xt7hx34mm78h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hx34mm78h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2008 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 79, no. 2, Summer 2008 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 79, no. 2, Summer 2008 2008 2008 2012 true xt7hx34mm78h section xt7hx34mm78h l VJ “ ‘ J ‘ ~ ~ 7 §
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Arthur Salomon has built his Lexmgton based finanCIal serVIces practice by L - * (
helping clients make the most of the opportunities they face. Doing - ‘ " .
business in the Bluegrass for over 30 years has given him the chance to ,»
work with many charitably inclined individuals. For decades he has built '
an extensive knowledge base and network of colleagues specifically .
suited to assist clients in their endeavor to create a legacy. And he expects
to see more people seeking his wisdom in the coming years...
Why is Strategic Giving important to you?

l impress upon my clients that philanthropy is a means to creating a legacy. i believe the opportunity to give ua’c’ '0' 'e’co ' " l' v,.
planned properly, can be maximized to benefit the donor and donee. lwouldn’t say we have an obligation to help those around us, bu
i do think giving is a calling. l have advised families from many different walks of life, with varied financial means, nearly all have listed
charitable giving among their financial priorities.

Why have you chosen to specialize in this area of financial planning?

As millions of Baby Boomers retire over the next 20 years, i anticipate a substantial increase in philanthropic causes across the country as
wealth transfers from one generation to the next Having created thousands of individual financial plans over the years...l expect to see
more people coming into my office inquiring how they can not only pass on their assets to their heirs, but to the charitable areas and
institutions that mean the most to them.

How does one go about Planned Giving?

The means by which i have advised my clients are as varied as they themselves. Ultimately, we are limited only by the laws governing
planned giving and our own creativity. This is why I have assembled a number of CPA’s and Estate Planning attorneys across the
Bluegrass to assist me and my clients in customizing the plan that best fits their needs. in the first meeting with a client we ask ”Why do
you want to create a legacy?" Their answer serves as a foundation for our recommendations, whereupon building blocks can be
considered and reviewed.
isn't it expensive to engage in Planned Giving and administer trusts, hire attorneys, etc?

While some households We worked with have elaborate estate plans that incorporate charitable giving, it does not have to be
expensive. in some instances, something as simple as change of ownership or renaming of beneficiaries achieves the goal. But, should
an attorney or CPA be required for more advanced planning, be assured, we have at our disposal some of the best in the region and
their fees are quite reasonable.

Why notjust add my favorite charities in my will?

ltstill thrills me to this day to sit with charitably inclined clients and see the look on their faces when i show them how many times their
gift will multiply by using some advanced planning techniques. Gifting via will, is still gifting so i won’t knock it, but ifyou had the
opportunity to turn that same gift into 3, 5, or lO times as much, avoid probate and generate tax relief for you and your heirs, would you
not consider these options?

Salomon & Co lsn't Planned Giving only for the extremely wealthy?
SALOMON & CO. 800 928 0012 On the contrary. in fact, most studies on the subject have found that moderat
' ' income households give more as a percentage of total income, than do
859.266.0012 . , f . f . . . ,
legacyplan@salomonco.com wealthier households. And i m a irm believer that or those With limited mean-
3217 Summit Square Place appropriate planning can be an extremely valuable tool.
. w. Ste 250 _ . _ _ _
. Lexington, KY 40509 Thanks for your time today. i wrsh you well in your endeavor to help families
5’ I across the Bluegrass and beyond create legacres of their own.
4" '6 'V 4 N Augemnes & Adm-50W 5mm You are welcome. l encourage anyone interested in taking steps to create a
It 1/ C I A L Offered Through Ulises/Private Ledger legacy or finding out how to maximize their philanthropic goals to call. An
I C MemberNASD/SIPC . . . . , .
E S introductory meeting is free and carries no obligation.

