xt7ht727bc54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727bc54/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1937-10-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  1, 1937 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  1, 1937 1937 1937-10-01 2013 true xt7ht727bc54 section xt7ht727bc54 Best Copy Available

The Kentucky K






Women's Dating Restrictions
Decided By AWS; Every Nite
Out For All With 3 Standing
Freshmen and Transfer
Women Required To Attend
Convocation Mondav
A. W. S. Rules


School Has Acain
Been Orpanized To Aid



A rule


has been passed by

A. W.

all sophomore women
with a standing of 2 or over for the
nast semester to have one date
night a week, juniors, two nights a
-- week, seniors,
three r.ights a week,
and students with a standing of 3
every night out.
Frances Sadler, president of A.
W. S.. will introduce- the presidents
of Cwens. Mortar Board. W. A. A..
Y. W. C. A.. Phi Beta. Phi U. Strollers. Suky. Theta Sigma Phi. Chi
Delta Phi. and the various interest
groups on the campus at a compul
sory convocation to be held at 5
p. m. Monday in Memorial hall. A
brief description of each organization and its projects for the coming
year will be put forth in an effort
to gain the interest of all new
Short talks will be made by Mrs.
Lebus. head of the Woman's building; Mrs. Collins, supervisor of Patterson and Boyd halls: Mrs. Holmes,
assistant Dean of Women; Miss
Cowan, secretary of V. W. C. A.,
and Mrs. Giles, dietition of Patterson and Boyd halls. Miss Blanding,
Dean of Women, will be unable to
8. allowing



A. W. S. blotters and rule books,
explaining the functions of the organization, will be given out to all
women students who have not received them.
At its first meeting of the year
Wednesday afternoon in Boyd hall,
A. W. S. ruled all Freshmen and
transfer women would be under
compulsion to attend convocations.
Plans were made to sponsor a series
of six lectures to be made on the
Preparation of the Coed for Marriage," and a charm school for all
girls who might be interested.
An award to the organized house
the highest scholastic
standing for the first semester will
be given by the organization and
an attempt will be made to better
the libraries of all sorority and
town houses.
It was agreed that the parties and
open houses at the Woman's building should continue throughout the
Those present at the meeting
were Dean Blanding. Mrs. Holmes.
Mrs. Lebus. Joyce Roberts. Eleanor
Mills, Virginia
Ellen Saunders, Mary Elizabeth
Young, Ruth
Koppius, Margaret
Johnson. Bebe Chauvet, Hattie
Ritchie. Runelle Palmore. Julia Hall.
Jessie Whitfield. Anne Lang. Frances Sadler, Sarah Ransdell, Jane
Otter. Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Giles, and
the sorority house mothers.

Keller Returns
To Duties After
Extended Leave
Dr. Wayne Hicks Keller, on sabbatical and extended leave since
June. 1935. studying chemical spectroscopy at Cornell University, has
returned to his teaching duties on
the University's chemistry staff.
In his research at Ithaca. N. Y..
Doctor Keller studied with and
worked under Prof. F. H. Spedding.
1932 s recipient of the Langmuir
Prize presented by the American
Chemical society for outstanding
discoveries in the field of the rare
earth metals.
Keller received his doctor of philosophy degree list June. He wrote,
along with Professor Spedding and
J. P. Howe, a thesis entitled, "Energy States of Praseodymium Sulphate." a treatise which attempts to
explain and to determine by spectroscopic
the internal
structural arrangement of this rare
metal and part of the general problem of understanding the structure
of matter.
"Though this work is the essence
of pure theoretical knowledge."
stated Doctor Keller, "often such
worthy and applicable information
for the public's welfare. Michael
Faraday was Just puttering about
when he stumbled upon and opened
up the field of electronics."

