xt7ht727dm1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727dm1p/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1945-02 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Future Farmers of America in Kentucky's Program of Vocational Agriculture 1944-1945", vol. XII, no. 12, February 1945 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Future Farmers of America in Kentucky's Program of Vocational Agriculture 1944-1945", vol. XII, no. 12, February 1945 1945 1945-02 2022 true xt7ht727dm1p section xt7ht727dm1p  

0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0












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Published by
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Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post ofiice at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912
ars to '
Vol. XII 0 February, 1945 O No. 12








“I believe in the future of farming, with a faith born not of
words but of deeds”. Thus begins the creed of the Future Farmers
of America. The future of America will to a great degree be in-
fluenced by life on the farm. The Future Farmers of America is an
important and integral part of the program of Vocational Education
in Agriculture. This bulletin deals with the activities and proposed
program of the Kentucky Association of Future Farmers of America
for 1945. It was prepared by the Department of Agricultural Educa-
tion of the University of Kentucky in cooperation with the Division of
Vocational Education of the Department. of Education. The editing
and arrangement of the bulletin was done by Mr. Watson Armstrong
and ’Mr. W. R. Tabb of the Agricultural Education staff, College of
Education, University of Kentucky, and of the Vocational Division
of this Department. This publication is of especial. value to teachers
of vocational agriculture, local chapters of the Future Farmers of
America and others interested in the program of Vocational Agri-
culture of this Commonwealth. Because of the value of the contents
of this bulletin, I heartily commend it for the careful consideration
and study of all superintendents, principals and citizens.

Superintendent of Public Instruction



Tragedies seem to assist in focusing ett'orts in the direction of
improving the conditions of man. The importance of rural leader-
ship in the days and years ahead cannot be over emphasized. The
Future Farmers of America, an integral part of the total program of
Vocational Agriculture, offers one of the significant opportunities
to rural farm boys to develop qualities of leadership, to practice co-
operation, to participate in community service activities, and to en-

courage increased farming efficiency. The activities of the Future
Farmers and the total program of Vocational Education in Agricul-
ture can contribute effectively in the development of an economy in
which people can work, produce, take care of themselves and those
dependent upon them, and contribute to the common good.

The prog ‘am set forth in this bulletin should serve to focus the
efforts of local chapters of Future Farmers to the end that they may
make a significant contribution to conditions as they exist today, as
well as prepare themselves for the responsibilities that will face
them as adults in. a, great Democracy.

R. II. \Voons
State Director of Vocational Education














Officers of the Kentucky Association ............................................................ 467

Advisory Committee .. 469

Future Farmers of America Creed ................................................................ 470

State Program of Activities ............................................................................ 473


General Rules Governing All Activities .. 478

The Star Kentucky Farmer ...................................................................... a 481
Public Speaking Contest ............................................................................ ._ 482
Impromptu Speaking Contest ...................... 487
Community Dairy Improvement Awards .. 489
Chapter-Meeting Contest .............................. 491
Farming Achievement Awards ........... 493
Farming Achievement in Beef Cattle .......................................................... 495
Farming Achievement in Dairy .................................................................... 497


Farming Achievement in Hogs
Farming Achievement in Poultry
Farming Achievement in Sheep _____
Farming Achievement in Corn .......
Farming Achievement in Hay Crops .........................................
Farming Achievement in Tobacco _____________________________________________
Farming Achievement in Farm Shop

.. 504

Livestock Cooperative Awards __________ 505
Sears, Roebuck Foundation Awards 507
The Firestone Awards __________________________ 508
Kentucky Chain Stores Dinner ______________________________________________________________________ 510
The Farm Underwriters Association Award .............................................. 510

Chapter Music Contest .....................................
Individual Music Contest ....................
Chapter Secretary’s Book Contest
Chapter Treasurer’s Book Contest
Chapter Scrapbook Contest _____________________________________________________________
Chapter Newsletter Contest ...............................................................
Louisville Fat Cattle Show and Sale
Fat Lamb Show—Sales ...........................
District F.F.A. Days ...........
District Chapter Contest ......... -
The J. B. Lippincott Awards ............................................. 531
The Watson Armstrong Trophy ....................................... 531
National Chapter Contest ________________________________________________________________________________ 532

