xt7hqb9v4d2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v4d2r/data/mets.xml Pickett, L. L. (Leander Lycurgus), 1859-1928 Bryant, John R. (Hymn writer) Knapp, Martin Wells, 1853-1901 God's revivalist 1894 scores (documents for music) M2117 .T4 1894 English Pickett Publ. Co Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection John Lair Music Collection Hymns, English Revival hymns Tears and Triumphs: Unsectional, Loyal, Interdenominational, 1894 text 189 pages, 21 cm. Call Number: M2117 .T4 1894 Donor: John Lair Music Collection Tears and Triumphs: Unsectional, Loyal, Interdenominational, 1894 1894 1894 2022 true xt7hqb9v4d2r section xt7hqb9v4d2r - W ”mm: mm WMJWWIWQ

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“w.“- 5$uziW 5:; mfltfi13m~mm
















figs-.1... -,

\‘ m,v‘>:-_.r-_v,‘or. ..,




Why send out another song book? Because——
1. The age moves and so must the song world. Each generation must

' produce its own books.

.The people want new books. There is a demand. Why should we not
assist in supplying it?

3. We have the songs. What else can we do than publish them? One
man was cast into outer darkness for'burying his talent.

4. We believe God would have us publish the book. We belong to Him—-
soul, body and business. We feel that His blessing has been on us in pre-
paring it, and will be on the book. »

5. We humbly claim to have a most excellent book. Some of its advan-
tages we name. (a ) Choice music; (6) More beautiful solos than other books,
some of which are “The Life- Boat, " “The Skeptic s Daughter,” “Beautiful
Beckoning Hands,” “ Some Mother’s Child,” “The Good Mother’ s Influence,”“
“Evil Influence of aMother and Sister,” “The Christian at the Station,”
“The Sinner at the Station,” “Answered Prayer ” “There’s a Heaven in the
Heart," etc. These single pieces in sheet form would each cost as much as
the book; (6) A line of awakening, deeply convictive sOngs; ((2') Some good
temperance songs; (a e) A fine line of old- time choruses that stir all hearts;
(f) Splendid, taking, new songs that every one will enjoy; (g) The songs
have the gospel ring; we expect them, under God, to be a great blessing to
many souls; (/2) It is in both round and shape notes; the character notes
have been appropriately styled “music made easy; ” (i) )The book is cheap
though it contains 240 songs, making a number one book at avery loW

Now for these reasons we commit our book to God and to His people.
May it bring “ Tears” of penitence and joy, and raise shouts of “Triumph.”
We pray God’s blessing on those Who use it, and ask the prayers of all.

Your friends in holy song,
L. L. PICKETT. .. .
M. W. KNAPP. "



“Music Made EaSy.” Shape Note Explanation.

12.0 Re Mi Fa - Sol La. Si
. <7

0 6 <1 5 H



Na. 1.


To Him (17/ u hose help this and all other sonqs of ours in this b00115 ha 06 been,

Wear-s and lllriumphs.


w) étten, this song is especially dedu (Lied. {—1






















p ‘ 7W ._i: _._ __,_
3.,- ; gé‘flfiT—s w$::i:—7777’1‘::: .j77.:7' —i ' % :i‘d
@— AAA—A ' :;::‘A A— A1A:m:%A§ AI—AiA ALA-A17— AAfii—fl—j .
i5, ‘i‘—v :1 fi’ i g
1 1 1 Tears of con-tri -tion by souls led a — stray/Triumphs of mer - cy o’er
'ITears of de-spon den -cV so1- row, and grief, Triumphs thro’Je - ,
1 Tears of re — gret 0 V'er tem- -pe1s with- -in ’l‘riumphs that Je— —sus can
“ “' 1 Tears o - V er Weakness and clgubtigw and fear, Triumphs of faith 1 ‘
~, o.‘k ""'E‘ o -"P‘9',_‘o
QE-etz :o'A E 2 All E Q [A :o'AA AA;A_
n", t _ #V~ ,Vi, ”v 7 M, __v __ ‘w __7__7v ¥ _~_}_‘
47:7 7x 7-77 1:. 12 g: g_ E7L—Lt7 7L a it:.e7a_










AA“ 3:1} ”413‘: ,_ _. _,,
:::¥ 7 {AA:E:A—1;A AA A 2—5—




sins wash’d a—VVay. sus who giV- -eth re- i-lief. T ars or glad triumphs for


‘ ' , _ !- —R #- ”—2—?



from all sin. in the promis—es clear.


