xt7ht727d94g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727d94g/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1912 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. annual reports  English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Report of the Twenty-Third Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Lexington, Kentucky in the Arts Club Building, October 24th and 25th, 1912. text Report of the Twenty-Third Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Lexington, Kentucky in the Arts Club Building, October 24th and 25th, 1912. 1912 1912 2019 true xt7ht727d94g section xt7ht727d94g .§§§i§'=s=: #233321: "
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Equal Rights Assomatlon
Mrs. Deshzi Brockinridge, Linden \Valk -----------.~~-- . .Lexington.
Mrs. E. L, Hutchinscn, ................................Lexingt0n
1\Irs.)lzu‘y C.C1'Lllnel‘, Lemngton
Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin, ....................................C0vington.
Miss Laura, Clay, 189 North Mill Street, ......... . . . . . . . . . . .Lexinglon.
> Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck, 313 York Street, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Newport
Airs. \Varfield C. Bennett. . ... ... ... ... . .. . .. . . . . ...... . ... ..l.1ichn10nd.
‘ Mrs. Lucy A. Nield, .......................................L0uisville.
Miss Belle H. Bennett, ......................................Richmond.
Mrs. Mary B. Clay, ..........................................Richmond.
Mrs. Susan Look Avery, .....................................Louisville.
,. ,

 Twenty-Third Annual Convention
Held at Lexington, Kentucky.
9:00 a. m.
Plan of \Vork Committee.
10:00 a. m-

Convention Opens.

Devotional Exercises.

Report oi Executive Committee.

Reports of General Officers: I’resident, Miss Laura (lay; I"irst
Vice-President, Mrs. John C. Castleman; Second Vice—President. Mrs.
Mary C. Cramer; Third Vice-President, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin; Cor-
responding; Secretary, Mrs. Mary C‘. Itoarli; Recording Secretary, Mrs.
Emma )L Roebuck; ’l‘reasurer, Mrs. Isabella II. Shepard; Auditor, Mrs.
Lucy A. Nield; N. A. \V. S. A. Executive Com. Member, Mrs. Mary E.

Appointment of CommitteeerOn Credentials; Courtesies; Itesolu-
tions; Subscriptions to \rVoman’s Journal.

Report of Chairman of Committee on Church \Vork-» Mrs. A. M.

Reports of Local Branches.

Reports of Plan of \Vol‘k Committee. Discussion.

Report of Committee on Credentials.

Report of Member of National Executive. Committee,

Noon Hour. . _
2:00 p. m.
Devotional Exercises.

Minutes of Morning Session. ‘

Report of Legislative Committee.

Press \Vorli—Mrs. Margaret \V. Castloman.

Peace and Arbitrationih’liss Laura Ii. 'VVhite.

Industrial Problems Affecting \Vomen and ChiIdreniiMrn. Lucy A. -

Some Results of \Voman Suffrage in Californiawfilrs Thomas J.

Address, "Org'anization"7Mrs. Murray Hubbard.

Suggestions from N. A. W. S. A. Discussion.

1941857 _

 Thursday Evening.
8:00 p. m.
Annual Address of l’residentiMiss Laura Clay.
' Some Objections Considered#)'[rs. Ella S. Stewart, of Chicago. ‘
Friday Morning.
. 9:00 a. m. '
Plan of '\\'ork Committee. . .
10:00 a. m. ‘
Devotional Exercises.
Minutes of Previous Meetings.
FRIDAY. ()(‘TOBER 25th
’ Final Report of Credentials Committee.
Appointment ot‘ Tellers.
Election of l‘resident, First Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary,
Treasurer, Member of Executive Committee N. A. \V. S. A.
Election of Officers of the Corporation of the Kentucky Equal Rights
Election of Delegates to the N. A. W. S. A. Convention in Phila—
delpliia. . .
Auditor’s Report.
Discussion of Plan Work.
Friday Afternoon.
2:00 p. m. .
Devotional Exercises.
- Election of Chairmen of Committees.
Miscellaneous Business.
3215 p. m.
Address to Woman’s Club of Central Kentucky and the Convention: .
“The Modern Basis of the Demand for Equal Suffrage”—Mrs. Ella. S.
Stewart, of Chicago.
Friday Evening.
8:00 p. m.
Address: “The Meaning of the Woman’s Movement”~—Mrs. Ella S. ‘
Stewart, of Chicago.
. ( 4 ) .

