xt7ht7279x86 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ht7279x86/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1900-04-dec12. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1900-04-dec12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1900-04-dec12. 1900 1900-04-dec12. 2011 true xt7ht7279x86 section xt7ht7279x86 

KINUTES OF '-TLAE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 12, 1900 - page 16

     The Board of Trustees met in the President's room
in  the College at 11:10 A. L .

      Present:                     B. W. Bradburn
                                   MlcDowell Ferguson
                                   D. F. Frazee
                                   E. H. Hobson
                                   J. B. Kennedy
                                   J. B. lIarcum
                                   R. W. Nelson
                                   J. K. Patterson
                                   W. R. Ramsey
                                   R. C. Stoll
                                   Thos. Todd,

      In the absence of His Excellency the Governor of the
Commonwealth Mr. D. F. Frazee was unanimously elected

      Secretary having gone away for a short while Mr.
Stoll was made Secretary pro tempore.

      On motion the resignations of Judge Holt and Judge
Landes were reluctantly accepted.

      The President announced to the Board the death of
Hon. Hart Boswell.

      On motion President Patterson, Yr. Stoll, and Mr.
Nelson were appointed a committee to nominate successors
for the vacancies in the Board.

      MAr. IN. T. Fowler of Hopkinsville, was unanimovil y
elected as a member of the Board to succeed Judge J. I. Landes.

      Noble Lindsey, Frankfort, was unanimously elected
as a member of the Board to succeed Judge IN. H. Holt.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 12, 1900 - page 17

      Judge George B. Kinkead was unanimously elected
as a member of the Board to succeed lion. Hart Boswell.

     Messrs. Ramsey and Ferguson were duly qualified by
taking the oath of office.

      Judge J. F. Hager entered the room at 11]:50 A. 1.

      The chairman then announced the following as members
of the standing committees indicated.

           Committee on the President's Report.

     Hager, Ramnsey, Ferguson.

                 Committee on Finance.

      Kinkead, Ferguson, Patterson.

                 Committee on Appropriations

      Nelson, Frazee, Stoll.

          Committee on Buildings and Grounds

      Bradburn, Hobson, Marcum.

          Committee on Experiment Station.

      Stoli, Kennedy, Hager.

            Committee on Salaries.

      Patterson, Hager, Kennedy.

            Committee on Internal Expansion

     Kennedy, Kinkead, Nelson.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 12, 1900 - page 17-18

      Committee on Military Instruction 8: Col. Dis.

      Hobson, Todd, Ramsey.

        Committee on Minutes of Executive Committee

      Marcum, Ramsey, Todd.

        Committee on Minutes of the  Faculty.

      Todd, Ferguson, Hager.

      The minutes of the preceding meeting of the Board
were then read and approved.

      The minutes of the Executive Committee were then read
and referred to the Committee on the Minutes of the
Executive Committee.

      The minutes of the faculty and of the Special
faculties were referred to the committee on the minutes of
the Faculty without reading.

      The President of the College read his report which
was referred to the Committee on the President's Report.

      The Reports of the Treasurer and Business Agent
were referred to the Finance Cormmnittee.

      Ordered. on motion that a committee composed of
Messrs. Ramsey, Marcum, and Hager be authorized and requested
to examine thoroughly the accounts of the Business and the
Treasurer, at their convenience, and to report relative

Ordered on motion of Mr. Stoll that the standing


MIIN'iTTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 12, 1900 - page 18-19

committees appointed on this date shall continue for one

      President Patterson submitted the following:

      Whereas the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky, have been officially informed
of the death of Hon. Hart Boswell a member of this body.

      1. Resolved that we have learned of the decease of
our late associate with much regret.

      2.  That in the death of Hon. Hart Boswell the Board
of Trustees have sustained great loss, that our association
with him was of the most agreeable character and that we
desire to place on record our estimate of his great worth as
a man., his conspicious fidelity as a public servant and
especially his devotion to the best interests of the
State College of Kentucky.

      3. That we commend has zeal, his integrity and his
manly character to the emulation of the present and the
future members of this Board.

      4. That a copy of this minute be sent to the family
of the deceased and that copies be furnished also to the
press of the city.