First Meeting Of
Women's Club Held






It s here at last! You probably
read about it in the "K" book and
were a trifle dubious, but the University Dating Bureau is actually to
become a reality. Sponsored by the
YWCA, AWS. and the
Deans of Men and Women, tne
bureau is to be put into operation
as soon as a sufficient number of
students have registered and
their desire for dates with
members of the opposite sex.
The dating bureau service will
be absolutely free to all university
students who are registered with
the bureau. Registering begins at
noon today at Patt Hall and the
YWCA for women and at the YM
CA for men. Men, as well as women, must be registered in order
to apply for dates.
To register, a student must furnish a photograph of himself or
herself, and, give the following inName, address, phone
number, height, weight, class, age,
color of eyes and hair and any
special interest which he or she may
have, such as dancing, riding, sports,
The photograph and information
will be placed on file and will be
strictly confidential, no one .having
access to the files but the registrars.
Students may apply for dates by
phoning the bureau and specifying
the type date desired. The registrars will endeavor to fulfil the requests as nearly as possible. However, the fact that a girl or boy is
registered does not mean that he or
she must accept every date offered
them through th bureau.
All dates secured through the
bureau will be "dutch." That is.
regardless of who requests the date,
women will pay their own way, as
well as the men.
The bureau is being organized In
an attempt to bring together men
and women students of the campus
who are unacquainted with members of the opposite sex but who desire to make social acquaintances.





Discoveries O f
Funkhouser, Webb Printed; New Archaeological
Site Investigated

A report describing
discoveries made in Henry county,
Kentucky, by Professors Funkhouser
and Webb, of the University, has
recently been published by the departments of anthropology and archaeology.
Until the discovery of the Chilton
site three and one-hamiles east
of Campbellsburg, which is made
the arpticular subject of this report, there was only one known
archaeological site of any importance in the county.
Under the direction of John L.
Buckner, also of the University and
to whom the authors of the report
give entire credit for the material
presented, a party was organized
which thoroughly investigated the
stie during the summer of 1936 and
made discoveries of great archaeological interest.
A total of 30 burials were found,
all in graves of similar construction
and in groups of from two to eight.
The groups were widely separated
from each other, and each consti

tuted a natural unit for investiga-an- d
report. Four of the units were
especially interesting due to the fact
that they contained two layers of
burials, one above the other, the
bodies being separated by limestone

The total number of artifacts discovered on the site was not great.
Of the 30 burials only seven had
artifacts of any kind. Among these
were two wolf jaws which had been
ground to a flat surface on the
lower edge, two strings of beads
made from incisors of elk, an elbow
pipe of sandstone, and three bar
shaped gorgets. No pottery of any
kind was found.

Prof. T. D. Clark, of the history
department, was elected secretary of
the faculty of the College of Arts
and Science at the first 1937-3- 8

meeting Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank L. McVey was hostess
It was also announced bv Dean
meeting of the Uni- P. P. Boyd that full attendance of
at the first fall
versity Women's Club Tuesday aft all Arts and Science faculty memNewernoon at Maxwell Place.
bers is necessary at a meeting of the
comers eligible for membership assembly at 4 p. m. next Thursday.
were special guests.
Heads of departments are especially
Featured on the program was urged to be present.
John Jacob Niles. authority on
mountain ballads, who presented a
recital of American folk music. It
included ballads, carols, nursery
Oscar Patterson from Ilion. N. Y.
rhymes from the Southern Appla-chia- n freshman in the college of Arts and
negro spirit- Sciences, gave a lecture and demmountains, and
uals. He played his own accompaonstration of marionettes before the
niment on the piano and dulcimer. Rotary Club of Lexington yesterday.
Mrs. McVey was assisted in en- Patterson is a professional marion- tertaining by Mrs. James W. Mar- etter of two years experience and
tin, club president, and members of was lormeny with the Pall Mall
the executive and social committees. troupe of Indiana.

Monday, October 4, is the

dress may be reported for the
Student Directory. Change
must be reported to either the
office of the Registrar or the
Alumni office before the
above date.












