xt7ht727b03w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht727b03w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-04-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1929 1929 1929-04-12 2012 true xt7ht727b03w section xt7ht727b03w THE KENTUCKY KERNEL

Last Cadet Hop


City Zoning Work STATION OF U. R.
Four senior civil engineering stuYEAR SATURDAY dents arc assisting in the field sur- SCORES SUCCESS
preparatory to the zoning of
Lexington and environs, which was
started n week ago under the supervision of Karl Wodlstch, resident
engineer. The students arc W. S.
Kinney, Russell Woodburn, Thomas
Elam and H. J. Lihtcfcld.
The wcrk will be completed by
the end of the week, according to
Mr. Wodlstch, and then will be
transferred by draughtsmen to a
mnp by the use of various representative symbols.
This field work is a part of the
city planning scheme being planned
for Lexington, and it requires accuracy of minute detail in order
that the final zoning plan will be
of benefit to Lexington.
The plan will regulate and
to their proper places all
types of structures, residential, business and industrial, so that they
will not be harmed by careless or
unsightly Intermingling.





School Week Head


Puts Team
Through Hard Drills for
First Encounter

Coach Dcvercaux


Raymond Rhoads Is Probable
Pitching Choice; Barnes
Slated to Catch

The University of Kentucky Wildcat baseball team will offlcially open
their 1929 season tomorrow at 2:30
o'clock on Stoll Held against the
University of Louisville Rcdbirds.
The Wildcats have been put
through several weeks of hard drill
in preparation for this opening game
and they should be very anxious
to display their wares before the
nome folks. Kentucky was booked
to meet Ohio State in two games
earlier in the season, but due to
weather conditions the games were
called off.
To say that Coach Pat Devereaux
.has wonderful material would be
enly the wildest distortion of facts,
but to say that .he will place a classy
outfit in the field tomorrow is
neither exaggeration nor proselyt-isTwenty-fiv- e
men make up the
six of whom are letter men
last year, the rest are men who
were on the freshman team last season or men who never played any
college baseball heretofore.
25 men have been knocking the
and unless appeahorsehide about
rances are deceitful they are pretty
consistent knockers.
Very little is known as to the
strength of the Redbirds but we may
rest assured that they will shoot the
whole works in hopes of evening up
the trouncing that the Wildcats
.handed them last year. Coach
will probably start Raymond
Rhoads, an outfielder , of last year,
who has been converted into a flrst-.cla- ss
hurler. Barnes will probably
be on the receiving end.
Paul McBrayer and Wallace
are two other right-handewith little
who are second-tenne- rs
experience, that may get a chance
to strut their "stuff" .tomorrow in
case Rhoads is off form. Captain
"Baldy" Gilb is a fixture at short-.sto- p
and the same can be said of
Johnny Cole who plays first base.
Both, .however, are .having a little
trouble with ambitious sophomores.
.Beard and Kruger are hanging
around as handy men to step into
the two infield positions shouldup.
two veterans drop out or slow
Will Ed Covington and "Dutch"
Trieber are staging a little argument over second base but Covington appears to have outdistanced
Trieber ior the opening game. Kenneth Mauser and "Andy" Toth are
lighting for the hot corner and Just
which one will start is not known.
'Dutch" Leyman is entrenched in
center field. Kellog, Kelley, Dunn,
.Murphy and Trott are battling for
the other two places in the field,
Trott and Kelley will probably get
the call tomorrow.

Cadets Will Name
Winner of Trophy
Rotary Club Donates Award
for Scholarship on Military
Field Day

The Rotary Club Trophy will be
presented to the graduate student
In R. O. T. C. who, according to the
vote of the other students, excels
in the requirements of good citizenship, it was announced Monday. All
second-yea- r
advanced course men
who have graduated or who will
graduate in 1929, are eligible for
the honor.
The voting will be held during the
regular class periods April 29 and
30 and May 1, by members of the
and second-yea- r
course present at class on those
days. The vote will be by secret
ballot, and students will vote for
three candidates, indicating their
first, second, and third choices. A
vote for first place will count five
points, second place three, and
third place one.
Electioneering is forbidden although there is no objection to
discussions regarding the qualities
which constitute good citizenship
The reason for the selection of a
candidate should be of a plane conforming to the high standards of
the advanced course honor system
and the Rotary motto.

