xt7ht727bq3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727bq3g/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2001 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 76, No. 3, Winter/March 2001 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 76, No. 3, Winter/March 2001 2001 2001 2014 true xt7ht727bq3g section xt7ht727bq3g FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
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Volume 76 Number 3 Winter/March 2001 $5   W 
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 US ISSN 0016-2116
Introduction to FNS - Deanna Severance 1
Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 3
Wendover News - Barb Gibson 7 '
FSMFN News - Susan Stone and Dr Julie Marfell 11
Website Information 13
Courier Program News - Mitchell Plummer 14
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News - Malle Noble 18
Photograph Identification - Barb Gibson 21
FNS Unifomis - Carl Meyers - Barb Gibson 22
In Memory of Doris Reid and Mildred Disbrow - Barb Gibson 24
Miscellaneous Tidbits 27
ln Memoriam 29
Cover: Susan Stone, Deanna Severance, Dr Julie Marfell and
Mallie Noble infront of Carl Meyers in Lexington, Kentucky
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Published at the end ofeach quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service
Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for Institutions ·
Volume 76 Number 3 Winter/March 2001  
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and at addi- J
tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS,
lnc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc. 2000  
All Rights Reserved.

Frontier Nursing Service
H you have never been introduced t0 the Frontier Nurs-
ing Service we would like to take this opportunity to brief you on
the history and the on-going work of the Service. Please share
' this information with a friend
Bom in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary
Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world -
Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others,
particularly children.
Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Ser-
vice (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one of the
poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs.
Breckinridge introduced the first nurse—midwives in this country.
Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard,
fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modem healthcare to fami-
lies throughout an area of 700 square miles.
Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the driv-
ing force behind the work of the Service whose influence today
extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier School
of Midwifery and Family Nursing, hundreds of nurses have been
trained and this important concept of family healthcare has been
carried throughout the world.
Today, the FNS is organized as a parent holding company
for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., (home health agency, two
out-post clinics, one primary care clinic in the hospital, Kate Ire-
· land Women’s Healthcare Clinic) and for the Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing - the largest midwifery program in
l the United States.
'r Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy of the FNS has
remained constant since 1925.

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The Big H0use - Home 0fMary Breckinridge ;

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1 Beyond the Mountains
3 by Deanna Severance, CEO/President
  "Nme flies. It Z9 up t0 y0u t0 be the navigator " Robert Orben
+ Many thanks to those who are
Y knitting lap shawls for our family nurse-
_ practitioner students to give to a special   ~  
l person during their clinical rotation.Sev—     L_
  eral of our readers have asked about pat- if l    
§ tems for the lap shawls. Dr. Anne has    
  prepared a pattern. The lap quilt size  
  should be approximately 40" by 42".   ` H
  Yarn should be worsted weight.You may contact Christine Collins
1 at 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky, 41775, for questions. lf
{ you have pattems, please send them to us. We will share them with
  The Holidays
  The holiday season is one of my favorite times at FNS.
  We all move into the spirit of thankfulness and things slow down
  just a little. We had scrumptious Thanksgiving and Christmas
1 lunches at Wendover this year. The history of The Big House kitchen
1 is filled with delicious meal service. We are reprinting the Wendover
‘ Cookbook that was published in 1980. This will be available for
purchase at the Wendover Gilt Shop, or you can contact Christine
Collins and she will mail it to you. The price is $10.00 plus $3.00
Q for shipping and handling.
, lf you are are looking for a great party game, try out "white
elephant". Julie Marfell, FNP Program Director, brought this game
q to us from her Chicago days at Rush University. ln the past, we
z , have drawn names at Christmas. This year we decided to try some-
1 thing different. Each party-goer brings a wrapped gilt from home.
The gilt should be something someone might like to have, but for
 1 you it is clutter, a dust catcher, or not your style. In other words, it
J is your "white elephant". A number is given to each guest as they

