xt7hqb9v4745 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7hqb9v4745/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1987 1987 1987-09-28 2020 true xt7hqb9v4745 section xt7hqb9v4745  






he. The Cats

lose to Rutgers on the road.
For the story, SEE PAGE 3.




Movies on Monday, a review of this
week’s new films, SEE PAGE 5.



Today: Sunny
Tomorrow. Showers likely



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. No.31

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Derby day



(Top photo) The Phi Kappa Psi entry was cheered on by fraterni-
ty members during the downhill derby held last Saturday. (Bot-

tom left) Fraternity members cheer on their entry (Bottom right)
Not all made it to the finish line during the race.

DONNA OSBORNE Kernel Contributor



Numerous events highlight homecoming

Staff Writer

Homecoming is still several days
away. but many activities have been
planned this week to build up to the
big bash and show why “Kentucky
is a Magical Kingdom."

Events based on this theme and
sponsored by the Student Activities
Board include a fashion show featur-
ing the royalty candidates. the Wild-
cat parade and roar. and the “Big
Blue Boogie“ which all help lead to
the “magical" day.

“I hope everybody comes out and
goes to everything." said Mary

Estes. homecoming chairwoman.’

“I‘m really excited about the partic-
ipation we‘ve had so far this year."

She expects the biggest crowd-
pleaser — aside from the game — to
be the Wildcat Roar and parade on
Thursday. The Roar will feature the
“Yell Like Hell“ contest as well as a
laser-light show. Coach Jerry Clai-
borne. the Cats and the cheerleaders
will be on hand for the festivities.

The parade will begin at 7:30 pm.

across from Memorial Coliseum and
will go through campus and arrive
at the stadium where the pep rally
will occur.

Festivities begin today with roy-
alty voting around campus and will
end with the UK/Ohio game on Sat-
urday. Oct. 3 at 1:30 pm.

The royalty contest is open to all
registered organizations and each
may nominate one candidate. Prom-
inent Lexingtonians selected the 16
semi-finalists. who came from 42 en-

The student body determines the
five finalists who will be announced
at Thursday‘s Wildcat Roar. The
1987 Homecoming Queen and her
Court will be named during halftime
at the football game. The Commu-
nity College Princesses and their es-
corts will be announced during a
pre-game ceremony.

One of the big highlights of the
week is “showing off“ royalty in the
Homecoming Fashion Show which is
scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 8
pm. in Memorial Hall. The semi-fi-

See EVENTS. Page 4

”-3. b " r

The 1987 homecoming candidates. front row. from left: Crunchy
Thompson. Christi Weaver. Angela Mills Motley, Susan Kiely. Kim
Hall. Tara McCullough. Stephanie Strohmier, Lynne Hunt. Back
row. from left: Susan Bridges, Melissa Derifield. Rebecca Gilbert.
Holly Hume, Chancie Brown. Stacy Jones. Lisa Croucher. Angie

Gatlin .

UK student wins photography award

Contributing Writer

Alan Lessig. a former photo editor
of the Kentucky Kernel. was se-
lected the 1937 "The Kentucky Pho-
tographer of the Year.“ Lessig said
winning the award was “a big sur—

Iessig competed for the title along
with photographers from the Herald-
beader. The Courier-Journal. the
Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer and
other members of the Kaitucky
News Photographe- Association.
The association has about 150 mem-

The contest was Med on each


“Photography is a very
powerful medium that
communicates reality
to the average
Alan Lesalg



members' portfolio that contained
pictures taken during Augmt teas
throughAugust 1m.

“Photography is a very powerful

medium that communicates reality
to the average person.“ Lessig said.

Lessig said he became interested
in photojoumalism when he saw a
phOtograph as something that con-
veys an idea instead of a filler for

Inssig got involved in photogra-
Phy in 1&2. He came to UK as an
engineering major in 1mm. After los-
ing interest in engineering and real-
izing he had good skills in photogra-
PhY. beuig said he changed his

“I felt a sense of commitment to
journalism and to the reader." he
said. “It is important to convey a

story with a photograph as it is to
convey a story with words. "

In addition to being a photo editor
for the Kernel. Lessig has interned
at Newsday in New York and at The
Los Angeles Times.

