xt7ht727dh9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727dh9q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-01-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 2007 2007 2007-01-16 2020 true xt7ht727dh9q section xt7ht727dh9q OPENING EXCITEMENT



\\’\\’\\’. ls'Yls'ERNH .( \( )M


civil rights

By Blake M. Tyre
Dtytanykernel com

William 'l‘urner. the assoeiate pro\ost tor
multieultttral tIH‘Ltlrs. \\ as a\\arded the Martin
Luther king ltd (‘ttt/enshtp .»\\\ard Wednes-
da) atternoott

In its titth _\ear. the assard ts gnen to a
Kentuektan \\ ho “has merit
pltlied Dr King‘s principles
oi I'Lk‘l‘dl equalit} and nom to
lettt soetal change." aeeord-
ing to tire Kentuek) State
(‘ommeree (‘abtnet's “eh
site. Members of a ll-person
eommtttee appointed b_\ tlte
go\ernor ehose the u timer.

The eeremon}. held itt
l-rattktort. leatured (io\.
l2i‘nte l‘letehet' as the opening
speaker. His \\ tie. (ilentia liletelter. presented
the round to 'l‘urner

“Some people \sork as earpenters. some
people work as surgeons. but no “ork‘ has
amass been about hutttan rights and equaltr
t_\." ’I'ut'ner said

’l'urner sers ed on l'K's t‘aeult} trotti
W70 to 1%". x\l Kentuek) State l'ni\erstt_\.

'l ttrtier ser\ ed as tlte H _ '

dean ot tlte ('ollege He lWlHlam

Uh Arts and SL'I- T h

enees from NH} to urner) as a

I‘m-1 and its interim long list of

president li‘om Ititi‘s _ '

in 2mm, ttt- has achievements
when it comes
to civil rights."


5‘ .
Bill Turner

also \Kot‘ked at l‘lsk.
llo\\ard and “my
ston-Salettt l‘tmer
stties. ’l'ut‘ner has
been an assoeiate
PrU\(V\[ smee I‘m—1.
His esstt)s liase
beeit regular l}
printed iii loeal attd national [HIh‘ttL‘dItOns
l'K spokesman .|a_\ Blattton said ’l'ut‘ner
pettortns tuo lutiettotts iii his pursuit for e;\
tl rights In addtttott to his assoetate prmost
prisltlttl], lie is \tee president tot ttttt\et‘stt}

Sitt' Turner hate, 3

Forum on
tuition increase
to be held today

.-\ Pllhllk torum ‘.\tH he lteld to diseuss
nest )ear's proposed nineapereent tuition in»
aloitg “till titandator) housing and
toda} at noott iii the \Mit‘sltaiit

dining tees
ll lts‘ttts't‘

{\dlnlnl‘sll'dlt‘r\ \stll be present to esplatn
the Pt‘tipttscd tttL‘t‘L‘dsc hit the 1H”1 :llllH
sehool sear. the lust time tti tour _\ears t’ls’
ltas proposed a tutttott tnerease ttiider ltt pet>

l tidei‘ the proposal. tttitton tor entering
treshmen in tall 200‘ \tould be 8‘54N a
“all” lrotti tall lelttt tttttton ot

l‘he proposal eomes alter the laseeutne
('ottimtttee oi the (‘ottneil on l’ost Seeottdan
[Lsillkdllttn \oted to eap l K's ItiLlL‘dsC to tttite

l‘he pioposal \\tll he presented to the

Board ol l'rustees tor apprmal on Jan 2“,

Ills I’L‘Ltw‘

"Lt it“' usu-

UK players

(TLEBRATINU 5h YEARS ()l INDI l’l Ni)! \(l

UK gymnastics team opens season with loss to
top-ranked Georgia on annual Excite Night

J-\\t‘~\k‘\ It». Jon"



Partner benefits recommended for UK

By Sean Rose

sroseakykerncl coin

(K is eloset to itttpletttetttittg dotttestte part
tier bettettts tor emplo) ees alter a unanitttous ree
ommetidatton trom a eommittee this past \seek

The plan “ould make henettts resetwed tor
married L‘HIPIU}L‘L‘\ asatlable to same—sex attd opr
postte—se\ untttart'ied eouples.

'l'lie eommtttee \\ as tortned h} [K President
LCL‘ [‘odd at'ter emplo} ees e\pt‘essed interest in
domestte partner benet'tts iii the \Vot’krlate Stir
\e} results released tit Septetttbet

lhe nest hettettts \\ould al’leet 304 tll‘pttsllt“

se\ touples and M sattie set. touples attordtng
to the eottttittttee's report the a\etage estttitated
atttittal eost tot tlte bettettts \sottld be about
srs‘ssttoti ()i that. about \jslooo \\otild he pa.d
trom l K's uitdestgttated general tunds. one third
ol ultith tomes ttotit tuition, ateotdtttg to the re

