xt7ht727d929 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727d929/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2004 text GLSO News, March 2004 2004 2004-03 2019 true xt7ht727d929 section xt7ht727d929 1% A. S G M5 W5
.. .:- LESBIAN
LSXF-ffg‘ii‘ffil'fl'icky March 2004
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 19 Number 3
MR. K37. LEATHER Baby Shower for Triplets

The Imperial Court of Kentucky is spon— Stephanie and Marie are having
soring the Mr. Kentucky Leather 2004 triplets! After years of trying to get preg-
Contest, March 12-13, at Club 141. nant they hit the jackpot and are very
Assisting with the event will be Kentucky excited. They are also wondering what it
Leather Productions and the Lexington is going to be like having three infants to
Lyons Leather Levi Club. take care of in a couple of months.

The winner of the contest will represent GLSO and the Discussion Group are
Kentucky and the Imperial Court at the sponsoring a shower for them on
26th annual International Mr. Leather com- Sunday, March 21 at 2 pm at the Pride
petition in Chicago, IL, Memorial Day Center. Everyone is invited. They will
weekend, May 27-31. need all those things that every new baby

Contest events will get underway on needs-times three. If you not sure what to
Friday March 12, with a reception at Club bring, diapers are always welcome.

141 from 7 to 8 pm hosted by the Lexington They are having two boys to be named
Lyons for judges, contestants, and special Chase and Connor, and a girl they will
guests. This will be followed by a Leather name McKenna Grace. They have a
and Lace Fantasy Show that will include source of hand-me-downs for girl clothes
the introduction of the contestants, judges, but not for boys. They are not planning on
and special entertainment. matching outfits so anything is welcomed.

The contest will he held on Saturday, Stephanie and Marie are also interest-
March 13 in the Spectrum Lounge of Club ed in talking to other GLBT parents as they
141. Doors will open at 8:30 and the con- make plans to draw up the legal docu-
test will begin at 9:30. Cover for each night ments to protect ...continued on page 2
will be $5.

Proceeds from the weekend will benefit gawwmagsxgmsxfimessences,
the Leather Archives and Museum in (3:); Sponsor ofthc Month 2:2
Chicago, IL. During the weekend a ‘I- if:
traveling exhibit from the museum will k; 3%);
be on display. In addition, Rick Storer, ff Ernesto SCOI'SOI'le 35};
Executive Director of the Archives and 3.: {:1
Museum, Mr. KY ...continued on page 2 3 Attomey at Law 3:.

Pride Gallery “Strange Fruit” {:3 3:;
Photo Exhibit pg 2 {‘1 254-5766 91
Pride Month planning page 3 :3. £3
Fairness at the Polls page 14 #5 irii

 MR" KY [LEATHER will be serving as a
\.~ - ~ L:::I:r1:1d member of thejudging panel.
is; SERVICE To compete for Mr. Kentucky Leather contestants
'331‘3‘ ORGANIZATION must be male and 21 years of age as of March 12.
"15' Lecington, The contest is open to residents of Kentucky includ-
KentUCky ing the greater Louisville and Cincinnati metropoli-
tan areas. There is a $15 entry fee. I
5 Judging criteria will be the same as used in :
TGLSO NEW International Mr. Leather. Categories include (1) '
Volume 19 Issue 2 leather image, (2) presentation skills and interview, I
published monthly by anldf”) pthyj'ca' appeaganf: t tL St I I
The Lexington Gay n eres e persons 3 ou con ac arry an ey at V
Lesbian LDStanIey09@aol.com or the Imperial Court of
, . , Kentucky, PO Box 265, Lexington, KY 40588. ‘
Serwce Organization i
389 Waller Ave' Shower for Triplets their relationship and their 1
Editors children. Have you or someone you know been able
to adopt their partner's biological child? If you have
Mary Crone information to share but can not come to the party,
Jackie Cobern you can leave your number at the Pride Center and
' ' . ' t
Board Members we Will pass It on Also, If. you can no attend but
want to give a gift or donation, that can be dropped
Thomas Collins, president off at the Center, 389 Waller Ave, next door to the
Joan Branon, Vice-Pres. new WALLER CENTER sign.
Clayton Dobson, Treas. The party will not be advertised in any other pub-
Mary Crone, Editor lication, on TV or in other media, so even if you are
Jackie Cobern camera shy, this will be a comfortable event for you.
Tom COIHHS Come support this couple and celebrate our
Sarah Martin expanding definition of family.
GingerM°°re . ....... ,. ..
TerryMuIlins : . . .. .. . .. . .
Ben Sewers ; Strange FrUIt '
GLSO Annual Dues & 1 Photo Exhibit of Hate Crime Victims f
Newsletter. - :-
Prlde Center Gallery
Incdlvlidlual -$z$;5 March 7 _ 3| 1;
o p e ' This collection of photographs of hote crime
i victims hos poster size photos occomponied {
Spinions izpressidthin “i: GL8? : by explonotions of the events. It includes '-
dfxvf’naerfessgffyieprzszfl 3,2882% _ Brondon Tino, Motihew Shepherd and African _-;
the GLSO Board. Submissions are I Americon victims of lynching. It is o difficult I
welcome and staff reserves the right - - -*
to edit submissions and advertise_ . exhibit to see, but onelthot educotes. It __.
ments as well as the right to reject ' comes to us from the Notionol Conference for :-
submissions or advertisements. ‘- Community ond Justice (NCCJ) 1‘.
GLSO Page 2 "

