xt7ht727cd4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727cd4m/data/mets.xml Kentucky United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky  Other authors include: Blodgett, Philip R.; Elschager, William M. 53 l. illus. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number Z271.3.R45 U550 1930. books  English  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Manual of Bookmending and Bookbinding, Statewide Library Project, Prepared by Philip R. Blodgett [and] William M. Elsclager text Manual of Bookmending and Bookbinding, Statewide Library Project, Prepared by Philip R. Blodgett [and] William M. Elsclager   2015 true xt7ht727cd4m section xt7ht727cd4m { -3 .
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kg 025.7 Un3
J — United States, Work Proiects
Manual of bookmending and boo
- Z271.3.R45 U550 1930
M 7.)
2 · 2
V 4
Q - _ _ · —¤¢;  
  _ N. H .; ,.- , ,.,, . . , ~———v , >  __>»____,....:;,' E

   -, ,...-..i ......,-A ` ` g,__,__ _,_‘__ ,____,_ _____ H  
To be used for a record of materials on hand and as an order form for
DISTRICT supplies needed, DATE _
COUNTY Ho. of book repair workers
LOCATION   `Y`. ?‘*"7"’?"`T"°""°T`T`%  `I’‘` A I
’ EQUIPMENT Non-s>d¤snDABIs  "I  
\ 1   I 1 Bands, Head Yds  /,4  
\ 2 Boards, Creasing, (l0") Ba.  2 Binder, Double.Stitched Roll  _  
\ 5 Boards, Creasing, (l2") Ba.  5 Board, Binders,   Shts ` ip  
* 4 Bones, Folding, (Blunt) Ba.  4 Board Fiber , S    M
_7~ ,5 Bones, Folding, (Pointed) Ba.  5 Book Edge Color,   V,  _·  
\ Book Repair Press Ba,  Cards, Book, *212-D   a *i g
_" 7 Brushes, (l" Wide) ,;-#*1_;hj_g§a,  7 Cards, Borrowers, #245-D Li   'luxl '
N  Brushes, (2** Wide) ,, ,_ .  ie.  Ceres, ceeeieg, jézzeez it Q /  
N  Buffers, (Round)   Cards File 5 x 5" M  ‘ /_ 7 
*·~\,»,10 Buffers, (Square) Ba.  lO Cards, Magazine, #224 Ii   //  A
ll Card Tray, llT‘ long Ba,  ll Cloth, Book, 55" wide Yds. Q .1
`·‘ 12 Clam, Sewing, 15" Ba,  12 Cloth Sta ,,56** wide Yds m  
Q 15 Date Stamp, (Library) Ba. 15 Cloth, Super Fine Yds. _ {/_ L7
14 Bxrtinguisher, Fire, Ea.  14 Date Due Sli ~s M  '  
15 Fountain, Drinking, Ba. 1 15 End Sheets, Pkg.  ` (  
15 Gauge, Casing, , Ea. 15 Brasers, , DOZ.   Q
`— 17 Glue Pot, Electric, Ea,  17 First Aid Su plies Set  
/‘ 18 Hammer, (Backing) Ea,  18 Glue, Flexible Lbs. 3     
···*‘ 19 Hand Drill with points 1];; - 19 Glue Ground Lbs  {
»-> 20 Knife, Bookbinders, #0 Ba, Q 20 lnk, Drawing,  _ Bot. .-   J 
Q 21 I ife, Linoleum Ea. ]_ 21 Ink, Stamn Pad, Bot.  ”/A I
22 Library Stamp, W,P.A, Ba, 1 22 1111:, Writing, Bot.  I *
25 elanual, Bookbinding Ba. E 25 Pa er Linin  Bolt  `"/ `
24 vianual, Library Ba, g 24 Paper, Margin, 5/4" wide Pkg.  yi f
l 25  kietal, (Square 8 x E3") Ba, 1- 2_5 Paper, Mimeograph Bond, Bms.  
\l 25 ieedles, (Blunt) Pkg, 1 25 Paper, Red Never Break, Shts. A  g G- 
27 Paper Cutter, (Size ) me. zv Paper, seha, {A 0 Fine shes.   lb- h
\· 28 Pens, Lettering, (A··  C··D)Sets B 28 Paper, Sand, #l > Coarse Shts. e / fg, 
`* 29 Rulers, l5" Onl , Ea, 3 29 Pa  r- Wax, 5 x Q" Shts   /  
*1 50 Sewing Machine,17,P,A, Ba. Paste, Dr , Lbs,   ’"  
- 51 Shears, (Bookbinders) Ea,  Paste, Library(Cans) Qts. '   I
——= 52 Shears, (Plain) Ea, E 52 Pockets, Book lf.  /  
~- as ships, (Size) se,  pe-ceSj_¤e Leather Roll  #/ Q ]
54 Speed Ball Text Book Ba. E 54 Shellac  es - V (
\~ 55 Square, (Size )]_gx]_g¤ Ea. _ 55 Tape,Adhesive Transparent Ea.  E/I   »
  \· 56 Stamp Pads, Ea, 1 55 Thread, H Owhite , S ools · IM U
E 57 Stylus, Electric Ba, - 57 Thread, Bookbinders Ske ins 5  
  58 ru.Vue. & Case, Ba. - 58 issue, Liendinr Shts. I 12 L /{
  G 59  ru.Vue, Films _.Be3_l__ E ,:7ax, A1ias*E  /
  Attach cuts of book cloth (OVS,.y.ttech cuts of lining ,apegg%O__A__l
  here , here ,

