xt7ht727d85h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727d85h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-01-12 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 17, January 12, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 17, January 12, 1911 1911 1911-01-12 2015 true xt7ht727d85h section xt7ht727d85h  
V {
% Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., JANUARY 12, 1911 No. 17
l _     Ifniverslty. Olives Salted Nuts lin itetl study of pedagttgy ttntl t.syt.h· I-
—- . . ‘ Radishes cw, there is &l)·SO!l1[`}.\' no tloutt but
WELCOMED WITH BAN¤UET AT Th wa. Blg Ana". Mock Turtle, Old Sherrv that the straight five-day course should
HOTEL- e banquet was a big affair and C tl t { Sl S B '_ I _ on d_ _h d ’ h I
) -— *·;g?*·€ gptéchts yr me ·-¤·t*~¤m¤¤· “ ° i...§it......iiE..   §i.§°2. “l1§..t‘“.§..i§i§.‘f°‘?t.i`.T"’.??..‘;?§;
New Head of the State University Ig :1); 2::1 f§;u;;`st!_;a:a;:Ega5$•n;;€§:g; St, Julien 5¤:.r of cflege, or ttniterslty work,
I Tendercd a Hearty Reception onion, and pleailed for the furthering Broiled Birds with Peas ‘.\'·•howt :i Iccmplitwel tsvchol ·::ic;t·
Lexington. of the best interests of both. Terrapin Baltimore tn (`as—s or pedagogical discus-s‘ tn, it is el fli-
` --—- Governor Willson and ML Jones University Punuh cient to say that the fewer studies tthe
bcores of the best citizens of Lex- both of Whom it was thought would Roast; Turkey Cranberries developing mind has to contend with _
l ' ingtctn and tthte Blue Gra.ss,and several not be able to come to Lexington Browued Potatoes ihe better they will the tmastered.
distinguished vitisttors from other fortunately were present at the ban; Moot and Chandon The purpose of education ought to be
States and other parts of Kentucky, ' Very Dry to master the subjects smiled. Notice
. . , quent and delivered atddretstses. The _
{ Joined last 'lhursday night in right roy- Stated Chief Exemmved paid in most • Endive Chittonatie for at moment the st¤ttrlw¤ai21l cutrl-
  ally welcoming as a citizen to Lexing- . _ Diplomatic G‘zt·:¤ culnm. The =·ndent ll1,3 :1 rtwttation
. glowing teims the highest compliments _ _ _ _
- to Judge Barker, who was formally Fancy Cakes " in at certain stthiect on Pot stlay. and
_ Q   ··-·· —··*¤~~·-t*»*·· -·V‘     e welcomed as a citizen of Lexington Cigars Coffee Uxjwtms trlienftgc Tlblcit 1; md \?§Hs_m'Hl
Q t       ei.} tlsiftestdont of Kentucky see TH-—-·•~····E QANDWITCHED., {hg p§O;;§Sg§i ,,}§fS§i. ..m`h_.‘Q‘,§‘§g,?,3
. . -- n vers y. ’ · · ‘ `
{ _   . _ · r study this subject during the interim.
Q     . ·   _, e » P¤`°¤ld°¤t B¤¤`k¢¤‘ R¢¤P0¤d¤ CURBEELUM hut lihere they seem to lose sight of
"   ` e__oe,;. ·  ·· ‘·    ''`‘`‘ t ` "‘“ ;.5,;___ ` `- In ¥`6SP0¤S€· P¤'€‘Sid€¤·t Barker Paid $h°¤|d Have 3 $t*¤\l¤i¤g Wes ideal- "t>¤·sS" from certain texts- SG swat hotter roontts can be obtained from
V _    ; ;;g;g; aQ2 ‘; hhlh     _; .   It was upttmng and harmonious and has been the spread of this new con- the Straight {-ive-day course.
‘ "‘¥**-         if it proves permanent. will do more oeptlon or progress, that it hoe tn- ______,,......___.
  V;  " "“ i   than might be imagined to hurry for- vaded not only our university and col- NEW COACH ARRIVES
- ~ _.d   `tt.   ward the advancement of the best lege onrrionln, but it has even in-
 :‘*& ;;.;:_  * ¥%¥;: ;§g_‘ _ __QIE?*”'   ».ht   things in Lexington and Kentucky. vuded the secondary schools, and now immediately Takes Active Charge _
  ,_._     QS` Receives Hearty wetcm has its hateful ste med ¤=··>¤ the M let We hm Secured =¤ seed COM
"``‘     .....   _   it ts evident that president Barker S¤‘¤m¤l¤¤‘ S°·¤¤t>ls wth P- l<>¤gl¤¤ désus fer Basket Ball. Last Tuesday even-
 eh  "¥;;gg_g__     t is to receive hearty Support from Lex_ to include them in its fellaciors mast-. ing Coach Iddings arrived and took
  y:    . A t _. ington people in his new duties and it Just what it will do when tt. has taken charge of the squad of about thirty-
    ·- _ on . is the belief of the oooolo that he wm possession o' t·he grttmmet school is five men. from which he hopes to
        in every particular be worthy of it question- “v“' it “'“"f‘ for YHOYG develop n good representative team.
