xt7ht727d87p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727d87p/data/mets.xml Knox County, Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; v, 277, 15, 2 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed;
Includes index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:T 256/4/bk.0 books English Nashville, Tennessee: Tennessee Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Minutes of the County Court of Knox County, Book Number 0, 1792-95 text Minutes of the County Court of Knox County, Book Number 0, 1792-95 1941 1941 2015 true xt7ht727d87p section xt7ht727d87p       $“;;;%bk _ O \\@\ @_ K@[@\\E\\\\@

· OF
Q; Knox coumry
E Book Nc. "O"
{ 1792-95
Q Prepared by
H The Tennessee_Historical Records Survey
Q Division of Community Service Programs
* Work Projects Administration
{ Nashville, Tennessee
{ The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
3*; mms 1941

 The Historical Records Survey Program Q
Sargent B. Child, National Director Q
Madison Bratton, State Supervisor {
, Research and Records Programs Q
Harvey E. Becknell, Director f
Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor
T. Marshall Jones, State Supervisor ·
Division of Community Service Programs R
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner I
Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor
Betty Hunt Luck, State Director
Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner
R. L. MacDougall, Regional Director
S. T. Pease, State Administrator
Sponsor: ........... Tennessee State Planning Com ission I
Cosponsors ........, Tennessee State Library
Knox County Quarterly Court ;

3 - 111 -
M Although the Historical Records Survey in Tennessee has as its
y chief purpose the preparation of guides to archival and other historical
Q materials, a part of the project*s program has been the transcription of
Q selected county records as a method of preservation and as a means of
F placing typewritten copies of source materials in libraries and research
g centers.
1 This undertaking on the part of the Survey represents a continuation
2 of a program instituted under another project, sponsored by the Tennessee
y, State Library, whose program and personnel were absorbed by the Survey in
Q October 1958. Records have been selected for transcription with a view
Q to their administrative importance, their significance as research
ij materials, and their physical condition. A poorly preserved record is,
% of course, selected over a well preserved record of similar content. In
L_ more recent months primary emphasis has been placed on the transcription
S of the minutes of the county courts, the governing bodies of Tennessee
'Q counties. The ribbon copies of the transcriptions are deposited in the
y} Tennessee State Library, at Nashville, with carbon copies being deposited
y‘ in the Library of the University of Tennessee, at Knoxville, and, in many
Q instances, in the courthouses of the concerned counties where they are
S] used for administrative purposes. The two libraries and the counties
4 receiving copies act as cosponsors of this operating unit of the project.
Q For the last year, carbon copies have also been placed in the Library of
§ Congress.
In the belief that certain transcriptions are of sufficient signifi-
A canoe as historical research materials to justify wider distribution, the
f Tennessee Survey is mimeographing, for distribution to the institutions
Q and agencies receiving other project publications, a limited number of such
E records. This volume is the first transcription of a Knox County Minute
{ Book to be mimeographed.
1 Knox County lies near the center of the Great Valley of East Tennessee.
1 lt was erected as a county of the Territory of the United States of
America South of the River Ohio on June 11, 1792, by Governor William
p Blount and Judges of the Territory and was organized on June 16. Knox-
M, ville, the present seat of government had been located by Governor Blount,
e and laid out by General James White the year previous to the creation of
F the county. The early history of Knox County and Knoxville is commingled
{ with the deeds and vision of a small group of men, including General
e White,Char1es McClung, Thomas Chapman, Robert Houston, and Archibald Roane.
$ Governor Blount made Knoxville the capital of the Territory in 1792.
Tennessee was admitted to the Union in 1796 and Knoxville remained the
1 State capital until 1815. The legislature met there for the last time in
E 1817 when the capital was shifted permanently to Middle Tennessee.

