xt7hqb9v478h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v478h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1991 1991 1991-02-08 2020 true xt7hqb9v478h section xt7hqb9v478h  

Kentucky Kernel

7 Vol. xcrv. No. 106

Established 1894

m of W. Lumen. Kentucky

US. military officials
head for war front

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The nation's
top military officials headed for the
war front yesterday seeking battle-
field advice on the best timing for
beginning a ground attack against
Iraq’s powerful army.

Defense Secretary Dick Cheney
said the administration is “not eager
to do something foolish but there
are a whole series of considera-

Cheney and Gen. Colin Powell,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, were to arrive in Saudi Ara-
bia today for three days of discus-
sions with Gen. Norman Schwarz-
kopf, commander of allied forces,
and other military leaders on the
next stage of the Persian Gulf War.

“Our hope is that we can wrap it
up as soon as possible, to minimize
the loss of life on all sides," the de-
fense secretary told the House
Armed Services Committee before
he left. “The war can end tomor-
row, if Saddam Hussein will get out
of Kuwait."

Cheney and Powell are to return
Sunday to brief President Bush,
who will make the final decision on
a ground war.

At Dharan, Saudi Arabia, in end-
less hours of air strikes, US. and al-
lied pilots rocked Baghdad, key
bridges and the bunkers of front-

Iine troops yesterday, and blew two
more Iraqi “getaway jets" out of the

A second veteran U.S. battleship
joined in the bombardment of Iraqi-
held Kuwait.

The pounding was having an im-
pact. Retuming pilots told of a dev-


Giff F

astated landscape in Kuwait, and
journalists near the border found
first-hand evidence — four Iraqi sol-
diers who turned themselves in mut—
ten'ng over and over about the
“bombing bombing bombing."

Meanwhile, the White House said
it was reviewing aid to Jordan in the
wake of King Hussein‘s speech
Wednesday blasting the allied
bombing campaign against Irag. Jor—
dan receives $102 million annually
from the United States.

Bush said Wednesday that Jordan
had “made a mistake to align them-
selves so closely with Saddam Huss-
ein." White House spokesman Ro—
man Popadiuk initially said the
dispute would not affect US. aid.
but later Popadiuk told reporters.


“We are reviewing aid to Jordan.”

The announcement came after
Bush and Secretary of State James
A. Baker III conferred on the issue,
Popadiuk said.

Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis., chair-
man of the House Armed Services
Committee, warned that the allied
military campaign c0uld “go off the
track" if the United States opts for a
ground war too early or accepts a
diplomatic solution that allows Iraqi
forces to remain in Kuwait.

In a speech, Aspin also cautioned
against widening the war's aims to
include the removal of Saddam. He
said that probably would require in-
vading Iraq and seizing Baghdad,
increasing the number of lives lost.

As the hostilities raged into their
22nd day with more allied bombing
and artillery attacks, the United
States held out the prospect of post-
war reconstruction aid for Iraq, par-
ticularly if Saddam Hussein is gone.

Secretary of State James A. Baker
III said the Middle East — includ-
ing Iraq —— deserves “the same spir-
it of multilateral commitment to re-
construction and development“ that
the world’s developed nations have
shown in such areas as Europe and
Latin America.

However, Baker said, “There is
no suggestion on our pan that the

See GULF, Back page

UK looking for summer advisers

Contributing Writer

Students who would like to be
student advisers for UK’s 1991
Summer Advising Conference
should contact Don Witt, director of
advising conferences for UK, to get

Witt said he is currently accept-
ing applications for the positions.
He said he hopes to have a wide
range of students representing the
University this summer. Qualifica—

tions for student advisers include
varied experiences on campus and
good academic standing.

Student advisers are required to
help with campus tours, conduct
panels for students and parents and
help students check in.

Witt said the students gain a lot
from the position: “It's great for the
experience and great for building
communication skills."

Kristi Braunecker, a junior, at-
tended the 1990 Summer Advising


Staff Writer

Tucked away in the comer of
the entrance to a local church, a
small plaque reads: “In apprecia~
tion to Consolidated Baptist
Church Kitchen Staff — For over
nine years of Community Service
— 1990."

This small plaque from Phi
Beta Sigma social fraternity is a
symbol of the work done for the
Lexington community by the
Feeding Program.