  sti. ll~.; e item- Support. The mgmt belief <*¤·¤‘¤‘*¤¤*¤ t¤ <‘<>¤¤¤s¤‘· M “*‘* ·t ttm lu l·l·ll¤¤=s lttltttsslf Mtls ¤¤ i¤tt<>·
  _d,_ I -_,_  ·=;   _*. is Uhm there is an awakening along eagerly pounco upon the nnsns_»e~·in2 duction in ttthletc circles. He comes
lines Yvhere it is nlost needed and ki1ld€1`K3·¤‘t0n Hull thus €·1·‘·‘»’·!i1l’ the here, having played halt-buck on the
HENRY S_ BARKER ohm it wm be followed by the right l`(nl‘lld3Ti0Il for st modern 1\v:1tle’h cen- I'niversity of Chicaeo foot ball team
kind of aotivmosl tnry education? in ‘otl, ’oT, ’t`•S, they ltttvinyz won the
ton at new President tot- Kentucky The tmestlon Of['{‘l(‘S[1Hi*Vl.‘:l··‘l ctn Western championship the last two
Stew Urtiversitr. anu in his t·est¤>nse Th" ‘“`°“"“‘“ was as f°“°“'S° rtenitnn is not one to be tto·ttt=;.· nz-tss~~d t·t»;n·o. tt.- tnntto his tt-nck letter in
to the welcome the new Presidentt and T0¤$tm¤St"¥"‘M"· K‘¥"`· ..ver_ for it must bq decided now wht·th- ‘os_ ‘otl und ‘oT, and played basket ball
°iUZ€¤· ·N\th¤‘<‘ U911l`>' S- U1l»¤`k<‘¤`. ‘6·€· TM C"“‘mO“w€al‘h_’rh*` G°V°mm" er the public wishw it brwzui sli:tl‘ow iu ’o5, l\lr, ldtlings established the
knowletl·t:ct$ that he felt entirely nt. The C°m“l0“"'°*‘m"S V"i"""S“Y: ednention, one which ds very pretctt record of ti ftel N inches. pole vault-
}`·*"*’*‘~ F“S't""’“"'th"*` "f the G"“i“S wl Ohm" tions in its own con‘·~it. or whether in: tindoorl while at the Ilnivctsity
i\m0ll§¥J the sneakers who lluid *‘°t*"' of K"~‘“t“°k*"I"`€$i‘i€“t U‘“`k""· it wishes tt nztrrower. b·:· ·le~p·r edn- of (`lticago, l-le has coached the Miami
U`“"‘t<‘ W U18 NW9 jurist und 11·<>W Uni- 'mw City Of l"°xi“g`t°“: Gunrdiim cation? It has been the ttrvileue of foot hnll tennis through two success-
versity »b·ead_ were Governor Augustus Mid 'l`*`“S*°*` of the <‘<>¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤~—‘<·¤ltl¤’¤ the writer to have seen tlze strttitzltt ful sonsons, and the Athletic (`ennnit-
IC. Willson, President l·]meritt1s.Iatncs UillV•‘l`SiYY"‘P¥`€‘Sid*`“Jt E‘“‘°"it“*‘ PM" {lv.—..lnv course in .ipct·;ttio»t as Well ten cnn congratlllate themselves 011
Kennett) PZl~tlt’l`SOll and the ttmstmas- t€’¥'F‘*m- gt: the progont one rtrd it is his hunt- their oholce of the man who is to hvlll
ter, Mr. (`httries Kerr. Two Philadel- (`lvic llrotherly Love: A '\‘l>ul‘tlu<‘ut ble opinion that the pt·e=·~nt ene is not State win athletic laurels. lie has
p-hia visitors, who belong to Lexington of Edncatlon——l\lr. Jones. st or--~rtt an iniprove···¤nt over the tot'- nn the men workin: hard and is fust
in an intlustrittl way. Messrs. J. Lev- Menu |t*cr_ as it ls tltotexht to *>e bv route. t`t»rming friends ln the I'nivcrsi*>’. lie
erlng Jones und Percy (`huntdler, ex- Canape Ivanhoe nr (~0m·sr._ the gttttletti does tnort wm nlgo tnlro cltitrge of tt·nt·k ;tthletics
prrssetl ll4‘2il°tl(‘Sl Wishes for the great (‘n|• Code Oysters $_[°)1Q(‘tS_ but how does ue ·|o lll(‘lll? in the gttritte; The ltiett \\‘t·lt‘olnt’S
future 1`or Lexington and the State Colory Martin? 1*.; any ont- who has nazle even a tnntrtn ltltliugs to the Vniversitv of
’ T

 2 T H E ID E A
` Aak Your Grocer for- Kentucky and assures him he has the HAGERMAN NOTES.