No Women Named To Group;

Plans For Dance Discussed
And Concessions Awarded
At First Meeting
Official appointment of three new
cheerleaders for the ensuing year
were made Tuesday afternoon at
Suky's first meeting of the semes
ter. They are:
Rowland Lamb.
and El wood
Stephenson. Contrary to the recent
custom, there will be no girl cheerleaders appointed this year.
Plans for a dance to be held in
the near future were discussed and
the following committee appointed
to make arrangements:
Alice Wood Bailey,
and James Quizenberry. No definite
date has been secured for the dance.
Howard Jones, custodian of the
Alumni gymnasium, was granted
the soft drink and candy concession
for all college dances to be held in
that building this semester. Concessions for refreshments on Stoll
field during the football games have
not yet been awarded.
Sweaters for the new members
taken in last spring have been ordered, it was announced by James
Salter, treasurer of Suky.

Vey Addresses
Faculty Members
At First Meeting
Introduction Of New Staff
Members Opens
Speaking before the
meeting of the faculty staff yesterday afternoon in Memorial hall,
Pres. Frank L. McVey emphasized
the obligations of that group to the
The meeting opened with introductions of new faculty members to
the old staff, following which Dean
Edward Wiest reported on insurance
plans, and Professor Frank Murray
explained the purpose of the University Credit Union.
Dr. McVey titled his address "Obligations to the University." One of
the first requisites of a faculty
member, he pointed out, is to know
his University. He added that this
includes not only the knowing of
other staff members and buildings
on the campus, but the University
regulations drawn up by the Senate
and the Board of Trustees.
"It doesn't require long for one to
be teaching something which is 15
or 20 years old," he stressed, speaking of the teacher's obligation to
know his subject. It is necessary
for an instructor to keep in constant touch with his students, his
subject, and the University, he said.
Another point brought out was
the need of the faculty to help organize and recognize University
"They should take an
interest in student affairs and try
to see his viewpoint."
"So I welcome you to a year which
I trust will be the greatest in accomplishments in the history of the
University." President McVey said
in conclusion.

Pictured above are Bruce Sullivan, left, and Berkley Bennison,
right, leaders of the "Best Band in Dixie" who will strut their stuff at
the game tomorrow, and the ineffable Betty Bakhaus, band sponsor,
who will give Cincinnati a New Deal in loveliness.

"Best Band In Dixie' To Travel
Along With Wildcats To Xavier
Membership Of One Hundred
Makes This Year's Band
Largest Ever To Carry
U. K. Colors

Freshman Assembly

Coeds To Hold
Dance October 8

At PatlHall

Crossing the Mason-Dixo- n
for the first time in three years,
All men on the campus are
the University's "Best Band in
cordially invited to attend a
Dixie" will blow its Southern
dance to be held Friday, October 8, from 8 to 11 p. m. at
rhythms for the benefit of "Naw-th'- n"
Patt hall under the auspices
ears when it accompanies the
of the Patt, Boyd, and orfootball team to Cincinnati Satganized house girls.
urday for the game with Xavier
One hundred strong, the musicians will clamber aboard buses at
8 a. m. Saturday morning and will
arrive in Cincinnati in time to
parade through the downtown section at 12:30 p. m. They will make Practice Is Held On Tuesday
their headquarters at the Sinton
And Thursday In
Art Center
Batoned by drum majors Berkley
Bennison and Bruce Sullivan, and
An all girls' band has been or
beautified by sponsor Betty Bakhaus, the band will entertain on ganized by the music department to
Corcoran field during the halves of fill a need long felt by the women
the game, making its usual block music majors. John Lewis, who will
and script letter formations for the direct the group, it was announced
benefit of the "paying customers."
Among the formations will be "Hel- yesterday.
Membership is not limited to mulo Cincy," "Cats," "St. X," and
sic majors, however, and any girl
Handling the pistol shots, which who is interested is invited to Join
are very important to the success the organization. Practice is held
of the band maneuvers, is Quarter- - 'at five p. m. every Tuesday and
master George Duncan. It is by jTnursday m the band room at tne
his signals that the band breaJcSiArt center.
from one formation to another.
Girls who have already joined
A new instrument in the band are: Gladys
this year is the bell lyre, which is Thorp, Ina Mae Wallace. Elizabeth
destined to attract a goodly share of Tillet, Anna Sue Hollandsworth,
by musician Virginia Rowland Martha Wryrick.
attention. Played
Frank Goodfriend, its dulcet tone Esther Breeden, Frances Tuttle, and
rings out above the deeper notes of Carolyn Sigler.
the brasses and reeds and lends a
pleasant effect to the martial mu" SpQfg

Music Department
Starts Girls' Band


The enrollment
band this season

of the marching
is one of the largest in university history. Last year's
aggregation being composed of only
ninety pieces.