Duke University Lecturer Is
Heard at Third General
Convocation; Is Sponsored
by Pan Politikon.
Prof. J. Fred Rippy, of Duke University, Carolina, was the principal
speaker at the third general convocation held Tuesday during the
fourth hour in the Men's gymnasium. The subject of Professor
Rippy's address was the "Political
and Social Evolution of South
Professor Rippy was brought to
the University under the auspices
student forof the
eign relations organization, for the
purpose of stimulating interest in
foreign and international
The lecturer stated that in the
Latin American countries there Is
a tremendous reduction of energy
by penetrating heat and according-- i
ly the natives are greatly handicapped. Also a great portion 'Of
South America is in the zone of
earthquakes and volcanoes, which,
have, in the course of time, caused
much destruction.
"Another cause for the slow process in civilization in the Latin
American countries, literally speak- ing, is they have not had a frontier in the sense that we have had
continual renaissance of American
one, since our frontier has meant .a'
life. There are seventen million
white people in South America and
the remainder of the inhabitants are
primitive races."
.In conclusion Professor Rippy
said that if the United States
wishes to assist the South Americans in any way, it would be wise for
us to send loans, engineers, physicians, and teachers along with our
"devil dogs," if we must .send marines.
Special lectures will be given by
Prof. J. W. Martin, Prof. R. O.
and Prof. J. P. Troxel on
April 11 and 12, as a part of the
for the
month of April. The English department will devote time to the
program in their classes from April
15 to April 22.

Kentucky Sharpshooters Will
Fire on Army Range at Ft.
Benjamin Harrison, Ind.,

3-- 5.

The R. O. T. C. rifle team will go
to Fort Benjamin Harrison May 3,
and 5, where it will shoot matches


with Ohio State, the University of
VlP TTnlVPfSifcV Of Illinois
and Cincinnati University.
matches will be Area on an ouiaoor
army range with the regulation
army rifles.
The team has area iw maicnes mis
season, of which 32 were won, 28
were lost, one was tied and one was
The matches wun uuiver sainuuy
TnsHtnte which was to have been
fired in the local armory tomorrow,
has been called on.
The mpmbers of the Kentucky
team are as follows: Jess Laughlin,
captain: V. A. Jackson, J. k. tiesier,
C. Smith, E. Payton, D. C. Bailee,
G. Cook, A. Henderson, W. Eads, M.
G. Cropper, T. P. Manse, J. R.
Moore and J. T. Fleming.

Mortar Board Offers
Vocational Guidance Maxson Speaks at
Men's Club Meeting
Books for Students


"How to Get the Job You Want,"
"Choosing a Career," and "The Girl
and the Job" are but a few of the
books which have been selected by
the Vocational Guidance Committee
of Mortar Board. These books will
not only adequately answer the
question, "What Shall I Be?" but
will also help solve the problem of
those who have not as yet decided
upon their life work.
The books may be taken out by
students and when returned will be
placed on the Mortar Board shelf,
i All students interested in vocational
guidance are invited to aval) themselves of this privjfoge,

Prof. R. N. Maxson, of the University chemistry department, addressed about 40 members and visitors of the Men's club of the Second Presbvterlan church at a supper
meeting of the organization Monday
night at the churcn. mis suDject
was "Modern Development in Chemistry."
The Catholic club of the University will meet Sunday morning at
St. Peter's school on Barr street im
mediately after the 9:30 mass. A
large attendance is requested.


12, 1929



Will Regulate All
Co-e- d
AT K. EU. MEET theA offices ofset of rules regulating AT UNIVERSITY

Complimentary Letters. Telegrams, Telephone Calls
Received by Officials

Headquarters for Assembly
at Louisville April
to Be at Brown Hotel



Salon Orchestra and Co-eHand Will Phiy Wednesday Night




Kiwi' '





is a picture of Louis Clifton, of the University extension department, who is supervising the
ninth annual Kentuky High School
Week that is being held at present
on the University campus.
Mr. Clifton was In charge of all
arrangements for the week's program, and his endeavors in that regard are playing a large part in
making the High School Week program a success. He planned the
entertainment of the hundreds of
visitors, the schedule of contests,
the ofSclation at the contests, and
the awarding of the trophies and
medals to the winners.