A 7—1
_ \_/ , Q‘AV— Ax— Ayn
E you and for me, Sob- hing or shout-ing, Whiehshall it he?
‘ A
a"; L -p


. —‘C::: i—f i—7;7 ‘
‘ ~ @ 'QAD—D' ,A
., v ,




Copyrighted, 1894, by L. L. Pickett.

:3 Tears that poor sinners their Saviour should spurn,
T1 iuniphs VV hen penitent, glad theV 1eturn.
'J eais for piofessols who holiness tight
Triumphs when conquei ed they own that it’s light.

4 "Feais ()V er soVV in}: and waiting so long,
Triumphs o'er harvest and reaper’s glad smw.
Tears when stern censures unjustly befall,
Triumphs that Jesus then knoweth it. all.

Tears of Gethsemane, anguish, and blood,
Triumphs o’er hopes resurrected of God.
Tears at dark Calvary; self there must die,
Triumphs as power comes down from on high.

T eais over caskets, the (1V 111:; and dead,
Triumphs thitfllf‘il VV 01 ds which our Saviour has said
"leais over partintzs VV hen fliends come to die,
Triumphs o'er union. so sweet in the sky.
Tears of despair at the great Judgment Day,
’l‘riumphs of saints as the earth fades away.
Tears then forever in anguish and night.

01‘ triumphs with Jesus in giansions of light.









; .1. 0 M ,:,v:.‘ m.

.r‘.“:;‘ ,5; ' “1‘

Na. :2.

Cleave la the Savieur


















Would youpleaseand hon or Je- sus? Fol— lOVV Hiniin all you do;
Wouldyou “in His lme and fa -Vor? Be His ser -

Wouldyouhave a fliendin Je- -sns, To s11ppo1tyon in Vonr VVay?
Own Him as your Lord and Mas- -ter, Him leceiV e,
3 { Do youlongto be withJe— sus, And {1910“ 11 oflife se- cuie?

Be thou pa- tient in


His se1- vice, Meele to














Rev. J. H. MARTIN. R. M. MCINTosn. By per.

A l7 Q S ‘u 4 '1 1H 1
#1, L u 1 i 141 n l “—17—.” iii "Fifi: 1.21::
g3; :flgxiga fig :1E*::1; #K' [ z _ A . A ‘15::

' '7": -






Copyright, 1885, by R.

No. 5.


l 2

and love, 0 - hey.
the end en -dure.


sin, go seekHimin




p 1 aV11



~ «mm. ‘,



vant,faithful,trne. 5 Cleave to the Sav-ionr day by
1 Dn - ty perform,and courage display,





-A- .







Tempted by

t ’ ‘
.__ w Aw! - 14—4 ~Ti—g4 :41 ,
-TD‘9:A 12.1111 RT: . ~11" l :12- A ;R_ CA'ZEZI
"Ebfir—Wtr . : 2' f i" r raw: 2 -%



Cleave to the SaV- -ioui



ev — ‘1'y - where.




is my Name Written lTlhere?




2 Lord, my sins they are many,

Like the sands of the sea,

$133335: 231;
u e . e

1 Lord, I care not
Neither silver

for riches
nor gold;

I would make sure of heaven,

I would enter

the fold.

In the book of Thy kingdom,
With its pages so fair,
Tell me, Jesus my Saviour,

Is my name w

ritten there ‘3

Ulla—Is my name written there,

On the'page white and fair?

In the book of Thy kingdom,

Is_my name written there?

Is suflicient f

But Thy blood,

0 my Saviour,
or me;

For Thy promise is written,

In bright lett
“ Though your

ers that glow,
sins be as scarlet,

I will make them like snow.”
3 Oh! that beautiful city,

\Vith its man

sions of light,

\Vith its glorified beings,

In pure garm

ents of white;

Where no evil thing cometh
To despoil what is fair;
“'here the angels are watching,-

4 ‘ Is my name written .there?














Na. 4.




‘I Would be Whine.










,. !,i,r’»;’,"1/x"',,.-_:a'.‘ :. . ' ‘ ,:_


all my tho tsju








all my ways,In

all mydeedsju all






~ ,,,,A-,,___ ._[5_ fi l 1 L I s 1
— :I 1 ‘ l— 4‘ ‘ 4 I ‘ F: I

X333 F. '1 '1 u lv .41 I la- €1I e ‘1
gfifiia—LuvovoA—J fiL _;_d_:_ e 1: a L- - g '

my praise;

2. \Vhon waud’riugthro’ the shades ofuightflr sing-lug in themorningbrighfc;
3. Tho’ strong Iemp-ta- tions‘ I should meet,Tho’waves of trou - ble ’round me beat;