('ottttttittee sl1.tll\\ttlllttlt Susan ('artallio. art
assoetate deatt iii the ('ollege ot \tts arid Set
enees. said the s'lg‘hlrlk‘l‘i‘tt totttttttttee's ioh \\as
to e\amttte the teastbtltt\ ot domestte partner
henetits rather than uetglttttg morals itelitttd the

“()nte \se looked at the numbers use new
pleased that instituting dottiestu partner hettetits

\\as teasthle iii budgetar) terms." ('at\allio said

(alsaH‘t‘ .tistt saltl llls'

stilt‘illttll‘s'k' supported
the hetietits t'oiit art \tllll'i‘x s'atidpotnt as uell
’lhe ttti.\eistt\ s p.\.,e\ oti lii'll disetttttitta

!:\‘H\1[K‘ l'otli tiiattta} ~~tattis and se\ual ottettta

lltilt as tategottts u'ttete d.stttitanat.ott should

not «Mn: and tl..s proposal supports that' t at

_ 'so argues that the heneiits \\tH

aid iii in :uttttietit and retention of tittaiits l.tttt'tt\

llie tetotttiitertdattott \\tll go on to the Hoard

ot ltustees Human Resouttes t‘oitutnitee llte

bettettts toiild be tiiipletitettted as eatl\ as lul\ l
it .tppto\ed

\\htle l is ertiplmees e\ptess'ed interest tot

\h‘!l‘t\'\lls partner henetits state leadets ate disid

Benefits ' ; :2. 3

Remembering the Dream



First on—campus l\/lLl< event in years
challenges students to enact change

Jill Laster speet lt



b\ the l is -'

tltitll “huh \t‘.\k'\ .tl t: sg‘tt

b\ l K stttdtnts attd statt

Students gatlieted late Sundas
night outside the \tttdeitt ('etttet i‘““
to honor the ttieittot‘} ot \larttn
luthet King Jr \\ ith a \ attdleltght

\igtl aitd a midnight piogiaitt eel


ltttlier hm:
teats. said \tleaslita \ititth. tit
\lat'ttii l ll'llLl ls tlL'

tet tot It! ilte

lhe \tgii is the trtst on t on

li l).t\ tti set-e.‘


eht‘attng King‘s lite and not-L h ('ulttttal ('entei

()\et ‘stttl students~ statt arid “this?”

members ot the eottimuiitts kt}?
tied etndles as tlie_\ \teued teett
attttietits ot tittpoitatit
troitt the ('t\tl Rights rito\ettient
ititludttig the protests surround
tttg Htri\\tt\ Hoard ot lalttsation.
the (iteettshoro l'oui stt itt arid
,\tiiet'it.att athletes
Blatk l’ottet salute
()l\mptt (iatttes
lolloti.ing the \igii \\as .t pro
gram at midnight to \\otshaitt
l‘heater \\hteh mtlttded a reading
ot King’s ”l Ha\e a l)team”

\\ Clix"

lt 1hr}

raising the
!' tht; l‘HsX

’\\e don‘t uaiit this to inst lit
a da_\ tilt H Hitmri said

talked about the lite and le,.tt\
King. thalltngtng the ,rtttf'z'ttta‘ 't
act to hiittg eliaiig: to l is

"lttax bigotrs attd iattsttt sin.

imetttiiirit' l’res;
dent .hitta't Brown said he \\ titted
to hitiig an merit to
rate Km: to taziipns after iiot’in

rite lou student turnout at «.“~t'!tls
thi\\ltltt\\tt ott \latttn l titliet lsttie



itit littlzti: Hit-ta it

Vigil at 3


take to the
m the 'airt tor
:t'ttwntt.tu.n march

By Jill Laster

”NRA R'F‘v’FNS A‘-


coaches endure tough times to reach bowl win

By Jonathan Smith
gsmtthiikyket'tol cam

l‘ltere has beett a rumor tor the last
"tt )ears that the l niserstt} ot Ken
tutk} is a basketball \Lhtml

Don‘t thttik abottt the sexen nation
al basketball championships Forget
about the l ‘ l'inal hours and omit the
43 Southeastern (‘otiterenee shdmpl-

Rls‘h Brooks has

”.\ll _\ou lime to do is look tip iii
the stands toda). and _\ou ean see that
Kentucky is a football sehool." Brooks
said alter the Musie ('tt) Html "lhat is
a lallae) that l kness vshen I took this
Job because without a lot ot sueeess,
there's still a “hole lot of fans that
eome into (‘ommonssealth Stadium
The) 're rust hungry for success tn took
ball rust like ottr basketball program
has had success "

()i U‘IIIK‘ “looks. the head lotithall
eoaeh. understands arid teeogtit/es the
suteess arid tradtttoit ol the basketball

But he also knous that lie is Il‘.
eharge ol a burgeoning tootball pro
gram. one that took ait about iklks‘ tltrs
season that slllmtttttit‘d “till a 1353”
um o\er ('lemson in the Musn ('tt_\

The \Hll. l'K's ttist boul \tttor} tti
o\er Ill sears. uas a mayor step tot
Brooks arid the prograttt

.lttst tour sears ago. this didn't seettt
possible The N(’.v\:\ punished l K be
eause ol reeniiting \tolattotts lhe (‘ats
had scholarships taken aua) Ihe\
\s ere banned trom the postseason

In short. {K \\as reeling \nd iii
the immediate future it \sasn't going to
get much better.