"It‘s a real rewarding job. you get
to meet yeat people and get to see
another side of the world." bessig

bassig will graduate this spring.
The Los Angeles Times has already
offered him another internship that
he said may develop into a full-tirne
job. but Iasig‘s career plans are
not definite. He said his hopes are to
eventually work his way into a well-
known photography magazine.

independent since 1971


Monday. September 28, 1987

s bars

won’t change,


Staff Writer

The days of relaxed. fun-loving
bartenders may be on the outs.

The Kentucky Supreme Court
ruled Thursday that bartenders and
bar owners are liable for the actions
of people who leave their establish
ment intoxicated. if an intoxicated
customer leaves a bar. gets in a car
and kills someone. the bartender
can be sued. according to the ruling.

“It almost makes you want to find
another job." said .lim Vining. a
bartender at the University Club.

The ruling was established be—
cause of a 1983 civil lawsuit in Gray"
son County where a police officer
was killed by a drunken driver. The
officers wife sued the club that
served the drunken driver the alco-
hol. The suit was dismissed because.
until now. Kentucky did not hold its
bartenders responsible.

“I think it's an unfair and unreal-
sitic situation." said Henry Harris.
owner of Two Keys Tavern “People
who come in here are 21-yearsold
They’re responsible for their own
actions. and to put the blame on us
is unfair."

Harris said that he has always
hired his employees on the precept
that they understand the responsibil-
ity that accompanies serving alco-

“Our employee manual is filled


with literature on liquor liability."
Harris said

Even if the bartenders are aware
of the risks involved with drunken
driving. problems arise when the
bartender has to monitor every per-
son in the bar and use their judge-
ment as to whether that person has
had too much too drink

"Sometimes you can tell if some
one has been out drinking some-
where else. and sometimes you
can‘t.” said Anthony Brown. bar
manager at Tolly llo

Some bars around lx-xington have
installed breath analysis machines
to assist them in judging a custom
er‘s sobriel y.

Vining said that he has taken
money out of his own pocket to pay
for a customer's breath analysis

"1 have to pay the money that I'm
making just to protect myself.‘ he

“In a place like this. it's hard to
tell because a lot of the time people
come in here late after they have
been to other places." said Tammy
Dcmaree. a bartender at Two Keys
"Of course if they're slurring their
words. throwing stuff on the bar and
falling down. you would not serve
them and you would tell everyone
behind the bar not to serve them "

"I think that everyone should be
responsible." Domain-i- said "Tin-
bartenders and the people drink

UK student’s life taken
in shooting accident

Staff Writer

A UK student died this weekend
after accidentally shooting himself
in the head in a parking lot near his
hometown. according to state police.

Richard Williams. a 20~year-0ld
junior at UK. was pronounced dead
around 2 am. Saturday morning in
the Harlan Cinema parking lot,

No friends of Williams were with
him at the time but were not in-

Harlan County Coroner William R.
Venable said the shooting has been
ruled an accident.

An autopsy was performed Satur-
day at Humana Hospital in Louis-
ville. but Venable said a report
wouldn't be available for another
week to 10 days.

According to witnesses. Williams
shot himself one time in the head
with a handgun. police said.

Jack Miniard. a business senior.
was with Williams a half hour be-
fore the incident happened. Miniard
said he and the two friends that
were present at the scene were
questioned by police. Miniard told
police that there was no alcohol pre-
sent when he was with Williams.

Miniard said he was unsure who
owned the gun but said the shooting
was an accident. ”As far as I know.
they thought the gun was empty."

Bobby Saggie and Eddie Burk-
hardt. Williams' friends present at
the scene. were not available for
comment last night.

Williams. a resident of Loyall. was


very successful in weightlifting by
breaking virtually every teen-agi-
and men's power—lifting record in
his weight class in the state

Miniard said Williams had
planned to participate in his next
power—lifting competition to be held
next month. Williams trained all
summer for the competiton and “he
was talking about it that night."
Miniard said.

Williams is survived by his paren»
ts. Col. Earl and Anna Williams.
and brothers. Tom and John Wil»

Funeral services will be at 2 pm.
tomorrow at Loyall Baptist Church.
Visitation will be from 6 to 9 pm.
today in the chapel of Mt. Pleasant
Funeral Home. Harlan


Staff reports

The Kentucky Council on High-
er Education is holding a public
hearing at Ashland Community
College this morning at 10 to dis-
cuss a proposed mid-year tuition

The bearing is the last of three
scheduled in the state to gather
student input on the issue. The
first one was held at UK and the
second at Western Kentucky Uni-
versity last week.

