,5
The approximate 1,300 students delinquent in . ,7 ,,
paying the fee will receive a warning card along_ ‘ ' ‘
with their pre-registration cards.
Dr. Ray Cumberledge, Registrar’s Office, said ’3.
the decision was made to allow PIC-registration an independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentuckv
because of a recommendation from the Student ’ ,
Advisory Board on Student Health and UK Tuesday. Nov. 9. I971 LEXINGTON. KENTI'CKW 1030b \‘.,1, LXlli. x”, m
President Dr. Otis Singletary. '—_——————-—-—————-—-———____. x .
C W C l ' ' f b ' h
as {S women to verl y 138 e arges
By JANE BROWN, Managing Editor ‘. ,
With the charge the “administration doesn’t Council on Women’s Concerns. Singletary denied chairwoman of the Council on Women’s Concerns, '
seem to be taking this thing seriously,” the rumors that a committee had been appointed to specific statements of sex discrimination need not
Council on Women’s Concerns (CWC) has issued a investigate the status of women on a be signed. However, the name of the department i
call to all University faculty and staff women to University-wide basis, but did say that “3 office or administrative unit should be included .
submit statements concerning specific examples of comprehensive gathering of data . . . ” leading to with the description of discriminatory practices, ,'
sex discrimination. _ “appropriate analysis covering a range of factors in Wendelsdorf also said the Atlanta. Ga. office of 7 ‘
Complaints will be compiled for further addition to salaries and Sex,” was being conducted. HEW expects to have an investigative team at UK
evidence in the recently filed Health, Education, The Council recently sent letters to most faculty sometime during the spring semester. At that time. -
and Welfare (HEW) suit which charges UK with and staff women on campus explaining that the HEW investigators will talk with University
sex discrimination. Specific complaints are needed, because any HEW officials and tell them exactly wltat data is needed. '- .
In other HEW sex-discrimination-centered investigating team to visit UK can only force the They will also talk with complaining groups in an . '
activity, 3 letter from Dr- Otis Singletary, UK University to redress specific complaints. attempt to discover which of the alleged instances } ‘
president, was released and answered by the According to Margaret Wendelsdorf. of discrimination are of particular concern. The
written complaints will also be accepted by the
N L "* salsa” m ”{miwsmm< At other campuses. where similar complaints 1. 1
xx 5 . fig WM ' " . “‘5‘ have been filed. new federal contract awards have 7.,
N‘ , it 7 i , 4i?” _ been held up until colleges agreed to take steps to ,.
‘ km ' Tr ,- )"/ fawn eliminate sex discrimination Sonic universities ’ ', . m . .
3 ”W g "I T (T have had to pay back no t: \‘t'lil‘. ". i"-iii'.i to ix ' ‘ I‘ ' 1‘
g; X Y“"°"”’“”:::3‘15$ “”3”?“ T ' m discriminated Jildllhi About 3m; anoinni‘ i..i\i . .I ,_ ,4 , '
. - . at e“ a? f 4 f V’s-3*) “ Despite these .iitions. the (outwit \m: ii\ tr \ . . . . ,2
‘ PVT; «gem sgggx i * 1' figs (‘i ' . >- in , a ' . - '
, g ., ~ N i M a ,twfir . . , , “a“ . - «a: -_,~_., Hitlnllt (l on 1.1.! h. ( ol. ,, ,' , . .
g? 1» , (a: .N‘ ., «in, , . ,, J . mail?! ’ ”w“ 1,"; , , . ; _.
.W as} - _ - maria ‘ 1 b ‘- it)“. 0071 traCt ma V (’11, I .i ' ~
...,::: ,1 _ s, ,, w» :9- .. We __" ~ ' ' - a , '1. __ fi lit uses t0 run ;
. , “ sf: fi . ’ § , ”I . ” an] i i . ~ T E 7‘ i‘
t“ z . . i ‘0’ j i “is-:1 w! _ . h , ‘ By RACHAEL KAMUF , ‘
is . ’ W ?.,§ ”1 >.-- , Assistant Managing Editor . I.
ifi i- .h - . K..- ,,_ ,2, w .. M... N, ,. ., a? , The campus bus service Will not be affected by .
4W ’ f a“) i w r I i="’° the expiration of the contract between the ’ '
2;. " " " g . ’1 Lexmgton Transit Corp, and the Cit} of Lexmgton 1,
'9 at the end of this month.
”a...“ , , N . . _. ‘W According to Joe Burch. director of Safety and .' ,
,,.,...W _ . " K Security. the University's contract Will] the bus - _
., .M w: _ r..- r company does not expire until July l. W72. . i
‘ , ,_ . _ After the first of July the contrznt \touid be up . , ,
i ‘ i T” for renegotiation according to llaiold Johnson. _
- . . ’ ' . .2? g, . , manager of Lexington Transit (‘orp.. ind liiircli ‘ , i- .' .‘
l g . .1 Burch said the l,'iii\'t‘r~;it} \iis ciiniiiitcd 1,, i, - 'i
, a, provrding .i bus Sc‘fllt’t‘ to the campus mil \xtvifitl .' ,' i
"T?“ i {“M 7’ § continue to do so “in one manner v~r ilier " . 1, ~‘ " ‘
, \ “he ' The University leases tixe b rses from Innigton . ‘ . ’ '
' _ . * 32f, Transit for eight dollars .in hour per bm -\ll vi the - J ” ' _
_ ,, ' ’ , ;_,l. I" ‘ _ ' buses run from 7 int til < M l‘ n‘ .iiid two l‘li‘t“ , .'
,_ WM; .. ' L . “w: .fl i f , until l()'RU p in, . ' . .
it, i g: I V '1' K The senice costs the liiiveisitjt l‘clut‘vv. - ' , _ '
" fi.‘ “pi- S85.000 and 590.000 .i }t‘.lf «cording to Burch I I',
x13; tat?» g. sggx “a: - He said this was cheaper than operating the serum: I ~ ~ A
‘;t’, V“ ' itself because it includes the cost of the buses. . i '
I " “greei‘Tf-MM upkeep and salary for drivers. .
i t . Burch said the bus service started as an alternate - i ‘. ‘
f “41;; .L. 3&- 3 . ‘ . means of transportation to help the parking ' '
Empty city buses are one of the contributing factors in the Lexington Transit Authority “memo" and mobility armmd “mum" .,
financial problems. (Staff photo by Dave Herman). Continued on Page 2. Col. 2 ' , ' ‘