§ · iv —
P3 Preface
V The census of 1800 showed a population of 12,446, in Knox County,
; the largest in the State at that time; it has increased in nearly every
decade, until in 1940 it reached 178,929, although the ranking of the
rg county has dropped to fourth place. Knoxville has long been a center of
Q1 one of the leading industrial sections in East Tennessee and is the fourth
Q most populous city in the State.
i This volume covers a part of the long period in Tennessee history
é when the county court, composed of the justices of the peace, was known
F as the court of pleas and quarter sessions, and before successive legis-
ii lative acts stripped the court of its common law jurisdiction leaving in
E its place two almost distinct administrative agencies - one legislative
2 and the other judicial, with jurisdiction centering largely in matters
Q of probate. The Knox County court of pleas and quarter sessions, in the
Q year 1792, designated all of the county officials who were not appointed
Q} by the Governor of the Territory, appointed administrators, marked public
j roads, granted licenses to “ordinaries," levied taxes, heard civil actions
{ of great variety, and tried all persons committing offenses against the
lj peace and dignity of the State. It represented a decentralized govern-
Q ment; it was, with its inclusive functions and jurisdiction, an administra-
" tive agency in which were found most of the functions and authority which
i concerned a citizen with business to transact with the government
1} This volume is intended to be a verbatim transcription. There are
A numerous apparent errors, but the book was transcribed as it appears.
§ The copyists did not attempt, for example, to correct the clerk*s spelling,
y nor were other apparent inconsistencies investigated. It was inevitable
Qy that certain errors would result from the copyists' inability to read the
2T clerk*s scrawl; patient research and comparison would, perhaps, have justi-
Q? fied considerable revisions in the finished draft. The transcription is
Yi not, however, an editorial task. The bars drawn through sections of the
Q] text indicate that the words, in the original, are similarly marked or
i scratched out. The numbers, enclosed in parentheses, throughout the text,
pp indicate the beginning of numbered pages in the original minutes. The
LQ index numbers are to the pages of the original volume.
ik The Survey Project gratefully acknowledges the help and cooperation
of County Judge S. O. Houston, who has encouraged the Survey Project in
., many ways, County Court Clerk W. H. Hall, and Miss Mamie Winstcad, Records
t? Custodian.
g; The original book is in the custody of the county court clerk in
{ the Knox County courthouse at Knoxville. The transcription was made and
T typed in 1940 by employees of the Transcription Unit of The Tennessee
i Historical Records Survey. The typewritten transcription was made under
{ the general supervision of Penelope J. Allen and the immediate supervision
Q of Edith L. Pierce. Publication of this book was under the supervision
E of Mary Alice Burke. Stencils were out by Patsy R. Floyd, Bessie E. Binkley

; Preface
ig Arthur D. Knox, and Mabel LeCornu. A list of publications of the Tennessee
_ Historical Records Survey follows the index to this volume.
y Madison Bratton, State Supervisor
* The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
l Nashville
March 28, 1941

  1 .
  cormrr coun: Mmmm Book N0. "0"
iQ 1792 -- 1795
T By William Blount Governor in and over the Territory of the
‘: United States of America, South of the River Ohio.
Q An Ordinance for Circumscribing the Counties of Greene and Hawkins,
g- and laying out two new Counties.
, Be it ordained that from and after the fifteenth day of the pres-
Q ent month of June, the Counties of Greene, and Hawkins, shall be
2 circumscribed by a line, Beginning on Nolichuckey River, at the place
I where the Ridge which divides the waters of Bent and Lick Creek strikes
Q it, thence with that Ridge to Bull's Gap of Bays Mountain; thence a di-
3 rect line to the place where the road that leads from Dodson's ford to
g Perkin‘s Iron Works crosses the watry fork of Bent Creek, thence down
Q that road to the head of Panther Creek, down the Meanders of that Creek,
ii to the River Holstong thence a North West course to the River Clinch.
ii Again from.Nolichuckey River where the Ridge that divides the Waters of
{ Bent and Lick Creek strikes it; a direct course to Peter Fines Ferry on
§ French Broad, then South to the Ridge that divides the Waters of French
;_ Broad and Big Pigeon; and with that Ridge to the Eastern Boundary of the
in Territory.
i And be it ordained that two New Counties be laid out and estab-
; lished below the aforesaid line, that is to the Southward and Westward
* of it, to be distinguished from and after the said fifteenth day of
jr June Instant, by the name of Jefferson County, and Knox County. The
K County of Jefferson to be butted and bounded by the above described
I line from the Eastern boundary of the Territory to the River Holston,
E and down the River Holston to the mouth of Creswells Mill Creek, thence
P; a direct line to the mouth of Dumplin Creek on French Broad, thence up
Y2 the Meanders of French Broad to the mouth of Boyd's Creek, thence South
KQ twenty five degrees East to the Ridge which divides the waters of Little
li Pigeon and Boyd's Creek, and with the said Ridge to the Indian Boundary,
Q or the Eastern Boundary of the Territory as the Case may be, and by the
? Eastern Boundary. And Knox County to be butted and bounded by the line
— of Jefferson County from the mouth of Creswell*s Mill Creek to the Ind-
V ian Boundary, or Eastern Boundary of the Territory, as the case may be.
5 Again from the mouth of the said Creek up the meanders of the River
Q Holston to the Mouth of Panther Creek, thence North West to the River
{ Clinch, thence by the River Clinch to the place (Pg. 2) the line