- —**“_*—“ ‘m‘Ai‘T‘r ““1‘“:1‘ ‘QI Q’QQ 1 :“ Q &_
- 2*3T'FF 1+ ~ 1 1 1 1, . #:Ekil; z. p_ !
g; _ ~é:u::ti:j: i:i:ti: k ----- r:r 2-; |:_I__L’___,¢~___
l v v I I v v I V
—fi—v1¢ fi—J!’ I a A ~ A 4 s. s.
§:*I: if‘;‘i,é:i;3:4: _ifi_i: LL10 3 i
_‘_S_ -,J.,_:l :1 m_ ,,E_ ,,,,, 1 i) fl K1"? 1 A E
,__;:i, ',,,~ I 7—0 ~7~ ‘v—‘# _:_ _‘1'_ v v v
, Thro’ all my1110111011tsau_ “[vw 1__ ' . '
-'A(1l_:lQ~Q1" L L._L In: L P ' l I Q-
712,. U r _‘A_ [,AL‘A:‘A_A:‘A,,‘ _} I “A TA. ‘A l:_ 'ALAel
5&7 a H: 1 a a a t. La 1 '1 3 1 0-97 r-r—

V V r f l [v F







I 1
He shall fold the lamhsin His bos- 0111, By His strength they dai-ly stand :
He shallkeep them safe in His king-dom, Lead them to His Fa-ther’s throne.
He shall lead them ten—der- ly ev - er, And His met - cy they shallknow.
—A— -A:q3-—VA~ A




n- inikflk— 3
:3:3: 3: i::1::l::,'_::::E3" Egg

:v% 1- 3‘ PLP—P’ ,: V:

V I f r l




He shall feed . . His flock
Feed His flock, like

. I I
like a shop - herd, He shall guard
a shepherd feed His flock, He shall








































“Q— : LJ__::LA : : 1 I I l‘ N h :N
E . '5:3;-‘:-‘:h3!_.; *i:. 2: 4_r&:"‘i:‘3":i“*:‘“3
_ : : : '- :j__ '__:'_W_:'_ '__H 4 ; -__:F°—

4. 0 'L -‘4_[,: ‘_‘, 8 9 3 ’j

. , . 1 1 .

1 . f 1 l 1 I’

.themday by (lay;. . . By His side . . 110 G-Yll be-
guard them day by day, day by day. By His side ‘ 1

, .,:_:p naakiip477—T—fi. fl'l «- Maid 7:
1Q-d2 :‘K:3i:'::_,! ””” :FC:3:§:!:g:g:F3T3 - 3 . -——:"——
‘ 5 i? T“: "—V '43igi' ' ’ ’ 5": “3:3" *"L’f'w—ij
‘ 1‘

i2_:l‘1fE—:—:._::J‘ :i j :l:‘l‘_ s ’ _ ,.

o o #0 40 W: e v 1 .gj

————-—r———‘A ‘ rA-AijAn— u ,1 vtT—k-A ‘A: 3.0.: ~1— AA '_=i-—”Al_

tide them . . . Hexxill lead..tl1em(lnyby day.

e - vil e’ er be- tide them, He \\ 111 lead them day by day, day by day.
___g_g:¢_p _p_o_ _ _Q ‘,___ i_ 3‘ l_ _
i2:3':3: 3: 3 -3 3:g:3: :fi:fi:z:—:‘:t:: :373‘f31: '
_b_‘;_._7-.7 r~~bfl~-w ,,_-,;-_,,,l,:,:,i — 1— -
Copyrighted,1894.by Jno. R. Bryant. 8 l l V V \___—/



(hm .eW Arm-e,

.15: 23.3»; e





 aenrwwwwguf‘immaiaeke «Mat-244w 4.3M

"7%; an -r>1..

«a: a

,1; 7 7, 3 1-1,“...‘1 was»;



. 1, 1? «M 3m, 1 1 . " “revs-“745...: “'r»,‘1’.7<.<.::’:‘


.11; v-‘fk 17 ‘1

is: refiliaéifiiiféi - ‘


Na. 8. Sweet Sabbath bag 9f Rest

W 01115 and Music by L L PICKETT

(Dedicated to the Railroad men of the 110'1ld, 21710 are 7obherl of their Sabbaths by
heartless corporations and godless Sunday (1 atelers. )

















1h- . ' ._ ‘1—1’~ 1‘ 33333313 3353:
%%1agzlA 111-112 33 l;_a—:—¢t 3!