(Contlnued on Pace Eight)


Annual U. K. Banquet Will
Be Held Thursday; 100

to Attend

i The University remote control
broadcasting station completed the
first and second week's programs
with marked success.
comments in the form of letters,
telegrams and telephone calls have
been sent to the University and to
the broadcasting station in Louis-

Among these was a unique telegram from the "Appalachian Journal" in Knoxville, Tenn. This telegram said: "Program coming strong
as your football team last year. Congratulations."
The Rev. Chesterfield Turner of
the First Baptist church at Frankfort, says in a letter after the open"This cooperative
ing program:
service between the press and the
University of Kentucky pressages a
new day."
The program for the third week
of University broadcasting has been
planned with many prominent members of the University faculty scheduled for Interesting talks.
Xr. W. D. Funkhouser, professor
of zoology and dean of the graduate
school, will broadcast Tuesday, April
16, the second lecture in his series
on "Kentucky
Funkhouser is an archaeologist of
national reputation, his research
work along that line having brought
the state of Kentucky into international prominence.
Broadcasting for the week of Monday, April 15, is planned as follows:
Monday, April 15. 12:45 to 1:00 p.
Lambs in 120
m. "Choice
Days," R. C. Miller, College of Ag- -


Twentieth Anniversary of International Fraternity Is
April 17


The annual Kentucky Educational
Association will meet on April 18, 10
and 20, in Louisville, with the University represented on various parts
of the program. Headquarters for
the assembly will be the Brown
hotel, and the general sessions will
be held at the Knights of Columbus
Among the principal speakers who
will appear on the general program
are William Chandler Bagley, Dr.
George W. Frazler, Dr. Richard D.
Allen, and Dr. Charles W. Gilkey,
who recently appeared at the University in connection with the Y. M.
C. A. program.
Dr. Frazier is president of the Colorado State Teachers College, of
Greely, Colo. He will be the only
speaker for the Thursday evening
program, and he will also appear on
the general program Friday morning.
Dr. Allen, an authority on Vocational Guidance, will speak at the
general session on Friday morning.
Other speakers on the program
will be Dr. Laura Zirbes, professor
Education, Ohio
of Elementary
State University; Miss Mabel Campbell, professor of home economics,
University of Missouri; Hon. Uel W.
Lamkin, president of the National
Educational Association; Mr. T. D.
Martin, of the International Educational Association; Hon. Roy Wise-har- t,
superintendent of public instruction, Indiana; Mr. D. D. Less-berr- y,
vice president of the Short
Course Business High Shool, Pittsburgh; H. G. Shields, director of
(Continued on Page Eight)


University Teams Win Ma- Jud.'je Robert Bingham and Course Begins for Mine Employes; Professor Emarth
jority of Contests; Many
Herndon Evans Are
Is 'instructor; Will Give
Events Show
Foremen's Tests.
Creditable Work.
"Th Klvth .dehnte. of a series of
debates, was held Wednesday morn
ing at 3 o'clock in tne lecture room
of McVey hall, the subject of which
"Should a Substitute for the
Drocont .Tnrv Rvfitpm h( Adonted."
.affirmative was .upheld by
James S. Porter, Jr., wuiiam
Pearce and Hugh, Jackson, and the
negative was supported by "William
Dysard, Sydney T. Schell and Clifford Amyx.
'Thf first of the series was held
in Paris, the second at Mayslick,
the .third in Harrodsourg, tne iourin
last Friday night at 8 o'clock In the
lecture room in Mcvey nau, ana
the fifth at Falmouth
nttrht. at.
The last of the se
ries is to be held some time next
week, but the exact date has been
left to the opponent, Mississippi.
The University debating men are
winners of a large number of contests, and participants in many in
which no decision was given. They
are coached by Prof. W. R. Sutherland, head of the public speaking
department of the University.
Dean Paul P. Juoya win presxae
as chairman, assisted by D. Forest
Rinrk Prof. Lewis P. Roberts of
th noiippfi of Law. and B. A. Wise
of Centre College, will act as critic
judges. Their deisions ana criticisms, as well as debaters of the six
win he lncoroorated in
the handbook to be sent to prepschools throughout the state in
for next year's debate.
The public is invited to near tne