_. 522


General Information

Kentucky Future Farmers Cooperative, Inc. ............................................ 536
1944 District and State Contest Winners ___________ 536
How Apply for the American Farmer Degree _ 541
Honorary Kentucky Farmers ........................... 542
American Farmers ______________________ 543
Kentucky Farmers ............................................... 544
How Apply for the Kentucky Farmer Degree 546
State Scrapbook ________________________________________________________ 547
Radio Programs ____________ 547
Chapters by Districts ........................... 548
Department Z—Kentucky State Fair 549
Livestock Judging Contest ______________________________________________________ 551
Constitution and By-Laws of the Kentucky Association ........................ 551





........ 467
_____ 469
_______ 470


........ 473
_____ 478
_____ 481































_. 531



....... 536




Thomas Johnson
Fleming: County Chapter
University Post Office 1’0. 957

David Fryinire
Meade County Chapter

Paul Sinai-t
Versailles Chapter
Route 4, Versailles

John Colenian
Lafayette Chapter
Route 6, Lexington

Curtis T ueker
Hanson Chapter

Harry Einlnick
Lewisport Chapter

E. P. Hilton
State Supervisor of Agricultural Education

Watson AIL-instrong‘

College of Education, University of Kentucky


W. R. Tabb

College of Edueation, University of Kentucky


alumna a“.











Officers of the Kentucky Association of F.F.A. for 1944-45. Front row, left
to right: David Frymii‘e, Meade Cnunty High, Vice~President; Thomas Johnson,
Fleming County High, President. Back row, left to right: Curtis Tucker,
Hanson, Treasurer; Hurry Emmick, Lewispm‘t, Reporter; John Colemaih
Lafayette, Secretary. These officers were elected at the fifteenth annual state
meeting of the association, held in Lexington in November, 1944.




The Executive (‘onnnittee ot' the Agriculture Teachers Associa-
tion, composed of the chairmen of the nine district organizations, is the
advisory committee to the l\'entnck.\' Association 01“ Future Farmers
of America. The members of the advisory committee, and the dis—

tricts they represent follow:

’1‘. C. Arnett ................. Sedalia .............................. Purchase District
Milton Traylor ............ (,‘rot‘ton .................. \Vest Kentucky District
Joe C. Towery .............. ()wensboro .................. Green River District
M. M. Botto ................... Mnnt‘ordville .......... South Central District
G. H. England ............. Uampbellsburg ...... North Central District
John K0011 ..................... \Varsaw .......... Northern Kentucky District
C. F. Esham .................. Sadieville ........................ Bluegrass District
James Ramsey .............. Nancy .......................... Cumberland District

Luther Rice __________________ Salyersville ............ East Kentucky District











Future Farmers of America Creed

I believe in the future of farming, with a faith
born not of words but of deeds——achievements won
by the present and past gene 'ations of farmers; in
the promise of better days through better ways. even
as the better things we now enjoy have come up to us
from the struggle of former years.

I believe that to live and work on a good farm is
pleasant: as well as challenging; for I know the joys
and disc nni’orts of farm life and hold an inborn fond-
ness for those, associations which. even in hours of
diseouragement, I (“an not deny.

I. believe in leadership from ourselves and respect
from others. I believe in my own ability to work
efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge
and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of or-
ganized farmers to serve our own and the publie
interest in marketing the product of our toil. I
believe we can safeguard those rights against prac—
tises and policies that are unfair.

I believe in less dependence on begging and more
power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough
honest wealth to help make it so—for others as well
as myself; in less need for charity and more of it
when needed; in being happy myself and playing
square with those whose happiness depends upon me.

I believe that rural America can and will hold
true to the best traditions in our national life and
that I can exert an influence in my home and com-
munity which will stand solid for my part in that
inspiring task.

(Adopted at the 3rd National Convention of REA.)













 Kentucky Association Future Farmers of America



]. Have an active chapter of RNA. in each department of
vocational ag ’ieulture in Kentucky, and have dues paid by
February 1, 1945.