The tuition proposal is in re-
swnse to a projected $9.4 million


CHE hearing today

shortfall in the state‘s budget for
higher education.

In addition to the tuition-in-
crease proposal. the hearing will
address a proposal to change the
way tuition is set.

Tuition is now set in two ways
by the CHE — a comparison with
tution at other benchmark institu-
tions and by examining the
state‘s per capita income. Cur~
rently. tuition rates are examined

Any student who wants to voice
an opinion will also be allowed to




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. September 20. 1067


Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through

the Student Center Activities Office,

203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceedin; the

publication date.



-Sports (thru 9 30) Wildcat Golf Butler National Invr-
tational Chicago. IL. Call 73838

OSeminar Notetaking Techniques Seminar, $10. 103
Barker Hall 1 p m .Call 78673

OSports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner
Classes. tree Alumni Gym Loft. 830 pm: Call 266-

OSports Football Ticket Distribution. UK vs Ohio U .
Free W UKID or $14. $10. Memorial Coliseum. 8 a m -8
p m

'RellglOUS Interfaith Prayer SerVice With Speakers
from El Salvador. Free. Newman Center 320 Rose. 7 30
p in .Call 255-8566

OReligious interfaith Prayer Service for Peace in Cen-
tral America Free. Newman Center 320 Rose, 7-7 30
p m Call 255-8566

tReligious Speaker Experiences of Kentuckians who
Worked in Refugee Camp in El Salvador Free. Newman
Center 330 Rose 7 30 p m .Call 255-8566


'Concerts The Royal-Philharmonic of London: Andre
Previn. Conductor; public $18/L‘K students and senior
Citizens $9. UK Center for the Arts: 8 D m,; Call 7-4900

OReligious Tuesday Night Together -— T,N.T. — A
Time for Worship & Fellowship; Free; Baptist Student
Center, 7 30 pm .Call 7-3989

OSeminar Designing a Study Plan Seminar; $10; 103
Barker Hall. 1 p m .Call 7-8673

OSeminar Procrastinators Anonymous Seminar: $10:
103 Barker Hall; 3.30 p m.; Call 7-8673

OSports. UK Volleyball vs. Western Kentucky Univer-
srty. Away, Time TBA: Call 7-3838

OSports Japan Karate Club — Shotokan; Free; Buell
Armory. 7:30-9:30 pm.

OSports: Football Ticket Distribution: UK vs. Ohio U..
Free w UKID or $14. $10; Memorial Coliseum; 9 a.m.-4

00ther' Homecoming Fashion Show featuring the 16
Royalty Finalists. Free; Memorial Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-

OReligious: Campus Crusade tor Christ — WEEKLY
MEETING'. Free; 245 Student Center; 7:30 pm

.ReilglOUS Program for Catholics and others inter-
ested in learning abOut Catholicism; Free: Newman Cen-
ter: 7 30-91 5 p m . Call 255-8566



-Academic Stability AnalySis of Refuse Embank-
ments Hollow Fills & Sp0il Banks. $375 Hilton inn.
Lex 8am Call 7—2846

OMeetings Cosmopolitan Club Meeting Free 228
Student Center. 7 p m Call 7-2755

OMOvies Vision Quest. $1 95 Worsham Theatre. 8
p m Call 78867

‘MOVIeS Lords of DiSCipline $1 95. Worsham
Theatre 10 p m .Call 7-8867

'Otner Army Reserve Officers Training Corps An-
nual Fall Blood Drive. Free. 109 Barker Hall. 6-10 p m ,
Call 74479

'Re‘lglOUS Bible DiscuSSion Group — Great Commis-
sion Studetns Free. 231 Student Center. 7 30 p m.
Call 254-3997

-Seminar Skills for Math Seminar $10. 103 Barker
Hal: 11a rn Call 7-8673

-Seminar Your Success Factor Seminar. $10. 103
Barker Hall 3 p m Call 7-8673

-Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner
Classes Free Alumni Gym Loft, 8 30 p m Call 266-

'Seminars Food tor Thought ”improving Your Slo-
rage CapaCity — Organizing to Remember. Free. 103
Barker Hall Noon Call 73295