 2 THE KENTl'CKV KERNEL, Tuesday. Nov. 9. "WI ///——
. - a 1 0‘ ‘ 1| ‘ t w a
i “ll“ lll gt 5 SO" 19] 1] grown 110] S q
o o ‘lo 0 (V W
. . lo lm n . in I ii 9: out pat t . , 1
. - ' \ ll ,\\1 \, ha. i \l‘i llzitie Keiitii. “A. (i:\\, l with B. \ttnn continue to Ibc etfeetiyc only if a .. " , k BI
‘ . r i goycriiors \yerc ireetl Monday it: \lltl it‘ .i W. ~.‘l'l to the 37th ”£10101” etlotl 15 l‘Ut torthI ll} ,. #9“ ”'3’"; I I
' 7 bflllf-l their states iiilw the 4’11““ ”"51“” (l‘y‘ikimun mi. 30‘3“?“ I“. representatives z ;."I‘ ’\ in“, ."eu . A
3 , lineman \lining (timwgt (onterciice that states electing otIstatcs in Which strip mining I. I g 751st" .-- Is. a» ‘ New
‘ Tlsix serious cm iroiiIi‘.ei:2.il 7“ :10 lily buttlc illmlt' “Will he exists. , III 5 ..-I x pres
'. I . damage by making lllkl!\ ulna; facing: an amused public that lhe compact. designed to ' ,Ig. Q - , is . q. afte:

‘ ' . ' I attempts to curb strip mining \\';llll,\ answers and results now." regulate surface mining. was i 3 ' III 33%. and
‘. . ,I '. K J1me“, \unii’s repoit was delivered drafted in l‘loo by the Council ‘ " 30% “t year

' . , by North (‘arolinii (iov. Robert of State Governments at the ~ 4% 3 Biol

. - . a . . ~ ~ »:'.a.: - - ‘ . " 2w , "a
, .I I Scott at I er a con 1 ereiice request of the Southern I ' krfi‘vfi a . t; T
' -. . ~, — :~ ~-~——-— spokesman said that the governors. ’ w“; t, .
‘. - Kentucky governor’s arrival Only four states— Kentucky. 53% g 1 his: . E0-
1 I ' l I , . . ‘ w . . _~’»§§;la;g::»:==5:fi >j.»::*§-::.:§;l cw" “3.33::- '

. I . i '1 . would be delay ed. Pennsylvania. North ( arolina 33% »,I ‘ = 2:: wd}:
. I .' ‘ ' , The report called the compact and Oklahoma v have become g; .3, ‘5» §,;’3 (:0:

. I , I ‘ ' . ' I i “a good one" and said it can members. ’ ’ 't’ 1 i .. i t,“ :1: 2333':
i l i C . :7 in v. .. g 800
. 4 .. . . 1t) contract may end , . t . 1....
i i V l i i i it [T17 . .171. l 3 3.3.1. . req‘
I . II .I - r.» - =23,- W .35.: . ., 2,0‘
4. ~. - - -. but i s buses to run . if" .. .

