xt7ht727d50x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727d50x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1964-07-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 24, 1964 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 24, 1964 1964 1964-07-24 2015 true xt7ht727d50x section xt7ht727d50x rmTmrm

Vol. LV, No. 120





Henderson Branch
Director Appointed


Three New Departments
Created By Trustees

University of Kentucky

KY., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1964

Eight Pages


The University Executiv e Committee of the Hoard of
Trustees yesterday approved the appointment of Dr. Mar- shall Arnold of Howling Gret n as director of the Henderson
Community College.
at Elizabethtown received $750.




The committee also accepted
over $9,500 in scholarships earmarked for the community colleges.



Three new departments were
also created one in the Colleges
of Medicine and Dentistry and
the other two in Commerce.






Dr. Arnold, whose appointment


is to become effective Monday,
succeeds Dr. Louis C. Alderman,

Prcstonsburg Community College

Scheduled to open this fall, the Prestonsburg
Community college is nearing completion. The air- building has 35,000 square feet. The
$899,690 structure includes 20 classrooms, 14 offices.

and a library. The branch at Elizabethtown
opens this fall and the Somerset and
ville branches open in September, 1965.




8 Students In Annual Seminar
are getting an insider's view
of the federal government this
summer in UK's annual Washington Seminar. The eight
hold jobs for the summer in
various offices in the nation's
Sponsored by the Student Con- -

Eight University

Ag College Studying
Production Potential
Of Farm Economy
The University's College of
Agriculture and Home Economics
is conducting a study of the production potential of Kentucky
commercial farming. It will be
used In the State's effort toward
an annual billion dollar farm
Dr. William A. Seay, dean of
the college, said he hoped to
have a report within a month
outlining growth and development patterns in Kentucky's
farm income.
Governor Breathitt said the
detailed report will serve as "both
a benchmark and blueprint for
the development of an efficient
farm program In the state."

gress, the Washington Seminar
was inaugurated in 1962 as a
means of giving upperclass and
graduate students a clearer insight into federal government operations.
Mrs. Katherine Kemper, director of the University Placement
Service, and members of the UK
Alumni Association's District of
Columbia chapter have coordineffort durated the
ing the three years the program
has been in operation. But the
number of job applications from
always exceeds the
available positions.
Students who have landed
berths in the seminar report that
they benefit not only from their
job experience but from the frequent, informal conferences
which are held throughout the
summer with senators, congressmen and other government figures.
Chairman of the current seminar is Carl Modeckl, Pahokee,
Fla., who was graduated in May
from the UK School of Journalism. Now employed in the
public affairs office of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, he plans to enroll
this fall at George Washington
University Law School.
Other UK students or recent.

graduates participating in the
seminar Include Ed Whitfield, a
Madisonville senior majoring in
business administration; Loretta
Flanders, Paris, who was graduated in May as a political science
major; Charles Kirk, Maysville,
who will return to UK in the fall
for his second year in the College of Law; Mrs. Kirk, the former Sue Ellen Grannis of Maysville, who in September will begin work toward a master's degree in library science.
Art Simon, a Paducah senior
majoring in industrial relations;
Jerry Joldersma, Holland, Mich.,
former UK diplomacy student
who will go to Ceylon this fall to
continue his studies under a
scholarship, and Mary
Porter, a senior political science
major from Richmond.
Whitfield is working for the
Comptroller of the Currency, Miss
Flanders for the Navy Department, Mrs. Kirk for the Department of Agriculture, Simon and
Joldersma for the Department of
the Army, and Miss Porter for
the Marine Corps. Kirk Is employed on a construction project.
All of the seminar participants
were recent luncheon guests of
the District of Columbia Alumni
Club, which is headed by Sam
C. Beckley, Arlington, Va.
Ful-brig- ht