‘ that shall cross Holston at the Ridge that divides the waters of Ten-
L nessee and Little River, according to the Treaty of Holston shall strike
Ta it and b that line.
{ _ 9
ii 4
{5 And be it Ordained that Charles McClung and James Mabry be appoint-
h ed Commissioners to run and mark the North West line, from the mouth of
? Panther Creek to the River Clinch, and the line from the mouth of Cres-
xi wells Mill Creek, to the mouth of Dumplin, and Alexander Outlaw and
“, Joseph Hamilton, that from Bull's Gap to the Watry fork of Bent Creek,
Q and from Nolichuckey River to Fines Ferry on French Broad, and the South
Y line to the dividing Ridge between French Broad and Big Pigeon.
Q And be it Ordained that Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions shall
{ be held in and for the said Counties, for the due Administration of Jus-
ig tice, for the County of Knox on the third Monday of January, April,
y July, and October, and for the County of Jefferson on the fourth Mondays
Q in the same Months, and may be continued by adjournments from day to
r day, not exceeding Six days.
l And be it ordained that the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
y shall be held for the County of Knox at Knoxville, and for the County of
t Jefferson at the House of Jeremiah Matthews.
V Q, Done at Knoxville, the llth day of June in the year of our Lord
i   17 92 .
¤~ 4
p Wm. Blount
y JULY loth 1792
Q Territory of the United States of America South of the River
g Ohio. Knox County.
it Be it remembered that at the house of John Stone in Knoxville and
t on the third Monda of Jul beins the Sixteenth day in the Year of our
if 9 L J 9
g Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety two A Commission from the
Q Governor of the Territory aforesaid, with his Seal thereto annexed, bear-
t ing date the Sixteenth day of June in the year aforesaid was produced, by
,2 which it appears that James White, John Sawyors, Hugh Beard, John Adair,
Qi George Mchutt, Jeremiah Jack, John Kearns, James Cozby, John Evans, Sam-
Q uel Newell, William Wallace, Thomas McCullough, William Hamilton, David
t¥ Craig and William Lowry are appointed Justices of the Peace in and fer
3 said County, And by the Certificate (Pg. 3) of David Campbell es-
? quire one of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Courts of
r Equity for the Territory aforesaid, bearing date the Sixteenth day cf
f` June One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety two it appears that the be-
5 fore names Justices of the Peace have been duly qualified to support the
E Constitution of the United States, and have also taken the Oath pre-
i scribed by Law for Justices of the Peace within this Territory.