Every Wednesday, the church
serves free lunches. About $300
per month is put toward the
meals, said Rose Wilson, pro-
gram chairperson. Wilson does


Volunteers at Consolidated Baptist Church‘s soup kitchen,
above, include students and church members.

Soup kitchen gets
help from students

GREG SANS/Kernel Staff

the cooking and shopping, while
other volunteers serve the meals.

“I cook just like I cook at
home," Wilson said. “I use the
best of everything."

Program volunteers are mostly
older members of the church, but
some UK students volunteer

Ricardo NazarioColon, a sen-
ior at UK, is one of the volun—
teers. He became involved in the
program through Phi Beta Sig-

The program serves “the
homeless. UK employees (and)
some students," NazarioColon
said. “It's a great program, espe-

See KITCHEN, Back page




She said that the program gave
her a chance to meet the incoming
students and in turn, the advisors
gave the students a familiar face on

“I got to learn a lot about UK that
I didn‘t already know, and it made
me proud to be a student at UK."

The adviser training sessions
start June 3. The conference is
scheduled for June 17-July l9. Arr
plications are available in Room
204 of the Gillis Building. The
deadline to apply is March 8.

independent since 1971

Friday. February 8, 1991




I ‘

Alan Cornett and John Middleton prepare for yesterday's Students Mobilized Against Saddam
Hussein rally at the Free Speech Area In front of the Student Center it drew about “5 090018

GREG EANSIVI-rne‘ f~‘a“



Mortar shell causes only minor harm

Associated Press

LONDON —— A mortar shell fired
from a van exploded behind 10
Downing St. yesterday, shattering
glass and forcing Prime Minister
John Major to move a War Cabinet
meeting to another room. Four peo-
ple were injured.

The Irish Republican Army
claimed responsibility, the domestic
news agency Press Association re-

Even before the claim, Major
blamed the Irish Republican Army
and said the attack was timed “to
kill the Cabinet and to do damage to
our system of government."

Queen Elizabeth II, who rarely
speaks on current events, sent a
message to the attackers in a speech
at the opening of a London Hospi-
tal. “I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to remind them that they will
not succeed," the monarch said.

The head of Scotland Yard‘s anti—
tcrrorist unit ruled out any connec-
tion between the attack and the war
in the Persian Gulf.

“There is no doubt in my mind
that this is the work of the Irish re-
publican terrorist groups and and
you should discount from your
minds any connection whatsoever
with any Arab tcrronst organiza-
tions,“ Commtutdcr George Church-
ill-Coleman said.

Three police officers and a civil
servant suffered minor injuncs. Po.
lice said two men were seen fleeing
from the van before the mortars

A spokesman for Scotland Yard.
Stewart Goodwm. said the IRA was
suspected because the group has
canted out similar attacks in \orth-
em Ireland, where H sccks to end
British rule and umtc IIIC provincc
with the Republic of Ireland.

Two mortar shells tell near the
nearby Foreign Office, and Church«
ill-Coleman \“Jld they caught fire
but did not fully explode. Some
windows were reported shattered at
the Foreign Office.

The van was [00 yards lrotn It)

Future will bring innovation,
more privacy, speaker says

Contributing Writer

Imagine a future where people
will be able to come home at 3 am,
call tip “Gone With the Wind“ from
a list of thousands of movies, and
walCh it.

Imagine a future with video cam-
eras that can transmit images over
telephone wires are under develop-
ment, along with a system that will
be able to transmit audio, video, and
data simultaneously over one wire.

Imagine a future. said Edmund
Shelby, public relations manager of
General Telephone in Lexington,
where a person can schedule a vid-
eo conference examination with her
or his doctor.

“In the last decade, we have seen
the telephone industry change great-

ly..." Shelby said, “the services
now available expand the limits of
the First Amendment."

Shelby spoke about “The Tele-
phone Industry and You." yesterday
in the Peal Gallery of MI. King

Shclby's speech, the first of live
given as pan of the First Amend-
ment Speaker Series, was spon-
soer by the College of Communi-

Shelby said that technology is
rapidly changing In the telephone
industry, and listed several devices
GTE is currently developing and
testing, including Video Conferenc-
ing, Voice Identification, and
phones that fold up and fit in a

“Dick Tracy‘s wrist watch," he
said, “is not far off.“

Shelby mentioned that before
these services can be offered, feder-
al legislation must change. specifi-
cally tn areas where cable compa-
nies are involved.