      On motion the resolutions were unanimously adopted.

      On motion of Mr. Stoll the Board adjourned to meet
at 3 P. M.

      The Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment at
3 P. M. December 12th,


MIfI'iUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 12, 1900 - page 19-20

     Present:                     D. F. Frazee, Chairman
                                   B. W. Bradburn,
                                   McD. Ferguson
                                   J. F. Hager
                                   E. H. Hobson,
                                   J. B. Kennedy,
                                   G. B. Kinkead,
                                   J. B. Marcumn,
                                   J. K. Patterson,
                                   . R.. Ramsey
                                   R. C. Atoll
                                   Thos. odd.

      Judge Geo. B. Kinkead was duly qualified by taking
the oath of office.

-    The minutes of the Board of Control were read and
referred to the conmittee on the minutes of the Executive

      Ordered on motion of Mr. Stoll that the Executive be
authorized to make provisions for an adequate supply of pure
water on the grounds for drinking purposes.

      On motion ordered that whenever it becomes apparent
that money will be available for the salary of chemist
under the pure food law the Executive Committee are
authorized to employ such chemist and to pay his salary
from the proceeds of analysis under said law, said salary
not to exceed $1500 for the first year, and increasing
thereafter till the maximum salary of a regular
Professor is reached.

      Ordered on motion of Mr. Stoll that the President of
the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky is
directed to edit and furnish to the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees for its approval his annual report
and -when approved by said committee the same shall be
published in such manner and at such times as the said
committee may think proper.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Dec. 12, 1900 - page 20-21

     The chair appointed Messrs. Eager, Marcum, and Stoll
a conmittee to nominate members for the Executive Committee
and the Board of Control for the ensuing six months.

      The following were unanimously elected as members of

                      Executive Committee

                      D. F. Frazee, Chairman
                      G. B. Kinkead
                      R. C. Stoll
                      R. W. Nelson
                      J. K. Patterson

               Board  of  Control   -   -

                      J. B. Marcus., Chairman
                      Thomas Todd
                      J. B. Kennedy
                      D. F. Frazee

      Mr. Stoll submitted the following:

      Be it resolved that the Executive Committee be and
they are hereby directed to give names to all the buildings
belonging to the college and to place a slab containing the
name on each. It being provided that the name of no
living man shall be given to any building.

      Resolution adopted.

      Mr. Stoll submitted the following:

      Be it resolved that the following shall be the order
of the commencement exercises of this college:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Dec. 12, 1900 - page 21-22

      There shall be a procession formed at the Mechanical
Hall on the morning of the commencement day of each year,
arranged as follows:

      1   Band
      2  Members of the Board of Trustees.
      3   Members of the faculty of the College and the
          Experiment Station.
      4  Alumni of the College
      5   Distinguished visitors
      6   Graduating Class.

      This procession shall march in a route to be selected
by the Marshall of the parade, who shall be a member of the
Faculty and appointed by the President of the College each
year, to the place where the commencement exercises are to
be held.

      There shall be reserved in the place where the
exercises are to be held seats for those who participate
in this parade. The assignment of the reserved seats shall
be made by the Marshall.

      The members of the faculty, assistants and members of
the Experiment Station shall be clothed in caps, gowns and
hoods to which their respective degrees entitle them. The
members of the Senior Class shall wear such caps and gowns
as arp usually worn by graduating classes.

      The President, the members of the faculty, instructors
and assistants and members of the Experiment Atation, shall
each provide their own gowns. The members of the Senior
class purchase the caps and gowns which they shall wear as
herein before provided.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Dec. 12, 1900 - page 22-23

      The style of the caps and govrns which are directed
to be worn herein, shall be selected by the Executive
Committee of this Board, or by a committee appointed by
such Executive Committee.

      This resolution shall take effect upon its adoption
by the Board.

      On motion the foregoing resolution was adopted.

      Judge Hager offered the following :

      Resolved that D. F. Frazee chairman of the Executive
Committee, his act in that behalf being attested by V. E.
Muncy Secretary, be and hereby is authorized on behalf of
the Agricultural and M1Ilechanical College of Kentucky to
execute and deliver deed to Shelby Kinkead conveying about
five acres of land  part of the C. F. Alford tract in exchange
for a like number of acres all in Fayette County, Kentucky
to be conveyed by said Shelby Kinkead and wife by deed to
be delivered to and accepted by the said Frazee on behalf
of the said college.