.` good will ami ooeperaition ot` every Miss Farris Feliand, of Slharpsburg,
    s-tudent of "(lld State" in whatever a.rrive·d last week to eniter school here .
D0n’t Forget Hoe Cake Meal branch °f Bthmlcs M °°‘a°h°s· Miss Myrtle Zimmerman, who has
M“d° Br LYCEU READY been mw guwt of MMS Vmmma Hughes
` , f Columbia Kv., has returned to ’
Lexington R¤u•¤· Mills 00. 0 n I ‘ ‘
...- ——— ,.._............-- The tickets for the Lyceum Course Sc   M I T ,1 f Id h §
of the University of Kentucky have hr' and lm' " M Ox" O Va' O' '  
|\/I A R C |··| lm Tram- Am me *·**m<* “"‘§§`G.‘“° i}‘°?‘S.°§ “"§"‘{r"`"°""’2..‘°’°" °.';2E“i£.3" ”5i?.E‘.lii°
and severuty-five have &.ll‘9Hfl}' b€’€‘¤ ml J. iblmltl ,0 mms, A NBS- · A   i
GOOD FURNITURE, sold. ana there are excellenit prospects Sd vthe Sttldemg in Cham] lam Thurs` TIN Nw? R |  
for selling at least. a hundred more. ab momma Notch  
cu-pets, wal] paper and gwv“_ Professor Spahr, the energetio promo. Miss hiatlys Bryon who spent Christ- m_"°r“_ Chmn Pubody & Conmum .
ter. requests all of those- who have not mas at he" h0m€ in AShl·m"d» ¤·¤·t»¤r¤¤d  
yet received their tickets to go to t.he te $@00] M0lld’aY· J
A- K- ADGOCK Regis-trar`s Ofllce, where they may be Miss Virginia Smith has recovered
CIGARS and TOBACCO obtained. from hier recent illness, ‘
L to . . · - - Kentucky
exmg n V Q
3 Sv IH Sv ‘ l G' e ¤ t'
"The Tailor That Satisies" THE LEADING I
STEAM and DRY CLE G' Addie L. Dcan the arrival of Judige and Mrs. Hem-ry i
159 south Limestone Misses Kaye Alves and Puss Red- Barker. Who will tor the present, m,g_k€ Exclusivc
_ _ ._ man of Henderson., have disconitincued the hall their home. J
their work at tihie University. They Mists Louise Haiynesa, ’08, of Hong.     l
UNIVERSITY LUNCH SATAND will be missed in the social life 0f YOU Texas has been the guest or her Y
First giugislkgggh an the College, Slstél', Miss Grace Haynes, tor several IN HIGH GLASS
We are glad to see that Dr. F. E. days.
AT ALL HOURS Tuttle has reooveredi from a. serious In connection Writih the Y_ W C A I OUTER GARMENTS AND
A- B- BARRETT illness of several momiths, and is able wgyk of the Unjvemdw two Bible study MILI•INERY·
Cer- S- Lime and Colfax Sm- to resume his duties in Uhc Ch€¤1i¤'¤'Y classes are to begini, and work tihde `
  Department of the University. week uudm. the dimcwon of Miss Edith FOR
EVERYTHING FOR TEE Miss Hattie Nolmnd spent Friday S.u,,,,,,S_ The meetings Wm be Mm
KODAK! evening with Miss Frances Hughes. at ,;:30 Ofclock on Tuesdays and W€_d_      
her W°l`k at t 9 Fe VW Y· ° €" ”· Study which is mu-ch needed among Full Line Now OD Display l
Lexington Photo Supply Go temps abggncg cou
' J- age folk, i
' I
O"], Kirby 8 Ten Cent st°r° MHS Mary K- Venable S·l><*¤¢ S’¤¤· Mr, Robert Acker a grwdllwié Uf Kem   &¢ O A ‘
  day at (ht? home of MBS Elizabeth Lucky Univgngity in ’()7, and who is re, • .