 Q I j j · Summer 2008 • Volume 79 • Number 2
F 1 6 2008 Great Teachers e.uN_
  u   _ j _ _ Six UK professors share the spotlight for their  
ON TH E COVER  ud}, Mlllef 93 DES Z5 mmmgw qfdwcmfl subject matter expertise and dynamic ··’¥ V
Zmwmy dmgnjhl Ddsmult Fdlcm W NELUJKVSKJ/' instructional capabilities in the classroom. _ . j ° ‘ 
2 0 W.T. Young Library:     C
10 Years Strong
Judy Miller: Today the WT, Young Library is a campus icon, as
1 2 With Flying Colors recognizable as Memorial Hall, but it took
V This 1993 UK graduate designs comfortable creative ingenuity to come up with a project , j _, j » A
surroundings for busy executives to enjoy while financial arrangement plan that involved the   jjf jj` jjj fj jj jj §~,_
V vvinging their vvay at 47,000 feet from one business participation and cooperation ofthe city and ll jj   llllll lll    
deal to another, several campus entities, including the UK ii _'     ____4j f A
By Beverly Bell Alumni Association, to make the dream a reality i’,‘`·       °j`QY`}’i  
By Robin Roenker
24 Profiles In Blue: Adrian Lim
   K 7 Another UK alumni community is gaining momentum
j     in Malaysia as a result of some of the efforts lcd __?
U T   by Adrian L, I-I, Lim ’99 BE, who lives in ‘ {`i“"`
~ J j,,,  » ~ · —   __   Subangjaya, just west of Kuala Lumpur in j , ·»“· i
jjj    _jjjjjj·j  jj the state of Selangor,
,,~j   j  , C .     ` j
  iY ,_»    —_          
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. iji j j _ ~ ji r V j   l
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T Departments K
,7 3 Opening Remarks
` 5 Presidential Conversation
` 6 UK Beat
_   jj . __  S _ 9 Research
jj_g     fj   ·‘   i 1 1 Capital Campaign
`     ·j., 5 jj   ’  _ 27 Open Door
M  g., ,._, " — *
  j “ “‘·; ”  ri;-jj ..._- ig _ ·  ,j__ www.uka|umni.net 1 ((