who resigned earlier this month
to accept the presidency of the
four-yeMiddle Georgia College at Cochran, Ga. Dr. Alderman had been director of the
Henderson Community College
since 1959.
native of Benton, Mo., Dr. Arnold holds two
bachelor's degrees from Southeast
Missouri State College and master's and doctor's degrees from
the University of Missouri.
In 1959 he was appointed to
the staff of Science Research Associates and assigned to Bowling
Green as the firm's Kentucky
field representative. In that position he has worked closely with
Kentucky schools, serving as
consultant in the development
and use of instructional materials, tests and evaluation services.
The scholarships for the community colleges came from local
businesses and organizations in
the various areas.
The Prestonsburg community
college, to open in September,
received $3,250 in scholarship
grants. The Henderson branch
received $3,350, the Ashland
branch got $2,160, and the branch

duction achieves both these zeniths.
As the curtain opens, the people of New Hope Valley, Tennessee,
are having a rollicking square dance Just prior to the beginning of
the upcoming revival meeting. In contrast to the fun loving people
are the church elders a group of senseless,
beings" filled with prejudice, ignorance, and hate.
In a few days, after the Rev. Olin Blitch has arrived, the elders,
while looking for a baptismal creek, discover Susannah bathing
in it. From that moment on, Susannah is persecuted by hypocrisy
namely the church elders.
The climax to the drama comes when Susannah, driven by their
demands for a public confession, attends a revival meeting. There,
she meets, not Christians, but a malevolent, bigoted mob, reeking
with a sadistic curiosity in her.
In the Apocrypha of the Bible, Susannah's chastity is rewarded.
In Floyd's drama, it is not.
The play itself seems to drag a little in the first act, and the
opening scene is somewhat short of the enthusiasm necessary.
Frank linnfiunn wrote thiv critinsm from Tuesday
47 Jit W press bttowitig.


Actually, the first act as written set the scene, and the real drama
does not begin until the second act, which is a rising cresendo
carrying the audience steudily with it until the climax.
Taking the lead as Susannah is Donna Kelley, whose voice is

this area and for research and
graduate study with the understanding that when a Ph.D. is
to be offered in cell biology, it
will be University-wid- e
in scope
and under the general supervision of the Graduate Dean.
Dr. Richard S. Sweet, a professor of
in the
College of Medicine was appointed chairman.
Two departments were established in the College of Commerce to bring the structuie of
the College in line with typical
organizations. The two departments. Economics and Business
should permit
more efficient use of the facilities in the new commerce building to open in September, help
in recruitment of new faculty,
and promote program development.
Dr. John Masten was named
acting chairman of the Department of Economics and Dr. John
Douglas was named acting chairman of the Department of Business Administration. Each appointment is for one year.
The Board also authorized the
President to establish procedures
for the enrollment and recognition of Postdoctoral Scholars, Interns, Residents, and Clinical

The Board also accepted over
in grants and gifts from
various donors.

Board Hears Result
Of Parking Study

A parking summary that estimates a
lot will be required to meet the Unigarage and a 500-ca- r

versity's parking requirements was presented to the Executive
Committee of the Hoard of Trustees yesterday.
These parking facilities, the
report said, would only meet
parking requirements on campus
through the fall of 1966.
The estimated cost for the
lot and the garage would be
Of this, $1,265,000
would go for the
parking garage that would accommodate 790 cars.
The plan's suggestion that the

Human Sympathy At Zenith In 'Susannah9
"How short people are on loving kindness. It must make
the good Lord sad," Sam Polk tells Susannah, his sister, in the
Guignol Theatre's music drama, "Susannah."
"Susannah" Is a contemporary opera that demands the peak
In human sympathy and understanding,
and the University pro-

The new department of cell
biology, established jointly in the
Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry, is for instruction of students in the health sciences in

penetrating in the dramatic scenes and like a lark when she sings
such arias as "Ain't It A Pretty Night." Her acting equals her voice.