i Waddy- turning from California has been visit '
O. · · · · · Mia.111 Street East.
Am M   Among the new girls at Patitlenson im; ill LGXUISYUOH SBVBYHI d3yS*. ‘
ICE CREAM PARLOR H·¤-lll are Miss name Heagh, Smith’s Prot. Alexander st. Clair Miaokenzi., .-.---——.—-—-—- i
AND LUNCH STAND Grove, amd Misses Anabel Acker, Pa- entertained the English Department at
_ __ dnoah, and Grace Haynes, Aurora, Ind. a dinner alt the Phoneix Hotel Siaitsur-
Scmth Lune and “ meow Str°°t° Dean Arma J. Hamilton entertained day evening. This giwtih·erin.g of oon-   *
' her class in Forensic Speaikinig with a EPDM! S•Dil"iLS WGS one 0f the most ’ _ .
J. J. FITZGERALD lhéwter partv 'llh·urs·d¤ay evening, "The enjoyable affairs in university oiroles.   M  S   2
R·a·eh.elor’s Babv" offered manv points The dinner is thie first of the series =
PLUMBING of . ‘ ‘ . i i
_ interest to those present as it is to be given by Prof. Mackenzie during FALL LINES _
Steam wd Water Heetmz a play acted by its author, Francis the Winter. OF /
269 W. Short, - - Lexington, Ky. \`Vilsorn. and is instructive as well as The Y. W. C. A. of State University FURNISHING G00DS» ’ ·
  amusing. The members of this de- received invitaitions to ·a reoeption HATS wd J
KINKEAD COAL COMPANY giEY·f\l]T(;E;;S are §\lis;es Jess Plibleir, givien at Trans-ylvaniia Ilniversity Sat. SHO§gw IN
. sarn ,. am, o orenig, .esis e ur ay even. ng. ·
(HUGE ““d YARD- Milton, Jones, Barrett snnni, Minerva An informal ohanng dish panty was J. & M. and Florsheim Shoes i
N0. 157 N. BI'0B.dW8.y. Collins and Addie Lee Dean. given in the Kappa Bela room at Pat- St»0lCS’()1'1 Hats. l
RAILRGAI) YARD..g_ g_ Freight Dc, Miss Lillian Terry Ferguson who terson Hall. Monday evening, in honor
pot S. Bmadwav and Christy Sts had the misfortune to break her arm ot Mr. Robert Acker and Miss Louise  
’ ' during the holidays, is as yet unable Haynes. The evening was spent very 140 West Mhill St.
' to resume her duties. rleiigiitrtuilv. musie being furnisihieil by  
1 y .   .•,. Postals have been received at the Miss Elizabeth Byers and the Q. 'I`. O.
    I'n'iv"rSity n]]n|li]n('i]]g the {{]`f‘i\’a,l Of      
·QHANGE’S GANDY KITCIEEN (`oaeh Sweetland ai Madison, \\'is_ Dean Hamilton continued her series R Shipmcntof
119 S0 th U St \\'e were giail to hear that the llra· of talks on oonduot as a fine art Sun-
L _ t u ppcr ' llliill(' (`lub is planning to give a play day evening. ller subject. was tlhie WH[TMAN’S
exmg 0u* ‘ ` ' '° K¢¤¤¤¤kY   'ilp·‘nt,gii· future and wish its mein- "'l`;Y\¤;* |‘Y};¥ll‘£l'l" lll S‘El"] 'l("";]“¥‘;“""" The Best Chocolates and
>’.'S Lf `• li H\l(' ' *8. .lll liv ill` '(*Y` WHS .l(‘ XIIIPS 0 ODOT ` _ _ ` . x
M B h l·Zx-l’resi·i¤·nl James l{. l’atterso~n at a. banquet giveen bv the (`()llllll(’l`('l2l] h ('ontutlonb Mad"
° °   gave an interes*ing talk alt our tirst (‘inb Tuesxlav, January 3rd~ and also
chapel gathering, on the \\'orlil l’eac·~ was the honored guest at a banquet       I
B t. Movement showng tile influence of given TllllI'S<(lZi)’ by the people of Lex- Pll8I‘lIl8.ClStS  
Pu   men of wealth in bringing about uni- ington. Following Judge Bai·ke·r’s din- . .