g Whereupon James White, Samuel Newell, David Craig and Jeremiah
Q Jack esquires, Justices of the Peace named in the before mentioned
2 Commission appeared and took their Seats.
¥ Y
ip Charles McClung appeared and produced a Commission from the Govern-
tl or of the Territory aforesaid, with his Seal thereto annexed bearing the
"_ date the Sixteenth day of June 1792 by which it appears that he is ap-
Q pointed Clerk of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the
{ County of Knox, And by the Certificate of David Campbell esquiro one
k of the Judges of the Superior Court of Law and Equity for the Territory
g aforesaid, bearing date the léth day of June l792, it appears that the
{ said Charles McClung hath been duly qualified to support the Constitu-
L tion of the United States, and had also taken the Oath of Office, Who
it entered into bond in the sum of Two thousand five hundred Dollars to
t William Blount Governor, together with James Cozby, John Adair and
3 James White, his Securities, with condition for the faithful discharge
T of the duties of his Office.
Q Robert Houston produced a Commission from the Governor of the
§ Territory aforesaid, with his Seal thereto annexed, appointing him
j Sheriff of the County of Knox, And by the Certificate of David Campbell
i esquire, one of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity for
Q the Territory aforesaid bearing date the twenty fifth day of June l792
to it appears that the said Robert Houston hath been duly qualified to Sup-
éé port the Constitution of the United States and had also taken the Oath
tf of Office, Who entered into Bond in the Sum of Twelve thousand five
t hundred dollars, to William Blount Governor, together with John Chisolm,
E James White, Jeremiah Jack, James Cozby and Robert Armstrong his Securi-
Q ties, with condition for the faithful discharge of the duties of his
§ Office.
  (Ps- 4)
to _ William Meek, James Anderson, Benjamin Pride, James Gealy, James
y Neely, John Liddey, Joseph Hart, George Caldwell, William Gray and James
tr Blair, appeared in Court and severally produced Commissions from the
—, Governor of the Territory aforesaid by which it appears that they are
pf severally appointed Constable for Knox County, and severally entered in-
tQ to and acknowledged their bond, William Meek with Jeremiah Jack and James
EY White his Securities, James Anderson, with Jeremiah Jack and Thomas Wray
we his Securities, Benjamin Pride with David Cowan and John Burk his Secur-
Q ities, James Gealey with John Adair and George McNutt his Securities,
t James Neely with John Evans and James Mitchell his Securities, John
t‘ Liddey with John Hart and Alexander Cunningham his securities, Joseph
j Hart with William Hamilton and Micajah Carter his Securities, George
§ Caldwell with William Wallace and William Lowry his Securities, William
e Gray with William Wallace and William Lowry his Securities and James
§ Blair with Alexander Bogle and Joseph Bogle his Securities, to William
ii Blount Governor, in the Sum of Six hundred and twenty five dollars, with
` condition for the faithful discharge of the duties of their Office.

t_ Luke Bowyer, Alexander Outlaw, Joseph Hamilton, Archibald Roane,
Q Hopkins Lacey, John Rhea and James Reece esquires appeared in
di Court, and severally took the Oath prescribed by Law for Attorneys,
Til they are therefore admitted.
1 I
tf Alexander Caveatt appeared in Court and made Oath that Susannah
jy Caveatt departed this life the 29th day of April 1792
Q Court adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 O‘clock
It TUESDAY 17th JULY 1792
i Tuesday morning 17th July 1792 Court met according to adjournment
y present James White, Samuel Newell and David Craig esquires Justices &
i Thomas Chapman appeared, and produced a Commission from the Govern-
1 or of the Territory aforesaid, by which it appears that he is appointed
E Register of Knox County, And by the Certificate of David Campbell es-
2 quire, one of the Judges of the Superior Court of Law and Equity for the
; Territory aforesaid, it appears that the (Pg. 5) said Thomas Chapman has
g taken an Oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and also
€ an Oath of Office who together with George Hchutt and Jeremiah Jack his
H Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond to William Blount
~j Governor, in the sum of Twelve Thousand five hundred Dollars with condi-
Q tion for the faithful discharge of the duties of his Office.
1 John Rhea esquire appeared and produced a Commission from the
€y Governor of the Territory aforesaid, by which it appears that he is ap-
g pointed Solicitor for Knox County, he is therefore admitted.
3 Rhea ‘ WILLIAM EURDEN ....... Plaintiff )
  *2 · >
Q. J. H. ‘ vs ) Appeal
i 1 · >
QQ WILLIAM CAVENAUH ...... Defendant )
pg This day came the parties by their Attorneys, and thereupon came
p@ a Jury, to wit, John Coulter, William Rhea, Joseph Black, William
§{§ Trimble, Samuel Doak, Moses Justice, Andrew Bogle, Samuel Bogle, Robert
1* Gamble, Joseph Weldon, John Mclntire and Pearson Brock who being elect-
it ed tryed and Sworn, well and truly to try the matter of controversy
Q between the parties, upon their Oath do say the fine for the Defendant,
{ It is therefore considered by the Court that the Plaintiff take nothing
A by his plaint aforesaid, but for his false clamour be in mercy, and the
· said Defendant go thereof without day, and recover against the said
Q Plaintiff his costs by him about his defence in this behalf expended.

