xt7hx34mmk58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hx34mmk58/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-03-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  1, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  1, 1946 1946 1946-03-01 2013 true xt7hx34mmk58 section xt7hx34mmk58 r vuiiuui

The Kentucky Kernel

Editor Hears Complaints
About Tickets, Housing



By Don B. Towles
A week of Intensive study of vocational opportunities for men and
women graduates and students will
be conducted at the University
March 4 through the 8, after a preliminary convocation for women
yesterday afternoon.
These conferences for students
will be brought to the campus next
week by the house presidents' council and Mortar Board, senior women's honorary.
Men Invited To
The program includes the
convocation at 3 p.m., Feb.
28: the vocational conference
March 4 and S; an over-a- ll
of Job trends for women on March
6; and Mortar Board's career conference for men and women on

Miss Constance Warren, president
emeritus of Sarah Lawrence college
nd author of "A New Design In
Education For Women," spoke on
changing trends in education for
conwomen at the
The vocational conference, under
the direction of Mrs. Margaret
Storey, head resident of Patterson
hall, will include individual talks
and round tables by representatives
of several selected occupations.
Interviews March 7, t
Miss Rochelle Gachet, of Alabama
college, will survey general occupational trends for women on March
6. and representatives from firms all
over the United States will come to
the campus to interview men and
women for employment on March 7



Members of selected occupations
who will be on the campus March 4
and 5 to discuss those occupations
with students are: Miss Anne Wil
son, secretary to W. S. Taylor, dean
of the College of Education at the
University, secretarial; Miss Ora Lee
Abney. Mitchell Baker, and Smith,
Lexington, merchandising; Mrs. Ef- fie Star Curtis, Lexington medical
technicial medical technology.
Discussion Leaders
Mrs. Freeman Andrews, former
supervisor of home economics in
the Lexington city schools, home
economics; Miss Margaret Wilson,
director of the child welfare division, Frankfort, social welfare: Miss
Margaret Cantrill, Eastern Airlines,
Bowman field, Ky, and Miss Dorothy Ratenhagan, supervisor for hostess selection of TWA, airline work;
Miss Jane Haselden. assistant dean
of women at the University, languages; Dr. Halbert Leet, Lexington
psychiatrist, psychiatry.
Mrs. Elmer Gilb, physical educaschool,
tion teacher. University
physical education; Dr. Helen Jeffrey, head of the Department of
Chemistry at Transylvania college,
and Miss Charlotte Wintz, formerly
of National Synthetic Corporation,
Louisville, chemistry: Dr. Josephine
Hunt, Lexington physician, medicine.
Mr. R. P. Sullivan, traffic manager
for the Lexington Telephone company, personnel; Miss Nan Laccy.
supervisor of Lexington's elementary
schools, and Miss Rebecca Cunningham, fifth grade teacher, Lexington, teaching,
and Muss Mary
Theobald, Kentucky War Fund offices. Journalism.
Among firms represented in the
interview section of next week's
program, according to Mrs. Evans,
are Radio Corporation of America,
General Motors, TWA, Seagram's.
State Welfare department, and
Campflre Girls. Men and women

Paris, Pianist,
Is Featured Soloist
The University Women's Glee
Club, under the direction of Mildred
Sinclair Lewis, will present their
annual concert Sunday at four
o'clock in Memorial hall.
Featured on the program will be
suite by
Irving Fine, composer and teacher
on the music faculty of Harvard.
The assisting soloist is to be Helen
Gibson Hutchcraft, pianist, of Paris,
Ky., a sophomore and music major.
at the University.
Adelle Gensemer Dailey, former
accompanist for the Glee club, re
turns this spring.
The program:
To Music. Schubert; Tomorrow,
Grieg. N- Strauss; With a Water-Lil.
Alice in Wonderland suite: The
Lullaby of the L
Lobster Quadrille,
Duchess, Father William, Irving
American Folk Songs: I Wonder
Kernel Photn by Jim Wyatt
I When I Shall Be Married. Ky.
Veterans' club President Howard Clay Bowles and Judy
mountain, Bartholomew; Salanga- Blevins, the club's corresponding secretary.
dou, Creole Lament, Scott; The Ark- Simone Heming, Arts and SciIn bark row, left to right: Bill Padon, chaplain; Ed Gabbard, treasSerjeaences junior from Lexington, was ansaw Traveler, Falkncr, Brans-comburer: Bill Spragens, secretary; and Jim Brock,
tapped by Mortar Board, senior
Vance Johns was not present when the picture
major No. 21,
was taken.
Prelude in
women's leadership honorary, at
Bach; Gavotte, Prokofieff; Hungar
convocation yesterday.
ian Etude, MacDowcll; by Miss