(iu_\ Morrtss has hired to repair
and resitalt/e the lltllld) l‘ls‘ toorball

First issue tru. Subsequont issues 25 cents.

progtaitt He \\as a lioldotet tto'ti 'lt'
Hal \ltttitme Ma and seemed to be 'lit
lutttte ol l K tootball

[It :H‘ll . ltt‘ L'ttldetll k in l'thi ‘tsiiis
arid lost three \lt games in iitll
points or less

In 1002. the ( ats \Ktiti se\ en games
intludtitg \ietortes o\et \ilansas and
l ottts\ille. and h‘st one or the most on
torgettable games tn the program s iris
toi‘_\ to l outstatta State

Moittss appeared to li.t\e testtt d
the progtatit trom hte support But his
stint as sa\tot \\ottld not \l‘llllllltr' .ili\
longer at l is

He lelt for another ioh Ht ‘.\.|\
hL‘ddt‘d to HAHN! intake Niel is head

Hts departure meant the l is toot
hall progratii \sould ha\e its third head
\thtkh iii tout sears

hit its seniors. it “as tough \\lten
(in) \1orirss lelt “ departing senior

\lt‘n \‘H.

- l

t|~. it?

st tl\ t' ‘,\I'\ twitx'h t"
‘\as ill: L'll\ 'lia'
\t-tt dwit ' know.
tic-a “tat lt .tt:::t s.
(tituli Htt'tth\ ll‘rdli

\'.:\;ii;' 'i:.

, l ,
:t-l lfiitntk e


heal til \l
3‘ \'.i'. ‘l‘t:
ltiooks ’
progression nas pithin '\ sttttt tzi/et

hs the «media and 'h( lili‘

\ lot wt "teo ‘ie \tete dogging H‘IY‘
! l

out in the ”Julia and on the ritessagc

boards arid .ili that ktl‘tl ot stittt \‘tt li

esott said He told its he ‘\.is littt 'oi

-.tr \

.[st 'Hil' >‘1r‘\1‘]\l‘l' “\lK‘

V “’ 3‘ at 'he

i? «as t"~t'l

s. tilt‘t‘. 'l‘fi L'dl‘ls‘ \

"ht {l ite\t

t t _. s ha .ri otlie: speed

‘1‘ WM i. "te\ :osi I \l N ti \t

" e ;‘ “ll' 'h.‘ t a’s \seit 1 land their
:‘tistse tso't hopes uete fading

\\t had a long up to go attet the

l\' .‘dtlit‘ ” said tiitarterlxttk -\ndre

\\t\<~lsttlt Hut ottense re.i|i\ got It go

:it: (tut detense stepped tip and stan-

Bowl .. :vtt~6

Newsroom: "1'? Advertising: “57-2872


 PAGE 21 luesdait, January )6, Jill]?

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun kemel



























rmtzuripi \i‘l"

HargscGPesv (lancer (June 22 «duty 22) l '10:»

‘ il"r \ ill


i i


‘vl >-

‘. .7 Leo (July 23—Aug. 22) 1 1:71.

, (xiv,
‘ i ii

V (Z' l

we r L

r . ~y ‘yvi ‘ < ‘
,ai’.> Ji

Ariesk(llnarch 21":April 19) '

is it e, i“ .


W, )Iirg ’(Au9123A'Sept.22ll a
it, i I), .:I p .

Taurus (April 20 -- May 20) - . V , V ,
1' ‘ . v A A Libra (Sept. 23 0ct.22)


Gemini (May 21 v-iJune 21)’ ... Scorpio (Oct. 23 , Nov. 21) ' :z.

~lpur cont


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
i it" ~ ‘1 I4 Am l":t?' illl‘itl viii

to err li‘.’ Diz'i't

. lt'
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) 1 ~

7:. mt" ’1 "i‘.i‘.7"‘r' 1 till
~ a r»; at: mew
(. 'it‘ i7t?l"l

.: taro: lijl'll

Aquarius (Jan. 20 ~ Feb. 18) 7'
7‘, i :7 i ' l'it' “(z-s1 7e".


Pisceleeb. 19 —illllarch 20) i

ii.) .T



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january schedule:


A Friendship, That Became a Rivalry...A Rivalry, That Became a Battle.


Are you Witching closely?


Outside food and drink permitted!