The Rev. Olin Blitch is played by Wayland Rogers, who does a
superb Job. His characterization of a country revival preacher which
could be humorous if overplayed is not only realistic, but also
contains the pathos of a man defeated by his own teachings.
Sam Polk, played by Michael Sells, is a simple mountain trapper
prone to "go off on a drunk" occasionally, but guided by a faith in
Ood and a basic understanding of people. Sells' character is difficult
to portray due to the fact that it is not bo clearly defined as
Susannah's and Blltch's.
Little Bat, played by Randy Williams, might be called three dimensional malevolence. He is a weakling filled with fear, ignorance,
and malice. Williams succeeds in creating an utterly disgusting


Deserving much credit is Celia Butler who plays Mrs. McLean.
Elder McLean's wife, mother of Little Bat. Her
is perhaps bordering on Insane cruelty as she beams, watching
Susannah's torment at the revival.
Carlyle's music, to which the term "difficult" is a great understatement, Is masterfully played by Charlotte Tacy, a high school
student at Bryan Station, and Janet Hall, a music instructor.
Although the scenery in "Susannah" is basically functional,
it is beautiful, and the lighting greatly facilitates the scene changes.
Particularly good is the scene in which Susannah is discovered
bathnlg; the black landscaiw is silhouetted against the freshness
of the early morning bky. It seems a contrast of black bigotry with
fresh purity.
Critics have declaimed "Susannah" for its subject mutter, stating
that Is inadequate for grand opera. But, then, "Susannah" is not
grand opera: It Is musical drama.

garage and lot be built was based
upon a campus parking study
that concluded an additional 622
parking spaces would be needed
by fall, 1966, and that an additional 1,348 spaces would be required by fall of 1968.
The garage, if built, would be
located east of Rose Street near
the boys dormitories. The lot
would be built near the Agricul
ture Science Building. Board approval would be needed for construction of both.
The parking study was organized under a new parking control plan approved by the Trustees on Feb. 21. The new system
places the Vice President for
Business Affairs in charge of
University parking, taking parking out of the Dean of Men's
Under the new parking plan,
student parking fees will remain
the same while faculty and staff
members, who previously had
paid no parking fee. will be
charged according to their parking place and rank. The faculty
members will be given priority on
spaces nearer their office.
Under the current parking arrangement, the study estimated
there was a ratio of one spare
to each 1.2 faculty and administrative vehicle, one space to each
1.1 staff veli I tie, and one space to
rath 1.5 student vehicle.
Parking permits are now issued
by five classifications: academic
and administrative faculty, staff
and disabled students, general
students, visitor's parking, and
service vehicles and service trucks.


Governor Backs Rights,
Legislature Backs Down
The Kernel was saddened Monday when our General Assembly
failed to give support to the calling
of a special session to enact civil
rights legislation for the state.
While the
idea is new, the Kernel believes that
the legislators are grabbing at straws
in criticizing the Governor for the
caucus rather than calling
a long, expensive special session to
again turn down the bills.
The Governor has gone on record, and even staked part of his
political future, on securing rights
for our Negro citizens on the state

Monday our state legislators were
apparently looking back home where
their constituents live and vote for
them, rather than forward where
Kentucky rather than the federal government would be administering public accommodations legislation.
We believe in our representative

form of government. We also believe
in our federal system where we have
local, state, and then federal controls.
Our legislators apparently were
looking back to last November when
Republican candidate Louie Nunn,
running on a platform with a segregationist air, came close to defeating Breathitt.

1'residrnt Johnson has been setting
forth some rather forceful comments
on w hat we will do and what we will
not permit in Southeast Asia in general, and in South Viet Nam and Laos
particularly. He has hinted at plans
to carry the Vietnamese war to the
Administration officials have said
that plans to initiate military operations in North Viet Nam are under
study. This would be rational. There
is no particular requirement that our
side sit back and merely fight North
Vietnamese in South Viet Nam while
permitting North Viet Nam to remain
But we have never said we were
going to do it. Apparently we have
just wanted to point out to the other
side that we are thinking about it,
and the possibility of doing it exists.
Now, as a result of an appeal from
North Viet Nam, Communist China
has told the United States that the
initiation of military action against
her satellite would be considered a
threat to Bed China's peace and