T 1 E' 3i i r
1 My heart e’er turns 11 ithjoy to t11ee,Sweet Sabbath (lay of rest!
2. \Vhen la - 1101s the and toils oppressfiweet Sabbath clay of 1est!
3 A type thou alt of heav ’11ly bliss. Sweet Sabbath (lay of 1est!
—fi— :17 7‘7"- 75‘7 I 7F— 7!7 71- 71— 47:1-
@‘TZETft §3tA3A3§1333A3 A‘:i1 f": :‘15112 ; 1: 1
5-5 1732—8 3:13-11 3331135313111 5~577o3 571473—
V r: —7 w -‘M—— W__‘






333—3 _L.. 33 3_ 33— 3 __3_3'33 33 _ __
1 - 1- = 7: v - 1111
When from earth‘s cares and toils I llee,Sweet Sabbath (lay of rest!
Thy peace shalt calm this ach—ing‘ breast,Sweet Sabbath (lay of rest !
Peace of that world will bring to thiS,Sweet Sabbath (lay of rest!















33‘;‘ 3Q "‘ 32““. ‘k‘ I o '5‘" :15: ‘F‘ *‘ 0A.
@3— 2-11 :‘ A:2 WAi33A 3 3:3,: 33 3A3 33333333333A
53912 :2: 2::2‘3‘2332: 33333::2::::3:!:,!: 3—32:
12*5 __ 1311.23 3,131.4_1_ 1,.
1 I 1
1 b- v 313‘ 3 LJ_ 3—133 3A3331§ 33133 33
@2352: "2 :_::i17 _:3 °“"’““4 1*“: 22— _+ E‘l‘Afi—1
~—7—~—«1—: “—7 3337-733331-33-33-333-3 —7—'
v ' ~- 72—: 715-
Sweet Sab-bath (lay of rest, Sweet Sabbath (lay of rest!
3 9‘ 1'1- 1“ £1 51'31513331k1 *1 1k- !/1\ !
:71;7—7773 ’7 1777—7577774; :77‘7 ‘73—7-7'737—7—777—‘7 +71%!“
@5‘fi%b:’: ,2:,£:.:;£' 333:2:33:3:i:::": 1:33:
_3._._ _ *33_ V ngav _vH33 L_3A*L—__—[-———— — ~——~———-—-—






-‘ 1 1 1 I I
77977:: :5 :fi’i‘Eyyglzl

1 'l‘hoa’ltlift the bur — den, save and blewfiweet Sabbath (lay of rest!

7 ‘7 7 ’7 7 7 :A— —A-(
33 . 3333 33 33 3_33_3 :3 3 3 3 3
l 1/ 1 l v '



3‘3 3‘3 ‘1 3 _ 3‘ -k- A
lg? 313A:A: A 3:; ' Awki:3 :3 L —‘ _ T1XZ§EII
3512 112—711—4777 — 1:71 1 :5: ,1 51:23: 7171'- 1317: ;

Copyright, 1soT1TyL. I. Pickett “ Va 7
4 Refreshing t0 the mind and soul, 5 A1111 when earth's weary race is
Sweet Sabbath day of rest! o'er,
A balm which makes the wounded Sweet Sabbath day of rest!
whole, We ’11 share thy joys for evermore,
Sweet Sabbath day of rest! 9 Sweet Sabbath day of rest!





on“... 2.,

: 11,


Na. 9

“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.”


Bach Bay a hittle Nearer. . ~

James iv: 8.



















1‘ j‘





5 1 , 1‘1 1 A 1‘3. _ . 1 '_ L

11—3—11 * ~1111 11.111 -
: :g:1g::v:=fl- _2} $13.33 ‘1—1—‘1 :|

4 # .4”.__1:7S


1. Each day in sweet com-mun—ion With Je- sus now I rise,

2. And day by day I’m learn-ing That though my earth-1y way

3. So, trust-ing in His mer-cy And love so meas-ure-less,

-‘_ -:-. _t- .3- 7A- _A_ 0 71“ _1'..-1,- A A I)
1) Q FL 1 1 L 1 L 11 1 r .' 1 :7 I
:fib9‘33-1i-‘Ni-‘EE1 A'ebfi' f1t¥ai
5* 1 a 1i s 1 E1‘v L 5:15—11:—

3‘ 1K

’1 l



























._ _

.‘ -%§125:11_
~ . J =

’5 1'.
J 1'
. H
‘ .

e .






























Copyvight, by J. H. Tenney. Used by per.