V , N. W. Cor. Mum and Lime.
versal eonoord. ner talks one of the woman s organiza- Both Phan 123
205 M°"i°k L°dK° B“u‘m**:— l’att,erson Hall is eagerly awaiting tions ofthe city passed resolutions en- 0- '

 T H E I D E A
———  tlorsing the (l()flll,(!Il'lS of his speech and
A Penny Saved mnlllllilllentlllg the senlt.im<—nlr hl.- wx-
[3 d Penny Mddl 'l`hl· Annual Kentucky State l'niver·
, sity Alnmnlall l.l1no¢l·omll was holll at A ’
Wr mn mrw you many pmniu llu¤ll<—s' tlllflllrg the- holilllays. This is
by _I,HI,IIL, you always a. li¢·lis;htl'l1l occasion, and this (4% ~ 
jl·a.r, lIIlll(‘l` thlc ltireotion of Miss Mary A lg l  ' , ,
Th P   D il1lli.¢llk¢~. was mad.- an llnllsllllily an-    ,_' pjgh/]§_ The World’s Standard. Tone
6 urng rug .il»yl;lllle affair. Dean Anna J. Hamil· ’   clear, mellow and verY POW-
l C , lon wlas the quest of honor and gave l '? · erful. Absolutely perfect in
0• 5 an interesting talkon the "Fn¤tn.re Pos-       I $€8l€· FIUCSY W0f'l¢m8¤8hiD·
sihllllties of Stalte Universilty," ln. ‘ I   Prices from $15 upward. IQ
S‘°¢'}·’ °/I which she spoke very favorably of the E '   ri) Send for mustratcd Cat? •l77))»
3l·ll(YYlll'l!8.F: as represented at tthe " _ @°   log to the mak¢¥'$· /Il"
  C°   I *%%/ \ Fornleb lll dl ld l  
RE S luncheon, I   .t..   =*I·;__;·I,gg;····= ··  it
SQA  Miss Belle Horton and Mrs. Bruce ’ I  [ LYON & HEALY »/ Ii
l I I \ 7. ·   = _ ~ / .l.`·
I   Allalr, of Paris, were the guests of _ I ___,. In Q M i (95) // 3 CHICAGO   , IIM
Miss Jessie Hribller, Tuesdlay.  _.)_ 4.~   ~ ` J I %./  II
TALC UM POW DE S Miss moan stlvers, who has been `   ‘·  ¤     .:5 l. ` ·./ sx.
» ,   l~“   ·-—•' -e y ( '
_' AT COST ill for several days, xls much better. / 4Q ` A   1 A   {  • "
' James Clyde Gnaber, Wlho is one of   - -1   `°{I ;l   @5;,
L the foremost promoters of advanced &._ _ ‘ '‘', __ `~;l{'EEJlll;i‘;*;,t  @2 _  
. Th · education, and wlho is very enthluslns-
= Bm HM ¢’·~~’~¢· ·~ l1llClKll',l`llHlgS althletic,lsulslngl1Issp0.rc
" the City moments l‘9li€Vl¤S ·i»hl€ ti¤‘6d· D¤l¤*¤9'¥'¤ MAKERS OF LYON AND HEALY PIANO
ln the Herald composing mom.
Dealn Hamilton gave an interesting
A , talk Friday at Greendale her subject R€_wII6d may by ‘
    C0. being lthle "Va.lue of Consolidation and Thm IGI, us use Before We do
A Co-operation." 'Dhree Kentucky coun- Wh I pa   I  
I the Gmew alt God Himself can only rue
Phvru 154 Your Near": Drug Sm-; UGS 8-T9 ¤0W m0¤`89d~ i·¤ 0 Throughout eternity.
dale Section where the first oonlsold· W C S wants your picture since you left
  dl8.lIOIl. school house in- Fayette county ` ' ' hc•me—·S0 does your
. P E E R I E is located. Deam Hamilton presented °°"°" ' ""’  
S S the school with three handsome paint- I HOME FOR XMAS S  
I I _ III I an md I ve just been back to the oldl borne, —·——*—
L A U N D R Y ““"  “°°° " ° B      AT
To the place wblere I was born; H h ,   d
        S' u'   Where I first saw the world with all     S u  
"' ot itc IW!. d l t hl l1 1 lr
W. . · A     ¢4KINKYH an 6 n TD 8 D you ma 9 mother
C WILSON, AGT Andtgiilned tihlat each rose has ilts happy um also help you to wm
I · ° your
BIG LINE OF BOOKS and OTHER O-0-0-oh, you Kimky Girl, d You bet I was glad to Sea me Old
. ussrm. crrrs m nonrmlvs SMB we Passed from ¤¤ sr r<·¤· ,,,,m_ BEST GIRL
Our heads sr in a whirl` And the house etiamdling there on with °°m° °f umm
A Souvenier Booklet with Writing early writing late-, `
· . . I I the M11- UP-TO-DATE PHOTOS
Each Purchase W9 www lm°m’ Kmky ’ dont hm ’ With the old forest trees to shield it Special rates to students.