University Bulletin
Makes Appearance
Weekly Calendar Of Events
Is Sponsored By Journalism Department

The first issue of the University
bulletin a weekly calendar of events
sponsored by the department of
jorunalism, was sent to all departments on the campus Monday.
The bulletin lists all events of
iiueresi 10 me university ana comes
out once a week.
All information
for the bulletin
should be sent to the department
of journalism or called in to University 135 before 10 a.m. on Friday.
Dean Thomas P. Cooper spoke
The bulletin editors for this year
yesterday at the freshman assembly are Marjorie Rieser. Leslie Lee
of the College of Agriculture, held Jones, and S. Louise Calbert.
at Memorial hall. L. J. Horlacher,
assistant to the dean, presided.
Enrollment of the agriculture col- GRADUATE RECEIVES
lege is the largest in its history.
Dean Cooper pointed out, with an
increase of approximately 100 per
Jack Yarbo. graduate student, was
cent over that of six years ago.
awarded the Graduate Resident and
With a total registeration of 530 Board Scholarship
at Columbia
men and women. 200 in the home University last week. After returneconomics department and 330 in ing from a year's trip in Europe,
the agriculture, it is evident that he registered in the graduate school
careers within the fields of agri- of the University but has now transculture and home economics are ferred to Columbia to work on his
being increasingly sought after.
masters degree.
Prof. George Roberts, head of the
Mr. Yarbo graduated in the class
agronomy department, was intro- of 1936 with a maior in romance
duced to the group.

Cooper Addresses



By Installation

Of Heating Plant

Since the installation of the central heating plant here, the department of buildings and grounds has
found it necessary to remove the
old boilers in the various buildings
on the University campus.
The work of tearing out these
boilers was begun this summer and
much needed space has been utilized in this manner: Frazee hall,
McVey hall, and President McVey's
home have all had the boilers
rtmoved and work wi
gin in
the near future on the training

school service building, experiment
station, dairy products building.
stock pavilion. Boyd hall. Alumni
gym, library, Norwood hall, by M. J.
Crutcher. superintendent and the
old heating plant,
and the old heating plant.



A former graduate assistant in
the department of physiology here.
Miss Grace Birge. has accepted a
graduate assistant's post in the department of physiology at Western

Reserve Medical school in Cleveland.
of a paper
Miss Birge is
to be published in the November
issue of the Journal of Nutrition on
the "Effect of Excessive Vitamin A
on the Oestrous Cycle of the Rat."
The work for this paper was done
for her master's degree under Doctor Sherwood, of the physiology
department here.


Wildcats Move Northward;
Meet St. Xavier In Annual
Pilgrimage To Cincinnati
State Education Meeting Held;
McVey, Ligon Represent U.K.

Students AsJed
To Report
Address Changes
last day that changes of



Love's Forgotten Will Find
Solace In Campus Date Post








Dr. Frank L. McVey and M. E.
Ligon represented the University at
the meeting of the Council for
Higher Education in Kentucky held
Tuesday in Frankfort.
The Council, which meets several
times a year, considered matters reof
lating to the certification
teachers, extension classes, and correspondence courses.
Important changes were made
during Tuesday's meeting. It was
decided that, beginning September
1938, 24 semester hours for a major
and 18 for a minor will be required
before a provisional high school certificate will be given. In commerce
a student must complete a minimum of 26 semester hours. Professional requirements for home economics colleges were reduced from
18 to 15 hours.
Matters concerning institutional
budgets was also considered and the
council appointed a committee to
give special consideration to budgets.
This committee is to be called
sometime in the future. There was
some discussion of elective summer
This Council is a legal body set
up under the law to consider problems of higher education, especially
those pertaining to the training of
teachers, and consists of all presidents of institutions, the members
of their boards and dean of the Col
lege of Education.

irom otner



leges were: Dr. Raymond Kent and
University of
Dean Openheimer,
Louisville; Dr. Donovan and Dean
W. C. Jones, Eastern State Teacher's
College: President Paul Garrett and
Dean Finley Grise. Western State
Teacher's Collge; Dean James H.
Richmond and Dr. H. A. Babb and
Dean William Vaugh, Morehead.