~Sports Football Ticket Distribution UK vs Ohio U .
Free w UKID or $14. $10, Memorial Coliseum. 9 a m -4
D 1'“

sSeminars Life-Sustaining MeaSures for the Elderly.
Free 136 Chandler Med Ctr. Noon: Call 233-5156

.Meetings Campus Computer Users Meeting. Free.
106 Student Center 7 p m , 7-1449

'Re'lglOUS Student Faith Sharing. Free. Newman
Center 9-10p m Call 255-8566

-Religious Thomas Merton Study Group. Free New-
man Center. 7 30 p m . Call 255-8566


-Exhibits (thru 10 31) Contemplating the American
Watercolor Selections from the Transco Energy Compa-
ny; Free. UK Art Museum

°Academic. Stability Analysis of Refuse Embank-
ments. Hollow Fills & Spoil Banks, $375. Hilton Inn,
Lex.; 8am .Call 7-2846

OMovies Vision Quest. $1 95: Worsham Theatre; 8
p m. Call 7—8867

°MOV1€S. Lords of Discipline; $1 95: Worsham
Theatre; 10 p m.; Call 7-8867

oOther‘ Homecoming Vlfildcat Roar & Parade: Free:
Commonwealth Stadium; 7:30 pm ; Call 7-8867

OReligious. Baptist Student Union — ‘D 8. L Grill’: $1;
Baptist Student Center; 12:15 pm; Call 7-3989

-Seminar‘ Essay Test Taking Seminar: $10. 103 Bar-
ker Hall; 1-1 :50 p m.; Call 78673

ISports Japan Karate Club — Shotokan; Free. Alum-
ni Gym Balcony: 7:30-9:30 pm

OReligious Meeting for all intersted in becoming Big
Brother’Big Sister; Free; Newman Center; 7 30 pm;

°ReIIQlOUSI Spiritual Reading Group: Free; Newman
Center; 10 pm; 255-8566

-Meetings Psi Chi Meeting Free; 228 Student Cen-
ter, 5 p rn ;Call 253-0306

IMeetings: Ping-Pong Club Meeting. 7-10 pm ; Sea-
ton Center Squash Courts; Call 258-8161

0Movies — 0930: Vision Quest; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

°Movies — 09/30' Lords of Discipline; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

OMovies — 10/1: Vision Quest; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

0Movies -— 10/1: Lords of Discipline; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre: 10 pm ; Call 7-8867

'Movies — 1012: Vision Quest: $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 pm: Call 7-8867

'Movies — 10/2: Lords of Discipline: $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

0Movies — 10/3: Vision Quest; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

°Movies —— 10’3: Lords of Discipline; $195;
Worsham Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

OMovies — 10/4: Vision Quest; $1.95: Worsham
Theatre; 7 p m; Call 7-8867




OMeetings — 09/30: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting;
Free; 228 Student Center; 7 pm; Call 7-2755

sMeetings — 09 30. Campus Computer Users Meet-
ing; Free; 106 Student Center: 7 p.m.; 7-1449

OSeminar — 09/28: Notetaking Techniques Seminar;
$10; 103 Barker Hall; 1 p m.; Call 7-8673

ISeminar — 0929, Designing a Study Plan Seminar;
$10; 103 Barker Hal|.1p.m.;Call7-8673

OSeminar — 09/29: Procrastinators Anonymous
Seminar; $1 0; 103 Barker Hall; 3:30 pm; Call 7-8673

OSeminar — 09 30. Skills for Math Seminar; $10;
103 Barker Hall; 11 a.m.;Call7-8673

OSeminar — 09 30: Your Success Factor Seminar:
$10; 103 Barker Hall: 3 pm; Call 7-8673

OSeminars — 0930' Food for Thought. ‘lmproving
Your Storage CapaCity — Organizing to Remember‘;
Free. 103 Barker Hall. Noon; Call 7-3295

OSeminars — O9 30 Life-Sustaining Measures for the
Elderly; Free; 136 Chandler Med Ctr: Noon. Call 233-

0Meetings — 10 1 Psr Chi Meeting; Free; 228 Stu-
dent Center. 5 p m . Call 2530306

OMeetings — 101 Ping-Pong Club Meeting; 7-1O
p m . Seaton Center Squash Courts: Call 258-8161