1 The Executive Committee and the 'l‘lan ot‘ '\\'ork Committee met
Thursday morning, October 24, at 5) o’clock, and proposed the fol—
, lowmg Plan of \Vork:
That we recommend that the convention, appropriate three hurt-
. dred dollars for a stenographer for the president.

That the headquarters shall, as far as possible, lay out routes for
the Speakers of the Lecture Bureau for the Kentucky Equal Rights
Association. 4

That we make it our principal aim to obtain the submission of fL
constitutional amendment from the (leneral Assembly ot‘ ltlll, grant—
ing full suffrage to all Women of Kentucky.

Committee rose.

'I'HI'RSDAY MORNlNU, 001., 21th.

The r‘onvention was called to order at 111 o‘eloek and opened with
Scriptural reading and prayer b_\' the. president.

Voted that the program be followed as the order of business.

Secretary gave a. report olf l‘lxeeutive (‘ommiltee \rhieh was ac—

REPORTS til“ GENERAL t)l"i“lt'lil{.\‘.

The president told ot' the work done in the eanipaiun states or
Ohio and Kansas, where she spent several months in the spring
and fall. She said in part: “The \‘ieious interests are the ones really ,
opposed to Woman's suffrage. The anti—sull'raae women do its little
or no harm. Many who go to hear an anti—sutl'rauisi speak 1~o111o
away converted to Woman stu'l'raee. i believe \\'t' are now on the ‘homr
stretch' for l'ull suffrage."

The lirst Vice president was not present.

The second Vice—president reported good work done i'og- sehool gm,
frage in Lexington.

The third Vice—president related how the Women of (‘ovintgton com—
batted the outrageous stories told of the Women who registered several
years ago, by Mr. llarry Myers, one of their legislators.

The eorrespomlin;_; secretary “3111 not present.

The reeording,~ secretary reported much interest in sehool sul'l'rago
in Newport.

. ' The treasurer, Mrs. lsabella. lI. Shepard, having i‘elnovetl to Texas,
acting; treasurer, Mrs. l‘hnma lloebuek, read the 1i11aneial report and
the. books were 1)l:tt't.‘(l in the hands of the Auditor.

The auditor, Mrs. liuey A. Nield, not being; present, Miss liaura
R. \Vhite was appointed auditor pro—tem.

Committees appointed by the chair were:

Credentials 7311's. Emma ltoebuek, Mrs. \Vai'li1-1d (‘. Ilennett.

Courtesieseriss Linda Neville, Airs. l‘ldith Fox.

ResolutionssMrs. (‘harles lt‘irth, Mrs. V\'. T. liat'l'erty, Mrs. James

, Bennett. ,
J)LllJllCfltlt)HSi-‘A‘VII‘S. Emma lioebuek, Miss Luey Shelby, Mrs. lloward
I ( 5 )

 I; .
Gratz. Miss Shelby was asked to give particular attention to securing
subscriptions to the VVornan’s Journal.

' The local associations reporting good work done in their localities
were: Ashland E. R. A.; Campbell County E. R. A.; Coving‘ton E. R. A.;
Harrodsburg E. It. A.; Fayette E. R. A.; Louisville M. R. A.; Madison
E. it. A.; Franklin County E. It. A.; Oidham County E. ii. A.; West
Point E. R. A.

Mrs. James A. Leach, of Louisville, told several amusing and pa-
thetic experiences of women while canvassing; for school suffrage in
her city.

A very cordial invitation was given by the Fayette Equal Rights
Associatitm to the delegates to luncheon and supper during the con-
vention. These meals were served at Mrs. Kimbrough’s next door
to the convention hall, so that the delegates enjoyd a social hour and
rest between the session.

Adjourned. - .

