xt7hx34mm50q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hx34mm50q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1921-01-feb1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-01-feb1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-01-feb1. 1921 1921-01-feb1. 2011 true xt7hx34mm50q section xt7hx34mm50q 

     Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees, f-or February 1, 1921
being an adjourned meeting from December 21,-1920.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special
session (adjourned from December 21, 1920) in the office of the President
of the University on Tuesday, February 1, 1921, at the hour of 12:00
O'clock Noon. The following members were present: Govenor Edwin P. Mor-
row, George Colvin, W. C. Hanna, T. L. Hornsby, H. M.. Froman, J. R. Rash,
R. G. Gordon, R. C. Stoll, Frank McKee and P. P. Johnston, Jr. President
Frank L. McVey, and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board were pres-
ent,  Superintendent A. 0. Whipple, Superimtendent of Buildings and Ground
of the University, was present during the latter part of the meeting. The
minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published.

     (1) Sale of State Warramts. The following cormaunication from the
Business Agent was read:

                                      February 1, 1921

    President Frank L. CcVey

         University of Kentucky

    My Dear President McVey:

         We now have $109,501.74 in State Warrants. This ambdnt will
   be increased about $1000,000.00 by the end of the fiscal year,   of
   the total, $30,000.00 will be college funds, $30,000.00 special en-
   gineering equipment funds, $50,000.00 Experiment Station funds and
   the remainder Extension funds to offset Federal Smith-Lever appro-

         These State Warrants can be sold at a discount not greater
   than two per cent. The Henry Clay Fire Insurance Company offers
   to take $75,000.00 or more, and Mr. McDowell says that he will be
   able to find purchasers for the Warrants.
         I am reporting this in order that you may take up the ques-
   tion of discounting the warrants at the meeting of the Board of
   Trustees today, if you think best.,

                                        Very truly yours

                                           D. H. Peak

Business Agent.



     President McVey indicated to the Board that the University has a
purchaser for $12,000 worth of the warrants at 99 with accrued interest
the highest offer yet received. After discussion, a motion was made,
seconded and unanimously adopted that the University sell $12,000 in
warrants at 99. These warrants netted the University, because of ac-
crued intefest, 103.

     (2) Treasurership of the University. The matter of the treasurer-
ship of the University and its relationship to University funds was
brought up and discussed, and a proposition from Mr.James W.Turner,
Cashier of the Paintsville, Kentucky, National Bank, was placed befoge
the Board by President McVey.  On motion by Mr. McKee, duly seconded,
the matter was referred to the Exeuctive Committee with the request
that recommendation be made to the Board at its meeting in June.

     (3) Director of Public Service Laboratories, The following corre-
spondence with reference to the director of publi service laboratories
was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes;

                         State Board of Health of Kentucky

                                        Louisville, Kentucky
                                             January 3, 1921
     President Frank L. McVey
          University of Kentucky
               Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Doctor MoVey:

          We have the honor of informing you that at a regular meeting
     of this Board held December 22, 1920,we were directed,in accord-
     ance with section 2060,sub-section ll,Kentucky Statutes as amend-
     ed in l918, that this Board finds that Professor J. As LaBach is
     unsuited for the work of Director of the laboratories of the Board
     and request that you employ as said director a physician whose
     qualifications shall include technical and scientific training,
     also experience in the public health work. Given under our hands
     and the seal of the Board this third day of January, 1921.

                                            John G. South, President
                                            A. T. McCormick, Secretary

                               University of Kentucky

                                            January 5, 1921
    Dr. A. T. McCormick
          State Board of Health
               Louisville, Kentucky

    My Dear Doctor McCormick:

          I am acknowledging receipt of your communication in the form



     of a resolution on the part of the State Board of Health regard-
     ing the continuance of Professor J.A.LaBach. I shall present
     the resolution to the Board of Trustees at their next meeting
     in February for action upon the resolution.