 Miss Bag Lady Pageant Pride Month Committee

Club 141 will host the "Miss Bag Lady" The Pride Month Committee is open to
Pageant on Wednesday, March 3. Doors all individuals and we are seeking partici—
open at 8:30pm and showtime will be at pation from all GLBT organizations. We
9:30pm. There will be a $3 door cover, all will be meeting on Thrusday, March 11 at 7
proceeds will be donated to a local charity. pm. at the Pride Center.

Featured entertainers will include the We have set up a calander of events,
reigning Miss Bag Lady - Crystal Diamond, please contact Terry if you are planning an
Val E. Cheridan, Rayna Starr, Godiva activity during June. This is what is now
Amore and LaToya BaCalI. Anyone inter— scheduled:
ested in competing in the pageant should June 2 Miss KY Pride contest
contact Crystal or Greg (manager) at Club June 4 _ 6 Imperial Court Coronation
141' Entry Fee '3 $10 June 10 Dining Out For Life

. . June 18 —27 ActOut Play

Lexmgton Lyons LeVI/Leather Club June 20 Pride Picnic

The Lyons meet every other month at June 27 Volunteer Awards Banquet
the Pride Center. The next meeting will be There is also a concert/dance, Pride
in april. Anyone interested in learning Reading, and films in the planning stages.
more about the Club is welcome to attend. If you are interested in volunteering, we
We will also be meeting for brunch at Mia’s need help on all of these events. We have
on Sunday March 28. at 1 pm. Please join some specific tasks that someone can take
us. The Lyons are proud to beaGLSO Pride on such as being the contact person for
Patron of the GLSO Pride Center. vendors who want to set up at the picnic. ‘

Or you can volunteer to help out at one
event. If you have an event you would like

MEN/5 MEET To DATE to see happen, come to the meeting and

Men’s Meet to Date gives men the we’ll see what we can do. This is a great
opportunity to participate in fun activities way to meet people.
designed to help people get to know each If your organizations is planning an
other followed by a dating match tech- event, please contact Terry at 252-2867,
nique. Meet to Date will be at the Pride days.
Center on Monday, March 8 at 7 pm and on Wishing Chair
Saturday, March 27 at 3 pm. For more
information, contact Darnel at dar- On Friday, April 23, Whishing Chair will
nel172000@yahoo.com present a Re-Tree Lexington Concert at the

No one will be asked to go out with any- Carnegie Center, on Second St. from 7:30
one they do not select and who does not to 10 pm. Joining Wishing Chair will be
select them. Dates can be as short as 20 Todd Burge, The Bootleggers, and more!
minutes. This is a fun and interesting way Free trees ready to plant will be available.
to meet new people. Come join us. Admission $10