hi mi















SGA Election

Is Wednesday
Eight vacancies in the Student
Association will be
filled at an election Wednesday,
Gwen Pace, chairman of the SGA
election board, announced. Polls in
the Union building will be open
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Constitutionalist Helen Olmstcad
was declared elected because no
Independent candidate filed for the
commerce lowerclasswoman post.
Students running for SGA must
standing of
have an
1.3 and must be enrolled in the college for which they are nominated.
Terms of members elected Wed
nesday will expire in March, 1947.
The election for presidency of the
assembly along with ten vacancies
will take place early in the spring
quarter, Miss Pace stated.
Candidates in the election Wednesday as announced by Miss Pace
Arts and Sciences: lowerclasswoman. Patsy Burnett, constitutionalist, and Cecillia Florence, independent; upperclasswoman, Betty
Grote, constitutionalist, and Pat
Clark, independent; lowerclassman,
John Crockett, constitutionalist, and
John Violctte, independent;
John Young, constitution
alist, and Gene Whicker, inde-


Dream Song. Stringham; Swing
Your Partner "Shvanda," Weinberg'
er; When You Are Gone, Korngold
Song of Love, Schubert-RomberHoliday Song, William Schuman.

Critic Lauds
'Double Door'
Second Play
To Be Held Over

Peterson Speaks To Veterans
On Club Relations With UK
Present UK Setup
By R. Clayton Roland

Putting the stamp of approval on
the present University administration, sending telegrams to the Kentucky senate, talks by Frank D.


University comptroller,
and T. Q. Hall, Veterans Administration, highlighted the Monday
night meeting of the University Veterans' club.
Speaking on the subject "Rela
tions of the University and the
Veterans," Mr. Peterson explained
lack of equipment, manpower shortages and adverse weather conditions were responsible for the delay
in the construction of Cooperstown.




Law Library Receives
Copy of Polish Laws


man-at-larg- c.

Hof-Saal- c,

To Speak To Y









SuKy Presents
Sweaters To




"How To Study"