PRINTING 0-0-ooh, you Kinky Girl. from h _
g0h,f0&_€2E Fa Imwm emma Im A-resting so quiet. and stm 341 WEST MAIN ST. Faye Phone 1635x
I     & C0. JtwHAT!S         a»r€ BQWEYS S0   to See you,  
‘   yOu DOW;
· I¤¤00!‘Dorated And think yolu’re just starving to OVER Q6 YtARI’
A NO` 152 West Main Street "\V.h.3,t.’5 done rmynot be lmnon.e_" So they pile the turkey and pie around
I Lexington, Ky. That is true. Y011 $*0.
[ As an-gel-vows, tlho‘ would we give You just Simvly cant get Your
j All future years and cease to live breath.
l     Our one ill move to rue. .\nll we sat cmd talked ’till way in the TRAIN MARK.
! II. mghf. Danone
l     "l`is done and lilll the sl-rrivll hosts \llll Sis played some old songS for Inv AMOMIIGMIIIIB"I(°II_$£:I'dz:gI?T;I§;I?;y
. , ,. ' ,‘ , * ·. . ‘ . ·‘ . quickly ucertaiii our opuuou free Wflether uu
Cmlnut r((‘lu‘ “hll° (lhuullm told Ut "‘ lu torious lllvelltlouieprolmblypatentnble. (`tilllllllllllvn-
The only first class shop in l.exin;_;ton '|`l1~· fitful lll~l~ll_ tho' be its cost fishy lil};i°llF.l.;?[3hllgllnllgéiilv'rllPll9£l[l(fl'll¤`jlllll).»°lll’li"°
Yale l’olnp;ldlllll·asnelzilllty. .·\ll hopes and dronnls fo¤‘~·~‘<·r lost ’\\’ay l>:l<·k ill tho war ’•i?¥- ¢|’ll5lllt;lf:lT!ll':¥$lIllfl\'l`[ll:!‘l1!t:f•l:;l1l1ll1lg9Lu.receive
B. FO'I`SCll. l’l·l>lll‘lt·t0r lll (l¤¤Ulll'S llllvlllllll! tllmll- Th"! llmlhl THIN. hw mul" mmuml    
  \ " . IS ‘ ` l` ` ·.` : ` ""' •
I I I I I I I up I II I II II V III lI1iIl¤I‘lI1. ¥**Il;l'* I"l‘*lII*\'ll‘*III"‘l‘I II _I I h,,,IIls,,,,;,.lyllllIg¢l·.llII-q wognrli. gI_¤r_l:~—·ltc;r-
PALMER ""` ”"".""`   ‘ ``‘‘‘ ‘ ` ’`‘‘ "’“ "     """"     " ‘‘‘‘ "  : 1%F::·&·*>‘.·..:l.:::::.·::;::i·;.h··.;;;;.l 
I   _ TI, NSI, II, I,l·;ll·ol· lllllll L'll<‘SS ll ll llo any ll1ll`lll.   &   SBIBIIOMMI    
222 \Vcst Main 'l`hl·oll;;llllllt the llilll ··tl—rn:ll Yt‘ill`$. Null Y l<··*l<•‘·l ill lm *‘“\\`lll!_` `ll`t\ll;Yq¤l‘ lull-ll \\ lil I —.l:ll l`:ll···n.»lL nl :ll·.
  & CO. But what is llonl· will §l`lllll\' stanll ll~;ll· \llll Ill.l. ~.llll as sill- ltbtlli lll; ll.lllll
HOME—MADE CANDY litllllllllg with its working 'lxlanll 'l‘..ll sllllll l‘1lllll* thu illll·.‘ when l hall .\ll·¤ in Y '~‘1<1' l‘·‘#1·lH lv limi
\VhI,n h(l;lyO“’S agp   O'(lyI {lj ygtry "\`.V!`lll‘ ll> llll‘, .l.lllll‘S_ Llllll l¤·‘ il lllllll
l·‘ltl·l*Sll l·}1\'l·lll.Y DAY VY i·‘l—l»lll lh.· t·l('t‘llt‘S all at-lll- nl lllo; l ale lll   l..ll any
ll)? East Xllulll SL. \‘V·>rlls unspoken, (lt‘t`*(lS nnllono, .\llll l`ll toll lon, it 1l.llll0Sl l)l‘()kp my l` li. U.