 t WEDNESDAY 18th JULY 1792
-t ~ Wednesday morning l8th July l792. Court met according to ad-
‘_`=, _ journment, Present James White, Samuel Newell and David Craig esquires
—{ Justices & C. ‘
y -; Q;
jg Daniel McDonald produced a Commission from the Governor by which it
hg appears he is appointed a Constable for the County of Knox, who entered
Pg into bond together with William Roberts and James Gealey his Securities,
Q to William Blount Governor, in the sum of Six hundred and twenty five
¥‘ dollars with condition for the faithful discharge of the duties of his
“ Office, who hath been sworn as the Law directs.
I (Pg. 6)
J. H. ' JAM S W. LAGKEY Asso. ..... Plaintiff )
1 • ) In
( 4 · vs > oem
q >
y \’{ILLIAM coLL1~;c·2noa ) )
' > )
and } .... Defendants )
E; This day came the Plaintiff by his Attorney and filed his Declara-
V‘ tion, and Michael Neinan one of the Defendants having been arrested and
xg not appearing though Solemnly called, on motion of the Plaintiff by his
t Attorney, it is ordered that Judgment by default be entered against
him. And the Sheriff having returned that William Collector is not to
A be found within his County, on motion of the Plaintiff by his Attorney
f an Alias Capias is awarded him to Jefferson County against the said
i William Collector, returnable here at next Court.
é Rhea ‘ ANNANIAS McCOY ..... ..... Plaintiff )
i 2 · )
t A. R. ‘ vs ) in Case
j 48 ' ’ )
, ' JOHN COWAN ... ....... Defendant )
pt This day came the Plaintiff by John Rhea esquire his Attorney
,~,_ , and the Sheriff having returned that the Defendant is not to be found
iT. in his County, on motion of the Plaintiff by his Attorney an Alias Capias
E is awarded him against the Defendant, returnable here at the next Court.
t SOLOMON McCAMPEELL .. ....... . Plaintiff )
T Q_ vs ) ln Case
A 2 )
d RUSSELL BEAN ... .... ... Defendant )
Q This day came the Plaintiff in his proper person, and dismissed his
suit. ·