French Club Plans
Banquet April 17
Circle Francais Will Present
Unique Program During

Annual Dinner
Arrangements for an annual banquet to be given by Circle Francais
April 17, at the Chimney Corner,
are now being made. Besides the
members of the club, all students in
the romance language department
are invited to be present.
A unique program for this affair
is being planned, and everything will
be carried out in accordance with
French style and customs.
At this time Fleur de Lis pins
will be awarded by Mrs. Lolo Robinson, president of the Fleur de Lis
club, honor French organization, to
several members of Circle Francais,
the names of whom will be announced at the banquet. Qualifications for membership are high
scholarship in French, good attendance at meetings, and active part
in a certain number of programs.
The active members of the Fleur
de Lis organization are Mrs. Lolo
Robinson, Miss Rebecca Levy, Miss
Margaret Gooch. Miss Sadie Ann
Paritz and Miss Rebecca Brown.



' OF


Welcome Visitors

The twentieth annual Founders'
Day of Sigma Delta Chi, International professional Journalistic fraternity, will be celebrated by the
University of Kentucky chapter on
April 17 with a banquet and initiation ceremonies at the Phoenix
hotel, at which time eight students
who have been pledges will become
members. The principal feature of
the occasion will be the Initiation by
the Kentucky chapter of associate
members, chosen from the most
outstanding newspaper editors and
publishers in the state.
April 17 will be the first time in
the history of the Kentucky chapter that it lias taken associate members, but in other states, associate
memberships in Sigma Delta Chi
chapters are honors much sought
by newspaper
leaders, and are
awarded to men who, like those

intensive training
An eight-week- s'
course in mining opened Tuesday
with Prof. Phillip C. Emarth as instructor. The course is being attended by about 20 mine employees
from all parts of the state.
The course is conducted for the
purpose of enabling men in the coal
fields to receive instruction so that
they may pass the examination for
foremen. The first six weeks offer
practical instruction in such subjects as mine ventilation, drainage,
and gases, and the last two weeks
are devoted to training in first aid
and mine rescue work. For this, the
United States bureau of mines sends
a training car to the University. At
the end of the eight weeks John
Daniel, state mine department chief,
conducts the examination for certificates.
consecThis is the twenty-secon- d
utive year that the mining departContinued on Face Eight)
ment has offered the course. No
tuition charges are made and from
10 to 100 men are in attendance
each year. This year's enrollment
is very small because of the bad condition of the coal business, acord-in- g
to Professor Emrath.
A man taking a course never has
failed to pass the state examination
which is neessary before an em"The Flight of the Duchess" is ployee may become a foreman.
to be presented for the first time
in America.
"You're my friend:
I was the man the Duke spoke to;
I helped the Duchess cast off her
Y. W. C. A.
yoke, too;
So, here's the tale from beginning
Alice Spauldlng, a Junior in the
to end,
Arts and Sciences college, has been
My friend."
elected president of the Y. W. C. A.
Yes, the tale rrom Beginning to for next year, according to an anend will be presented here at the nouncement made last night at the
Guignol theater for the first time annual woman's banquet. Bernlce
in America. The opening date is Byland was chosen as vice president,
to be April 28.
Elizabeth Hensley, secretary, Evelyn
"The Flight of the Duchess" was Cooley, treasurer, and Rosanna
originally a poem by Robert Brownfinance chairman.
ing. The scene is laid in Italy at
Miss Spalding is a member of Zeta
the castle of the cruel duke. From Tau Alpha and is vice president of
the convent came the lady "made the Guignol board. She is also a
in a piece of nature's madness, too member of Strollers and of Chi
small, almost, for the life and glad- Delta Phi, honorary literary fraterher." After re- nity. Miss Byland, Zeta Tau Alpha,
ness that over-fille- d
maining for a while at the castle is treasurer of W. A. C. and secreand accepting the insults of the tary of W. S. G. A. She is also a
duke and his heartless mother, the member of Strollers.
duchess is aided by a gipsy in her
The retiring officers are Margaret
flight from the castle.
Oooch, president; Elsie Bureau, vice
Carmellitti, an Italian, saw in this president; Evelyn Cooley, secretary;
wonderful poem an opportunity for Dora Mae Duncan, treasurer, and
writing a play. The same name and Alice Gardner Whlttlnghill, finance
theme were used by him and the chairman. The new officers will be
play was written in Italian. Pro- Installed immediately after the anfessor Galloway, of the department nual Y. M. and Y. W. camp to be
of English, of the University of held May 10, 11 and 12 at Camp
Kentucky, has translated the play Daniel Boone.
into English, and has thereby given
the members of the Guignol theater,
under the direction of Mr. Fowler,
privilege of staging the play for
The last cadet hop of the season
will be given tomorrow afternoon
the first time in America.
A finer play could not have been from 3 to 6 o'clock in the Men's
selected to bring to a close a most gymnasium. Toy Sandefur and his
successful year for the Guignol Rhythm Kings orchestra will furnish the music.