. Opened with devotional exercises by Mrs. James Leech, of Louis-
wlle. . Mrs. .Ella S. Stewart, of Chicago, president of the, Illinois Suffrage
_ Assoc1ation, was introduced to the. convention, and the courtesies of
the floor were extended to her.
. Minutes of the morning session were read and approved.
Reports of locals continued:
Mrs. James Bennett read a most satisfactory report from the Mad-
. ison E. It. A.

Secretary read reports from Pewee Valley, Oldham county, and
from the \Vest‘ i‘oint E. ii. A.

Secretary read the proposed Plan of IVorlL

Voted that the several items of the Plan of Work be considered

Item that we appropriate $300.00 for the employment of a stenog-
rapher for the president, carried.

Item that headquarters shall, as far as possible, lay out routes for
the speakers of the Kentucky E. 11. A. Lecture Bureau, carried.

Item that we make it our principal aim to obtain the submission
of the Constitutional Amendment from the General Assembly of 1914,

Mrs. James Leech told of the offer of Judge Frank Peak, of Louis-
ville,'to do any specific work for suffrage in his power.

Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Chairman of Committee on Church W’ork, said
in her report that it was impossible to forward any movement in the
churches without referring to the advantage of woman’s suffrage.

Mrs. Mary A. Giltner, Member of National Executive Committee,
read a. full report of the Forty—third National Convention, held in Louis—
ville in 1911. (This is printed in State minutes of 1911.)

Mrs. Desha Breckinridg'e gave a most interesting account of work

' done by the Legislative Committee of the Kentucky Fedration of Wom-
an’s Clubs in th interest of school suffrage.

Mrs. Margaret W. Castleman, Superintendent of Press Work, was
not present to report, but Mrs. James Leech said that never before ,was
suffrage news so voluntarily published in the Louisville paprs. -

, ( 6 )

 Miss Laura. R. White, Chairman of Committee on Peace and
Arbitration, reported on the progress of the peace movement. Miss
White having mentioned that there was some disposition to drop this
Department in the. National Association, it was voted by the. conven-
tion that the National Association be requested by the Kentucky 1‘}. It. A.
to maintain the Department of Peace.

Mrs. Thomas .1. Smith, president of the State Federation of Wom—
an’s Clubs, read a paper on “Some Results of \Voman's Suffrage in
California," in which the results were shown to go far to prove its
eflicacy for the general good.

Committee on Credentials presented a partial report, which was

Mrs. Murray Hubbard being ill, her very able paper on Organiza-
tion was read by Mrs. Charles .I-‘irth.

Adjourned. '


Invocation voiced by 'l'rof. \\'. S. (iiltner.

Annual Address of the I’resident. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Laura Clay.
Some Objections Considered ............Mrs. l‘llla S. Stewart, of Chicago.

Convention opened at 10 o’clock with scripture reading and prayer
by the president.

Minutes of Thursday afternoon read, Ct'll'lT‘Ctt‘tl and approved.

The chair appointed Mrs. T, .1. Smith and Mrs. James law-ch to
write to Judge [“rank l'eak, thanking" him for his offer of assistance.

lteport from the Bowling (ireen E. ii. A., read and accepted.

Mrs. 'l‘. .1. Smith gave a verbal report of work done for the suffrage
cause at l<‘ra,nkt'ort.

Final report of the Committee on Credentials was read and ac-
cepted. ‘

Miss Madge E. Nave, 307 Kentucky Title Building. Louisville, who is
serving.r as assistant State Labor lnspeetor, was introduced and ad-
dressed the convention. She told of the excellent new Lahor liaw regu—
lating the hours of work and requiring appliances for the convenience
of workingr women.

The election for the ensuing year of the live otlieers whose term
of oh‘iee constitutionally expired being the next order of business, the
chair appointed Mrs. Mary C. (‘1‘:11’1101‘, and Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin as
counting tellers, and Miss Emma, liast and Mrs. '.I‘. .1. Smith as dis—
tributing: tellers.

l’ending‘ the counting of the votes Mrs. Amanda T. Million, the
first woman who ever held the oilice of (‘ounty Superintendent oL'
Schools in Kentucky, was introduced and addressed the convention. She
told very interestingly of her many trials and linal success in that .