CSeminai — 1O 1 Essay Test Taking Seminar; $10.
103 Barker Hall. 1-1 50 p m.; Call 7-8673

OSeminar — 10 5 Organinzing Exam ReView Semi-
nar;$10;103 Barker Hall, 11-1 1.50am; Call 7-8673

tseminar — 10 5' Coping with Test AnXiety Seminar;
$10.103 Barker Hall. 1-1'50p m.; Call 78673

OSeminars — 10.2 12th Mineral Law Seminar.
$150-$175. 21 Law Bldg .8-5p m .Call 7-1161





OConcerts Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America
The Show of Champions. Pd Admis. CFA Concert Hall
8p in Call 7-4900

0Movies Vision Quest. $1 95. Worsham Theatre 8
D m . Call 7-8867

OMovies Lords of Discipline. $1 95 Worsham
Theatre. 10 p m .Call 78867

'Other Homecoming House Displays Free UK Cam-
pus. 8 am .Call 78867

°Serninars 12th Mineral Law Seminar. $150-$175
21 Law Bldg ;8-5p m :Call7~1161

OSeminars: Chem Mechanisms for the Reaction and
Decomposition of Ozone' Free 137 Chem-Phys. 4
p rn . Call 7-4741

OSports UK Volleyball vs UniverSIty of Tennessee
Free With UKID Memorial Coliseum 7 30 p m . Call 7-


OConcerts UK Open House' The KY Wind Quintet;

Free. CFA Recital Hall. 10 a m ;Call 7-4900

.Concerts Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America;

Pd Admis; CFA Concert Hall. 7:30 p m ;Call 7-4900

.MOVleS. Vision Quest. $1 95: Worsham Theatre. 8

p m . Call 78867

OMOVies Lords of DiSCipline. $195. Worsham

Theatre. 10 p m , Call 78867
UOther Yom Kippur

OSeminars. 12th Mineral Law Seminar; $150-$175:

21 Law Bldg .9-1 pm ;Call 7-1161

tSports UK Football vs Ohio University Homecoming
Game""""!'!. Free With UKID. Commonwealth Stadium,

1 30 p m .Call 7-3838

OSports UK Volleyball vs Duke University. Free with

UKID. Memorial Coliseum, 2 p m, Call 7-3838


0Concerts — 09/29: The Royal Philharmonic of Lon-
don: Andre Previn, Conductor. public $181UK students
and senior citizens $9: UK Center for the Arts; 8 pm ;
Call 7-4900

-Concerts —- 1012: Barber Shop Quartet Singing in
America: The Show of Champions: Pd Admis: CFA Con-
cert Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 1013: UK Open House The KY Vlfind
Quintet; Free; CFA Recital Hall; 10 am; Call 7-4900

-Concerts — 1O 3: Barber Shop Quartet Singing in
America: Pd Admis: CFA Concert Hall; 7.30 pm; Call

OConcerts -— 1O 4: Center Sunday Series. Sofia
Noel. soprano & Pedro Elias. guitar. Free. CFA ReCitaI
Hall; 3 pm; Call 7-4900

OExhibits — 10 1-10 31). Contemplating the Ameri—
can Watercolor Selections from the Transco Energy
Company; Free; UK Art Museum

'Exhibits —- 10 4-11 29)‘ Horses — Featured works
by Edgar Tolson. Evan Decker: Free; UK Art Museum.
Call 7-5716


OSports 928-9 30) lMldcat Golf Butler National Invi-
lational; Chicago, IL. Call 73838

-Sports — 09 28 Football Ticket Distribution UK vs
Ohio U . Free w UKID or $14, $10: Memorial Coliseum:
8 a.m,-8 pm

OSports — O9 29' UK Volleyball vs. Western Ken
tucky UniverSity; Away. Time TBA, Call 7-3838

OSports —— 09 29 Football Ticket Distribution, UK vs
Ohio U . Free w UKID or $14. $10: Memorial Coliseum
9 a m -4 p m

OSports — 09 30 Aikido. Japanese Martial Art Begin
ner Classes. Free. Alumni Gym Lott; 8:30 pm; Cal

'Sports — 09 30 Football Ticket Distribution UK vs
Ohio U . Free w UKID or $14. $10; Memorial Coliseum
9 a m -4 p m