...more community news on next page

The 12th Annual AIDS Walk for Life will The Lexington Men's Chorus is on hia-
be'on Sunday, .April' 25 at Triangle park. tus for awhile. We still have LMC record-
Raise pledges indiVidually or as _a team ings available and it would help us finana-
and 10'” US to_ walk to benefit AIDS cially if you would purchase one or two.
Volunteers oflexmgton. . _ The Chorus has recordings that will
In additon to the walkthere Wlii be activ- please everyone's musical enjoyment
ities SUICh as a pre-walk party W'th mu3ic ' "Facets," our first collection of in-studio
entertainment, raffles, and team photos. recordings, has 12 songs from our early
Come jom for the fun and show your sup- years. CD _ $10 Cassette _ $6. "LMC
port. For information and to download L|VE!,"our2nd CD of "live" recordings, isa
pledge sheets, go to AlDSVolunteers.org. collection of 16 songs that celebrate
LMC's first 10 years! CD (only) $10.
Men Of All Colors Together Special price of $15 if you buy both CD's.
KY Men of all Colors Together (MACT) The proceeds Wlii benefitthe chorus.
. . . See/buy from Kenneth, at The Bar
IS a local chapter of a national gay multira- _ , _
. . . . . Complex, 224 E. Main, or give him a call at
Cial organization which fosters a supportive 255 1974
environment where friendships and part- ' '
nerships can be celebrated free of racial
and cultural barriers. For information email UK SUPPOPmequ Group
MACTky@aol.com, call 859-351-4453 The UK Counseling & Testing Center
(Jon) or see www.mactky.com offers a weekly Therapy /Support group
s s a to provide a safe environment for GLBTQ
“If" 0'“ folks to talk about issues related to their
SisterSound is in rehearsal for their sexual/relational orientation.
May concert every Sunday evening at 6 The QVOUP is led by Anne Edwards,
pm. If you would like to sing with us, come PSY-D- and Colby Cohen-Archer, PhD-
join us any Sunday at the Lansdowne Students taking at least6credits at LCC or
Cumberland Presbyterian Church. For UK are eligible. The QFOUP is meeting on
more info Patti (806-0243) or Toine (276- Mondays from 1-2 - Anyone interested in
0753), sistersound@hotmail.com. joining or wanting additional information is
encouraged to call 257-8701.
Gay Straight Alliance for Youth
The Gay Straight Alliance is open to all W «l’iiflKeep the love you find,
youth ages 15 - 20. You do not have to it}? ‘ Get the love you want.”
label yourself to join. We meet every week " i 7. .. _. _
at a private location. Sometimes we just Jessma Bollinger LCSW
hang out and talk, other times we have a . . . . .
progam Thanks, Tiffany, forthe show and Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
the discussion of drag. Couples, family, individual
For information contact Mary Crone at _ _
266-5904 or lexgsa@yahoo.com or imagoconnectioncom 859-552-6533
GLSO page 4

 . y at Law


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GLSO Page 5

fl 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 ‘ {
Lex. Dress and Gender Alliance [HBIM VIDEOIIIGIIT
http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA .
On Friday, March 12 at 7:00 pm. at the
LexDGA is a peer discussion group for Pride Center we will watch Salma Hayek's
anyone who transcends gender norms or Oscar-nominated performance as the
is questioning their gender identity. This Mexican surrealist painter Frida Kahlo.
includes but is not limited to trassexuals, Julie Taymor, who directed the
intersexuals, effminate men, masculine Broadway stage production Of The Lion
women, drag kings, drag queens, gender King, directed this visually stunning biogra-
queers and gender questioning ihdiVidU' phy that follows Frida's life from her days
als. We Wi” meet the first Saturday 0f as a student in 1922 to her death in 1954.
March at 8 pm. email for location. While the film focuses on Frida's tempestu-
Family and supportive allies who WOU'd ous relationship with her unfaithful hus-
enjoy discussing trans issues are also wel— band, muralist Diego Rivera played by
corned. This is “0t a therapy group. For Alfred Molina, Frida's affairs with men and
info email kellindel@hotmail.com. women are also explored. Frida is ratecl R.
Everyone is invited to join us.
DISCUSS/ON GROUP 40+ Women’s Group
The discussion group meets every All lesbian and bi-sexual women over 40
Wednesday h'ght at 7 pm at the Phde are invited to attend our regular meetings
Center and is open to all. We strive to make and social events. We meet at the Pride
this a safe space where you can be your- Center on every second sunday, which in
self. We discuss a wide range of topics, March is Sunday the 8th, at 2 pm. After
some. serious, some hilarious. Some peo- meeting we will pick a restaurant and go out
ple pm when they are coming OUt or have to eat. There will be a pot luck and games
jUSt moved to Lexington, others attend night on Sat. March 13, call Sidney at 885-
because they enjoy the conversations. 0417 for directions.
For more info contact Jane at lady- We plan to rent a cabin in Red River
janeky@yahoo.com Gorge in May. Some people will camp. lf ,
you are interested give Ginger 3 call now,
PRECISION these cabins go fast. Ginger - 253-0061 or i
email ggclr@hotmail.com.
Sismhs in The Life
' Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. Join
. us for provocative discussions about our
Mlke Blake lives and experiences. We meet at 7 pm
859'255'5574 Office every first Tuesday at the Pride Center. For
859-338-2733 Cell information contact Joan at 859 539-2857
or email Jweslie@aol.com.