We believe Gov. Breathitt should
be commended for his work in trying
to swing a majority of our legislators
to the side of civil rights legislation
in Kentucky.
We are indeed saddened that he


The men in Peking did not say
that they would openly resist any action we might take against North
Vict Nam. They merely pointed out
that they would not stand idly by,
thus giving the impression that they
intended to fight should we take the
action we have hinted we might take.
So now both sides have warned
and hinted and given indications of
possible action. The war of nerves in
North Viet Nam continues, as does
the plnsical war in South Viet Nam.
And the question of real action in
North Viet Nam remains.
For our part, we cannot see why
North Viet Nam should remain an
inviolate sanctuary for the forces of
aggression against South Viet Nam.
Atlanta Joihnal and Constitution


Secretary of Defense McNamara
has just started a
study of
the draft. It will be the most thorough examination in almost 15 years.
About 30
specialists, mostly civilian, are doing
the work with only one objective in
mind: To find the fairest way to bring
young men into the Armed Services
in sufficient numbers.


No one wants a draft if there is a
reasonable alternative. The draft today is inherently unfair because some
oung men are forced to serve and
others go free. The draftees don't
like it, and military leaders believe
reluctant soldiers are not the best
soldiers. The Armed Services would
rather have volunteers.
Forty-twpercent of all the men
who became 26 years old last year,
and thus passed the draft age, had
not served a day either as draftees
or volunteers. This percentage will

The Suuth's Outstanding College Daily
Umm ksiiv oi Kim i ( kv











post oiluc at I.i xiiiylon, Kentucky as mioiuI class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879
intir tunes a week durinu the regular si hi ml year iur)i durum holidays and exams.
7 a school
Subscription rates;
ear; 10 n uts a i opy tioin tiles.
Rk haiu I''. Sii i

Cham, Induction Aide
Asm inin, Adevrtimin Manager

jam H.






II r:itv IIoskn
thai., Siorts Editor
Tom I'innjk, Circulation Manager

Kernel Stulf
n Cut i s, Fit ink Hiiownim.. Hu. Ki.mp. ami







la.s Conn

grow, according to Defense Department projections. The draft age population is expanding and military
manpower needs are not. Selective
Service, in other words, will become
more and more unfair. Still, the Defense Department needs men. Of the
500,000 men who entered the service
last year, 153,000 were draftees.
Where will these men come from if
the draft law expires?
Senator Nelson sees two solutions
to the problem. First, more inventives
could be offered to volunteers. The
Defense Department now spends $10
billion a year on military pay. This
could be raised. But would a 10 percent increase $1 billion to the taxpthe job? Would 20 perayers-do
cent or 30 percent do it? That is
what the McNamara study wants to
find out.
Another solution, Senator Nelson
points out, is to wait and see if the
post-wa- r
baby soon will produce
to provide
enough 18 to
the volunteers. The population bulge
will be most helpful to volunteer
recruitment just as the present draft
law expires in 1967.
By the time the thorough McNamara study is completed and the
conclusions and recommendations are
sent to Congress, the solution may be
obvious and Senator Nelson may
have been proven a good prophet.
We hope so.
Washington Evening Sun

Revlon, Cory,
Max Factor, DuBarry




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McNamara Plans Full Study
Of Country's Draft Needs




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Hi w:&?
me 5HEP

The members of the General Assembly, some apparently fearing the
voters back home, and others refusing to go on record and blaming the
Governor for his money-savin- g
caucus, again turned their
backs on the Negro citizens of our

War Of Nerves Continues
In South Viet Nam
In a war of nerves no one nation has any exclusive hold on strong
words and oblique threats. Communist China has just reminded us of this.


John Innw, Proprietor!