-Sports — 10 2 UK Volleyball vs UniverSity of Ten-
nessee: Free With UKID. Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p m:
Call 7-3838

OSports — 10 3 UK Football vs Ohio UniverSity
Homecoming Game""""!". Free With UKID: Common-
wealth Stadium. 1 '30 p m ; Call 7-3838

OSports — 1O 3 UK Volleyball vs. Duke Universrty;
Free With UKlD. Memorial Coliseum: 2 pm . Call 7-

OSports — 10-5 Football Ticket Distribution, UK vs
Ole Miss. Free w UKID or $14. $10: Memorial Col-
iseum, 8 a.m.-8 p m




sErr-nits ‘VTlTC 11 ;v’jr Horses — Featured works by
Edgar TOlson Eran Decker. Free, UK Art Museum: Call
7- 5 7 ‘ 6

”radium-r, Delta Zeta Fratman's Classm, Free. UK
Baseball F old 1 p m . Call 258-6614

'Conce'ts Center Sunday Series Sofia Noel. sopra-
no 5 Pedro Elias giiitar Free. CFA ReCital Hall. 3 p rn .
Cali 7499-!)

'M'Hias Vision Quest $1 95 Worsham Theatre, 7
i? in Call 78867

'Other World Communion Sunday

ORr-liuious Celebration of Worship Free. CSF Cen-
ter 7 p m Call 233-0313

'Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner
Classes Free Alumni Gym Loft 1 p m .Call 266-0102

OSports Japan Karate Club — Shotokan. Free. Alum-
ni Gym Balcony 3-5 p m

ORei’igious Sunday Evening Celebration Hour —
Christian Student Fellowship Free. 502 Columbia Ave.
7 p m Call 233-0313

.ReIIQIOUS Hike in Brea Mountains on St FranCIS
Day Free. Newman Center 10a rn .Call 255-8566



OSeminar. Organinzing Exam Review Seminar; $10.

103 Barker Hall;11-11.503,m.;Cal|7-8673

OSeminar Coping with Test Anxiety Seminar: $10:

103 Barker Hall: 1-1 50 pm; Call 78673

ISports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner
Classes: Free; Alumni Gym Loft; 8:30 p m ; Call 266-


OSports Football Ticket Distribution UK vs Ole Miss.
Free w’UKID or $14. $10. Memorial Coliseum. 8 a rn -8




OAcademic - 0930. Stability Analysis of Refuse Em-
bankments. Hollow Fills a. Spoil Banks; $375; Hilton Inn.
Lex.; 8 am ;Call 72846

-Other — 09/29: Homecoming Fashion Show featur-
ing the 16 ROyaIty Finalists: Free; Memorial Hall. 8 p m :
Call 7-8867

IOther - 0980: Army Reserve Otficers' Training
Corps Annual Fall Blood Drive: Free; 109 Barker Hall: 6-
10 pm. Call 7-4479

IAcademic — 10/ 1: Stability Analysis of Refuse Em-
bankments. Hollow Fills 8i Spoil Banks. $375. Hilton Inn.
Lex.; 8 am; Call 7-2846

-Academic — 10/4: Delta Zeta Fratman's ClaSSic:
Free; UK Baseball Field; 1 pm ;Ca11258-6614

'Other —- 10/1: World Communion Sunday

'Other — 10/2: Homecoming Wildcat Roar & Parade.
Free; Commonwealth Stadium: 7 30 p m . Call 78867

'Other — 10/3 Homecoming HOuse Displays. Free.
UK Campus: 8 am; Call 78867

OOther — 10/4. Yom Kippur




010-7 - Seminar Obiective Test Taking Seminar.
$10:103 Barker Hall. 11-11 50am; Call 7-8673

I10 9-1011 — Sports Wildcat Golf Buckeye Fall
Classic; Columbus. OH. Call 7-3838

010-9 Concerts: Spotlight Jazz Keith Jarrett; $12.
Center for the Arts. 8 p in Call 7-8867

U10 9 Sports UK Volleyball vs. Notre Dame; Away.
Time TBA. Call 73838

01010 Academic Dental Admissions Test (DAT): MN
363. 8 a m , Call 233-6071


 Sports Monday


Pro strike
glory days


I rolled out of bed with my
head throbbing and eyes bleary.
Jeez, what a night. ‘

I stumbled down the stairs and
with a glance at the calender.
confirmed my suspicion that it
was indeed Sunday. Outside the
window, leaves scattered in the
wind. It must be fall.