The. election resulted as follows:

President—Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, Lexington.


 . i
*lt‘irst' Vice—President¥Mrtz Mason Maury, Louisville. ‘
Corresponding; Secretary's-Miss Laura Clay, Lexington. i
- Treasurer-eMrs. “'ariield C. Bennett, Richmond. I
xNational Executive Committee Men‘il_)ei‘~—i\/Ii's. John Little Louis-
Voted that a letter of affectionate remembrance be Sent to Mrs. '
’ Isabella H. Shepard, who so faithfully server as tieasurer for many ‘
- years.
Before the election oI the officers 01‘ the Corporation of the. Kentucky
Equal Rights Association, it was voted to amend the constitution, Article -
\r't, after the words “the end of every terms of three years" by adding
the. words “and the hold-over oliieers mentioned in the articles of
J Mrs. Desha lireckinridg'e, and the other officers of the Kentucky ‘
» Equal ,ltig‘hts Association, except the auitor and the member of the. ;
National Executive Committee, who are not included in the. Articles .
of .lnct>rporation, were then elected the, officers of the Corporation of. .
the Kentucky liqual ltig‘hts Association. i
- . it was voted that the. chair appoint a committee, with the CUIK t
responding secretary as chairman, to suggest changes in the Constis ,
tution which seem necessary, especially to bring the constitution int) ‘
harmony with the articles at ineoropration; and to prepare the report ,
to present at the next. annual. convention. The chair appointed Mrs. 1
Jam-as A. Leech and Miss Laura It. \Vhite to act on this Committee. 1
of lit-vision,
The tlelcg‘a‘tes to the National Convention to be held in i’hiladel
phi were elected as follows:
Mrs. N. H. McLaughlin. Mrz. Harry Hanger Mrs. Tl‘hompson Bur-
nam, Mrs. “Zn-livid t‘. liennett, i\iis.; Mary Neville, Mrs. Mary (3.
K,£t.llli'lii, Mrs. Mary (‘. (,‘ramer, Mrs. lumil ’l‘aehau, Mrs. Mary it}. (tilts .'
ner, \lrs. James A. Leech, Miss: Emma llast, Mrs. 13. L. Hutchinson, ,
Mrs. Mason Maury, Miss Laura it. White, Mrs. Mary ti. Garth, Mrs.
Charles Firth.
AlternatesveMrs. Murray Hubbard, Mrs. Lee l’lernheim, l’rot‘. \\'. S. '
“ ~ ~- ‘ 1 v' ,
(altnex, Mis. I“. C. Thomas. Mrs. Utarles A. i\ield, Mrs. b‘arah ('lltll'i-BS,
Mrs. t.. M. l‘reeman, Mrs. Agnes lilifort, Miss Daisy Willis, Miss (.‘arolyn
Leech, Miss \\ilhe Kennedy, Mrs. Samuel lioberts, Miss Mary Mason
_ Brown, Miss Margaret .llrown, Mrs. C. .11. Berryman. /
\‘oted that.the first alternate till the first vaeaney, the secono i
alternate the second vacancy, and so on. ' .
\r'oted that it‘ when the delegates arrive in Philadelphia there _
should be a vacancy, the delegates present there be empowered to 1111 i
that vacancy from any member of the Kentucky l9. it. A,, there ‘
present. '
The retiring president, Miss Laura (Way, \\'as then called upon for :1
speech.’ Miss (flay thanked the convention for its courtesy to her in
electing her to the oilice of corresponding secretary, and for the con—
‘Uu resignation of Airs. Maury. Mis. iv). L. llutehinson was appointed by the
x011 deelination ol' Mrs. Little. Miss Belle M, Bennett was appointed.