And find His ser - Vice ev - or A glad and sweet sur - prise;
Is oft through shad -ows wind-ing, ’T will lead to per - fect day;
Each day my soul is full - er Of peace and joy - ful - ness;
7‘. 'A— . 1". -A— ”A- t - ° A A ' _1.‘ ‘1‘- :1! —9—
: 17g A F; ' [A A A 11A A ° 1‘ Li“ ' :i :Awa— :—_.
5-17 4. 1” "‘ - 1 1“" 1 ' 1 If 1— .
E . 14 A A 1.: L L1— 11 .1 .1 L a I
I7 ' 1 I f f r
_ I 1‘ 5 A . n 1 m .
12:15:1— - Ad 1‘ 1‘ A 1 1 _._ g 3i 4 I
___-_ ___ ‘ _ __ ~—- _ _—
via—ask - 2:: 1: -—:—s»—~~— g1—l
Thoughwhat each day is bring-ing My soul may nev - er guess,
Each day I know I’m rest-ing \Vith-in His shelt-’ring arms,
‘Each day, while life is giv - en, Still strong-er would I be,
‘2‘ 2‘1“: :3; L" f 'A 'A‘ 1‘“ 'A' 7A 'A 'A‘
- - 1. r 1 z 1' 1_ 11 r; ' L 1 I
P131351 11 e 1 1a 2- - 11 1. 1~ 1
1;;- b:jl 1% 1 A r 1 I
2 1 1
1 1 1 ' j! 1‘ 1 v7 E a 1" . fih‘ ' ”
1 . —— »—l ' —- -— -— —~-—1 ——
waffle! p. 1 .21 a -——~—2‘—1—L1|
A1 A1 - A _,-_ m m :1- HV -3. '51
Yet to His cross I ’mcling-ing, And on my way I press.
My heart this thought en- fold- ing Is safe from earth’sa -1arms.
Till from on high my Sav- -iour Shall say, Comehomewith Me.
. .h I. 1‘
11’ 3 5 PS —'.31'1L‘1=——1—.' ' F“ L 1‘ \—n
LIL L1 J '— 9 A 1 3—HT



x .

4 .

W¢¢r£‘-:;;:,:,g1...;emsgfigfi :1.



. V,
\ é
.’ i;

Wren-4‘ 11/:3'7: ' ,. »

a, -m. A. g; 13:; _

.,9_ MW" .,...- ~.r.m-e; -m--—~ m

No.10. lIihe $keptie’s Baaghter.

When Ethan \llen’ 1: daughter lay dying, she called her father to her bedside, and said, "l)e11f-1the1-,
I am about to cross the co l,d dark rivei. Shall I trust to your opinions. or to the teachings of dear
mother?” “ Trust to your mother! ” said the champion of infidelity; and, covering his face with his
hands, he wept like a child. ”—Harpev’ s JIonthly

Very efibctz‘ve as a solo.

















_._._ _ ::._v s_ g - i . 1
Wise? I: 31%: 1‘1 1,: f 1 E1 E1 1
8 IL A A1 11; A ‘:Z* , :mvg: I

1. “ The (lamps of death are com-ing fast, My fa - ther, oer my brow.
2. “ I11 thine? I ’Ve watched thy scornful smile,And heard thy with’ring tone,
3. “ 01‘ is it in my moth—er’s faith? How fond- 1y do I trace
4. “ ’T was then she took this sa - cred book,And from its burn-ing page





























-o— 4- -o— -o— 4- 7-- J-- -F— 11 -'~ g— t A —p~-—o—
'mfi51e 1 .E. A1w—wfifik j; E *A E11 1
EEEE84‘ . 41 1 1 >L~1f—;1I:
1 1‘1 1 1“ 1 15V <:: $1 1 'h eh

V—lifl. 1.‘ '1’ ‘11; :i:‘ :1_:1,_1[:|:1::1:|
JL—a—1—2Lzé Lens 1 L; I 11 .11 .1 9 3 :1—11“


The past with all its scenes has fled, And I must tuin me now
\Vhen—e’er the Christian’s humble hope \Vas plac’d a - bove thine own;
Thro’ many a wea- i‘y year long past, That calm and saint -1y face.
Read how its truths sup-port the soul, In youth and fail -ing age;









. j." j." "‘4," '1“ i" 'F' "F 4" :£'_, 3:.._
@'_it* L=‘tv“‘—1““1hr::::::‘:E:1L:’—_::p——’*_:C
15E1F4Le1 ;§?f-Li—FFL1—

V 1’








41 L 1: a—« _1
5121:; 5:1:j’f1gi: #31:? :1 ‘Ffi— $21132“ __
x1 _ _ _ :1 r, 3: L i‘i
To that dim fu - ture that in vain My fee - ble eyes de- say;
I’ve heard thee speak of com -ing; death \Vithout a shade of gloom,
How of -ten do I call to mind,1\'ow she is ’neath the sod,
And bade me in its pre- cepts live And by its pre-cepts die,
