 - I
arrive. The gifts are stacked under the tree or on the table. The  
guest with the number one chooses a gift and opens it before the  
group. The guest with number two may choose another gift or  
may take the gift from the other guest. This continues until all gifts i`
have been taken. This may take awhile with all the "stealing" of I
gifts from the other guests. We laughed until tears ran down our
cheeks. The staff said it was our best Christmas party ever! i°
Employee Awards Dinner  
On the evening of December 7, Wendover hosted a dinner  
for FNS employees celebrating 5, I0, I5, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40  
years of service. We had a wonderful time reminiscing. June will I
be my twelfth anniversary with FNS, but with this group I was  
Strategic Planning I
The Board of Govemors continues to meet in strategic  
planning sessions. The first sessions have targeted important policy
issues for operations today. The Board reviewed and revised by- l
laws and has reviewed and established salary scales for physicians
. employed by Mary Breckinridge Healthcare. We are now working
on the review of the application of the Frontier School of Mid-
wifery and Family Nursing to the Southern Association for the .
Accreditation of Colleges and Schools.
The Big House Foundation Update T
William Campbell’s crew with the firm of Phase IV in
Lexington, Kentucky, is beginning work on The Big House foun- ,
dation. For those of you following our story, the tunnel is com- I
plete. The work of stabilizing the foundation is ready to begin. F4.
Kentucky Hospital Association Q
The Kentucky Hospital Association (KHA) is a true ad- It
vocate for rural and disadvantaged hospitals. The FNS is fortu-
nate to have Mike Rust, KI-IA Executive Director, sit on the Board
of Govemors. Shortly after the first of the New Year, the Medicaid
Program in Kentucky notified the KHA of a serious funding short

I fall. Additionally, the Kentucky legislature began having annual
sessions in 2001. Mike and staff are very busy reviewing issues
and planning potential remedies. I have traveled to Louisville, sev-
  eral times to participate as a member of the Legislative Commit-
I tee. A reduction in payments would seriously endanger Mary Breck-
i inridge Hospital’s ability to provide care since the majority of our
C patients are covered under Medicaid or Medicare.
Keeneland Association
December 19, Bill Hall and I attended the Keeneland As-
sociation award ceremony. Keeneland is very generous to many
charitable organizations. This year the Frontier School of Mid-
wifery and Family Nursing received a very generous
scholarship.Nick Nicholson, the new President and CEO of
Keeneland, gave us a real treat. Bill and I had our picture taken
_ with Santa Claus. 4
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Deanna Severance, Santa Claus and Bill Hall

. I
Nancy Hines - Japan  
Our much-beloved Board member Nancy Hines is in Ja-  
pan with her husband, Floyd. Floyd is on faculty with Troy State  
University for one year. Here is an excerpt from a recent e-mail I  '
received. "Checking in. Have more snow (one or two inches al-  
most every day, six and eight inches each last Sat & Sun) but not  
as cold (low 20’s to low 30’s) as we had expected - thus far. Drove i°
alone on "other" side of road first time yesterday. All switches are  
reversed. Takes full concentration, especially in parking lots, to  
stay where you’re supposed to be on traffic lanes.”  
Nancy plans to attend the April Board meeting at l
Wendover. We miss you!  
The Big House Bed & Breakfast  
The Big House is now licensed as a Bed & Breakfast Inn. f
Contact Christine Collins and come stay with us! Soon the dog-
wood and the redbuds will be blooming. You can sit on the front
patio and look across the river at the mountain. It’s a great place I
for relaxation and meditation. Accommodations cost $65.00 a night I
and include breakfast.  

l Wendover News
  by Barb Gibson and Christine Collins
l. We are happy to announce that Wendover has been offi-
l cially licensed as a Bed & Breakfast lnn. Make your reservations
  During January, Christine Collins became Supervisor of
I housekeeping, grounds and gardens. Linda Sawyers, housekeep-
  ing, became the new Wendover Cook. She is doing a great job
l already! Carolyn Wells replaced Linda’s position in housekeep-
i The bulbs, tulips, crocuses and daffodils are beginning to
1 come alive. Spring is on its way and Wendover is ready! You can
{ purchase Wendover flower seeds in our Gift Shop. Contact Chris-
  tine for ordering. The beavers have paid us another visit and cut
down several trees on the river bank. Maintenance has been busy
clearing the brush debris.
Below is a list of guests/dinners and tours since the last of
November 17 Elisa Brody, CNEP Student, and a friend
from Cary, North Carolina, spent the
A November 18 Karen Thomisee, former Courier Coor-
dinator, spent some time at Wendover.
V December 5 Marc Cobane and Amy Clayton, Fifth
l_` Third Bank, Lexington, Kentucky, were
B here to discuss the 401 K Plan with em-
` ployees and spent the night.
ll December 7 An employee awards dinner was held with
' 13 in attendance.
December 12 Larry Holt and wife Laurie and their two

