xt7ht727dk7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727dk7n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1996-04-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 8, 1996 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 8, 1996 1996 1996-04-08 2020 true xt7ht727dk7n section xt7ht727dk7n U N [VERSITY
OF KENTUCKY University Senate Council

Office of the Chair

10 Administration Building
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0032
Office: (606) 257-5871 or (606) 257—5872
FAX: (606) 323-1062


29 March 1996

TO: Members, University Senate

The University Senate will meet in regular session on Monday, April 8, 1996, at
3:00 PM in room 115 of the Nursing Building (CON/HSLC).

Lexington Campus Update: Chancellor Elisabeth Zinser
Chair’s Announcements and Remarks

Action Items:

a. Proposal to amend University Senate Rules - Section IV Admission to Non-
Certification Undergraduate Program (circulated under date of 20 March 1996).

b. Proposed changes in University Senate Rules - Section I - Eligibility to Serve on
the Senate (circulated under date of 27 March 1996). A recommendation to the
President for a change in the Governing Regulations

0. Proposal to amend University Senate Rules, Section V - Grades and Marking
Systems - to establish a plus/minus grading system for the College of
Communications and Information Studies (circulated under date of 28 March
1996). ‘

Betty Huff

US Agenda: 4.8.96 .



An Equal Opportunity University



The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 pm, Monday, March 18, I996, in
Room I 15 ofthe Nursing Health Sciences Building.

Professor Gretchen LaGodna, Chairperson of the Senate Council, presided.

Members absent were: Debra Aaron*, Gary Anglin, Patrick Arnold, Benny Ray Bailey,
Michael Bardo, Terry Birdwhistell, Fitzgerald Bramwell, Bill Brassine, Joseph Burch, Allan
Butterfreld, Joan Callahan, Brad Canon*, Ben Carr, Edward Carter, Shea Chaney, Eric
Christianson*, Jordan Cohen, Jean Cooper, Scott Coovert, Raymond Cox, Carla Craycrafl,
Charles Davis, Virginia Davis-Nordin, Frederick DeBeer, Susan deCarvalho, Larry Dickson,
Richard Edwards, David Elliott*, Robert Farquhar, Joseph Fink, Juanita Fleming, William
Fortune, Richard Furst, Hans Gesund*, Philip Greasley*, Ottfried Hahn*, Kirby Hancock, Monica
Harris, S. Zafar Hasan*, Christine Havice, James Holsinger, Rick Hoyle, Clifford Hynniman,
Edward Jennings, Raleigh Jones, Pamela Kidd, Craig Koontz, Thomas Lester, C. Oran Little, Jeff
Lowe, Jan McCulloeh, M. Pinar Menguc, A. Lee Meyer*, Karen Mingst*, David Mohney,
Maurice Morrison, David Nash, Wolfgang Natter, Anthony Newberry, Michael Nietzel, William
O'Connor, Jack Olson*, Clayton Paul*, Barbara Phillips, Rhoda—Gale Pollack*, Tom Pratt,
Shirley Raines, Karl Raitz, Amy Rasor, Thomas Robinson, John Rogers*, Charles Russo, Rosetta
Sandidgc*, Horst Schach, David Shipley, Todd Shock, Sheldon Steiner, William Stobcr*, David
Stockham, Craig Wallace, Charles Wethington*, Chad Willet, Carolyn Williams, Eugene
Williams, Emery Wilson, Mary Witt*, William Witt*, Susan Ziringer.

Chairperson LaGodna said the minutes from February 12, 1996 had been circulated. There
were no corrections to the minutes and they were approved as circulated.

The Chair recognized Professor Stuart Keller, Director of the School of Accountancy to
present a Memorial Resolution honoring Professor Brien Ellis.

Memorial Resolution
Brien Ellis

Brien Ellis, an assistant professor in the Marketing area, School of Management,
Carol Martin Gatton College of Business and Economics, died March 17, 1996, in an
automobile accident. He is survived by his parents, Wilson and Mary Ellis, and sister
and brothers, Mary Anne Raymond, Wilson Ellis, and George Ellis.