Other services that are currently
available include call blocking. call
waiting, call forwarding, call trac—
ing. and others. These services. pro»
vided by GTE, cost anywhere from
$3 to $7 per month.

One individual in the audience
questioned the constitutionality of
call blocking, stating that the “mar-
ketplace of ideas“ Will be threat
cried if people are able to block un-
wanted calls.

In response. Shelby said, “When
someone is knocking at your door.
you have the option not to answer.

See PHONE. Back page


Downing bl, where the prime min-
ister Il\‘t‘.\ and works. Scotland Yard
said the mortars apparently were
tired lhrottch the root of thc \ehicle.
No htXIIt'\ wcrc found in the \an.
(it)tXI\\llI \LlltI.

I’rcss \\\t\'l‘.tllt\ll reported that
three :nortar .‘ould be seen
bolted Ilsltlt‘ the urn. .tnd part at the
root 'iad "t‘t‘ll .zudch‘ .ut .ma)
.ibmc thciu.

Iittkcr, thc ".dunct otltc‘ul tc»
\[‘t‘lI\II‘It‘ ior hm .sttlortctut-at. card
the mortars apparently uwrc :trcd ct»
thcr by minute control or by a timer.

The \.tll, which was parkcd oil
Whitehall, a busy thoroughfare lined

1U M‘s

See IRA. Back page

Saturday Sports:
UK swnmmers. OIVGfS

meet Auburn at
Lancaster Aquatics
Center. 2 pm.


Steve Mar
tin shines
in ‘L A


Page 3






 ‘3 2 - “hunky Kernel. Friday, February 8, 1991

i _

Blowouts motivate UK, Miss. St. FreSh Off Win, Kats
return to SEC play



Assistant Sports Editor

Coaches say when a team loses
bad all the team’s players come
into the next game with even more
resolve to prove their abilities. If
that's the case, tomorrow‘s UK-
Mississippi State game should be a
good one.

UK lost by 19, 107-88, at Loui-
siana State on Tuesday. Mississip-
pi State lost by 21. 91-70, at Van-
derbilt on Wednesday.

Should be a good one, right
Coach Rick Pitino?

“Teams that come off big losses
can’t wait to get back out on the
court.” the UK coach said earlier
in the season. “They can’t wait to
show everybody that they’re not as
bad as they showed before. They
really come out with the eye of the

And that worries Mississippi
State coach Richard Williams.

“I haven‘t seen anytime this year
where Kentucky had two bad
games in a row," said Williams,
the fifth-year Mississippi State
coach, “so that's bad news for us.
They didn‘t play very well down
at LSU the other night.

“I hope we're prepared for them.
They don’t have two bad games in
a row."

If Williams and the Bulldogs
(14-6 overall, 7-4 Southeastem
Conference) did not get enough in-
centive from this week’s Vandy
game, all they have to do is look
back to the box score from the first
UK-Mississippi State game.

lt read: Kentucky 89, Mississip-
pi State 70. The Cats (17—4, 9-2)
stole the ball 23 times from state
and forced 31 turnovers — both
season highs for UK and Missis-
sippi State.

fluidly: Kentucky (17-4

overall, 9-2 SEC) vs. Miss.
State (14-6, 7-4).

TIP-off: 2 pm. EST
Plow: Humphrey Coli-
seum; Starkville, Miss.
Rodlo (mugs: Live 'on
the UK Radio Network.
WVLK-AM 590 and
WHAS-AM 840. with
Cawood Ledtord and
Ralph Hacker.

TV (mm: Live on

SEC Television Network
(WKYT-27) with Tom

Hammond and Dan lssel.




“We had 31 turnovers and it's
difficult to win at any level,” Wil-
liams said during the SEC Tele-
conference yesterday. “ . I don’t
think that was a fluke. Most of
those turnovers were forced by
Kentucky. They just dominated the
game defensively.

“(Tumovers) really haven‘t been
a huge problem for us, but it was
in that game."

But that game was in front of
23,990 fans at Rupp Arena. To-
morrow’s game is at Humphrey
Coliseum in Starkville, Miss. Tip-
off is set for 2 pm. EST.