� "UT TT71


Friday, July 21, 1961


m JN Icj Uj (Lommenv
Section Two


and! (Lommenfary

Calm Confidence In Atlantic City
During the height of the ilramu

Kennedy was charming, smooth, intelligent, and eloquent.
of the Republican National ConThe nation was stunned into
vention, one television commentator
shocked silence and anger by the
remarked that a look at what the
events at Dallas. One incredible event
candidates were doing on July 1
seemingly led to another and the
would be telling. He found:
hearts of every wife and mother
Barry Goldwater at home in
walked down Pennsylvania Axenue
Phoenix watering the lawn and, later
with Jacqueline
Kennedy. Lery
in the day grand marshalling a
brother felt close to Bobby and every
father cried with aging Joseph KenWilliam Scranton out on the
campaign trail in the Midwest makIn death, John Kennedy had Uning several speeches during the alter-noon- .
complete devotion of the nation he
had been denied in life.
Lyndon Johnson, President of
Now, John Kennedy joins Frank.
the United States, sailing on a friend's
lin Roosevelt as sort of unseen leader
cruiser clad in swim trunks and tap.
of the party and their images are
The significance was clear. Sen.
present wherever Democrats gather.
Goldwater had the delegates. Gov.
Even outside the party, the images
Scranton didn't. President Johnson
of JFK and FDR are respected and
could sit back and be amused by all
adored a most agonizing fact for
of it.
What happened in the weeks folAlthough he has neither the Kenis now history. Goldwater took
Wide World Photos nedy nor the Roosevelt image, Johnthe nomination, the convention, ami
"I bear the responsibility of the Presidency of the United States, and it is
my son has a widespread appeal of his
the party machinery and now, as he duty to make decisions that no adviser and no
own. He is everybody's idea of a
Ally can make for me."
had already begun to do before San
smooth-talker- ,
politician. A
Francisco, is pot shotting at Presiand friend-maker- ,
nation even in death. This should be
the nomination and gives him an exdent Johnson and the Democratic
cellent chance for election in
especially noticeable at Atlantic City, Johnson enjoys great popularity as
the fall campaign nears.
as the Democratic convention is ofLess than a month from now, the
Of course some of this popularity
is accurate to say, then, that
ficially dedicated to Kennedy's memIt
Democrats will open their campaign.
is still an after-effec- t
of Dallas and
the Democrats are confident as conory.
the brevity of his term. But much of
They, however, have few of the worSo long as the American
fident as a party can be at midries of the GOP.
it is real and genuine on the
Politics is a great game of "ins" summer in an election year. They system of government endures, there businessmen and labor leaders,part
fannhold the presidency, a majority in will never be a Democratic National
and "outs," and, as every schoolboy
ers and urban dwellers, rich and
Convention without four-tim- e
winand a maknows, the Democrats are "in" now both houses of Congress,
poor who trust this tall man from
ner Franklin Roosevelt.
and the Republicans are "out." This jority of the state houses. They see
no prospect of loosing their grip on
Though it is 20 years to the month
in itself is a significant fact.
So Lyndon Johnson, inheriter of
since he was last nominated by a
any of them.
The presidency holds tremendous
the long string of events that line the
But this is far from being a wildly cheering convention, he is still
road to Atlantic City, stands on the
power and prestige, attributes which
normal election year. Although he is the Democratic hero; and the menor wrongbecome associated, rightly
of a fall campaign in a most
the officeholder, Lyndon Johnson was tion of his name is still enough to verge
ly, with the office holder. The Presenviable position. Popular, in power,
it bi ing a thousand delegates roaring
ident always, or so it seems, speaks not elected to that office. Gaining
and in control, he looks like a sure