 Qi 6
i' A. R. ‘ SAMUEL THOMPSON ......... . Plaintiff )
I 4 • . >
L. B. ' vs ) In Case
_ J.   * )
gg 26 ‘ DAVID LINSEY . ......... Defendant )
gg This day came the parties by their Attorneys, and filed the Decla-
hl ration, Plea & Replication, and Issue being Joined, the trial thereof is
ly referred until next Court.
S A. R. ‘ SAMUEL THOM SON .......... Plaintiff )
5 ' )
L. B. ‘ vs ) In Case
J. H. ‘ )
227 ‘ DAVID LINSEY . . . . . . . . . . De fendant )
This day came the parties by their Attorneys, and filed the Decla-
ration and Plea and Issue being Joined, the trial thereof is referred
until next Court,
(Pg. 7) ' SOLOMON MARKS . ......... Plaintiff . )
» )
‘ D. A. ‘ vs ) In Case
6 ' )
i Rhea ‘ WILLIAM ROSEBERRY ........ Defendant )
  A. O. ‘
  28 ’ ,
.   ‘
This day came the Plaintiff by David Allison his Attorney and filed
, his Declaration, and the cause is continued until next Court.
3 JAMES WHITE .......... Plaintiff )
? 7 )
g 3 vs ) In Covenant
E )
* JOHN CARTER .......... Defendant )
y The Plaintiff not farther prosecuting, on motion of the Defendant,
{ it is ordered that this Suit be discontinued, and that the Defendant do
n_ recover against the Plaintiff his costs by him about his defence in this
YP behalf expended.
i Rhea ' JONATHAN CUNNINGHAM . ...... Plaintiff )
  *1 · >
g J. H. ' vs ) Appeal.
@ 5 · >
j ' DAVID LINSEY ....... Defendant )
t This day came the parties by their Attorneys, and the tryal of the
cause is continued until next Court.
Court adjourned untill Court in Course.

§ MONDAY 22nd OCTOBER 1792 7
Q At a Court of pleas and Quarter Sessions Began and held for the
fg County of Knox at Knoxville on the third Monday of October, l792.
7E? present Jeremiah Jack, John Kearnes, William Lowry, John
i;_ r‘·; Adair, George McNutt, James Cozby and James White esquires, Justices
my of the Peace & C.
Q Ephraim Dunlap appeared in open Court, and took the Oath prescribed
:‘ by Law for Attorneys he is therefore admitted.
The following persons were elected a Grand inquest for the Body of
this County to Wit; James Houston foreman, John Hackett, William Lea,
Q George Preston, James Robertson, Alexander Caldwell, John Mchean, Samuel
' Dcak, Moses Brooks, William Walker, Alexander Campbell, Charles Diveny,
7 Thomas Reardan, William Gillespie, and William Stockton, who have been
Sworn, received their charge, and withdrew to enquire of their present-
3 ments.
Ordered that Thomas Brown be fined five Shillings, for contempt to
A this Court, which is paid into Office. __
i Court adjourned until tomorrow lO O'clock.
  (Pg. 8)
?; TUESDAY 23rd OCTOBER 1792
{ Tuesday Morning 23rd October' 1792 Court met according to ad-
` journment Present Jeremiah Jack, William Lowry, and John Adair
§ esquires, Justices of the Peace & C.
Q Samuel Acklin who is charged by Rebecca Cusick of this County,
A? Single Woman, with being the Father of her Bastard Child, and Stands
{ bound to appear here and abide by and perform the orderof this Court,
p concerning the Same, appeared; and thereupon it is adjudged that the Said
S Samuel Acklin, find Security to discharge and Save harmless the Overseers
y of the Poor, and Inhabitants of this County from all costs charges and
A2 trouble whatsoever by reason of the birth, maintenance of, and bringing
E, up of the Said child, and of and from all Suits charges and demands what-
f’ soever. Whereupon the Said Samuel Acklin with Samuel Newell his Security
[it came into Court and acknowledged themselves to be jointly and Severally
in indebted to the Justices of this County and their Successors in Office in
if the Sum of Three hundred dollars; Yet upon this condition that if the
E Said Samuel Acklin, Shall observe and perform the above order of this
{ Court against him, the Same Shall be void.
é The Obligation of Elizabeth Hauk, Adam Hank, and Samuel McGaughey,
1 in the Penalty of One hundred Pounds; conditioned that the Said Eliza-
7 beth Hauk, Supports, and nmintains a Bastard Child, which She has been
s charged with being the Mother of, free from any expence or charge to
this County, was produced to Court and ordered to be filed.