 Association Staff
Publisher: Stan Key ’72
Associate Direetor/Editor: Liz Dem0ra.n *68, ,76
O Managing Editor: Linda Perry ’84
_ _ ® _ Advertising: Kelli Eleni
Al um H1 Ass O C1 2l‘C1O H Sem Graphic De*g¤eeIe“H¤m’r“
UNIVERSITY OE KENTUCKY BrendeBeineB eccr dsDataEntryOp eratcr
Boa rd of Directors Gretchen Bower *02e Program Coordinator
l“lY L 2007 _ l““€ 30 2008 Linda BritrnEe1de Account Clerk 111
Bertie LeeE1:€1;;i;;73 *75 ED Nancy Culp: Administrative Services Aeeietent
loeesldeneeleee Leslie Hayes: Administrative Support Associate 1
Wiihein Schuctzc ’72 LAW John Hoagland *29: Associate Director
Treasurer j ill Holloway *05: Associate Director
Sem E DMS T3 EE Diana nern vo, vie Principal Aeeerrntent
Secretary   K   sO3_ W b
Stem Key ’72 ED ert a im . e master
Brooke @. Asbe11 *27 BE Angela\W]·ie1an McKenzie *77 ED Rendell Mwgm IS Tech S“PP°"
Geerge I- Arkrrrelr ’63 EE Peggy Memree ’72 AG Melisse Newman *02: Associate Director
Denny G. Bailey *62 *71 AG Richard T Migliorc *94 BE , _
Tod Enos -52 AG poison E_ Miiioi -e8_-oo Megan Powell 06 e Pr0gra.m Coordinator
Elelrérrl A- Emi '69 EE Sherry Meek EI EE Brynn Pulliam *04 e stetrsupport Associate ll
Morris Beebe jr. 48 BE Terry Mobiey 65 AS _ _
Patrick Blandford *99 *01 EN @her1esM. Moore jr *59 BE Darlene Srrrrpeem Senrer Dare Enrry Opererer
@. Diiene Bonifcr *91 CIS David\V Moseley *76 BE _ .
James Bl Bryant ,67 BE William Rl Mmm) ,5 1 CIS Alyssa Thornton. Stag Support Associate ll
Michael Burleson *74 PHA Susan ven Buren Miistien *24 BE Frances White: Data Entry Operator
Eniniett ~Biizz** Burnam *74 ED ]ohn @. Niehob II *52 BE
Susan Bushart @erdWe11 *62 AS Edward @. Nickles 111 *72 BE
Shane r @er1in *95 AG jenies D. ~Denny** Norveu *62 PHA . .
Andrew @eei1 *00 AS George A. Ochs IV 74 DE UhIV€l‘SI|Cy of K€h|IUCky
Katy L. Chiles *92 AS John @. Drvens *50 BE Al . M .
Mi<;haclA. Christian *76 AS, *20 DE Tonya B. Parsons *91 AS U mm aQaZm€
John H. Clements ’67 BE Sandy Bugic Patterson ’68 AS Voijg NO2
{glu?   Ugllrird ’6;A§se7I MED ger; IVI;r§a=§·;lsI’e;l<3 EYGEEEN Jomrky Alumni (ISSN 732-6297) is published quarterly
RF? ag C0 ne as BE J ¤l¤r*H- ·a era izh ,73 ED by the University 6£Kentue1tyA1urnni Association,
William Ml Comm ,64 BE Randy pmt ,92 GS Lexington, Kentucky for its dues paying rnernbers.
Dana Cox *27 CIS Derrick Benisey *22 AS © 2008 University or Kentucky Alurnni Association, except
Mark @oy1e David B. Rattcrman *62 EN vvhere noted. Views end opinions expressed in Jotmrky
Henry E. ~Gene** @revens *52 AG G. David Ravcnctaft *59 BE Alumni do not necessarily represent the opinions or its editors,
]ohn B. Crockett *49 AS David W Bensherv *20 BE the UK Alumni Association nor the University of Kentucky
Briiee K Davis *71 LAW B. Mi<;haclRi<;kctts *71 BE
jenies Denny *76 BE Nicholas 1. Ritter *01 EN
E1eine Duncan *74 EN @endeee L. Scllars *96 *04 ED H T R h U
Marianne 2niith Edge ’77 AG David L. Shelton *66 BE OW 0 €aC $
Ted Eiden ’82 EN Robert H. Simmons ’9O EN Kmmrky Alumni
Erenieiin H. Eerrisjr *72 BE Merien Moore Sims *72 ’76 ED UK Aiinnni Assooinnon
1¤eii1 E. Fenwick *52AG 1. Tim 21einner *20 DES Km Allmml Hease
Ellen Eergiison *69.*71 Sharon 2tevens Sma]1`76 *90 PHA _ E
\Wi].liam G. Francis *62 AS, *72 LAW Mary Levi 2niith *64 *20 ED L°X*“g*°“· KY 4050650110
W P. Fnediieh *7 1 EN George B. Spragens *92 BE Telephone: 859-257-7164, lr800r269rALUM
Linda Lyon Frye *60 AS Elizabeth H. Springate *74 ED peers 359e323e 1063
Dim Giwerr E? EN Iemee A- Erlee E9 EN E—mail: 1dern6re@ernei1.ukyedu
@eniniie Deshieids Grant *79 ED Jamcs W 2tiie1eert *60 EN, *61 BE
Ted 2. Gum *65 DES Mary ~1       » l L;
Ry e \ _   g _ .
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’ l` · 1-V l   l ' ' ©2008]].B.l·li.llia.rd,Vl/iL.Lyons,LLC. Member NYSE,FlNRA and SIPC.
I .

 2 Presidential Conversation
Reconnect With Your University
This is a big year for anniversaries at the University of Kentucky
Two of UK's academic colleges are ln the midst of centennial celebrations and,
believe it or not, the crown jewel of our library system is turning 10 years old.
The College of Arts and Sciences, home to our largest undergraduate stu-
~ dent population, has been educating the next generation of Kentucky leaders
* A for generations. Since 1908, the college has graduated more than 36,000 stu-
'=_ U dents. The college has the unique ability to inHuence the lives of students
across the campus community as nearly every student will take one or more
classes in the college during their academic career at UK.
The UK College of Law, which was recently ranked 31st among law schools
at public institutions by US. Newt and VVZ2rZdRg1>0m also celebrates 100 years
of academic excellence this year. The college has the proud history of educat-
· ing some ofthe Commonwealth’s » and the nation’s » top legal minds. From
prominent elected oflicials and policymakers to countless judges and attor-
neys, the College of Law has been crucial to the success of this institution and Kentucky
It is hard to believe that our William T Young Library celebrated its 10th anniversaryin April. ln a short pe-
riod of time, the facility has transformed our campus community It has quickly become °‘the place” for our stu-
dents to meet, collaborate, work on projects, and study for tests. Boasting the largest materials endowment
among public universities, Young Library is flrmly entrenched among the world's leading research libraries and
has become one ofthe most popular landmarks on the University of Kentucky campus.
Since opening its doors, the picturesque facility also has captured the attention of not only those that use the
facility but also those that visit the campus. In 2007 the library appeared on the cover of The C/wanidz rflahg/my
Edurumm:AZmunur1rrut 2UU7»8 and served as a backdrop for UK football fans on ESPN's popular G»zmcD»zy
TV program.
To the alumni members of these two colleges, 1 hope this centennial celebration provides you an opportunity
to reconnect to your university And 1 hope all ofour alumni can get back to campus to enjoy the Young Library
and its grandeur.
Lee T Toddjr.
S G 9 U G.
  I TM
m everythmg we da.
www.ukalumni.net 5 ((