“1 think Mississippi State is go-
ing to make some adjustments and
they’re going to run up and down
with us, certainly.” Pitino said yes-
terday. “I don’t think we'll see any
major tactical changes because
they are playing at home.”

The Bulldogs average 82.8

Wildcat guard Sean Woods reaches for a
Mississippi State game in January. UK won that game 89-70.

points a game. but that jumps to
90.4 when they play at home. UK
averages 84.7 points a game.

“It‘ll probably be an up—tempo
game becau5e both teams are up-
tempo teams.” Williams said. “We

steal during the UK-

won‘t do anything different, ex—
cept hopefully take care of the bas-
ketball better. We have to take
care of the ball."

See CATS, Page 4



Made some points with your
Significant other. . .

(jive your ’Vafentine a

Senior Staff Writer

After a late wake-up call in
night's 83-67
win over More-
head State Uni-
versity, the UK
Lady Kat basket-
ball team jumps
back into South-
eastern Confer-
ence to play
Mississippi State
Saturday (7-14
overall, 0-5 SEC)
at Starkville.

The win improved UK’s record to
15-7 overall, while they remained l-
5 in the Southeastern Conference

UK was fortunate to overcome a
nine-point disadvantage against an
inferior Morehead club Wednesday.
UK coach Sharon Fanning knows
that they won’t be able to come out
sloppy and be able to win in Stark-
ville on Saturday.

“When you look at the MSU
scouting report and see good ath-
letes that play hard, you better be
ready to play," Fanning said.

Both teams have been singing the
SEC blues so far this year. While
MSU has lost all five of its SEC
games, UK has been only able to
take one game against Vanderbilt

UK holds the edge in the series
five games to four.

MSU is led by junior guard Lisa
Scott who averages 13.6 points and
4.8 rebounds per game, and junior
center Ella Bullock, averaging 7.4
points and 5.7 rebounds per game.

UK counters with a couple of jun-
iors as well — Stacy Mclntyre and
Kristi Cushenberry.


Mclntyre leads the team in scor-
ing at 15 points per game, while Cu-
shenberry adds the three-point
threat, hitting 28 of 74 three-
pointers on the season.

The Kats will most likely start
freshman Karen Killen in place of
senior point guard Tracye Davis.
Davis, the leader of the team, is still
recovering from a sore left shoulder
that has been hampering her all sea-

“She (Davis) is sore. She didn’t
give me that ready to go look in
practice,” Fanning said.

Killen also got the opening call in
Wednesday night's game and went
on to lead the Kats with 17 points.

“Karen can shoot the threes as
good as anyone. She also penetrates
well,” Fanning said.

UK’s main strength has been the
play of the team’s second- and

The leader off the bench, and of-
ten the spark of many UK rallies, is
sophomore forward Mia Daniel.
Daniel scored a career-high 14
points against Morehead.

Freshman center Jennifer Gray
and forward Tedra Eberhart — who
substitute for Mclntyre and Pattresa
Leonard — also provide scoring
power for the Kats.

Eberhart came into the Alabama-
Birmingham game and was the
team‘s leading scorer with 16

“Our goal is to have five people
come off the bench and get 10-15
minutes of play,” Fanning said.

“I’ll usually play 10 players in the
first half. If the player has a confi-
dent look in them, I'll make a deci-
sion to put them back in there in the
second half."

“We’re gonna have to play our
best basketball and make this one
count for us.”

UK Club teams will rock into springtime

As the temperature begins to heat
up during the next few months, so
will the action among the club
teams on the UK campus.

-This season, fans will get to see
the UK hockey team defend its title
during the SCHA tournament at the
Lexington lce Center Feb. 22-24.

The Cool Cats (18-1-1) are on a
roll, winning 10 games in a row.

-Rugby —— the home of medical
tape and bloody shirts, also begins.

UK's rugby team plays most
weekends at Rugby Field —- where
it is quite common to find grunting,
muddy faces.


film Unit:

While they give it all they have
on the field, grab a beer from the
keg — located on the sidelines dur-
ing the games.

oMen’s volleyball — look for op-
posing teams to retreat after receiv-
ing Mikasa tattoos.

The men‘s volleyball team came


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No yum. no WWII

back undefeated from Ohio last
weekend after beating three teams.

-Lacrosse will soon kick in. The
game, which combines the physical
abilities of soccer and hockey, has
grown steadily in popularity during
the last few years.