Increase Inen'ibership in RNA. 10 percent over 1944 mem-

bership, by encouraging all prospective freshmen boys to

enter vocational agriculture.

3. Continue chapters without agriculture teachers with their
school principal or some other faculty member as adviser.
The principal or other faculty adviser is to be advised by
the state executive secretary of EPA. and the state


4. Have 2 percent of the total membership meet qualifications
and tile application for the Kentucky Farmer Degree, and
provide official State Farmer Charms for successful candi—

5. Have at least lumity Kentucky Farmers apply for the

American Farmer Degree, and select the best—qualified
applicants by April .1, 19-15 and send successful candidates
to the National ERA. Convention.
(5. Elect worthy honorary members to the Kentucky Farmer
Degree at the 1945 State Meeting. i,
Permit members of discontinued chapters to continue as
active members through a near-by chapter and advance to
the next degree.


ll. CONDUCT or Mismlxss

1. Hold state leadership training and planning meeting early
in August, 1945.

2. Have only delegates, contestants, and other necessary
individuals at the state meeting. (\Vhen conditions are
again favorable for travel, invite other members and in-
terested persons to attend.)

3. Send two voting delegates to the National ERA. Con-









Hold district and state chapter-meeting contests, and pro-
vide suitable awards. ,

Hold district and state Chapter Secretary’s Book Con-
tests, and provide suitable award for the winner of the
state contests.

Provide special training for state and district officers.
Open the state meeting with the National Anthem.

Secure better attendance of delegates at the State Con—











Encourage members to develop and carry out challenging
supervised farming programs.

Encourage members to use improved strains of seed for

Encourage members to own only high—quality grade or
purebred livestock.

Sponsor project—visiting tours.

Encourage members to exhibit livestock and products in
local, county, and state fairs, shows, and show-sales.

Urge members to strive toward farm-production, goals
adopted by the department.

Urge members to write good project plans.

Urge members to keep good records at all times.

Sponsor a contest to give recognition to individuals doing
outstanding supervised. farming work.

Cooperate with the government in producing the food
needed for the war effort.

Have the chapter and chapter members who own registered
livestock join the Kentucky Purebred Livestock Associa-

Urge members owning purebred livestock to become junior
members of their respective breed associations.

Encourage members to purchase livestock and supervised
farming supplies through the Kentucky F.F.A. Coopera-
tive, Inc.

Select the Star Farmer of Kentucky at the annual state

Encourage balanced supervised farming programs, in-
cluding a cash crop, feed crops, and livestock projects.





Encourage chapter membership in the Kentucky Farm

Send a representative to the Farm Bureau Convention.
Cooperate with the National Organization and with other
state associations in promoting F. I“. A. activities.
Cooperate with othe‘ agencies and organizations for the
betterment of agriculture and farm life.

Encourage chapters to take advantage of opportunities
offered by the Kentucky F. F. A. Cooperative.

(‘ooperatc with agencies in promoting the war effort.
Urge chapters to cooperate with rural war—production

Aid in locating and placing surplus farm labor.
Cooperate with soil-conservation program.

Present gavels to state farm organizations and encourage
local chapters to present gavels to their county farm

Cooperate in the rehabilitation of returning service men.
Cooperate in the establishment of the Southern States





Hold district and state public-speaking contests sponsored
by The Courier—Journal and Louisville Times, and provide
medals for district winners.

Send winners of the state public-speaking contest to the
North Central Regional Contest.

Hold district and state impromptu-speaking contests
sponsored by the Dairy Products Association of Kentucky,
and provide medals for district winners.

Hold district and state chapter-111eeting contests and pro-
\‘ide suitable awards.

Ilse good parliamentary procedure in the 1945 state leader-
ship and planning meeting.

Encourage local-officer representation in civic organiza-

Encourage local chapters to take the lead in carrying out
war- emergency programs.

Hold district oificer—t training schoOls 111 connection with the
election of district federation Officers.

Encourage district federations to elect their officers in the






1. Take an active part in connnunity organizations and
morale building programs.

2. Participate actively in activities pertaining to the war

3. Sponsor a community livestock and crop-improvement

' program.