 1 i
‘ fidence that courtesy showed. She took occasion to speuk of the new
i president, Mrs. Deshtt Breekinridg‘e, who was not. present :tt the elec— '
j which had heen constantly shown to her (luring; the twenty—tour years
, of her presidency. During that time, the :tssoeizttitm had grown from
less than eighty memhers at its orennizzttitm to about two thousnnd at
the present propitious time. She reminded the convention that ono
f person could not make ztn association, hut thnt one person, sur-h :tn
ardent sut't'rag'ist as the aide new president was, bucked hy the .Ktrlh
tucky l‘ll‘ltlttl ltights Association, Could do Wonders.
, Adjourned.
' Scripture reading and prayer hy Ali‘s. ’l‘. J. Smith.
Minutes or the morning session rend and approved.
Report of acting auditor was rend: “l have exuuiined the hooks
‘ and find. them correct, with e. hatlunet- oj $1,21Itl.11;."
(Signed) liAt'ltA n, \\'Iu'1‘n, Aeting‘ Audtior.
1 Report accept-3d.
Voter] that the Cliuirmeu ol~ the \‘ztrious eonunittt-es he appointed
‘ by the Executive (,‘ommittee,
t Voted that the constitution he so :ti‘nendwi oz: to inztke (‘llilll‘l'lll'll
‘ of all Committees nn-nlhors of the eonvention.
. Voted thut. the Words “Shite llistorinn” he striekeu out of the t'tutl‘
: stitution, untl the otliee dropped.
. )lo‘vvtl thut the ('oth-niion :tdopt us it linden :t lllt’tl.tl er {tullon heur-
‘ ii'tgs; the motto “In l‘nity invineioltu” Motion lost,
The >e<'i'et:tl'_\' asked for tree will oi‘t'eringts Jtllti the following- p‘edgws
were made:
Miss hour‘t (‘ltty ....,.....t.,...............-‘:§ltl.tlt|
Miss l.r‘ui';t it. \Vltilt' ,,...............,..$lt>.|ltl
lire. Mtu'y ii. ("My w Tum
Ali's. M. (‘. (‘.tntl'i'.l 5w ltllt
. Mrs. .itllllt’i‘. [la-nnt-‘tt H.....,................f§'~ SAHI
‘ . Mrs. Mary tvi. (tiitntr \‘JJHI
' Mists Hmmn ilzo't \ {who
Mrs, ’l‘. J. Smith \ rum
(Not-A by Miss l.:tur:t ("my in the summer of lillfl. 311's. >4. A], Huh—
V hard, of ilickmztn, l{_\'., nppt'i:-’etl Miss (‘loy thztt sh.- intt-nded soon to
give. the Kentucky l'ltlunl [tights .~\s:~'ot‘i:tl£ou one thousund dollnl's. Slit:
said she Wished the print-Lpul to he invested until stuth [1111“ 11s it.
constitutionztl uniendment or sunn- other n:-x:1:~ure grunting t'ull sut't'rneo
to Kentueky women shouid lye pending. when the other-rs ot‘ thu Ken-
- tucky liquid lli;;‘l1t5: Association mie‘ht use prineipul :tntl inter-M in tho
. campaign. in the meanwhile tl-~ interest should he used for enrrent
‘ expenses of the :tssoeiniion. A short time :tt'ter the eIoL-‘e ol. the eon—
', ‘ vention Miss (‘iny reeeived the :j;1,ooo from Mrs, lluhhnrd, :tnd plowed
it to the credit of tlm lx'entueky l‘lttllill [tights Assot'inlion in the Suvings
‘ - Department of the Lexington ’l‘ru.~:t ('tml]rlll_\'.t
After the pledges of free will offerings the convention took :t recess;
and us the guest of the \Vomnn's (‘luh of (‘entrnl lx't-ntut-ky, whose regu—
lar meeting: was in the Arts t‘luh at this hour, heard :1 hrillinul dis-
'course from Mrs. l‘lllit S. Stewart, on “The Modern litlSlH of the Demand
for l‘ltjutll Suffrage."
The convention resumed husiness after the, address.
The Resolutions Committee mettle its report and the resolutions were
, adopted.
‘ t 9 )