. . ‘ . ' . . . “i '

: , , .. .v: LECTURE . _ _ ‘ 3- ._ I
. I I . . , . (ontinued from Page 1 needs of Lexuigtoii. The study :5; ‘ - , poi
~ 'I ‘ lf the company should leave was started in September and is ”w ma
- H." i. - BY town after .lill) l Burch said the e\pected to be completed in t. mc
. I . -' T L’ ii i \' e r s it _\ Would make several months. 4 un
' ' .1 , arrangements with \xhoever Johnson said the bus company .2 ‘

I~ .I= ' ‘I .' .f [3km over the company or “if and the cit) are talking now . StL‘
r' ., . L '-. T the worst happens we would run abotit extending the contract . . stL
I . ‘I '. . our own bus system.“ ul'ly‘r NM. 30. dic

~ The Lexington Transit Corp. Several citi/eiis‘ organizations 3 fr;
3 . .- I' _. II ran into financial difficulties last and the Temporary Kentucky I qu
I' , .. ' I’ ‘I-. year and informed the city it Organization have urged the city [(ISIIIOII silo". avi
'I _ ' I .' 0 would discontinue services. to take over the bus system and . . I . .
. ’ The bus company and the city establish a Mass Transit K3993 Alpha Ps‘ fraternity sponsored a fashion show Friday night . h

- if 3 worked out an agreement last Authority to finance the group s servrce programs. Many of the outfits e

' ‘t . k . i l ., ' i . . ‘. ex

: '. I - , sprinIgI whereby the city has ICity Commissioner Ray Boggs Eirggiiijgtio‘iierT’aSifitsiigaifiis iziindtliecr:liitt):i “lite ngeg‘elgis tOOfrigtli]: “V

" ~l " ' . ' ’ SiUhSIdlmd the bus company said he expects the Vorhces Re inald Gerv Karen Coo er Austin Moss Vicki Williams Leonard m:
: . . 3v ' . 55000 a month Sll‘iCC June. The Corp. to also recommend that g p ' ‘ ‘ ‘

- ‘ ', ‘ 7’; subsidy ends when the present the city purchase it’s own bus RUSSe” 311d 5613’" C0163. (Staff photo by Dave Rose), in
‘1. ‘ ’. , L . , contract expires Nov. 30. system “based on what has ’9 5C
.. . .. II .' II '~. TOP l C: I The city has retained the Alan happened in other Cities. R e lazy: 0 6‘! ave w.
~ , . _ '. f ; V orhces ( orp. oi McLean Va. to Johnson said the bus company d if
, - . . I~I ~ I' The State Of the study and make rccommenda- is not opposed to the city

.' . - . . rI, tions on the transportation buying the company out, h o

' “ "3 ' P k PERKIN '

I III .I I ,- , . II. = anca e House = By LYNN MARTIN CXCCpl dilllnl. He dITC\N IlIllS owr;
I . . .9 ,I . I I Assistant M - Fd't tree an “t to teac ier t oug it
I , I s c I anagmg.ior I I , , .
j . .; THURSDAY = TUDENT SPE IAL! I The University Student was a “freak. mentally
V. . I- I I .- , g 8 Advisory Committee (USAC) is distIurbeIdI. .
i ' " .3 4 NOVEMBER 0- Hamburger Plate c Sponsoring :1 video rcrilai l L 5‘“ “imam” “ads to hi i
_' I -\ ; .-,~ .I l 1 D 1: t - h f ‘ _, , .1 :_ changed. a student needs to see. “
I. , , .. o . o 0mg t o Dr. Lto Bustagalia s . .. . . cc
. I. ., 8 l5 % Hamburger, French Fries, 5 lecture at UK two years ago, I‘Cfm‘“ lid “2d ”‘1“??th ‘0‘
.'- . . ., . I . . ' iimse . :ccor in' to

I : .I . . It - pm = Coke and Cole S|aw I Buscagalia. assrstant professor Buscagali'i “The educzitional C
_ f: II I‘ ._I _- g I = in special education at the s istem ‘ is aimin I toward N

i,— , = — We serve 28 types of Pancakes — = University of Southern ’Igémem. l~ E p:

‘ii. ' ‘. ‘ ' -'. .‘ I 729 SOUTH L|MESTONE I California, is a nationally known .. L " .. . . g