)0) Trident r (rotor RS” 2

i 1586- 7

American Idol

I'ltt‘ nun/t. lor the sl\lll
time. a slew ot‘ \sarhlers \ ie tor
a Simon (‘otsell compliment
and. natch. the con-ted singing
title. But first three \seeks ot
open calls iii such cities as
l‘llrllllnglldm. :\lahaiiia. l..:\.
and Nlllllk‘dptllIM \\llll guest
Judges .lewel and ()li\ia Ne“-
toii-John. "()ur best audition
.sho\\ e\er is in Seattle C\L‘t‘ll*
ti\e producer (‘ecile l'rot»
(‘otittt/ tells l's. "'l'ltL‘ singers
are iiicredihl). entertaining " .»\iitl
tor the semiliiial round iii mid-
February. rumor has it that the
contestants “I” he grouped to
per't'oriii songs t‘rom acts like the
Bee (lees. the Beach Boss and
the Supremes then he cri-
tiqued and \oted oil as an L‘Itr
semhle. (lir’otr('oula/ \sotildii't

In ”It times \Nhich iiitisic
superstars \sill collal‘oiu‘ite \\ith
the tinalists" “'l‘hei‘e “ill he ltll~
toineiitional Pitl‘llk‘l‘slthM“
promises lirot-(‘otitaL tsho
adds. "l'his is a sho“ that has
that 'hol_\ con‘ tactor."

Survior: Fiji

l/li \irm/t “ltiitiic_\ Spears
and Jessica Simpson ha\eii‘t
discowred this area ot' l III _\et."
liost ,lell l’rohst (okcs to l s. No
kidding. (‘01 Season l»). 1‘) cast
a\\.i}s make do on the remote
island ol l.al1asa. \\lier‘c. ;is llslli
al. heat and poisonous lCPlllc‘s
are in abundance litit this lllllk‘i
one \itioiious trihe gets to |i\e
III a ti’ickedvoiit shelter ,7 \\ith a




Simon's insults! Tribal war!
Lost, at last! Here are seven
reasons to huddle close to

we Dig“ yourTVthis season

Qui/iirie IIHH‘. ’l he night he»
tore production started. one coii»
testarit dropped out. leading to
some aditistiiients in hots the
tribes “ere di\ ided. "lt put us in
a \\eird situation. because \se
didn't anticipate the prohleiii."
sass l’rol‘ist. He also didn‘t ex?
pect a UCLL‘llth’l’ coup iii l‘i|i‘s
capital but the game \s as tiri-


The Amazing Race:

l‘i'ic unit/L 'l‘he standout
teams from it) seasons go
"round the uorld once more tor
$l million. (‘BS is mum on
“ho‘s returning. but reports \tlgv
gest that Sunimr \ets Rob and
Amber Mariano. as \sell as re
cent hearit) queens Dustin and
Kaiidice. made the cut. “The
teams didn‘t rietessai'il} ha\ e to
“ill the tirst time." e\ec prodiic
er Bertram \aii Minister tells
ls. “Hut \se asked: Do the)
hase a great sense ot' humor“
:\lt‘ the) immune out on the

lime/i (UH. Don‘t e\pect
an} detotii‘s to eas} street. “We
made it \er_\ strenuous." sass
\‘aii Munster. \\ ho promises
lresh locations and challenges

"This is not a repeat ol sttitt'

\\ e‘\ e done


Hit N (to/i. Alter _\cars ot
thankless iolis. actor Arid) Nllllr
man (Rick) (iers‘aisi
hi‘eak \\ heir he stars in a popular

hut iiiaiie sitcom. "He

gets .I

sells out and regrets it.” (ienais
tells l's.

(im‘sl /l\l. The latest stars to
spool their image Orlando
Bloom. \\ ho obsesses o\ei‘ he
iiig hotter than Johnny Depp.
and a chet'd/Ctl Daniel Rad-
clit‘te (aka Harr} Potter). lixi
plains (ienais (also the cocrer
ator and “I'llL‘Tl. "'l‘he} thrim
themsehes iiito it It‘s like an

Back From Winter Break

Prison Break. Michael
(Wentxs'orth Miller) and Lincoln
(Dominic Purcell) seek the man
Lincoln “as eomicted ol
killing. \shile Mahone (William
liichtneri I'eco\ers from a gun
shoti And yesc Michael and Sara
(Sarah Wasne (‘alliesr \Hll res
connect (l'os. .laiiiiar) 22. ts‘

Heroes. l’eter (Milo Veri—
tiiiiiglia) emerges troin his coma
and tinds a mentor (Christopher
lzccleston), l’liis. Hii‘o (Masi
()ka) is kidnapped h_\ his t_\raiit
ot a dad ((‘ieorge 'l'akei I. (NBC.
Jariuar) 22. ‘l pm i

Lost. Where to start’ Jack
(Matthew You is in command
o\ er the ()thers. Kate tliuiiige
liiie l.lll_\) and Sa\\_\er (Josh
llollouasl escape. What hapi
pened to Desmond (Hem) lan
(‘tisickl postvhatch esplosion is
re\ealed. And it‘s all “C“ until
Ma}? (.\B(X l‘ehrtiar} 7. 10

Milli} Rt‘itisttht‘



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Continued from page 1


rational." said l‘err) Allen. a member ot
the Martin Luther King Jr. Holtda) Plane
ntng Committee and assoeiate \tee prestr
dent of Institutional Equit) at l'K. Allen
estimated that 2,500 people participated in
this }ear's mareh. the 15th dimiitouii.
and that 2.001) attended the program tn

director of

Student Diver
Sitv Engage
t’iE'lt, reads

Martin Luther

King Jr '3
tarnous "I
Have a
81):?9li'1 at the

beginning of a

migrant in the
Theater Sun
dav nignt




Heritage Hall

l‘heolngian and author Renita \Aeetns
u as the ke)note speaker iii the eomtneni
oratiie program. Weetns diseiissed King's
[tie and work eompattng it to the nor-Id
toda). She urged the audience arid the
l'nited States. to assess its direction in the
end rights mowment.