Veterans, Notice

By Hugh Collctt
"Double Door," now playing at
Guignol, is the second success of
the season at the little theater. The
new production keeps the audience
on the edge of their seats from the
first note of the overture to the last
curtain call.
The play possesses an Interesting
plot, but a number of the lines are
Vet Costs Minimized
a bit naive and some are useless.
He said the recent fire would have
production, however, possesses its effect on the project but the
a certain roundness not present in University had taken steps to minimost plays.
mize this. He gave facts and figOrchids To Wally
ures to show how the administraThis roundness can be attributed tion was doing everything possible
to the wonderful job of casting and to keep rents and other costs of the
directing that was done by Director veterans project at a minimum nd
WaUace N. Briggs. In any play ever compared these with other colleges.
presented, one will always find one
The immediate response to Mr.
or two really good portrayals, but Peterson's
talk was a unanimous
it is unusual to find every person vote of confidence for the Univerperfectly cast, as is the case in
sity administration and a motion
"Double Door." Although at times quickly followed
and passed to send
fluctuates, the
the caliber of actintr
telegrams to leaders in the Kentucky
general line of all portrayals is senate, asking
that the appropriaAgriculture and Home Economics: kept high.
tions bill for the University not be
lowerclasswoman, Ollic Lee Hayes,
The play was written around the
constitutionalist, and Kay Guion, character of Victoria, dominating
head of the Van Bret family, alc,
John Hop- though at times, Caroline and Rip,
kins, constitutionalist, and Arnctt her sister and brother, dominate
Mann, independent.
scenes that rightfully belong com
Major Beverly P. White, a gradGraduate school:
plctely to the sinister, dynamic
uate of the University College of
Carl L. (Hoot) Combs, constitu- Victoria.
tionalist, and James Trice, indeLucille Little takes full advantage Law In 1933, now with the offices of
of her part as Caroline, the weaker military government in Stadtkreis
Engineering: lowerclassman, Clay- Van Bret sister. Her fine acting in and Landkrcis
ton Powers, constitutionalist, and the scene after Rip and Anne leave recently sent to the University law
Bob Ingram, independent.
for their honeymoon is a good ex- library a copy of the laws of the
general government of Poland.
ample of her ability.
The laws, written in German,
Little Superb
It is Mrs. Little's superb acting were the property of Dr. Richard
of Hein-ric- h
in the second and third acts that Wendlcr. brother-in-laHimmlcr, and governor general
distracts from the prominence of
of Lublin, Poland.
Charles W. Anderson, Jr., Louis- Victoria.
Dr. Wendler is being sought for
ville, the only Negro serving in the
Robert Wcincr, in his first Guig- Tri,f ii,.ifv rif.iin,"ii AmliH'j will ,i nH1.u "vv, 4itrn Virmnrs as trial for war crimes committed dur.v
ww.- -.
ing his term as Gruppcnfulirer of
speak to Uppcrclass Y at 7 p.m., another
company rcprCM:mi.iv
The portrayals of Dr. John Sully the German S. S.
, Qlltw f ,,, by
for them in Mrs. Evans' office ini
John Barstow. Mr. Neff by Dr. Major White, now serving as prethe Union building.
bill passed by the house in 1943 to J. Reid Sterrett, and Lambert by siding judge of a roving military
admit Negroes to take graduate and Larry Snedekcr are equally con- government court in Bavaria, ex
professional courses at all
vincing, as are the characterizations pects to return to Kentucky to reschools. The bill however of the three servants Louise, Avery, sume his law practice soon.
died in the committee room of the and Tclson played by Sue Ann Tur- Senate and did not pass bothiiey. Jane Ratchford, and Jewell
houses. Anderxm has unsuccess Doyle, respectively.
fully reintroduced the bill at each
Music Sets Mood
of the music
succeeding Assembly session.
The importance
must not be
SuKy sweaters were presented to
Anderson has used in the production
Mortar Board . . . will meet at 5 taken an active part in the Ken- overlooked. The overture, wnicn in 21 new members of the organization
p.m. Friday in room 205 of the tucky Commission on Negro Af- cludes the second part of "Death at presentation ceremonies held Sat
a Rachman- urday night between halves of the
fairs. He was one of four to com- and Transfiguration,"
theme music Kentucky-Xavibasketball game.
"Y" . , . meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday in pile a survey on the conditions of inoff concerto, and the
Negroes in the state of Kentucky from the motion picture, "SpellSweaters, which were given on the
the Union.
stated bound," docs a great deal toward basis of refreshment sales and "en
whicli the Courier-JournSweater ming . . . from 11:30 a.m. was: "the most
most setting the mood for the play.
thusiasm at games," were presented
to 1 :30 pjn. Wednesday in the Union revolutionary and yet most obvious
by Miss Betty Rce Rhoads, try-ounder the sponsorship of the Union recommendations for improvement
manager for SuKy, to the following-Francehouse committee.
of race relations that ever have
Horlachcr, Helen Triplett,
Cierman club . . . meets at 4 p m come out of the South."
Second in a series of talks on Betty Sue Scott, Ruth Mount, Mary
"How to Studv" will be given at 4 Ann Bach. Christine Whitehousc,
Wednesday in room 302, Miller hall.
p m. Thursday by Dr. C. C. Ross in Emery LoU Flanders. Ann Word,
5 p.m. ThursTennis meeting
day in Dr. H. H. Downing's office
Room 205 of the Union ouuaing, Margaret Courtney, Frances Farmer
Betty Lee Fleishman, journalism according to Everett H. Fairchild, Elaine Chamberlain, Jean Robinson
especially or tennis enthusiasts.
University for Life program . . . pre- senior, will present a paper on chairman of the YMCA Campus Louanna Hammons, Mary Thelma
Cannon, Fern Jacobs, Nancy Potts,
sents Dr. W. Scott Hall at 6 p.m. Zionism at the Philosophy club Service committee.
Sunday at Central Christian church meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday in
The talks are mainly for students Sue Warren, Charlotte KnapP.
Davis, C. E. Martin and Joe
in the first lecture of the current room 205 of the Union building, it having difficulty with their studies,
was announced this week.
Mr. Fairchild stated.