The convention instructed the secretary to send the following mes- l
sages of sympathy: i
Resolved, That in the death of Mrs. Mary B. Trimble the asso~ i‘
ciation loses one of its pioneer and most valuable members, and that i-
the secretary send a letter of deepest sympathy to her family. 1
Resolved, That the secretary write a letter of condolence to Mrs.
Eugenia B. Farmer on the death of her husband, and of affectionate -
remembrance from the convention. ;
The Twenty—third Annual Convention of the Kentucky E. R. ;\., then
Invocation Prof. \V. S. Giltner. . ‘
Addressi‘The Meaning of the '\Voman‘:; Movement.~Mrs. E119. S.
Closing Executive Committee meeting was held Saturday morning,
October 26, 1012, at the residence of Mrs. Kimbrough. ;
President, Mrs. Desha Ureckinridge, in the chair. ‘
Chairmen of standing committees, as voted by the convention, were ’
appointed as follows: 1
Educational Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs H. R. XVhitesides, Louisville. ‘
Peace and Arbitration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Misa Laura 11. \Vhite, Louisville. ‘ ‘
Church \Vork. . . . . . . . . .Mrs. A. M. l'larrison, Elm Tree Lane, Lexington.
Voted that the appointment of Press Superintendent, Chairman of ‘
Prize Contest Committee, Chairman of Industrial Problems Committee,
and Advisory Board be left to the president. .
Appropriations for expenses were made as follows:
For Press YVork and other oiiice expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00
. Expenses for oIIicers:
Board to Mrs. Kimbrough “a 12.65
Traveling Expenses 9 14.50
For three lectures and board for Mrs. Ella Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 55.40
For printing minutes $ 25.00
Printing cards and leaflets ‘1» 12.00
l’rize Contests c$10000
StationerykLeft open.
lTrograms ‘8 3.50
Stenographic work on minutes of 1011 .........................S 1000
Telegrams and Telephone is 225
Postage for Recording Secretary ........................ . . . .. 0 6.00
Postage for Corresponding Secretary ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :5 6.00
Postage for Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . ' .
committee rose. .
Treasurer’s Report.
Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Treasurer’s Report for 1911-
Oct. 19.——To balance as certified by Auditor . . . . . . . .. 5 642-45
Pledges, Louisville $ 25.00
MrsfM. n. Giltner i; 5.00
Additional dues from Louisville .......... . .$ 2.00
Postage returned by Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 2.00
$ 34.00
$ 676.45 ‘
( 10 )

 I 0!.
1 1912.
1 Oct. 10.—T0 cash balance to Mrs. Roebuck, Tl‘euS. pro—
} Oct. 19.—L0cal Dues.
1' Ashland ‘5 (5.00
Bowling Green 1» 1.00
Campbell County 11 11.70
Coving‘ton 1 3.3.00
JrIarrndsburg ‘1» 3.50
Lexington 1 77.50
Louisville 13 35.00
Richmond 1. 87.50
'VVest Point “3 0.10
Total $269.30
Oct. 23.~T0 National dues, by Miss Clay. . . . . . . . . , .. 9.: 50.01)
‘1 To Natinnal dues, by Mrs. James Bennett. S; 35.00
‘ l\'1a,disou County Free \\'ill Offering. . . . . . . . . . .1; 100.00
Mrs. Susan Cool: Avery, by Miss (‘1;1)’...... 31 100.00
3 Mrs. S. M. Hubbard, by Miss Flay. . . . . . . . ,. $4 100.00
1 Mrs. Lida C‘. Obonchain, by Miss (flay. . . . . . .. $ 2000
Miss Laura K. \Vhite ....................... .1: 1000
Returned expense money» illiss (‘1:13'. . . . . . . .. F6 8N.00
Delayed dues from 11‘1'ankt'0rt .............. .13 .530
Oct. 26:»Cl‘i'aveling' expenses of ntlieers ...........1 IVE-1.50 V
Printing *1 4.2.“:
Postage l‘nr Secretary and 'l‘reasurer. . . . . . . .53 (3.00
Oct. 25.~Teleg‘rams 1 .77
Oct. 26.»A(lditional ex1.>enses . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 1.50
Nutinual Dues 1'1'0m Ky. Fl. 11. A. ..........1~‘ 71.20
311 121.22
Balance Sept., 1 .14 27:75.23
:14 676.15
Oct. 20.filly l’rinting‘ Reports ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 313.00
National dues, by Miss Clay ............ ”1» 50.00
. National dues, by Mrs. James Bennett. . . . , .$ 35.00
Total $121.90
By balance .............................$1200.13
I have, examined the books and find them correct with a balance
of $1,206.13.
Acting Auditor.
( l l )