 - —
:he ('1 ,
k's 3 MARCH 12-13, 2004' .
he 3 CLUB 141' ‘ 3' ' 33
on ,3. ; , . . .3“?
tu- 3 8:30 PM , . ’ 9:30 PM £3
18- '. , f . ,0
nd FANTASY” 2 2004 N.
3f " {$5 DONATION ' ‘ , $5DONATION- 3
4o _ . ’ j ' '
39$ 3 ' " ' ' ' ' ' E
ter 33 2 , ~
,er {'3 LEATHERARCHIVE: AND~MUSEUM. ,. . ., y .2 3 .3 .3 3 3
33 LDE‘I‘ANLEYO9@A0L.COM . :33
for _ -'
- 2 . .33, - - MI- ~ — 333.. - 2 .
Din ' ‘
>ur . 2
323 . 3.. -. EXTRA!!! EXTRA”: , 3 .3233
- 2 32;» , x
57 “”9 "3": Watch/fir other WSarwday 3 3: V3
.3533? j ImperLaL-Cowt eve/nryMSpI/Lngr!!! .
— WW

 Spirituoll Resources 11““ng
. . _ . Lexington Integrity, a group for GLBT
”H’fa’m’l ”alversaII-Sf Church Episcopalians and friends, invites you to
The U.U. Church of Lexington wel- join US on Sunday, March 14' in the
comes visitors at any time. Worship Chapter Room Of Saint Michael's
Services are at 9:15 and 11 am every Episcopal Church from4to 5:30 pm. The
Sunday. There is child care and religious edu- church is located at 2025 Bellefonte Drive.
cation foryoung people K-12 during the sec- Integrity meets on the second Sunday of
0nd service. We are located at 3654 Clays each month. I I . .
Mill Rd, one block from Man O’War as you Integrity is additionally holding their
drive towards town Spring Retreat at a facility called The
Unitarians hold a variety of beliefs Close located on the banks ofthe beautiful
about spiritual and religious matters. You Rockcastle River between London and
can see this reflected in our services, dis- Somerset. 9“ Michael s Assomate Rector
cussion groups, and other activities offered Sandy Stone W'” lead the retreat held the
at the church. You are invited to attend weekend Of March 19’ 20,. and 21' The
Buddhist Meditation, the Humanist Forum, COSt '8 $109 per person Wh'Ch covers the
Women’s Spirituality, Simple Living Pot cost of lodging and all meals on Saturday
Luck, or the Social Justice Roundtable. and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. For
The principles that hold our congrega- further information please call Sandy
tion together include the belief in every- Stone at 277'7511 or email stmintegri-
one's right to search for truth in a respon- ty@yahoo.com.
sible way. We also believe that working for SoulForce
justice is a fundamental spiritual responsi- . . .
bility. (Well actually some of us do not Soulforce Lexmgton follows the prinCI-
relate to the word spiritual) ples of non-violence practiced and taught
We define our community in terms that by Gandhi a)?" Martin Luther ng’ Jr. to
are inclusive, not exclusive. We have gay confront spiritual Violence against GLBT
lesbian, bisexual, straightand transgender 9999'9' Members come fromIa variety Of
members members of a variety of racial religious backgrounds. They initiate conver-
and cultural backgrounds, and interesting sations with conservative religious organi-
people from all walks of life. For more info zations and develop other proiectsIto
see www.uucl org address the negative messages coming
'_ , from these organizations. For info call
Dlgnlty Jamie at 859-230-5625 or check out
Founded in 1969, DignityUSA is a www.SoulforceLexmgton.org.
national organization working for respect Sth/cflal'flfie Wflyf
and justice for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, St M h l' b fth Orth d
and transgender persons through educa- .yc a Is a mem ero e 9 OX
tion advocacy and support. The local Catholic Church of America, a national
group meets on the second and forth denomination that is gay supportive.
Sundays at 6 pm March 13 will be a Pot Sunday services are at 1350 Eastland Dr.
Luck get together and on March 27 there 20:39 am w'th Rgv' Kenne1t3 Xvalel per-
will be a service. For place and other infor- Ort'mlmg 318:; Meehpalige or a onger
mation, contact Rchard at 850 494-1933. a ice a O” ' yc a
GLSO Page 8