Women Artist Group
To Entertain Locals
Phi Beta To Present Three
Recitals And String
Trio Selections

Tonight 's Hop
Last One Until
October 8

all campus

will be

Ready To Cut Loose
For Wynnemen


twenty-fi- ve

cents per couple.



Collegiate Musical Show To
Be Presented In Nuv ember;
Auditions To Be Held In
Memorial Hall
Auditions for parts in the Strollers collegiate musical show, "Of All
Things," to be presented late in
November, will be held in Memorial
hall at 3 p. m. Wednesday, October
6. The
comedy is authored by
Naunerle and Dorothy Ann Calhoun, libretto, and by Power Prich-ar- d
and Bebe Cheauvet, music.
Parts are open for those who can
sing, dance, play musical instruments, or do speaking parts. Any
student of the University is eligible to try for a part.
Positions are also open in the
costume, scenery, lighting, and publicity departments. For the latter
work students are requested to contact Miss Joy Edgerton at the earliest possible opportunity.
There is
cents, as in
a charge of thirty-fi- ve
past seasons, for tryouts in the dramatic department.
A meeting of all Strollers will be
held on Monday. October 4, at 3 p.
m. on the second floor of the Administration building.




By Geologists

students interested in
Dr. A. C. McFarlan. Prof. D. M. the art of choral singing are urged
Young and eight geology students to attend, whether they have had
collected several rare specimen of experience or not. as the club is
All women


Faculty To Receive
List Of New Books

Magazine Is Edited
By Band Director


mid-wee- k,


mineral and ores while on a two still open for membersip.
Purposes of the club are to foster
weeks tour in the Tri-Stdistrict
of Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma interest and skill in group singing
and choral leadership, and also to
this summer.
Those unusual specimens were give the student a cultural backfound mainly in caves formed in ground. Election of officers will
take place in the
the limestone rock and discovered choral organizationnear future, as the
will be conduc- tmanner as a club.
hoo.itifnl nieces are unusual forma- - ed ln tne
Experience in this club also will
tions of sphalerite, calcite, dolomite, help to qualify
and galena which are now on ex club membership. a Social for glee
and music
hibit in the Geology museum in enjoyment will be one olj)
the feathe Administration building.
tures of the club.
Occasionally mining operations
were held up to allow the geologists
to get the specimens from the caves.
Professor Young said that about a
ton of material was shipepd here
from the
district containing the finest specimens ever
A select list of the new books
collected by the geology depart- added to the University library each
week will be mailed to members of
the University faculty staff, according to an announcement yesterday
by Muss Margaret Tuttle of the library staff.
This service, which was suspended several years ago. but is now
Lewis. University band diJohn
being resumed by the library, is derector and president of the Kentucky band and directors association, signed to keep the faculty informed
is the new
of The concerning new material that is
Southern Musician, which was re- added to the library during the
leased Wednesday, September 29. year.
A complete and official list of all
The Southern Musician is a professional music Journal which ap- new books cataloged each week will
pears monthly for musicians of the be posted on the bulletin board near
South This is the first copy of the the reference department.
journal that Mr. Lewis has edited.
Included in the last issue are many
interesting articles which musicians
will find full of information.
A graduate of the commerce class
of ' 26. the first graduating class of
that college. H. B. Moore is now
associate professor of economics in
Miss Elizabeth Foley, graduate in the university department of commedical technology in the Class of merce.
1936, left yesterday to accept a poMoore has been assistant chief
sition as medical technologist at of the Marketing Research division
the King's Daughters hospital, Ash- and the Bureau of Foreign and Doland. Ky.. according to a statement mestic Comerce in the U. S. departby Dr. Morris Scherago. head of the ment of Commerce in Washington
for the past three years.
department of bacteriology.
Tri-Sta- te