daughters, Amber and Jessica White,  
Davie, Florida; Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Fields,  
Corbin, Kentucky; Jeanne Guerrero &  
husband, Pompano Beach, Florida; and  
Thomas Moorman, Pompano Beach,  
Florida, all spent the night while attend ¥
ing a funeral service.  
December I4 Wendover hosted the annual employee I
Christmas luncheon and party. Staff from I
the Frontier School of Midwifery and  
Family Nursing were present. I
December I6 Jeff and Linda Asher, St. Cloud,  
Florida, spent the night while visiting  
family in the area.  
December I7 Carmen Rushton, Fishers, Indiana, and  
Angela Meacham, Jackson, Ohio, stayed I
at Wendover while working at MBHC. .
Both are nursing students. I
December 26 David Hume, Physical Therapist, spent
the night while working at MBHC.
January I6 A luncheon meeting with Universal ·
Staff Solutions.  
January 24 A luncheon meeting for Deanna Sever— I
ance, County Judge Executive Onzie  
Sizemore, State Representatives Barbara I
Colter, and Brandon Smith, regarding `
“l-lighways & Byways". I
January 25 A luncheon meeting with Universal Staff I

  February l CNEP Level Ill dinner.
i, February 2 Former courier Beth Delaney, Mt.
Q Pleasant, South Carolina, spent the night.
  February 2 Dr. Karmo, Peditrician, spent the night
  while interviewing at MBHC.
i February 5 Dr. Praskant Dixit, Northville, Michigan,
l spent the night while here for an inter-
l view at Menc.
  February 7 A luncheon for Universal Stai’r`
  February 8 Dr. Robert Kendrick, San Antonia,
l Texas, spent the night while interviewing
{ at MBHC.
l February 8 CNEP Level III dinner.
i February l5 l0 faculty/students from Lee’s College,
Jackson, Kentucky.
, February l9 Irene Haberle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
Ae spent the night while attending a party
V for her siver, Jeannette Woods, Registrar
~ at the FSMFN.
  February 20 Employee recognition party was held for
Jeamiette Woods.
il February 23 Georgia Norsavage and her husband,
Peter, spent the night. Mrs. Narsavge is
A a faculty member at Case Western Re
_ serve University, Cleveland, Ohio.

February 23 A Midwifery Bound dinner was hosted.  
February 15 Lees College, Jackson, Kentucky. yi
February l9 Mr. & Mrs. Elmo Moretz, Berea, 2’
February 21 Berea College, Berea, Kentucky.  
16 nursing students/faculty.  
The following is re-written from the FNS Quarterly Bulletin  
1942 Mnter issue by Mrs. Breckinridge:
Age is a quality of mind
If you have left your dreams behind,
If life is cold,
lf you no longer look ahead,
If your ambition fires are dead,
Then you are old.
But if from life you take the best,
And if for life you keep the zest, J
If love you hold, V
No matter how the years go by,  
No matter how the birthdays fly, I
You are not old. I

Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing
Susan Stone, FSMFN Dean and
Ap Dr Julie MaryQ2ll, C FNP Educational Director
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Sus  Stone Dn Julie MaU“ell
During the month of February, we celebrated Jeanette
Woods’ 25th year with the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family
Nursing (F SMFN). Jeanette has worked at the F SMFN for the
past 25 years starting her tenure on February 23, 1976. She has
served in many roles over the years from Secretary to Librarian to
the current role as Registrar and Oiiice Manager of the Hyden
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' Jeanette Woods, FSMFN Registrar