to their feet.
as he did, he naturally was the rewith extra authority and any other
bet for election.
moves by
cipient of many "unifying"
candidate is just an "outsider."
He is no longer remembered for
But the course of time, and poliThe significance of this fact in members of both parties to quickly the
fight to pack the tics, alter many opinions and many
in a
current political reality is pointed up heal up the nation's wounds
Supreme Court or the charges that minds. Crisis may be around the
time of national crisis.
his Constitutional corner and popularity is such a tranby history. No President since
The "honeymoon" aspect of Johnbert Hoover lias been cast aside at
sitory quality.
son's administration still shows. By
the polls when he sought reelection.
What is remembered by the young
Sen. Goldwater wants to oiler the
election day he will have held the and old in the
With Hoover it was the depression
party is the legend of voters a "clear choice," their first
nation's highest office little more Roosevelt that lives in
and the problems of the country's
since 1IK52. No one knows what the
every delethan 11 months. Unless a crisis dedisaster that led both
worst economic
choice of a running mate, new civil
gate's heart. There will be no Demvelops before then, he will have had ocrat in Atlantic
directly and indirectly to his defeat.
City who will not
lights trouble, or the war in Viet
to make none of the haul decisions
Prior to 1932, only Grover Cleveland
Nam will do to Johnson's populaiity.
quicken to his name. It evokes a menthat hurt a President's popularity.
was unseated in 1888 in a reelection
tal picture of a man who headed the
But, ii these conditions remain
Kennedy's "honeymoon" was nation during its worst depression stable until November, he'll be a
quickly tarnished by the Bay of Pigs, and its bloodiest and most
So, just being the incumlH-ncostly war, haul man to beat indeed. So, glowand then the decisions on sending the man whose
makes Lyndon Johnson certain to get
confidence, the
ing with
epitaph (by Republitroops into Mississippi and in push- can editor William Allen White) was
Demoi rats move toward Atlantic City.
ing hard for a civil rights
"God bless your gaudy guts."
Commentators generally agreed, as
of last November, that John KenIn short, Franklin I). Roosevelt
would win reelection in a close was the kind of politician that every
race. Now they feel Lyndon Johnson politician would like to be whether
will win going away.
he admits it or not and has the
The reasons for this change in kind of reputation and image any
the political winds go deeper than public figure would covet.
The legend will be theie in Atjust the change in men holding the
oil iie. A much inoie subtle ami less lantic City, all light the eiy is
dramatic change has come over the seme of confidence and power; (lie
Democratic Paity-a- nd
the natiou-sii- ue jaw outthi cist and uplilled; the cig
Nov. 22, 13.
aiette holder swinging in a jaunty
John Kennedy has become not an; the giin and the eyes sjtuklii;
behind those old piuce-nonly a patiou saint of the Demo-ualiglasses.
Paily, but of the nation as well. And, ever .since his death, the DemThose who once despised his name ocrats line been looking lot .mother
.mil his
piogiams now view him with FDR.
icuiiiiie or speak only with liscixe.
Theie were many who thought
This same mystical quality and to an John Kennedy was that man. A little
unexcelled campaigner and pioneered
r. KENNEDY, young, thann-ing- ,
een gi eater degice-s- ui rounds the young pel haps. Without the Hash JOHN
in (he use of radio in his campaigns.
and eloquent, captuied the naA
and confidence that was Roosewlls.
)oung b) slander at this broadcast is liguie ol Franklin D. Roosevelt.
tion's heart as its '$'ih Piesidenl and
These two Presidents, then, have But, neei tin less, the bac kgiounds
Congressman Lyndon Johnson of
gained a permanent place in that
a gieat impact on their
party and the weie not dissimilar and this young heart when he died.