ii Rhea z JONATHAN CUNNINGHAM ......, Plaintiff ) ·
i? 7 = )
’ J. TIT ¤ vs } Appeal
[ 5 : )
dg This day came the parties by their Attorneys, and thereupon
f§ came a Jury, to Wit, James Brock, Samuel Henderson, Paul Cunningham,
li Samuel Bowman, Joseph Nance, Jonathan Douglass, James Anderson,
pf Henry Sterling, Daniel Carmichael, Samuel Sterling, John Walker,
g John Wallace, and Major Lea; who being elected, tryed, and Sworn,
{ well and truly, to try the matter of controversy between the parties,
upon their oath to Say, they find for the Plaintiff his Debt of
f two Pounds, eight Shillings and Costs, Therefore it is considered
by the Court, that the Plaintiff do recover against the Defendant
his Debt aforesaid together with his costs by him about his Suit
in this behalf expended & the Said Defendant in Mercy & C.
i (PS- 9)
Q `William Roberts appeared, produced a Commission by which
Q it appears, he is appointed a Ranger for this County, who took the
i Oath of Office.
E Wednesday Morning 24th October 1792. Court met according
to adjournment, present James White, George McNutt, and James
’ Cozby esquires Justices of the Peace & C,
i J. H. l : JAMES W. LACKEY ASSEE ..... Plaintiff )
? 4 : )
  ¤ vs ) Debt.
5 g )
T MICHAEL NEINAN ..... Defendants )
. yl This day came the Plaintiff by his attorney; and the Sheriff
P. having returned that William Collector is not to be found within
E his County on motion of the Plaintiff by his attorney a Pluries
iii Capias is awarded him returnable here next Court. Whereupon
lx the Defendant Michael Neinan in his proper person comes into
{ Court, and agrees to pay the costs of this suit and upon this the
Q Said Plaintiff prays Judgment for his costs and charges about his
Q Suit by him in this behalf expended to be adjudged to him. There·
j fore it is considered by the court that the Plaintiff do recover
Q against the Said Michael Neinan his costs by him about his Suit in
_ this behalf expended; and the Said Defendant in Mercy & C. And the
I Said Plaintiff not farther prosecuting; it is Ordered that this
: Suit be Dismissed.

 { qi,
* A
i” Rhea 2. : ANNANIAS McCOY ....... Plaintiff )
  A. R. ¤ )
L 48 : vs ) In Case
A; : )
  2     • • • • • • • D€f€Ild8.Il`t )
ii; This day came the Plaintiff by his Attorney, and the Sheriff
fi having returned that the Defendant is not to be found in his County,
A? a Judicial attachment is awarded him, returnable here at the next
A Court.
2 A. R. 4 : SAMUEL THOMPSON ... .... . Plaintiff )
L• B• { )
A J. H. z vs ) In Case.
26 z . . )
: DAVID LINDSEY ........ Defendant )
This day came the parties by their attorneys, and by their
Mutual consent, and with the assent of the Court the tryal of the
Issue is referred until next Court.
V A. R. 5 : SAMUEL THOMPSON ....... Plaintiff )
  L• B• 2 )
j J. H. g vs ) In Case.
§ 27 : )
E : DAVID LINSEY ....... Defendant )
g This day came the parties by their Attornies and on Affidavit
5 of the Plaintiff the tryal of the issue is referred until next Court.
A (Pg• IO)
D. A. 6 ) SOLOMON MARKS ....... Plaintiff )
EF ) )
I Rhea ) VS ) In Case.
E A- O• ) )
i WILLIAM ROSEBERRY ...... Defendant )
Q This day came the parties by their Attornies and the Defendant
~ filed his plea and on Motion, liberty is given the parties to amend
C_ the declaration and plea.
iq A. R. 8 : JOHN WALLACE ....... Plaintiff )
 L "'29 "" ¤ )
;· : vs ) In Case.
S = )
      •••• ••• D€f8I1d8.Ilt )
g This day came the Plaintiff by his Attorney and filed his
Q declaration, and the Defendant having been arrested, and not appearing,
j though Solemnly called on motion of the Plaintiff by his attorney.
It is ordered that Judgment be entered for the Plaintiff against
the Said Defendant, for what Damages the Plaintiff hath Sustained,