—o- -o— —o- ~0~ —o— 7'- —,o— -o— —o‘- —o- —p--—p-
@5:w: _:1E— —E:i11 ‘v‘ 1 ir‘ 11 b—F—w E

1 w l w i 1
A 1 91‘ 4‘ 5‘ .
:flt—fi:1:;_1‘+ , , s 1 \_ j;:‘ _-. 1‘13 :1A__'-'
:3; “1 fi:§:§:hz:fi:;4 :zi:::t_1 —:r~-'g- 3. - x—”
1, - 11“" ~0— "L9”

Tell me, O fa- ther, in this hour, In whose stern faith to die.
And laugh at all the child-ish fears That clus—ter round the tomb.
The place—the hour — in which she drew My ear - 1y tho’ts to God.

That I might share a home of love, In worlds be-yond the sky.
—0- -o- -o— 1}








w 1 v kL -o’7\o- -
Q:L‘:F ;—1x g‘é‘FQ—h:::*:1::::*::: 1*:‘5‘:H
1 5 E 11 1; 1 VT? F1 1;: ELF—1 1: FEE—
Copyright 18941, by L. L. Pickett. W l V I
.5 “My father shall I look above, 6 The nowu upon that warlior brow,
Amid this gather 1111:,r gloom, Passed like a cloud away,
To Him whose promises oflove And teais coursed down the rugged cheek
Extend beyond the tomb! That flowed not till that day.
Or curse the being who hath blessed “ Not— not in mine,” with choking voice
This checkered path of mine; The skeptic made reply,
Must I embrace my mothers faith,“ But in this; mother’s holy faith,
Or die, my she in thine?” My dang ter, may’st thou die.”








Na. 11. Illhraw om the hife-hine.












Rev. E. S. UFFORD. Rev. E. S. UFFORD.
A» I s . . I ‘. I I J I
1/9 c; 4 1} fiI I I I I 1 l I l—i—‘k IL I I :I

A e I A. A. l ‘ a -_ l ’ T

K 6% I z - 1" i A U‘Hi:_U_-:I Urtgfik‘l‘i ii A IL- % f }
_ . . _ ‘ L _ _ _ - _

5 3‘ I I

1. Throw out the Life-Line a - cross the dark wave,There is a brother Whom
2. Throw out the Life-Linewithhand quick and strongJVhy do you tar - ry, my
3. Throw out the Life-Line to danger-fraught men, Sink-ing iu anguish where
4. Soon will this sea-son of res - cue be o‘er, Soonwe shall go to the









A-A A A A A A A f:- A A
g-E‘EFETK Fifi“: EASE-x. I—E—‘i'gzl 312:5; .
ACT—It p #:t Al—LAE—ArIEAIZAII—~~'>|7L——~I—J—7L~I——L‘A—
n» I l i I
¥+f I I I




I I l
4 I I ' 4—41 474— A _-gfi_:---,i- -—A
A. I II— -__I_-*-__-
{<9 2 -._§_t-i|::;:z:z:Ez--_-.-E_Eg_- *‘I—IEII
J I I j r ‘ *——* ‘
some one shouldsave; Some-bod - y’s broth- er, 0 who then will dare
broth-er, so long? See, he is siIIk-iug, O has-ten to- (lay,
we’ve nev- er been; \Vim’ls of temp -t;I-. ~tiou and hil - lows of woe,
fair E - den shore; Then in th; dark hour of (133th ma it be.


























>k- 'k< _Lk— ‘Lfl- , -!-. L _ — -k_ Q VI _ L ~ .6-
@3—1}:_L—_L"H‘_T _;:i;-mAFi —+z A [I I I [ll-ALI
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A CAI—flail: AA 77A L I A q I 1.. I A . rl .. .777 j
5-1 i_VAa a > -

To throw out the Life-Line,his per - il to share?Thr0w out the Life-Line !
And out with the life-boat, a - way-then, a - way.
\Vill soon hurl them out Where the dark \Va-tOI‘S flow.
That Je - $115 will throwout the Life-Lineto thee.

A I A A ,
@gi:I:§-:§PA:§:F§:T_X-I ----I.__I_-FIA-- - l-XHA;x-- fA_--'A-_

I I I I L I L "_ 5 I I I

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throw out the Life-TiiIIGISmuc one is drift-i113 a - vay; Throwout the
> I”\ I
40-- -p.- 2:: g- A- _fi- 1- J-









sink-i115: to - day.
-¢-. -x-

.> . > >
the LIfe-Lme! Some one

Life-Line I throw out




-g- 1-. -1- 4- -3. .E.