Fall. Sunday. That can only
mean one thing — pro football.

Instincts took me to the kitchen
and a sandwich soon followed me
to the couch. A quick flip of a
switch and the tube came to life.
Ah, nothing like the NFL to
soothe scattered thoughts.

I propped my feet up, attacked
my sandwich and dug my fingers
intoa bowl of chips.

The camera honed in on Brent
Musburger and the king of hype‘s
mouth started like a sprinter out
of the blocks. Everything seemed
to be normal. A few minutes of
pregame bull and it would be
kickoff time.

Noit wouldn‘t.

Brent babbled on, my sandwich
was devoured and the chips were
reduced to jagged crumbs. Still
no football.

Instead I became hypnotized by
talk of lawyers and contracts,
unions and management, scabs
and eggs.

All I wanted to see was a few
good violent collisions on a field.
Something to get my blood mov-
ing. No dice.

What I was treated to was pic-
tures of very large men carrying
signs, screaming abuse and toss-
ing eggs at buses.

Another shot showed a group of
stuffy businessmen in three-piece
suits discussing pension plans
and free agency.

No tackles. No touchdowns. My
god, no cheerleaders!

My ears soon became saturated
with nonsense. My hands began
to shake. My eyes quivered.

Hey, Pete Rozelle, what can a
poor boy do ‘cept lumber in front
of the TV on Sunday?

Disgustedly, I turned away and
headed back upstairs. Before I
reached the first step something
caught my eye. I looked once.
Nice. Oh, no.

There they were. Weathered
and beaten. The tongues were
frayed, the treads worn and the
laces shredded. My running

I picked one up and gave it a
- thorough inspection. Five years
or 50,000 miles — I couldn’t re-
member which came first.

As I eyed the old warrior, my
thoughts raced back in time.
Back to high school. Back to the
days of cross country.

Contrary to the opinion of those
who know me, there was a time
when I was in good physical
shape. Honest. I ran every day.
Even went as far as 13 miles

I probably couldn‘t go 13 city
blocks now. Exercise usually con-
sists of beer curls. The last time I
ran, I saw blue lights.

The sight of my blue Nike‘s
made me realize just how sad I
had allowed my physical condi-
tion to deteriorate. College may
strenghten the mind but it softens
the belly. The mirror doesn‘t lie
— I'm even starting to look like a

Suddenly, an evil thought en-
tered my mind. Today is the first
day of the nest of my life. Why
not pound the pavement for a few
miles? Be a sportsman instead of
asports fan.

I slipped the shoes on. They felt
odd and small. Instantly, I bent
over to touch my toes. Not a

Not to be discouraged, I flop-
ped on the floor. My mind said
hurdler‘s stretch but my body
said no you won‘t either.

No moves and already my
joints hurt and muscles ached.
What possesses anyone to do

I staggered to my feet, bent
over, and undid the laces. Slowly,
I slipped the shoes off and tossed
them aside. Beer was calling
from the fridge and soon the tube
was back on.

No football huh? Well, there
must be some professional wres-

Sports Editor Todd Jones is a
journalism senior.




Kentucky Kernel, Monday, September 28. 1981 — 3

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

Mistakes prove costly as Wildcats fall

Assistant Sports Editor

As far as the UK football team
sees it, the past two games against
Rutgers should have been wins.

Last year:

“We should have won that one,"
UK tailback Mark Higgs said of the
16-16 tie with the Scarlet Knights.
“No doubt about that."

This year:

“Whenever you score 18 points
and have close to 400 yards offense
you ought to win," UK coach Jerry
Claiborne said. “Man for man, I
think we're the better football team.
But we weren't Saturday night."

The 1986 season opening draw left
UK hungry to settle the score this

But mistakes and missed opportu-
nities led the Cats to fall short in the
final minutes and record their first
loss of the season. -

“We didn‘t keep them off the
scoreboard,“ Claiborne said, “and
we didn‘t take advantage of our
scoring opportunities.“

UK‘s 387 yards total offense beat
the Knights’ total by 74 yards. UK
had 23 first downs to Rutger‘s 19.
But the Cats‘ opponents beat them
where it counted — on the

”We actually blocked pretty well
and ran the ball well," Claiborne
said. “Every time we snapped the
ball we gained 5 yards."