                                        Very truly yours

                                             Frank L. McVey


     After discussion a motion was made by Mr. Gordon, duly seconded,
and adopted, authorizing President McVey to take up the question of the
appointment of a new director with the State Board of Health,and that
he be authorized to settle the matter.

     (4) Rehabilitation School for Disabled Soldiers. President MoVey
reported to the Board that the Federal Board for Vocational Education
had requested the University to blan fbo a vocational school for the
re-training of disabled soldiers, and that the Federal Board for Vo-
-cational Education would make arrangements to--defray the cost of op-
erat-ion of such a school. He stated that a building for the purpose
and other expenses incident thereto would probably cost $25,000. After
discussion, the Governor appointed a committee consisting of President
McVey, Mr. Colvin, and Commissioner Hanna, with power to act on the

     (5) Resignations.  President McVey reported the following resign-
ations, whiic on moTlonduly seconded, were accepted,-,

     Resignation of R. H. Milton, superintendent of Experiment Farm,
effective January 31, 1921.  He resigned to accept an appointment
elsewhere at a much higher salary,

     Resignation of Miss Gertrude Smwmer, clerk for district agents,
Louisville, Kentucky, effective January 15, 1921,

     Resignation of K. C. Westover, field agent in horticulture, ef-
fectiveJanuary 31, 1921,

     Resignation of Hattie Peoples, colored home demonstration agent,
Madison County, Kentucky, effective December 31, 1920.

     Resignation of Miss Laura B. McClintock, clerk in the department
of horticulture, effective January 15, 1921.

     Resignation of Miss Maty Lesh, field agent in clothing, effect-
ive December 31, 1920.

     Resignation of Miss Dora Sonnenday, field agent in Home
economlcs~effective January 31, 1921.



     Resignation of William Tye,county agent,Knox CountyKentucky,
effective December 31, 1920.

     Resignation of R.R.Rudder,county agent,Whitley County,Kentucky,
effective December 31, 1920.

     (6) Appointments. President McVey presented the following list
of appointments,which on motion,duly seconded,was approved:

     Appointment of C.U.Jett as field agent in farm management,at a
salary of $2,500 a yeareffectivo February 1, 1921.

     Appointment of Rmiss Catherine Burns as clerkto district agents
atLouisvilleat a salary of $600 a year-,effective January 15,1921.
She is to receive $200 a. year from the fiscal court of Jefferson Co-
     Appointment of Parnell Crum as field agent in Club Work,Martin
County,Kentucky,at a salary of $87,50 a. monith,effective January'l,
1921,for a period of six months.

     Anpointment of EjFrank Davis as field agent in Club Work,Whitley
CountyKentucky,at a salary of $150 a. month,for a period of twelve
monthseffective January 1, 1921.

      Appointment of C.B. Elston as assistant county agent ,Marion Co-
untyKentucky,at a salary of $l33 1/3 a month,for a period of twelve
monthseffective January 21, 1921.

      Appointment of W.D.Sutton as county agentBoone County,Kentucky,
at a salary of $225 a month,for a period of twelve monthseffective
January 1, 1921.

      Appointment of Morris Gordon as county agent,Hopkins County-,
Kentucky,at a salary of $216 2/3 a month,f-or a period of twelve
monthly effective January 16, 1921.

      Appointment of Andrew Gill as baseball coach at the University
Sor the spring of 1921,to remain at the University until June 1,at a
salary of $240 a month,or a total of $600,to be paid from funds of the
Athletic Association. Mr. Gill was coach at the University during the
session of 191-1919 and 1919-1920,

      continuation of employment of S.W.Anderson as assistant county
agent,Jefferson County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a month, for
a period of twelve months, effective January 1, 1921.

      Appointment of B.B.McInteer as assistant county agent, Ohto  -
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month, for a period of
twelve months, effective January 4, 1921.

      Continuation of employment of Robert MK. Heath as county agent
,Washington County, Kentucky, at a salary of $191 2/3 a months for
a period of twelve months, effective January 15, 1921.


