xt7hqb9v4834 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v4834/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1996 1996 1996-10-02 2020 true xt7hqb9v4834 section xt7hqb9v4834  



" v











“EA” BUTT The women ’s soccer team won

its third game in a row yesterday afternoon.

See Sports, page 3

today, high 79. Showers early
tonight, low 56. Sunny Thurs—
day, high 70.


tilt gets its part of SE6 earnings

By Kathy Railing

Assistant News Editor

How does making $54.6 million sound? What
about earning all of it and not having to give the
Internal Revenue Service any for taxes?

Where can you find and marry this multi-million-
aire? Meet the Southeastern Conference, of which
UK is a member.

According to the SEC, the conference took in
$54.6 million during its 1995-1996 season, more
than any other NCAA Division I-A conference.

Approximately $45.5 million of that has been dis-
tributed to the conference’s 12 member schools after
the SEC paid for its management, scholarships and

Larry Ivy, associate director of athletics, said UK
received about a $3.6 million cut from the SEC pie.

“It’s part of our budget,” Ivy said. “We know it’s

However, Ivy said this year the SEC has topped
the usual amount it earns and returns to its member


“This is the highest distribution we’ve ever had,"
Ivy said.

Contributing to the SEC’s record earnings are
returns from television broadcasts of its men’s bas-
ketball and football ames.

The SEC men’s fiasketball tournament earned $3
million and other televised basketball brought in
$6.7 million. The NCAA Championships, of which
UK was a art of, made the conference $8.2 million.

Kentucky’s banner year in basketball added to the
conference’s earnings, along with nine other national
titles SEC teams won in inter—collegiate lay.

“We had a record year,” said Mar Womack,
executive associated commissioner for the SEC.

Ivy said the majori of the money earned by the
SEC comes from foot all and basketball, but UK’s
share is spread among all of its athletic programs.

“It’s earned by those two sports, but it goes to all
the s rts,” he said.

T 6 total athletic budget for UK is about $24 mil-
lion, according to Ivy. Most of that goes to tuition

for athletes, equipment and travel expenditures.

Ivy said the increase in SEC revenue just provides
UK with enough to cover its natural increases in

“That just helps offset the cost of everything
going up," Ivy said. “All our costs of doing business
rise early.”

I e said the amount of money the University
brings in from the conference does not affect athletic
ticket prices for the general public or for students,
who have had to pay $5 for men's basketball and
football tickets since last year.

“The decision then was to choose a $5 fee for
tickets or increase the student fee,” Ivy said. “It’s
been 20 years since an increase in the student athletic
fee. Not all students go to the games.”

Contributing more to the SEC’s total earnings
than revenue from televised basketball games was the
revenue from football.

The conference earned $14.6 million from regu—
lar season games, $8.6 million from bowl games and
$4.6 from the SEC football championship game.

Poll: today good,
yesterday better

By Mat Herron
Staff Writer

the United States. list.
Elated, the survey reports,

percentage points over Republi-
can opponent Bob Dole. Only
eight percent sided with inde-
It just ain’t like the good 01’ pendent candidate Ross Perot.
days. Education tops the list of
According to a survey spon- important political issues for the
sored by the Converse athletic ’96 election. The economy was a
footwear manufacturer, 1,195 close second; the deficit, the

American college students are environment, health care and
jaded yet elated about living in welfare reform rounded out the

“It’s important because that’s








' Well

October 2, 1 996


. (.‘Lissifieds 5 Campus 5
Z Crossword 5 Sport: 3
Diversions 2 Viewpoint 4



Federal grand
jury indicts Kaezynski

NEWARK, NJ. — A federal grand jury yes~
terday indicted Unabomber suspect Theodore
Kaczynski in the 1994 mail bomb slaying of an ad
executive, givin prosecutors a second case that
could carry the eath penalty.

Kaczynski has now been charged in all three
deaths attributed to the Unabomber and with
eight bombings in six states that left 23 injured
over 18 years.

The Berkele math professor turned recluse
was charged with, transporting a bomb from Mon—
tana to San Francisco and then mailing it to
Thomas J. Mosser’s home in North Caldwell,
NJ. W hen Mosser opened the package, it explod-
ed, killing the 50-year-old executive vice president
of Youn & Rubicam Inc.

The Fiombing was the only one for which the
Unabomber ublicly claimed responsibility. In a
letter published in The New York Times, he
claimed that Mosser, “helped Exxon clean up its
public image” after the Exxon Valdez spill.