Used hyper. Biglow & Main Co.

‘imvEIWiclm - *L"""I§< , . 7

x;- I“ .

H,” u .




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.2451»; 1. . 1191:4141

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. 1:31.11 .



..- 11}»11. orig. r

a: .3:- ‘43

am... 51 1.


?Jezi'amv,” 1 ‘ 1


1111.12. Beautiful Beekening Hands

Rev. C. C. LUTHER. By per (’10 my Choir at Walhalla, S. C.) JNO. R BRYANT.






T1) 111 . \
. —.fi . .1- +~w~—
“i2 \—~ ‘ = 1 —1 ' ‘1
— :figit L’ :fij':,--_u _,' 1L1-1LI1I:-1Li'__
7: Y.‘ D‘ ‘ .O- ..
1. Bean - ti- fnl hands at the gate-way t0- 111ght, Fa - ces all shin-ing'with
2. Beck - on-inghands of a moth-er whoselove Sac - 1‘i-Iice11 life its 1113 -
3. Bean - ti— tulhands of a lit - tle one, #see, Ba — by voice call-ing,0





H91; “1““ ~—~,—~ ~ 7
.¥5—p~ég~r:- ee~i~1e
3 V
-iz_5L __ §L1_1_
": : L' T"?‘:-:1
5 1L .1 7777:1111
1a - 11i - ant light. 11311510011111" 11011 11f10m yonheav— —e11-l3' home
vo- tion to prove; 11.11111» 01 a 121- “1131' to 111en1-o- r3' 1111111.
moth-er, to thee; . 110 —sy— check 11 1111111111r the light of our home
1' 1' a d‘ dP—d "1 ' ‘ a ’
1 ' Y M v 1 ‘ ‘ '
'1 'ar i'L,‘ "" 1;:1’31; “1;;4,‘ "tiga'v’










Beau - ti — ful 11: 111113 that me beck-on — ing come Beck - - 011 - ing
Beck’ning 11p llij'll - er the wait-i111; one hele. . _
T‘dk - en so ea 1' - 13'. is beck —011- ing come. Bean—1,1-f11l,bea11-t1 — ful,


















42‘“ 7' __
5:121:41 - ,LLL1 1
1. 11-,1L__;\1_;L "i‘ /
L.___./ .
hands, . ,, Call — mg the dear ones to lleav-en - 13' lands,
beck - on—ing hands
«:1 L11115’f’:€€:f:f3::: *::;t1_ :—:“’tt”*— "’51::‘L‘i’fi’
e . :1 —|
111-1; ’1:;‘:’A iii:eg;:f‘hH 1’12: 3”” e
V ' V 1
12 1.11.4—— 315$-» -1 ”—1
5 LL’L’5; gd.’ Zia—L‘i‘":
Lu? ’J, iv— 45.1-1-..
Mo . ~~v~a1~‘—o— , ~ 7-
w "‘1 \.~—/ .
V 1
Beck - - on 1110' hands beau-ti—f11l.be1-k-on111g hands. .

Bean- ti ful beauti-fnl, beckoning hands Bean- ti- fnl.beek-—o11—ing.be1honmg hands







@512“: A—A— A—AwA—AAFAA—ArA—Ai—A ' 7A~A—,~_—!:2 Ad: '7 ii Jgfl





5—H; VFW“ ‘7‘ -; ~11: 1‘ 1:1: _.__Z_
ALA_ A A A ‘A 4, 1 1 i;:;k:i:;2’_7:12 AWL:L1A_
. 7 ' . r1
a v v I; v ’ ’1 .
Copyright. 1894, by Jno. R. Bryant 1 Beau- tl-fnl bccli- 011- ~1ng hands
4 Reckoning hands of a husband 01 wife 5 Blightest and best of that g101io1is tlnong,
\Vaitingand watching the lov‘ dones of life; Center of all. and the theme of 0111 song
Hands of a mother a sistei a f1‘.ien1l Jesus 0111 Saviour the pierced one 511111115,
Out f_1'om the gatedvay to night t11e3 extend. Lovingly calling \\ ith beckoning hands.

* Words used by special peimission of the authm who ow ns cop31ight on 111cm
Co yr ht transferred to L. L. Pickett 13


...-£.".-._ ‘ ..,_.;m .5, #1:. 5‘





111110.18. ‘ wondrous have.

“ God so loved the world.” John iii: 16.