      On motion the foregoing resolution was approved and
adopted by the Board.

      On motion Messrs. Marcum and Kinkead were appointed
a committee to investigate and report to the Board, at its
next meeting, relative to the alleged over payment of
$1217.51 by the State to the College during the
years 1897-1898-1899.

      The committee on President's Report submitted the


MIIRIYES OF THE BOIARD OF TRUSTEES - Dec. 12, 1900 - page 23

      1.  That so much of said report as refers to buildings
be referred to the Executive Committee Ex-Officio - the
Building Comnittee.

      2. We agree with the President that there is inadequate
provision of funds to meet the annual expense of maintaining
the gymnasium and the imposition and collection of an annual
charge of $5.00 upon male members would be most reasonable
but, in our view, to exact such from State beneficiaries
would be inconsistent with the provisions of section fourteen
of our charter, providing that such students shall be entitled
to all advantages and privileges of the college free of
cost, except board.

      3. We approve the proposed visit of the President
to Washington, and recommend that necessary leave be given
him therefor, and that his expenses be paid by the college.

      4.  We recommend that power be conferred upon the
President in accordance with his suggestion touching the
matter of imposition of penalties for offenses set forth on
page. 4 of report, provided that suspension by the President
shall not exceed three collegiate days.

      5. We agree with President in his recommendation
that it shall be the declared policy of the Board of
Trustees that no modifications in salaries or appropriations
shall be made during the current collegiate year.

                     Respectfully submitted,

                                    J. F. Hager
                                    W. R. Ramsey
                                    McDowell Ferguson

      On motion the foregoing report was approved and



      Ordered on motion of Yr. Stoll that First assistants
in Departments be designated as assistant professors, it being
provided that this change in designation shall make no
modification in their salaries, duties or tenure of

      The following resolution was approved and adopted.

      Resolved that the recommendation of the Executive
Conm.ittee concerning the employment of a professor of
Agriculture and professor of Horticulture be referred to a
special committee consisting of John F. Hager, J. B. Marcutm,
George B. Kinkead and W. R. Ramsey for report to the Executive
within two months and that the Executive Comm-,ittee thereupon
bkve authority to carry into effect the recommendation of
said special committee.

      Ordered that a committee consisting of R. C. Stoll,
J. F. Hager, and President Patterson be appointed to ascertain
when the co-mmission of the present Inspector of Mines expires,
if it expire in April the said Committee will report to the
Executive Committee who shall have power to appoint a
successor in accordance with the terms of the Act of 1898
subject to the ratification of the Board of Trustees at its
meeting in June 1901.  If the commission of the present
incumbent do not expire in April then the conmittee
above appointed need not report to the Executive
Commi ttee.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1900 - page 25

      Judge Hager offered the following:

      The committee on nominations respectfully recommend
the increase of the Board of Control of the Agrtlcultural
Experiment Station to four instead of three members, and
that D. F. Frazee be the fourth member.

                     Signed   J. B. Marcum,
                              John F. Hager

      On motion the recommendation was approved and adopted.

      The Board then adjourned to meet at 10 A. M.
December 13th.

      The Board of Trustees mret in the President's room
at 10:20 A. M. Dec. 13th.

      Present:                     D. F. Frazee, Chairman
                                   MaD. Ferguson
                                   J. F. Hager
                                   E. H. Hobson
                                   G. B. Kinkead
                                   J. B. Marcum
                                   J. Ke. Patterson
                                   W. R. Ramsey
                                   R. C. Stoll

      Judge Hager submitted the following:

      To the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky.

      In compliance with duty assigned us as special
committee to examine and make report upon the minutes of
the faculty and of the special faculties we respectfully
report: -

      That after such examination we find minutes of' proceedings
of the Faculty and of the special have been duly kept, and
regularly entered and authenticated except that the minutes
of meetings of the Academy faculty while preserved in pencil


Missing report(s)