 V i
Q 10
Q by occasion of the Defendants breach of the Promise in the declaration
ii mentioned. Which damages are to be enquired of by a Jury at the
fi next Court.
Q',   9 :       I O O O O O O   g
V7 EF- :
3f g vs ) In Case.
F = >
  2     • • • • • • • Defendant )
A The Plaintiff not farther prosecuting, on motion of the
5 Defendant it is ordered that this Suit be discontinued, and that the
, Defendant do recover against the Plaintiff his costs by him about
his defence in this behalf expended.
» Rhea l0 s JAMES ANDERSON ....... Plaintiff )
JO Ha = )
49 : vs ) In Case
Q : )
      • • • • • • • DGf€IldD.Il`b )
i This day came the parties by their Attornies and filed the
E Declaration & plea, and Issue being joined the tryal thereof is
g referred until next Court.
  RIIGD.   Z     • • • • • • 9   )
  7 * _ )
Y : vs ) In Case.
= )
2     •••••••• Defendant )
The Plaintiff not farther prosecuting, on motion of the De-
fendant, it is ordered that this Suit be discontinued, and that the
L Defendant do recover against the Plaintiff his costs by him
5 about his defence in this behalf expended,
Q (Pg. 11)
it Rhea 12 : JOHN LOWRY ••••... Plaintiff )
ple 8 : _ )
It J, H, : vs ) In Covn't.
  = )
L` x ROBERT BLACKBURN . . . . . . • Defendant )
3 This day came the Defendant by his Attorney, and the Plaintiff
Y though Solemnly called, came not but made default, nor is his Suit
§ further prosecuted, Therefore on the prayer of the Said Defendant,
7 It is considered by the Court, that he recover against the Plaintiff
his costs by him about his defence in this behalf expended.

 if 11
2 A, O. z SAMUEL STERLING ••••••• Plaintiff )
E, 15 : )
nig G7 : vs ) In Case
    Lq B• S ) WOI°d.S
  E • D; I     )• • • • • • D9f@nd9·n`bS )
' This day came the parties by their attornies and the Plaintiff
having filed his declaration, the Defendant filed his Pleas and the
issues being joined the Tryal thereof is referred until next Court.
14 2     • • • • • • •   )
9 : )
Z VS ) T • V• At
n = )
{     •• ••••• DBf8I1d9.1’}.l'J )
I The Plaintiff not farther prosecuting, on motion of the
_ Defendant, it is ordered, that this Suit be discontinued, and that
I the Defendant do recover against the Plaintiff his costs by him
Q, about his defence in this behalf expended.
_; 12 HUGH PEARCE ....... Plaintiff ) In Case
E 10 s )
Q : vs g
V 2     •.•.• • • • • D6f€I1dB.Il`tJ )
The Plaintiff not farther prosecuting, on motion of the De-
fendant, it is ordered, that this Suit be discontinued, and that
the Defendant do recover against the Plaintiff his costs by him
about his defence in this behalf expended.
W l§_ : PRUDENCE CHISUM ....... Plaintiff )
3 ll ¤ )
E : vs ) A B
  ; DAVID WALKER • • • • • • • D6fG1’ldB1'1‘b g
· Ig The Plaintiff not farther prosecuting, on motion of the
by Defendant, it is ordered, that this suit be discontinued and that
g the Defendant do recover against the Plaintiff his costs by him
3 about his defence in this behalf expended.
< (Pg. 12)
ll : JOHN WALKER .••·•••Pl&i¤tiff )
l2 g )
: vs ) In Case.
= )
V S     ••••••D9f€I1dBI'l'b )

f l2
A The Plaintiff not farther prosecuting, on motion of the
Q Defendant, it is ordered, that this Suit be discontinued and that
A the Defendant do recover against the Plaintiff his costs by him
· ,3 about his defence in this behalf expended.
Il Aff A. O. l§_ 1 JAMES MCEIWEE ....... Plaintiff )
" an F   3 )
'· g Rhea : vs ) In Covn't.
g L• B• 3