 4 T H E IDEA *
   A item ls to be related or some subject Y O W a t r
· discussed, it is not best to jot down a u n “
Published every Thursday by the student body, of State University of Kentucky. mere bare statement of facts. Instead • Lt
for the DQDPHI of the St.Ud€ll(?;\¤tir;€ll£§\($T:llt) {'llld !l]lll1lIlZ\(»* of tllat of using. brief, terse language, arrange   I
....j—-—-———~  t 1 tt ti f nd  
THE IDEA is the official newspaper of the Ytiiversity, and is issued wekly tho sen encesin 8 rac ve iorm a  
during the college year. Its chief Object ls to give the college news of Kentucky. nnrrate the r` r<¤¤m¤t¤¤¢¤¤ n as en' r
Innnddltlpn*t}l10l‘(it2‘titlggieiegélglnsd0gqlr|;l;g;9Sl couccrinq other universities and tertammg manner as p0sB{b]c_ Thig   gw
· . (‘ ( s ..
 ..... not only was interest to the paper. Y;-•
8UBSCRlPTION ONE DOLLAR) PER YEeR: 1 FIVE CENTS PER COPY but is excellent training in phraseolo s·
*·"‘°"""‘ M ‘·°*‘“"‘°“ r°“‘ °‘“°°.."“ _"°°.L°'- °..‘"”._ ""‘." "‘““°'·   gy for the contributor-       I  
\\'lI,L H. TOWNSEND, liditor-In-Chiet'. The Idea d€Sil‘€S to make €V€1‘Y 0¤9 A
n. xv, rrxsmcy ....................... . ............. . .......... Assistant ijggtor feel that its success depends upon |
· ,_ _ , _· .......... . ..................... . ......... . ....... Atll~t`* c tor · - _,
  In Yztztinisrt ........ . ..... t ................ . ......`. Assistant Athtetre moron- 9;**:hstuieztnsh;‘;1;;;‘;‘(;“las:3;`:£h'{l;; Colne to gg
B H as € 1 Jr
S C_ EBBEm·_ Business Manager earnest work of the editor and staff, \  
F. I,. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. SAl\1)l£RS, Asst. Adv, Mgr, together with the hearty co-operation s .
THEO. SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LUR [’l·.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr. of the student-body, the College D&D€1‘ 6  
V, L. DUWNING, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub, Mgr. of K. S. U. should have D0 Sl1D€l‘i01‘ ih `
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be
pgrgd by the following members of prepared by the following members of   A
The Idea Staff: The Idea Staff: · • ‘
.1. o. Lewis, s. w. Jackson Wclsh & Murray Pl‘lIlllIl2 C0.
H_ A. Babb, [\[y•_ j\’[j]]py Incorporated
xt.   Harrison, W. C. Shultz pgl NTI N G, And SCC V\'h8t WE C8I1 l 0
H: kelly,. J.·A.\\1rI¥10f€ V RUSH WORK A SPFCIALTY i ‘
Miss Addie Dean. Miss Mar atm 'I`a5lor BOTH PHONES Show you
  "_ ' " "' _`__‘*"_'—"""=——--—-·-——""‘-··· 124.128 N, LIMESTONE . . LEx|NcToN_ KY
Do XVQ realize I.h3[ [h€ [il]]Q is fast l¤r8€’<°d Un Yvork and be adhered       S   B   _
approaching when our Seniors will The importance of what devolves upon y E
quit Om. midst ,0 Scatter we do not us here can not be overestimated. and   t
know “.h,,.€? NOW we arc all here the seriousness of tt an ought to be G € The Plans the Styles Cams Fmm
in daily association together, but who ·°rl’llr`€’€'r3t9 - ·
compltsthed in these few last months. college) enterprise?      
lost and Won." On the oontrary, there .-—-•-o-•-—— 7 7 Under Fayette National Bank
is opportunltv left for m·anv things to If \ Orr “ ent *
‘ ‘ The Dramatic Club of Vanderbilt   8   K
he d"“"‘ To rh" S"“r°"· °S“°°“‘Ur· rt-sented ···1·he Colle widow" and Printed l\l·tttt· —
it is of trighest importance that their :19; wxh quccess Whig is the matter ` ( Ir rrnesr Harr Cutting and Shaving
time be well spent, for thev haven't ` I, ` ` . \Vhieh Cmp els Attgmim; Parlor rrr the CrrY
_ ‘ with lx. S. U. Dramatic Club? The P
long to make ready for he anal leave. wisest thing to do is to sleep on if tthe t k , ·
taking of dear old State, and that part- “ e Heh where YOU erin Her It
student body does not awaken to a  
ing must bp made R pmpmoug OM" m r sensibl a~ reciation of such
With no holidays interlopinz to en- wm; ( pp _      
stage the attention and interrupt the ` ’I`H1··
work. time will pass more swiftly than —————-•-•-—-——- ,  
hl the first Dart of the Yea?. when hmh The I'niversity of Clhlcago was given   &   C0. · · _
. _ Everything fust-class to eat.