brass-knuckl- e




� 2


Friday, July 21, 1964


Democratic Vice Presidential Prospects
Seven Appear To Lead Field
To Be Johnson's Running Mate

Attorney General Kennedy

Just about

a year ago, during
a long not summer oi racial

strife, Attorney General Robert
F. Kennedy sat in his office in
Washington with the white and
Negro leaders of Cambridge,
Md. Racial demonstrations had
brought violence to the quiet
Eastern Shore community, and
professor, his interests have
mained broad, even diffuse, and the negotiations which the
ne nas rarely speciaJizeu ss Attorney General was encoursome of his fellow senators aging appeared to be leading
nowhere. The atmsophere was
have done.
Mr. Humphrey
graduated gloomy.
But the next day, an agreefrom the Denver College of
Pharmacy in 1933 and received ment was announced.
his A. 13. from the University of
Minnesota in 1939. He received Small Victory
It was just a small victory in
ti i in.
ii win uuuidiujia uu;ic
a continuing series of battles
Senator Humphrey was a the younger brother of the late
President has waged in his fight
candidate for the 1960 presidential nomination. But he for racial equality. His critics
withdrew after losing to John have charged that the Attorney
General has been the cause of
F. Kennedy in the West Virmuch of the strife by his
ginia primary.
decisive use of the powers of his
Senator Humphrey is married and has four children. He office.
In 1953 he became an assistis a Congregalionalist.
ant counsel on the Senate persubmanent
committee, under chief counsel
Roy Cohn. Mr. Kennedy resigned after feuding with Mr.
Cohn on the conduct of the
hearings. He
rejoined the subcommittee and
became the chief counsel and
director in 1955.
Then, from 1957 to 1960 he

Senator Humphrey
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of

Senate Democratic
whip, has mellowed only
slightly since his election to the
Senate from Minnesota in 1948.
He is still an outspoken, indefatigable liberal.
He first gained national
prominance for his liberal
stand on civil rights at the 1948
Democratic convention. Then,
as second-terreform Mayor
of Minneapolis and leader of
the Minnesota delegation to the
convention, he fought for a
tough, uncompromising
plank in the party platform. President Truman favored a more moderate stand.
But Mr. Humphrey held out
and won. This caused several
Southern delegations to walk
out, forming their own States'
Rights Party.


United Nations Ambassador
Adlai E. Stevenson was, in his
own words, "one of the jubilant
midwives" at the birth of the
United Nations in 1945. And
over the years he has been preeminently at ease in a United
Nations which was learning to
come to grips with the vastly
complex political and social
challenges of the nuclear age.
He says the UN is "far from a
perfect instrument for peace
and justice," but speaking last
October in Los Angeles he said
"the UN for the most part is a
fymbol of the aspirations of 111
nations working, talking together, arguing, agreeing, and
disagreeing together in the
fearch for peace, for decency,
for human dignity."
Born in Los Angeles at the
turn of the century, Mr. Stevenson received his A.B. from
Princeton in 1922 and his LL.D.
from Northwestern University
in 1926. He is a former newspaperman and lawyer. He is a
In 1948. he was elected Governor of Illinois.
In 1952, in a genuine "draft"
he was nominated by the Democratic convention to run for
President. He lost to Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, receiving 44.4 percent of the votes.
He lost more decisively in a
contest with President Eisenhower in 1956, tallying only
42 percent of the popular vote.
Since the passing of Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mr.
Stevenson has devoted much
energy toward carrying on her
work in the field of human
rights as chairman of the
Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial
Mr. Stevenson was divorced
in 1949. He has three sons.




He went on that year to become the first Democrat from

Minnesota ever elected to the
United States Senate. Thus
entering national politics at the
age of 37, he has remained a
powerful spokesman for federal aid to education,
legislation, medicare, and urban renewal; and he was a
tireless supporter of the
As a former political science





Harvard Graduate
Mr. Kennedy graduated from
Harvard in 1948 and received
his LL.B. from the University
of Virginia in 1951. He is married and has eight children.
When his brother was Presi
dent, the Attorney General was
considered by many to be second in command in Washing- ton; under President Johnson,
with whom the Attorney Gen-sta- ff
eral has never been close, his
status is much less clear.



Mayor WTayner

As mayor of the largest city
in the United States, Robert F.
Wagner sees his job in New
York City as No. 2 in the nation.
Mr. Wagner is a graduate of
Yale University (A.B., 1933)
and received his LL.B. from
Yale Law School in 1937. He
has two sons. He is a Roman
Catholic. His wife passed on
earlier this year.
As the son of former United
Slates Sen. Robert F. Wagner
(D) of New York (1927-4entered comfortably into politics. He was elected to the New