Guignol Gives

Translation of
Italian Drama

Spauldinff Is
Elected President

tivities of women students of the
University was drawn up by Mortar
Board, women's national senior honorary fraternity, and passed by the
women's administrative council at
a recent meeting In the office of
the dean of women. The rules embrace a point system and will go
Into effect immediately and govern
all elections to offices for 1929-3The point system divides all offices Into four classes and regulates
the number of offices that one girl
may hold. The classification is
made according to the time each
takes office and was decided by the
women's activities point system
committee, which consists of the
active chapter of the Mortar Board.
The purpose of the rules Is to per- mlt more girls to take part in the
leadership of women's organizations
and to guard against girls having
too many

Over 1,000 Students Compete
- for Honors in Many


Debates Create Greatest
terest; Band Contests
Second in Favor


The ninth annual Kentucky High
School Week, sponsored by the University Extension Department, and
planned by Louis Clifton, is nearlng
completion, with finals in all contests to be held throughout tomorrow.
More than 1,000 contestants
and coaches have been guests of the
University the past week.
The events being sponsored by the
University are debates, music contests, orations, and scholastical
meets. So far there has been keen
competition in all of the everts,
many close decisions having been
rendered. The debates seem to be
holding the center of interest and
are drawing the largest number of
Committee Receives Nomina- crowds. The band contest, which
Co-ed- s
for will be held Saturday is creating
tions of Eleven
Annual Festivity; Pictures much Interest. form of the contestat the Admining bands will
Must Be Made by Starman. istration building and, led by the
band of the University, will
have been nomi- parade down Rose street to Main,
Eleven co-enated for the election of May west on Main to Limestone and
Queen which will be held Wednes- south to the University. At the
day, April 24, from 8 to 12 o'clock gymnasium the bands will give sevIn the morning, and from 1 to 4:30 eral selections and have their pico'clock in the afternoon.
The girl tures taken.
selected by the men students will
Several trophies are to be given
preside as "Queen" over the annual
May Day festivities. Nominees are to the winning members of the contests and to the winning teams. The
DelMary Armstrong, Delta Delta
ta; Sarah Warwick, Chi Omega; Lexington Leader offers acup for
Evelyn Ford, Alpha Gamma Delta; excellence in debate. This
be won three times before it can be
Mary Jay Sharp, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Ruth Bonnin, Alpha Gam- claimed permanently.
ma Delta; Elizabeth Hood, Delta high school has won it twice.
The Lexington Herald gives a cup
Sanford, Zeta Tau AlZeta; Bess
pha; Mary Louise Robinson, Kappa to the champion orator. It was
Agnes Stiman, won last year by James Rayborn
Kappa Gamma;
Kappa Delta; Lucy Davis, Kappa Moore, of Somerset, who later was
Kappa Gamma, and Martha Reed, awarded the national championship.
This cup must also be won three
Alpha Xi Delta.
The girl who receives the highest times before it can be retained pernumber of votes will be May Queen manently.
and the next highest will serve as
offers a prize
The Courier-Journ- al
her Maid of Honor. The next four of $75 to the winning debate team.
highest will act as attendants to the Besides these individual trophies and
Queen. Pictures of the Queen will prizes, the University will award
be published April 28.
medals to those winning each event
Starman Studios on North Broad- in the contests.
way is making free of charge, picThe winners of the first round of
tures of May Day candidates and no debating are as follows: Wickllffe,
photographs other than these will Morgan county, Bellvue, Richmond,
be accepted for publication in The Cave City, Paris, and Clarkson.
Kernel. Contestants must arrange
The second round was held Wedfor a sitting by Saturday and have