Kaczynski, 54, was arrested by federal agents at
his Montana cabin April 3.

37“" three tound dead in Iiurned car

BARBSTOVVN, Ky. — The charred bodies of
two adults and a child were found Tuesday in a
burned car in a field in Nelson County.

Nelson County Police Chief Mike Newton
said the car appeared to have been set on fire. The
state fire marshal’s office and the Nelson County
coroner are assisting in the investigation.

Newton said autopsies were scheduled for
today in Louisville to attem t to identify the bod-
ies, which were found insi e a two-door Toyota
before noon yesterday.

The car was about two—tenths of a mile off a
road in the southern part of the county.

Newton said the bodies were found in the
course of a missing person investigation. He
would not provide further information on the
missing person, saym 4 he wmld not know until
after the autopsy whether the cases were connect-



tre‘muew —






because an overwhelming what people are anesting thei: ed.
majority of the stu- own uman socia .
dents said they are capital in— getting NAMEdVOppan
“proud to be Ameri— . h an education, havmg V
cans,” and jaded, eaplokgiilble, translfer-
because 49 ercent a e s s,” socio ogy . _
said the [{Jmerica It’s important professor joanne Jordan ”'3‘“: I": mom "I" succass
their parents lived in because that’s Badagliacco said. . CI IAPEL HILL, NC. — Michaellordan paid
was better than the l7 [8 If education isn’t tribute yesterday to his first coach — his mom.
one today. w qtpeog emphasized, she said, He said he was ready to give up on basketball
Political science are Investing “We’re going to have when he was cut from his high school freshman
freshman Monica their own a serious problem team, but his mother wouldn’t hear ofit. She told
Frye disagrees, human social preparing our work- him not to be embarrassed and to try again. He
“1 think it’s bet- capital in __ ers for the next cen- made thevarSity his junior year.
ter,” she said. ttin an tury.” Delons Jordan joined her basketball star son
“There’s a lot more ge g Frye said educa— yesterday at the UniverSIty of North Carolina at
demands now, but “may“, tion is foremost in Chapel Ilill, where he announced he is donating
when my mom was 1mm” the minds of college $1 million for the Jordan Institute for Families at
in school, women em: a 1:, students because of the School of Socxal Work. . .
didn’t nearly have tra erahle proposed cutbacks in Delons Jordan has beenactive on the adVisory
the freedom. Now Ski ” financial aid pro- board for the School of Somal Work.vShe”recently
they’re out there V . grams. wrote a book on parenting, “Family First.
getting jobs. I do see “That’s why I’m Compiled from wire reports
problems, but it’s Joann. here, because of fed—
notperfect.” Sgg:£;°"fl;¢o eral aid,”hshe said? .0o0.....o....o.....................
The future 1"” “’0' “That’s w at most 0
doesn’t look as us (college students) wondy Hal'I'EIson to sneak
bri ht either, one in get.”
thrge students said. In other results, 27 percent of at A8“ house about hemp
They cited concerns over job female students checked abor-
prospects and the future of the tion rights as a key concern in By Kathy Redlng
Assistant News Editor

country as reasons for the nega- the election; only 17 Percent Of
tive outlook. college males felt it was a con-
However, voter apathy, a cern.
common stereotype of teens and In order of priorities, women
Generation Xers, is extremely ranked abortion third, while
low. men ranked it ninth.
Eighty percent surveyed said The survey was conducted
. they will participate in the Nov. during two weeks of May 1996
5 election. by Attitude Research Specialists
Bill Clinton is favored by 13.8 in Wheaton, 1“-

IIe’s best known for his roles in the TV show
“Cheers” and in movies such as “Kingpin,"
“White Men Can’t Jump,” and “Natural Born

But Woody Harrelson is also a strong support—
er for the legalization ofindustrial hemp.

Harrelson will share his views on industrial
hemp this evening when he speaks on the topic at
the Alpha Gamma Rho social fraternity house at 7.

Scott Brown, an AGR member, said one of the
fraternity’s alumni in Louisville had connections
with one of Harrelson’s agents.

“He (the alum) called us and asked if we wanted
him to come speak at the fraternity house,” Brown
said. “The reason behind him wanting to do it is
that we are an agricultural fraternity.”