4. Promote a program for increasing the production, pro-
cessing, and conservation of food for farm families in the

0. Assist teachers of vocational agriculture in organizing and
conducting young-farmer, adult-farmer, and rural war-
production claSses.

6. Repair farm machinery and equipment in the vocational
agriculture shops.




7. Collect waste materials needed by the government.
8. Encourage the use of improved farm practices by farmers
in the community.
9. Provide leadership and instruction in food production to
younger pupils in the schools.
10. Sponsor a program to protect valuable wild life in the com-




11. Sponsor a program to eliminate waste of vital supplies and

12. Conduct community- and home-beautification-and-im-
provement programs.

13. Sponsor a pestueradication contest.

’14. Cooperate with the State Game and Fish Commission in
the protection of valuable wild life in Kentucky.



]. Make annual budget at the 1945 state meeting.

2. Audit the ’l‘reasurer’s books at the end of" the year.

3. Hold district and state Chapter ’l‘reasurer’s Book contests
and provide suitable awards for the state winner.

. 4. Pay national dues by May 1, 1945.

5. Urge each chapter to purchase at least one share of com-
mon stock, and to buy or sell two shares of preferred stock
in the Kentucky Future Farmers Cooperative, Inc.

‘ 6. Urge all members to invest 10 percent of their labor earn-

ings in war bonds or stamps.





 Urge each member to invest a large part of his labor earn-
ings in productive livestock.

Encourage chapters to invest in var bonds and stamps
earnings not otherwise needed. '

Provide $l50 to publish State F. F. A. Newsletter.
Provide $25 to be used in gathering material and prepar<
ing State F. F. A. Scrapbook.

Provide for $1,000 collected from the Kentucky Farmers
Home Journal subscription campaign to be used in im-
proving the F. F. A. State Camp.

Encourage each chapter to have a specific method of pay-
ing its bills and disbursing its funds, either through its own
private checkbook or through a central school account.



Encourage members to make grades that will permit them
to advance to the next degree.

Encourage chapters to improve and expand their agricul-
tural library.

Have a definite program to improve scholarship, and en-
courage chapters to avard a suitable prize to one or more

Encourage members to take courses to prepare them to
make the greatest contribution to war programs and post-

war programs.



9” f“

Hold district chapter music contests.

Hold district individual music contests in:

(a) Piano

(b) Voice

(c) Orchestral instrument

((1) Novelty instrument

Maintain and improve State F. F. A. camp with more
emphasis placed on athletic equipment.

Encourage music and athletics within. the chapters.

Each chapter establish a chapter fiction library and add
five suitable books during the year.

Plan “family group” and “neighborhoot ” games and
recreational programs to help replace recreation and
amusement necessarily curtailed during the emergency.
Each chapter have a parent—and-son or a father—and—son




























Encourage local reporters to have a “nose for news”, and
take charge of all information activities.

Take and display pictures of F. F. A. activities.
Allocate $25 for the keeping of a State Association Scrap-

Hold district and state chapter-scrapbook contests, and
provide suitable awards for state winner.

Hold district and state chapter-newsletter contests, and
provide suitable awards for state winner.

Publish a state newsletter or paper two or more times dur-
ing the year.

Encourage local and federation reporters to send materials
to the state director of activities.

Encourage local chapters and district federations to ins
form the public of F. F. l . activities.

Sponsor district and state radio programs that will aid in
furthering the war effort.

Encourage local chapters to send news stories of F. F. A.
war activities to the state director of activities.
Encourage local chapters to have suitable displays in their
home communities.

Encou 'age local chapters to keep F. F. A. signs repaired.
Recommend a “standard” sign for all departments.
Provide certificates of achievement to chapters that make
an outstanding contribution to the war effort.


All Activities

Participation in a Future Farmer activity is limited to members,
in good standing, of chapters affiliated with the Kentucky Asso-
ciation of Future Farmers of. America.

An active member of the F. F. A. shall be considered in good stand-
ing when :

a. He attends local chapter meetings with reasonable regularity.

b. He shows an interest in, and takes part in, the affairs of his

c. He pays his dues regularly.