Brien attended the University of Alabama, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in
Communication (I979), a Master of Business Administration in Marketing (1986),
and a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (1990). After earning his
undergraduate degree, he worked as a sales representative, promotions manager,
sales manager, and advertising manager for several retailers in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He joined the faculty at the University of Kentucky in August of 1989.

* Absence Explained


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1996

Dr. Ellis was a highly regarded teacher in the College of Business and Economics.
He was a very dynamic instructor who used his business experience to develop
relevant examples for his students. He was quite active as faculty adviser to the
student chapter of the American Marketing Association. serving in that capacity since
1991. He constantly encouraged his students to become involved in activities that
would develop their interpersonal skills.

Dr. Ellis was an active researcher with a wide range of professional interests. He was
particularly interested in retail development and the marketing activities of service
organizations. He maintained a high degree of interest in the entrepreneurial activities
of small businesses, providing advice to a number of firms in the Lexington area. He
was a cofounder of Cajun Kitchen, a restaurant located on Limestone Avenue, across
the street from the Business and Economics Building. He was also a cofounder of
Original Foodservices, a company that distributes Cajun foods to several U.S.

Brien Ellis was a valued colleague who had a pleasant word for everyone. He was a
dedicated teacher. mentor. and researcher. His untimely death has shocked and
deeply saddened the entire College community. He will be missed by his students.
friends, and colleagues.

Professor Keller asked that the resolution be made a part of the minutes and that a copy be
sent to Professor Ellis‘ family.

Chairperson LaGodna asked the Senate to stand for a moment of silence.

The Chair introduced Dr. Elisabeth Zinscr who arrived at the University of Kentucky last
summer as Chancellor of the Lexington Campus.

The Chancellor made the following remarks:
I very appreciate this opportunity, as it is my first to come before this august body. I very

much appreciated working with Professor LaGodna and looked forward to working next year
with Professor Schach.

I want to take the opportunity to reflect upon some changes in the land grant environment
and then to talk about some of the developments in the Lexington campus.

Before that I feel compelled to share with you a point of difficult news that l have just
received. i believe that you are not aware of it, and I would not feel right coming before my
colleagues and not sharing this information. There has been an assault on the campus over the
weekend. There was some delay in letting us know, because I believe the two individuals that
were hurt were being treated. I believe they are not having any major physical problems as a
result of the attack. They are a man and a woman; she is a student and I believe he is as well.
This happened around 1:00 a.m. in the morning. They were walking behind the Chemistry


 Minutes. University Senate. April 8, 1996

Physics Building area. and attacked there. They were the only witnesses. They reported that
three black men approached and attacked them with chains and some sticks. They were hurt to
the point they needed treatment. but were able to walk to the medical center and received
treatment there. The police arrived and took their statements. This incident is being further
investigated and is being referred to as an assault crime. I'm sure we will learn more about this in
time. The assailants have not been apprehended. The only witnesses at this point are the two
who were hurt in the attack, although they are calling for anyone who perhaps saw the incident to
come forward.

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. When these things happen. they point out to us the
need to give the utmost attention to the safety of our campus and to the human relationships and
climate on our campus.

(University Senate Meeting, April 8, 1996)
By Elisabeth Zinser. Chancellor

Thank you for letting me to talk with you today about positive developments, challenges and
some anticipated changes within the Lexington Campus of the University of Kentucky. Keep
in mind. my remarks today are organized in terms of the University's Strategic Goals.

For further information about our positive progress toward these Strategic Goals. let me
encourage you to read the President's Report to the Board of Trustees for the period 1990-
95. That document summarizes the University's progress toward the Strategic Plan -- its
goals and its indicators.

First. I would note that the University is already nationally recognized for quality in
undergraduate. professional and graduate education, research, student-centeredness,
achievements of graduates. and public service. and will continue to strengthen the
development of all these areas.

Our Honors Program is expanding in substance and size. To help expand its scope in relation
to other disciplines. Professor Christine Havice and I have agreed that the director will meet
with an augmented Deans' Council periodically next year. Professor Jim Albesetti will be the
interim director for next year.

Our highly successful Mini-colleges. which are still in experimental stages. are showing
tremendous success giving students a substantive experience with interdisciplinary study and
offering the advantages of a small college within a large university. The student-faculty
relationships inside and outside the classroom are as important as the content and
organization of the curricula.