. : . 1 . 'JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICOUPONIIIIIIII I ~ “ - " Th“ mam“ ”19mm“ world
, ., » — IIIIIIIIIIII. lecturer on L0\c in the . .. ,. T
. I II , Cl' . .. is to lind out about yourselt.
, . . ., assroom. . . .
. _ . . I . I H 'd . . I he said. In order to find out .u
I _ ~. _ _ COLISEUM _ '1: .. e ‘1 What” people LOllllllg about yourself. said Buscagalia. s
: I, I , : y ~ IIIIIIII: first above all things. He said you need to be able to learn to u
. ._ , I - I I - .- : . a people should not be ashamed to love. 3
: . , .V . .. . '. '32 love. people should turn on to . ,- . .
.I I . . Admission: Full—time students , -_ - St: GENE MEATYARD i v b t a . k .. . . ”‘2 ““d “”9“ 9mm”? 0f
,. . II , , by Activities 8. ID Cards. All , . I“ - ,1 . o C u SOCKU “95 lo“ learning. Fear or being afraid to m

l. i': , , Others by season membership ‘. N i ‘ fflrl/allf antlfallftflds at hldIden. . . 193m because everything you R

i . . .. ', . card, No individual perform» 1 '2? A lg‘lmg Incrsofl. 1: one Who learn might change you- ClaritY-
II, . II -, ance tickets. » cares at out iimse . ’ou can‘t vou th‘nk . . . ~ P
_ . ~~~ - Y LASSES ; . o
, I ,I .I lf" 'd B' I ». and after awhile the road R
1' I.I I I , . . , . I . , yoursc . 5‘“ d-‘Ldgdlld- He becomes unclear. Last, the fear 9

,' .. I II I I I>NI‘VI‘I\\“\\I\\V“V\&‘\\7‘ I of Kentucky’ Inc. 531d parents Zilld CdUCIlIOI'S try to Of Old :1ch He said Old age can ,]I’
. 5 ABORTION j I mold young PCOPIC into their only relate to Thoreau’s “011 T
I, . , I / INFORMATION fi I Imperial Plaza Shopping Center own image Instead Of letting God. to have reached the point
I. II. I .II .I I. I i \ I . . . fi' I IIIIIIIII wan" Avenue Lexington, Ky. , young pIeople develop their own of death only to find I have 2