to I I
he I It IS Tax Time!
he I .
1e. I on U "V
Lon - er.
he __.. .
nd :
tor .
he t
he '
he .
ay 0
for o
dy ‘ '
. O -. .
irI- . - Professmnal Tax Preparation
z - Servicing Both Individuals & Businesses
. O
HCI- .
' - Monthl , Quarteri , and Annual
ight .
. to 0 Accounting and Tax Services available ' ‘
.BT '
i of . .
,er_ : Stewart’s Accounting SerVIces
am- 0 _, M 4390 Clearwater Way #1109
to , I521, Lexington, KY 40515
"n9 ‘ wit?» (859) 9713429
call 55’ 1* . it “fin “its (“til
out at 1,",‘léfi . Keith A. Stewart, C.P.A.
“$3 ““ 95% H KeithStewartCPA@aoI com
..iwsr"I-:~‘.?,. “W“: i, s 1 1: 3 5.“ an i .
0X ‘fi‘iwlfw’kiw‘lfii’ Call to schedule a time to fit.
"'8' ‘ your schedule.
I e. . ' (Emil: fw’
— GLSO Page 9

 What is the Orthodox 7 Baptized into the faith life of Christ and
cathOIIC ChurCh Of Amenca ' who believe that Christ is present in the
By Rev- Ken Walbel mystery of Communion.

St. Mychal the Martyr Parish Community For the OCCA all ministries, bOth lay
is part of a national church organization and ordained, are open to _a” persons
called the Orthodox Catholic Church of regardless of gender, orientation, or man-
America (OCCA). Its uniqueness among tal status. We celebrate the diversity of
other Christian main-line churches can GOd'S creation and welcome women and
best be defined by St. Mychal's motto: men, gay and straight, married and cele-
Welcoming all people equally. its com- bate, into all lay ministries and into the
monality with other churches is best ordained ministries of Deacon, Priest, and
defined by its Creed and its rituals. B'ShOp‘ _ . _

The OCCA welcomes a” people Of a” The OCCA IS a Ilturglcal, sacramental
manners and walks of life, equally at its church that bases 'tS [theology on "the
front door, at its altar and into its ministries. Nicene Creed and the Gé'de“ Rule Of
All persons are welcome to come and wor- Jesus. Our Sunday worship, and all our
ship with the St. Mychal community regard- prayer serVIces, are based on anCIent cer-
less of sexual orientation, gender, marital emonieslthat have been adapted for our
status, or religious affiliation. A person's modern times.-
sexual orientation - GLBT, heterosexual or We believe that seven sacraments
other — has no bearing on their giftedness have been handed down t9 ”.3 from tradi-
as a child of God or on their status as co- tion for our assistance in this life. We cel-
equal in this parish family. Women and ebrate regularly _the Sacramehts Of
men are believed to be equal in all capaci- Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (the
ties of ministry. Lord's Supper) - sacraments that initiate