And why not? Lacrosse players
have to do it all during each game.
In the fast-paced games, each player
catches, passes and fires a ball with
a webbed cup attached at the end of
a stick.

The rugby and volleyball teams
are competing down in Baton Rouge
(great timing, as Mardi Gras will be
in full force).

Dominating sports action this
weekend will be be the Cool Cats.
The Cats entenain Georgia Tech (3-
5—1) at the Lexington Ice Center to-
night and tomorrow night.

The Cats have many good new
players such as Doug Oppelt, Art
Wickson and, of course, the ”Tooth-
less Wonder” —- Jeff Neuman.

“We gained more high quality
players than we lost from the previ-
ous season” said Mark Shoup, team

“The action is every bit as good
as last year, and the team is even

Struggling gymnasts travel
to face sixth-ranked LSU

Senior Staff Writer

Three weeks ago, the UK Gym
Kats were 4-0 and were trying to
break a record for the best start in
school history.

Then they hit the road, and UK
has since lost six straight in two

Tonight, the Kats (4—6 overall, 0-1
Southeastern Conference) will try
and turn it back around down in Ba-
ton Rouge against sixth-ranked
Louisiana State University (1-3, 0-

UK coach Leah Little said she
feels confident about the Kats
chances this weekend because of
past performances. “We have tradi-
tionally had our best meet of the
year at LSU," she said.

However, the facts don‘t support
Little —‘ at least in the win column.

LSU has gotten the best of the se-
ries, winning 19 of the 20 meetings
between the two SEC rivals.

Last year, LSU came out on top
with the score of 192.05 to 186.30.

Although the Kats lost to all four

See GYM, Page 4



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Martin is sharp in ‘L.A. Story’



Senior Stall Critic


The term reverent satire is an ox-
ymoron — like jumbo shrimp and
military intelligence — but it’s also
an apt description of Steve Martin's
new film. “LA. Story.”

Everything from colonist insti-
tutes. to pretentious ways of looking
at art, to treating earthquakes as
mundane everyday occurrences. to
the absurdity of chic novelle cuisine
restaurants is laughed at in this film.

While Mick Jackson’s film makes
fun of the eccentricities of Los An-
geles. it is not done in a sarcastic or


mean-spirited tone. The satire

Kentucky Kernel, Friday, February a, 1991 - 3



At first he is

serves as a backdrop for the love skeptical of the
story that develops between Harris sign —— and the
(Steve Martin) and Sara (Victoria audience is
Tennant, Martin's real-life wife). skeptical about
The stay opens with Harris Tele- the direction the
macher (Martin) not enjoying his movieisgoing. MARTIN
shallow job as a television weather- But if the au-

man and his superficial girlfriend.
Trudi (Marilu Henner).

Then he meets Sara over a paro-
died L.A. brunch and is taken by
her eccentric way which is more
earnest and heartfelt than everyone

His girlfriend notices the atten-
tion he pays to her and doesn’t care.
But his life begins to change when
an electronic freeway sign tells him
that the weather will change his fu-

dience suspends its disbelief and
goes along, it’s in for an entenain-
ing movie.

If not, movie-goers will likely
feel the movie was just a few funny
gags and that they got short

Both Martin and the audience fol-
low the sign and the movies picks
up steam from there, as the relation-
ship between Harris and Sara

See ‘L.A. STOBY', Page 4


rave been‘prodticed in“
”Chaney said. Woman-
was [preduced' offs




' Broadway'threeyears'agu ,.
. Chaney said that the cast assem-
bled forthis playisone of the.

W‘ ”W

LMT hopes ‘Sondheim’
revives dinner theaters

Staff Writer

Entertainer Mandy Patinkin re-
cently said that what William
Shakespeare was to the English lan-
guage. Stephen Sondheim is to mu-

Sondheim, whose credits include
West Side Story (“Maria." “To-
night"), Gypsy (“You Gotta Get A
Gimmick"), A Funny Thing Hap-
pened on the Way to the Forum
(“Comedy Tonight"), Follies
(“Broadway Baby") and A Little
Night Music (“Send in the Clowns")
is the focus of the latest production
by Lexington Musical Theatre.

Side by Side by Sondheim is
billed by Lexington Musical Thea-
tre as “a musical entertainment, pre-
sented as an evening of dinner and
theatre” at the Red Mile Clubhouse.