Office. Jeanette’s strong work ethics have served the FSMFN well  
over these many years. She is always there with the correct infor- l
mation when any of us need her. She knows the entire history of {
the FSMFN and has a memory that cannot be beat.  
Jeannette works with all ofthe students to insure that their l
admission process goes well, their financial aid process is without Q
a hitch, and all of their many administrative needs are met during *’
their educational program. The truth is that Jeanette is the person I
who oriented Susan Stone when she became the Program Director l
of CNEP in I996 to all of her administrative duties associated  
with the operation ofthe Hyden Campus. All ofthe students, alumni, I
faculty and staff appreciate Jeannette’s many important contribu— i
Our mantra this past year at F SMFN has been “change is  
good". We continue to develop and offer a new curriculum that l
meets both the competencies of nurse-midwifery education estab-  
lished by American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) and those %
domains and competencies established by the National Organiza— {
tion of Nurse—Practitioner Faculties (NONPF).  
Both the Community-based Nurse-Midwifery Education  
Program (CNEP) and the Community-based Family Nurse—Prac- l
titioner Program (CF NP) continue to strive towards excellence in  
their respective curriculums. With the addition of the primary care  
content to the CNEP Program and the increased content hours for g
the care of childbearing women to the FNP Program, we are con- l
vinced that we have one of the the strongest clinical programs for
both CNM and FNP in the country. The CNEP students and the
CFNP students are learning from both CNM and FNP and this
provides richness to the program that is not off`ered in other insti- .
During the past two years, the Level III groups have cho-
sen to redecorate one of the rooms in the Haggin Dormitory as [
their contribution to our school environment. This has resulted in in
our dormitory becoming more beautiful month by month. The Feb- l’
ruary 2001 group of students at Level III chose the sitting room on J
the second floor as their room to redecorate. The group painted l
pictures of herbs on the walls, and painted a fireplace screen. They I

  also made a quilt and hung this on one of the walls. Each student
  contributed a square to the quilt. This sitting room is much cozier
T and displays the warm hearts and dedication felt by this group of
l, future midwives. Thank you to all the Level III students for your
{ wonderful contributions.
3 Frontier Nursing Service — www.frontiernursing.org
  FSMFN Community-Based Nurse-Midwifery Education Program
l (CNEP) - www.midwives.org
J FSMFN Community—Based Nurse-Practitioner Program
(CFNP) - www.frontierfnp.org

Courier Program News y
-Mtch Plummer I
After the absence of a Courier _   li
Coordinator for some time I was happy All _,
to accept the position on an interim   v,
basis. I am from Lexington, Kentucky, I   
and was a Courier from September - i``’a   i    
December. I attended college at the  I 3
University of Texas in Austin and plan   l
to go to medical school at the Univer- I {
sity of Kentucky in the fall. I will be working as Coordinator from l
January until early summer. Hopefully, a Courier Coordinator po- .
sition will allow us to tailor the Program to better suit individual  
interests as well as freeing up some of Barb’s time. r
Although we have received some excellent applications  
for the spring and summer, I would like to encourage all courier {
alumni to actively advertise the Program. The more applications  
we receive, the more likely we are to have couriers throughout the {
year and the more projects we will be able to undertake. Couirer [
Program e—mail: courierprogram@yahoo.com. Below is an update  
of the Couriers we’ve had since January: I
Lindsey Duca, Carpinteria, Califomia, arrived on Decem- V
ber 5 and will leave in early March. A graduate of Stanford Uni-
versity, Lindsey has traveled extensively and lived throughout
Europe as well as worked with Planned Parenthood. Lindsey spends
most of her time shadowing midwives and working at the F SMFN.
Upon her retum to California, Lindsey is looking for another job
in the non—profit sector and plans on pursuing a law degree. '
Polbr Fiveash, North Hampton, Massachusetts, arrived  
on January I3 and will leave in mid-April. Polly is a graduate of J
Wesleyan University and is interested in a career in midwifery. As
an apprentice Doula, Polly has been spending the majority of her
time shadowing the midwives and has thus far observed one birth. ·