All persons are welcome to participate us into the Life of Christ and sustain us for
as fully as they may feel comfortable in our ministry; the Sacraments of Reconciliation
worship and in our communion. Our (Confession) and the Anointing of the Sick
Eucharist is open to all those who are ~sacraments ...continued on page 17


GM 8. STRA/G/fl,‘ MEN & WOMEN,


f; . , 1350 Eastland Dr, Lexington, Ky

. . g (859) 389-9418
' . j ' ' " The Orthodox Catholic Church of America

‘34 Cburck fbr t/ae New Mil/enium”
GLSO page 10

I m can! «mm W 252-3014
s A Charity Organization
i 2004 Pride Month Sponsors
3 Scott Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
I TheBarCompIex ...........................255-1551
I 224 East Main Street
W. O
- Pndc Patron
Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club. . . . . . . . . . 272-0408
2 GLSO News Sponsors 2004
f Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
3 Promoting equality for all people
' ErnestoScorsone. ...............................254-5766
: Attorney at law '
SisterSound 268-0113
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
Seeking a Diverse Congregation
1513 Nicholasville Road
WindyKnoIIFarm ................................299-7410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
" GLSO page 11

 Call number in
_ c O c a
Directory for - 7 -
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 . 3 6
7pm GSA for youth ages 7 pm Sistahs in The 7 pm Discussion Group Pride Center Open 10 -3
TO SChedUIe events 15 -20 (Call for place) Life - Pride Center Pride Center , 8 pm LDGA meeting
at the Pride Center, 8 Pm Gay/LeSb'a” AA
(Call for place)
call Bill at 253-3233.
7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 1 3
9315 8‘ 11 am UU Church World 8 pm AAStep Study 7pm GSA for youth ages 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Pride Month om _esbian MOVlE Pride Center Open 10'3
. _ - - . 9:30 Mr. KY Leather
10.30 Mass@St. Mychal the Martyr (Call for place) 15 20 (Call for place) 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Committee Meeting Night, Pride Center C t t Cl b 141 .
2 pm40+ Lesbians meet PC 7 pm Men's Meet To Date open to all - Pride 7 pm Mr. KY Leather on es - U
6 pm SisterSound Rehearsal Pride center Center Reception & Show
Landsdown Presby Church CIUD 141
7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(Call for place)
14 1 5 1 6 1 7 18 19 20
9:15 & 11 am UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 Pm DISPUSSIO" GFOUP 7 pm Men’s Movie 7:30 pm Ga /Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal Meeting. Pride Center8 8 pm GgyifesggntztA Night - Pride Center (Cali/for place) 3 pm Men’s Meet to Date PC
. e .
6 SisterSound Rehearsal, pm AA Step Study (Call for place) 7 pm Open Mic Night
Landsdown Presby Church (Call for place) St. Patrick’s Day . at Pride Center .
7:30 Soulforce Deadline . ' g V
21 22 224 26 , 27
9:15 & 11 am Worship Services 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 730 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open
W Church 8 pm AA Step Study 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place) 10-39'“ D
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (Call for place) (Call for place) 3 pmplnzr; 221:: to ate
2 pm Baby Shower - Pride
Center - everyone invited
6 SisterSound Rehearsal,
Landsdown Presby Church
28 29 30 31 . . .
9.15 8t 11 am UU Church 7pm GSA for yOUth 7 pm Fairnes Streeing 7 pm Discussion Group Pndc Gallery Phom EXh'lblt
1%t30Msuiidlaithi/lss’t agfes 1'5 _ 20 ca” Committee, Pride 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (f , I)
- YC a e 3" yr or p ace Center Call for lace ' S F
1 pm Lyons Brunch at Mia's ( p ) tra n g e r U It
6 pm Imperial Court PC
M arch 7 - 3 1
W m
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 Fairness at the POIIS decided to take the oppertunity offered by or
. the special election and initiate a voter