Local advisers are responsible for the eligibility of all entries from
their chapters, and must be ready to certify to the eligibility of a


















contestant when called on. An entry made by a local adviser in
a Future Farmer activity is considered evidence that he is will-
ing to certify to the eligibility of the entry.

Future Farmers participating in F. F. A. activities should have
their official F. F. A. membership cards with them and be ready
to present them if asked to do so.

State Meeting Contests

Participation is limited to Future Farmers under 21 years of
age who are regularly enrolled high-school students of Vocz—
tional Agriculture, unless specified otherwise in the rules gov-
erning certain contests. Future Farmers who graduate from
high school in the spring are eligible to compete in the State

Meeting contests held that summer. Future Farmers who
would otherwise be eligible but have entered the armed serv—
ices or have been deferred to farm may be considered eligible
under this rule.

A Future Farmer who has previously won a state contest is there-

after ineligible to participate in that same contest. This rule shall

not apply to teams or members thereof.

Only winners of district elimination contests are eligible to par-
ticipate in state contests. Should circumstances prevent the
first—place winner of a district contest from participating in
the state contest, the second—place winner becomes eligible to
represent the district in that contest.

All contestants shall comply with the rules governing that contest.

Unless otherwise provided for, only first—place winners shall be

The Executive Committee of the Kentucky Association of Teachers
of Vocational Agriculture shall be responsible for securing com-
petent and impartial judges for all state contests.

District Contests

District elimination contests shall be held in connection with
the district F. F. A. Day.

Entries in district contests shall be made by the advisers of local

A chapter may make entries only in the district in which it is
located. Districts for Future Farmer contests shall be the same
as for the Kentucky Association of Teachers of Vocational Agri-












4. A chapter is limited to one entry in each elimination contest.
Eligibility requirements in district contests shall be the same as
for the final state contest.

6. Unless otherwise provided for, first, second—, and third-place win.
ners will be judged in district contests.

The activities committee, or field-day committee, of the District
Teachers Association shall be responsible for securing: competent
and impartial judges for all district contests.


These rules and the rules pertaining: to specific contests shall not
be altered, modified, or set aside in district or state contests. Rules or
changes must be approved by the Executive Committee of the Ken-
tucky Association of Teachers of Vocational Agriculture.




Billy Vallandingham. Sadieville Chapter, was named the
Star Farmer of Kentucky at the 1944 state meeting at Lexington.
Billy had made net labor earnings of $2,628.31 from his supervised
farming program during his first three years as a Future Farmer.
His record shows that he has a net worth of $4,401.00, all of
which is invested in farming.


The most outstanding Kentucky Farmer candidate each year is
designated as the Star Kentucky Farmer, and receives the Star
Farmer Award.

This award is designed to give recognition to all of the boys
who qualify for the Kentucky Farmer degree, as well as to the most
outstanding member of this group. It is expected, also, that the
award will encourage the Future Farmers in Kentucky to further


improve their supervised farming programs.








In 1943, the Kentucky Farmer’s Home Journal, Louisville,
awarded an attractive wrist watch to the Star Kentucky Farmer. In
ltl—lfi, and in, the, future, this farm magazine will provide a. suitable
award to the individual. selected for this honor.
“Wines of the Kentucky Star Farmer Award to date are:
1942~Calvert Kelsey, Stamping Ground
1943 Charles V. Bean, Bardstown
1944—William Vallandinghani, Sadieville
Selection of the Star Kentucky Farmer will be made from the,
group of boys receiving the Kentucky Farmer degree that year, and
will be based on the following criteria:
l. Supervised farming program
a. Present
1). Past


2. Labor earnings from supervised farming.
3;. Investment in Farming and net worth.
Jr. Leadership and eooperative activities.
5. Participation in other F. F. A. activities.