. , 1 3 s s. :1 1 i-.— -11:







:a A—:: A—A

:}t W I
1 God lov’d the world of sin - ners lost And ru-ined by the tall; Sal-va- tion full, at
2. E’en now by faith I claim Him mine,’l‘heris-en Son of God; Redemption by His

3. Love brings the glorious ful - ness in,And to His saints makes known The blessed rest from

















45:25:15“ J -_ _:*:':‘::é‘-.:- 33:3:
@f—s‘z'z i 5A :A A. 131?? "1‘ gig???
i 5—17'SH: :fif’i‘w: """"" E L ; iC—L—“ilgi' r— 1:"_i::tf:i:j
( 110111' s.
‘ I fih 1 ~_, 7~\
5L5:qui:;1:ij 3:4 !:31:E;_' _’i4’-’§:;l" .; __ 4f : ",__;1§
L“‘:fl;g‘ig:z: d:;‘:j:;'; ;: 1, ”W. : ’::g:;~:;i . ;:



death I find, And cleansing thro’ the blood.
in — bred sin, Thro’ faith in (‘hrista — lone.
a: i —As'sA— -A-. 1‘!

:__d L. _._ L, L __ ,::L'_ ,,,d,,‘__, _
@iisis sass—sf E :isi ~43


:91 A _A, ,,AAL,__LL1A__
t— {2_ ’ Li:1[:::': (9:7:

_ iiii ‘1' 4‘ 1 1 41_!‘_} e ‘ _j: is;
5,-1'2:-1:i:1:;§i ; i: _. .1._::_t:_, ,, ;:j LL49. 31:-
s W , ~ _,, —17 —g tr
—~ A '—~—»~~ f“ v—A: fiJ-Ai [Ew-






' 11lL->

19f ‘T‘z—t: v1 3

love of God to me; It- brotm1 Sa1iour froth a- bo1e, l‘o die on Cal— 121 -lry.
~A~ >23:- »A- —A— -A A—. "












_-_O _ L Li . _}_. _F _ _.i...,;.__ d A

siege 1% Lps f. w is Cs »~I¢ k~;
@512; LL-.. 4.1. . A1; arm-+- A s :1: ”Kg—[.3 i: fir”
___" ’ ZS: - E r412 L E .E_CL'T *i' 9:? C‘ “

1 1 1 1 T F
4 Believing souls, rejoicing.r {10:5 0f 1iet01_1 nowo er Satan’s power
Thele shall to 1 on be "iven Let all the Iansonied sing
A glorious foretaste. here below, And tiiuniph in the dy' 111;: hour

()f endless life in heaven. l‘h1ough Chiist the LOId 0111 King

Ne. 14. The Half has waver been Wold.


1 I know I love Thee better, Lord, And sweeter is the thought of Thee
\ Than any earthly joy; Than any lovely song.
For Thou hast given me the peace
Which nothing can destroy. 3 Thou hast put gladness in my heart;
Cnonvs. Then may I well be glad'
The half has never yet been told, Wlthout the secret of Thy love
or love so full and free; 1 00““ “0‘ but be sad. .
T1}? half has “9"‘31‘ Wt been told, 4 0 Saviour, precious Saviour, mine!
lhe blood — 1t cleanseth me. What will Thy presence be
2 I know that Thou art nearer still If such a life of joy can crown
Than any earthly throng, Our walk on earth with Thee?

high - est cost, He oE—iers free to all. (lh,’twaslove,’twas wondrous lovelThe


1., 1mm". "' ‘-.'a “£23? 5


' -w:v‘i.at}§éé>'-é 11:1.

 ‘ .1 .1 N ‘ "I" ' ‘ ' ' ' “ " "‘ ~m ‘3‘ s u: :1 A;- n ck“...
‘ ~ ' m' r" "r" 7:--< AVA—w W 1-w-


Ne. 15. i am Glad there is Cleansing.

Rev. L§HARTSOUG1I By per. ‘
AAA 1 AA n _ _ N1 AJAAA: A A 1 ‘1‘Ath ~
“ A5: 1 I "1“"dgf: “:i“ ’ ’ ‘*“: '
' '1

1 How b1ight the Hope that Calv- 1y hllngs Where Love di- vine with Mel' -cy blends:
2 ’Tis thele! tis there the sonlmay go, And wash its sins andstains a - way;
3 Speak, speak to Zi - on s hur‘den dones Lead leadthem 11p to (‘alv- ’1y’sMount









. 5641—». '* '








, H ,1 " r ‘3'?" '2

Why need we strng- gle -on in self, We can- notmakeoneblackspotwhite;
















come! I come! 21nd glad I am That Je — sus calls the lost; and vile;
. :— R—- A- A- 1‘ A 9 -k~ A —R 4
~ 13 igg'» _A:1 1AA . :A: AA A:i(:'1"A ff