     . n  · ·   — ,1 ·   ,·     1  1— *    _,  ’·;          ,,,A.  4     15~»»""  
A1>;»111©1i4L m1J1P115;;r@ ;»7©1—:-w;~¢11rD1·11;111 `VADDITIONAL sU1>PL1ms .. 111¤;>;·111;D.¤;¤,111
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  - 44 _-..—- 41
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11g1:11»;11c1:1· .411;~ SUJJFLBS, OHFNED     1 I
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  - 5 1
4 4 '
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5 _Q 4 51
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3 _ fo be jrepaxrod i1:. origgixzszl and one .
CU[`Y· Cl` ijiZ1€"~1 to 136 SU.1DZ.“.i"C'bGd wich     ._
· :i;cn·bh1y Library Report each zinoxrbh, IRQQCT f(3ETpi`“RH`;°OR’ OT PETS Om  _—wN"_
_ V ZT;£i.k].Z7.g JG.!`l.'LS I‘@pQI"b,
Copy to be 1`O'bO.i1i€d in project file,

 V f      L l ,    . . ” . i i` is   “  "   `‘*  " "”·~* Q  
ih . ` "  V"    ` .... ,   _\_§ . _ -  . t. .    ·>   .  "
»` r J' I
`_" W l Table 8 Ft. long, B6" wide, and BO" high. .
___ _J 2 Doz. erasers, —
{ L 
.§_ __] `
._ i »
, l Table l0 Ft. long, 5d" wide, and B6" high, with shelves under _
" same for bookbinding supplies. f
_ l Board for tool rack lO" wide 6 Ft. long to be mounted on wall W
“ in front of work bench. M
`1 l Bench for creasing boards, size of lumber E" thick l5“ vide ,
, to be cut in the following lengths, Y
] 2 Pcs. B6" long. .
._l 5 Pcs. lO" long.
Note; l 5d" piece for tcp of bench _}
———T--. 5 lO" pieces for legs of bench. ~
f Extra 5o" piece used over creas-
"l T ing boards to receive weights.
, *4 Concrete blocks for weights, ,
—‘ W l Emery Stone,
l Yard stick must be hard wood. Q
2 Pr. shears plain, ( for book menders) ;
2 Brushes, E" wide not over e" thick for glue.
l Pkg. of 5 O Fine sand paper, about 6 sheets
l Pkg. of 3 li Coarse sand paper, about 6 sheets
f Sanding Blocks.
_+ l size 9" long lg" wide q" thick, to be covered with #0 fine sand ;aper.
J l size Q" long l}" wide i" thick, to be covered with jl§ coarse sani yxa ’
T l size 9" long round Q" to l" thick cover with 5 O fine sand paper l
. .1..1
_ { [ l size Q" long round g" to l" thick cover vith é le coarse sand pager
I l‘»
TS Oli- `·'·r‘—»`r·~···=-··=»»~     -”`r`. Q  HJ" ”   A` " V " ·”"`" ‘ “`"’"" `"' I " " ’ "’" "" """*iit"#"·rr c