Thanksgiving and Christmas served as a Xmas wpggnt Of 10 Ono mm b , . .
“ r $ · · Y French Dri Coffee- O sters an
most pleasant recreations, and almost John D__ gvho Says this is his last   St 1 t _ D S; y g Thy
h"r°r`*° “"’ Y"“ahZ<‘ the Phd of Sshool donation to the institution which he mj, €f?I_Stdc·m0ni€nt§ Yggtmeé .8
will he upon us. lf good work has {0lmdOd_ th y th- jas; Qunil Pun er In
been done during the first term, let [)0 Only That Kim] d 8 SOE; wg: O t 8 city' Open
it be continued, only with more vigor: ' ° ' ay an me t'
if the standard has not been what it All Ssnlors and Juniors hand in ths W, S,  
should be, let a higher estimate be Information Cards at once.     Comm, Min and Bolivar

· TH E 1 0 E A 5
    1-HE FARMER gp 1-0gAy ly. but ttnsyswmzttirmlly, cntltivnltos his  ·-——
’ _____ Il tls· plot uf ground, and returns to  
 K Q Within tho past few yours lllillly hi—· humhl·· rlwe·llin;¤: at eve>nlng_ tlrotl _ EI
', _ ' t <•*zut:e—s~= have taknn mam- in the vari- and xvi rn with thu {army or tho day,  
_, ,,Y_;._TV  011% llltlllSfl‘l¢‘S of K¢·Il[Il(‘k}', }'¢*f I\<·n<· {Nv] Who, {ts tht- yours pag`; qffgp  
8   hwvv ¤·xp¢~ri<·nr·¢·l‘0fl i?l~l>l• w>:ns, his hotly
KQ · V   <·ultur<·, lwnt with aszv zmtl his ham]; vallmts '
    llilt zi Short time :1;:0, it was almost with mil lifllltlhfilwi. Wrmdvrlng haw it c B
5   __,w` tim ntnivvrsal opinitm among tht- farm- i* mnt h° has “"’l`k‘ tl SU Y‘~¤¤‘·l and ¥\"·
D --;·, Z    Q,=4t¤* nm tr (ttm- Stzttvs mnt mp Snttnttnt <·<>¤¤t·l*¤h<‘·¤ iw limp. · ’
A__t·i,~»·‘l  of K+>ntt1r·ky v:m·ke·d with his hands, Ol'? f"l'“m·‘! *'l"‘ l"”""mi'l¤ "*l'V`3t"*l·
      hut nm with his brain. H.»wcv¢~r un- “'m"‘**“’*’k"· “Y“*"l*‘ml" all'] ll¥`°9»'¥`°S·
ll, ~ g§"tif·»,.‘ _ “ lll<`?|$2lIll it may he to admit it.wn knnw Sith- BY S·¤¢i<·ti<·rH, they a  
    that this un—favom1»1e> Comment has k··<~n in tmtvit wtf only With thvtr 1
*‘ tz ?‘     _V·- _· nnt lwnn wholly wttnnnt jnstarmntnn. ¤¢·i¤i¤i><>¤<· but with tiw i>¤·¢·thr<—¤¤ of
Q     .   I \\". algo knoyv   SO long als   other S‘atP'S   {I, lralnpll Hlllnd
  __r··:;»·:~·_;:_. condition mevailvrl, justt so Irma: did lh*‘Y lm l··¤¤€‘¥` lab')? lll il blind. Hlm· &  
·~   <~·—» Om- State mmaiu in (,bScm·ity_ Whpn lass manner, but they first study the G
. I vipqrgd fron] an agrqlcultupal Stand, Silllalk-}n, lily plans rand thpn   {Su(:(·CSS‘)rS
` | D0’¤f. But a great atwakenintg has gc. lFl‘>0¥‘ to Th? b¢‘Sl 8 or thirty en-
P    vtanttages. and how to make the most ergettiv men on the basket ball squad. I SUPPLIES. —— ·
I of them, Tthe Corn Show, such ats each one trying hard for a, platce cm
E was held here last week: the stock- the team. 'I`:h·e new materlnal s show- BASE BALL GOODS.
judging contest, the many bulletins ing: up well, and prospects look good
and papers sent throughout the O0l1l1· for a winning team. In fact, we think and
P2lt€l1t Leath € l' , G U U try, and the four years, two years. and that, without question, this will be GOLLEGE
Metals, Vici Kids and tem weeks courses have been of in- the bent Lnmn that has ever represent- PENNANTS·
e·stim·able value. ed State Lttiverstity. ,
a Few Tans Only a few years a