The KFA Voter ID Prolect identification project. This project involves th
by Jennifer Crossen and Maya Hal/stein more than just identifying voters. It m
As volunteers for the KY Fairness involves personal conversations with vot- 2:
Alliance, we would like to share our experi- ers on the subject (if gay and lesbian Tap he
ence at the Feb. 17th special election doing riage and the imp ications or th? G BT in
what is commonly known as voter identifi- community Of the proposed constitutional A
cation it was both galvanizing and empow- amendments. It involves educating voters I
ering, even though there was a great deal on these pertinentIGLlBT issues as well as cc
of negative press that day about what we recruizngligtentia V0 Llinteers.d ll th
were doing at the polls. We would also like t_ ' am. on e ection ay, a sma ta
to clarify the day’s events and explain the determined group Of volunteers checked— w
ongoing project that Fairness has taken on "i‘ mm the polling officers at eight polling fr,
in response to the anti-gay marriage bills was In Lex'”9_t°”- We explained that we th
currently in the KY General Assembly. WOUId b? talking. W'th_VOterS about gay th

It is crucial that our community knows and lesbian marriage, In an effort to start \A
about the proposed amendments to both educating the public about this potential ar
the Kentucky and U S drastic change to our of
Constitutions and takes action to At 5:45 a.m. on Constitution. Overal|,we were SE
prevent their passage. These election day, a well received by the polling G
measures would define marriage small determined officials who, for the most part, m
as solely between a man and a group of volun- had no problem with our pres-
woman, effectively prohibiting any teers checked-In ence. . . 3!
recognition of committed relation- With the polllng Conversations With voters ca
ships between same-sex couples. officers that day ranged from very pos- th
This means everything from civil unions to . itive and supportive, to unde- in
domestic partner benefits and even the “dad and/or unaware Of the issues, to w
ability to visit a sick partner in the hospital. some very hateful reactions. One person- p(
If these amendments are passed, the al note, we founthhete:perifnce to! tie fa
attainment of civil rights for the GLBT com- very empowering. US a ing 0 comp e e w
munity will suffer a huge setbackl strangers about a very controverSIal issue 'u

These amendments would assure that was difficult and at times gut wrenching, le
GLBT families would be formally and especially after some Of the negative m
explicitly relegated to second-class citizen- responses. .We had to endure name-call- in
ship in the very Constitution of our state ing, being ignored and even being tOId pi
and possibly the entire country. This not that we needed help and mm” deserve re
only hurts gay and lesbian individuals; it 3“? rights. The posmve responsesiand ai
hurts real families with real children. Over being able to educate some Of the middle ni
twenty percent of GLBT families in this Of the road fOIkS was a very powerful m
country have children experience and enabled us to keep gomg.

KFA determined that in Fayette County Despite'hlow well we were received by Sf
alone, it will take thousands of votes to polling offi0ials, the Fayette 00' Board Of a.
defeat these amendments if they appear on Elections caved in to the pressure of com- an
the ballot in the November election. KFA plaints from some unhappy voters and ri:

...continued opn next page
GLSO page 14 —

 one irate Baptist minister. Around noon, minimal of domestic partner benefit sys—
the Fayette Co. Sheriff’s department tems. We spoke with more people who
made a personal visit to all of us at our said they would vote against the amend-
polling sites and requested that we ment even if they didn’t support gay and
observe the 500 foot buffer rule, which lesbian marriage because they didn’t think
had recently been declared unconstitu- that the Constitution should be used to take
tional by the Sixth Circuit Court of away rights. This would set a terrible
Appeals. precedent.

Had we not been talking about such a As Beth Robinson made explicitly clear
controversial and unpopular topic, we feel during her recent visit to Kentucky, our work
that we wouldn’t have been asked to stop has only just begun. KFA will continue this
talking with voters. We believe that we voter identification project statewide
were exercising our constitutional right of through the November election with volun—
free speech in public places to ask people teers at the polls again for the May primary.
their opinion about an issue In openly discussing gay Locally, we will also be
that affects all of our lives. and lesbian issues ...we going door to door and
We were both saddened were breaking new phone banking to talk with
and angered that the Board ground for KY voters. more voters. For these
of Elections was so easily , projects and other grass
swayed by those who don’t support the roots organizing and educating projects,
GLBT community and favor discrimina- Blue