”This is the onl_\ national holida} that
lorees our nation to look in a mirror."
\Neems said "Vle are not heie to emit-
metnorate a 'ntee nian ' Vle are liete to

eoinmetnorate a great prophet ”


Among the speakers at the program
lollontny the niareh “ere Maior Jiiii
Neuherr). l'K l’rmost Kutiihle .Suh
hasuam) and Jonah Bromi. l’K's Student
(imernrnent president

"One thing I ha\ e come to learn ahout
til} 0“!) personal tarth and religion is that
it \\on't “ork it I put iti oiil} one or tuo
dais out oi the )eat.” lironn said in his
speeeh Monda} morning "llou lai do
\oit think Dr King \\ould lia\e Ltllllt' ll lie
\Hlllld llJ\L' protested will) one \la_\ out til
the )ear' ‘"


Continued from page i


e\tst in our soeiety." said \lttll'
iaheen Rdlllltlellll. drreetor ot Stu
dent l)t\erstt_\ lzneageinent. iii a
speeth to the et'onded atiditiittittii
"Be an .le‘ll\l\l Fight against it It}
to cr‘dLllkaIL‘ II."

The program's three ke)note
speakers eaeh loeltsetl on a cltltet'etit
part ot King‘s \uirk. diseitssitie edit
eatton. eotninuiiitj. arid atti\istii
l’s_\eholog} ittntor ,lesltne ('liait
di‘akuiiiaL one ot the ke)iiote speak
et's. urged student organt/atioiis on
eampus to heeome more tll\c‘lse.

“It is neeessat‘) to step out o!
our eoriilort lone." (‘handrakiimai'
said “\\e. the sttidetit hod) h.i\e
the pouet to ehatige this tannins
and aehiexe King's dream."

l'K l’rmost Kittiihle Siih
has\\aiii_\ also spoke at the iiitdtitelit

"l'his tttit\ersit} \\lll lia'ie tailed
and tailed tiagiealh it its students
do not also de\elop an ahilit} to
thtiik deeph ahout Dr King's titres
tron '\\ here do we go ttoiii here “'
Stihhasuaiin said

Smith said that although there
\\as a change ot loeation due to rain.
she \\ as etitlitistastie .ihoitt Sitiida} 's

"I thought llllllfllll new set}
\et'} \lell." Smith said "I'm tired.
hiit I'm pleased ”

people \\ tll he tiiai‘i'ted." lee said

lee pre tiled a l‘ill lot this _\ear”s leetslatne


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Continued from page 1

engagement. “here he \ioi'ks to
ereate partnerships heineen l'l\'
and surrounding; eoinmitirtt) or

”He has a long list ot
aehtexements when it eomes to
end rights." Blanton said.

Alter reeenin;v its anard.

Turner said that no“ lie \\lll
only nork harder lor Ll\ll

"It inst meant a lot in terms
of reeognilion." he said “It
means I must tritensit'} in} eom
mttment. intensit_\ in) dedtear
tion. i\nd l M“ tr) to ll\C more
htiinhl} and not he distraeted h}
the teststanee to the kinds ot
things that must still he done.
that need to he done all) _\eat's
after Dr, King‘s death.”

Continued from page 1

ed on the issue

"l‘iii \et‘} pieased “till the teeoiiiinenda'ioii
the} ~\e tome up \xitli," said state Rep Kalli}
Stein. 1) l.e\inglon “l tltitils. it pioiiroles haste
ldll'llc‘SS. it makes l'ls' a hettet plate to \ioik'

Rep, Stan lee. R l,e\tn;;toni has heeti oiie
oi the larger erittes ot the proposal iii state lee
tslatiiie lee said that he \\as disappointed ith
the teeornttiendatton httt not surprised. \a\lll;_'
there new lilal‘i} proponents oi the heiietits on
the eotiitiiittee and that "it \\as haidh .i toiii
tiitttee looking into this ohieetnelx "

'lhe conclusion \\as toieeotie " lee said
"l'lie_\ \\ete going; to teath the teeotiiiiietidatioii
no matter \\ll.ll ”

lee said l K should llll its on henetits toi
part time untkets instead oi treating il\"»'\ liet‘ie
iteiattes and also said the plan “alisohiieii llil
dei'iniiies ii‘ai'itaee