foltheir pictures made by Tuesday, in nesday night and produced the
lowing results: Wickllffe, Richmond,
order that cuts can be made for
Pleasureville, and Clarkson.
The winners of the mathematics
A committee composed of Job Turner, chairman; James Finley, James contest were: Dorothy Greenup,
B e rl I n
Shropshire and Beverley Waddill Hopkinsville ;
Granville Bryan,
has been appointed to conduct the Buena
Henry Wall, Paducah;
May Queen election. Friday, May 3, Brooksville;
has been set aside as official May Irene Crafford, Renaker; Henry
Day at the University and the va- Spanogne, Lebanon; J. Mays,
James Pyles, Mayslick;
rious committees have already begun
work to make this May Day one of Gordon Barrickrnann,
the most colorful in University Ida Clinger, Augusta; Frasier Faul-one- r,
Renaker; W. Clark, Mayfleld.
The results of the science tests
were Walter Quinn, Henderson;
Frank Jones, Washington; Joe German, Piner; Hayden Withers, Princeton; Billy Cundiff, Somerset:
Harold Hill, Russell George Adkins.
Princeton; Sam Nichols, Danville;
Richard Greenholz. Newport; Boll
Young Harvard Physics Pro- Splker, Highlands; Goodwin Thompfessor Speaks to Kentucky son, Princeton; Joseph Glover, PaMen on "Wave Mechanics" ducah.
The history and civics resulted
During Week.
as follows: Elizabeth Johnston,
Joe Greer, Paris;
Dr. John C. Slater, mathematical
physicist and professor of physics at Frances Sapp, Mayslick; Edward
MaysHarvard University, this week de- Prichard, Paris; Lee Galther,
lick; James Bersot, Slmpsonvllle;
livered a series of six lectures on Wooldrldge Spears, Paducah; Cath"ave mechanics" at the University. erine Beadles, Mayfleld; Caroline
He was brought here under the ausHanpices of the physics department of Mason Hopkinsville; Avery
Ted Wadsworth, and
the University primarily to address cock, Fulton: Owensboro.
the graduate students in physics, but Julie
last night he gave a public talk on
"Modern Development in Physics."
"Wave mechanics" is a
theory that Is the outgrowth of
quantum theory that explains
phenomena In atomlcal studies. Dr.
An address on "Beautifying the
Slater last summer was visiting professor at the University of Chicago, Premises" was given by Prof. A. J.
where he lectured on this subject Olney before the south side Imand also was a member of a small provement association at a meeting
group that conducted a symposium Monday night in the sunday school
on wave mechanics at the meeting rooms of Rosemont Gardens.
of the American Physical Society
C. H. Hungerland, superintendent
at Columbia last December.
of the Rosemont Sunday school,
Although he is only 29 years old, asked for volunteers to meet with
Dr. Slater has achieved a wide repthe committeemen of the Boy Scout
utation in this field. He received troop to plan for a troop to be orhis A. B. degree from Rochester in ganized at Rosemont Gardens. Those
1920, his M. A. at Harvard in 1922 who volunteered were E. Elam, W.
and his Ph. D. in 1923. He has S. Gross, Russell Davidson, John
been teaching at Harvard since 1924. Nichols and J. C. Adams.
Mr. Nichols who has been invesCHEMICAL SOCIETY TO MEET tigating the possibility of a bus line
to give service to Rosemont Gardens,
The 134th regular meeting of the reported that he had conferred with
Lexington Section of the American Mayor James J. O'Brien on the matChemical Society will be held at 4 ter but no definite plans have as
p. m. Tuesday, April 16, in the phy- yet been made.
sics lecture room of the C. and P.
building. Dr. L. C. Lindsley, of
Columbia University, will be the
The opera Rosamunde, which was
to be presented at the Guignol
theater April IS, has been called off
BOYLE COUNTY SCHOOLS by Prof. C. A. Lampert, director.
The University Senate refused, to let
Prof. L. J. Horlacher, assistant those persons not having a standing
dean of the College of Agriculture, participate in the presentation and
visited the high schools at Perry-vll- le as some of the ones most fitted for
and Parksvllle Tuesday, April the leading parts were ineligible it
9. He siwke to the classes in vocawas thought best not to offer the
tional agriculture.