, ' I. . ; \omens (.enter— f p852)??? never lived at all, that I have .V
I _ , ,I I I ( ( r .. , , . - ll
. .. .- I I I I. j 252-9338 A Remember to ask Gene about the SPECIAL CONSIDERATION given 68er Cgfidhfig‘; Exit??? 0f ms “ever “ML that I have "ever i
i , ‘ 9- I Planned Parenthood— $ '° °" U'K' STUDENTS . 7 ‘ d ”L U drew touched, that I have never i
i . ‘ i f , i < l ’ _ t, I: __ T l h 255 5 a picture Of a tree on the board experienced that I have never
II .2 . . I,I ; 235-491.» j e 99 0'19 ' 506 ———-— and 215de the Class to draw her a loved “ i ‘
' * -. -. i "' .«. I ' HOURS: 8:30-5:30 .- ' — ~ - ‘i . ‘ i . ' . . . a
I ', . _ I . II I ‘\\\\\\~\x\x\\\\\\\x\y Mon Fri. Sat. 8.30 12 pm. ”“- HL 53‘d tth WhOIC 01355 Buscagalia said a lovmg person 5
III . II , I_ . . . , . I . drew a tree Similar to hers is not enough you have to be a i
.. , I. . . ‘ . loving person who cares and
. . u a , The PertWIIIbe Papers by DOD R050 and Ron Weinberg wants to give it away.
-I .- I I I .I . . I ., , II I ,, , II , . USAC is sponsoring this film
II -. I , , I. '. I . . I ,. .Iz p re-I; 1,. 45,. 73> l ,6’5‘73 Lfifl AI 35 I/fl/éI I ; r (If {it gig/y \ 7:30 pm. Tuesday in Room l 10
I I ;. I -I' . ~ I , _~_' I ll 5 7.1.1 , a ' I ‘11. , ‘II WM MMTE WET/1.4.9? y! PM fem. p \ of the Classroom Building and
. - ; , _ . , . I ~» “ i ‘4 rzwy/k‘u'p/ “ V/Az, F/A/fi "bf It“ ,4 .; .L/f’; 4 . 2' \‘ 7230 pm. Wednesday in Room
.v. I . I- , I ': ..- ,1; . ”iffy“? I r . Feofgp/M; :. 4 13/ if: ,1; l 14 Classroom Building.
i" ' ‘ ‘ . ' , I: " ; ' ~ - . i I. r'.’ x r/ 15%! «t ’ "3 Sawfly/«‘47 [‘13 3 .- Aas-«R n.. "it; , ‘I Admission is free.
, , . '. " ‘ . ' 4" .‘ .I- - . L ,1; 1' . ' 1; > ' ,‘ '45 5/ 51.1; F- ii ff/xflv’ C‘I'ST’l/E WY: ”M. .- . . . .r ' ’1 ;‘ _—_———
' ‘ " I ’l ‘ 'h : ‘ -. ‘ ' . ‘ 4 . r7 v , i i 1"" >7 / AA - ‘ i, , / ' i i J \ ‘ i / r;
'.- .' . I, . , . . . {t . s. l ,, )5“ 27.1 / g. 37 9/7,} 2 I i'l’il £571! of»; I, L 14v i n Th‘ "(“ng H‘fMI
, ,' . 4 . ‘ . " " ' 41‘ r . v‘ ’00 , ‘VF a ’ ‘ll ’ =‘--. . -. . "
I ,I ,I .-' . y . I. - ;~ . . - ,_I _ I,rt, . 4 ‘ " - all”? , ‘I . r “ n n ' I»; The Kentucky Kernel. University
, . I , I . , . .‘ ”23'". II x I I I I I / .- . L .V ; ,1 r .1 . . t I . Station. University of Kentucky. Lex-
. I I I ,I . _ . -_ ~.. . / ”I'll-i '3 I will ”Ag 2:, ,, l 1% , .‘\ .-, ‘ . , .‘.i »; mgton. Kentucky 40506. Second class
. . . I . ~ - . . . .« a;,~...—I . . , . P“. , s . “‘4." .""":‘I -' ’ . w 5: ’I‘I l A ~ ,1: I, ,II I postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky.
. . I . 1" . J“ 4 , . “s fa. if MA- - "‘\ ~ ss- - ‘ ' '* A - in 4 ~ ' ~ - , .
. . I I II _ . . .1 (II, II I I 4. a. l . I 35. sflurlll ., I I 5% 9‘3: Q Zr '2 r',“ o Mailed two times weeIkly during the
I , .’ 4 I . ' .1 _-,r r - I. 2 - I r V “I _ » . , i“; / f" I . tI 3"“- .I 3.: I, r», in... I a: Y . I ‘ school year («rcpt holidays and exam
I . I . . ~ I. .“ . M I ‘f ». l {I ~3I -’/‘\ E . x 4 .I II as {is} J -. .v . ./ 553-9“ jig . ‘-~ 1 periods. and once during the summer
I . I. . q I I . v ‘ h .- I . .N I‘ '..,.._ J I ,'. :x ,3 _ . II ' . .§ 1. K ’ i FIH/ "fa; ‘ ‘,‘ ‘ \ Session.
. ‘. ,3 ‘. II m , , ,v 7 'I._ , v t ”l I ' ,le 63?; fi.‘ fl_,/ '1: \5 II 4‘ . g . I- ., /"' VI ' ‘ , i. Published by the Board of Student
, I , . I ' $ . I( f I 35 t 'I ”a; "7" . _, .~ ; ‘ é, I _': ‘ \_ l‘ j j ' 6“ 3Q , a _. W :3 I 4 _ Publications, UK Post Office Box 4988.
. . -. ‘ i ‘ ,‘53 "-‘i’ » / "ICC/49 "l T ’V‘ s"‘\» $3 ( \ . " it‘ll-l; " ' - 4 . i N Begun as "‘9 cad“ ‘" 13“ and
I I I L ,. I a I 1;; \\ i. Q ‘ * \ v . .AK . .- ‘ ‘ ‘if'n, ; ['1- K30 ._\ 4‘ ‘3. DUbliShed continuously as the Kernel
, . I'd z ' . i if 7~ ’ )i t‘ ° A-t'li " ;t 5 t ‘1" « ‘ g ‘ 5 H". d in" :5 since 19‘5'
, - . Q . -. .I L“ z , II \i '1»: ,‘i. .I ‘. ( , l ‘ x s l; . . .x‘ Advertising published herein is in-
I . I o .I \ ,. u» I; . .NF—Z, g k ~\‘ 5 I I K. ,. , - g . ; I / Q“ tended to help the reader buy. Any
. a , .I - , ‘ g .i m "‘ i :, Ifl [7'7“ 3 til“ \ .. t _1 .\ g ' fl '\ false or misleading advortising should
. t. » . , . . x, . . ; . -' :‘i N“? . ‘ w ‘3 - ~ '4‘ in
' ' I t“ ' .. . -' iii-31.1; .~., 95... fl‘ Ki .t'l‘ 3‘ “‘N‘ l. , = :1 ‘§ is: . "v 393?.‘1’3m3‘332i‘3‘50
Per copy. from files —- $.10