 4   .. I -       _   ,· 2 - . ; W ,   V   »    _-
U lr. ~ ~ V   · , 1/ [ A   ‘ " if   I    ` . xii? I A _l} W A — H A-_  - r··  ,, _   ri  "    *  ·" "  5;;,7 ' E M ri LF !`**"**'   ‘ ‘
·     2   ~  ''`` "" [  M-   ‘° ` V- · ~     ..*...
, wr .' /
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TJ ef
4 Z0 be j—1·cj::Lr0d ix;. 01·i;gi12¤.l and cme ·
.` `  , .  .»»-   U ,,¢K,.;._-· z:v·-·1·>· g
    .  ·. .· ..  ,:`4 ._  ».;· · - `.,   ¥
* 3

 yi-o I       Yr, 5*   l _ ~ lj  .. it      ,·  c   — :  
  · ·~-— m e _,  _   ,_= up n _ —-  ‘   \ L    _    “aZ‘: ;~'¥; ,. _  ‘’’~
  7 7 rM-»-r- .,    ·—¤..·;-....-- . ‘ ` ·  · -- --~———;»··»; `...,.... :...s.-~r---·» __ , ·  
Each project should collect from local nerchents used signs
of hard fiber board.
Use; -
For outing boards and backs for peper bindings, and pospers i
Many of the projects ere using binders board for outing boards ;
and posters which is very costly to $.P.A. y
Binders board can not be purchased in l bundle lots, 4
Cost per sheet .08 T
4O Sheets to each bundle , size of sheets 2G" x BO"
Weight per bdl. 40%.
(T0 _/I /4 J"    
ill ¤;?5€??»s¢&l "TQ¢¥?§@E$?$$$?§$?EljT"*?““`“""‘*“r*r*rr~ ~~-r ~-~—·~~~ s·=s *—7""”`”““j;?TF* - y p

   * V ” 1*7  V`K    ·“'  M?   `     N     F Y          E
Mg 1 I ~»»- 1. , t  .`, A Q _ V up p  J M  A   gg;  p _ p _ p    -v·    ,»_.   -·    `   ____  
Page this  
Pre1°&ce......... ••••••• • ••••    
Equipment desired for booknending and binding . 2 i
Supplies approved for bookmending end binding . 5 t
I The parts of a book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1
Unit procedure of bookmending and binding . . . 6 1-8 QQ
Unit procedure of bookyending and binding . . . 7 9-20 Jf
Receiving and recording . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 *J
Judging a book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 {
Form used for Receiving and Recording . . . . . 9 1 `,
Mending of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lO 5 l
Removing contents from case . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 .!
Rounding and backing . . . . . . . . . . . . . lO 5 I
Sewing of sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 R
Sanding of edges. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7
Applying head bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 8 ?%
Cutting of beck boards ... . . . . . . . . . . 15 9 Q?
Cutting of cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1Q iT
Ruling covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 11 {
Glueing of back boards . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 12 »
Notching of corners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 15 T
Glueing of edges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 14 V
Metching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 15 F
Preparing contents for binding . . . . . . . , 27 16 w
Pressing end creasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 17 I1
Applying end sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 18 {
Applying fly sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 19 j
Removing books from press . . . . . . . . . . . 31 EO I
I - Binding by super and stay cloth method. . 32 Q
II- Recasing damaged or torn back . . . . . . 54 L,
III- Mixing of Pastes and Glues . . . . . . . $8 *d
IV- Instructions for making overlap double _
V stitched binder . . . . . . . .-. ».• $9
Chart for making overlap double stitched _
binder from stay cloth . . . . , . , . 41 _
A V- Instructions for making pressing and
creasing bonrds . . . . . . . • . . . 42
VI- Construction and use of book repair clamp 44
VII- To remove stains. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 t
To remove heavy fat stains. . . . . . . . 45
To remove fox marks . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Restoring written matter. . . . . . . . . 45
VIII- Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 -
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 _;
Project inventory and supply order form . . . . 55 yf
  ' 1
y NVQ =~·¢_:~T?’g,`..,.3? p    _.    T ·.·  1.   /