 Minutes. University Senate, April 8. I996

The Math Excel program, which began in I990 under the leadership of Professor Michael
Freeman, is a wonderful success story. This program was adapted from the Uri Trcisman
model in California. It helps students succeed in the majors that depend on calculus. It has
greatly improved retention and academic performance among students who have
participated. Based on the success of Math Excel. the Physics and Chemistry Excel
programs were piloted this year. and are progressing well. The Department of Mathematics
is a Model of Reform for effective scholarship of teaching, discovery, integration and

In addition to the pioneering the first Math Excel in Kentucky. many other innovations can be
celebrated. Mathematics faculty have developed new courses and are working with students
in new ways. They are working with teachers in the public schools and collaborating with
faculty in the College of Education. They are also working with community colleges. such as
the Collaborative Intermediate Algebra Program at the Lexington Community College.

Mathematics faculty have incorporated technology for accelerated learning; employed
distance learning through the KET STAR channel. and launched a new journal for
Appalachian mathematics educators.

In the past three years, Mathematics faculty have developed 21 project grants and have
secured funding for a total of $1.9 million. Here we see persistence and success.

The Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative was recently funded by the'National Science
Foundation to support science and mathematics education from Kindergarten through
undergraduate college education in 66 Appalachian counties in our region. Professor Mike
Freeman directs the College Project to expand the use of the Collaborative Intermediate
Algebra Program in community colleges throughout the region.

For his work in these various innovations, Professor Paul Eakin was named the Arts and
Sciences Outstanding Teacher for 1996.

As an important footnote on the story of the Department of Mathematics, I understand that
just five years ago. the department was criticized for difficulties in instruction and students
avoiding a number of the department's courses. Reform has been impressive in its vision,
energy and achievements. And. important to note also. the research activity and productivity
of the Mathematics Department remains strong, and we are currently in the running for a
potential 'hire' of a superstar faculty member with a stellar career in the industrial setting and
in teaching and research.

Freshmen "Discovery Seminars" will be pioneered this coming fall by Professor William
Freehling. It will give freshmen students the option of taking a small discussion course
taught by a professor on her or his current research. In these sessions. entering students will
be propelled immediately into discussions of fresh discoveries.


 Minutes. University Senate. April 8. 1996

Based on early encouraging results of similar programs at Harvard. Illinois, and Michigan, we
are stepping forward with this innovation at UK with four pilot seminars.

Let me quickly enumerate a number of other success stories that I would enjoy elaborating
upon, but which time today will not permit. The work of Professor Karl Raitz of Geography
on the impact of roads and highways on the evolution of American civilization is very

I would mention the efforts of Professor Elizabeth Lorch of Psychology on how TV
conditions the psychology of youth.

History Professor Freehling of History is well known for his scholarly examination of great
documents written during America's road toward the Civil War to how slavery drove
northemers and southcmers (including blacks and women) to rethink the foundations of their
social and political worlds.

Professor John Cawclti of English has impressive new work in how detective novels shaped
and illustrated major trends in American popular culture.

The Summer College Freshman Program of Minority Affairs with Vice Chancellor Lauretta
Byars and her colleagues taking the lead is sure to be a national model for similar programs
around the country.

If you haven't had the chance lately to look at the work of the Teaching and Learning Center
directed by Professor Linda Worley lately, I urge you to do so, because it is very impressive.

The University continues to focus attention on improving our advising services for students -
- both central and department/program based. Dean Lou Swift and the advising professionals
are to be commended for their leadership here.

An innovation which involves undergraduates engaged in faculty research and other creative
activity. and in meaningful leaming—based community service projects are also very
noteworthy academic and scholarly experiences.

Graduate Dean Dan Reedy has made tremendous strides in programs to mentor our graduate
students with special emphasis on the Lyman T. Johnson and Commonwealth Incentive
Award students. Lending strong support to these efforts are Jeny Bramwell. Vice President
for Research and Graduate Studies.

In the College of Education. Dean Shirley Raines and the College's fine faculty are making
significant progress in their plans for student mentoring, too.


 Minutes. University Senate. April 8. 1996

Now. let's turn our attention to some major challenges the University will face in coming
months. In the area of enrollment planning and management, we will devise methods of
better coordination and modernization. As a part of this work. we plan to develop a high
level Council for Enrollment Planning and Management.