Helen Hutchcraft,

To Men, Women



Glee Club
Will Sins
'Alice' Suite

Interviews Open


Wildcats SEC Favorites;
Tourney Pairings' Listed


Career Conference
To Begin Monday




Fleishman Will Talk

Ed-w- in

reduced from the present amount.
Why GI Check Delays
Mr. T. O. Hall, representing the
Lexington office of the. Veterans
Administration, made a talk giving
the reasons for the delays in GI
subsistence checks. He discussed individual problems with the members after the meeting.
Legislative committee chairman,
James O. Brock, reported continued
efforts in behalf of club and University legislation in Frankfort.
Edward Gabbard. temporary secretary of the Association of Kentucky Student Veterans, reported on
the meeting in Louisville last Saturday of representatives from 11
colleges of the state in trying to get
the organization formed.
Some of the school clubs have
"constitution troubles" and are delaying the formation of a permanent organization. The next meeting of the association will bo held
in Bowling Green.

Women Voters Group
Hears Origin, Purpose
Of State Committee
Dr. Howard W. Beers, professor of

rural sociology, explained the origin
and purpose of the Committee for
Kentucky to members of the campus
League of Women Voters at their
meeting Monday. Feb. 25, in the
Union building.
Dr. Beers said the committee was
formed on a
basis by
a group of citizens to study prob
lems confronting the state, from
which are drawn reports and
to remedy some of the
conditions which rank Kentucky
low as compared with many other
The committee has selected ex
perts in several fields to study par
ticular problems and several reports
have already been published. Among
these are reports on agriculture, by
Dr. Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the
College of Agriculture; education,
by Dr. Maurice F. Seay, director of
the Bureau of School Service:
health, by Dr. P. E. Blackcrby, head
of the State Board of Health; state
constitution, by Mark Ethridge, pub
lisher of the Courier-JournEli Brown III, former U. S. Dis
trict Attorney.

recom-mcntatio- ns


Union Painters Ask

Student Cooperation
Students have been asked to cooperate with the Maintenance and
department's painting
crew who are working in the Union
Miss Mackie Rasdell. assistant
social director of the Union, explained that the Great hall will be
painted as soon as more paint arrives. The workmen have been
painting smaller rooms this week.
Miss Rasdell explained.

Dorm Bids Open
Although fire destroyed specifications for a $250,000 men's dormitory,
bids for the structure will be advertised for March 10, University comptroller Fi ank D. Peterson, announced
Wednesday. Bids will be opened
April l.

All veterans attending the
University under Public Law 16
are asked to report for an interview to Dr. A. B. Crawford,
training officer of the Veterans
Administration, who will be in
Room 204 of the Administration
building on March 6, 7 and 8.
Dr. Crawford also stated that
he will be glad to see any veteran enrolled under Public Law
346 who has questions concerning Certificates of Eligibility and
Entitlement, subsistence allowance payments or any other
problems that require attention.

My Morale Is Fine

Personal Solicitation
Sparks WSSF Drive
University Goal

Set At $2,500



By Tom Duncan
Solicitation for personal donations
to the World Student Service Fund
will begin Monday. March 4. and
will continue through Friday. March
. under the direction of Edna Craw
ford and Howard Clay Bowles, Ed
Bary, chairman of the campus-wid- e
drive, announced today.
$209 Already In
The WSSF goal at the University
is $2,500. Approximately $200 ww
received from a collection at the
game and from the fra-


Says Willis In Speech
On Founders Day
"My morale is fine, too," stated
Simeon Willis as he
opened his Founder's Day address
last Friday in Memorial hall.
He carried along the festive mood
the students started when President Donovan asked, "How is your
morale?" before he introduced the
Also included on the day's program were an Optimist club luncheon for guests of the University and
broadcast by Governor
Willis, President Donovan, and H.
C. Robinson, president of the University Alumni Association.
Governor Willis in his speech said
he was happy that the University
had established a Founder's Day,
adding that "anything which brings
favorable attention to the University is an asset to the state."
Mr. Robinson also spoke briefly
and said, "I am glad the attacks
proved groundless,"
referring to
charges brought by four University
students against the school's ad-