 . » ll
. al
3‘ .‘
I i
Report of the Louisville Convention, 1911, was printed in the minutes ‘
(if 1912. i
- Representative-ii oi the Ky. E. 'R. A., who attended the Philadelphia 1‘
‘ Convention oi? 1912 wero 21,5: followslelisu Mary Neville; Mrs. Charles: 3
Firth; Mrs. Mary E. Giltner; Mrs. Mnry C. Crzimer; Mrs. Mary C. C2111-
trill; Miss: Lido .ll‘nnt; Mrs. Emil. Tnchnu; Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin; Mis';
Emma Heist; Mrs. James A. Leech; Miss Lnnrn Clay. ‘
Aslilzmd E. R. A,
The Ashlnnd Equal Rights Association inn: held. si): meetings since
the. last convention. The Ohio meeting was the first. Mrs. J. B.
Eil‘ort, our representntive, g‘tive it]! interesting account, oi the. National -
and State convention.
. Hart- 17. members enrolled and ‘lll enrolled members. :17. in. all. “'0 '
sent six. dollars dues tl“’:: yeur through our (tit-ting) state treasurer, Mrs. ,
L'. M. Roebuck. '\\'(= are glad it i:: 41:: much an it is. linve sprezul litei‘;t- -|
ture and. are wearing Votes for \Vomen. ’l‘nitt- seven copies of the 3|
'W'omon's .Jonrnul. Two ot‘ our members moved to other stutes this; year. .
llopo this: mny prove the, best Convention. (Vlreeting to :1”.
nuts.) \V. II. HAGLEY, Secretary _
, erling Green, Warren Co. E, R. A.
Our Association numbers lL’S :ind muny oi? the card: given on“. to tho
Vv'. C. '1'. LI. inst year hnve never been collected. They were signed, and
i} collected Lind. placed in the hands of the I’resident would substantially
increase. the. membership.
\\'e lliltl very few meetings during the pnst year. but we. plneed 2'.
Copy of the \Vorriun’s Journal in the reading room oi the Y. .\i‘. t". .v\.., got ‘
three new subseribers for the Journal. supplied literature. to.- four '
sull'rng'e deboter. distributed liternture and had :2 lecture. front Mist Cluy
There i;; no \':‘.Cti.llt‘_\' in our School llonrd zit: present and only 70
women registered, :Ltl they reasoned that ‘it was uselesn to register until
they had :10. opportunity to vote. This opportunity will. come next year
and we hope to make e. good showing. ,
(Jur most mortifying failure 1.: our [nilure to {rot members who are.
willing; to pay dues. but we try to ntono for this by sending; oil. the money
to the state. treasury. ‘
Ll DA. CALVERT 0'11; ENC HA l N,
President Bowling; (lreen ll. It. A. .
(‘hirk (‘0. Equal.- Riu'llir; Association. '
The following lndien :ire officer:: of the Clark Co. Tu'. It. A.:
. Mrs. .l. C. Johns, President;
Mrs. H. C. Thompson, First \'ice.—1’n'esi(lent'.
Mrs. ll. H. l’hillips, Second Vice—president.
Mrs. J. W. Poynter, Third Vice—president. .
Mrs. .l. T. Beckner. Treasurer.
‘ Mist Susan W. Buckner, Secretary.
( 12 ) 1
. . ‘ -


3 Campbell County Equal Rights; Association.


‘ During the past year our Association held ten meetings and. had a

‘ regular plan of work. “'9 studied the Legal Status of. \\'omen in other

. countries; also current events were discussed.

‘ We distributed a great deal of literature~had it: delivered directly
to the lady of the house. After trying for three years we sueeeeded in
getting “I’eacc Day” observed in the public. schools. One hour was set '

, aside on May 18th in every school room by order of Mr. lrlannnoad, Sup—
erintendent. \Ve, gained some new members, but lost; two by deatlrm
Mrs. \Villiam H. Mct’formick and Mr. Charles Smith. \\'e hare 1-12 en~
rolled members.