Kernel Sports Editor
Kentucky's Wildcats make their
annual pilgrimage to Cincinnati
tomorrow when they square off the
St. Xavier Musketeers on Corcoran
Field at 1:30 p. m. Lexington time.
In each of the last three years
the Wildcats have visited in the
Queen City and on each occasion
the Kentuckians have come home
Cincy scalps. Blue Grass
i with
opinion is optimistic and has made
plans for a victory. Yet word comes
from the banks of the Ohio that
Xavierphiles are offering 1 on the
A regiment of 'Cat rooters are expected to be on hand tomorrow inasmuch the Wynnemen are tackling only 80 miles from home instead of last week's 235 miles. Next
week Kentucky meets Georgia Tech
on the Stoll playground.
Getting back to this Saturday's
match, the Saints, according to
press reports, will play with the
strongest aggregation in Musketeer
history. Already they have trampled Transylvania. 43-- 0. in a touchdown party held last week in Cincinnati.
What glory there is in
accomplishing that, St. Xavier has.
Kentucky on the other hand
bowed in their season's bow with
Vanderbilt. though much can be
said in defense of the 'Cat defeat.
What the Bluegrassers learned in
that ambush, will go far in helping
them compete with the remainder
of their schedule.
In all probability, if the turf is
fast, Kentucky's backfield will take
an airing in the wide open spaces
of the Musketeer secondary.
Davis, in Wednesday's scrimmage
gave flashes of his old self, cutting
through the line with savagery and
swiftness. Provided his leg suffers
no further aggravation the Davton
Dynamo will flaunt his stuff in
cheerable fashion tomorrow.
His brother. Dameron, has just
about recovered from hi
trouble and might be ready to start
the game alongside of brother Bob.
Dameron has taken it easy up until
when he began to
cut loose and show signs of the
brilliant back he is.
Either Simpson or Hodge will get
the fullback nod. Bessemer Red
also has a loose knee which has
slowed up his play in general.
Hodge showed well in the Vandy
Dick Robinson and Joe Shepherd
will direct the team from the barker role, with Robbie probably getting the kickoff call.
The Vanderbilt mud party definitely proved that three sophomores
are almost assured of regular work.
Ed Sydnor and Tom Spickard, at
guards, were standouts in that game
and Luke Linden, the Blue Diamond
(Continued on Page Five)

Members of Phi Beta, women's
honorary music and dramatic fraternity, will present a program for
the Lexington Junior McDowell
club this afternoon.
During the program Miss Marjorie Jenkins will play as a piano
solo Debussy's "Reflections in the
Water." As a vocal solo. Miss Elizabeth Ballard will sing Homer's
"The House That Jack Built." Miss
Mary Ann Stiltz will offer a readAre To Teach Choral Singin?
For All Students InterestAlso included on the program will
be a string trio composed of Miss
ed; Social and Music EnjoyVirginia Thorp, violinist; Miss Virment To Be Main Feature
ginia Rowland, cellist, and Miss
Elizabeth Rhe Tillett, pianist. The
trio will play two selections. Ruben-stein- 's iation of the auspices of thethe new
Women Students,
"Romance" and Schubert's
choral club held its first meeting
"Ave Maria."
at 3 p. m. last Tuesday in the Art
center. From all indications the
Tri-Sta- te
first meeting was a success, and
pleased the consultants. Prof. C. A.
Lampert. Miss Mildred Lewis, and
Dr. Willem van de Wall of the mus-

Very Successful


Ikb Davis, In Gaining Streak,

the last until October 30, will
be held from 8 to 10:30 o'clock
in the Alumni gymnasium.
The Troubadours, a Frankfort orchestra, will furnish
the music and there will be
Adthe usual six

Kentucky. Never Whipped In
Cincy, Tackle Musketeers
On Corcoran Field,
1 :30 p. m C. S. T.

All freshmen interested In trying
oat for the freshmen tennis team
are requested to rport t Bobby Evans, vanity tennis captain, at 3
'clock Friday afternoon on the
tennis court-- .

Block and Bridle will meet at 7:30
o'clock Monday night. October 4. at
the Agriculture building. Plans for
the freshmen agriculture party will
be discussed.