UK-Xavi- er

ternity and independent intramural
league finals.
A "thermometer"
showing the progress of the drive
will be placed on the campus.
WSSF. an international and
organization, aids studenU
and professors, victims of World
War II, in 17 countries. Students of
more than 800 colleges, prep schools,
and theological seminaries contributed to the WSSF last year.
Personal Canvass
Personal solicitation workersnnder
Miss Crawford and Bowles are:
Betty Ree Rhodes and Howard
Stephenson, chairmen; Ralph Dan-for- d,
men's residence halls; John
Young, men students living in town;
Joe Covington, fraternities; Rosemary Dummitt. sororities; Carolyn
McMeekin, women students who
live in town. Margaret Dickey,
women's dormitories; Margaret
Campbell, women's residence units,
and Allene Wolf, women commuters.
Professor John Kuiper is treasurer
of the drive.
Money for the fund must come
from personal solicitation, organization projects, and group treasuries.

WSSF Chairman Bary

Hearing Ends
In Frankfort
By Scotty McCulloch

Climaxing a scries of hearings in
answer to charges brought against
the University by four law students.
the investigating committee of the
House of Representatives adjourned
Tuesday, after hearing testimony
by professors and students expressing both confidence and the lack of
confidence in the present adminis-


Clyde Tipton, engineering student,
Erlanger, Ky., flatly denied the
statement that he had told Robert
Meagher he had seen plans for
field house to be donated by the
Seagram Distilleries.
Tipton Denies Statement
"I have seen plans for a field
house," Tipton stated, "and the UniAn exhibition of water color and
versity has planned for a number
of years to build one, but I did not oil paintings by Raymond Barnhart,
assistant professor of art at the
see plans for a Seagram-donate- d
structure, nor did I say to these University of Kentucky, will open
gentlemen that I saw any such in the Art Gallery in the Biological
Sciences building on the University
campus Sunday, March 3. and will
The University varsity and ROTC
Meagher reiterated that Tipton
rifle team, under the direction of had made that statement and of- continue through March 31.
Gallery hours are from 2 to 5 p.m.
Coaches Capt. A. E. VonHolle and fered to submit four sworn affidavits
Capt. E. O. Gedrich, and assistant to that effect to chairman of the on Saturday and Sunday, daily from
coach Sergeant E. O. K inker, has investigating committee Roy Arnold. I
won four matches with Lehigh uniuniversity comptroller Frank PetMr. Barnhart, who teaches paint
versity. University of West Virginia, erson gave testimony
in regard to
Indiana university, and Michigan costs of buildings at the University ing, drawing, and design at the
State. They tied a match with the in comparison to other schools and University, has exhibited in Kentucky and surrounding states. This
University of Southern California. produced
minutes of meetings of is his first one-mshow in Lex
According to the Military departthe Board of Trustees in denial of ington.
ment, the team this year is making charges
University had
that the
Mr. Barnhart began teaching at
much higher scores than the UK made only perfunctory gestures toteam that won third place in the ward the competitive bidding the University in 1936. He received
his MA degree in fine arts from
nation before the war. The team principle.
Ohio State university and subsethis year has made higher scores
Dean Alvin T. Evans, of the Law quently
under Moholy-Nagh- y.
team that won the national
than the
college, upon questioning by MeaJosef Albers. and Jean
only a few years ago.
team will meet gher, said the law school building, Chariot.
The sixteen-ma- n
the Universities of Cincinnati, Mary- constructed under the supervision
land, and Michigan this week. All of Dean J. H. Graham, is entirely
satisfactory. He denied reports of
senior units will also meet the Fifth
losses of books due to leakage.
Service Command.
Dean Evans also denied that stu
Members of the team are: Edward
Walters, Walter Meade, Eugene Per- dents had ever broken windows in
kins, David Combs, Howard Wiles, lLafferty hall in order to ventilate
Joseph Mainous, Joe Ockerman, the building.
Charges Axel A Nazi
Larry Lodewick, William Maxedon,
Henry Legrand, William Cason, Paul
Charging "shameless bad faith,"
Tipton, Landon Garrett, W. C. Prof. W. R. Sutherland read a nine-paBy Lucy Thomas
Asher, John Word, and A. B. Armes.
letter to the committee hi
which he stated that the University, ESTED IN A "BIG NAME" ORin accepting the gift of a labora CHESTRA FOR THE SPRING
tory :'rom the Axel Wcnner-Gre- n
interests, had supported an enemy
Jean Paxton. A4S. senior: Why
and a Nazi.
not. this is the night club of the
Only 100 new
Professor Sutherland alio attacked SOUTH!
dents will be admitted to the Unithe University's failure to pay back
Jim Wood, A AS, - junior: If the
versity for the spring quarter. Dean
to faculty members who Student Union Board can get an
Leo Chamberlain announced yes- salaries
received only part pay during de- orchestra in the Tommy Dorsey
pression years.
category I think it would be a
The University's student quota is
In reply to the accusations made good tiling. However. I think the
4,000. and with 3,500 students alagainst President Donovan and the orchestra should five up to the ti'le.
ready, only about 100
students can be accepted. Dean other members of the faculty pres- "big name."
Chamberlain . said. Four hundred ent at the hearing, students preHelen Dorr, AAS, sophomrre: I' ..
residents registered for sented petitions expressing confi a good idea if it works but I Uuii'k
dence and loyalty in the
the winter quarter, he stated.
the Student Union Board would
Students will be given an oppor- administration.
sell a lot more tickets if the stuWilliam Sturgill, arts and sciences dents knew who the "big name"
tunity to fill out class schedules for
the spring quarter berore the end senior from Prestonsburg, Ky.. pre- was to be.
of the winter quarter. Dean Cham- sented a unanimous resolution from
Don Tow Irs. A AS, freshman:
berlain announced. Schedule books the Student Government Associa Yes. I think it would be all right
are expected to be available to stu- tion and Miss Scotty McCulloch, for a change.
dents at some time next week, and arts and sckms senior, Beeklcy.
Jlct'ulloch. A4S. senior:
students may turn in schedules at W. Va.. filed petitions from sorority Definitely II wotiUl be good pubany time until the end of the members and the Student Union licity
for the University, and after
Board of the University in support
all this is not a small-tow- n
of President Donovan.
Tommy Gish. A&S. junior: It's
a good idea, but is the Bmesras
room large enough for the crowd??
Mary Lillian Davis, A A 5, srnior:
Like to have something big on the
All women interested in Chi
Women's Intramurals will lygin campus for a change
Delta Phi, literary honorary, are at 3:45 p.m., Monday, March 4. WAA
Frances Jenkins, A AS. junior:
urged to submit manuscripts to
Pat Sliely announced Let's give the "old night club ol the
any member of the group or to
representing South" at least one big niht a year.
Miss Jane Haselden in the dean
Casey Goman, A AS. junior: Yea.
sororities and independents will
of women's office.
if it's a dance instead of a mob
T.-band I
Members chosen on the basis
Team members will hold a pre- scene! If we have a
will be
of their manuscripts
meeting at 4 p.m. today in hope there's room enough to dance.
announced at the women's conthe women's gym headquarters. All Billy Carter. A AS. freshman:
the spring
sororities and other groups planning Sure, because after all, we are a big
to enter teams must be represented University and we should have
something new!
at h!s meeting.