There are only 508 women registered. but, we are happy to say that
it was; the more, intelligent; element that. did so.

HANNAH. L. Sl’lllth.

: t‘oyingrtou Equal Rights Association.

> The Covinc‘ton Equal ltiu‘hts Association meets regularly the second
Friday of each month ct the l’ublic Library. The gaining .»1‘ (his regular
meeting place is a. signal victory. because for years it 1121:: been denied on
account of the Association/s being considered political. Duringr the year

- a reception and an open evening meeting were held to which invitations
were issued. and at which good speakers: made sut't‘ras'o speeches.

In June this Association organized what is known. in (‘ovinzt‘mn as

‘ “The Citizens‘ Public, School l'ieag'ue,” whose chef business is to noinnrue
and elect good. men for the Board of l‘lt’lucation and otherwise to loot; to
the needs oi the Public, Schools.

Ten new members, interested enough to pay :‘. stipulated amount in _
dues, have been added. to the Association. These members are not, “the. -
ashamed to be heard. and seen kind," but are earnest workers. reliable
and energetic, and ready to sacrifice some things for the sake of \\'t)ln:1,l]

' sufti'rage. A subscription to the XVonian‘s Journal has: been renewed for
another year for use in the Public Library and about Iiftecn other sub—- ,
scriptions have been secured by this Association, live of which were by
outside people whom we wish to convert.

Our Corresponding Secretary sent 2. letter of congratulation and
commendation to President Taft on his appointment of e. Woman, Miss
Julia C. Lathrop, head of; the Children's Bureau. She also sent letters of
appeal to the President and. to the Chairman of. Appropriatems, urging
the passage of the bill appropriating $250,000 for the prosecution oi‘. those
engaged in the white slave, traffic.

‘ Two of our members assisted with speeches during: the amendment

campaign in Ohio; many assisted on election day (Sept. 3rd) and some

money was also sent. In response to an invitation from the Editor of. .
‘ the Kentucky Post an exhibition of dolls was; made. at Ludlow Lagoon

Aug, 11th to 20th, which comprised 60 dolls and four horses (toys)

representing the New York Suffrage parade of last May. Each toy suf—

fragist carried a banner bearing a pertinent suffrage argument. The

display was pleasing, amusing and instructive, and from reports, it is -

evident that this piece of advertising made quite a. few converts. This

‘ Association keeps the subject before the public by answering newspaper

articles wherein Women are even in the least involved.

We have met with great losses in the deaths of Mrs. Mary B. Trim~

‘ ( l3)


. \
ble and Mrs. Mary L. Reynolds, two valued members, whose moral and

financial support were important factors in the growth and success of ,

this Association. !

JESSIE E. FIRTH, President. .1

- NANCY M. DUKE, Secretary, .

Fayette Equal Rights Association. :

The 'l't‘ayette E. It. A. reports that in the past year It has received
about fifty—eight new members and also that in this time it Has: seen
many indications of an increased interest in woman suffrage. among the .
people of Fayette County. 1

KATE S. PAYNE, Secretory.


Harrodsburg Equal Rights Association. i

From a letter from the. president. 1

You may be interested to know thet although we have no school 1
election in .lviarrodsburg this November (1012) 161) Women registered out ‘
of only 800 who registered at all. At least a good beginning! 31 mem— i
bers enrolled. i

Trusting for better things and believing in them for the future. .1

Very sincerely yourl‘, .'
President Harrodsburg it]. B. A. -
Louisville 'Woman Suffrage Association. 1
_ Tho \Voman Suffrage Association 01' Louisville reaped 2‘. rich harvest 1
of enthusiastic recruits; from the Convention. of tho National Association i
growing from a. membership oi? 225 to one numbering 4125 Because of ‘
‘ this large membership it was thought expedient to divide the city into 2] .-
district groups with chairmen of those groups a:: members of. P. central 1
'commtteo to meet: with the executive board when called. These oneirmei‘i 1

distributed literature. and. buttons, arranged meetings with Paren