A recent consultant's report complemented many of these things but pointed out the need for
UK to modernize and to invest in certain capabilities. The budget of Kent State's Admissions
Office is three times that of ours; and. Kent State uses a new geo-demographic modeling
system to target and focus energies on certain promising markets for prospective students.
In addition. Kent has pioneered an early payment incentive plan for student tuition payments.
and given each participant $1.000 toward graduate study once he or she graduates with the
baccalaureate. We are looking at these and other initiatives.

The recruitment picture of the University poses a particular challenge. There is a potential
problem on the horizon. which we are addressing with all the good ideas and energies we can
muster. along with some additional resources. Applications are down for fall 1996 by a
larger margin at this time of year than last year. The picture is reinforced by a decline in
housing applications.

We remained level in the number of new freshmen and the average ACT scores in the fall of
I995. although applications in late March were down somewhat. The gap is greater this
year. and the prospect of a reduced freshmen class launched all offices in enrollment services
to introduce new initiatives.

The Admissions office is doing some impressive new things. The Colleges and departments
are making even more contacts with prospective students. The President and l have both put
in more resources for raising the number and levels of merit scholarships.

Applications at the upper-class level are down even more than applications for the freshmen

Overall we are down 645 applications. whereas last year we were down atthis time by 195
applications. We have introduced new interventions that may mitigate the forecast of a
decline in enrollment this fall. but any ideas and actions that you may want to add will be

Starting this summer. we will examine our enrollment goals and recruitment strategies very
carefully. And. we will initiate the Enrollment Planning and Management Council.

Recruiting students is essential. of course. but there is an equally obvious challenge on the
other side of this academic coin -- the retention of students.


 Minutes, University Senate. April 8, I996

Dean Lou Swifi and Dr. Roseann Hogan presented the findings of a retention study done by
the Lexington Campus Planning and Assessment officc recently. I will not repeat those
statistics here, knowing you have them and take them very seriously.

Since Dr. Hogan's discussion with you, she has examined retention and graduation rates of
transfer students and found them to be similar to our 'native' freshmen students. About 10
percent of our students do not return for their second semester, and one-quarter do not
return for the second year. Graduation rates are declining for those who transfer to us with
60 credits of college work.

We need to 'get a grip' on the causes of our low undergraduate retention and graduation rates
among native freshmen and transfer students -- and address them.

First, we are taking a close look at the demographic and academic characteristics of those
who stay and those who leave. Dr. Hogan will include such statistics in her final report, but
here are a few highlights:

1. Women students were slightly more likely to return for the sophomore year and earned a
higher GPA than male students;

2. African—American freshmen on the Lexington Campus had a 31.2 percent drop-out rate
compared to 20.6 percent of white students. African-American students who were retained
had earned a .GPA of 2.28, compared to a GPA of .93 for those who dropped out;

3. Students from the Appalachian counties in Kentucky were least likely to return to UK
among all geographic areas; their retention rate was 74.7 percent in contrast to the overall

rate of 78.8 percent. The grades of these students were also lowest of any geographic area.
at 1.41;

4. The cumulative GPA for the entering 1994 cohort was 2.8 for returning students versus
1.7 for students who dropped out;

5. State students who do not return have a GPA of 2.27, which suggests there may be
reasons other than grades that cause them to leave;

6. In general, ACT and retention are positively correlated at the upper ACT levels. But,
students with the highest first-year dropout rate are the students who may not be getting the
academic support they need: Students with a 21 or 22 ACT were more likely to drop out (at
27.4%) than were students with an ACT below 18 (at l5.8 percent). Those with an l8, 19
or 20 ACT dropped out at a rate of 26.4 percent;

7. Retention rates of first year students among the various colleges of the Lexington Campus
do not differ significantly.


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1996

Dean Lou Swift and l are exploring how we might best 'get a grip' on improving retention,
progression and graduation of students. We are eager for any ideas you may have.