� K




Subscribe For



And Help the Association





Wayland Rhoadcs, '15
Mrs. E. T. Proclor, '10
W. C. Wilson, '13
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Hlllcnmcycr, '04

In other columns on this page will be found the announcement
of the annual University of Kentucky banquet to be held
the meeting of the Kentucky Educational Association In
next week. This is the seventeenth annual University of
function of this kind and according to the program and plans
banquet Is
be the largest in the history of such banquets. This
primarily for those graduates and former students of the University
of Kentucky who are engaged in educational work in Kentucky
E. A.
who gather in Louisville for the annual meeting of the K.
Tickets will be on sale at the University of Kentucky headquarters
in the Brown hotel. Every graduate and former student is
to be present at this function. It will draw you closer to
Alma Mater and will give you a new insight into what is
you will
done back on the campus. Make your plans now so that
not miss this interesting event for alumni, faculty and friends
the University of Kentucky.

As has already been stated in The Kernel at different times,

there has been organized in Louisville a University Club, including
in its membership alumni from almost every university and college in the United States. This club, while still in the process of
formation, has made rapid strides and gives promise of being
one of the most active organizations if its kind in the South.
Two University of Kentucky men are on the board of directors ;
one, N. Gray Rochester, 1912, being president and Walter F. Wright,
1914, president of the University of Kentucky Alumni Club of Louisville, being a director. A special invitation has been sent out by
Mr. Wright, urging all graduates and former students of the University of Kentucky to visit the quarters of the University Club
which are on the third floor of the Brown building, adjoining the
Brown hotel. This arrangement will be convenient for alumni who
are attending the annual meeting of the K. E. A. next week, since
both K. E. A. headquarters and University of Kentucky headquarters are located In the Brown hotel.
A previous announcement states that alumni of the University
of Kentucky are invited to Join the University Club of Louisville,
dues are availwhether residing in Louisville or not.
able to those who do not live in Louisville. This is a laudable undertaking and one that deserves the support of all alumni of the
University of Kentucky living in or near Louisville.

They Tell Me

Seventeenth Annual Event to
He Held

Richard M. Greene, B. S is counWilliam Jefferson Harris, B. S., is
for Mason
an assistant professor of Animal ty agricultural agent 201 East Sechusbandry, University of Kentucky. county. His address Is
ond street, Maysville.
His address is 127 University avenue, Lexington.
Rose Lenore Hampton, A. B., is a
Mont-clai- re
Josie Lacer Hays, A. B., Is teaching teacher and her address is
avenue, Ludlow, Ky.
in the high school at Owensboro,
Ky., and her address is 519 Freder-ic- a
Emmett Presley Hatter, A. B., LL.
B., 1921, is an attorney-at-la- w
Joseph Smith Hays, Jr., LL. B., is is practicing his profession in
Franklin, Ky.
and Is located
an attorney-at-lain Winchester, Ky.
Rutherford B. Hays, B. S is a
farmer and his address is R. F. D. 1,
Askew Gaines, now is Mrs. Mayfleld, Ky.
E. B. Webb, and lives in Lexington,
Kate Gray Hieatt, A. B., is
where her address is 643 South
in Plcadome school and her adLimestone street.
dress is R. F. D. 8, Lexington, Ky.
A. B., lives
Myra Katherine Gay,
in Winchester, Ky.
William Richard Gabbert, B. S.,
George Martin Gumbert, B. S., is is a member of the firm of Gentry-ThompsCompany,
a farmer and lives i