An early touchdown and a second-
quarter field goal gave the Knights
a quick 94) lead over UK. The Cats
answered back on a Kevin Dooley 6-
yard run in the second quarter and a
Joey Worley kick to make it 9-7.

Rutgers finished the scoring in the
first half with a 46-yard Carmen
Sclafani field goal to make it 12-7
Knights. ,

UK took the lead early in the third


“Whenever you score
18 points and have
close to 400 yards
offense you ouoht to
Jerry Claiborne
UK football coach

quarter. Dooley hit tight end Charlie
Darrington on a 10-yard pass for the
score. The senior quarterback then
fired a pass to receiver Dee Smith in
the front corner of the end zone for
the two-point conversion, making
the score 15-12.
But the lead didn‘t last long.

On the following kickoff, Rutgers
return man Brian Cobb found day-
light in the middle and then headed
for the sideline, going 94 yards to

the UK 4~yard line. .
On the next play, running back

Dwight Giles took the reverse from
backfield partner Henry Henderson
for the touchdown. The kick was
good and Rutgers took the lead
again, 19-15.

With 11:09 left in the game, a 37-
yard Worley field goal brought the
Cats within one point.

0n the next possession, Rutgers
was looking at a second-andeight
situation. Quarterback Scott Erney
was run out of bounds by UK de-
fensive lineman Jerry Reese for a 2-
yard loss. That would have given
Rutgers a third-and-lo problem and
UK a little more than six minutes to
set up a field goal.

But Wildcat defensive end Carwell
Gardner got into a scuffle with an
opponent and UK was slapped with
a 15-yard personnal foul.

“That was uncalled for." Clai-
borne said. “It was very undisci~

Lady Kats split two
on the Western trail

Staff reports

The UK volleyball team went the
distance in two matches on the road
this weekend and came up with one
hard-fought win and a hard-to-ac-
cept loss.

On Friday, the llth-ranked Kats
downed the University of Wyoming
but the win didn‘t come without
some doing.

The match went four games with
scores of 15-8, 15-10. 6-15, 15-9.

UK‘s Lisa Dausman led the Kats
with a .367 hitting percentage and
seven blocks.

Dausman leads the Southeastern
Conference in hitting percentage
with a .452 average and is second in
blocks with an average of 1.48 per

As a team, UK had 69 kills out of
166 attempts with only 24 errors for
a hitting percentage of .271. The
Cowgirls had a team average of

“We got a great match from Lisa
Dausman,“ UK coach Kathy DeBoer
said. “She came on strong in the
critical fourth game scoring well
and with some big blocks when we
needed them."

Also having strong games for the
Kats were Kim Thompson and Lisa

Thompson had a hitting percent-
age of .342 and Bokovoy finished
with a .364 average.

Saturday night, the Kats traveled
to Colorodo and saw its undefeated
record fall to No. 8 Colorado State.

UK, now 7-1, lost the match to the
Lady Rams by scores of 1-15, 15-9. 8-
15.15-13. 13-15.

The Kats led in the final game 8—3
but Colorado State tied it at 13 and
went on to win.

“I'm was pleased with our effort,"
DeBoer said, “but not with our exe-
cution. We played hard but not al-
ways smart.“

Dausman was again the team
leader for the Kats with a hitting
percentage of .429. As a team UK hit
.226 and had nine blocks compared
to Colorado State‘s .282 percentage
with 16 blocks.

The Lady Rams were led by Jill
Johnson who had a hitting percent-
age of .373.

UK defensive lineman Vic Adams grabs Rutgers
running back Curt Stephens Saturday at Giants

plined. It's just kind of hard to ex—
plain something like that. “

UK stalled the Rutgers offense
again with 3:03 remaining in the
game. But on third down and 13
yards to go, Erney hit Cobb who
gained 2] yards before being run out
of bounds.

“When they made that one it real-


”When you play a team with hit-
ters like . . . Johnson, you‘ve got to
play toe-to-toe to win,“ DeBoer said.
“We didn‘t. Colorado State showed
us that if we don't execute, we'll
lose. We lost tonight.

“If we want to be top-10." she
said, “and we could be by season’s
end, we need to come out and play
better earlier.“

The Kats will return to Kentucky
to take on the Western Kentu