Overall, we need to instill high standards for students with respect to study habits and
participation; encourage high standards for faculty with respect to teaching, advisement and
time with and support of students; improve curriculum arrangements, course scheduling, and
classroom scheduling.

ln terms of improved teaching and learning environments we are continuing our efforts to
reduce circumstances that lead to frequent changing of majors; devoting attention to student-
ccnteredness in attitudes, services and how we organize our resources.

In the area of Graduate Education, there is a study underway, with Professor Boling taking
the lead. that will give the University a more precise picture of how we should enter the 2 1 st
Century as an internationally recognized Graduate School.

As should be the case for a Carnegie Research Institution of the First Class, research
productivity is on the rise. Simultaneously, growth of extramural funding in an increasingly
competitive environment continues to rise bringing in around $100 million annually now to
the University.

Our attention to service learning is second to none in this country.

The College of Education is launching initiatives for school-oriented teaching and research,
including activities based within the schools.

Teaching English to freshmen students within the community context, under the leadership of
Candice Gillis, UI, specifically by having undergraduates learn by teaching youth in the
schools, is a prime example of the initiatives in this area.

The athletics programs of this University are quite literally the envy of the Nation. We have
champion men's and women's athletics teams of strong character and style.

The University continues to maximize access to higher education and increase college
participation rates for the Commonwealth.

There are hundreds of KERA-inspired and related programs for youth and teachers on this
campus and a full report of Lexington Campus programs has just been released.

lmproved services to and transfers from community colleges through joint programs and
other means that link the institutions formally for student access continue to increase.


 Minutes. University Senate. April 8. 1996

UK is definitely comittcd to remaining at the forefront in information technology. An
Ethernet Plan. phased in over three years. perhaps more. will provide lntemet access and
technological support to the faculty that could only have been dreamed about a few years
ago. but now must be considered the basic tools of our academic endeavors.

College-based student information technology laboratories are coming on line almost daily.

We continue to modernize our academic administrative systems, again, an essential for any
modern business in today's techological climate.

Distance learning technologies -- connected to community colleges, public schools, and
businesses is a UK success story in the making in which we can all take considerable pride.

The University will continue to exert a leadership role in addressing the issues and challenges
facing the Commonwealth, the nation and the world. Among these considerable efforts. we
will enhance outreach and public service in sinc with the University's land grant mission.

Exciting advances in our agriculture research and extension, and leadership in Agriculture
2000. are points of pride for our land-grant University mission.

On the engineering horizon, there are exciting new initiatives including our engineering
outreach with a ‘Generic Masters Program' for statewide delivery, and the experiment in
undergraduate engineering at Paducah.

Our special area centers are also success stories within their own rights including the
internationally known Gluck Equine Center and the Appalachian Center.

Our initiatives in taking in Lee's College and the new Robinson Forest Scholars Program
continue to show the citizens of the Commonwealth that our statewide missions of access in
education are foremost in the University's thinking and planning.

Architecture has reached out in unprecedented ways in recent months including the opening
of a new Lexington Design Studio; Lexington and Louisville downtown projects: and a new
program in historical preservation.

The arts are always a highlight of this University and will continue to play a promient role in
UK's development.

The University must be in a position to participate as a key partner in the development of
Kentucky's economy. and we are becoming well positioned to do so. The highly respected
Small Business Development Center continues to attract record requests for assistance and
training seminars.


 Minutes. University Senate, April 8. 1996

Many elements of the University are working hard to develop a focused strategy for the
University's international programs that relate directly to the economic and trade plans of the
Commonwealth, and that have the potential for long-term, sustained relationships with our
international partners.

UK is building cooperative relationships with other educational institutions, especially when
it can enhance access and improve educational attainment of Kentuckians. These cooperative
relationships especially include the community colleges but also include institutions in other
states where reciprocity expands, with historically black universities, especially Kentucky
State University. and on the intemationl scene including South Africa, where we and they

may come to better understand interracial issues by exploring such endeavors in the US. and
in South Africa.

At the administrative level. we are adapting structures and administrative processes to
encourage effective leadership at all levels in the University. At the Lexington Campus level,
we will reduce from 30 the number of university officers reporting to the Chancellor. and
consolidate certain functions. We will also streamline some processes as quickly as possible.
empowering and developing staff members to do so and encouraging innovations.

To strengthen the development and stewardship of its human. fiscal, and physical resources.
the University is pursuing financial and other support aggressively.