"ll ion et‘lllilllle to take .i\\a\ ext-ti .ltl\.1ll

taee to hetiie lll.llliC\l_ llie liiettal testtlt is tenet

session that \Mlllltl make it illegal tot I‘lll‘llt
tiiii\etstttes and tolleges to pto\rtle domestic
partner henehts lhe l'iii\ei-sit_\ o? ! ottisxiile is
\llllL‘llll\ the otil} [‘lll‘llt iini\etstt\ to ollet
heneltts \\lll\'ll started lati l l\\o pinate ml
leees llet‘ea and (‘etitio also tiller \ll‘lllk“ll\
partner henettts

lee is eonttdent his hill “1“ |ia\e siippoi'

“ll lean get ll onto the limit. it‘ll pass tkith
Ni pliis \otes iin the llottseI and o\ei\\lieliii
iiieli iii the \etiate." l ee said

Stein did not share l eels outlook

' l think the \lltlllke‘S ai'e pt'ett) shin," Stein

()tliers \ie\\ ed | K‘s e'xaitiiinalioti or ilt‘llk'S
tit partiiet heiiettts as a piiiel) politteal tiio\e

\lat'ttn ( tiIlllat), l‘llll\‘\ .lli.tl_\\l lt‘i lllx laii
iii l‘ltlll‘ltlellll‘ll o1 Kentucky said the heiitttt
proposal \ll\lCL‘.lltlL'kl tlie iriaitiage anietidiiient
of the SHIN general ‘e'le‘illi'll ‘Alieie Kenttiekx
\oteis U\\‘l\\lit.‘lllllllf,' deiiiied tiiaitiaee as a
pai'iieishtp hemeen a than and a ‘nitliiaii

" l lits plan eoes iii iliteet \iilllllel oi that.
(othiaii said "\\e think l l\ is tliitiiihitie :ts

nose al the \otiii}; [)tll)lle "

Plan for 'bike-able' campus gets funding

By Blair Thomas


\\ lltlt ill \\ heels .1



salet} k'lllktlllllll




ll) lllllltlfl'shlli’t] er

it’s a clljlll
not a choice



Rttiltl in lllt!

r>l (eritttil Kl‘l‘llllky llll
ll‘Xlllgltflh KY ‘1lllrl)4 O H'r‘) //'/ (NJ/(l







Lexington t'eeened Sxolltill trorii the
Kentuek) Transportation (‘ahinet in l)\'\ em
bet to help lurid the l'nnersitjs oi Kt‘llillt‘lx}
Bike Plan.

l'he plan assesses ho\\ "hike ahle” earn
pits is and “hat trnproieinents should he
tirade to help eontr'ihute to the i'ediietiori ot
pollution and eongestion in l,k‘\lll:1ll‘ll,
thdeat Wheels Coordinator Shane l'edder‘

"'l‘his mone) has heen enen to l K to
imprme the hike routes in and around L.llll
pus as “ell as produce signs that eneouraee
dri\ers to share the road \‘.!Il1 hikers and to
edueate students on responsthle titling."
Teililer said


.Illoealetl ‘S l 4 till ill to

wwwani: ween i: @M‘i‘x‘i ;

0College Democrats
LMeeting, 7:30 PM, 211
Student Center

0 Swing Dance Lessons,
8PM, Tates Creek
Recreation Ctr Ballroom

0 Solar Car Team Meeting,
7:00PM, DVT Engineering

j- FUEL, 6:30PM, 508
'Columbia Avenue (UKWF)

i0 Yates Elementary School
gTutoring, 4:00PM, Yates
iLElementary School

OBingo in the Cats
Den, 7:00PM, Student
Center Cats Den

0 UK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00PM, 115
Student Center

that ptoiiiles hike seixites to students and

"\\llil\ at \\ heels ll.t\ le‘ttll\ lake‘i‘r Ulla
leddet ”llie \lL‘lll.1lltl has lt‘all\ out
Pme‘tl lllt‘ litlllll‘e‘l ill l‘lhk'\ \‘.t llii‘se' llk‘t'l‘i
ahie to piit on the toads \\e'ie tookttie to

ltt‘.:ll\ ilotthle the tittiri‘ui l'l hikes tat (Hit


\IrlL‘ H

\\iltlt.it \\ heels \\lll rise the iiiorie\ to
hit} nee. hikes and open a tatiipits hike

"lhis hike shop is soiitethitie \\e'\e
heen \ioi'kiti}; touard,“ leiltlet said "It \in1
eiie stitdents a plate to \iotk on then l‘llxes
get help iroiii trained hike titerhariii s and
e\en ltall‘tlliL‘ theriisehes tti hike
tnaintenanee and repair "

l‘he test ol the llll‘ll\‘\ iiiii he ll\\‘=_l lt‘l
siens. latie \lrll‘lllL'. hike path iiiaiktiies and


kip I -<

OUniversity Christian
Fellowship, 8:00 PM,
230 Student Center

i'uelid \\eiiiie. Rose \tieet lliieiitiei’
[hue and l iii\etst!\ \\eriite are all \HllSltl
eied to he ' te stttptti: [)liiilll} areas ” led
ilet said