 _ . ____________________________________._______—— THE kENTl'LKV KERNEL, Tuesday, Nov. 9. l97l —.‘i .
N :3 ,1 ' . ’
' for B10 1 00 reform . . . .
«W I . ' .I i ' t ‘
By THOMAS B. SWEENEY Fifty_two percent felt they had :.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.-,.;.;.-_.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.::;.;.:.:.:.:.-::.:::1:.::~:‘:::;:~,:;::::::.:i::~:::;:::~1::::5:15:29:-:::::::;:;:;;;:;:;:;:::;:;:::;:;:;:;:-:-:-:-:r:;:.;-.¢:;:::-:::;:;:;:;:::;:':~:~:;:::::::;:::;:::;:r:;:z:;:;:::;:z:-:::g:;:::::::::::;:-:;153:3:3:E:z:E:;:EI;:3::z:zZ:E:E:::E:E:E:§:5235;253:932.3:;.’$~'-_‘1:§';::::35.: :-:3:1§é:1:-351 . , . ‘
Kernel Staff Writer not learned anything in the " 4’ . '
A new campus group, Demand course. . . C 9 . . '. i. I
Necessary Action (DNA) held a The evaluations only pOint rt ls S u ect 0 le . . q , . ; -,
press conference Monday out what students have been C ure ' ‘
afternoon to explain its purpose iéiy‘tng all the “me," said ' ' V
. ~ an ner. . . - ' .' .
and ,to release results -Ot last “The ' v‘ . ‘ - i Dr. Clifford Amyx, Professor Clifford believes philosophers Clifford cited other respectable .~ -
years student evaluations of y are ”“1“ (f - - . . . r .
. ‘ circumstance. he . ' Of A”, 15 1101 afraid to answer offer the best answers to this positions about art; such as “art ' .
g ‘ something wrong with what we blg QUESUOHS- The tOPIC 10F 1115 question. Aristotle and Plato. is harmony of the facilities,” art 3 -. ~ ' '
fig The group, under the have, but present financial SPCCCh (It the HOROFS Program even though differing on most is “expressed imagination,” “an ' ‘ 5 ‘ .'
a. co-chairnianship of Jill conditions force the present Lecture Series Monday night was issues, Clifford said, agreed that experience.” and “a form of t. I ',
g7 Raymond an.d Karen Kantner, situation,” Ms. Kantner said. “What Is Art?” art, by nature, is imitation. play." , > ' i .
if was . .Orga.“‘zed ,to PmteSt Evaluation of the forms He stated, “Art to me Is a ' . I .~ . ‘
conditions ”1 the biology classes showed students favor the u . , form of work donef" and that-in '. " ,-
.{i currently meeting in Memorial pass-fail system for biology and 51x "fellowships 10 Ill’ (IN‘UI'III’II 4‘“ 0““ can seeand ”(’1 integrity
. H‘fl‘l' _ that a class note project ‘ (19‘1“ “Art. 15 m“ integrity .
A student-teacher ratio of sponsored by QUEST received The National Council of Alpha graduate school on a campus Without which no one can - x 1'
800-t‘0-1”is not conduCive to the highest overall rating of the Lambda Delta, freshmen where there is a chapter of must,” said Clifford. He said V. .-
- learning, 'MS- Kantner said. survey. women’s honorary, will award Alpha Lambda Delta is questions of art are not . ' .
She pomted out the course is Raymond said the purpose of six $2,000 fellowships for encouraged. inseparable from morality-~with , If e.
required and is taken by nearly the group was not to abolish the graduate study for the 1973—73 Any member 0f Alpha art and morality CQUTVah‘h‘ 115 -' _
2,000 students. whole course but to change it. academic year. Attendance at a Lambda Delta WhO graduated in they are the best man can do in ‘1 1'
' “It affects 10 percent of the “We want real change though, 1969‘ 1.970 or 1971 . Wlth a tlie‘circumstances. C .
student body, yet it’s the most not just superficial change. But Boy Spouts cumulative average .Ot. Alpha Clifford 5“,“ one should never ‘ .' 5'
- poorly funded, has the most if they can’t do a good job in t A Lambda Delta initiation ask an artist. a Fm’fi’ ’0‘ .d ‘. f . ,‘
inadequate facilities, and is the teaching small, feasible classes ' “and“? (3?” 15 Chglblhi historian the‘question “hat ‘5
most boring class in the whole t hen abolish it as a ’0 organ”? Graduating seniors may apply ‘1 art?” He 531d an artist only ' ' I.
university,” she said. requirement,” she said. , , . they have aChISVCd ‘thls average understands his type 0‘ WO‘k . ,l _»
Statistics released in the Problems to be attacked 1" Inner (1!" at the end 01 “mt semester ”“5 and hls WUOd- _ _ ~ . fl