Side by Side, with a unique cast
of only three people — Ann Dal-
zell, Susan Thomas and Brad Wills
— is a musical comedy review of
Sondheim‘s earlier, better-known
and more popular works.

Sondheim, who has won a Tony
award, a Grammy and a Pulitzer
Prize, also is known for his most re-
cent Broadway hits, which include

Into the Woods, Sweeny Todd and
Sunday in the Park with George.

“Sondheim is an incredible lyri-
cist and composer,” said David Val-
entine the show's executive direc—
tor. “And our cast includes very
talented people with extensive cred-

The show, which opens on Valen-
tine’s Day, also is an attempt to re-
vive the tradition of dimer theatre
in Central Kentucky.

Dinner theatres have become al-
most extinct in this area since the
closing of the Marquis, Lexington's
last dinner theatre, Valentine said.

“A lot of people might go out for
an evening of dinner and theatre
who wouldn’t just go to the thea-
tre,” Valentine said.

The show will follow a buffet
dinner, prepared by chef Joe Mila-
nich. The menu will include prime
rib, chicken breast, jambalaya, sal-
ads, fresh fruit, vegetables and gour-
met dessert

Valentine said that public re-

sponse to the show’s $25 tickets has
been enthusiastic.

Ticket sales have been steady,

SeeLMT, Page 4

Lamb Pam mamas, raven Mill-l



. 393 “9“." 939734,


Woody Allen’s ‘Alice’
sophisticated comedy




Senior Staff Critic

You would think that Woody Al-
len's narcissistic casting habits
would have grown stale years ago.
“Alice” is, after all, the 11th consec-
utive film he’s written as a vehicle
for his live-in girlfriend, Mia Far-

And if that's not enough, almost
all of his films deal with moody,
whiney upper-middle-class New
Yorkers, complete with many of Al-
len's friends in supporting roles,
have jazz and big-band soundtracks
and have credits that look the same.

Given all this, why does the pub-
lic and the press put up with him
and his films?

It's because Woody Allen is a ter-
rific filmmaker who makes terrific

“Alice" is quirky, funny, imagina-
tive and clearly demonstrates that
Mia Farrow is more than the benefi-
ciary of a generous boyfriend.

Alice Tate (Farrow) is a superfi-
cial Manhattanite whose life is
spent in transit between boutiques,
beauty parlors and dinner parties.
Married for 15 years, she finds her
life directionless.

Her husband (William Hurt) is of
little support as she tries to find
something to occupy her empty life.
When Alice complains about her
back. several friends recommend
she visit the mysterious Dr. Yang
(Keye Luke, who died Jan. 12).

After hypnosis, Yang tells her
that the problem is not with her


GREG EANS/Kemet Stall

Susan Thomas, a part-time UK student, rehearses tor "Side By Side
By Sondheim" this week. The show opens Feb. 14

Sandoval’s art carries strong political messag




Contributing Critic

“The fourth angel poured out his
bowl on the sun, and the sun was
given power to scorch people with

—Revelation [6:8

This is the type of imagery that
has inspired Arturo Alonzo Sando-
val's art. Sandoval. a UK art profes-
sor, has a one-man exhibition in the
Rasdall Gallery in the Student Cen-

The show. titled “Images Toward
a New Millennium and Other Anti-
Nuclear Art,” has only 11 works,
but each image is packed with
strong feelings about nuclear war
and the government's pan in the
wars we wage.

Sandoval has given visual form
to his nightmares of nucler war.
“Images Toward a New Millenni~
large, 84-by-216 inch dramatic
work juxtaposing the donut-shaped
phase of a nuclear blast with images
of the New York City skyline and
the Statue of Liberty.

«an». .
, ‘ g








It} .1 1.




Although he doesn't appear in
his latest movie. “Alice," Woody
Allen is the real star in the movie
with his writing and directing.

back at all. He gives her the first in
a series of bags of magical herbs —
herbs that allow Alice to rc-evaluate
her life and decide on some serious
changes. Invisibility, human flight
and the presence of ghosts are made
possible by the magic herbs.

Farrow has never been better.