The program at Memorial hall
the memory of
Henry Stltes Barker, the fourth
president of the University. Members of the Barker family were in
the audience.

Art Exhibition
Opens Sunday

University Rifle Team
Makes Higher Scores
Than Prewar Champs




UK To Admit





Submit Manuscripts
To Literary Group

Women's Intramurals
To Begin Monday

� The Kernel Editorial Page


Bettt Tevis
Dick Lowe
at Mia Port Offlca at Islington. Kentucky, M rjoRA LEE ROBERTSON
second clu matter andtr tha Act of March J. 1879.
Assistant Managing
Caset GoMAN
Assistant News
PT Burnett
ra.ti.ekr totercolleglat. Prw. Awoclatlon


Board of Con,rn,rca
Kentvekj Prrs Arroelstlon
Rational Editorial Association






Subject Of Three Student Letters To Editor


11.50 One Tear


tive occupants, because it will take
an additional week or two to build
the large manhole and make con- nections. In other words, according
to this estimate, the first group
should move Into the project about
the 7th of April.
But Just keep your families wher- ever they are and IF NOTHING
ELSE happens they'll be only two
tater m arrivln. nere
montns or
than responsible faculty members
estimated BEFORE you enrolled,
Mr. Broomell says, In his letter.
iiumocr ui
inithe cuiisiucrauie lost in the arys
houses was
building." This may
at the Service