 » HK B e at
Pharmacy Grad Program Ranked Among Best
The UK College of Pharmacy is ranked as the fifth best phar- Pharmacy has a current enrollment of 497 students. A new
macy program in the nation by the US. News and V%riti Report class of 132 students will be admitted in the fall of 2008. The
2009 edition ofAmerica`s Best Graduate Schools. The current new pharmacy building is slated for completion in 2010 and
ranking represents a move up from an eighth place ranking in will have three times the space of the current facility.
New UK Endowment For India Studies
An historic visit by A.P.]. Abdul Kalam, former   `    K
president of India, has signaled the establishment of a V »   Ci¢f.?" _? `  
new major endowment at UK for research, teaching ` ` `   I   V} ` ~ , .
and outreach efforts targeting studies related to the V · *— *lr`£T'* _ _ _ " who   * i  
nation of1ndia. An initial $1 million donation pre-   ~ _ `      
sented at a community dinner honoring Kalam 5;; l ` _ ` . '   _
launched the President A.P.]. Abdul Kalam India ’ I ‘ l  i ``vg     ``_`   ___4_.     -   ’ n _ l{,··
Studies Endowment Fund that hopes to raise addi- Q ( `   Zpx i  S  S i K ' ‘· ,  . `
tional private funding for a proposed center dedicated     I E U 4 r Y ‘ ummm     `
to India studies at UK.         W c ` , ` . p R  3   
The new endowment named for Kalam and the kth `       ~· " ` ` V A to 5 °     _§
multidisciplinary center it envisions will be housed       E
under the UK Office ofthe Provost. The proposed   lg    
Center ofExcellence for India Studies would promote { ` ’ ` gg
both individual and collaborative studies representing , 5
hatha tht ¤¤gh¤¤t tho ¤¢¤d¢mi¢ ohtotPti$o <>fUK· Such UK Provost Kumble Subbaswamy, Shyam Vijayaraghavan (the donors' son),
Wotk Would Pt ovido KohtuokY ahd U·S· Studohts thc Melappalayam S.Vijayaraghavan, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Sowmya Vijayaragha-
oPPottuhitY to loath about hatua ih doPth> as Woh as van, UK President Lee T. Todd Jr. and Dean Devanathan Sudharshan, ofthe
Ptovido oXPo$uto tot UK th I¤di¤· Gatton College of Business and Economics, launch the President A.P.J.
Watch president Ka|am vjdggg Abdul Kalam India Studies Endowment Fund with a $1 million donation
(FG _\£\£3hXtr3 by going to www,uka|umni,ner, from Dr. Melappalayam and Sowmya Vijayaraghavan.
keyword: Kalam
UK A 'Best Place' For Postdocs
UK ranks 22nd among all American institutions where post- sities ranked higher than UK on the list, which also included
doctoral fellows learn, work and gain experience, according to industrial and government institutions where postdoctoral fel-
The Scientist magazine. The article, “Best Places to Work 2008: lows pursue research. UK ranked higher than such universities
Postdocs,” is in the magazine’s March 2008 issue along with a as the University ofMichigan (#23), Duke (#28) and Vander-
chart ofthe Top 35. bilt (#32).
The magazine cited “training and mentoring” as the reason
UK ranked as high as it did. 1n fact, only four American univer-
U K HealthCare Introduces New Specialty
UK HealthCare is now offering a new medical specialty: pe- dren such as airway problems, foreign bodies, tumors, neck in-
diatric otolaryngology. 1t focuses on care of children from birth fections and congenital abnormalities.
through adolescence with all problems regarding the ear, nose The UK HealthCare Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic is located
and throat. Pediatric otolaryngologists treat many common on the third floor of the Kentucky Clinic. For clinic appoint-
problems such as sinus, throat and ear infections but they also ments, call 859- 257-5405.
specialize in complex conditions that occasionally occur in chil-
Compiled from UK Web sites, UK Public Relations news reports, and
Kentuclgr Alumni magazine staff reporting.
)) 6 Summer 2008