     Continuation of employment of Donald W.M1artin as county Agent.,
Henderson County,Ientucky,at a salary of $166 2/3 a momth,for a pe-r-
iod of twelve months, effective February 1, 1921.

     Continuation of employment of B.G.Marsh as assistant county agaxt,
McCracken County,Kentucky,at a salary of $150 a month,for a period of
twelve months,effective January 1, 1921.

     Continuation of emnlovment of E.J. Kilpatrick as district agent
Southern Kentucky,a.t a salary of $250 a oronth,for a period of 5 2/3
months, effective January 10, 1921.

     Continuation of employment of J.O.Hdrning as county agent,Barren
County,Kentucky,et a. salary of $191 2/3 a month,f or a period of
twelve monthseffective January 1, 1921.

     Continuation of employment of I.CO.Graddy as county a.gent,Todd
County,Kentuckyat a salary of $216 2/3 a month for a period of twelve
months,effective January 16, 1921.

     Continuation of employment of Ross Taylor as county agentWash-
ington County,Kentucky,at a salary of $183 1/3 a month,for a period
of four months,effective January 1, 1921,

     Continuation of employment of 'W..JChildress as county agent,
Marion County,Kentucky,at a salary of $l13 1/3 a morth,for a period
of six monthseffective January 1, 1921.

     Continuation of employment of W.E.Brohaugh as assistant county
a.gent,Oldham County,Kentuckyat a salary of $130 a monthfer a period
of twelve monthseffective January 1, 1921.

     (7M Bids for Construction of Dormitories. Bids from various con-
cerns for the construction of a dormitory were opened by the Board,
the following amounts being bid:

                                  I. For Construction

     King Lumber Company,Charlottesville, Virginia .    .$149,00Q0o
     Combs Lumber Company,Lexington, Kentucky.    ..       l48)900.00
     Hendricks-Moore Company, Lexington, Kentucky ........ 144,68383
     Congleton Lumber Company, Lexington, Kentucky ........ 1600549
     Perry Lumber Company, Lexington, Kentucky ........... 151,000.00
     J. T. Jackson, Lumber Company, Lexington, Kentucky... 134,390.00

                                  II. Heating

     J. J. Fitzgerald Company, Lexingto- Kentucky .........  9,761.95
     S. A. Reynolds Company, Lexington, Kentucky ..........  9,748.oo
     I. J. Blackburn Company, Lexington, Kentucky ......... 12,100.00
     H. Netherton Compank, Louisville, Kentucky ...........  7,900.00
     Clegg and Company, Louisville, Kentucky      .    .      8,4oo.oo



                     III. Lighting

     Frazer and Iforrell, Lexington, Kentucky........ $ 4,o9g
     Allen Electric Company, Lexington, Kentucky ....  3,20
     Fisher Brothers, Covington, Kentucky     .   .     3,5$7

     On motion Mr. Stoll, duly seconded by Senator Froman, the
following motion was unanimously adopted:

     That the bid of J. T. Jackson Lumber Company be accepted for con-
struction;the bid of Allen Electric Company be accepted for wiring;
and the bid of H. Netherton Company be accepted for heating; all being
subject to certain options reserved by the Board.

     On motion by Mr. Colvin, duly seconded, the selection of brick
was left to the architects and Executive Committee.

     On motion ar. Stoll, duly seconded, it was ordered that all
checks of unsuccessful bidders be returned.

     On motion fir. Gordonp duly seconded, it was ordered that the
flooring specified by the architects be accepted.

     (8) Scholarship Offered by Gypsum Industries Associations Presi-
dent McVey reported to the Board that a scholarship of $1,200; a year
for a period of three years, to be used in carrying on certain inves-
tigations relative to the use of gypsum as a fertilized had beem of-
fered by the Gypsum Industries Association to the College of Agri-
culture of the University.   On recommendation pf President M1Vey, the
scholarship was formally accepted by the Board.

     Whereupon the Board adjourned.

                                     Respectfully submitted

                                     Wellington Patrick

Secretary of the Board.