“\\e plan to re stripe and eoiiiiett these
piiiii‘tt} areas iti order ll‘ hunt a tietniiik «it
hile paths to ensure hikers lia\e a sat: ioiite
to t .iiiiptisf' l'eddei said

[he tnotie} \xas anatded to l l\ as a part
ot the tedetal (‘oiigestioii \li?t::.itioii and \ii
Qtldlll} Program that is intended to iiipio'se
the art tttialit} and trallit tlou wt sexetal
Ketittteln tottnties

“lliis elloi’t \\lll en a lone \\a\ lli\\.ll\l
iiiaktng,‘ tlits eaiiipiis more hike lllt‘ilill‘x
ledtlei said "ll \\ ill get its slatted pionietin:
htktiie as art alternatne \\a_\ to eiiiiitiiitte hit!
it is deliniteh aii etlott that l is his in \l.l\
on trip .it “


FREE ' "

°Clerks (SC Film
Series), 10:00PM,
Center Theater
(Student Center)

0Comedy Caravan
with James Johann,
8:00PM, Student
Center Cats Den



. Jaimie: Level, Lexington: Center

great Monday Wig/it Specials

0High Fidelity (SC Film

Series), 10:00PM,
Center Theater
(Student Center)


0 Saturday Morning



'Oit Stage With CKYO
A Night at the

MOVies, 6 009M,

Downtown Arts

Clinir Protect Health,


OUK Ultimate Frisbee

10 00PM, lntrmural


.._.L_.._._~—._._.__.-._.. .7. . _






















































lanuao lti. loo“

Page 4

his MLK Day,
we must not forget
King's true legacy

Mari) students might he “on
dering 11h) on earth the [K admin
istration ga\ e the student hod) an
extended weekend after a month—
Ioiig Winter Break and hall a \\eek
ol elasses that. lit man} eases. eon-
sisted of hour-long s)IIahus i‘e-
\ie\\s and an k“ 11rd moments ot’
going around the elassiooni to state
)oui‘ Iiaiiie and Inaior

But students should I'eiiieiiihei'
that their esteiided \seekeiid “its
Ii”t to hate more nights to part} or
eateh up on sleep. Yesiei'da) 's e\
ti‘a da} ott~ sliotild 1iI\\.i}s he re
Ii1e1nhered as the national holida)
it is one 111 iiliieh “C take the
tiitie to honor Martian Luther
King .ll'. and his eoiiimitnieiit to
promoting this nation's ideal ot

I11 en toda}. otir soeiet} iiitist
eoiistaritl} reineinhet' the saet'il'it es
that tho e heeii made 111 the tight
tor freedom King has one ot the
ten people 111 .\nierieaii soeiet) to
ha\e tought so passionatel} loi an
issue eoiieeriiiiig treedom that
man} people. 111 his day it ere
against Ilis eourage to promote
eqiialit} \\ould latei tost hint his
lite, Hill exen 111 death. his \\ttt'ils
\\ould IiIig on anti 1onIIIiue to dii
\i‘ this nation to he more ateept
111g.111oie peat-end and more i oin

passionate to the ditlci'ent .tiliiiies


that Iiiake tip the timid Vie Me in.
“We see the el't'eet ol' his work
e1e1‘)d1i).like walking into 11
classroom 11111 of people ol all
.leremiah Munaiiga. a lllU‘
sie senior and l‘ormei' piesideiit of
Alpha Phi Alpha. the first iiitei'v
eollegiate hlaek l'i'aternit). said in
last I‘l‘llltt) ‘s edition 111' the Kernel.
”Being .the to \xoi‘k here and go
to seliool here itogethei‘i \\ as part


ot his dream."

Sonie I'K students and em
plo}eex Iiieludiiig Muhanga.
helped ensure that eamptis eelei
hi'ated the true meaning ol. the
holida_\ h_\ oigani/ing and menu-
mg I K‘s lll‘sl~t,‘\s'l' MLK D11}
eaiidlelight \Igt 'I‘he da) I‘eaII_\ is
nothing hut a "da_\ oltw
11o ottieial eeli.'hi’.itioii ol its suhi

it' there‘s

Ieet. and the \ igil‘s orgaiii/ers de
\s‘l‘s e to he toiiiiiieiiioi'ated loi
making sure that has no longer
llle‘ Ltis‘e‘

King's dream ol equalit} eon
tiiiues to 1'1 sonate in our soeiet)
toda\ lo; that Ie.1soIi. students
must Ienieiiihei \\I11 this past
thiee d.i\ oenkend “as so impoi


Practice facility
will benefit all of
UK's athletic teams

I\ \il.'1e1;. s It.