In addtion to her interest in womens’ health, Polly is also
* an accomplished singer and plans to keep doing music parttime
upon her retum to Massachusetts.
l Former Courier News
7 Sarah Bacon (‘93) wrote during January that she is liv-
j ing in Brooklyn, New York, and is working as Director of Com-
~ munications at Creative Time. Creative Time is a New York based
i non-profit organization which presents multi-disciplinary experi-
{ mental arts by intemational artists in the public realm.
Erin Lyons (‘99) wrote during January that she is attend-
( ing Yale University’s Graduate School of Epidemiology and Pub-
l lic Health. When Erin graduates she plans to work in the area of
( policies affecting adolescent mental health problems. She wrote
, that Carrie Szejk (‘99) is also at Yale University studying nursing
  and Garry Finke (99) is at the University of Tennessee Medical
( School
  Cassie Frank (‘99) recently wrote from Atlanta, Geor-
g gia, that for the past two years she has been pursuing a Masters in
  Public Health. Cassie’s e-mail address - cfrank@sph.emory.edu.
Sonja Herbert (‘92) wrote during December from Berke-
ley, Califomia, and said she has finished her Masters in Public
` Health.
{ Megan Stumn (‘00) wrote during December that she is
.] applying to medical school and that she thinks about her Kentucky
{ experience often.
§ Carrie Lou (Morgan) Whitcomb, (‘66) was recently fea-
" tured as the cover story in the Fall 2000 University of Kentucky
Alumnus Magazine. Carrie’s vast accomplishments with the US
Postal Sewice’s Headquarter Laboratory as a Forensic Scientist,

and her recent appointment as the Director of the National Center
for Forensic Scientists in Orlando, Florida, were highlighted in the I
article. In addition to her professional accomplishments, Carrie E
was the first Courier from Leslie County and served as the driving ·
force behind the commissioning of the Mary Breckinridge stamp. {
Courier Program News Addendum if
Most of you have read or heard that in 1926, the Courier
Program of the Frontier Nursing Service grew out of Mary
Breckinridge’s experiences with the C.A.RD Motor Corps after
World War 1. She witnessed able—bodied girl chauifeurs form links
between all parts ofthe American Committee for Devastated France
by providing reliable transportation. Mary Breckinridge seized upon
this and realized that this same system could greatly help FNS.
During World War I, ten French departments had been
declared disaster zones. The land had to be rebuilt, repopulated
and reborn. The following are excerpts from an article written in
the Intemational Herald Tribune, November ll, 2000, by Mary
Blume and sent to FNS by Cheryl Mitchell Olds, CNEP Class 31
Student, and Kitty Ernst, CNEP Faculty:
In all this grief and ill will, there erupted in July of 1917,
a small group of women determined to do good. They were, of
course, American and were led by J. P. Morgan’s stately daughter,
Anne. Their group, le Comite American pour les Regions Devastees
(C.A.R.D.), set up headquarters in the Chateau of Blerancourtin in »
Aisne, the most severely damaged of all the departments. They I
wore horizon blue which Miss Morgan accessorized with white 1
gloves and pearls and, if they were as bossy as bureaucrats, they  
were a lot more effective, blessed with good health, excellent con- ,
nections and a fierce but practical determination to make things
better. bh
They weren’t involved in anything as fancy as urban plan-
ing or burdened by anything as obdurate as peasant rivalries. They

i simply sailed in and gave seven years of total devotion to a rela-
tively small area, setting up dispensaries, schools, machine shops
to repair tools, savvrnills, dairies, agricultural cooperatives, get-
L ting incubators for poultry farmers and seeds for kitchen gardens.
] They provided prefabricated huts for the homeless and
l lived in them themselves (Miss Morgan’s, designed by a Champs
  Elysees architect, had two wings and a fme dining room). They
didn’t think about architectural styles but about brooms and pans
and plows and books, about teaching children the use of the bath-
tub and creating a network to serve 60,000 people in 127 villages.
No sooner had a cry for help gone out than a truck driven
by young women arrived with all the necessities. Some carried in
the material while others cleaned, set up the bed and dining table,
installed heating and fixed a meal. Aiier it had been eaten and they
were sure all was in working order, they took off; having left on
the table a bunch of flowers in a vase.
Looking to the future, Anne Morgan brought over Jessie
Carson from the New York Public Library who set up the first
libraries in the area, including childrens’ sections, and introduced
the locals to the confusing joys ofthe Dewey decimal system. The
C.A.R.D. ladies set up youth centers and promoted team sports
and athletic competitions with trophies. They even introduced, to
some bafflement, maypole dancing.

Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News
by Mallie Noble, Administrator
During the holiday season,  
members of the Mary Breckinridge if im  
Hospital C.A.R.E. Committee and .-c. ti.l` q,
employees from the Social Services     ::;_ L
and Children with Disabilities De-   »   .· *7
partments helped over fifty families _ .,.       ”
throughout Leslie County have a —    
brighter holiday season. Special    
thanks goto Jerry Santini, Cincimiati, Ohio, who sponsored gifts
for one entire family. We appreciate his kindness. C.A.R.E. bas-
kets were also delivered to some of the Home Health patients.
Thanks to Dietary Staff` for the preparation of a delightful Christ-
mas Lunch.
Leroy Couch, Rotating Clerk/CNA; Linda Adams, Ward
Clerk/CNA; and Juanita Sizemore, Rotating Tech/CNA, recently
completed their certified nurses aide training at the Hazard Voca-
tional Tech Center.
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Leroy Couch, Linda Adams, Juanita Sizemore

Congratulations to Michelle Wells on the birth of her
daughter in December; to Amy Fugate for a son born during Janu-
ary and to Caryene Coots for a son bom during January.
Congratulations to Juanita Johnson who was selected to
be the Employee ofthe Year for 2000. Juanita has been with FNS
for 30 years.
A Sick Time Rewards policy was recently put into effect.
Deanna Severance, CEO; Jennifer Mercer, Assistant Controller;
Vicky Riley, Assistant to CEO; and Brian Lane, Controller, con-
ducted the drawing for the Sick Time Rewards for the year 2000.
The awards were presented to employees on February 14 by Mrs.
Severance. The first class award was four prizes of $500 per re-
cipient. The second prize was tive $100 prizes and the third was
two additional days of vacation for several employees.
The $500 cash awards went to Louise Clark, Betty Lashon,
Pamela Napier and Lillian Johnson Miniard. The $100 cash awards
went to Julia Rae Dixon, Lena Bishop, Deanna Adams, Debra
Begley and Tina Wallace. The two additonal vacation days went
to Robert Howard, Sherri Davis and Julie Cornett.
The administrative staff express their sincere apprecia-
tion for these employee’s dedication to their job, the FNS and to
their fellow co-workers.
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Mrs. Severance presented $500.00 check t0 Betty Lashon

New Employees
The staff at Mary Breckinridge Healthcare welcomes
Michael F eltner, Maintenance, Della Roberts, Hyden Clinic, Mary
Napier, Home Health Aide and Martha Bailey, Home Health Aide. -.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to the following employ- ‘
ees who recently lost loved ones:
Pam Collins, Billing Clerk - grandmother; Dr. Anita
Cornett, Christian Health Care — cousin; Vicky Lewis Simpson,
Dietary — stepfather; Kim Dewess, Dietary - stepmother and mother-
in-law; Geraldine Sizemore, Aide — son; Julia Cornett, Aide - sis-
ter; Alice Brown, Aide - father-in-law; Linda Sizemore, Dietary — I
ex-husband; Sonya Stidham and Robin Wegford - grandmother; I
Heidi Froemke — father and Rhoda Souder - husband.
Survey 0f Obstetrical Services
Mrs. Susan Stone, Dean of the Frontier School of Mid-
wifery and Family Nursing, recently conducted a patient satisfac-
tion survey of midwifery and obstetrical services provided by
MBHC. A drawing for $100.00 was held for all those who partici- I
pated in the survey. The winner, Ethel Turner from Yeaddiss, Ken- .
tucky, was presented with a check for $l 00.00. Mrs. Tumer deliv- .
ered a baby boy, Austin Turner, on January 18, 2000, at MBHC. K
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Ethel Turner and Mallie Noble, MBHC Administrator  

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