Brown said the issue of growin industrial
hemp, which is currently illegal in entucky, is
important to the state because of its possible
future use as an agricultural product if tobacco
farmers need a replacement crop.

“That’s (legalization is) his main point,” Brown
said. “He wants to inform the audience of the dif-
ference between industrial hem and marijuana.” . .

Harrelson made state head ines in earl June ,, .b 7'.
when he was arrested after planting four in ustrial ~ " "
hemp seeds in Shelbyville as protest of Kentucky’s
law and to gain support for industrial hemp’s

Brown said his mother teaches at the school
programs for their resi- where Harrelson planted the seeds and that he is
dents,” said Amy Shref- looking foreward to hearing and meeting Har-

- rleson.
giggiegiti’deeniia" Asso- Industrial hemp is a tall plant which provides


JAMES CRISP Kemelilaff

3080mm new IIBIIIIIS

jime Figgs, right and Charles Shelton of Gilpin Masonry descended the side of A nderson Hall
afier spending the day replacin an le irons on the building. War/e began on the 32-year—old struc-
~ ture about three weeks ago an wil continue another month. '


\ IO.I.OO.I...OOI.O0.0COIOD...OOOI0.0.0.0000...OOOOO..0...O...0.0.00lOOIO...O...OOIO...0......IOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOO.

library III'IWIIIBS supplies Ifll‘ snioing III] lllll'lll decor

By Jonnltor lelOI' to supplies such as paper, markers, tape,
Contributing Writer scissors and anything that they need to dec-
orate the dorms.

They can also check
out equipment like a pop-
corn machine, an over-
head projector, a sound
machine, a television, a
VCR and a snow cone or
cotton candy machine.

“We work to provide
resident advisers with
materials and information
they need to put together



Colorful signs, neat
posters and cool flyers
decorate the walls of cam-

pus residence halls. Many ,
students probably think VLOCATION: Top floor of Kir-

these supplies come out -,w'"‘8la"dl"9 Complex Com-
of the resident advisers’ m.

W: Provides Wm
Everym hm" “m materials for RA: and M68. 8

can’t be true, so we are
left with the union, “Wiring aids and health

'* “Where does is stuff
actually come from?”

The answer is the
Rosemary Pond Library,


I’III llll‘ll'y







VHOURS: Moo—Thurs. 11
a.m.--0 a.m., Fri. 11-6, Sat.









located an .1... Com... ““3““- The Pond Library is Erasers:assassinated:
onthe top floor near the not just a place where the and motor oil. ’
stairs: . . .RA’ "‘d RHG can 3" In 1920 industrial hemp was the largest cash l
mu m Kurd-II It Is an area designed for the use of resi- sung!” and e‘1‘"T""‘°"_t° c in Kentuc before it was made illegal.
"I" m “at“ UP"), ‘ I . m mum. ml, m dent advnsers and residence hall govern- hey can m‘l“ c°P'cs "“1 ”Otl‘ 0“ Pm‘ rovm said a 1 are welcome to come and listen
to July in the Paul Library located in the CW} top floor. thents. RA: and RHG members have access See LIBRARY on . to Harrelson.
; . ‘ . | O ‘ '



2 Wednesday, October 2, I996, Kentucky Kernel





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026 Grehan Journalism Bld ., University of Kentucky
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that dropped course
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You can begin a course now and
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Guts continue to climb success ladder

By Sarah Zettlar

Contributing Writer

The ladder of success is clut-
tered with new bands trying to
slowly climb their way up. Some
remain on the same rung while
others trip and fall to the ground.
Yet still others climb slowly, but
surely to the top. The Gufs are
one of these hands.
They are stepping
lightly with their
relaxed and easy

It’s hard not to
like this band out of
Indiana. All five
members have col-
lege degrees, yet
none of these degrees
apply to their life’s work of music.
Two brothers, Dejan and Goran
Kralj. lead the band with vocals
and guitars along with Morgan

Brian Pettit and Scott Schwebel
join in with percussion and the

The Gufs began playing in
clubs around Milwaukee, and have
steadily climbed the ladder since.
They already have four albums
released on Red Submarine
Records, an independent label,
and Atlantic Records released
their self-titled album on Oct. 13,

The Gufs have a good sound.
They make the listener feel
relaxed in an upbeat way. I talked
to Dejan, and he gave me some
more information and insights
about the band.