The Kentucky REA. Public Speaking
Contest. :l’or 1.045 is sponsored by The
(hauler-Journal and Louisville Times.
Kentucky Future Farmers laud their
advisers are placing increased emphasis
on leadership training during the present
emergency. Probably no activity has a
more important place in, the program than
public speaking and training for public
speaking. The attractive cash prizes
should prove an added inducement to con-
testants and should result in even more
interesting district and state contests than
in the past. Every chapter should have (t





Rue Wallace of the Eubank

Chapter, Cumberland Dis—
trict, winner of the 1944
l<‘iF.A. State Public Speak—
ing Contest, sponsored by
the Courier—Journal and
Louisville Times. Rue placed
fourth in the North-Central
Regional Contest at Chicago
in competition with winners
from the twelve north
central states. He was
trained by Lewis Estes,
teacher of agriculture and
adviser of the F.F.A. chap-
ter at Eubank.

rcprcsc izrtati’vc.


This contest is designed to help train
and develop Kentucky farm boys for rural
and agricultural leadership. The rules and
general plan for the state contest are adapted
from the rules for the National F.F.A. Public
Speaking Contest. The winner of the state
contest will represent Kentucky in the
regional contest, in which winners from each




 of the twelve North Central States will compete. Preliminary contests
will be held in local chapters and in each of the nine districts in


1. The speech of each contestant is to be the result of his own efforts.
Training in both composition and delivery is limited to the facilities
and faculty of the school from which the contestant comes. Facts
and working data may be secured from any source.

2. Contestants may choose their own subjects for their speeches. Any
current subject of an agricultural character and of general interest
to the public will be acceptable.

3. Each speech shall be limited to 10 minutes, and 5 minutes additional
time will be allowed each contestant in which to defend his pro-
duction on questions which shall be asked by the judges.

4. District and state public speaking contests shall be judged by two
committees, one of which shall judge the manuscripts, and the other
shall judge the deliveries. The manuscript committee shall be com-
posed of two persons, one of whom will score the speeches on con-
tent, and the other on composition. The delivery committee shall
be composed of three persons, who will score the speakers on their
delivery. All judges shall be competent and impartial persons who
represent, as far as possible, the fields of agriculture, business, and
education. .

5. Prior to the contest each judge on the manuscript committee will
be furnished with typewritten copies of the contestant’s speeches,
which they will grade on content and composition, recording their
judgment on a score sheet which will be provided. Local advisers
must furnish their district chairman with three typewritten copies
of the contestants speech at least 15 days before the district contest.

6. At the time of the contest, the judges on the delivery committee
will seat themselves apart from one another, and will score each
contestant upon the delivery of his production, using the score sheet
provided. The official score sheet used in the national contest will
be used in local, district, and state contests.

7. Contestants shall draw for places on the program. The program
chairman shall then introduce each contestant, in the order de-
termined by the drawing, and announce his subject.

8. A timekeeper will record the overtime, if any, for which deduc-
tions will be made as provided on the score sheet. It shall be the
duty of the timekeeper to stand when a speaker’s 10 minutes is up.

9. When all the contestants have finished speaking, the chairman of
the judges will collect the score sheets from the other judges, secure
the timekeeper’s sheet, and, with the assistance of the timekeeper
and referee, will tabulate the scores on delivery and the scores of
the manuscript committee. A final decision shall then be rendered
by the judges in conference. The scores received from the manu—
script committee and the scores tabulated by the delivery com—
mittee are to be used only as a guide by the judges, and shall










supplement their combined opinion in the selection of the winner

of the contest. The committee of judges will be expected to select
the winner of the contest. Ties cause extra trouble, and may cause
embrassassment and controversy.

10. It shall be the duty of the chairman of the District Association of
Teachers to procure three typewritten copies of the speech of the
district winner and mail them to the Department of Agricultural
Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, so that they will
reach the department 15 days prior to the first day of the annual
F.F.A. State Meeting.


Cash prizes amounting to $130 will be awarded in district and state
contests by The Courier—Journal and Louisville Times. A grand prize of
$50 will be awarded the winner of the state contest. A district prize of ,
$10 will be awarded the winner of first place in each district except the
district represented by the winner of the state contest.

In addition to the cash prizes, the official F.F.A. speakers medal will
be awarded each district winner, by the Kentucky Association of Future
Farmers of America.

The winner of the state contest will represent Kentucky in the North
Central Regional Contest. In addition to the grand prize of $50 awarded
by The Courier-Journal and Louisville Times, the winner will receive $50
from the Kentucky Association of Future Farmers of America, to help