Fig. Page I
How a book is made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 5 1
Rounding and backing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ll i
Applying binder to contents. . . . . . . . . . . 4 ll 7
Glueing of cloth to back of contents for sewing. 5 12 Q
Sewing of sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 12 J,
Sewing of sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 15 g"
Applying head bands and backing paper. . . . . . 8 14 ty
Cutting of back boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 _i
Edge sander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 j:
Sanding edges of back boards . . . . . . . . . . ll 15 g
Measuring back boards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 16 {
Measuring back boards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 17 2
Cutting of cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,15,16-18 '
Chart for cutting book cloth . . . . . . . . . . 17 20 1
Chart for cutting book cloth . . . . . . . . . . 18 21 ry
Making book patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 22 ifi
Measuring and ruling covers. . . . . . . . . . . 20,2l,22—25 QM
Ruling the cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 24 _{|
Glueing of back boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 25 5
Notching of corners. . . . . . . . . . .... . 25 26 1
Glueing and turning over of edges. . . . . . . . 26,27 26 g
Applying backing paper to case . . . . . . . . . 25 27 f
Placing of contents in case. . . . . . . . • . . 29,30 26 iw
Creasing or forndng groove for hinge . . . . . . 31 26 fj
Placing of wax paper between contents and back , 32 29 YQ
End view of a book prepared for pressing and ii
creasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 29 ‘
End view of books between creasing boards. . , , 34 29 ;
Side view of books between creasing boards . . , 35 29 t
Applying end sheets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 30 *Q
Cutting of fly sheets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 31 tal
Super attached to back of contents . . . . . . . 36 52 `}
S1ZE.y cloth folded • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •      
Stay cloth attached to contents. . . . . · . . . 40 33 °
Placing of contents in case. . . . . . . . . . . 40a 33 .-·. 
Applying recasing cloth to back. . . . . . . . . 41 34 {
Glueing and creasing of recasing cloth . . . . . 42,43 35 ¥,
Forming hinge with bone folder . . . . . . . . . 44 35 5
Inside view of recasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 36 ,`£
Back view of recasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 37
Making of overlap double stitched binder . . . , 47,46,49-40 ,,
Making of pressing and creasing boards . . . . . 50,51 43 il
Making of pressing and creasing boards . . . • . 52,53 43
Construction and use of book repair clamp. . . . 54,55 44 “l
Heavy duty rounding and backing clamp. . . . . . 56 46 S :
ziago-2 .1
      A     · j     —-..       »     »»      si /

   , ,   o            a s -           ‘ `       ·»`          
I   é     - r.- -, - A     V ( A p Q p ’ ' __ ` ` _ p  , .  W pipe,  ` V  
The object of this Hanual is to illustrate the best methods ·{
of mending and binding a book, Although modern machinery j
has changed the former methods of bookbinding, it has not _j
A` A
altered materially the methods by which books are properly W
i 1
bound, {
This Manual shall cover both the library style and the x
. . , . . . S
machine style, and the latter pages will be confined to sr;
special methods of bookbinding. It is not practical to =§l
attempt to confine binding to one particular style - taste
and ultimate cost are rightly and properly the deciding Q
factors. These two factors determine the methods and or
materials which are to be used, and the amount and form Y
= i
of decoration, such as fancy lettering and drawings upon ~
the covers.
In the case of the amateur student, practical instruction _;
with proper equipment ani supplies from a professional f
bookbinder is absolutely essential. [
In this Manual, only approved methods which are practical T
for W.P.A. Library Projects are given. ,
  _,  }
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..3- 1
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saamas, Bcokbinder ¤ s-·lD" q  I
SHIPS, Combination Drop Ecrged steel IO" A
RULERS, l5" long flat ti
LETTERIUG PENS, with set of six points - Style A =,
GLUE POT, ELECTRIC I pt. size for IIO-l2O volts, GO cycles,.AConly I
BRUSHES, for Giue and Paste sues 1% wide 1%* 1 ong  
g" wide 2" long “N!
Q" wide lk" long    
BONE FOLDERS, Size l“ X 8" — Blunt and Painted ‘
AWL, Bookbinder’s I
HAND DRILL with points _ I,
KNIVES, Bookbinder’s, stock cutting No-O blade, 5/S" X 5%" S
CREASING BOARDS 3/E" X G" X l2" - to be made. See pages 42, 45 L
NEEDLES, No. 2/O Blunt gy
SQUARE, IS" X l2" - Eace marked I/I6-g" - Rustproof metal I;
J},  i
SEWING MACHINE - Same as used by WPA Sewing Projects "
BOOK CLAMPS, Used for sanding, - to be made. See page A4. I
PRESS, BOOK REPAIR, with press boards 7" X l2" _S
TABLES: l Binding table &’ X lO‘ X BO" high
I Lettering table 4* X 5* X 27%" high _}
l Stock cutting table Q' X S' X BO" high `•
40 ft. shelving §" X IO" wide ,
Note: The above can be made or smaller tables placed together.
BOOK PATTERNS - To be made. See page 22. `Qf
PAPER CUTTERS Size l2" blade. Bed l2%“ square, or larger. il
21940-5 ._I  
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BOOK CLOTH, Spot Pruf Laquer Impregnated CX
5G" wide in rolls of B0 yards ·l
STAY CLOTH, Heavy White B6" wide id
PAPER, White or Colors sheets l7" x 22" - 24{·;dmeogrnph Bond lg
PAPER, LINIUG, Printed oolcr-Brown, Green, Blue I
20" wide 90 yards length