1’s \ llt inaltioii

\\I1111 die I
haskethall pi‘aetite I.itIlIt\ .111 I in
II I K students
tiist glimpse oi .1 :aelts lull oi

and '.il"s got III 1


-,\oode11 lo. keis stale 1" the 1".
tou'ts Ilt. l.t_'itl\ ‘:s -.\tv

31'1“: '3. i. and


Is. . s 11
\Il It‘ll
l . 11.1'\l1;1' 1 ‘III H1
i‘l‘lt IA“. :11111 hat. .1 ”‘9'”?
squat.- ‘w' jI-it.te 1.1 .l:‘\ 31 2'
e1 d.1 11 \ “e'll‘fttl ‘lte oiti
\t‘t Iii. '1 :s tl:.:. no' 111- 'eli
Iooii‘ .11 \I111 «111 1‘ ‘LI' .tls . III.

1_\ll:\\.is‘s!;'ll5lts11|1ll\ oiitdati



llt new 1.11111". has men's and
it'tlt'ti . siles ,- l'I. 11111.1. exit.
oti-ei 111d of‘... spat.

\\ill1 lltt‘t ImKe'WII. lit.
1‘1“. 111* 1111.11 \It"! 11.1..(.
.1" theii oil 1.. 1111 :. 11o". .tl

" l ‘1 it'! lti'l ' \Itl
l -Itre\ 1.1" 111‘ .t 1‘1. s
l.1t is \II 11. oi ‘Ill
111d 1 its

Iliis"ite‘i ' isl‘
litt‘2‘l\’.11't\.tltlt 1.1111\ 7. s It.
11.311~.iI~I'.\»1111eI" 511. kc: it‘w"! s
.11‘wl11.‘\..1..t11- it'litis It. ‘ 1

Kernel ~s ne\t s to\ e1 age


.\ote to Re adeis

Ii'tl III I, illll URI [1L

. Wt; 111?. tattli l K 1111 ‘\\llll other

\oiiiheasftiti t'oiiteieiiee sthools
that also I‘».’.‘ next piattite gjxnis.
.ltittiiitl'iL' l l.1 I I\ \'II el't ‘ Il’s‘


\ lt' I'ls \‘s i~‘i’t'11‘e'

‘. 'x.ll1' .1 ,1


-. It'attite l.lLiIIl\
should help l‘Iit-i' iI! Illttli' Ie
efllll\ \ neu titili’s on .ainpiis
\~ .111 'I:..11\ .iiitsnities Is stiie to
'1= :11 i‘Iosfte. the \lll'ti.‘lll\ and

t“.t\lit \ .llll‘.

“Incl, ll "H.“ll" ’t'e‘ :‘l..t'i I11 ss's'
I Is s1 who \ltt :zi'll .111 on .1 ne\t
id‘s‘ tori: 111.;hiineoi oIiIe\.iinI1

st‘l\‘iit'\ l I'\ ,\IIlli‘Il\\

:s ell sustaining and landed sepa

1:1: dining

Iatti\ ll‘tll‘ the 1111111-Isitt Ilte
1:.oiiex used to hiiild the ne\\ ta
11.11. 1.11111' 131.1111 donations .111d
1,; tiinds. .11 ioiding to the

Ila. l K haskethall piogi‘aIi-s

11‘. Il‘ t“t‘7lills' Int .I lie“
1"1‘1‘11:.lit \ltt‘III\\

. '1 tsea mains 111111 I1a\e more

ioo'II and .1‘ .111 1h 5111 to piattis e

1.. -; thou ‘lt \ III 11.1ilion is a huge

i'tiotint 11’ trii~11e\. 1‘ \\.is \\ell



l'iisigned editorials I'elleet the \ ie\\s ol' the Kernel
Iiditoi‘ial Board 'I he} ate \H‘lllL‘ll Indepeiidenth ol' the
('olttttitts. letters and cartoons
i'ellett the \ ieiis oi their authors.




Send a guest column or letter to the editor to

Opinions Editor Wes Blevins. Please limit letters
to 350 words or fewer. Be sure to include your
full name, Class and major with all submissions.

E-mail opinions@kykemel.com




( Earn 11 mists .\' eeded

Ilie Kernel is looking loi' nets taitoonists to di‘.i\\ lor the
()pinions page on a regular hasis (‘artoonists ol all interests
\HII he eonsidered. hut 'I'he Kernel espeeiallx seeks those
\KIltt l1.i\e an interest In Ioeal Issues.

Contact Wes Blevins at opinions@kykernel.com







.uthei' King Jr‘s



Megan Boahnke. ~ 1 ' ~
Keith Smiley, ' i .1 .,
We: Blevins. I :1 .

Brenton Kenliel, 1s 1-: .1

Dariush Shela, . "' 'r'd
Jonathan Smith, 1 ' . 1'
Ellie Fairbanks, '- 1' . .~ ,
Chris Miles, 1 : '









GRAHAM SMITH, Kernet cartoonist

on’t take a day off for MLK ——

go out and Change the world

When I \\ as )oiinger. Dr, Martin
hiitl1d1i_\ just seemed
Ise a da} ol't sehool \\ hen I eould sit
around the house
and do not