Agaiu'Kernel Policy
Quoting from tlic statement of policy in the
kernel of the school year:
In the past, when sides were taken in any
controversial issue it was for the
the student body as a whole or to maintain
the University's josition in the state not
for the profit of any one fac tion. When The
kernel did not take a definite stand on a
question it was lxraiisc some arguments are
endless and only result in hard feelings.
This shall le upheld as a pan of ilie policy.
Does this answer the questions of the students
on the campus who cxped a newspajxr to crusade? The right side and the wrong side are not
always clearly defined in an argument. Therefore the staff feels that editorials defining and
weighting the issues can accomplish more than
an outright stand on one side which would
necessarily be the side favored by the staff, and
not- representative of the opinion of the entire


Mudent body.

Don't think for a minute this is the easy way
out. Many, many times it would be so much
more simple to grie with the jxipular group
than to attempt to sec through a situation, or
trail down a rumor.
Few students seem to realic that even a college paper like The kernel is responsible for
ev ery thing it prints. Thev say "Why can't a
signed letter be printed regardless of 'what it
kaysr" Because that nice little statement to the
effect that the opinions of the writers do not
necessarily reflect the opinion of The kernel
would not mean a thing in a Ii'Im suit. In libel
the paper is held just as guilty as the person who
made the original statement.
"In attempting to present the University in
the most favorable light possible. The kernel
Jias ignored facts and issues which might have
been discussed to good advantage," was a statement made in last week's student interview on
morale. A particular issue or fact was not mentioned. Since we can't think of any consciously
ignored facts or issues, we'll just wait until they
are presented by letter or in jktsoii in the office.
Of course we like to make Uk look as good as
jxjssible being rather fond of the place.
At the same time this criticism was made, the
same student stated that The kernel "isn't
is sternly guided by invisible and
intangible forces." That is Hue. The stern and
intangible forces of reader opinion of the ethics
f journalism the criticism and cxjiericnce of
respected advisors, and the influence of friemls,
are always present in newspaper offices.
For the organizations which are sometimes
stories and pictures were not hanirate
dled as they would have liked sorry! Because




licity cuts made has been splendid, tlie staff is
doing its very best to see that they arc printed
irf soon as nossillc

Equal space for religious and
to Greeks and Independents and

was suggested in a recent letter.
rtirtntirt- ntific Init crrrf
imtvu.ti ril
;vovimhi wii.w
groups make more news than others. Why. the
first rule of ournalism is to print the news-n- ot
to allocate space according to groups: inree cot- umns in a newspaper given to a criminal is in
no way indicative that the editor thinks more
highly of him than of the church supper which
gets three inches.
The kernel staff is trying to run a newspaper
freely and fairly. If any student wants to come
clown and see how it is being done, he is wel- come to do so. And if there are suggestions,
why not write them ,0 the editor?
ic ic




Z iT

uwntc hi ucacis.

I fail to foUow the reasoning of
lne u"euc committee. 11 me pur- 01 naving ine xempie game.
as Jt snoud be u to make lt p,,,,.
sible for students to see it, lt has
failed merably. It would, from the
-- a
ter w have fhe game to LexLton
issuing special tickets to those stu- dents no "anted to see the game,
fuld tnen p,ace tne rema,nder on
sale to the public. If the purpose of
the game is to allow the public to


rjern mauc ior me
houses to be occupied

Listening to some of the students
at the University one would be led
to believe the world's woes have
been loaded on theu- - shoulders. It
is possible that the University is
behind some other Institutions in
some matters but in the complaints- received department Kentucky leads
the field.
Qf the Universit
the best job they can and that they
littVc QOiic vilU.C job all through the





group 01 n n ic Kainrl rvsa
r via,
Or if no keys yeterans. affairs,
V. nected with the University from
Donovan on down has
famUy-a- nd
Uvlng In a keyless President
gone more than half-wa- y
to help
house or wait until tne keys can
them get adjusted again, but some
be made. You wiU be surprised at
veterans are the ones who
4 Via niimhAi
tVint rnnncoe t wait frti
thinlc tne
uak tne loudest'
me Keys, Mr Broomell