Phi Alpha Theta, honorary history fraternity, will meet at 4 p. m.
Monday, October 4, in the Woman
The B. S. U. council will hold a
business meeting at S p. m. Friday
in the Woman's building. Members
are asked to be present and bring a
There will be a compulsory



for all new women students at 4 p. m. Monday afternoon,
October 4, in Memonal hall.
Men students assigned to part
time under N.Y.A. may work extra
hours if they like. If they are not
paid this month, the extra hours
can be counted on next month. The
first work month ends October 9.

There are not more than a dozen
parking spaces left on the campus.
Late students wishing to register
cars should do so at the office of
the Dean of Men at once. Fines
will be imposed on those parking
without permit.
There will be a meeting of Lamp
and Cross Tuesday night at the Phi
Delta Theta house. It is important
that all members attend.



Entrrrd at tb Pod


ana daai matter under tb

at LH niton. Kentucky, a



, M7t.

Act of March

Thank You,


Lrxlnpton Board of Oommerea
Krntuckf Intrcolleiau Frua Association

Herald, Leader


of the


The Kernel



to express
its appreciation to The Lexington Herald and
Leader for the admirable courtesy shown the
The best
of the year
students by placing in the University libiary
house. It seems
in from the
bound files covering nearly half a century.
as if LVlt Britt Alderman was at
This material is valuable not only for histor- their open house Sunday, and was
it gives students introduced to Ruth Stewart, who
ical research but alv
to get information directly had a red dress on. Well. Britt made
ample opxrtunity
a date with
and then wanpreparatory to many courses of study, thus fur- dered away. ARuth minutes later he
So he
had forgotten her name.
thering professional training.
the girl he was dancing
Since the room in which the files are to be asked the girl in the red dress with
kept will not lie completed until the latter pail The only person the girl saw in a
of next week, the library staff requests that the rod dress gave Frosh Betty Sowards.
So she
Britt Betty's name.
files until they are made When the nite of the date came.
students do not use the
Britt walked into the triple D house
available for such use.
and asked for Betty Sowards. Betty

National AdvcrtisingSenice.Inc
CtUttt Pmtliikm RrtrmmUtiv
Nl Ton. N. Y.
aoiroa lot aaatna a rwaciaca

Ross J. Chum





Raymond T. I.atiirim



Managing Editor


Acting Business Manager


Associate News Editors
Sports Editor

Donald Irvine
Marvin Gay

Eidnry Buckley


Scrap Irony

Meyer GodhelR
Jane Levi
Marie Mayaey
Mary Castle

.Van McElroy
Martha Moore
L. T. Iglehart
Lois Campbell

James Treadway

Irina Damper

Virginia Chase
Grace Silverman






in whiich a fac- uliy nicnilicr was too
modest t o divulge


siimc newsworthy information to a' Kr.RNFX
short-shor- t
story complete in this column)
provokes ilic following remarks.
Margie was sophisticated all right. This was
At the dawn of rath sthool year The Kernfa
her first year" in college and she had already
is in the hands of a completely new staff, green
joined a sorority with a "jierfcttly adorable"
in spits and coniiietcnt in others. Occasionally,
will cover his lcat, get a name. She was dating a half-bacwhose long
a budding
replete with scientific data, and inadvert- runs were just "too thrilling," and all her proently distort it slightly in his recording. Upon fessors were old darlings."
reading it in the paper, the department which
She was sitting in a downtown restaurant the
released the facts cju icily condemns its school
is when she really
news vehicle and mutely vows "never again to day she first saw Larry, that
saw him. She had heard of him of course, exei
give The KfRvn. another story."
who was anybody had heard of Larry. He
When a professor or a department assumes
this nnopic attitude. The Kernel editors lxk danced well, no, divinely, and he had dark hair
askance. How, if this University is a training .and he was built like Apollo himself. When he
ground for life's battles, is a student to learn lexiked
at a girl she fell like a plummet.
how to write and to Interpret news when the
Well, MYe I say, she saw him and she "just
campus news makers lock the doors of printable
had to meet him," or else she'