student evaluation forms showed include the lack of interaction . . "V yeai. . , , According to Chm“? “rm“ i: . ‘ '
students taking the course were between students and faculty A" inner. City program has . Applieation blanks .‘md and the” art evaluations are i‘ I H "
- ~ - - - . - . - been established by the local information may be obtained short-lived in the journalistic ‘ ~. » ,~ *
dissatisfied With it. On a scale and the lack of continu1ty in . ~ - - - . ~ ,
from one to four, 1,470 students lectures and tests. According to Boy SCOUt Councrl to respond to from Mlml Henrickson, 3551513“! marketplace. Historians deal _ . . 1 , . ?
Questioned gave the course an the group. these problems add the need Of inner City boys..As dean Of students. m Room 561 With the factual past 311d are HOI U 5 3
average overall rating of 1.56. u p to one major one: the program includes interaction of the Office Tower. required to define or appreciate , . - . , .~ .
ght “If a student had that average de-personalization. between inner, 9‘31] andd milddli art. . , ‘ '.
fits ' he would be suspended or “There is virtually no contact class (youths, r3013 31:) tcii tura V . '
the expelled,” said Ms. Raymond. between the student and pref]: icesscan ecom ae ' (,rants avallable 0 - .1 . .'
:1“. “We expect the University to professor from beginning to E? . cout Praggidm Indo“: pthHS open . ..
ard meet its own criteria.” end,” said Kantner. “In this emphasrzes practicd now 1e] g° Competition is now open for _ , , " .‘ ‘
Other information contained Situation it’s quite easy to for protecting lan ’ as we as fellowships for dissertation FOL” OPUOhS W111 be offered '
in the evaluation forms showed become uncommitted. We want respectingits natural beauty. research in Africa and the t0 SPEHiSh 302 Students for the ‘
595 students, or 53 percent to make the students aware of Interested people are Middle East' East South and spring semester. The OPUODS 3833 . ,t ‘
would not take the course again What is going on and get them to encouraged to .attend an Southeast Asia" wegtem pure e. V an interpretation 0f Lahh ~ ~ ' » '
- - . . - n organizational meeting on Nov. _ i, ‘ p ~ A . .. . 3
If they had to do It OVCI'. take stlOn. . Latin Amerlca and [he merica. 3 .,’ - ‘, '
. 15 at 7:30 in Room 117 of the Caribbean V problems of modern man as f .
‘ Student Center; or contact the Applications are acce ted seen in contemporary works. ‘ ' . , .'
Volunteer Programs Office in f 'd ( d‘ . p h) ) peninsular Spanish literature. ' ‘ _
T d d T Room 120 of the Student hrom gra ”ate 3t? “‘35 m t 1 ) conversation~spoken '
ties socia an natura . I
. Center. umani ‘ . . . . ,
a“; O ay an omorrow sc1ences and the profeSSions. 3:33;: for students and » .
° Stipends include allowances for ’ "
in) -3 Trl'State day dependents and transportation. di—frtifrednags gnii:::rsv:§lr t2; V '
b The deadline for announcements is Aglgog‘TligNPRggrirAgchr‘ivNGD d. d Eligibility requirements are announced in Ell Spanish classes '. ‘ :,
3 .9 7:30 p.m. two weekdays prior to the S . .' ‘ 1 ' . - " ‘ K
see. first publication of items in this Women’s Center. Call: 252-9358 ISCHSSC 3's. citizenship (or Canadian or before preregistration. . ~ ,
for column. 3?ng “‘3?“ 530 9 ping. Montdag . A S Aritish citizdenship for Latin _ . -
, rou e ne av an pm- 0 ' merica an the Caribbean) ‘ ' '
TODAY . . d .If ' W 1110' . ’ . .
1.1.3 13.114333323103133 23.3133: 3» 333333333 "‘ meet *- common 0. an m- . , ,
ward Newell. CamegieoMellon University. 4 253-2284' Tri‘State Day, The WOUdeTfUl “W ulrements except .the FAMILY ' ._ . 1' " ',
Eifirg§ésiatyaa$§lcftfe§°§i'§o :32: PHI AL’lllglngogl‘Rl-Icégik. history wofld “Wm“? Week, .and the dtl 5; “$851.0 n and fu11~timc COUNSELING é *'
'orld Tuesday. Nov. 9. Room 943. Office honorary. meeting 3:45 p.m. spnng Bridal Fair were discussed 5 u en 5 ‘1 “Sf . ° H l h S - ' . . '.
ll .. Tower. Wednesday. Nov. 10, Room 206, at last night’s meeting Of Further information and eat CWICC g . .
e ’ AMERICAN STUDIES “St d ts Student center' . Associated Women Students. applications are available 111 the - 2353-5823 .1 - e' '