 HK B E at K
2008 Commencement Arts & Scrences Turns 100!
Approximately 6,500 candidates for degrees were honored The College of Arts 8; Sciences has produced 100 years of
during UK’s 141st Commencement. This includes students who knowledge and measures its success by the most relevant numbers
earned degrees in August and December 2007, along with candi- — the lives enriched, the minds challenged and the thoughts pro-
dates in the 2008 spring semester. In addition, four recipients who voked. The college celebrated its 100 year anniversary this spring
demonstrated a high level of service and contributions to their with entertainment and refreshments in the Main Building Plaza,
professions were awarded honorary doctorates during the cere- with hundreds of faculty, staff and students enjoying the festivi-
mony Individuals receiving the honor were: ties.
• GiH`ord Blyton, a former UK faculty member from 1948 Arts & Sciences is the largest college at UK, offering 25 majors
until his retirement in 1975, served as director of UK’s highly and 33 minors. Most UK students take courses in the college at
regarded debate team, which won many honors under his di- some point during their education. “Since 1908, the college has
rection. Blyton was the recipient ofthe UK Great Teacher graduated more than 36,000 students, pro duced a Nobel Prize-
award in 1970. winning chemist, and attained Top 20 rankings in several pro-
• Paul Patton, the 59th governor ofthe Commonwealth of grams and disciplines? says Steven L. I·Ioch, dean ofthe college.
Kentucky, graduated from UK in 1959 with a degree in me-
chaaacal caaaaccaaaaa McCo rvey On Board Of Trustees
• Orlando “Tubby” Smith, who served as head coach ofthe Everett McCorvey, the Lexington Opera Society Endowed
UK men’s basketball team from 1997 to 2007, has a long Chair of Opera in the UK College of Eine Arts and director of
record of success as a coach, mentor and teacher and estab- UK Opera Theatre, has been elected as faculty representative to
lished the Tubby Smith Foundation to support underprivi- the UK Board of Trustees for a three-year term, which will expire
leged children. ]une 30, 2012.
• Avul Pakir jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was the 11th Presi-
dent of India from 2002 until 2007.
Free Health Ards For Kentucky Senrors
Ifyou are a Kentucky senior age 65 or older, UK HealthCare wants you to have the knowledge you need to manage your health in todays complex
environment. ‘7`]€z1fl`l7SWlz17'l`./ ” is a series of free, informative articles that tells you how to get the best care for you and your family with helpful advice
on dealing with multiple medical conditions and avoiding medication errors.
Kentucky seniors also can get their own Personal Health Organizer, while supplies last. This free binder holds all your important medical informa-
tion in one, convenient, easy-to-carry notebook. Keep track of appointments, test results, medications, medical history and other details that aHfect
your health.
To request the ‘7`]€z1fl`f7SWlz17'l`./ " series and the Personal Health Organizer, call UK Health Connection toll free at 1-800-333-8874. This line is
staged Monday — Eridayx 7 a.m. — 6 p.m., or Saturdays 8 a.m. — 4 p.m.
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if Raleigh O, Iones, MD
\`r Head {QNec/< Surgery
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Center for Enterprise Quality {Q Sa]%ty u
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Hernatolo {QOncolo
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Murray Clark
Medical Center Operations
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Nursing Practice {Q Support Svcs, A
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N ```` M ‘``·*·· `· ~~~~~~~v~ ' = Leslie Croiford, MD
l Rheurnatology/Wornens Health
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Experts from around the country are recognizing UK HealthCare patients receiving care at top hospitals have higher survival rates,
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matters most is what these awards we’ve recently received and our other
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 Saliva Can Help Diagnose Heart Attack
Early diagnosis of a heart attack may now be possible using only drome. They found that not only were biochemicals associated
a few drops of saliva and a new nano-bio-chip. A multi-institu- with these processes in higher concentrations in saliva of heart at-
tional team with clinical leadership