Sarah: How did the hand first get

I)ejan: Goran, the lead vocalist
is actually my older brother, and
the band started in 1988 when he
met Scott, our drummer, at the
University of Wisconsin. At the

By Suzanne Ratteld

Aries (Mar. 21-April 19): Your
house plant seems to be slowly
dying, and you can’t figure out the
reason why.

You wake up one night to dis—
cover your roommate brutally
taunting it with threats about its
food supply. You admire your
roommate’s revenge technique,
but decide to move out anyway,
because he/she scares the hell out
of you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):
liven after 5 cups of coffee, you
still have the energy of a debilitat—
ed slug. You become paranoid that
you might have been drinking
dccafall along, and decide to cre-
ate your own high energy drink
called “speed espresso.”

Gemini (May 21—June 20):
Your life becomes strikingly simi-
lar to a three ring circus. There is
constant activity, and you are
often surrounded by a bunch of

ATI‘Ni ‘



The Guts


time I was in high school, and the
three of us started playing togeth-

S: How did you get your name The

I): A couple of weeks before
our first show we were watchin
the movie The Seventh Sign, wit
Demi Moore.

The “hall of lost souls” was

called the Guf.
They said the name

/ and we thought it

was cool.

S: What is your

favorite song on your
__J l _J self-titled album?

D: Probably one
of my favorite songs
is “Sunday Driver”.
It's got a really nice
groove to it, and it has a really nice
feel overall, and there’s a lot of
really cool instrumentation on
that song

S: I think so too, I also like Smile.

D: Yeah, that’s actually the
song that they’re getting ready,
hopefully, to release to radio
around the country now. It’s, you
know, the “hit” of the album, we

S: How would you guys describe
your music?

D: It’s sort of modern, pop,
rock music. We have a lot of pop
elements in our music, and there’s
a lot of traditional rock ’n’ roll ele—
ments in our music as well. You
know, its sort of been classified as
the whole new era of alternative

Pop rock, I think, would be a
better label for it.

S: Have you heard your music
being described as a bit like the music
of Toad the W'et Sprocket?

D: Yeah, that’s a really good
comparison because Toad is a
band that has a lot of focus on
melody in their music as far as the
vocals and the guitars and bass,


P arofiimubed

GI": IIFH The Gufs were in the area last month when the band perflirmed at

Xavier University.

and I think that’s one thing that’s
sort of common in our music as

So, that’s probably one of our
favorite comparisons, to be com-
pared with Toad the Wet Sprock~

S: How do you guys feel aboutyour
growing popularity?

D: Ah, well, we feel pretty good
about it.

We’ve been at it for a really
long time, and it’s sort of nice,
after putting so many years ofhard

WHAT'Syour Sign?

Cancer (June 21-July 22): The
Snuggle Bear mauls you in the
laundry room.

You manage to wrestle him to
the round by tearing his cute lit—
tle liear ears off. However, the
Snuggle Bear has connections, and
now the Care Bears are plotting
your downfall.

Leo (July 23—Aug. 22): Your
grades have not been too swell this
semester. There are three possible
reasons for this: I) you have not
been going to class, 2) you have
not been doing any of your home-
work, 3) or you’re just not that
bright and should have taken that
job at the chicken processing plant
like your in-bred Uncle Earl sug—

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Why
is it that you always seem to get
the short end of the stick? Ma be
you’re paying for sins in a past ife.
Or maybe it’s because you’re a
Virgo, and you deserve livin a life
of poetic tribulation. It Tuilds
character, and lord knows, you


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could always use some more of

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Libra,
the sign of the scales. The scales
can tip in your favor, or it can sink
to a bottomless low of black mis-
ery and pain. Ifyou’re a generally
decent person, you have nothing
to worry about.

However, if you’re a wretched
boil on the face of humanity, I’d
go into hiding for a couple of

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
Ahhh stress. Ifit’s not a paper,
it’s a test. Ifit’s not boyfriend/girl-
friend/friend problems, it’s lack
there of. If it’s not well you get
the picture.

But you, lucky Scor io, will
have one stress free day tliis week.

Sagittarius (Nov. ZZ—Dec. 21):
Someone has been stealing your
mail. You find out it is your creepy
ex, whom ou then have prosecut—
ed for mail’fraud, which is a feder—
al offense. While your ex is in jail,
you send the individual some of
your mail, with a note attached
that reads, “Here. I didn’t really
want those valu-pack cou ons
after all. Happy readin l” I’d eep
an eye on that release date.