"1" interested .in the new American Patch,pianist. 8:15 p.m.Wednesday. For this weekends Trl-State 1 n 0 Counseling and Testing ‘ - g
315.; f$“3€f§n§’i‘°§’an'2f’3f.§5§n?.fTE??? N°V-1°‘M°m°fi““““- Day AWS is Sponsoring women Programs, 10‘? Bram” “all (0’ 3 258-8701 ‘ .r_ . .. -
Tuesday, Nov. 9. Room 245, Studeni AaAlgigNllisg 0530331,? N11334:“: from other colleges to come and C a 11 Ma r t 1 n R 1C h w 1 n 9 ~ '_ - , .
g of , Center. 7:30 pm Wednesday. Nov. 10‘ share ideas with UK students_ 258-8646). . - g . .
d t PHYSICAL THERAPY CLUB R0031 245' Student. Center. Open For a tWO dollar registration ——-——______________________________ I' , .1 - ~ .
l 0 meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday. Nov. 9. meemg' fee a woman could attend the ' ' . '
YOU Room HP 500 UK Medical Center. ATTENTION BIOLOGY 100 ’ . . -; , .
‘t . EP TMENT STUDENTS. Demanding Needed lectures, discussmn groups and ., ' _ ,
In Y~ PHILOSOPHY D AB . Action (DNA) will discuss C t. 1 b kf h‘ ‘ .
- presents John Wisdom UmverSity of - - - — . 0“ menta Tea 35" on t t, .
thing 0 e 8 m Tuesda Nov 9 possrbilities of_changing the present 18tl f1 f th Off. 1‘ _ T I . . .
road Rbogrcrin‘IIS pblassroom Euflding" 8’ classroom Situation 7:30 p.m. 1 Cor 0 _e 1“ ower- . ', ,
f a p.m. Wednesday. Nov. 10. Room \Slltedinesziéy, Nov. 10‘ Room 206‘ AWS PIESIdent Betty ‘ ‘_ . ' .1 fl
, e681: 118. Classroom Building: 4C pm. 2;: 21:?!“ NU electrical Southard, said the Wonderful i _ , . . .
““011 $2233? Nov' 11' Student enter engineering honorary,sponsors a “1‘.“ World of Women Week. Feb. 28 ‘ . . _ '4 1 , .. j
. ATTENTION HISTORY 108-109 senes every Wednesday at noon m to March 3, Will honor . ' . . ‘
91:3: STUDENTS. A speciailI exa‘iii will lie Room 255‘ 2:3:2 3:“. outstanding women from the ' - ' . ‘
given upon request t at. w' satis y , ~' , . .
have your requirement it you’re enrolled 0 EN T R AL K EN T U 0 KY state 0f Kentucky, as well as . , - ..
in the College of Arts and Sciences. CONCERT AND LECTURE snares from the UK iaculty and student . . . ' , - =
never Ask your teacher for more presents Joseph C. Harsch. speaking body ..-. , ‘ . ‘ ,
never information. on “The State of the Nations” 8:15 ' . . . . _ ‘ ' -
preclaw leadership honorary, is now Caorltilseum. Admission by Activities-ID toward the women planning to W ' . . . i
accepting membership applications 0 5- - . . . ‘- 1 ,
erson and may be picked up in Room UK OPERA wonxsnor 8:15 bamamed' MS'.S?Utharq sad It PanTY HOSE .. » .
b a 1415, Office Tower and returned no p.m. Thursday. Nov. 11. Laboratory w 1 present 1“ ormatlon .0“ . .
‘ e later than Nov. 15. Theatre. F.A. Building. gowns, silver, crystal and china. _ . 5‘ j -
and =--.-.-.--..---- .I >_'. 7 :_
n 110 - o I . . . FREE Suzy Perette Parity f. . . ‘ _'
, and I Hose with this coupon and any ’1 . . fl . '
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 . D O O C
- - - ~ - . w . t th C t t t
a The House refuses to ie 1 1 e e ons 1 u ion
I ‘ l’rt .»' no other decision of But the most telling argument the right to worship God: rather it if he so chooses. and that that right R
. ' ‘ . Ihk‘ ‘ Villh'd “liberal Warren dililthl 1h\‘ amendment. “PPOHCHIS has insured that religion will remain cannot be abridged. SUPP
‘ . Suprc c Court" has caused as said. was the dangerous precedent it in its proper place—the church and The House has lived up to the :33:
- much nindless rage as the decisions would set. They argued that by home. spirit of the Constitution which kno
. . . in l ‘2 and 1003 outlawing overturning this Supreme Court What the decision does mean is says, “Congress shall make no law “W0
' ‘ » ' gmCWIhk‘hI'SUl‘CI'V'lSCd W413” l“ dt‘k'lh‘hm- Iht‘ PFCCCdCm WOUld b9 that every American still has the respecting an establishment of Opp
4 . .‘ ‘ 4 , . . I . .- , . _ , . . . . . . erc
. I Q . the p ibhc schools. set to merturn other controversial right to worship whatever religion religion or prohibiting the tree p (31
. . ' .3: , ' Yesterday. hopefully. that rage decisions that protected individual he chooses. or not to worship at 31] exercise thereof.” pe .