There was a temptation to make
Alice too fiighty, but Farrow avoids
it. She genuinely seems like a
bright, albeit confused, wife and
mother groping for a direction in

In one especially funny scene, in
which Alice has taken herbs to
make her more forceful in trying to
meet a saxophone player (Joe Man-

See‘ALICE’, Page 4


Chestnut Brass
to give concert
Sunday night

Staff reports

Internationally acclaimed
Chestnut Brass Company will
perform Sunday night at the Otis
A. Singletary Center for the Arts
Recital Hall. The concert. spon-
sored by the Chamber Music So-
ciety of Central Kentucky. Inc.
is free to UK students.

The concert includes pieces
written from the Renaissance to
19th century American brass
band music.

Founded in 1977 m Philadel-
phia. the Chestnut Brass Compa—
ny, an cnscmble-in-rcsidcncc at
Temple University‘s Boyer Col-
lege of Music, has distinguished
itself as one of the few cnscm-
blcs that regularly performs on
historical and modern instru-

The cnsemblc’s members col-

lect antiquc brass instruments
and research litcraturc and per»
formancc practices related to
their instruments.
Pieces scheduled to hc per»
formed includc Clautlc Dc-
bussy‘s “Dcux Chansons." 1.5.
Bach’s “Bandincrrc” and a
George Gershwm suite.

The Chestnut Brass Company
will perform 8 pm. Sunday at
the Singleton Center for the
Arts Recital Hall. Tickets are
$10 for the general public and
free to UK students with a vali—
dated ID.













ry Redmon upstairs taught ..
3?); night. @230 eovw. 25




Contents, 325 [SS
Drive. DJ. ton-ifltt and ' '
night. Cover is S2. {IS-549d
-Comedy 0»;th
N. Broadway. Cozaktorugh
Saturday night. Cover is;
night (showtiaifi Sand ,
pm.) and srsmy ,
(showtimes 7. 9:15 and 11:39
pm). 254-5653;; ff ..
‘Gosllin’s Tavern, .18. "
Alexandria Dr., Garden" _
Shopping Center; Reid Myers no:
night and Saturday night." N036
cover. 278-8229;? ,
'JD’s, 815 Euclid Ave, DJ.
tonight and Saturday. Cover is
$4 (under 21) and $3, (21 and
over); $3 (21 and over) Saturday



night. 268-0001. '

-Lynaugh's Emporium, Uni~
versity Plaza at the corner of Eu—i
clid and Woodland avenues.


John Goode and Joe Manytenny‘
tonight 6.8:3073'pm. No cotter.
ill-Foot Pole amt Lily Pond to-
night 10 pm. id 1 am. and Sat-
urday night. C6ver is $3. 255-
6614. j.

-Two Keys'Tavern, 333 S.
Limesmnc Sc. Nervoas Melvin
and the Mistakes tonight and
Saturday night. C0ver is 33.

oWr-ocklage, 361 W. Shun
St. Skullhead and the Some-
thing Brothers tonight. New
Rhythm Saturday night. Cover is
$3. 23157655.

-2 Pub, 154 Patchcn Drive,
the Duos tonight. Dickie Brown
Band Saturday night. No cover.








WRFL Top 10

(I) Here Comes My Baby, Yo
La T cngo (Bar None)

(2) Uncle Anesthesia, by The
Screaming Trees (Sony)

(3) Heaven & Hell —— A Trib-
ute to the Velvet Underground,
Volume 1, Various Artists

(4) The Pop Will Eat ltseh'
Cure For Sanity. Pop Will Eat
Imelf (RCA)

(5) Doubt, Jesus Jones (SBK)
(6) Tune in Tomorrow --
Original Motion Picture Sound—
track, Wynton Marsalis (Colum-

( 7) Red. Hot 4» Blue. Various
Artists (Chrysalis)

(8) Lived To Tell, Eleventh
Dream Day (Atlantic)

(9) 8 Track Stomp. Chicksaw
Mudd Puppies (Wing MerCury)
(llllComing Down. Daniel
Ash (Beggar‘s Banquet/RCA)



Midnight Album Features:
Saturday: Moral: Music,
Mouth Music

Sunday: Heaven & Hell —— A
Tribute To The Velvet Under.
ground, Volume I, Various Art-





Sandoval said he is inspired by
Biblical revelations and the prophe-
cies of French mystic Nostradamus.
More than anything. he is com-
pelled to protest nuclear arms be-
cause he feels the current world
events and the existence of nuclear
arms/war are a product of the