Capricom (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):
You discover that one of your
friends has been talking about you
behind your back. But your friend
has been saying rather nice things

work, that it’s starting to pay off
and that people outside of our
hometown and home area really
dig what we’re doing.

The (iufs continue to climb
that ladder of success tonight.
They will be playing tomorrow
night in Cincinnati with The

So even though the ladder is
cluttered and difficult to climb,
the Gufs journey upward will most
certainly continue.

about you, which makes it even

For the past two years, you
have been carefully cultivating a
borderline psychotic personality,
to make yourself more interesting.
Deciding that you’ll never shake
your inherent goodness, you give
up your dream, and remain bor-

Aquarius (Jan. 20—Feb. 18):
\Vhen Keeneland opens, you
decide to skip classes to attend one

Your betting luck is unbeliev—
able —— after 5 races, you are up
$700 dollars. Your inner voice
tells you to bet all our winnings
on a horse namedI Corky. The
horse comes in dead last. You are
so angered at your loss of fortune
that you beat up jockey to a
bloody pulp. You are arrested, and
after you are released, you have to
move to Uganda, because the
whole horse racing industry wants
you dead.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): This
week Pisces will be divided into
two categories: Good Pisces/Bad

Good Pisces will have many
happy, tender, and funny
moments, not unlike those por-
trayed on your avera e dippy sit-
com. Bad Pisces will 6 stuck in a
bottomless abyss of banal empti-
ness, searching for the meaning of



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Cheryl Tuttle, Director of Student Services






’ 1 heat


















n OW















Fatigueil llli wakes up tor loiiisville

By Rob Horbsl
Assistant Spam Editor

There was a tired bunch of Cats
yesterday at Cage Field.

The UK women’s soccer team
their third game in
five days, ut the fatigued Cats
were still able to hold off
Louisville in a 2-0 win.

UK was coming off an emo-
tional 2-1 win against Alabama on
Friday and a 5—0 drubbing over
Auburn on Sunday.

“It wasn’t a pretty game, but we
won,” UK head coach Warren
Lipka said. “That’s what counts
right now when you’re tired like

“You want to pla great every
time you step on t e field, and
sometimes it doesn’t happen. But
we came away with the win and
that’s what is important.”

The Cats (6—1-2) were led by
junior forward Kim LaBelle and
junior midfielder Brittany Moble
LaBelle scored both goals while
Mobley gave the assists on both

UK’s first goal came at 27:25
when LaBelle put in a rebound off
a Mobley shot.

The other oal came at 72:30
when LaBelle red a shot over the
head of Louisville goaltender,
April Norris.

With the second oal, LaBelle
took over the team ead in goals
with six.

What makes the statistic
impressive is that LaBelle’s play-
ing time was limited early in the
season due to a knee injury.
LaBelle claims that her knee is
now 95 percent.

LaBelle is one player who is
tired and looking forward to some

was playin

“We really haven’ t had much of
a rest,’ ’LaBelle said. “Hopefully
tomorrow we’ll get a day off and
he (Lipka) Is gonna let us get our
legs back.”

While a 2-0 win may seem
impressive to most, consider the
fact that Louisville (2-6-1) has
never beaten the Cats. In three of
their four previous games UK put
in four goals against the ( ardinals.

Iven though the Cats did not
light up the scoreboard, Lipka still
thinks his team dominated the
match, especially the second half
in which the Cards were held
without a shot.

“Even though we were tired,
we still dug deep enough to get
organized, create more chances,
and have opportunities,” Lipka
said. “When we’re tired, we can
still organize enough to which we
dominated the game.”

But one thing which remained
consistent was UK’s defense. In
only one of the five meetings
between the rivals has Louisville

Defense has been a mainstay
for UK. In nine games, UK has
shutout its 0 ponent in four of the
games and lield its opponent to
under five shots in four games.

“I definitely think the defense is
a big stren th of our team,”
LaBelle saig. “They keep us

goin .”
T e win for the Cats was a bit
costl. Late in the first half,

Sout eastern Conference pla er
of the year Carrie Landrum lift
the game due to a twisted ankle
and did not return.

A more serious injury came in
the second half when senior
defender Kory Freudenberg went





down with an apparent rib injury. A NECK IIP UKfrer/Jman defender Allison Peppers attempts a header despite

She had to be helped off the field.

tbefailed efforts of a LouirLille Cardinal.