On the private side, the greatest advance of the year was the $14 million gift of Mr. Carol
Gatton to the College of Business and Economics, now named in his honor.

A major effort is being focused on providing effective organizational structures and
management processes this year through innovations in administration and faculty
governance, such as ad hoc participatory committees, collaboration and consultation.

The academy cannot advance without appropriate attention to recruitment, retention and
support of high quality faculty and staff. At the staff level. you are well aware of the "It‘s
About Staff’ process in which a consultant is working with the University and surveys are
being conducted. all of which is aimed at modernizing and making more efficient and
effective our staff development processes.

As stewards of the Commonwealth, we are continuing to improve our methods of
maintaining, improving. managing and effectively using University land, buildings and
equipment. and in an environmentally-sensitive manner.

Safety of our faculty. staff and students is of prime concern to the University. We are
escalating improvements through investigation and changes aimed at such things as
preventing violence and in such department activities, under the thoughtful oversight of


 Minutes. University Senate. April 8. 1996

David Watt, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies on the Lexington Campus,
and in our physical plant operations under the direction of Jack Applegate.

There is a need to address preventative maintenance all around the University and we intend
to take a measure of what it will take to systematically address long accumulated deferred
maintenance at UK.

Much has happened in this past semester to cause a renewed commitment to our desire to
provide an atmosphere of collegiality. civility. and community at UK.

The recent threat to one of our students -- a young African-American woman -- has brought
out the best in collegial and thoughtful discussions among and between students, faculty. staff
and administrators to redouble our efforts for social justice and to intensify our vigilance to
eradicate racism. sexism and all forms of bias, intolerance and violence. As Professor Nicky
Finney said the other evening, "We must be a beacon for social justice for the rest of society"
and we need further action to do so.

Examples of progress in this area are outlined in a document entitled "Examples of progress
toward strategic plans related to minority students. faculty. and staff at the University of

A recent Symposium on Recruitment and Retention of Minority Graduate Students,
organized and managed by Vice Chancellor Lauretta Byars and Professor Linda Worley,
along with several deparrnent Chairpersons, drew about 200 faculty for the afternoon panel
and discussions. »

A May 2 seminar on Successful Strategies for Recruitment and Retention in Building an
Inclusive University by a variety of offices and led by Professor Mary Marchant and
Professor Mary Witt of Agriculture is expected to attract similar attention.

Taking a leadership role among student organizations during the semester was the campus
organization A.W.A.R.E., Students for Social Justice; The Black Student Union; others. The
University owes these organizations a vote of thanks for surfacing the social justice needs
addressed during their meetings and daily silent Observances in front of the Patterson Office

But much needs to be done as a "follow-up" to these discussions and publicly shown

There is, we think, a need for a formal social justice program for the University community,
patterned after and guided by West Virginia University's Office for Social Justice. West
Virginia University has a Social Justice Week, the theme of the last one was "The Quest for


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, I996

Community: Social Diversity at WVU". We are also developing an "All campus READ"
program which has enjoyed success in other places.

The university will strengthen its commitment to the concept of the "one university" in
coming months. To bring reality to the "one university concept," we must develop a
University of character -- with integrity, openness, and trust-- where all members of the
University community are treated as colleagues, each with an important role in the learning
community. Equally important is the need to improve communication between the University
system and the Community College system, and promote appropriate joint projects/programs
between the Lexington Campus and the Medical Center.

Other elements embodied in the "one university" philosophy are the development of a
physical environment conducive to interchange among all members of the learning
community along with promoting cultural and intellectual diversity and understanding among
people about their differences and their similarities, their ideas and interests, their aspirations
and concerns.

Again. let me thank you for your time and attention as I outlined some of the successes and
plans for success within our University.

Chancellor Zinser was given a round of applause.

Professor LaGodna said that she knew that the Chancellor would welcome any kinds of ideas
or responses to her remarks. She is very accessible by e—mail.

The Chair made the following announcements:

The Board of Trustees approved the naming of Professors Ronald Bruzina, Philosophy,
Thomas Carron, Plant Pathology, and Andrew Sih, Biological Sciences as University Research
Professors for 1996-97. These professor