Wildcats and BIIGKBVBS to meet

By Jill Erwin
Staff Writer

UK’ s gamea ainst Winthrop
Sunday was deci ed on a fluke, but
it was no accident.

Winthrop scored when Jeff
Muschik knocked the ball past
keeper Roger Williams. UK’s
Sean Endicott was putting pres—

and will not play today. It is ques-
tionable if he will play this week-

Ohio State is 5—2, and has
tough road wins against Nevada-
Las Vegas and Northwestern.
They are led by head coach Gary
Avedikian. He has been at OSU
for 10 years, posting a 65—103—14


sure on Muschik, forcing him to The Buckeyes have only
pass back to Williams. allowed five goals all
, U.K coach Ian - season, and that could
Collins said this was a GAMEznfo be a problem for UK’s
wel‘lgarned Victlpry. . V high—powered offense.
tud ur overfi atti— Tbe UKmen’; “Our main strength
swans: .222 mm mkmg:
§You’ don’t look at an host to Ohio State Collins said.
own 03] as lucky We today at the Cage “It should be an
put aglot of ressure Field. Game time interesting match-up,
on, and we (feserved 15' 4:30pm. pushing ourstrength of
it.” attack against their




The emotional win brought
UK’s record to 5-2-1, with today’s
game against Ohio State present-
ing the next chal-

OSU is part of
the host of big
teams hoping to
over ower the
Wil cats. Then
again, it’s not hard
to be taller than
UK. The team has
only started three
players who are six foot or taller.

As they have done all season,
the players will be depending on
their 5 eed to compensate for the
lack oifiize.

The Cats will have to do so
without one of their quickest
assets, Sean Mondelli. Mondelli is
still rehabilitating a torn quadricep



strength of defense.
We’ve got to use our assets, and
try to nullify their size.”

One problem that has plagued
the Cats the whole season is
chemistry, or lack thereof.

The last few ames have
allowed the team t e necessary
time to come together, and
although it has taken a while,
Collins is happy with the result.

“We’ve payed eight games,
and it has taken us all eight games
to get some of these young players
to understand what it takes to play
at this level,” Collins said.

“They understand now that if
you take one game at a time, work
hard every time, and do the right
thin s in the game, chances are,
goofthings will happen to you.”

Collins also stressed the excite-
ment level in a game like today’ s.


. towns quits "A

basketball team

Sophomore guard Marlon T owns
said Monday he has decided to live
the Universi of Arkansas basket-
ball team an transfer to another
school for reasons he didn’t want
to discuss.

Towns said he plans to return
to Fayetteville on today to meet
with Athletic Director Frank
Broyles and seek a scholarship

Towns said his decision isn 't
based on being suspended, along
with sophomore ard Kareem
Reid, by coach Noa an Richardson
after being arrested for possession
of marijuana in a dorm din June.
The charges were dropped

Richardson couldn t be reached



for comment. Towns said he last

5 oke with Richardson last

STARKVILLE, Miss. ~— Mis-
sissippi State tailback Keffer
McGee and defensive tackle James
Grier are out for the season.

Both have surgery scheduled
for Oct. 1 1, said coach Jackie

Both players suffered torn ante-
rior cruciate and medial collateral
ligaments in their right knees dur-
ing the Bulldogs’ 14-10 victory at
South Carolina. McGee also suf—
fered a strained posterior cruciate

Sherrill said he was looking
into getting medical hardship red-
shirt for both players.

Cmpi'ledfim wire repom.

He called the game “an exciting
one for fans to come watch. ” He
said this was due to ()SU’s phy si—
cal style of play and competitive

“It’s going to be a dogfight. We
always have a dogfight with Ohio
State,” Collins said.

Ohio State is the last opponent
UK faces before starting the MAC
season Sunday at Bov. ling Green.
The Falcons have all oflast year’s
starters returning from a team that
won the MAC Tournament.

UK and Bowling Green played
to sudden death overtime in the
semifinals of the tournament
before UK bowed out 1—0.

Today’s game is scheduled for
42.30pm. atthe(a e. lhe long—
awaited debut of U ’s new soccer
com lex is not far away.

K officials will not know the
exact date until later this week, but
it is assured of bein open before
the ame against iami of Ohio
on ct. 16.

After the brief road trip to
Bowling Green, UK returns home
to play Xavier on Wednesday,
Oct 9.



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